mary t. hill diary 1905

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Mary T. Hill Diary 1905


    1905, p.1

    Mary T. Hill Diary1905

    January 1-2


    January 3, TuesdayA bright pleasant day. I am still in bed. I have a nurse Miss Durkie. Early this morningLouis heard of the Decision as it is favorable for the present we are all happy. Mrs.Finch came in this afternoon. I had visits from Norman, Louis, and Maudie. I am gettingsome entertainment out of the small House of [sic] Allington Trollope. Father McNultycame to say good bye he goes to Arizona tomorrow.

    January 4, WednesdayBright a little while in the morning. Snowing all rest of the day. I am still in bed. I think I

    am some better to day. Gov. Johnson inaugurated to day at new Capitol. I wish I hadseen the Bldg while it was clean. Theodore Thomas died to day in Chicago ofpneumonia. Have not heard from Papa for two days.

    January 5, Thursday{Blank}

    January 6, FridayStill in bed and not at all comfortable. Have not heard from Papa since Monday. Thegirls tell me I had many callers to day. The Archbishop Mr. and Mrs. Upham Mrs.McQuillan and Annabel. Did not see any of them. I see in evening papers Mrs. Ransom

    is dead.

    January 7, SaturdayNo better had poor night. They tell me it is colder to day. Morning paper reports BishopSpalding has paralysis.

    January 8, SundayQuite cold. Had rather poor night last night. Still obliged to stay in bed. Telegram fromPapa saying he is well. A message from Jim from Chicago he will be here in themorning.

    January 9, MondayVery cold morning. Jim arrived on the Burlington. He said it was so windy and coldcoming up from Station that the horses stood still at times. I am not very cheerful to day- and I am getting tired of my two weeks in bed. All the little ones came to see me today. Letters from Ruth and Mamie.

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    1905, p.2

    January 10, Tuesday15 below zero this morning, that is very cold. Had a good night last night for which I amthankful. Have just finished reading Reminiscences of Peace and War by Mrs. Pryor. 17below zero here to is the evening report. Received a nice long letter from Papa thisevening all good news.

    January 11, WednesdaySnowing this morning. Weather moderate two above zero. Snowed all day. Wrote toPapa to day. Jim left us last evening to spend several days in Chicago on way backEast. Samuel dined with the girls so did Mr. F. B. Clarke. Later Samuel paid me a visit. Iam still laid up. Maud is better to day of her stiff back.

    January 12, ThursdayCold yet, but a fine day. Feeling better but still in bed. Papa in Washington to day.Yesterday I finished reading My Mamie Rose by Owen Kildare a very unusual Book.Girls all have been going to Carnival of Nations at St. Johns church.

    January 13, FridayBright and cold. Mrs. Upham came in this morning. I fear from report Mrs. Young is notimproving. Letters from Mamie and Ruth. Samuel went West with Dr. Hill this a.m. Nofever this morning but still in bed. 18 below zero this morning.

    January 14, SaturdayCold holds on. Feeling better, no fever this morning or evening. Received some flowersand a note from Mrs. Geo. B. Young who is quite ill saying she was some better. Atelegram from Papa this evening from Washington D.C. he has been there some days.

    January 15, SundayThis is a beautiful morning above zero and so bright. I am sitting up for first time innearly three weeks and feeling better. Auntie came down to day. Telegraphed Papa thisforenoon. Mr. F. B. Clarke came in to say good bye before leaving on the Minnesota the21st for Japan ect [sic]. They tell me he looks well. Norman and Georgiana paid me avisit to day. No fever this evening.

    January 16, MondayAnother beautiful bright morning. Telegram from Papa this morning saying he expectsto come home last of week. A letter from Mamie telling me of Papa in Washington hehas been there several days. There is a prospect of Walters going to Japan and otherports on the Minnesota the 21st from Seattle. He is waiting to hear from Papa. Papatelegraphed this afternoon. Walter goes.

    January 17, TuesdayStill another bright morning and moderate weather. Walter and the girls up in good timeas his train leaves at 10-30 this forenoon. He had quite a send off all of the girls andmany of his friends to see him depart from station. Three telegrams from Papayesterday. A letter from Mamie to day. I am sitting up afternoons, yet I am in the hands

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    of nurse and Doctor. Wrote to Papa to day. Louis goes to Duluth this evening. Girls andLouis went to see new Capitol illuminated for Mr. Cass Gilbert this evening.

    January 18, WednesdayCloudy misty morning turned to beautiful afternoon. Mrs. Thos. Foley sent me such

    exquisite pink roses to day. Mrs. Geo. B. Young is not reported any better. Mrs.Osborne called to day she leaves for New York this evening. I feel that I am gainingslowly. Helen Driscoll Mrs. Upham Tiney [sic] {Tine} Kelly and Mamie Meagher called today. Auntie was down too. Seems strange that Walter has really started to sail on theMinnesota for such a distance.

    January 19, ThursdayThis was a glorious morning. Thawing a good deal. Letter from Anson to day and notefrom Mrs. Spencer. I have just been reading Progress in Education one of BishopSpaldings Lectures most interesting. Mrs. Raquet and Mrs. De Mers called to day. AlsoMrs. Kenneth Clark Mrs. Weyerhauser and Mrs. John Bancroft Hill. I feel stronger day

    by day still in my room.

    January 20, FridayStill pleasant weather. This seems an off day. I do not feel at all well. I wish I might getout. We think Walter has reached Seattle although we have not heard so. This eveningLouis came over with a telegram from Walter. He reached Seattle on time all right.

    January 21, SaturdayStill pleasant weather slightly colder. Early this morning Clara came to my room to tellme Mrs. Geo. B. Young died in her sleep last night about eight oclock of heart trouble.She has been ill two months. Wrote to Papa and to Mamie to day. Ethel Tayler Mrs. D.M. Robbins and Mrs. Furness called to day. I think I am gaining strength.

    January 22, SundayA pleasant day. Helen Driscoll came in after church and told of the special service atHouse of Hope in memory of Mrs. Young. Louis has telegram from Mr. Clark. TheMinnesota sailed at noon to day. Clara and Pauline Ferguson go East this evening. I amnot as comfortable to day as yesterday. Yet got on a dress. Wrote Ruth a few lines alsowrote to Mrs. Geo. C. Clarke. Little colder to day.

    January 23, MondaySnowing little; quite cold day brightened about eleven a.m. Letter from Papa to day.Morning paper reports Russian revolution. Had a most uncomfortable afternoonyesterday. I feel much better this morning although Dr. Smiths suggestions made mevery nervous last night. Louis had a telegram from Walter saying they were all well andsailing at 2 p.m. yesterday so he is out one the Pacific now. The Minnesota did not sailuntil to day 4:30. Mrs. Youngs funeral service this afternoon. She will be buried atEdgartown Mass.

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    1905, p.4

    January 24, TuesdayVery cold morning 17 below at 7 a.m. I feel I have accomplished a good deal had myhair washed to day. A telegram from Papa saying he may come home the last of thisweek. Mr. J. B. Rice has been in she told me Mrs. H. M. Rice is ill and that Mrs.Hollingshead died at City Hospital in the Autumn. Louis left for New York this evening.

    January 25, WednesdayAnother 15 beloz [sic] zero morning. Last night must have been very cold as it waswindy. A letter from Walter this morning dated 21st Seattle. He had been about Seattle,through the Tunnel and through some Saw Mills at Ballard that interested him. He thenexpected to sail Sunday but did not get off until Sunday afternoon. I am not progressingvery rapidly still in my room. Gertrude had a sore throat this morning she saw Dr. Abbothe gave her a gargle and took a culture. This evening he tells me she has a very slightcase of diphtheria. He administered antitoxin. She is not ill at all has had no fever.

    January 26, Thursday

    Not so cold, very windy. Gertrude is quarantined on third floor in Louis room with anurse Miss Trott. I hear she is most comfortable this morning not the least ill. Dr. Abbotcalls it a microscopic case. We shall observe all precaution in every way. [Ann?] {Sam?}Eaton dropped dead on the street last evening as he got off the Street car. Heartdisease. Have just written to Papa. Severe storms all over the U.S. East West NorthSouth on land and water yesterday.

    January 27, FridayBright and not so cold. By noon to day I felt pretty well. A telegram form Louis thismorning to tell us that he arrived in New York last evening ten hours late on account ofrecent and unusually severe storm of snow and cold. Dr. Abbot reports this morning thatGertrude is quite comfortable and that disease is under control. She is in luck to escapeso much.

    January 28, SaturdayA very bright morning. 12 below zero. A letter from Walter this morning written after hesailed and sent back by the Pilot. He seemed happy and most enthusiastic over theMinnesota. A letter from Clara to day telling us of the Storms in New York - it was mostsevere in years. Wrote to Papa and to Clara the morning. Gertrude continues mostcomfortable.

    January 29, SundayBright and cold. Telegram from Papa this forenoon. Maud tells us Louis leaves NewYork for home this afternoon. This is my best day so far. Dr. Abbot tells us Gertrude isdoing marvelously well.

    January 30, MondayAt 9 oclock this morning 12 below zero. By noon was zero and snowing. Letters fromPapa, Jim and Mamie this morning. Wrote to Ruth this forenoon. The day has been dullno sun shine still I have gotten through it pretty well.

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    1905, p.5

    January 31, Tuesday11 beloz [sic] zero this morning. Telegram from Papa this morning stating he wouldcome home last of the week. Have just telegraphed him that it might not be prudent forhim to come and the quarantine would annoy him extremely.

    February 1, WednesdaySuch a bright morning but 24 below zero early this morning. We received oranges fromMr. Peter Siems the other day from Daytona Florida where he lives in Winter. Mr. AOppenhimer of the Hague Holland sent me a box of fine chocolates. I wrote him a noteto day. Wrote to Mamie this afternoon. She telegraphed for her portrait this evening.She moves tomorrow to 1712 Rhode Island Ave N.W. Cold kept up all day and to night.

    February 2, ThursdayBright as possible this morning but so cold 27 below this morning said to have been 32below zero in the night. St. Josephs Church burned last evening. Just wrote to Jim to

    New York.

    February 3, FridaySunny and bright 24 below zero but still as cold as yesterday. Louis returned from NewYork this morning. He ventured in to the library this afternoon. Mrs. Upham too came into see me. Weather moderating some just below zero at two p.m. Letter from Ruth thisAfternoon. Mrs. Geo. R. Finch sent such beautiful Brides maid rose. Dr. Taylor camewith Dr. Abbot to see Gertrude finds her doing well no one can hurry the recovery.Telegram from Sam inquiring for Gertrude.

    February 4, SaturdayA misty morning clear and became a sunny day. Not so cold. A letter from Papa sayinghe will come home soon quarantine or no quarantine. Gertrude is about the same doingwell. I feel now that I am really recovering but must wait until I can get out for anyappetite. Letter from Mrs. James. Telegraphed Papa to Arlington Washington D.C. thisevening.

    February 5, SundaySnowed in the night 8 above zero at 9 a.m. a fine day. The roof of my mouth so sorethat I slept little last night and have not had a comfortable day. Went down stairs toluncheon however. Gertrude doing well.

    February 6, MondaySo bright, and much warmer. I feel so wretchedly to day that I am rather discouraged.With great difficulty can I eat anything on account of my mouth. It is some betterhowever. This Afternoon has been a most uncomfortable one - for me. Dr. Abbot said today that Gertrudes throat is clearing up nicely.

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    February 7, TuesdayColder this morning below zero again. Had a pretty fair night. Poor Rachel does not feelwell this morning has old enemy rheumatism. George Slade is confined to the house byneuralgia. I am told that Walter is not likely to land any where until about the 13th or so.Papa and Clara still in New York.

    February 8, WednesdaySnowing early this morning and has continued to snow all day not cold. I receivedsuch a pathetic note from Judge Young this morning. How desolate he must feel. I hearnothing from Papa or Clara this week. Louis goes to Chicago for a day this evening.

    February 9, ThursdayColder rather and rather lousy. I am reading The Interloper by Violet Jacob quiteentertaining of Scotch character. Letters to day from Mamie and from Ruth. Gertrudehas taken a little cold otherwise she is doing well. Dr. Abbot took a culture to day. Hopeit may not prove lively.

    February 10, FridayBeautifully bright but 14 below zero this morning. I feel rather shaky this morning after adistressing night of fever head ache ect [sic]. Got through the day some how -andpassed the evening some more comfortable.

    February 11, SaturdayA cloudy day and raw snowing this early afternoon. At noon to day a telephone fromoffice told us of arrival of the Minnesota at Yokohama. A telegram just came statingPapa will be home Monday morning. Clara too no doubt. What shall I do if I have toremain in doors much longer?

    February 12, SundayQuite cold day and not a comfortable day for me. Good reports from Gertrude. Atelegram tells us Papa and Clara will arrive tomorrow morning. Maud and Louis came inthis afternoon. I am sure it was safe enough although quarantine still holds.

    February 13, MondayPapa and Clara arrived this morning after very cold ride in a cold car both well however.I was unable to great them very cheerfully having had a distressing night and feelentirely past my own control this morning. Dr. Smith will bring in Dr. Rocthrock [sic]{Rothrock} this afternoon.

    February 14, TuesdayDr. Rothrick [sic] and Dr. Smith came at five p.m. yesterday and although I had a tryingordeal I got through it well and have the satisfaction of being assured there are nocomplications. Had a good night last night. The culture Dr. Abbot took from Gertrudeproved negative. Another such will lift the quarantine.

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    1905, p.7

    February 15, Wednesday{crossed out: To day is fine in the forenoon} 13 below zero this a.m. Had a little airing ina sunny room to day. I feel very unsteady and soon get so tired. My nervous systemnow seems at fault. Maud came in to day Louis this evening. Wrote to Walter. Gertrudedown stairs to day looking well quarantine lifted the afternoon.

    February 16, Thursday{Crossed out: 13 below again this morning at 9 oclock} Poor night again sodiscouraging. Shall be glad to get away from the cold. 20 above zero in forenoon Iwalked out on Terrace about two oclock. Letter from Mamie. Wrote to Mamie. The littleones came to visit me to day.

    February 17, FridayA bright pleasant day. After trying morning went for a drive of of an hour Gertrudewent with me we enjoyed it. One has to fight for health when it is impaired.

    February 18, SaturdayBeautiful morning. Went to drive after luncheon and stopped at St. Lukes Church onway back. Letter from Ruth to day. Wrote to Mr. E. G. Grob of Jeckyl [sic] Island Club today. Archbishop Ireland and Bishop McGolrick called this evening. I was not out of myroom so did not see them. John Upham was operated on for appendicitis in Chicagoyesterday good reports from him.

    February 19, SundayA very fine morning not at all cold. Louis, Gertrude and Clara went out to St. Lukes toMass with me this morning at nine oclock. Quite an undertaking but I managed it. Papahas gone to North Oaks this p.m. it is quite windy. Wrote Mother Seraphica andGertrude Phelps. Sent Mother Xavier a telegram it is her eightieth birthday.

    February 20, MondaySuch a fine day over head. I went for quite a long drive and enjoyed it. Charlotte andNorman came with me. When I came home I found Mrs. Raguet waiting for me. Mrs.McQuillan and Annabel came later and then Mrs. Gotzian. A letter from Ruth to day. Ithink I am gaining slowly. Mrs. Monfort (Delos) died to day night after long illness.

    February 21, TuesdayA fine day but so much water lying about very damp. Went for a drive did not feel well atall toward evening. Mrs. Foley, Mrs. K Clarke and Helen Driscoll called. Helen broughtsuch beautiful lilacs.

    February 22, WednesdayA perfect morning had a good night but early this morning felt wretchedly and somiserably and nervous that I was barely dressed in time for luncheon which I did notwant. Took a pleasant drive of an hour. Mons. Oster was coming in as I went out so hecame with me. I hear Mrs. Dr. Gillette died to day.

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    1905, p.8

    February 23, ThursdaySince four oclock this morning I have been most miserable until quite in the forenoon.The weath [sic] is too dismal and damp for any thing. The whole day has been awretched one. Judge Young called in the evening and came up to see me. I was veryglad to see him. Mrs. Delos Monfort was buried to day.

    February 24, FridayThis morning is again very dark and wet. I slept so well last night that I am anotherperson this morning. Fortunately for I want to direct packing ect. Mr. Henry Burbankdied last night at Rochester where they have lived for a while. This evening promisesbetter day tomorrow. A letter from Mother Xavier to day. She is well.

    February 25, SaturdayThis has been a perfect day. Papa, Clara, Rachel Gertrude Miss Trott and Mollie andmyself are leaving for Jeckyl [sic] Island Club Jeckyl [sic] Island Brunswick Ga. thisevening.

    {small diary until otherwise noted}St. Paul. We Papa, I, Clara, Rachel, Gertrude, Miss Froot and Mollie left St. Paul forJeckyl [sic] Island. I was hardly able to go.

    February 26 SundayChicago. We arrived here on time and left on Pan Handle R. at ten oclock forWashington. I stayed on the bed most of the time cough annoying me greatly. Snow allway along and cold.

    February 27 MondayOn Train. A rather pleasant day. Felt so weak and ill all day passing through tunnelnearly smothered. Arrived at Washington about on time. Mamie met us. We went to herhouse.

    February 28 TuesdayWashington. I was very weak and ill all yesterday had to go right to bed soon as wearrived at Mamies feel a little better to day. Mamies home is delightful. Clara Gertrudeand Mollie go on to Jeckyl this evening. The rest of us hope to start for there tomorrow.

    March 1, WednesdayWashington D. C. Snowing hard this morning. We leave for Jeckyl this morning afterquite a rest. Found the afternoon shaking up quite trying. We all enjoyed Mamies newhouse. Mons. OConnell came up stairs to see me this evening.

    March 2, ThursdayJeckyl [sic] Island. This has been a fine day we were taken by special engine toBrunswick so arrived here about 730 p.m. Received a telegram early this afternoon fromLouis that a Son was born to them at eleven this morning. Mother and babe well.

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    1905, p.9

    March 3, FridayJeckyl [sic]. This is perfectly genial balmy day no wind. Alas! I am not able to dress.Chills fever and sweat hold sway. This morning I was unable to eat a morsel. Whenshall I gain strength?

    March 4, SaturdayJeckyl [sic]. Was so ill to day that Papa telegraphed to New York for Dr. Stewart. Hehopes to arrive tomorrow. This evening had a most severe chill lasting half an hour thenfever and heavy night sweat.

    March 5, SundayJeckyl [sic]. Dr. delayed by Inauguration crowds. Very ill all day.

    March 6, MondayJeckyl [sic]. Dr. arrives to day. Puts me through most thorough examination and doesnot agree with Dr. Smiths diagnosis in no way. Does not believe at all that my incessant

    cough is nervousness or that chills fever or sweats have any thing to do with nerves.

    March 7, TuesdayJeckyl [sic]. A gloomy day for us all for me intense suffering and growing weakness.

    March 8, WednesdayJeckyl [sic]. Another very discouraging day for all but the Doctor. I was very low and tooill to care much one way or another. I was sorry for Papa and the girls and rememberedthe absent especially Walter so far away.

    March 9, ThursdayJeckyl [sic]. Dr. Stewart pleased with progress of ailment. I feel no better. No chill sinceSaturday.

    March 10, FridayJeckyl [sic]. Dr. still better pleased yet I am not easier or more comfortable. Distressingcough Bronchial and from congestion fever abating. Jim and Ruth came to day.

    March 11, SaturdayJeckyl [sic]. Bad weather rainy. I do feel some little relief to day. No lessening ofdistressing cough however. Letter from Walter to day written at Sea quite a stormyvoyage. All well. Mrs. Boume {Bourne?} 88 yrs today.

    March 12, SundayJeckyl [sic]. Another very windy cold day. Rather trying day so tired of lying in bed andso achy along with great weakness. Papa not well to day. Postal from Walter and longletter from Mr. F. B. Clarke interesting account of voyage far as Yokohama. Letter fromMrs. Slade.

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    1905, p.10

    March 13, MondayJeckyl [sic]. Still cloudy but not rainy. I got good rest last night but awakened sodepressed and weak. Letters for Charlotte from Washington D.C.

    March 14, Tuesday

    Jeckyl [sic]. Dr. Stewart left for New York to day leaving me to Dr. Merrills charge. He isClub Doctor. Sun came out for first time in four days this morning. Had pretty good dayto [sic] and slept several times after little sleep last night very weak.

    March 15, WednesdayJeckyl [sic]. Cloudy and sun shine between times pleasant day but for wind. I am sittingup a little while for first time. Had poor night slept little and felt miserable this forenoon.

    March 16, ThursdayJeckyl [sic]. Another poor night great distress of stomach. Was very stormy last nighthigh wind and heavy rain. Felt weak after drenching sweat. Kodacs [sic] from Louis of

    three babies and Maud.

    March 17, FridayJeckyl [sic]. I sit in a chair about an hour no improvement or return of appetite.

    March 18, SaturdayJeckyl [sic]. Girls get some pleasure in going to Brunswick. They went to day. The rideover and back on Boat is pleasant. They tell me I am improving I feel about same soweak.

    March 19, SundayJeckyl [sic]. This is a hot day, at noon 80 in shade. I was wheeled out on porch for thefirst time. I enjoyed until a a [sic] great weakness and illness over came me and I had toreturn to bed. Papa went to Washington to day.

    March 20, MondayJeckyl [sic]. A fine morning was wheeled out on porch again to day for hour and a halfand got back to bed tired but not ill as first time. Letter from Mrs. Robbins to day. Papagoes on to New York this afternoon from Washington. More Kodacs [sic] of Louis threeBabies.

    March 21, TuesdayJeckyl [sic]. I had a very poor night scarcely any sleep. I got out in wheeled chair onPorch for nearly two hours. Beautiful day. Cough hangs on but I think is lessening. Wesaw death of Mrs. Geo. A. Hamilton in Paper.

    March 22, WednesdayJeckyl [sic]. Had a good night stomach troubles me constantly distressingly. Waswheeled in chair to day far as Shell Road first gate. Black Sand flies are most annoying.

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    1905, p.11

    Perfect day. Letter from Charlotte to day from Washington. Presume I am gaining but Iam so weak.

    March 23, ThursdayJeckyl [sic]. A windy disagreeable morning. After was pleasant. I sat on Porch for a

    while. I do not gain much from the day. Letter from Louis to day.

    March 24, FridayJeckyl [sic]. A sultry morning and thunder storm made me feel wretchedly. Letter fromMrs. Raquet and Mother Serephica. Postals from Walter and Mr. Clarke saying theysailed from Yokahama Feb. 20th. Ruth left for New York to day.

    March 25, SaturdayJeckyl [sic]. This morning fine. I took first drive far as Beach out less than an hour. Inthe afternoon sat on the porch a while. By evening I was so miserable that I feared I hadtaken cold. Letter from Papa to day. Poor night scarcely any sleep.

    March 26, SundayJeckyl [sic]. Fine morning. Girls went to six oclock Mass. Sat on the Porch in afternoon.Bishop Feely of Savannah came over to the Island with Father Lucky this afternoon. Hewas most cordially received by all. He was good enough to call on me while I wasunable to sit up.

    March 27, MondayJeckyl [sic]. A fine day was out a while in the afternoon. Strength comes very slowly andsleep little. Papa and Louis will be here Wednesday. Girls and Jim went on picnic to eatroasted oysters.

    March 28, TuesdayJeckyl [sic]. Quite a warm day 83 at 3 p.m. Sat on Porch in forenoon for a while. Wentfor a drive this afternoon. Letter from Louis. Telegram from Ruth. Anson and she got toHot Springs on Saturday. Few guests left here.

    March 29, WednesdayJeckyl [sic]. Papa and Louis came from New York to day. Louis was unfortunate inlosing his trunk for the time. Not very bright to day after poor night.

    March 30, Thursday{Written in Louis hand; Dec. 20th till March 30th 100 days without diagnosis} Jeckyl[sic]. Dr. Stewart came to day bringing a Dr. Biggs an eminent Professor. They this farwith Col. Lamont on his car on his way to Florida after Beme {?}. The {He?} himself hasbeen ill.

    March 31, FridayJeckyl [sic]. A cooler morning. Louis left this morning for home. Feeling miserably thismorning. Had such little rest last night and such stomach distress. Dr. Biggs left to day.

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    1905, p.12

    April 1, SaturdayJeckyl [sic]. Warmer morning. Was given some thing to make me sleep last night did notsleep much last night. I was so distressed but slept this morning very late after sevenoclock. We are preparing to leave for Lakewood tomorrow. Letters from Mrs. Gotzain

    Mrs. Raguet Helen Driscoll and Mamie to day.

    April 2, SundayWe leave Jeckyl [sic] to day for Lakewood N. J. I got to car comfortably. A cot being puton Boat and my chair carried and wheeled to car in Brunswick. Pleasant day. Dr.Stewart went with us.

    April 3, MondayOn Car. Last night was dreadful and so long. At Washington Mamie, Mary, SamCharlotte and George came on car. The latter two going to Philadelphia with us. Arrivedat Lakewood at 4 p.m. No one out. We are in Freeman Cottage very comfortably


    April 4, TuesdayLakewood. Had the best night in many weeks but this morning a chill and fever spellwhich has made miserable all day. Dr. Stewart went home last evening. Papa went toNew York this morning. He is has returned this evening an hour and a half distance.

    April 5, WednesdayLakewood. Raining. I have not had a good day. Dr. Stewart came over from New Yorkwith Papa and spent the night here. Charlotte came to day. {In Louis hand at bottom ofpage: handwriting worse?}

    April 6, ThursdayLakewood. Weather clearing to day. I have had just a fair day. Dr. Biggs came over withPapa from New York this evening and Spent [sic] the night. He answered me my heartis all right and orders caster oil in the morning.

    April 7, FridayLakewood. Had a good nights rest last night and amusing letter from Walter to Louiswas sent on for us to read on his stay in [Yokanna?]. Mamie sent over three beautifulplants from Washington Wednesday evening. Clara went to New York this morning.Frost last night. Uncomfortable morning more at ease this p.m.

    April 8, SaturdayLakewood. Pretty poor day.

    April 9, SundayLakewood. Nothing to note. Dr. Stewart is here.

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    April 10, MondayLakewood. A very hot day 76 in my room all day. Storms in in [sic] evening. Dr. Biggs ishere.

    April 11, Tuesday

    Lakewood. Another hot day even greater heat than yesterday. 77 in my room verysultry. Night nurse came to day. Dr. Biggs went back to City after luncheon. Had finesleep last night feel much better in consequence. Miss Garrard Gerhardt.

    April 12-14{Blank}

    April 15, SaturdayDr. Rinnecut came to day. Pleurisy developed with agonizing pain this evening.

    April 16, Sunday

    Day of much suffering. Jim spent the day here.

    April 17, MondayDr. Walker came to day. All it seems to me of little avail. Louis and Maud arrive in NewYork this morning.

    April 18, TuesdayThe Minnesota arrives at Seattle to day. Pleurisy continues. All the last week coldstormy and very windy. Louis came this evening.

    April 19, WednesdayHeavy frost this morning. Telegram from Walter saying he had arrived well and happy.Louis went back to town early this morning. Fine day yet quite cold.

    April 20, ThursdayDoing well but slowly. Nothing to note.

    April 21, FridayLakewood. Charlotte and Rachel left for home to day. Quite a wind storm here to dayand heavy rain all night.

    April 22, SaturdayLakewood. Louis and Maud came and spent part of the day here. This has been a mostencouraging day for me feeling so much stronger.

    April 23, SundayLakewood. Easter Day. A perfectly glorious day. Such load of beautiful flowers as I havereceived from friends far and near. Unfortunately I may not keep them in my room morethan a little while. Telegram from Uncle Phelps. Not quite as comfortable to day asyesterday.

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    1905, p.15

    May 2, TuesdayLakewood. This is a fine day. I went sat and out of doors forenoon and afternoon. Therealways is some wind. Jim came this evening. He still suffers from rheumatism. Lettersfor Mother Xavier and little Norman. I can walk about some now.

    May 3, WednesdayLakewood. Another fine day. I again went out forenoon and afternoon. Muller Uri [sic]came this afternoon. Mrs. Lamont is at the Laurel in the Pines arrives to day. Jim wentback this morning. He leaves for Chicago to day.

    May 4, ThursdayLakewood. This forenoon very hot in the eighties and no breeze to comfort one. Afterone p.m. a violent wind storm came one and in less than an hour temperature droppedthirty degrees. Papa returned from Washington this afternoon bringing Mamie. On alater train Dr. Biggs and Ruth came out. Dr. says I am doing remarkably well.

    May 5, FridayLakewood. Last night was cold and so is this morning. Yet I sat out on Porch in sheltertwo hours this forenoon. Very cold for the Season.

    May 6, SaturdayLakewood. This is not a bright morning. At one a.m. to day I awakened in great pain onthe right side fortunately the pain yielded to a mustard plaster but the soreness remains.Mamie left us for Washington to day. Gertrude brought Mary M. out to spend Sunday.Dr. Biggs came out in the evening. I did not get down stairs to day.

    May 7, SundayLakewood. Last night was very sultry giving me difficulty in breathing. I am thankful myside is less troublesome. This has been a hot day. 83 in shade cooled toward sun down.I spent two hours on the Porch this afternoon. A letter from Maud tells us Paulinesengagement is out in St. Paul to a Mr. Burnett.

    May 8, MondayLakewood. This was a bright morning the forenoon quite windy and air cold. Last nightchanged from over 80 to the sixties. I had a good nights rest. Clara took Mary M. backto school this morning. I was out a while this forenoon in the wheeled chair. Letters fromWalter and Mr. Raguet to day.

    May 9, TuesdayLakewood. A rather cold forenoon sat on Porch a while. The afternoon warmer wasagain out in wheeled chair on porch for a while. Walter came out with Clara about fivep.m. He looks well and certain enjoyed his trip to Japan China and Manilla [sic]. Papastayed in town in City to night.

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    1905, p.16

    May 10, WednesdayLakewood. Like many mornings here this is foggy. Sun comes out later. I feel quite wellthis morning. Mrs. Geo. Gould sent me to day the most beautiful large bouquet ofperfect blossoms I ever saw. Papa came out in this evening.

    May 11, ThursdayLakewood. Rained last night. This is a sultry dark morning. Papa, Gertrude and Walterwent to City on early train. Rained well last night. Wrote a few lines to Mamie to day.

    May 12, FridayLakewood. Very hot forenoon. Samuel came out his morning and stayed until 3:50 p.m.train. He looks well is rather stout and very gray. Dr. Biggs came last evening and spentthe night. Said I was doing well as possible. Have been on Porch twice to day.Afternoon cooler. Wrote a few lines to Charlotte and Rachel to day.

    May 13, Saturday.

    Lakewood. A cloudy damp morning. I did not get out to sit on Porch. Received somebeautiful carnations from Walter. He and Egil spent to day and tomorrow in New Haven.Papa Ruth and Gertrude came out early to day. Dr. Stewart made us a friendly visit lastevening spent the night here.

    May 14, SundayLakewood. A sultry threatening morning rained early. Did not go down stairs inforenoon. Afternoon promised better weather for a time was very sultry but a coolbreeze finally sprang up then rain and electric storm. Ruth spent Sunday with us.

    May 15, MondayLakewood. Morning very hot day continued hot but a refreshing breeze came up in theafternoon. Sat out on the Porch forenoon and afternoon. Ruth went to City in themorning. Walter came out in the afternoon.

    May 16, TuesdayLakewood. Last night was very hot and no air stirring. Mosquitoes are gettingtroublesome. To day is more comfortable. Rain in the afternoon. Dr. Biggs stopped herethis afternoon on way to Washington. He said I could not well do better than I am doing.

    May 17, WednesdayLakewood. This morning was so cold and very damp that that [sic] I stayed in bed allforenoon and most of the afternoon. Gertrude and Walter left early this morning the startfor home to day on 20th Century Train. Clara came out from City in the afternoon. Acold wave seems general through the Country.

    May 18, ThursdayLakewood N. J. This is rather a cold windy morning. Sat on Porch a while in theforenoon sheltered by screen. The afternoon was so windy and threatening that I did notgo down stairs. A telegram from Walter telling me of their arrival in Chicago. Letter from

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    1905, p.17

    Rachel. Papa brought me a beautiful Oak leaf studded with olivines [sic] made a lacepin.

    May 19, FridayLakewood N. J. Last night cleared beautifully it was the brightest moon light we have

    had here. This morning is clear and sunny but so windy. This is Louis and little Louisbirthdays. One 33 and the other 3 years old. Received telegram from Louis andGertrude. Letter from Mrs. Freeman James.

    May 20, SaturdayLakewood N. J. A pleasant day but rather windy. Ruth came to spend Sunday. LaterPapa and Jim came too.

    May 21, SundayLakewood N. J. A beautiful morning. Dr. Biggs and Dr. Stewart came out at eleven consequence of their opinions I felt obliged to give up my expectation of going home

    this Summer. It has been a sad and trying day. Such a disappointment. Perhaps it iswise I hope so.

    May 22, MondayLakewood N. J. Dr. Biggs, Dr. Stewart and Jim went back to the City last night. Ruthwent in on early train this morning with Papa. Papa was not expected out here thisevening but he came. He was troubled all day by sore aching tooth. Kodacs [sic] fromMaud to day of Louis and Maud standing in vases and gardening.

    May 23, TuesdayLakewood N. J. Clara went to City on early train with Papa this morning. They will go toLenox this afternoon to look about. Ruth and Anson came this afternoon to spend thenight. They went after dinner to call on Ansons step Uncles widow who lives here.

    May 24, WednesdayLakewood. Anson went in on early train. Ruth staid [sic] until 3.50 train. We finishedreading Nancy Stair - quite a Book. About seven p.m. we got word that Papa and Clarahad returned form Lenox to New York too late to get out here this evening. This hasbeen a perfect day.

    May 25, ThursdayLakewood N. J. Another beautiful morning. We are ready to leave here to day. Papaand Clara came out on eleven oclock train and decided we had better not start untiltomorrows 8.23 a.m. train then go right through same day. Claras string to her pearlsbroke this afternoon and she missed one pearl. With her usual good luck Robert found iton the porch floor. {in Louis hand; minor car porter}

    May 26, FridayLakewood N. J. We left as arranged on early train met Jim at Jersey City went directlyto N.Y.C station found Mr. Newmans car ready to take us special on our way to Lenox

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    as far as Richmond Mass. There [sic] carriage met us and in an hour we were at Mr.Roots old fashioned cottage. I surprised all my self too by enjoying the trip, sat up nearlyall the way.

    May 27, Saturday

    Lenox Mass. This is rather a doubtful day as to weather alternating cloudy and sunny.Papa and Clara spent most of the day with Mamie at her new home. She, Mary andJames are home for a week endeavoring to hasten the renovation of the house. MaryM. is happy that school year has ended.

    May 28, SundayLenox, Mass. This is a delightful day such fresh clear air. Mamie, Mary and James N.B.spent most of the day with us. I feel pretty well rested after Fridays journey.

    May 29, MondayLenox, Mass. Another perfect day the air does and must invigorate. We are at such an

    elevation. Papa left us at one oclock to day he seemed blue about going. He has beenwith me since February most of the time. He is going home for a week or more. Letterfrom Gertrude to day.

    May 30, TuesdayLenox, Mass. Memorial Day as it is called here has been duly observed the wholepopulation turning out to view the parade. I was surprised at number of Veterans all oldmen, it seems they represented three towns. I have not been able to get a telegram offto Papa until this evening all offices closed. It has been a perfect day. Sam came fromLouisville this afternoon. Wrote to Charlotte. {In Louis hand at top of page; Note handwriting}

    May 31, WednesdayTelegraphed Papa early this morning to Apartment. Could not get a message offyesterday as offices closed all day. Papa leaves for St. Paul this afternoon Weathercontinues fine. Went for a wheel chair stroll to day far as the Morgan place.

    {entry appears to belong here, on page for February 9, Tuesday}Lenox, Mass. This has been another ideal day. Miss Trott wheeled me up as far as theMorgan place to day a beautiful large estate. Mamie and Mary went to New York to day.Samuel and James go tomorrow and all return to Washington. Mamie does not expectto move here until July first. I do not know whether Papa left New York for home to dayprobably not. Wrote to Rachel to day.

    June 1, ThursdayLenox, Mass. Papa in Chicago to day. Rather a threatening day sunny and cloudy quitecool. Dr. Biggs came from New York in the evening to look me over. He said all was tohis liking that I could not make better progress. Samuel Mamie and children have goneback to Washington for a month.

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    1905, p.19

    June 2, FridayLenox, Mass. Dr. Biggs returned on early morning train. Telegram from Papa fromChicago. He is in St. Paul to day. Sent him a message. Wrote him. Wrote to Mrs.Upham. Received letters from Ruth and Mrs. Geo. P. Slade. Quite a rain and thunder atmid day. Everything is so freshened by it.

    June 3, SaturdayLenox, Mass. We had high wind last night after rain early this morning thermometer was48. The forenoon was cold but the afternoon delightful and sunny. Telegraphed Papaand wrote to Little Louis and Norman. This afternoon I went for a wheeled chair ride. Wewere out an hour.

    June 4, SundayLenox, Mass. This is rather a cool morning. Mrs. Dahlgren and five of their daughterscame back from Mass with Clara all looking so well. Clara went to Mrs. Dahlgrens forSupper. Wrote to Maud Mrs. Robbins and Mrs. James. Went for a little chair ride.

    June 5, MondayLenox, Mass. Quite warm this morning and all day at 5.45 p.m. it is 76. When I went formy little chair ride this afternoon I was weighed at Express Office: weighing 137 lbs fivelbs less than when I was weighed at Jeckyl [sic] 142 lbs then. A telegram from Papa today states he will return here the end of this week. Letters from Maud and Gertrude.

    June 6, TuesdayLenox, Mass. We had very heavy rain at one this morning and quite heavy wind. It hasbeen a dark rainy day. As the rain has been wished for we must not complain. Letterfrom Ruth and Papa. He letter was post marked Jun 4th 6p.m. and I received it beforenoon to day. Wrote to Mother Xavier Mother Seraphica and George Slade.

    June 7, WednesdayLenox. Another dark rainy day quite cold so I have been spent in two days but I feelwell. Letter from Rachel. Wrote to Gertrude to Mrs. Slade and to Mrs. Beaumont.

    June 8, ThursdayLenox. This morning was rather dubious. Early in the afternoon the Sun came out andthen the day was fine. Telegram from Papa telling me he and Louis leave St. Paul forLenox this evening. I had chair ride this afternoon. Wrote to Auntie and Jim who is goingover the Burlington System.

    June 9, FridayLenox. A perfect day. Papa and Louis arrived here at 2.30 p.m. Both very well andbringing good news from home. Received letter and kodacs [sic] of the new baby. Hemust be a fine child. {In Louis handwriting: Jerome}

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    1905, p.20

    June 10, SaturdayLenox. Another fine morning, grew hot toward noon 78 on Porch at 2.30 p.m. Papa andLouis left in an automobile at 10:15 a.m. for Millbrook N. Y. They had accepted aninvitation to dine last evening at Mr. Sloans - about five p.m. came a telegram sayingthey could not get back in time. They returned about 11 p.m. quite jolly and very hungry

    over their experiences. The Machine was not one of sufficient power for the distance.Wrote to Ruth to day.

    June 11, SundayLenox. A cloudy and rather cool morning. Mr. J. Sloaln [sic] came in and they had agood laugh over their excursion. Mr. Dahlgren called this forenoon with a disabled armand shoulder he has been thrown over a saddle horse. Papa and Louis took 530 p.m.for New York this afternoon. As soon as they left I went to bed at 5.30 p.m. feeling quiteill.

    June 12, Monday


    June 13, TuesdayAs I was suffering a great deal from a most severe attack of pleurisy Papa and Louiscame back with Dr. Biggs this afternoon.

    June 14-19{Blank}

    June 20, TuesdayLouis went back to New York to day. The whole fishing party have been delayed by myillness. As I am more comfortable I shall urge Papa to go tomorrow and join the party forSt. Johns River.

    June 21, WednesdaySince the eleventh I have suffered intensely until yesterday. We have prevailed on Papato join his party and he leaves for New York this noon. Party all leave for Montreal thisevening.

    June 22, Thursday{Blank}

    June 23, FridayWaucouta arrives at Quebec this day. Party hopes to reach River to night or in themorning ready to fish.

    June 24, SaturdayRuth came to day to spend some time with us. Mamie and the children arrive to day too.They hope to move in to their home July 5th.

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    1905, p.21

    June 25, Sunday{Blank}June 26, MondayJim came to day in his automobile.

    June 27, TuesdayJim went back to City this evening - on Train. Automobile having preceded him forrepairs. A letter to Papa from Mr. Kennedy to day which I forwarded.

    June 28, WednesdayWeather fine. Telegram from Papa to day states all well. I am improving. Dr. Biggs ismore than satisfied with progress yet strength returns so slowly. Yale wins Baseballgame at New Haven yesterday.

    June 29, Thursday

    This is a perfectly delightful day. I feel better to day had a fair nights rest.

    June 30, FridayThis is another perfect day. Did not sleep so well last night why I know not. TelegraphedPapa early to day. Wrote to Gertrude. Sent Trunk home. Received letter from Rachelfear she is not very well.

    July 1, SaturdayRather a changable [sic] day and threatening rain. I suffered all night from tooth acheand have had little relief today. Telegram from Papa. Birth day telegrams from UnclePhelps Gertrude and Rachel Samuel Charlotte and Norman. Girls here had birthdaycake and several presents. Mary M tape measure, Ruth silver screen for tea kettleJames pretty paper cutter Clara letter case Mamie case of pretty scissors.

    July 2, SundayLenox. A rainy dark morning. Telegram from Papa early in the day saying fishing good.Sent Papa a message. Mr. Lanier sent me the most beautiful peaches and nectarines ofhis own raising. He and Miss Bigelow called after Church. I have been pretty free fromtooth ache to day. Some ear ache. Had good night. Girls with Mamie and James hadseveral celebrations of my birthday to day great cake from New York.

    July 3, MondayLenox. Today is Mary Ms sixteenth birth day. It was celebrated at the new homeSchaughlen [sic] {Shaughlin}. Samuel arrived from the West this afternoon. Ruth left usfor Cedarhurst to day. Mr. Lanier and Mrs. Jessop sent me beautiful Summer roses.Telegrams from Louis and from Papa. Monsignor Nugent is dead. My tooth ache andear ache some less. Letters from Gertrude and Mrs. Robbins.

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    1905, p.22

    July 4, TuesdayA clear beautiful day very noisy of course. Still suffering form ear ache. Samuel Mamieand the children spent to day at Schaughlen [sic]. Telegraphed Papa no word from thecamp to day. Clara had a letter form Helen Driscoll to day. We learned from that thatTheodore Schurmeier and family sail for Europe to day.

    July 5, WednesdayLenox. A fine morning but hot day. Neuralgia some better. Mr. Lanier called thismorning. Miss Bigelow came in afternoon bringing lovely Orchids. If I only had anappetite I should gain more strength.

    July 6, ThursdayLenox. Still suffering from neuralgia in ear and teeth. Clara took Christine and started forthe Mountains the Adirondacks, expect to meet Jim at Albany and to call on MarySturgis there.

    July 7, Friday{Blank}

    July 8, SaturdayPapa returned from fishing trip on St. Johns River Mingan to day looking very, very welland so rested. Very hot weather. Clara back form Adirondacks. Saw Mary Sturgis atAlbany had nice visit with her found her very well.

    July 9, SundayVery hot. I feel so weak that heat is hard to bear. No appetite.

    July 10, MondayLenox. Still hot. Dr. Biggs came to day. Found things satisfactory to him.

    July 11, TuesdayNo relief from heat.

    July 12, WednesdayLenox. I wanted to get over to the church early this morning but as I slept so poorly lastnight Miss Trott sent for Father Grace instead. He brought me Holy Communion. Laterdrove out to see Mamie in her new home Shaughlin.

    July 13, ThursdayLenox. Papa and I are going out to Shaughlin this morning to stay there until we leavefor Adirondacks. P. M. I really had an appetite for luncheon to day although tired.

    July 14, FridayStockbridge. Slept better last night fine air out here, really cool at night. This is certainlyan ideal country home for Summer, would be fine all year in fact. It is a pleasure to seeSamuel and James enjoy it so much.

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    1905, p.23

    July 15, SaturdayStockbridge Mass. A fine morning. This forenoon Mr. Brown telephoned us that Mr.Dahlgrens house was burned to the ground early this morning. No one hurt. Mosteverything saved. Mr. Dahlgren was in New York. I am improving here very much.

    Wrote to Louis.

    July 16, SundayStockbridge Mass. Cool morning. Slept well last night. Papa left for New York thisafternoon. Wrote to Walter this afternoon.

    July 17, MondayStockbridge Mass. Last night was quite windy. This morning is hot.

    July 18, TuesdayStockbridge Mass. Yesterday was very, very hot, 84 in my room all last night and no air

    stirring. Papa telephoned this afternoon that it was 95 in New York last night. To day iseven hotter than yesterday here. My stomach troubles me seriously probably caused byheat.

    July 19, WednesdayStockbridge, Mass. Better air last night but not much cooler. Hot this morning. Quite astorm of rain wind and electricity this forenoon. Much worse storm in the afternoon andthreatening from appearances a [] one. Dr. Biggs telephones it was 96 in New York lastevening. Clara went into Lenox this afternoon hoping for message from Louis so shewould know when to got to the Adirondacks.

    July 20, ThursdayStockbridge, Mass. This is a delightful cool morning. Last night was most comfortable.Samuel is very busy overseeing work on this farm. Papa telephoned this morning thathe will be here tomorrow evening.

    July 21, FridayStockbridge, Mass. Delightfully cool day. Papa came back from New York at noon.Letter from Clara from the Mountains also letter from Ruth, feel pretty well to day. Pianocame out to day. Wrote to Mrs. Upham.

    July 22, SaturdayStockbridge, Mass. This is a perfect day out on the porch forenoon and evening. Mr.Curtis and Mr. Casson came out to dinner this evening. Wrote to Mrs. Gotzian to day.Learned of Mr. D. M. Robbins death in St. Paul last Tuesday; last evening.

    July 23, Sunday{Blank}

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    1905, p.24

    July 24, MondayStockbridge. Rather cold and rainy. Dr. Biggs came in the evening stayed all night. Wassurprised to find such cold weather and was glad to sit near fire in library. He thinks I amdoing well except that my appetite does not satisfy him. Dr. Stewart telegraphed thismorning that Mr. Col. D. S. Lamont died last night at Millbrook ill less than an hour.

    July 25, TuesdayStockbridge, Mass. Rather windy and raw, sun shines though. Yesterdays New Yorkpapers published report that Walter was kicked by a horse and sent home fromNebraska seriously injured. Telegram from home refutes the report state he is there onbusiness in good health. Papa went to New York with Dr. Biggs one oclock train.

    July 26, WednesdayStockbridge Mass. I must have taken a little cold yesterday awakened in pain thismorning at three oclock. At five had most uncomfortable spell of about ten minutes.Bilious Miss Trott thinks. Past {passed?} the day pretty comfortable although weather

    was most unfavorable. Hailed and rained most of the afternoon. Col. Lamont buried today at Greenwood.

    July 27, ThursdayHad a good night feel better this morning. Papa and Jim came this evening. Letter fromRuth from Winter Harbor. She and Anson are with Faith Moore and Miss Moore. Wroteto Ruth.

    July 28, Friday{No entry}

    July 29, SaturdayForest Lodge upper St. Regis Adirondacks N.Y. We arrived at St. Regis at 4:30 p.m.Clara met us. After a drive of three or four miles and a lunch ride of a few minutes wereached Forest Lodge and found the girls and Norman and Georgianna [sic] waiting forus. Dr. Biggs came with us. As I remained in bed most of the trip from Stockbridge I wasnot fatigued.

    July 30, SundayUpper St. Regis. It was raining when we arrived yesterday and is raining so hard thismorning no one can get to church. There is little chance to look about in this weather. Iwas more the worse for the trip. Dr. Biggs left us this afternoon.

    July 31, MondayUpper St. Regis. Still raining and quite cold but shows signs of clearing.

    August 1, TuesdayUpper St. Regis. A fine morning which makes us all happy. All around this camp istaken up by camps. There are many very nice people who have been coming foryears. All the outings must be in boats.

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    1905, p.25

    August 2, WednesdayUpper St. Regis. Another perfect morning. A race of Sailing Boats this forenoon whichwe can see from the veranda of this house. Mosquitoes are pretty bad but that theporch is screened in we could not sit out much. Papa is thinking of leaving us end of the


    August 3, ThursdayUpper St. Regis. A delightful morning. Went with Papa in the Launch far as Paul Smithson the Lake. I enjoyed it very much and do not feel tired. I am sitting and sleeping verywell all say I am looking better. Papa wanted to get me weighed but the scales were tooin accessible.

    August 4, FridayUpper St. Regis. To day is quite hot little air stirring. We went in the Launch to Upperend of St. Regis Lake, very attractive all the way and camps occasionally. Letter from

    Mamie this evening. Wrote to Mary M. and to Ruth .

    August 5, SaturdayUpper St. Regis. Rained last night. This morning is not clear and weather damp. I didnot sleep well last night for some unknown reason. We sailed over to Paul Smiths thisforenoon and found fresh winds on the way. Bothered by sore tooth this afternoon.

    August 6, SundayUpper St. Regis. Rained in the night and is raining this morning so no one can go toChurch. Mosquitoes were savage last night another sleepless night. Sultry air all night.Papa and Mr. Brown left us this evening to go to New York for a few days then homeand probably to the coast. Raining yet this evening.

    August 7, MondayA clearer morning turned to a bright day. Quite hot. Went for ride in the Launch thisforenoon. And now I have seen all of Lake Regis. Telegraphed Papa this afternoon.

    August 8, TuesdayUpper St. Regis. The Adirondack. Rather hot morning but delightful on the water. Wewent over to Paul Smiths Mrs. Anthony Kelly, Alice, and Clara McQuillan came tolaunch to see me. Wrote to Papa. They were all surprised to find I looked so well.

    August 9, WednesdayUpper St. Regis. Gertrude and Miss Watson left us last night. Gertrude going to Ruth fora few days. Another quite hot day here but we always find comfort on the water. Wroteto Mother Saraphica and to Mrs. Raguet. We learn it is very hot in New York.

    August 10, ThursdayUpper St. Regis. This is the hottest morning yet last night was not cool. Mrs. Selmescalled on us this morning. She is staying with Mrs. Parish at Sarranac [sic] near here.

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    1905, p.27

    August 19, SaturdayUpper St. Regis. Another bright day a little windy. We went over to Paul Smiths inforenoon. This is our 38th anniversary of our wedding day. George Charlotte and thechildren left us this evening to return to St. Paul. When I asked Norman what he would

    tell little Louis he said I will him to dont come. As Georgiana realized that she was beingtaking away she said go back I mean.

    August 20, SundayUpper St. Regis. Very high wind last night all night. Raining this morning. Only Claraventured to Mass weather favored her courage. The afternoon was fair. Wrote to Papato Mamie to Miss Renney. Dr. and Mrs. Biggs came to Tea time.

    August 21, MondayUpper St. Regis. A delightful morning. We went over to Paul Smiths and I took my firstwalk on the wooden drive way there. We saw Mr. Paul Smith who celebrated his

    eightieth birth day yesterday. Chanced to meet Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix. He and Mrs. Dixcalled in the afternoon.

    August 22, TuesdayUpper St. Regis. A hot morning. Again went to Paul Smiths and walked as yesterday.Wrote to Mrs. Upham. Clara had a letter from Papa to day. Dr. Biggs called to day. Hewas satisfied with my appearance. We called on Mrs. Hoe this afternoon and saw herdaughter and son in law (Dr. and Mrs. Evans).

    August 23, WednesdayUpper St. Regis. A fair day. Went over to Paul Smiths in the afternoon - for girls whotook luncheon with Dr. and Mrs. Biggs. Walked a little more than before and enjoyed it.This morning for an hour we watched sail boats race from Launch.

    August 24, ThursdayUpper St. Regis. Rather an uncertain day as to weather but did not rain. Went over toPaul Smiths and took a little more extended walk. When we came back we received atelegram from Charlotte telling us of Mamie Maghers [sic] death to day of appendicitas[sic] and complications. Immediately telegraphed John Meagher our sympathy. MamieMeagher died 22nd.

    August 25, FridayUpper St. Regis. Went over to Paul Smiths this morning. Girls took over bibs and cakefor Dr. Turdos Fair this afternoon. Girls went to Fair brought back Bags and pillows. Thishas been a delightful day. Wrote to Mamie.

    August 26, SaturdayUpper St. Regis. Went as usual to Paul Smiths took my walk ect [sic]. The girls ClaraRuth and Gertrude with Miss Moffat and Det. Kelly and guides made the ascent ofMount Regis this forenoon. After they finished luncheon on the summit they started

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    down and were delayed by a sudden and heavy shower of rain. They were sights whenthey reached the camp. Wrote to Papa.

    August 27, SundayUpper St. Regis. Jim arrived this morning with a nurse. He has been quite ill but is

    better and in fine spirits. Anson and his friend Mr. Gavin spent the day here. Wrote toCharlotte and to Walter. Went over with Dr. Biggs in luncheon this afternoon. He gaveme thorough examination and says I am in fine condition.

    August 28, MondayUpper St. Regis. Pleasant morning. Went as usual to Paul Smiths, took walk, met Dr.Biggs. Jim seems better by the hour eats and sleeps well went to Pauls with Anson inrow boat this a.m. Rained to night. Letter from Mrs. Gotzian she and Roberta hadnarrow escape in run away Train.

    August 29, Tuesday

    Upper St. Regis. A delightful morning. Had our Boat ride to Paul Smiths and a goodwalk. Jim went with us and steered the launch all the way over and back. He seemsquite like himself to day although under a Nurses care.

    August 30, WednesdayUpper St. Regis. This is a [sic] unpromising day cloudy very all forenoon. The afternooncleared. Clara Gertrude Miss Trott and I started for Paul Smiths had a pleasant rideover: when clouds began to gather and darken we thought we would be caught in rain ifnothing worse; but fortunately for us we arrived home before breaking of a sever [sic]electric and wind storm lasting into night.

    August 31, ThursdayUpper St. Regis. A glorious morning we went over to Paul Smiths and as usual had ourwalk, expected Dr. Biggs and Mrs. and friend to take luncheon. They could not come asBilly was ill. Kelly girls rowed over this afternoon. Wrote to Arnold Constable Maynardsand Duttons to day. Wrote to Mamie.

    September 1, FridayUpper St. Regis. A cloudy and raining morning. By 1030 a.m. sun came out we wentover to Paul Smiths and walked as usual. Rachel and Gertrude stayed at Dr. Biggs toluncheon and Base Ball game later. Mr. Lanier and Mrs. Peabody called this afternoon.Wrote to Mrs. Schley. Jim ever so much better. Poor Rachel so tired.

    September 2, SaturdayUpper St. Regis. Papa came this afternoon from St. Paul. He arrived at 415 p.m. It isquite a hot day.

    September 3, SundayUpper St. Regis. A cloudy morning. Ruth and Rachel stayed at home fearful of rain.Clara and Gertrude went to Mass. Rained in the afternoon.

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    1905, p.29

    September 4, MondayUpper St. Regis. Rained in the morning cleared at noon some. Papa and I went over toPaul Smiths to call on Dr. Biggs who has been ailing found him better.

    September 5, TuesdayUpper St. Regis. The Skippers had a race this forenoon so our men were on the LakeSailing. After luncheon Papa Clara and I went to pay some calls. We to JudgeTownsends camp to Mrs. Peabodys and to Mrs. (Dr.) James.

    September 6, WednesdayUpper St. Regis. Papa and Mr. Brown left for New York last night. We went over to PaulSmiths this morning with Charlie his wife and little girl to see Dr. Biggs got caught in arain. Jim left us this evening taking his nurse Miss Kuroki with him. Clara and Gertrudewent to New York with him.

    September 7, ThursdayUpper St. Regis. A discouraging day, raw damp and threatening. Did not get out at all.Wrote letters read Isabel Lady Burton ect [sic]. Miss [Polhemus?] called to day also Mrs.Geo. Howard Earle.

    September 8, FridayUpper St. Regis. A pleasant day delightful after the dark term we have had. A telegramfrom Charlotte asking if Clara or Gertrude will go with her if she goes to Japan withGeorge leaving the 16th. Ruth left us this evening for New York from there she goes outto St. Paul.

    September 9, SaturdayUpper St. Regis. A perfect morning and day. We went up the St. Regis River thisforenoon far as the Presbyterian church. Dr. Biggs Mrs. Biggs the Drs brother a Doctorand a cousin Biggs took luncheon with us to day. In the late afternoon we went over toPaul Smiths. Came back as the sun set. It was [grotious?].

    September 10, SundayUpper St. Regis. A bright warm morning. Clara and Gertrude returned from New Yorkyesterday morning. Papa is spending this day with Mamie at Stockbridge. Mr. Gavincame back with us from Paul Smiths after Mass. Telegram from Papa this morning.Letters from Mrs. Lee and Ruth.

    September 11, MondayUpper St. Regis. Rather a dull day and changable [sic]. Went to Paul Smiths in morning.Clara went with Dr. Biggs to visit Sisters Hospital at Paul Smiths Station. FatherGibbons arrived in the afternoon.

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    1905, p.30

    September 12, TuesdayUpper St. Regis. A cloudy morning cleared a little toward eleven a.m. Went to PaulSmiths and up to end of St. Regis Lake. After luncheon went to call on Miss Polhamesand Mrs. Dixon her sister. Dr. Biggs gave me a final examination and said I could not bein much better condition to go home.

    September 13, WednesdayUpper St. Regis. A rainy day. Papa went over to see Dr. Biggs. The rest of us stayed inand finished up our packing ect [sic]. We left Forest Lodge and the Adirondacks at fourp.m. Father Gibbons going with us far as Montreal. Our train left at 640 p.m.

    September 14, ThursdayOn way home. A bright beautiful morning all rested pretty well last night. This afternoondusty for a while. We discovered Mrs. Squires has been on train. She dined with us thisevening.

    September 15, FridaySt. Paul. We arrived here about 945 a.m. found the St. Paul members of the family onfront steps all well. How delightful to be at home. Received floral greetings from Mamie,Mrs. Upham, Mr. Macpherson and Mr. Geo. C. Finch.

    September 16, SaturdaySt. Paul. This is papas 67th birth day. An immense bunch of roses greeted him as hewas dressing from Mamie. Mr. Stanford Newel came to day to stay with us while heattends to getting his house in order for Mrs. Newel when she will be well enough tocome home.

    September 17, SundaySt. Paul. A beautiful day rather hot. Sat on lower Terrace all forenoon. Papa went toFarm but was back soon as he sent in automobile. Mr. Upham called early. HelenDriscoll and Helena Archie and Robert called. The young members of the Driscolls tosay good bye as they go East to school.

    September 18, MondaySt. Paul. Had a tiresome night. Did not sleep. This morning my left cheek is veryswollen. This is not a bright day for Pauline Ferguson wedding at noon.

    September 19-21{Blank}

    September 22, FridaySt. Paul. This week has gone by each day much like the other. We have had fineweather. I spend the forenoon out of doors and the afternoon too until 330 when I restuntil five p.m. out around the grounds if not on the Terrace. So the days pass. Haveseen few friends for they call while I rest. Little Louis has not been well.

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    September 23, SaturdaySt. Paul. Little Louis is better. A large party arrived from the East this a.m. to attendBanquet given in Minneapolis to night in honor of Papas 67th birth day the 16th. Samuelcame with them. Mr. Samuel Thorne Mr. Jonathan Thorne Mr. Baker, Mr. Schley, and aMr. Lane called this afternoon. After the Banquet to night the Party goes to the Range

    and from there on to the Coast.

    September 24, SundaySt. Paul. Mr. Newel tells us the Banquet was a great success in every way. Papa waspresented with a Punch Bowl to commemorate the event. As I came back from a drivethis forenoon I called on The Kellys at Mr. John Meaghers. Mr. Wheelock called thisafternoon looking so changed for the worse - in health.

    September 25, MondaySt. Paul. This morning is windy and colder. Went out to the Cemetery when I went for adrive. Received a telegram from Papa saying all were having a fine time - and weather

    was pleasant. Little Louis is better.

    September 26 October 14{Blank}

    October 15, SundayOctober is nearly over. Weather has been unusually cold, cloudy wet and windy.Generally disagreeable. Scarcely any fine days at all. My days are so alike that I havekept no record of them. Up about ten a.m. out if possible all forenoon. Some betterwriting a little putting {continued on page for October 16}to rights of things after seven months absence. Back to rest in the afternoon for twohours then a little more outing, some knitting a little reading and the days go by. I amhowever gathering so much health and strength that the time seems pretty well spent. Iweigh one hundred and fifty lbs.

    October 16, Monday{No entry}

    October 17, Tuesday{Blank}

    {on page for Wed, 10/18, but date crossed out, corrected as: Thursday Oct. 18th }Archbishop Ireland and Bishop Pascal called this evening. The latter is Bishop inCanadian N. W. A. Indian Missionary for 33 years quite an interesting man.

    October 19, ThursdayQuite a dark morning. Suddenly a snow storm came on and lasted until every thing waswell covered. Soon melted however. We learn this evening that Jim and Mr. Miller willbe here in the morning.

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    1905, p.32

    October 20, FridayColder this morning. Jim and Mr. Miller arrived this morning but not until after breakfasttime to the disappointment of Papa and the girls who rose early to greet them. Theyleave this evening for trip over Burlington.

    October 21, SaturdayBright early morning turned to changing windy forenoon quite cold. Late afternoon verydark. Louis and girls went to North Oaks intending to return in evening they found roadsso bad for automobile that they stayed all night.

    October 22, SundayAnother cloudy and rather cold morning. Louis, Rachel and Gertrude got in in time forlate Mass. Mr. Macpherson remained out until evening. At dinner time Walter came inwith bad head ache and a cold.

    October 23, Monday

    At last a fine day perfect. Mrs. Raguet and took a long drive foliage beautifully brilliant.Maud, Ethel and Gertrude went to Winnipeg this early evening. Mr. and Mrs. StanfordNewel arrived to day. He called this evening. Letters from George and Charlotte.

    October 24, TuesdayBright but cold wind. Went to half past eight Mass at St. Marys. Later Clara and I droveout and found it cold. Louis brought little Louis over at 645 p.m. the little fellow was tooexcited at seeing stars in the evening sky it was a revelation to him.

    October 25, WednesdayClear morning. Samuel Mamie and Mr. Curtis arrived this morning, all so well. Papa Mr.Curtis and I went to see the Capitol this forenoon. I surprised Governor Johnson uponwe called by recognizing the early old governors of the State. Later we called on theArchbishop. Papa left this evening for New York and England.

    October 26, ThursdayRather a threatening day. In the afternoon Mrs. Prince, Mrs. James Markoe Miss FanniePrince Mrs. McQuillan Annie McQuillan Mrs. Chas. Bunn and Alice Robertson came into Tea. In the evening Dr. Turner and Father McNulty came to dinner. Louis went toWinnipeg and about there this evening.

    October 27, FridayA pleasant day but cold. Mamie and I drove to Como Park and over to Summit toSeminary Chapel as she had not seen it. We went in met Proff. [sic] Reed. Auntie camein the afternoon. She looks some better. Dr. Taylor came to examine my condition. Hesaid I was doing very well.

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    1905, p.33

    October 28, SaturdayBright beautiful morning. Auntie and I went for a drive and enjoyed the bracing air. In theafternoon the girls Mamie Father McNulty and George Finch went to Foot Ball gamebetween St. Paul Boat Club and Roosevelt Club. Roosevelt won 6 0.

    October 29, MondaySnow began to fall before eight oclock this morning and continues at noon. AuntieMamie and I went to the Seminary Chapel to nine oclock high Mass this morning. Thesimple music and and ceremonies are most devotional.

    October 30, MondayFour or five inches of snow fell yesterday. Quite cold this morning. Dentist took up partof my forenoon. Auntie looks better already. Fred thought her much improved when hesaw her to day. Cable from George from London. They expect to sail Nov 11th.

    October 31, Tuesday

    Yesterday and to day weather much the same. Weather bright rather windy. Telegramfrom Papa telling us George and Charlotte will remain in England to return with him. Hesails for England the 4th of Nov. This is All Halloween. I amused myself by preparingJack O Lantern pumpkins for the little ones this evening.

    November 1, WednesdayBright beautiful morning. Took long drive. Louis and Maud for New York this evening. Inthe afternoon Dr. Hoffeman and Mrs. Sanders called in the afternoon. Mr. Newel camein the evening. Mrs. Newel does not improve much.

    November 2, ThursdayThis is a beautiful mild sunny day. All Souls day. And yet out near the Seminary I sawchildren skating must have been thin ice. Auntie was very nervous last night thoughtshe heard her door tried several times.

    November 3, FridayA dark threatening day, not at all cold however. Jeanie Renny took luncheon here today. This afternoon I telegraphed Papa to Steamer New York he sails tomorrow to HotelGotham and I sent a message to Hicks for Fruit (Grape) for Steamer.

    November 4, SaturdaySuch a beautiful morning. Finished going through sewing room Drawers of table thismorning. Went to Good Shephard Sisters this morning and received such a cordialreception. Papa sailed for England this morning on Steamer New York. Received atelegram from just now.

    November 5, SundaySuch a dark morning rained all night and is still raining. Atmosphere so thick. I shallhave to stay in all day to day. Mr. Phelps (Uncle) came down to luncheon to day. He

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    1905, p.34

    was delighted to find Auntie so improved. Fred Phelps came in the afternoon. Wrote toPapa Charlotte and Ruth to day.

    November 6, MondayStill dark but not raining. Rather cold. Cleared a little in afternoon but clouded again.

    November 7, TuesdayAs dark as the last two days. Spent part of forenoon seeing to having the Books put inplace in Papas den. No clear sky to day, turned cold and so raw in the afternoon. Mr.Curtis arrived from the Coast on his way home to day. Samuel gave him a strenuoustime.

    November 8, WednesdayStill cloudy and threatening. Not cold. Two of our ex Governors have died within a weekor two Gov. McGill and Gov. Dustin. The girls are arranging for a Musical for Mamie thisevening. The chrysanthemums are beautiful larger and more perfect than we have ever

    had (from the Farm). Wrote to Papa to day.

    November 9, ThursdayLast evening cleared and the morning so perfectly delightful. Such sun shine as onesees seldom sees away from this State Minnesota. The Musical passed of [sic] well,every one seemed happy. My greetings were most cordial after my long absence andillness. Mamie left us this evening for Washington D.C. via New York. We received aMarconi cable from Papa nine hundred miles out.

    November 10, FridayThis is the most glorious morning very unusual for this month. Spent part of forenoon atDentists, then went for drive over to West St. Paul was surprised to find such changesand improvements there. Girls went this evening to private {?} of Portrait show.

    November 11, SaturdaySuperb morning and day. It is worth waiting for quite like June day. Cable from Papareporting his arrival in England and that he had fine voyage. Sent him a Cableimmediately.

    November 12, SundayAnother glorious day. Went to the Seminary St. Pauls to Mass. Auntie and Rachel wentwith me. Another Cable from Papa from Carlton Hotel. Expects to sail for home Nov19th. Short stay! Letters from Charlotte and Ruth. Telegram from Mamie telling me ofher arrival in Washington D.C. Wrote to Papa and Ruth.

    November 13, Monday{Blank}

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    1905, p.35

    {Large Diary until otherwise noted}November 14, TuesdayA bright beautiful morning turned to a windy disagreeable day so dusty. We went over toWest St. Paul this morning as I wanted Annie (Mrs. Phelps) to see the changes thereand the great improvements.

    November 15, WednesdayRather a pleasant morning turned to a windy very dusty day and finally to raw. Thisforenoon I spent at Dentists Dr. Lyons and had the good luck of having an old root takenout quite comfortably. He first cut it through in three pieces and applied cocaine sosuccessfully. A cable from Papa to day tells us he will sail the coming Saturday in theNew York . Charlotte and George coming with him.

    November 16, ThursdayThis is a fine sunny morning beautiful. Annie (Mrs. Phelps) and I went for a drive over tothe Indian Mound Park. I am astonished at the improvements and number of homes

    over there and all over Old Daytons Bluff. The old Dayton House still stands. Went foran hours walk and was sorry to come in. Louis and Walter went West last evening.Rachel is not well. Jim will be here Saturday evening. This is Will V. S. Thorneswedding day.

    November 17, Friday{Blank}

    November 18, SaturdayYesterday and to day have been perfect days weather glorious. So nearly all of the timespent out doors. Jim arrived this afternoon from New York on way over N. P. R. R. Heseems very well. Papa, George and Charlotte sailed for home on S. S. New York fromSouthampton. Mr. Gaspard Farrer cabled me of this departure.

    November 19, SundayA glorious day. Went to the Seminary Chapel to 9 oclock Mass. Took one oclock dinnerwith Mr. Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Upham, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. ShepardMrs. Katherine Beals and Mr. David Shepard were of the party. Wrote to Dr. Biggs today.

    November 20, MondayAnd still the beautiful weather. This evening Theodore Schurmeier and Miss ConradineSchurmeier dined with us also Dr. Taylor and a few of the young people. Theodorelooks very well. Jim left us for a trip over the Northern Pacific. Spent a little time at theDentists (Dr. Lyons).

    November 21, TuesdayAnother delightful morning. Spent nearly an hour and a half at Dentists this forenoon.Mrs. Walter Oakes, Ethel Taylor Clarke and Maude took luncheon with us. Rachel

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    complains of swelling of her neck evenings. Put evening in being fitted by Minneapolisdressmakers. Letter from Charlotte from London.

    November 22, WednesdayThe most delightful day too fine to last it would seem probably presages a change of

    weather. Spent two hours and a half in Dentists chair in the afternoon being fitted for aplate of four teeth. My illness leaves traces in my teeth. Alas!

    November 23, ThursdayA dark rather warm morning turned to a rainy and windy afternoon. Received a letterfrom Gaspard Farrer this afternoon telling me of Papas doing and fine condition while inLondon and of the pleasure he experienced in again seeing much of George andCharlotte. Again at Dentists for a short session this morning.

    November 24, FridayRather a dubious morning windy cloudy and cold. Very windy all last night. Spent two

    hours in Dentists chair this forenoon making good progress however. Louis and Walterreturned from trip West this a.m. Wireless message from Papa telegraphed me thisafternoon. He expects to arrive in New York from London tomorrow. I wrote him andCharlotte this evening.

    November 25, SaturdayAgain a glorious morning and warmer little wind. Telegraphed Papa this morning. Spenttwo hours at Dentists to have plate fitted and put in. Came home feeling rather abusedyet I am so thankful to be getting along so well. Theodore Schurmeier came in in theevening to play a game of cinch. I believe he feels rather alone and I am glad he runs inhere.

    November 26, SundayA cloudy morning. Auntie and I went to High Mass at the Seminary nine oclock, andfound the drive pleasant. To days paper reports the New York S. S. in but we have nothad a word from any of the party. Gen Bend very ill. Mrs. Newel no better. Saw Mrs.Eaton a few minutes. Met Mrs. Averell on the Street with her daughter Mrs. Stenell.They did not recognize me they said even after talking with me. Wonder what is thematter with them.

    November 27, MondayNot a promising day as to weather. Had another time at Dentists, had to have anotherroot dug out. Prince Henri DeCroix [sic] {De Croy?} called this afternoon. Quite astorm came up this early afternoon wind, snow and sleet. Gen. Bend died last eveningat eight oclock after only one weeks illness. All of a sudden it occurred to Auntie that today was Uncle Phelps birth day so she decided immediately to start for home in thestorm.

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    1905, p.37

    November 28, TuesdayLast night was a wild night. Such wind all night with sleet not cold however. Gen. Bendburied to day from St. Johns Church. Snowed most of to day.

    November 29, Wednesday

    A wintry day considerable snow. Papa George and Charlotte with Caroline Boeckmannarrived home this evening. All well except Papa who seems rather used up. The partyleft New York yesterday after three p.m. and reached St. Paul at 7.45 this eveningcoming up from Chicago on a Special.

    November 30, ThursdayA bright beautiful morning and not cold. We all gathered at Charlottes for luncheon. Thechildren greatly excited over return of their parents. Papa not very chipper to day,bilious I think. We had all of the family here at Dinner this evening. Papa brought me afine umbrella from London.

    December 1, FridayA moderate day as to weather. Papa some rested. He went to Office to day. Rachel sowell over her cold that she is going to dance a German to night. Theodore Schurmeierdined with us and later we played cinch. Mr. Newel in this evening. Very depressed overcondition of Mrs. Newel. She does not improve.

    December 2, SaturdayA cloudy morning not very cold 20 above zero. Only went out in the forenoon. Afternooncolder and damp. Busied myself covering and making lace cover for cushion thisafternoon.

    December 3, SundayA damp raw morning not much above zero. I did not go out to Mass on account ofweather. Jim arrived about 4 p.m. he seemed quite well. Louis, Maud, Mr. BenCampbell, Mrs. Campbell dined with us this evening. Papa brought papa a unique canecovered with pigskins from London.

    December 4, MondayNot so cold but not bright either. Charlotte and George dined with us this evening. Jimleft us after dinner for New York City.

    December 5, TuesdayA glorious morning very moderate temperature.

    December 6-7{Blank}

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    1905, p.38

    December 8, FridayPapa had a letter from Ruth last night so had I in regard to purchase of a house in NewYork. Papa told me this evening that he had enabled Ruth to make the purchase. Thishas been a delightful week as to weather. No cold day.

    December 9, SaturdayA fine morning. I spent two hours at the Dentists this forenoon.

    December 10-14{Blank}

    December 15, FridayAnother week nearly gone and no note of it. We have had delightful mild sunny weatherall the week. The Dentist has claimed much of my time. I notice the Missippi [sic] is stillopen. The citizens of St. Paul gave a fine and elaborate Banquet last evening in honorof Papa three hundred guests. Mrs. Newel is reported some more comfortable .

    Charlotte gives an at home this p.m.

    December 16, SaturdayThis is a fine day. Spent most of the forenoon at Dr. Lyons. Then went to Dr. Talyorsoffice to have my throat examined and treated. Went to Boston with Jimmie Murray.Letters from Mammie and Ruth.

    December 17, SundayThis is the most glorious day, the morning was delightful when at 830 we started out toSeminary for Mass. Have written to Mamie, Ruth and Tina Kelly and sent a clipping ofMrs. Oakes who at 94 passed through St. Paul from White Earth Agency back to NTennesee in health and faculties to Mrs. Geo. C. Clark for her mother. Walter andMinnie Oakes are at Mauds to day.

    December 18-23{Blank}

    December 24, SundayCallen [sic] on Father McNulty this evening. He leaves the 27th for a trip abroad.

    December 25, MondayChristmas Day. Fine weather continues uninterruptedly. This month has beenremarkable for sunshine and genial days. Finished Dentists Saturday. Last night we hada gathering of the family and Mr. Slade and Mr. F. B. Clarke and Mr. MacPherson. Today we all gather at Louis for luncheon. Yesterday afternoon at Charlottes tree It hasbeen a happy Christmas. Jim is at Oketee. Mamie in Washington. Ruth and Anson atPoughkeepsie N. Y.

    December 26, Tuesday{In small travel diary until otherwise noted}

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    1905, p.39

    {Written on page for Jan 1, 1905}St. Paul. Papa, Clara Rachel, Gertrude, Miss Watson, Emili and four women servantsleft for Aiken S.C. Weather continues so fine evening like May.

    December 27, Wednesday

    {Written on page for Jan. 2}We arrived at Chicago on time and left on the Penn. R. R. at 10 oclock a.m. forWashington D.C. Fine weather continues. Claras throat troubles her all the others well.

    December 28, Thursday{Written on page for Jan. 3}We arrived at Washington an hour and a quarter late; found Samuel waiting for us atStation. The family and Miss Watson went to Mamies. Servants left for Auken [sic] at 3p.m. Girls left at 950 p.m. for Aiken.

    December 29, Friday

    {Written on page for Jan.4}Washington D.C. A fine warm day took good walk in forenoon. Went for drive toSoldiers home after leaving Miss Watson at Capitol and to visit Congressional Library.Papa went with Sam and Mr. Ludley {Lindley?} to Arlington.

    December 30, Saturday{Written on page for Jan. 5}Washinton D. C. Bright but windy morning. Mamie is troubled with neuralgia. Mr. John.F. Stevens called this morning. So did Mr. McChesney. I went to do a few errands thismorning. Miss Watson went on the seeing Washtington.

    {continued on next page} on one of the excursion electric coaches. Received a letterfrom Father Gibbons. Dr. Stafford called last evening. This forenoon so windy missedmy walk but went in a cab to do a few errands.

    {continued on next page} Mamie gave a dinner this evening in honor of our visit.Admiral Dewi [sic] Justice White and Mrs. White Senator Scott and Mrs. Scott, Mr. andMrs. Spencer, S. R. R. Mr. and Mrs. Wittens.

    {continued on next page} Monsignor Oconnell, Dr. Stafford, Mr. Henry Lindley, MissMabel Boardman.

    December 31, Sunday {Written on page for Jan. 9}The last day of the year. Went with James to St. Patricks Church to ten oclock Mass.The day is cloudy but mild. We expect to leave for Aiken this evening at 950 p.m.

    {On memo page of large diary}Marshall Field & co. State Washington & Wabash Chicago. Pepo Mangan [sic?] Guide.

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    {On memo pages of small diary}Dr. Freedman examined me carefully and afterwards gave me rather a discouragingopinion of what I may expect in the future. He is not however infallible. Friday Sept. 8th1905.

    Life on a Georgia Plantation from 1838 1839 Francis Anne Kemble Harper Bros.Records of Girlhood of Francis A. Kemble Henry Holt and Co. New York (Have not this).

    The Romance of Isabel Lady Lady Burton W. H. Wilkins Hutchinson and Co. LondonPaternoster Row.

    Adirondacks Mary A. Bacon 38 Shirley Street Roxbury Boston, Mass.

    Sent Louis June 3rd letter picture red cross little nurse. Sent Norman June 3rd letterpicture little girl with doll carriage.

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