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Post on 28-May-2020






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Scripture offers us story after story where individuals reach out to the Lord with expectancy and God faithfully responds to their prayer. Moses makes an amazing statement about the gracious, receptiveness of God. “What other people have a God that draws near to them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him?” This follower of God not only understood God as Creator, but also as Intervener. David crafted the Psalm lyric, “God will hear when I call to him.” James, the Disciple of Christ writes, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”

Martha Bowman Church continues to affirm the power in this spiritual practice of prayer. We believe that when we pray, the concerns of this world can be brought to the doors of heaven. Hope and possibilities for miracles can still occur! That is why our Prayer Ministry Team continues to keep in front of us creative ways to seek the Lord.

• Let me remind you about some of our dedicated spaces for prayer such as our Prayer Garden (located on the backside of our Administration/Education Building.) Facing Bass Road, near our office entrance, you will find a newly located Prayer Room that is available 24/7.

• Several individuals in our congregation have committed to pray before and during our Sunday worship services. These Prayer Intercessors specifically invite God’s Spirit to move upon the lives of those of us who gather for worship each Sunday, asking the Lord to address each need for each person represented in the Historic Sanctuary and Commons.

• Beginning in November, we will have enlisted prayer volunteers, who will be available for special times of prayer at the altar on first and third Sundays. These persons will be available during moments after receiving Communion or at the end of services on specific Sundays.

Jesus instructed his disciples to pray consistently and never quit. My hope is that as a family of faith, we will more intentionally call upon the presence of the Lord Jesus as God directs us in our worship, and as we respond to the needs of those around us. Here is hope: If we call, God will answer!

From the Senior Pastor: “When God’s People Pray”

Tim SteffenSenior Pastor

by Tim Steffen

NOVEMBER MESSAGE SERIESThe Letter of James is a short book, but it is a powerful call for what it means to live out our faith in the world. Starting November 1st, we will spend four weeks studying some of the key passages in this letter, as we seek to all grow into those that are “doers of the word”. We hope that you will join us each week in worship, as we grow together!

CHARGE CONFERENCE | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND | 4:00 P.M. | VINEVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHThis year our District is taking a different approach to Charge Conference. Our entire church is invited to this annual meeting, which celebrates the ministry of the past year and looks ahead to the upcoming year. This year the meeting will be held in conjunction with seven other churches at Vineville UMC in Macon. The meeting will begin promptly at 4:00 p.m. with a service of worship, and then business matters will be affirmed by each church (each church will pass out their information in written form to only their church members, so everyone will have information specific to their church in front of them). Following the service there will be a reception and time of fellowship. If you plan to attend please bring a “finger food” to share.


Ashley Griffin, Director of Youth | 477-1901 ext. 116

Elizabeth Hammock, Director of iKids | P: 477-1901 ext. 115

April Foster, Director of Preschool & Nursery | 477-1901 ext. 121




Fall is in the air and Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it! We are looking forward to joining with our families this year as we celebrate and give thanks. Reserve your space early to “Drop and Shop” (see details on page 4). We are so excited about the upcoming family Christmas party as well, and look forward to seeing parents and kids dressed up for the season (See details under the Church-wide Family Events on the announcement page)!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRESCHOOL SNACK SUPPER MENU Nov. 4th: Waffles, sausage, and fruit | Nov. 11th: Second Wednesday (Family Supper) Nov. 18th: Chicken nuggets, baby carrots, and fruit | Nov. 25th: No Wednesday Night Supper

OCTOBER INSIGHTSFirst, kids are AWESOME! And God uses them daily to shape, stretch and show me things I so often overlook. We took our 4th – 5th graders to The Compassion Experience at Harvest Church where they experienced a “day in the life of ” a Compassion Child from Bolivia and Uganda. The compassion, the understanding, and the sense of responsibility they took away from this experience amazed me. Kids ooze the love of Jesus so easily, and we adults have so much to learn from them.

“Nerd Day” was a success! The whole day centered around 1 Samuel 16:7 and how “Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.” This is a shout out to parents – you are doing an incredible job raising your kids because a good number of them didn’t even know what a “nerd” was (try explaining that one to a generation who doesn’t know who Steve Urkel is)! But our kids had a fun day of dressing up and playing goofy games while learning that God made each of us just the way we are, and HE LOVES HIS CREATION! We need to love all the unique qualities in people and extend acceptance and welcome to those who may be different from us.

SAVE THE DATES• Last UNDERGROUND Middle School worship service of 2015 will be November 18th• Last PURSUIT of 2015 will be December 6th• Youth Christmas Party is Wednesday, December 9th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.• Youth Winter Retreat is January 16 - 18th• 30 Hour Famine is February 26th - 27th

Age-Level Ministries

Weekly Activities


9:40 AM Sunday School - PreK Wing

11:00 AM Worship - PreK Wing


Except for November 23rd

9:00 AM Mother’s Morning Out -PreK Wing


Ends November 18th

6:00 PM #Snack Supper - PreK Wing

6:30 PM Bible Time - PreK Wing


Except for November 26th

9:00 AM Mother’s Morning Out - PreK Wing


9:40 AM Sunday School - iKids Wing

11:00 AM iKid’s Worship - iKids’s Wing


Ends November 18th

6:00 PM #Snack Supper - iKids Wing

6:30 PM iConnect - iKids Wing


9:40 AM Sunday School -Youth Wing

6:00 PM Pursuit (HS)* - Youth Wing


Ends November 18th

6:00 PM #Snack Supper -Youth Wing

6:30 PM Underground (MS)** - Youth Wing

*HS - High School**MS - Middle School#Except for Second Wednesday


Prayer ListCircle of Concern: Faye Alford, Peg Buck, Ed Burns, Cecil Daniels, John DeLancett, Carolyn Gibbs, Betty Henderson, Julie Melvin, Glenna Meyer, Lydia Moss, Clyde Rogers, James Rogers, Robert Stewart, John Woodford, Tami Youman, Norman Zerkus.

Christian Sympathy:The family of Bob Kaney upon his passing.

Extended Family: Catherine Aplin, Jackie Mullis (Terry Mullis’s brother), Tripp Poole (Rod and Cristy Holmes’s Nephew), Kay Swanson (Krista Wieters’s mother) Active Military:Christopher Alston, Drew Brown, Joshua Bynum, Jason Childers, Stan Fossett, Matthew Fossette, Richard Goodale, Jeff James, Cecil Lawrence, Jake Newberry, Jacoby Riley, John Rogers, Ronnie Simons, Tim Smith.

2ND WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 11TH | 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.This will be our last Second Wednesday of 2015. Join us for a church-wide meal and worship experience. Everyone will eat together (from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., including our age-level ministries), and then the Age-Level Ministries will have individualized programming while the rest of us celebrate a church-wide worship service. Contact Camille at or 478-477-1901 to reserve a spot. Reservations are due Monday, October 12th. Cost: $5 Adults | $3 Kids 5+ | $20 Maximum for Families

Mission Project: Operation Christmas Child. (See details on Mission Focus insert).

FOOD TRUCK FEST @ MB | NOVEMBER 8THThis year we’re doing something different for the fall. In the past we have had Chili Cookoff and Trunk and Treat, but this year we’re having a Food Truck Fest right in our parking lot! We will have food trucks, lives music and inflatables. We also will be collecting canned food items for Macon Outreach. Mark your calendars for this family friendly, community event (Remember, Remember the 8th of November)! And be sure to check out our event page on Facebook (Food Truck Fest @ MB)!

OLDER ADULT EVENTSNovember 10th (Tuesday) | Ramblers Trip to Southeastern Indians & Farm Museum. Cost: $5 plus lunch. We will depart from the church at 10:00 a.m. and return mid-afternoon.November 17th (Tuesday) | Birthday Bash at Jeneane’s on Forsyth Rd. Dutch treat lunch! If transportation is needed, please meet at the church at 11:00 a.m. (Reservations required).December 4th (Friday) | Town & Country Holiday Tour of Homes in Madison, GA. Cost: $30 plus lunch. (The tour is not handicap accessible).

Contact Kathy Griffin at 477-1901 ext. 124 or

CHURCH-WIDE FAMILY EVENTSReindeer Games and Christmas Cheer | Wednesday, December 2nd | 6:00 p.m. | The CommonsIt’s our annual church-wide Christmas celebration. Come ready for a night of food, fellowship, costumes and more! RSVP’s are encouraged: Drop and Shop | Saturday, December 12th | 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Drop and Shop from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Parents can drop their kids (6 months - 5th grade) off and enjoy a few hours for shopping and lunch. We will provide lunch for the kids. The cost is $5.00 per kid. There will be a $15.00 max for families. All proceeds will benefit our Trailer Park Mission Project. Reservations can be made on our church website under Preschool + Nursery or on the Kids page. Reservations will open Monday, November 2nd. Space will be limited and is first come-first serve.

WOMEN’S ADVENT BIBLE STUDY | THE GREATEST GIFT | NOVEMBER 29TH Advent Bible Study (Book and DVD) The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp Led by Delia Steffen and Susan Haney. Begins November 29th at 5:00 p.m. Books cost $12 and can be picked up by November 15th (in order to get started with the first readings). The study will be in Room 210. Contact Kimberly Archer: 477-1901 or

FISHERS OF MEN MEETING | NOVEMBER 16TH AT 6:00 P.M. | THE COMMONSOur speaker will be Colonel Max Wood, of the U.S. Air Force Reserves. His topic will be Radical Islam in Pakistan, Iraq and Syria. Col. Wood will contrast radical Islam in Pakistan with activities in Iraq and Syria and will relate how Christians in those countries are being persecuted. He recently spent a year of active duty in Pakistan assigned to the US Embassy. He is the author of the book, Iraq, Seeing the Real War and is presently working on a book entitled, Pakistan: One Layman's View. Fishers of Men will again feature “hot” steaks cooked on the grill for $10.00 with first timers eating free. Please contact Camille Wilson to RSVP at 477-1901 or

ROMANS 8:38 MINISTRIESLADIES FALL RETREAT | NOVEMBER 13TH - 15THNo One Can Share Your Story Like You: Allowing the Holy Spirit to help us share our testimony in our everyday lives. Come worship, study and fellowship! We will meet at the Timberlake Retreat Center in Forsyth. The cost is $78.00 (includes two nights lodging and four meals). You can pick up a registration form at the Connection Corner. For more information, email

At the beginning of this fall, our Church Council officially commissioned a team that was nominated by our Lay Leadership Committee to evaluate the long-term trajectory of our church. This team has begun meeting, and for this month’s “Generations” article I was able to sit down with the team’s two co-chairs: Bill Bethune and Witt Gaither.

Anthony: What is the purpose of the Long-Range Team?

Bill: It is an extension really of all the renovations we’ve done and revisioning our entire campus. It is to help us to focus on finding God’s word and his message, as to how he wants us to use and fill this facility and get the most out of the expenditures that we have made.

Witt: I think that Bill hits it on the head. This is a natural extension of Revisioning because as we said when we did the Revisioning campaign, we were trying to repurpose the campus and part of repurposing the campus was we were trying to set up for the next phase in Martha Bowman’s life. The Long-Range Planning Team is really an opportunity to extend the Revisioning process beyond the physical campus.

Anthony: Why is right now the time to do this?

Witt: Well I think two reasons; one it is logical because we just finished the renovation piece, but probably the deeper answer is this: in my sixteen years at Martha Bowman, I don’t know that I’ve sensed a degree of unity similar to where we are now; it would be ill advised for us to waste that opportunity to lever the excitement of our congregation for their church.

Bill: I feel like we would have really missed the boat if we spent that kind of money for ourselves…I think God’s plan is for us to prepare it not for ourselves, but those that will come in the future and those that we should be inviting today.

Anthony: What is the makeup of the team?

Bill: There’s a core group of about five people that meet and try to help a concept come about, and then each of us [Witt

and I] have invited people that give us a cross section of the church, and that group is made up of about thirteen people. This group will give us input and be in prayer trying to find God’s will for where we should go. [We’ll] take a look at our programs, what are our strengths and how can we build on them, do we have weaknesses…and [find out] what’s really missing. We’re meeting individually with the small core and then with [the larger group]. And eventually, after around the first of the year, I see us having a town hall meeting where we’ll get input from the entire church.

Anthony: How is the process going to be laid out?

Witt: We’re using the small core team, and then we’re using a Sherpa (a coach) to help guide the strategic process. From there we’ll grow into the larger team, and then I see the process

encompassing the entirety of the congregation. The other piece of the puzzle that I find very interesting for us is how to involve the staff because there’s a key component there in regards to who actually ends up executing the plan that we discern, so having some input from all facets of the church is really important…I think we learned in the renovation process how valuable

communication was, and we’re going to be guilty of trying to over communicate. That transparency I think did a great deal to create some unity and cohesion in the process. It also does this: it gives people an opportunity to have a voice beyond even the larger visioning team, and that’s what we want; we want people seeking us out to give us opinions because we’re not arrogant enough to think we’re the only ones that can figure out what God would have us do.

Anthony: What is the end goal for this process?

Bill: Number one for me would be that we pleased God; that we’ve heard his voice…I think some end results will be that people will grow deeper spiritually and we will grow larger in numbers. The pastor made a comment in one of our meetings about his concern about us growing deeper in our relationship with Christ, and I told him that with a sales background that I’m gonna be praying that we grow larger and bring in more

“Long-Range Planning”Generations on the Move by Anthony McPhail

“Long-Range Planning”Generations on the Move by Anthony McPhail

Anthony McPhailAssociate Pastor

people that know Christ!

Witt: I think first and foremost it’s that we will have discerned what God would have us do with his church at the crossroads…I do think that the deliverables coming out of a vision team are always kind of difficult to put your hands on, but I think we have an expectation that God wants us to grow and he wants us to grow closer to him certainly, but I think he also wants us to grow physically. Creating some metrics that understand how all of that comes together I think would be a deliverable that you would have as an expectation from a vision team…we’ve also got to be able to serve [growth] programmatically, we’ve got to be able to serve that with resources financially, and that’s something that we need to understand, and how [God] would have us do that.

Anthony: What are some practical things that you will look at along the way?

Witt: We’ll revisit our mission statement, we’ll revisit our core values, and we’ll revisit those things that we say are important to [us] in the way that we speak to each other and then to the community. But then also the crux of the team will have to battle with what are the things that we are supposed to focus on, and how do we focus on them…You have to make a plan for growth; you have to make a plan for what God would have you do. We certainly do not want to enter into these things higgledy-piggledy; we really need to have a methodology there.

Bill: You know in the business world you set goals and you have figures to meet, and I find that the church sometimes does not do that. I want this to not just be an exercise where we come up with a whole lot of theory and a whole lot of dreams, and don’t have any measuring sticks and don’t have something that keeps it alive in the congregation, so that we stay unified in trying to achieve these goals…think about the excitement of the church when you see yourselves meeting your goals and moving forward and are challenged for the next step of the goal. That brings unity; that brings excitement; it helps us not forget the neighbor that moved in next door, or the one that got married or had a baby – the times when people’s lives change and they come back to the church; and that’s the one we need – the one that isn’t here.

Anthony: What are some things that people in the church could raise to members of the team?

Witt: I think right now the door is wide open…I think that if the congregation had one thing that they could do for us, it would be specifically to set aside a time where you can pray about what God would have you say for your church, because I think we’re learning that the more people we have in discernment, the better refined the process will be.

Anthony: What is the one thing that you most hope comes out of this process?

Witt: The number one thing for me is to see this process yield greater unity and greater cohesion in this congregation…that we would get a sense of Martha Bowman as one unified church.

Bill: Continued excitement for our church and a desire to bring Christians here, and accept the responsibility to grow them. I feel too that this process has an opportunity to grow leaders; when we determine that we need something or something isn’t as strong as it should be, I hope that we can find the right person to put in charge of that; that someone will be called…and then we’ll grow outside of the church and not just internally.

The Long-Range Planning Team will be meeting this fall, and will continue in 2016. The goal is to engage the congregation as a whole at a couple of junctures in 2016, and to have the team report back in the spring with their findings. The team is encouraging everyone in the church to feel as though they have a voice, and they hope that you will seek out members of the team with whom you have a relationship. The team is composed of the following individuals: Bill Bethune, Witt Gaither, Ann Loyd, Walt Miller, Lindsey Mote, Leigh Ann Junod, Ronny Fuerniss, Sam Huggins, Nancy Kistler, David Becker, Melinda Goggans, Lynn Faulkner, and Tim Steffen.


“GO” MISSION LEAD TEAM | IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO FILL OUT A FORM!We are forming a “Go” Mission Lead Team and are looking for people who are interested in serving! As our church continues to serve locally, nationally and internationally, we are looking for those who have a heart for missions to help oversee our many mission opportunities and requests. Please stop and pick up a Lead Team questionnaire at the Connection Center located at the bottom of the main stairway. Turn in to Elizabeth Hammock by November 4th!

For more information, contact Elizabeth Hammock:


Collection for Operation Christmas Child is now underway!You can pick up boxes & labels in the Family Check-In area.

• Pack your box! (Include one “wow” toy) (You may also include a personal note/photo)

• Pray for the child who will receive your gift• Include $7.00 Donation• Return to church no later than Sunday, 11/15

Join us at our church-wide Packing Party Wednesday, November 11th!

For questions, contact Kathy Griffin at

2ND WEDNESDAY MACON OUTREACH RESULTSLast month our Mission Highlight was Macon Outreach. Many of you graciously brought food and clothing items to help restock their pantry and the results are in! We donated 450 lbs. of food and 10 lbs. toiletries! Thank you to everyone that participated!

HOMELESS CHRISTMAS PARTY NEEDS250 thermal mugs for the homeless Christmas Party are needed by December 13th. The party will be December 15th at First Presbyterian Church. For more information, contact June O’Neal.

The power Of A Simple Gift

Server ScheduleN




r 1





r 8





r 1


Worship Leader Larry Freels Worship Leader Jeff Hanson

UshersSteve Alford, Ed & Shirley Burns, Donnie Davidson

UshersMaureen & Mike King, Richard Coughenour, Wesley Alford

Ushers Kevin Adams, Kent Elliott, Mark Friar

Connect Team (8:30) Cathie Resseau, Ken & Kim Tyson Connect Team (11:00) Anna Jones,

Patricia Wilson Connect Team (11:00) Robin Dixon, Betsy Griffin

Connect Team (9:40) Steve Capista,Hank O’Neal

Worship Leader Jimmie Powell Worship Leader Andrew Strickland


David Becker, Bob Delancey, Bruce Gerwig, Richard Mines

UshersBarbara Brennan, Paul Firth, Bernard & Wende Meyer Von Bremen


Lee III, Becky & Lee IV Oliver, Jeff Surles, Stephanie Surles, Joshua Surles

Connect Team (8:30) Rita Hale, John Rohde, Larissa Glover Connect Team (11:00) Lynne Mitchell,

Steve McCall Connect Team (11:00) Bobbi Googe, Shauna Davis

Connect Team (9:40) Melba Wilkinson

Communion Servers

Witt & Stephanie Gaither, Phyliss Wilson, Becky Harrison, Bobbi Googe, Joyce Lasater

8:30 Traditional 11:00 Traditional 11:00 Contemporary

UshersLarry Defore, Jimmie Powell, Diane Mize, John Rohde

Ushers John Higgison, Richard Norton, Ellen Phillips Ushers

Kathy Geeslin, Andy Greenway, Dendy McCuen, Lynn Faulkner

Connect Team (8:30) Elois Bothe, Jim & Rhonda Lidstone Connect Team (11:00) Rachel & Shannon Britt,

Sara Forehand Connect Team (11:00) Smokey Sutherland

Connect Team (9:40)Merrilyn Farmen, Sherry Scruggs, Smokey Sutherland

Communion Servers Don & Barbara Nolen, Charles & Jody Lewis Communion Servers

Patrice Hancock, Nancy Bethune, Winnie Hinton, O’teria Seagle













Worship Leader Laurie Gerwig Worship Leader Judy DeLancey


Merrilyn Farmen, Jimmy Melvin, Cathie Resseau Ushers Cheryl Smith,

David Smith Ushers Randy & Betsy Griffin, Smokey Sutherland

Connect Team (8:30) Beth Mines, Sunnee Glenn Connect Team (11:00) O’Teria Seagle, Sally

Morgan, Dona Reid Connect Team (11:00) Niall & Darcy Berry, Clint & Shay Morgan, Dona Reid

Connect Team (9:40) Clint & Shay Morgan, Carol Alford

Worship Leader J.C. Daniel Worship Leader Carolyn Bradley

Ushers Steve Alford, Donnie Davidson Ushers

Bill Bethune, Hugh Carver, Dave Seagle

Ushers Kevin Adams, Kent Elliott

Connect Team (8:30) Don & Barbara Nolan Connect Team (11:00) Brenda Griffin Connect Team (11:00) Carolyn & Harold Lemley

Connect Team (9:40) Don & Barbara Nolan

Calendar of Events

For a complete list of weekly calendar events, please go to


Financial Information as of 10/26/2015

Sources of Funds $830,194

Uses of Funds ($866,403)

Sources Over (Under) Uses ($36,209)

Revisioning Recap to Date

Cost of Project - complete 1,240,052

Total Pledges 1,248,880

Pledges collected to date 724,782

Line of Credit

Total Borrowed 599,002

Principal repaid (59,002)

Current LOC balance 540,000

Interest paid on LOC 9,729

*Be sure to note on checks the amount that goes to the Revisioning fund*

Received Gifts In Memory of (October) Bob Kaney & Jim Wagner

Martha Bowman United Methodist Church | 500 Bass Road Macon, GA 31210 | P: (478)477-1901 F: (478) 471-6378Sunday Services: Traditional 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. | Historic Sanctuary // Contemporary 11:00 a.m. | The Commons

sermon archives | facebook | | instagram |

6:00-7:30 PM

6:00-7:30 PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday






























<-- (WEDNESDAY: 4TH)Alzheimer’s Support


UMW Joy Circle Mtg10:00AM/Rm 213

Fishes of Men6:00PM/The Commons

Ramblers Trip to Indian Museum/10:00AM

HUB Meeting/5:30PM/Library

Finance Committee Mtg/6:30PM/Rm 210

UMW Friendship Circle Mtg/7:00PM/The Gables

Older Adult Birthday Bash/11:45AM/

Jeneane’sTrustees Mtg/

6:00PM/Rm 213

UMW Roberta Gardiner Circle Mtg/10:00AM/

Member’s Home

Church Office Closed

<-- (WEDNESDAY: 18TH)Exploring Membership




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