marriage rites unite £wt in redondo torrance herald august 22.1»4« | i mabca...

Post on 30-Jan-2021






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    t ;

    Jlarca Wright, 11-year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark

    Members of " the' executive | board will meet at 1:30 p.m.)

    FIgueredo entertained Tuesday at an attracively stork

    Monday, August 26, at the homej shower at the home of the form- of Mrs. W. H. Sinclair, 2326; IT, 1015 Cota ave.

    I Games, featuring a stork mo- tif, were the diversion, with Mmes. Lonnie Gray and M. E.

    Sonoma1 On Thursday evening, Sept 5, members of Wesleyan Guild will meet at the church at 7:30 o'- clock.


    Women of the Mc-thodist church > Mrs. Roy Sullivan (Betty Ma-j Wright, of 1420 Beech ave., ct-Ie- will hold a rummage sale at ijn ) was complimented when' brated her birthday at an at- 13W Sartori ave, all day Fri-; Mrs 0^,, ijtakeT and Mrs. tractively appointed children's

    - - : party Friday afternoon at herhome.

    Games with prizes for winners preceded the serving of a dec- orated, candle-lighted cake and other refreshments. Mrs. Wright was assisted with party arrange- ments by her sister, Mrs. Bill Hawley.

    Celebrating with Marca were Jane Fischer, Janic Moffat, Sally Sprout, Noella Morin, Barbara Ludwig, Charfene St Martin, Marian McDonald, Carol Camp- bell, Janice Crabtrec, Marca's sister, Judy Wright and their cousin, Susan Hawley.


    Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alien, of 1447. Post ave., entertained at dinner fn their home Sunday for her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kluseman and Miss Doris, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Alien, Lois Jayne Alien and Mrs. Corabelli

    Scanlon as prizewinners. ! An arrangement of pastel j asters and lighted tapers cen- |tered the buffet table where

    dainty refreshments were served. ,,..... .___,, _.,... _. , Those present were the hon-home of Mrs. Sarah Hogue, 2115; orec and her mother, Mrs. Hilma


    Circle No. 1 will meet at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, at the

    Gramcrcy ave. Malin, and Mmes. M. E. Scanlon,circle^ w'm meet .at the 215th jWilUam ^MaUn.

    street home of Mrs. W. Bu- chanan, at 2 o'clock Thursday,

    Sept 5.Members of Circle 3 will meet

    Wright, Gertrude Cheek, Allene Clartsse, Evelyn Gray, Effie Leg- gate, Thelma Frieberg, Laddie Johnson, Betty Sullivan, Anita Sullivan, Charlotte Chambers

    ing meeting.* * *

    NEBRASKANS VISITMr. and Mrs. William G.

    Schmer, of Norfolk, Ncbr., are


    The Victory Circle of First.isiting' at the homes of Mr.; Lutheran church will meet at I Potts, all of this city. The oc- and Mrs. O. W. Hakanson and i the home of Mrs. K. Gossiaux, I cdsion was a birthday courtesy Mrs Ellen Hakanson, and Mr. i 2211 Gramercy ave., on Tuesday, for Mrs. Kluseman, who was the and Mrs. R. L. Swigart Jiere j Alg.'y,-«t-Tde-pi-BU- - --... ^recipient of lovely personal gifts.

    |VFW Auxiliary Tells Year's Plans For Vets' Hospitals

    At the regular meeting of the V.F.W. Auxiliary of Post No. 3281, plans were outlined for a basket picnic to be held in Tor- ranee city park on Sept 22. Due to the Labor Day holiday falling on the scheduled meeting night, there will be no meeting on Sept 2.

    Mary Towler, hospital chair- man, reported on ner recent visit to Sawtelle Veterans' hos- pital. A fine hospital program is scheduled for this year with a heavy quota. Persons Inter- ested In assisting with this splendid work are asked to con- tact Mary Towler or Hilma Ma- nn by calling Torrance 1798-W. Many useful articles for the boys may be made from un- used materials to be found in the average home, she stated.

    Mrs. Towler further reported: "Veterans' hospitals are packed to capacity with boys returned from overseas service and the least we can do is to help make the boys comfortable by providing for their small per- sonal



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    Accordionettes Present Program . At Gala Party

    The Walter Smiths, of H82 Bay View avenue, Wilmington, were honored at a silver anni- versary party on Sunday, Aug. 18. Mxiut 100 guests assembled

    EXCHANGE ALTAR VOWS . . . Mr. and Mn. Michael James -Hofly, whose marriage was solemnized recently in the presence of immediate family members gathered in Firel Lutheran church; . They will live in Long Beach.

    First Lutheran Church waathe setting for the recent ImpVy- give rites which united in mar- riage Miss Bettie Gene Goettsch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goettsch and Mr. Michael James Holly, of Long Beach. Rev. F.

    the principals.Lovely in a light blue wool

    suit with cherry coke acces- sories complemented by an. or- chid corsage, the bride was at- tended by Miss Vivian Oliver, who also wore a pastel blue suit and yellow roses. Herman W. Goettsch attended his brother. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents.

    Mrs. Holly was graduated from Torrance high school with the class of 1945. Her husband received his education in Akron, Ohio schools.

    Following a honeymoon trip to San Bernardino, the couple will return to make their home in Long Beach.

    * * *


    Mrs. Frank J. Farrell enter- tained on Wednesday evening, Aug. 14, with a farewell shower in her home, 1648 W. 214th st, in honor of Mrs. Veroon G. Rumbold, who with her fam- ily leaves soon to make her home in Hanford.

    Games were played and dain- ty refreshments were served buffet style.

    Many beautiful gifts were pre- sented to the honoree by the hostess and Mmes. H. E. Massic, Joe H. Moore, H. P. Jensen, Rufus Sandstrom, Richard Simp son, William Bottin, Frank H. Forester, Joseph Daily, Parke Montague, H. L. Wagner Jr. and Hal Northway.

    * * -X


    At a dinner party arranged Wednesday .evening in the El Prado home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Buxton, the birthday an- niversaries of his sister, Mrs. Clara B. Tyson, of this city and his brother, C. B. Buxton, of Los Angeles, were noted.

    Pastel blossoms and lighted candles centered the dining table, where two decorated birth- day' cakes were cut by the honorees. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Buxton, Mrs. Tyson, Mrs. Margot Grow, and daughter Sandy of the home address, and Jimmy Scott, of Fresno.

    * * *

    'ENJOYABLE EVENINGOn Friday evening Mr. and

    Mrs. Von Bergen entertained at "The Blackouts of 1946" for her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nlelson, visitors from Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grow, of South Gate.

    Torrance HeraldEstablished, Jan. 1, 1814.

    Published Every ThursdayGraver d WhyteEditor-Publisher

    E. B. Brown, Buiinui Mar.F. S. Selover, Managing Editor

    13(0 «a Prado. Phone 444Torrance, Oaltf.

    Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Los

    Angeles County. Entered as second class mat-

    ter, January 80, 1914. at post office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879.

    Official Newspaper« City of Torrance

    Marriage Rites Unite Vera Wardy. Ed Wurm In Redondo Church

    Intimate friends and relatives last Thursday evening attended the marriage of Vera Lillian

    isa&gSSgS^'Jft"••"*=-•••*-, jjH-—

    double ring ceremony at the Re- dorido First Methodist-Episcopal church, with Rev. Lawrence R Warren officiating.

    Given in marriage by her fa ther, Mr. Ernest Rock of Bur- bank, the bride was attired in a lime green suit with brown and white accessories and a gardenia corsage.

    Miss Lorna Rock, sister of the bride, and Richard Wurm, bro- ther of the bridegroom, were the attendants.

    Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the bridegroom's parents home, 504 S. Broadway, Redon do, where a wedding cake was cut and other refreshment were served. Thc guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Coulombe and daughters, Jo Ann and Bcr- nice Cline, and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lock and Barbara, all of Torrance; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Forth of Burbank, brother-in- law and sister of the bride.

    Subsequently Mr. and Mrs Wurm left for a brief honey- moon at Crestline. Upon theii return they will live in Re dondo Beach. Both are employed at Pacific Electric Shops here

    The bride was educated in Burbank schools. Her husband, who returned recently following two and ' half years' overseas service, was educated in Redon do Beach schools.

    * * *


    Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanncbrlnk Sr., accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Joe Tavan, of Rolling Hills and Mrs. L.' Tavan of Bonita, visited Rosarito Beach, Rodriguez dam and other points of interest in Baja Call fornia last Wednesday.

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    Members of the Conv League of Court St. Calhrril No. 1378 C.D. of A. enjoyed a| delightful evening Monday, Aug. 19, at the home of Mrs. Frances Forester on Fern ave. Plan3 were outlined for the play "The Living Rosary," which the league members will produce In mi'd Oc- tober.

    Following a review of the play and assignment of parts, dainty refreshments were served hy the hostess to.Mmns. Clare Farrell, Lillian Schott, Anna Mclnticr, Elsie Felion, Florence Turne

    were played by Janeenc Colom- j t-np Misses Opal Yorker and Vii bo, Cathryn Clouse, Norma gin ja Zampcrlnl. Meadows, Leroy Moore, Gail TJ,C regular social meeting of

    in the ln thc after'noon. After several pictures were taken, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their guests were enter- tained with accordion numbers and songs and dances presented by the Accordionettes.

    Group numbers and solos

    and Bettic Thomas. Various ada-| gio and acrobatic numbers were performed by Cindy and Steve Hornick. Later in the program these versatile youngsters pre- sented a jitterbug dance. Yo- landa and Leroy won the au- dience with tlK-ir rendition of "You won't be satisfied," "Sioux

    the court will be held at Notivity Parrlsh Hall Monday' evening Aug. 26 at 8 p.m.

    * *'* I


    Cub Pack No. 241-C, sponsnn by the St. Andrew's Episrnp church, will hold an annual Ciil

    City .Sue" and "fico Tico," as' Scout picnic on Friday, Aug. M. they accompanied themselves on j at Torrance city park, bcginnin;

    the maracas. Louise Clouse aug- mented the program with sev- eral tap solos.

    A three-tiered wedding- cake and oth

    niversary gifts.

    at 5:00 o'clock.Family night will be rc-lej

    brated with family picnic has) kets supplied, and coffee

    for TEEN-flGE

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