mary: an example of discipleship luke 1:26-38. mary mishandled luke 1:28 latin vulgate jerome early...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Mary: An Example of

DiscipleshipLuke 1:26-38

Mary Mishandled Luke 1:28

Latin Vulgate


Early 5th century

Mary Mishandled

“And the angel being come in, said unto her: ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.”

Mary Mishandled Pope Pius IX (1846-1878)

“God has committed to Mary the treasury of all good things, in order that everyone may know that through her are obtained every hope, every grace, and all salvation. For this is his will, that we obtain everything through Mary.”

Mary Mishandled Pope Leo XIII

“As no one goes to the father but by the son, so no one goes to Christ except through His mother.”

Pope Pius XII (1953): “It is the will of God that we should have nothing which is not passed through the hands of Mary.”

We Are Not Our Own Mary was most likely quite young.

Probably she was in her teens.

Three times in the passage she is called a virgin.

We Are Not Our Own Engagement had two stages

Kiddushin---betrothel period lasting 12 months.

If either violated their vows it took a divorce to break the engagement. (Matthew 1:18-29)

We Are Not Our Own Kiddushin

They were called husband and wife

They still lived at home with their parents

They were totally chaste (Matthew 1:18)

We Are Not Our Own Huppa

The marriage ceremony

Often lasted a week

Marriage consummated then

We Are Not Our Own News for Mary was troubling (v.29) and

perplexing (v. 34)

Her response is magnificent

v.38— “I am the Lord’s servant.”

We Are Not Our Own In creation we do not belong to ourselves

Acts 17: 24-28

The very essence of what is wrong with our world is rooted in our rebellion against this fact (Genesis 3)

We Are Not Our Own In redemption we do not belong to ourselves

Salvation is possible and can begin when we come to recognize that we are not our own; when we come to see what our approach has done to our relationship with God; when we are willing to accept His provision.

We Are Not Our Own Rom 1-3: Rebellion

Romans 6:23: Result

Romans 10: 9-10: Remedy

Mary needed a savior (v.30)

We Are Not Our Own In redemption we are more deeply

reminded that we do not belong to ourselves

1 Cor. 6:19-20

Mary reminds us that God has the right to show up and redirect our paths.

We Are Part of a Larger Drama For the followers of Christ, our lives are part

of a larger drama.

The angel spoke to Mary about something taking place in her time.

It was, however, part of something that was larger than she and preceded her.

We Are Part of a Larger Drama Luke 1:32

Luke 1:48

Revelation 13:8

Mary was reminded that she had Eternal Significance

We Are Part of a Larger Drama

You matter to God

What you are and what you do matters to the fulfillment of God’s larger drama

1 Cor. 1:26-27—He called us from insignificance to significance

We Are Part of a Larger Drama Ephesians 2:14-15;19-22 — We are part of His

new humanity

We live before Him here as a witness

We will reign with Him in eternity

1 Cor.12:12 ff — Every one is significant

We Must Grasp That Pain Isoften Part of the Process

Luke 1 records her jubilation.

Luke 2 records the reminder to her that this jubilation will be mixed with pain.

There is pain is disobeying God, which ends in eternal pain in hell.

We Must Grasp That Pain Isoften Part of the Process

There is pain in following the Lord in the unfolding of His plan.

This world is severely broken and will not be redeemed apart from blood and tears.

We must experience the pain of self-denial.

We Must Grasp That Pain Isoften Part of the Process

We will experience the pain of God’s hand shaping us



We Must Grasp That Pain Isoften Part of the Process

We may experience the pain of a world in rebellion against God.

Mary suffered the pain of the process of redemption.

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