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Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803

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Marine and Petroleum Geology

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Reverse structures in accommodation zone and early compartmentalization ofextensional system, Laminaria High (NW shelf, Australia)

Laurent Langhi a,b,*, Gilles D. Borel c

a Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerlandb CSIRO Petroleum, ARRC, Technology Park, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, WA 6151, Australiac Museum of Geology, Lausanne, UNIL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 6 February 2007Received in revised form 2 October 2007Accepted 4 October 2007

Keywords:Accommodation zoneFlower structureAustraliaSeismic attributes

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 (0)8 6436 8741;E-mail address: (L. Langhi

0264-8172/$ – see front matter Crown Copyright � 2doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.04.007

a b s t r a c t

The sediments dynamics and structural development associated with the Late Jurassic rifting phaserepresent the key factors on the accumulation of hydrocarbon in the Timor Sea. On the Laminaria High(Bonaparte Basin) the main Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian E–W fault system forms structural traps whereseveral discoveries have been made.Recent 3D seismic analysis has been performed based on a combination of classic structural analysis,structure-sensitive seismic attributes (grid-based, surface-based, full-volume) and meta-attribute com-putations. The analysis has revealed secondary reverse structures associated with the main E–W fabricand prone to act as secondary hydrocarbon traps and/or as migration barriers.The main E–W fault system consists of a complex series of sub-parallel faults that connect via relayramps or accommodation zones. One of these zones is associated with a transverse anticline resultingfrom the development of a positive flower structure.The model presented in this article and supported by the interpretation of the seismic data demonstratesthat the flower structure developed in an extensional setting. The formation of such a reverse structurecan be related to the propagation process of the main E–W fault plane which grows by addition ofsecondary en-echelon tip faults. Isopach analysis and displacement pattern suggest that a zone of dif-ferential displacement occurs between two segments of the main fault plane, inducing local strike-slipmovements able to form transpressional uplift associated with restraining bend.This structure related to a rotation of the stress field compartmentalises the early development of theadjacent graben and then controls the distribution of the syn-rift Frigate Fm (Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian).

Crown Copyright � 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The Mesozoic extensional event that culminated with the LateJurassic Argo Abyssal Plain opening (Muller et al., 1998; Borel andStampfli, 2002) is mainly responsible for the general NE–SW struc-tural grain that characterise the present day Australian NW Shelf.

Due to older structures related to rifting episodes during theDevonian–Carboniferous (Baillie et al., 1994) and the Permo-Carboniferous (Etheridge and O’Brien, 1994; Borel and Stampfli,2002; Langhi and Borel, 2005) such a trend can locally vary as it isthe case on the Laminaria High and the Nancar Trough area(Bonaparte Basin) where major Mesozoic structures are E–Wtrending (de Ruig et al., 2000; Castillo et al., 2000).

In this area, the development of basinward and landward dip-ping normal faults post-date the deposition of the Laminaria Fm

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during the Callovian–Oxfordian and form a series of horsts andgrabens.

Previous studies (Smith et al., 1996; de Ruig et al., 2000) havedescribed the Late Jurassic structures of the Laminaria High and theNancar Trough area, focussing mainly on the structural highs wherehydrocarbon discoveries have been made within the Callovian–Oxfordian sandstones (Longley et al., 2002).

Further detailed 3D investigation on this area highlights thecomplex and segmented structure of the main E–W Mesozoicnormal fault systems.

Furthermore, seismic attribute analysis performed on the LateJurassic–Early Cretaceous section reveals secondary oblique struc-tural trends (NW- to NNW-trending) mainly located within themain depressions. These trends represent accommodation zones(Faulds and Varga, 1998) used to transfer displacement and eleva-tion between loci of differential deformation.

Thorough 3D seismic analysis and seismic attribute mapping ofsuch a structural feature located on the western part of the Lami-naria 3D survey reveal the presence of a reverse faults system

rights reserved.

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803792

forming a positive flower structure and compartmentalizing an E–W trending graben.

This paper presents elements and model those explain andreconcile the presence of an oblique flower structure in extensionalsetting and that link its development to the propagation process ofthe main EW border fault system.

2. Structural and stratigraphic setting

The study area is located on the Laminaria High (Fig. 1), in theNorthern Bonaparte Basin. It lies on the boundary between thecontinental shelf and slope that plunges to the north into the TimorTrough. It is regionally bounded by the Nancar and Cartier Troughsto the south and the Flamingo Syncline to the east. Smith et al.(1996) defined the Laminaria High as a small, east-orientateddrowned platform-remnant with a shallow Palaeozoic basementrelative to the adjacent synclines.

The Bonaparte Basin has a complex structural history andpresents Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sub-basins and drowned plat-forms that can exhibit strongly divergent orientations.

The Phanerozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the BonaparteBasin has been documented by Veevers (1988), Pattillo and Nicholls(1990), AGSO (1994), Baillie et al. (1994), Hocking et al. (1994),Whittam et al. (1996), O’Brien et al. (1996), Shuster et al. (1998),Labutis et al. (1998), O’Brien et al. (1999) or Longley et al. (2002).

Three major extensional phases have affected the BonaparteBasin during the Phanerozoic.

� On the southern part of the basin a localised evaporite de-position during the Ordovician–Silurian was followed by aninitial phase of rifting associated with the Late Devonian–EarlyCarboniferous development of the NW-trending Petrel Sub-basin. Although Early Palaeozoic deposits are generally toodeep to be observed on seismic in the Northern BonaparteBasin (de Ruig et al., 2000), the NW–SE fabric associated withthis episode can be recognised in the broad NW–SE trend of theNancar Trough, Sahul Syncline and Flamingo Syncline.

Fig. 1. Geological setting and Late Jurassic structural elements of the Laminaria High.AP: Ashmore Platform; CT: Cartier Trough; DS: Darwin Shelf; FH: Flamingo High; FS:Flamingo Syncline; L3D: Laminaria 3D survey; LdH: Londonderry High; LH: LaminariaHigh; MG: Malita Graben; NT: Nancar Trough, PSb: Petrel Sub-basin; PS: Plover Shelf;SP: Sahul Platform; SS Sahul Syncline; TI: Timor Island; TT: Timor Trough; VSb: VulcanSub-basin; YS: Yampi Shelf.

� The Permo-Carboniferous is marked by the initiation of theNeotethys rift system that propagated from Australia to theeastern Mediterranean area, removing slivers of Gondwanaterranes (Borel and Stampfli, 2002; Stampfli and Borel, 2002).On the northwestern margin of Australia, this rifting generatedextensive deformation trending mainly northeast (Langhi andBorel, 2005) that defined the large-scale geometry of themargin and that formed the so-called Westralian Superbasin(Yeates et al., 1987).� Superimposed on this Palaeozoic structural grain is a regional

Late Jurassic NE–SW fabric (de Ruig et al., 2000), which is re-lated to the final break-up of Gondwana and the opening of theabyssal plains (AGSO, 1994). In the Bonaparte Basin, the NE-trending Vulcan Sub-basin and Cartier Trough as well as theMalita Graben highlight this structural fabric. On the LaminariaHigh, this NE–SW trend changes to E–W (de Ruig et al., 2000).This variation could be attributed to the presence of underlyingstructures.

Following the continental break-up a classic passive marginsequence developed on the NW Shelf, which gave way throughoutthe Tertiary to a carbonate shelf (e.g. Whittam et al., 1996).

During the Miocene–Pleistocene the convergence of the Aus-tralian Plate and the Banda Arc established an oblique collisionalsetting in the northern Bonaparte Basin (Keep et al., 2002). Al-though strike-slip reactivation has been suggested in the Timor Sea(e.g. Shuster et al., 1998) local studies in the Northern BonaparteBasin (Harrowfield et al., 2003) and the Laminaria High (de Ruiget al., 2000; Langhi, 2006) continuously report Neogene net normalfault offsets, while structural patterns typically associated withstrike-slip movement are often lacking. Furthermore, on the basisof the regional structural trend and paleo-stress estimation usingfault-slip inversion technique, Gartrell and Lisk (2005) and Gartrellet al. (2006) have suggested a north–north-west extensional re-gime associated with the late Miocene in the Timor Sea. Langhi(2006) suggests that the tension induced by the flexure of theAustralian margin may be a major local factor for the developmentof the Neogene structures.

The lateral distribution of the Neogene strain is primarilyinherited from the pre-existing Jurassic architecture (Gartrell et al.,2006) with most of the deformation accommodated within theTertiary section by newly formed Miocene–Pliocene normal faultsystems (Langhi, 2006).

The deposits of the Laminaria High clearly record the Mesozoicrifting phase (Fig. 2).

The deltaic and shelfal marine Plover Fm (Labutis et al., 1998)spans most of the Early and Middle Jurassic. Deltaic and shelfalmarine environment still characterises the Callovian–Oxfordianwith the deposition of the Laminaria sandstones (Table 1). Thisperiod is coeval with a major regional uplift (J30 sequence inLongley et al., 2002) that marks the transition between the pre-riftand syn-rift phases. During that period, the northern part of theKimberley Craton acted as the major sediment source (de Ruiget al., 2000).

The subsequent formations clearly reflect a deepening of thedepositional environment with the presence of the Frigate(Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian), Flamingo (Tithonian–Berriasian) andEchuca Shoals (Valanginian–Barremian) shaly formations, charac-teristic of open marine environment (Whittam et al., 1996). Thethickness variation recorded in several wells (Table 1) suggests thatthe Frigate and Flamingo Formations are coeval with the main rift-related fault displacement phase. This section, associated witha rapid rise in relative sea level, represents the base of the regionalseal. Additionally the Oxfordian–Berriasian shales (e.g. Frigate andFlamingo Fm) are traditionally considered to contain the principaloil-prone source-rock in the region.

Fig. 2. Late Mesozoic and Early Cainozoic lithostratigraphy for the Laminaria High(modified from de Ruig et al., 2000).

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803 793

The Aptian–Maastrichian sequence is composed of northwest-erly-thinning progradational wedges, similar to those found else-where in the Bonaparte Basin. It comprises the Darwin, Jamieson,Woolaston, Gibson, Fenelon and Turnston Fms. These Cretaceoussediments are thin compared to the adjacent areas and substantialerosion and non-deposition occurred over the Laminaria High(Smith et al., 1996).

The overlying thick Cainozoic section represents an extensivecover of shelfal carbonates prograding over the Northern BonaparteBasin.

Table 1Stratigraphy for the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous on the Laminaria High

Horizon Vidalia-1 Pandorina

Age Depth(mRT)

Litho Age

Top Echuca Shoals Fm (KA) Barremian–Aptian 2948 Clst, calc clst BarremiaEchuca Shoals Fm thickness 36Top Flamingo Fm (KV) Berriasian 2984 Clst HautFlamingo Fm thickness 109Near top Frigate

Fm (Jc this study)Oxfordian–Tithonian 3093 Cist Tithonian

Frigate Fm thickness 26Top Laminaria Fm Callovian–Oxfordian 3119 Sst, minor

sltst, clstCallovian

Laminaria Fm thickness 79Top Plover Fm Callovian 3198 Sst, minor

sltst, clstCallovian

Vidalia-1, Pandorina-1 and Corallina-1 record the deposition history on the three main struhorst (see Fig. 3). Note the thickening of the Frigate Fm in Pandorina-1 suggesting that tphase. Sst¼ sandstone; sltst¼ siltstone; clst¼ claystone.

3. Methods, 3D interpretation workflow

Seismic data available for this study comprises the Laminaria3D survey with asymmetric binning of 12.5 m� 25 m. It ischaracterised by an average signal-to-noise ratio for the Late Ju-rassic–Early Cretaceous section partly due to low reflectivity at topreservoir (Smith et al., 1996). Therefore, several workflows havebeen used to combine seismic attributes and known classificationprocesses into enhanced seismic resolution (Reymond, 2000;Langhi and Reymond, 2005).

The structural interpretation is essentially based on the recog-nition of geological features observed along various surfaces (sur-face-based and grid-based attributes on interpreted horizon orregional paleotrend horizons) and on vertical seismic sections. Thecomputation and analysis of full attribute cubes increase thenumber of independent representations of geobodies and furtherconstrain the recognition of the structural patterns and themapping of their lateral extent. A final important step in the in-terpretation workflow consisted of iterating between the grid-based and the section-based results to validate the geologicalinterpretations.

This approach has been applied to improve the seismic recog-nition of the Late Jurassic structural style and has led to a betterrecognition of major and subtle fault systems and to an extendedcharacterisation of the local structural evolution.

3.1. Structural geobodies

Unlike ‘‘sedimentary’’ geobodies (e.g. fan, channel, sand sheet)that can be defined by their internal reflectivity and seismic texture(Langhi and Reymond, 2005), faults do not generally show char-acteristic internal texture in classical seismic representation (e.g.amplitude, phase or frequency). These structural features representspecial type of seismic geobodies more likely to appear like trendsand are characterised by the variation or the discontinuity of theseismic signal at their boundaries. Such variation of the seismicsignal can be captured on map by selected sets of grid-based andsurface-based seismic attributes (e.g. instantaneous attributesmapping the values of any transform of the seismic trace alonga surface trend or integrated attributes from a defined volume re-stricted around the surface, see below). The definition of the localvariance has been used in order to extract the unconformity of theseismic signal. Variance cubes were computed (regional, EW- andNS-trending variance cubes) in order to track specific structuralorientations and provided independent input towards 3D seismicstructural interpretation.

-1 Corallina-1


Litho Age Depth(mRT)


n–Aptian 3020 Clst Barremian–Aptian 2924 Clst42 26

3062 Clst Berriasian 2950 Clst, silty clst197 172

3259 Clst, minorsltst

Oxfordian–Tithonian 3122 Silty clst

76 42–Oxfordian 3335 Sst, minor

sltst, clstOxfordian 3164 Sst, minor clst

81 1203416 Sst, minor

sltst, clstCallovian 3284 Sst, sltst

ctural features of the study area, respectively, the H1horst, the G1 graben and the H2he Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian is coeval with the main rift-related fault displacement

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803794

3.2. Seismic attributes

For this research, following pre-conditioning of the data by post-stack filtering, the following seismic attributes have been success-fully combined to capture and map structural geobodiesdistribution.

Fig. 3. Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous structure map on the Laminaria High based on a paleoan oblique (NW–NNW) structural trend related to accommodation zones. Coherent zones icharacteristics of the accommodation zones are preserved. Structural features in black. (C) S(H1 and H2) and graben (G1). The local Late Jurassic stress field for the Laminaria High is

� Seismic attributes derived from variance cubes computedalong paleo-horizons or along interpreted horizons (or re-stricted volume around them, i.e. integrated attributes). It in-cludes amplitude extraction, apparent polarity and thereflection strength. They were used to define the structuralgeobodies and their geometry. Seismic attributes derived from

-horizon. (A) Correlation map highlighting the principal EW-trending fault systems andn light gray. (B) Meta-attribute enhancing the definition of the structural trends, sometructure map and definition of the principal border fault systems and the main horsts

characteristic of an extensional regime with sv> shmax> shmin (s1> s2> s3).

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803 795

the spectral decomposition of the reflectivity response onvariance cubes are used to approximate and laterally in-terpolate the extent of geobodies.� Seismic attributes related to signal continuity computed along

paleo-horizons or interpreted horizons (or restricted volumearound) and derived from the original seismic amplitude ver-sion: instantaneous phase, integrated cosine of phase andcorrelation maps (Fig. 3). They were used to constrain the ge-ometry of structural geobodies. The apparent polarity and thereflection strength can also guide the delimitation of structuralfeatures.� Grid-based attributes related to the geometry of interpreted

grid (no amplitude data used): dip, azimuth and edge en-hancement. They were used to refine the interpretation ofmain structural features and to define subtle fracture systems.

3.3. Enhancing seismic attributes resolution

Three processes have been applied to improve the limited res-olution observed within each seismic attribute.

� Meta-attributes (de Rooij and Tingdahl, 2002) or mathematicalcombinations of seismic attribute (Langhi and Reymond, 2005)to increase continuity-related anomalies in a low-resolutionenvironment. While attributes’ classification methods (seebelow) relies on the statistical recognition of a ‘‘seismic iden-tity’’ of a geobody, the definition of meta-attributes is based, for

Fig. 4. Late Jurassic structure map on the western Laminaria High, top Laminaria Fm. Locationeural network based classification). (B) Azimuth map, top Laminaria Fm. (C) Structure mapfault system bfs2. Low areas in dark gray, high areas in light gray.

this research, on independent representations of a commoncharacter that are normalized and mathematically combined inorder to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio (e.g. see Fig. 3b).� Geostatistical classification methods to optimise the identifi-

cation and outlines of structural geobodies at both local andregional scales. Due to the lack of calibration data for structuralfeatures an unsupervised approach has been used.� Neural network based classification algorithms (also


4. Results

The Phanerozoic structural style of the Laminaria High reflectsits tectonic history and is composed of three levels with a Permianblock-faulted structural basement, a Jurassic–Cretaceous horst andgraben system and a Late Cainozoic system (de Ruig et al., 2000).

A series of EW-trending principal border fault systems (bfs,Fig. 3) characterises the Jurassic–Cretaceous structural level anddelimits the main horsts and grabens (H1, H2 and G1, Fig. 3). Thesefault systems often consist of a series of multiple sub-parallel faultplanes that connect via relay ramp or accommodation zones,assisting the distribution and accommodation of most of the overallstrain.

The geometry and distribution of the principal border faultshave been used to determinate the local Late Jurassic stress field atthe Laminaria High (Fig. 3). The regime appears as purely exten-sional with the maximum stress (s1), vertical and minimum stress(s3), horizontal and parallel to the extension direction at 3N

n of Fig. 3. (A) Structural class map with fault zone in light gray (2 classes, unsupervisedon the top Laminaria Fm, distribution of secondary systems associated with the border

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803796

(Fig. 3). This orientation is slightly oblique to the regionalextensional direction inferred by either AGSO (1994) or Mulleret al. (1998) based upon magnetic anomalies definition. This var-iation could most likely be related to the presence of underlyinginherited structures affecting the development of the Jurassic–Cretaceous fault systems.

The individual fault planes of the principal border fault systems(Figs. 3 and 4) often display undulating fault strike geometry, typ-ical of relict connection zones (Fig. 4) between fault segments(Marchal, 1998; Marchal et al., 2003).

A major seaward (northward) dipping border fault system (bfs2,Fig. 3) characterises the Late Jurassic structure on the study areaand delimits a southern positive structural trend, the location of theCorallina and Laminaria fields (H1, Fig. 3), and a northern majorgraben (G1, Fig. 3). The latter is bounded, to the north, by a narrowhorst where Vidalia-1 and Claudea-1 have been drilled (H2, Fig. 3).This fault system (bfs2, Figs. 3 and 4) includes a series of main faultplanes with an average length of ca. 10 km that display severalassociated features such as fault tips, breached relay ramp andpossible splay branch as well as bends (e.g. fault bfs2_b, Fig. 4).

Beside the principal fault systems, associated fault systems (alsoEW-trending) are well developed and help to accommodate theLate Jurassic strain (Figs. 3 and 4). The associated fault strike (Fig. 4)also displays undulating or completely segmented geometry. Relayramps are also visible as well as rapid inversion of dip (Fig. 4). Thesesystems are particularly well developed within the main graben(G1, Figs. 3 and 4) where they form several associated restrictedhorsts and grabens (e.g. G1g1, Fig. 4).

Fig. 5. E–W cross-section through the transverse anticline. Location on Fig. 4. (A) SeismicFlattened seismic section and definition of the stratigraphic pattern above the top Laminar

Seismic attributes generated on a paleo-horizontal through theJurassic–Cretaceous structural level show the E–W trend for theprincipal border faults and the associated fault systems. These at-tributes also reveal subtle trends, obliquely orientated (NW–NNW)to the principal trend (Fig. 3). The latter structural features coincidewith accommodation zones (Faulds and Varga, 1998) that de-veloped to transfer displacement and elevation between loci ofdifferential deformation. They correspond to belts of overlappingfault terminations well known in rift setting (e.g. Morley et al.,1990; Morley, 2002; Moustafa, 2002).

3D seismic interpretation reveals that such an accommodationzone, located on the western part of the study area, is formed bya transverse anticline (Figs. 4 and 5). This structure is related toa connection zone (undulation) between segments of a principalseaward dipping fault (bfs2_b, Fig. 4) and compartmentalises theassociated restricted graben that is intersected (i.e. G1g1, Fig 4).

Similar secondary structures that develop obliquely to theprincipal border faults have been reported in rift and extensionalsettings in the Red Sea (Moustafa, 2002) in East Africa (Morley,2002), in Eastern North America (Schlische, 1993) or in the AlpineBriançonnais domain (Borel, 1997).

Thorough interpretation and attributes’ analysis in the vicinityof the transverse anticline (Figs. 4 and 6) reveals that this feature isthe result of the development of a series of reverse faults forminga positive flower structure (Figs. 5 and 7).

In map view, the flower structure is characterised by an anas-tomosing array of reverse faults (Fig. 6) that forms anticline‘‘pop-up’’ structures (domal uplift, see Stone, 1995). These display

section with the top Laminaria Fm, top Echuca Shoals Fm and top Jamieson Fm. (B)ia Fm.

Fig. 6. Structure map of the flower structure on the western Laminaria High, top Laminaria Fm. Location on Fig. 4. (A) Variance extraction on top Laminaria Fm, on EW-trendingvariance cube (EW features are preferably highlighted in dark gray). (B) Variance extraction on top Laminaria Fm, on NS-trending Variance cube (NS features are preferablyhighlighted in dark gray). (C) Amplitude extraction, on top Laminaria Fm, on classic amplitude seismic data. Positive anomalies are highlighted by dashed lines with higher values indark. (D) Structure map of the flower structure and the subtle EW-trending secondary faults. The local Late Jurassic stress field associated with the secondary flower structure ischaracteristic of a strike-slip regime with shmax> sv> shmin (s1> s2> s3).

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803 797

a near-sigmoidal pattern previously described by McClay andBonora (2001) for similar modelled structures.

Despite the average seismic resolution, 53 segments have beenidentified within this structure and 37 of them intercept theOxfordian top Laminaria Fm horizon (Fig. 6).

These segments are eastward and westward dipping with anaverage length of ca. 400 m (smallest interpreted segment¼ ca.100 m, largest¼ ca. 550 m) and an average dip of 50�. They areNNW- to N-orientated, almost perpendicular to the principalstructural trend and cross a 2 km wide associated graben (G1g1,Fig. 6). The flower structure is clearly related to a connection zoneon the principal seaward dipping border fault (bfs2_b, Figs. 4 and 6)with its southern end located on the connecting segment betweenparent and tip faults (connection zone on Fig. 6). To the north, thestructure tends to widen (up to 1.5 km wide) and then terminatesagainst a landward dipping (southward dipping) fault system. Inthe vicinity of this northern limit, reverse faults can rapidly changeto normal faults without variation of strike geometry (Fig. 6).

Beside the north-trending ‘‘regional’’ transverse anticline(Fig. 6) that defines the overall structure several local anticlineshave been identified forming secondary pop-up structures (Fig. 7).

Calculated stress field state around the flower structure showsa local rotation of the constraints. The horizontal stresses remainsimilar to the regional ones with shmax (s1) sub-parallel to theborder fault system and shmax (s3) sub-parallel to the extensiondirection and sv becoming the intermediate stress (s2) inducinga reverse setting (Fig. 6).

Serial cross-sections across the flower structure reveal its in-ternal geometry (Fig. 7).

To the south (Fig. 7a) the structure is slightly asymmetric withthe main pop-up structures shifted to the east (between a1-b2 andb1-b2, Figs. 6d and 7a). The pop-up structures are associated withconcave up or planear reverse faults. Maximum reverse offsetreaches ca. 12 ms TWT (ca. 15 m) and the elevation of the main pop-up structure relative to the average graben altitude is ca.35 ms TWT (ca. 50 m).

Going northward, the flower structure regains symmetry(Fig. 7b) with a series of pop-ups forming a well-developed anti-cline (more than 1 km wide) between two principal divergent re-verse faults (a1 and b4; Figs. 6d and 7b).

Near the centre of the graben (Fig. 7c), a narrow pop-up struc-ture develops. Maximum reverse offset reaches ca. 15 ms TWT (ca.20 m) and the elevation of the main structure relative to the aver-age graben altitude is ca. 40 ms TWT (ca. 55 m). The overall flowerstructure is associated with concave up or planar reverse faults.

At the northern extremity (Fig. 7d), the widening of the overallstructure is associated with the development of two distinct flowerstructures (between a14-b19 and a15-b22; Figs. 6d and 7d).

Rapid variations in geometry and dip direction of reverse faultsare often recorded within the flower structure that forms thetransverse anticline, such character is typical of a reverse faultsystem forming a flower structure in response to a strike-slipmovement (Christie-Blick and Biddle, 1985).

5. Fault systems evolution

Transverse or oblique secondary structures, related to accom-modation zones between principal border faults or to variation of

Fig. 7. Serial cross-sections across the flower structure. Location on Fig. 6.

L. Langhi, G.D. Borel / Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (2008) 791–803798

geometry of a principal border fault plane, have long been recog-nised in extensional settings (e.g. Morley et al., 1990; Schlische,1993; Polis et al., 2005). Secondary transverse anticlines and syn-clines can control the distribution of oil and gas accumulations byinfluencing the deposition of reservoir and source-rocks, by facili-tating or restricting migration and by forming stratigraphic andstructural traps (e.g. Morley et al., 1990; Gawthorpe and Hurst,1993; Destro et al., 2003; Polis et al., 2005). Transverse anticlineshave great potential for closure and concentration of hydrocarbons(Faulds and Varga, 1998).

The positive flower structure observed on seismic over theLaminaria High is clearly related to a connection zone between twosegments of a border fault plane (bfs2_b, Figs. 4 and 6). Such con-nection zones can form either by interference between isolatedfaults (‘‘isolated-to-isolated fault-linkage process’’ after Marchalet al., 2003) or, as here, the result of a ‘‘tip-to-parent connection’’(Marchal et al., 2003). This occurs when a single fault plane growsby addition of secondary structures that step out of plane (laterally),to form unconnected tip faults and en-echelon patterns and thenundulating zones (see Marchal et al., 2003).

The pattern formed by the border fault bfs2_b (Fig. 4) is char-acteristic of an isolated fault horizontal termination and reflects the

tip-to-parent arrangement described by Marchal (1998) an Marchalet al. (2003). The composite nature of the border fault plane isrepresented by a bent segment that corresponds to a connectionzone between parent and tip fault (Figs. 4 and 6). Furthermore, theborder fault plane (i.e. bsf2_b in Fig. 4) displays associated featuresthat are characteristic of grown single fault, such as incipient faulttips, breached relay ramp and a possible splay branch (Fig. 4) (seeFig. 4 in Marchal et al., 2003).

The throw variation for this fault plane (i.e. bsf2_b, Figs. 4 and 6)is presented on a displacement–distance plot in Fig. 8 (D–X graph inMuraoka and Kamata, 1983) and shows the along-strike verticaloffset variation relative to the horizontal distance for the top Lam-inaria Fm. The zone of maximum throw (ca. 150 ms TWT or 200 m)is located on the eastern part of the fault plane and extends ca. 3 kmwestward from the point of maximum displacement (Dmax, Fig. 8).West of the maximum displacement point, a lower displacementgradient is recorded (ca. 100–120 ms TWT or 150–160 m) until thefault reaches the connection zone (10–11 km from Dmax). This area ischaracterised by minimum values of throw (ca. 60 ms TWT or80 m), reflecting the presence of the positive flower structure. Thelocal relative maximum throw of the western-most segment of thefault plane (tip fault) is less than 100 ms TWT (120–130 m).

Fig. 9. Extension of the first deposits on the bsf2_b hanging-wall block. (A) Amplitude map 25 ms above top Laminaria Fm highlighting the geometry of the first onlap and the limitsof the initial depocentre I. (B) Isopach map representing the paleotopography of the bfs2_b hanging-wall block. The initial depocentre I is correlated with the deepest area. (C)Sediments’ extension for the initial depocentres I (reflectors Ja, Fig. 5b) and II (reflectors Jb, Fig. 5b). (D) Sediments’ extension for the latest syn-rift phase (reflectors Jc, Fig. 5b).

Fig. 8. Throw variation along the bfs2_b fault plane showing the along-strike vertical offset variation relative to the horizontal distance. Throw is shown in ms TWT (gray line) andm (black line). The maximum throw value for the bfs2_b fault plane is labelled Dmax. The flower structure (transverse anticline) correlates with a minimum in throw values between10 and 11 km from Dmax. The parent fault is on the right side of the graph and the tip fault on the left side.

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Fig. 10. N–S cross-section with syn-rift packages. Location on Fig. 9. (A) Seismic section flattened on Jb horizon. (B) Seismic section flattened on top Echuca Shoals Fm. Bothsedimentary sections between top Laminaria Fm and Jb and between Jb and Jc show a thickening characteristic of syn-tectonic deposits.

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The first sediments overlying the top Laminaria Fm (156 Ma,Fig. 2), and observable on the E–W section across the graben(Fig. 9), have been used to document the fault-linkage evolutionand the coeval development of the flower structure.

The first deposits are located on the zone of maximum throw,with subtle onlap patterns visible on both the section (Fig. 5, re-flectors Ja) and map view (Fig. 9a, c). These features define the limitof an initial depocentre (initial depocentre I, Fig. 9b, c) related to thedevelopment of the main border fault segment. During this earlyperiod, the western part of the main segment (3–10 km from Dmax

on Figs. 8 and 9c) may have potentially formed, but with offsets notsignificant enough to be associated with a sedimentary recorddefinable on seismic data.

The architecture of the following Jb reflector, in-filling therestricted depocentres on both sides of the flower structure(initial depocentre II, Fig. 9c), suggests the quasi coeval de-velopment of the western part of the main segment and the tipfault, as well as the initiation of the transverse positive flowerstructure. This phase marks the connection of the border faultsegments (parent and tip) and the initiation of the compart-mentalization of the graben G1g1 (Fig. 4). Further to the west, as

Fig. 11. Random cross-section from Alaria-1, located on the horst H1 trough the bsf2 fault sysA) can be correlated eastward (frame B) and on the hanging-wall block (frame C). Location

another border fault plane forms (bfs2_b, Fig. 9c), additionaldepocentres develop.

Once joined, the undulating border fault is still active as high-lighted by the thickening of the sedimentary package betweenhorizon Jb and Jc on the flattened cross-section (Fig. 10). The as-sociated depocentre covers the entire restricted graben G1g1(Fig. 9d) at this stage.

Following deposition of horizon Jc (Figs. 5 and 10), the relativeconstant thickness of overlying sedimentary packages (Fig. 10)suggests an important decrease in fault activity.

The Jc reflector also marks the cessation of the main activity ofthe flower structure (Fig. 7), highlighting the dependence betweenthe two structures (i.e. bfs2_b and flower structure).

To further constrain the timing of the border fault and flowerstructure development, interpreted reflectors located in the G1graben have been tied with stratigraphic markers from the footwallof the bsf2_b border fault (i.e. Alaria-1). While the top Laminaria Fmand post-rift markers (e.g. top Echuca Shoals Fm and top JamiesonFm) correlate well through the border fault, the recognition of syn-rift horizons can be complicated by variations in their configurationbetween footwall and hanging wall.

tem and to the graben G1. The seismic character of the top Frigate Fm in Alaria-1 (frameon Fig. 3.

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In Alaria-1, the top of the Frigate Fm is characterised by thepresence of a marly section (Iris Marl, ca. 152 Ma, de Ruig et al.,2000) associated with higher amplitude reflectors (Fig. 11).

Although this seismic character tends to vary and decrease lat-erally, it has been interpreted north of the border fault, within thegraben G1, where it roughly corresponds to the Jc horizon (Fig. 11)and coeval with the decrease in fault activity.

Based on this interpretation, sedimentation rates (compactedand decompacted) have been calculated on the hanging wall offault bfs2_b (Figs. 4 and 6), for the periods associated with the maintectonic activity and for the overlying section up to the Albian(Jamieson Fm).

While the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian deposits (between topLaminaria Fm and Jc) show sedimentation rates of ca. 100 m/Ma(decompacted sediments), the rate for the overlying Tithonian–Albian section is only ca. 35 m/Ma (decompacted sediments).

This variation emphasizes the difference between an early LateJurassic phase (Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian, top Laminaria Fm to Jc,i.e. Frigate Formation) of main tectonic activity, followed by a LateJurassic to Cretaceous phase with decreasing tectonic activity andthen finally with fault movement most likely associated with sed-iment loading.

6. Flower structure in extensional setting and effect of latterreactivation

The development of positive flower structures is commonlyattributed to wrench or transpressional strike-slip zones (e.g.Christie-Blick and Biddle, 1985; Naylor et al., 1986; McClay andBonora, 2001).

The displacement–distance plot for the fault bfs2_b (Fig. 8)shows displacement values higher for the western part of the mainsegment than for the tip fault. This element, associated withthe left-stepping en-echelon pattern drawn by the segments(parent and tip, Figs. 12 and 13b), suggests a zone of differential

Fig. 12. Evolution of the bsf2_b fault and development of the flower structure. (A) Early stposition of Ja reflectors, Fig. 5b). (B) Development of a zone of differential displacement cobetween the two fault segments and the variation of displacement gradient is responsible fostructures are similar to pop-ups and uplifts for restraining stepover geometry modelled b

displacement occurring between the two segments, at thelocation of an early accommodation zone. This configuration thenallows for a local relative left-lateral strike-slip movement andtranspressional uplift associated with restraining bend (‘‘pop-upsand uplifts for restraining stepover geometry’’ in McClay andBonora, 2001; Fig. 12).

During the Neogene time the Laminaria High has been affectedby a tectonic phase induced by the complex collisional setting in-volving the irregular Australian northern margin, the Pacific plateand the Eurasian continent (Keep et al., 2002; Harrowfield et al.,2003). On the Laminaria High this phase reactivated the Late Ju-rassic structural features as demonstrated by the lateral distribu-tion of the Neogene fault systems clustering above majorunderlying Mesozoic structures (Gartrell et al., 2006; Langhi, 2006).Most of the Neogene normal deformation is accommodated byTertiary (Miocene–Pliocene) fault systems and therefore this epi-sode does not appear to have significantly affected or modified thelocal Mesozoic structural style. The stratigraphic architecture of theLate Jurassic Formations (Figs. 5, 7 and 9) further emphasizes thatthe flower structure is clearly related to an Oxfordian–Kimmer-idgian tectonic activity (between the top Laminaria Fm and re-flector Jc, Fig. 7) as it post-dates the deposition of the Laminariasandstone and pre-dates the deposition of the Flamingo Formation.

7. Conclusions

On the Laminaria High, the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian–Kimmer-idgian) propagation of an E–W trending normal border fault wasresponsible for the development of a secondary local strike-slipsetting and the formation of a N- to NNW-trending positive flowerstructure.

The development of such a secondary structure seems to be anisolated case as most observed fault zones in the area and in similarsettings imply some degree of segments overlap and/or the de-velopment of splays that usually accommodate the differential

age of the Frigate Fm deposition and initiation of the bfs2 boundary fault system (de-eval with the connection of the bfs2_b parent and tip faults. The left-stepping patternr the development of a relative left-lateral strike-slip movement. The secondary reversey McClay and Bonora (2001).

Fig. 13. Schematic block diagram with the evolution of the bfs2 fault and associateddeposits. (A) Initiation of the fault system near the top Laminaria Fm (ca. 156 Ma). (B)Restricted early syn-rift deposits and development of the initial depocentre I duringthe early Frigate Fm. (C) Connection between bfs2_b parent and tip faults and de-velopment of strike-slip movement and the flower structure. (D) Following the con-nection, the bfs2_b fault plane is still active until the top of the Frigate Fm (ca. 152 Ma).

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displacement and therefore prevent the development of obliquesecondary reverse structures.

The Laminaria High the flower structure significantly affectedthe restricted graben G1g1 by controlling the sediments dynamicsand the structural style. This structure, along with the associatedsecondary E–W trending system, has the potential to locally affectthe trapping mechanism of fluids within the reservoir-proneLaminaria Fm as demonstrated by amplitude anomalies observed atthe top of the sandstone unit.

It is observed as well that the positive flower structure directlyaffecting the oil-prone Oxfordian–Berriasian source-rock (FrigateFm) could act as a migration barrier. Reduction of lateral conduc-tivity due to the development of the reverse fault planes has thepotential to jeopardise fluids transfer trough the G1g1 graben.These types of structure could be playing an important role inconstraining the complex charge distribution pattern observed inthe Laminaria High area where possible lack of adequate chargeremains a major exploration risk.

The scenario where secondary positive structures develop andpotentially affect the migration pathway supports the concept of

compartmentalised source kitchens in the region as postulated byGeorge et al. (2002).


The authors thank Woodside Energy Ltd for granting the accessto the seismic data. We thank S. Reymond, C. Dyt, R. Kempton, A.Ross and an anonymous reviewer for their comments that im-proved the original manuscript. Schlumberger provided access tothe GeoFrame software. This project has been partly supported bythe Swiss National Fund for Research (SNF): grant number 2000-059188, 2000 20-100006/1.


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