marketing multiple products: how radical thinking about a multi-product offer led to a 70% increase...

Post on 08-May-2015






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Marketing with multiple products is difficult. Whether you are in e-retail or not, multiple products can throw a wrench in our best laid marketing plans. Often, what we know to be our most powerful products appear doomed to be over-shadowed by the clutter of less impactful (and sometimes even competing) products. But what if there was an elegant way to think about our multiple products that could maximize the impact of the whole? In this Web clinic, we’ll be discussing how one marketer was able to cut through the clutter of a convoluted multi-product offering and increase revenue by 70%. You’ll learn: • The exact before and after creative that achieved the result • How we discovered a way to communicate (seemingly) competing offers • Key tactics that you can take away and apply to your product offering • Exactly what this could look like for your own pages through live optimization


Marketing Multiple ProductsHow radical thinking about a multi-product offer led to a 70% increase in conversion

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Today’s speakers

Ben HuppertzSenior Research ManagerMECLABS

Austin McCrawDirector, Content ProductionMECLABS

Jon PowellSenior Manager,Research and StrategyMECLABS

Experiment: Background

Background: An independent vitamin manufacturer and distributor.

Goal: To increase the total revenue from the page.

Research Question: Which page will generate the highest total revenue?

Test Design: A/B multifactorial split test

Experiment ID: TP1903Record Location: MECLABS Research LibraryResearch Partner: (Protected)

Experiment: Background

• Here is the landing page for this offer.

• This page did not change for both treatments of this experiment.

• In this step, we collected all the contact information prior to collecting billing information in the next step.

Landing Page

Experiment: BackgroundLanding Page Treatment A

Treatment B

Experiment: Treatment A

Version A used a radio button table format for each of the offers.

Experiment: Treatment B

Version B utilized a horizontal comparison matrix to present the offers.

Experiment: Side by side

Treatment A Treatment B

What made the difference?Control Treatment

12% In Clickthrough

43% In Conversion


Previous experiment Treatment

112% In Conversion


TreatmentPrevious experiment

Experiment: Side by side

Treatment A Treatment B

70% In Revenue

Experiment: Results

Relative increase in revenue70%Treatment A produced 70% more revenue than Treatment B.

Page DesignConversion


DifferenceRevenue Increase

Treatment A 2.88% 74.56% 69.95%

Treatment B 2.31% - -

Statistical Validation 99%

Experiment: Results

Why did this product display approach underperform in this experiment?

Managing multiple products

FKey Principles

1. People do not buy from product pages, people buy from people. The art of marketing is not conversion, it is conversation.

2. When applying this principle to selling multiple products, we must understand that our goal is not simply to give prospects more options or products, but to lead them to the “one” option that is most relevant, important and urgent to them.

3. Therefore, the marketer must use three key objectives when selling multiple products:

1. Eliminate – Minimize the number of competing choices as much as possible

2. Emphasize – Use visual weight to sequence the presentation of products

3. Express – Ensure clear expression of the product-level value proposition


Objective #1: Eliminate


• The control features a generic call-to-action in the main eye-path that does not create enough value force in the customer’s mind to move them forward.

• There are three products in no particular order down the sidebar.

• The products have overlap and are unclear about which one makes sense for a particular customer.

Objective #1: Eliminate

Instead of having three separate products on the page, the marketers hypothesized that a single product with a dropdown selection for a computer operating system would increase conversion.

Treatment 1

Objective #1: Eliminate

ControlTreatment 1

24% In Revenue

Objective #1: Eliminate

24% In Revenue

Control Treatment

Objective #1: Eliminate

We must be careful not to eliminate too much !

Objective #1: Eliminate


In the control, there were three separate products for three different sizes of engines.

Objective #1: Eliminate

In the treatment, the marketers wanted to understand the effect of reducing the product selection down to a single product.



Objective #1: Eliminate

35% in Conversions


Objective #1: Eliminate

5 questions to ask before you eliminate products:

Are the products on my page the ones my customers want?

Can I visually group my products so they appear as one?

Can I eliminate one or more competing products?

Can I segment my traffic in the channel so that products are more personalized?

Is there a gap in my product mix that indicates I have eliminated too much?


Objective #2: Emphasize important products

In the control, we have five equally emphasized products on the page.


Objective #2: Emphasize important products


In the treatment, the marketers eliminated a few products, but also emphasized the most important product of the five.

Objective #2: Emphasize important products


66% in Conversions



Objective #2: Emphasize important products

How could this page do a better job of emphasizing the right product?


Objective #2: Emphasize important products

5 elements that help you control emphasis:

Size: How large is the product on the page?

Shape: Does the shape of the product distinguish it from others?

Motion: Is there a tasteful way to emphasize the product with motion?

Color: Does the color of the product distinguish it from others?

Position: Is the product being emphasized in the main eye-path?


Product-level value proposition




Question: If I am [PROSPECT A], why should I buy from you rather than any of your competitors?

Question: If I am your ideal prospect, why should I buy from you rather than any of your competitors?

Question: If I am [PROSPECT A], why should I buy this product rather than any other product?

Question: If I am [PROSPECT A], why should I click this PPC ad rather than any other PPC ad?

Prospect B


















Primary Value


Conversion steps associated with a specific product



The Value Proposition Spectrum









61% in Purchases

Objective #3: Express the product value

93% in Conversions


Objective #3: Express the product value

Why did Treatment A from the first test generate more revenue?

ELIMINATE: Notice that we did not remove any options between the two treatments

Treatment A Treatment B

Why did Treatment A generate more revenue?

Treatment A

Why did Treatment A generate more revenue?


Which of the three products has greatest visual weight

in Treatment A?

Treatment B

Why did Treatment A generate more revenue?


Which of the three products has greatest visual weight

in Treatment B?

Treatment B

Why did Treatment A generate more revenue?


Which of the three products has the greatest perceived


Treatment B

Why did Treatment A generate more revenue?

• In the Treatment B, we brought more clarity around the differences in the cost savings per serving.

• The savings differential between the products is not enough to justify the cost differential.



Treatment A Treatment B

Experiment: Side by side

1. ELIMINATE – Minimize the number of competing choices as much as possible

2. EMPHASIZE – Use visual weight to sequence the presentation of products

3. EXPRESS – Ensure clear expression of the product-level value proposition

Three key objectives when managing multiple objectives:


Live Optimization: Unlimited Cellular

Primary Audience

Primary ObjectivePromote deals and savings on specific products

Customers seeking specific mobile products and accessories


Live Optimization: Marriage Helper 911

Primary Audience

Primary Objective

Product resource page

Spouses in troubled marriages


Live Optimization: Marotta

Primary Audience

Primary Objective

Aerospace engineers

B2B satellite propulsion system sales


Live Optimization: Daimer Industries

Primary Audience

Primary Objective

Steam cleaner product page

Commercial and industrial cleaning services


Next Clinic: Background

Background: A large news syndication company.

Goal: To increase the overall number of sign-ups.

Research Question: Which form design will result in the highest number of new member sign-ups?

Test Design: A/B split test

Experiment ID: TP1636Record Location: MECLABS Research LibraryResearch Partner: (Protected)


Next Clinic: Treatment ATreatment A


Next Clinic: Treatment BTreatment


Next Clinic: Side by sideTreatmentControl


Live May 14 at 4:00 p.m. EDT

• The exact changes the company made to its form with before and after versions and how those changes affected conversion on the page

• Examples and case studies on Web form optimization from our library

• How to apply everything you learn to your own pages through live optimization

Join the next live 35-minute Web clinic to discover:

Next Clinic: Optimizing Web forms

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