marketing campaign pitch

Post on 30-May-2015






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Campaign Pitch

MAJE Marketing can take away the hard work and stress of coordinating all of your advertising and marketing, giving you the freedom to focus on your own business matters.

With our deep understanding of Cadburys, and the experience of what works in this industry, the team at MAJE Marketing can position and develop your brand in order to get across to your targeted consumers.

With the many great advertising tools available in this day and age, it is important you select the right mediums to communicate your advertising messages effectively and efficiently. All advertising mediums have their strengths and weaknesses. Through our experience we believe we can help you pick the best medium suited to your products. The team at MAJE are highly qualified and experienced and we will help you get the results you desire.


Our Team at MAJE MarketingJames Page - James is a highly experienced and award-winning marketing executive. He has more than a decade’s experience in marketing across a wide cross-section of industry sectors. He is the leader of this outstanding team.

Alexander Keene - Alexander is a highly experienced consumer marketing executive. He has a broad range of experience, Alexander’s client experience includes planning and managing strategic communications programs for Kellogg's & Schweppes.

Michael Jones - A highly experienced Marketing professional with over nine years’ experience within the consumer and corporate marketing sectors, Michael has great knowledge of the marketing communications process from strategic planning to creative and implementation.

Edward Thompson - Edward is a Junior marketing consultant at MAJE Marketing. He graduated from UTAS at the top of his class and through dedication and hard work has shown how skilled he is in the marketing industry. He is the future of this agency.

Cadbury’s Current marketing Strategy

Cadbury is a well-established brand with a long history in the confectionary industry. Because they are a dominant player in the industry they already have a large market share. Even as this is the case there are still areas where Cadbury can improve. Currently Cadburys have been running the “Joyville” Campaign

• Potentially the biggest concern of Cadbury is that of the low-involvement nature of their consumers’ purchases. There is no real way of creating relationships or establishing loyalty with the consumers.


• Through the new campaign Cadbury’s must try to create more relationships with consumers and form bonds which will lead to increased loyalty. This can be achieved by using competitions and also using a figurehead that people can relate to. A star advocate of Cadburys.

Cadbury’s Current marketing Strategy Currently

• The different products offered by Cadburys are not specifically targeted at groups of consumers, one could argue that the Cadbury ‘Old Gold’ line is targeted at older consumers and that the ‘Freddo’ and ‘Caramello Koala’ lines are targeted at children however there is no direct link between them. The target markets are not clear.


• Cadburys must define each target market for each different product or they face the risk of cannibalisation. The key is having different advertising campaigns for different types of products (chocolates) where specific consumers are targeted rather than targeting just anyone.

• For example: Target 8 years old and under for the Freddo Frog line. Bar chocolate should be targeted at 10 – 18 year olds. Favourites boxes should be targeted at consumers with high disposable income.

Cadbury’s Current marketing Strategy


• Cadbury faces many challenges and currently the growth areas in food are: organic, premium, ethical practices, nutritional labelling, eco- friendly packaging and healthy products; Cadbury is not known for any of these.


• Cadbury should align themselves with a new value and the best two for Cadburys would be ethical practices and eco friendly packaging. In the new and improved advertising campaign we will show consumers about the ethical practices in place in all areas of chocolate production to sale.

• Eco Friendly packaging is another one that can be taken on board and we can advertise this on each package gaining recognition worldwide that Cadburys is eco friendly, which potentially opens up a new market of consumers.

Cadbury’s Current marketing Strategy


• Cadbury's portfolio is homogenously positioned in the mid-market. They are not into cheap chocolate or the luxury end of chocolate, Cadbury needs to define their target market with each specific product.


• Cadburys should look to define their existing products into the three markets, Cheap chocolate, mid-priced chocolate, and the high-end chocolate. By defining these clearly and targeting the correct markets with these products will lead to increased profitability and customer satisfaction.

• All new products must be dealt with in the same way, currently Cadbury operates most of its product in the middle class, they should look to explore new products in the high end range as this is where most of the competition comes from.

Communication tools for Cadbury to use A tool Cadbury could use in future campaigns is broadcast media in an online setting. Streaming and video playback websites such as, or attract millions of viewers every day which now employ short ads of before every video or intermittently during streams. This medium has not been yet recognised and fully utilised by many companies marketing campaigns. As this is a lucrative platform to engage in as the internet is quickly becoming the most used form of recreation and entertainment, which synergises well with Cadbury’s confectionary and snack products. This would not interfere with the message and style of communication as broadcast media can simply transferred in to this platform very easily.

Communication tools for Cadbury to use.Advertising: Advertising’s main feature is increasing awareness about the company and its products. Ads also help promote your product or service and branding for your company. Major advice regarding advertising is to be very clear about the objective, who the audience is and measurement of how effective it is.This currently is Cadburys main tool and has been quite successful in the past. The new advertising methods we use will be targeting specific consumers with specific messages. We will define our target market with specific products and this should lead to the best results yet. We will also be advertising new products using the same method as well as existing products. The increases in success will be evident.

Communication tools for Cadbury to use.Social Media: Social Media’s main purpose is providing “information” about your products, services, and brand, it is also useful to find out people’s opinions about all three of those aspects. Social media is not only growing at a rapid rate, it is becoming a resource for consumers and buyers to research the potential product.Cadburys currently has a minimal presence on social media and we believe you should get heavily involved in this area of marketing. Social media is becoming so big so the possibilities are endless. Having Facebook pages for each type of product and also pages where Cadbury can place updates about its new and current products. Instagram for photos of the products and also twitter for updates. This all can be utilised for the benefit of Cadburys. Social media can be really effective for feedback also which is critical for sustained success.

Communication tools for Cadbury to use.Sales promotion:Tools like coupons, contests act as communication medium and also promote sales. They gain attention and provide information that may lead the consumer to the product. They include a distinct invitation to the consumer complete the transaction.We believe Cadburys can utilise this marketing tool better into the future. This area can provide ways to gain information about customers and also create a bit of loyalty through programs and contests.

Direct Marketing:Through the information gained from promotions and social media Cadburys can directly market their product to specific consumers. Email offers, catalogues and this kind of thing can be used directly at targeted consumers.

Thanks from the team at,

We hope to hear from you soon.

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