marriage in islam

Post on 17-May-2015






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Marriage in Islam


Marriage in Islam

Marriage in IslamTable of Contents

What Quran says about Mar r iage

Say ings o f the prophet (PBUH)

Proh ib i ted Mar r iage Par tners

Proh ib i ted Mar r iage Par tners (Temporary P roh ib i t ions )

Ob l igat ions o f the husband

Ob l igat ions o f the w i fe

Mar r iage w i th o ther re l ig ion

requ i rement o f f ree consent

Mar r iage cond i t ions

Marriage in IslamWhat Quran says about Mar r iage

And Allah has made for you mates (and companions) of your own nature, and made for you, out of them, sons and daughters and grandchildren, and provided for you sustenance of the best (16:72)

م$ن" )م& ق"ك ز" و"ر" و"ح"ف"د"ة. $ين" "ن ب )م& و"اج$ك "ز& أ م$ن& )م& "ك ل و"ج"ع"ل" ا و"اج. "ز& أ )م& ك &ف)س$ "ن أ م$ن& )م& "ك ل ج"ع"ل" @ه) و"الل"ات$ Dب الط@ي

And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.

ف$ي $ن@ إ ح&م"ة. و"ر" م"و"د@ة. )م& "ك &ن "ي ب و"ج"ع"ل" &ه"ا "ي $ل إ )وا )ن ك "س& $ت ل ا و"اج. "ز& أ )م& ك &ف)س$ "ن أ م$ن& )م& "ك ل ل"ق" خ" "ن& أ $ه$ "ات "ي آ و"م$ن&ون" @ر) "ف"ك "ت ي [ $ق"و&م ل "ات] "ي آل" $ك" ذ"ل

Marriage in IslamSay ings o f the prophet (PBUH)

The prophet ( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said :

“O young people! Whoever amongst you can afford marriage, let him marry. Whoever cannot afford it, let him fasting, for it will be a shield for him”. [Fath Al-Bari 9:8, and Muslim 2:1018] 

 "A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a losers”. [ reported by Abu Horaira – Bukhari ]

Marriage in IslamProhib i ted Marr iage Partners

A Muslim man must never marry the following:

1. His mother2. His step-mother3. His grandmother4. His daughter5. His sister6. His fathers sister 7. His mothers sister8. His brothers daughter

9. His sisters daughter10.His fosters-mother11.His foster-mothers sister12.His foster-sister13.His wife mother14.His step – daughter15.His sons wife

Marriage in Islam4.Proh ib i ted Marr iage Partners(Temporary Proh ib i t ions)

A Muslim man must not marry the following:

1. Two sisters as wives at the same time

2. A women and her aunt as wives at the same time 3. A woman who is already married

4. More than four wives at one time

5. A woman during her Iddah ( period of waiting )

Marriage in IslamMarr iage condit ions

1. the woman should is not Prohibited to the man ( as we mentioned before)

2. approval of Guardian (Wali) of the woman

3. approval of the woman herself on the man to be her husband

4. two witnesses presence while writing marriage contract

5. people and neighbors should be informed about the marriage (wedding party )

Marriage in IslamObl igat ions of the husband

1. To protect his wife

2. To maintain her

3. To pay her dower( Mahar) to her

4. To grant her conjugal rights so that she does not become unhappy with the marriage

5. To treat her with affection and kindness

6. To allow her to visit her parents

Marriage in IslamObl igat ions of the wi fe

1. To look after comforts of her husband

2. To be respectful and faithful to him

3. To grant him conjugal rights at all reasonable times

4. To make herself attractive to him

5. To bring up her children properly

6. To breast feed her children

Marriage in IslamMarr iage with other re l ig ion

the law of Islam allow a Muslim male to marry a Muslim , Jewish or Christian woman . this is mentioned in the holy Quran (5:5)

"ات) &م)ح&ص"ن و"ال "ه)م& ل yح$ل )م& و"ط"ع"ام)ك )م& "ك ل yح$ل "اب" $ت &ك ال )وا )وت أ @ذ$ين" ال و"ط"ع"ام) "ات) Dب الط@ي )م& "ك ل )ح$ل@ أ "و&م" &ي ال"اب" $ت &ك ال )وا )وت أ @ذ$ين" ال م$ن& "ات) &م)ح&ص"ن و"ال "ات$ &م)ؤ&م$ن ال م$ن&

This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book,

the Muslim man can marry with Jewish or Christian woman , but for Muslim woman not allowed to marry non-Muslim man .

Marriage in Islamrequirement of f ree consent

A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission)."[Sahih Al-Bukhari 7.67]

The prophet ( Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said :

  : ؟ إذنها كيف و الله رسول يا قالوا تستأذن، حتى البكر تنكح ال و تستامر حتى األيم تنكح ال ) ومسلم: البخاري رواه تسكت أن  قال

Marriage in Islam

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