marcos moura lunch & learn presentation february 3, 2017

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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I'm excited to be able to share this amazing business opportunity with you. If you've ever thought of starting your own business, becoming free from corporate america, and do work that matters to you and to your community, you owe it to yourself.

Over the years I’ve shared these steps with a few colleagues in franchising. At �rst I did so reluctantly and only to folks I really trust. But every time I did, I would get these intense stares like I had a third eye or something hanging from my nose. The stares were followed with “you have to help me implement this in my company” At �rst, I resisted. I wasn’t sure about having other brands copy what we were doing.

And then I posted an article on LinkedIn that detailed why we generate leads through social media. My intended audience was actually the franchise prospects I was already connected with on LinkedIn.

While this started as a personal project - it has forever changed how I view franchise development…

Hi Marcos Moura Here

The senior population is growing at a rapid rate. Consider these statistics: Every day more than 8,000 Americans celebrate their 65th birthday. These seniors are being discharged from hospitals and skills nursings at an alarming rate and desperately need home care and assisted living placement services.

But wasn’t always like that...


1 Location

Frustration 2012

$2k Budget

No Online Presence


Recruit the rightentrepreneursfor your brand

Franchising 101

Cast a Wide Net

Nothing Was Working...

Revolution Dynamics

Used By

Revolution FrameworkIntimately know WHO you’re trying to reach.

A. Who they are

B. What they value

E. Where they want to go

D. What they fear

C. What their pain is


Tivo• Apple•

Social Media Rules

who they are can you tella story with your client in it?

what they value“hell yes!” or “hell no!”

what their pain is does yourproduct or service cure their pain?

what they fear and can youextinguish their fear?

where they want to go canyou take them there?

Two Components

1. Audience 2. Platforms

who they are Facebook

what they value Google Ads

what their pain is LinkedIn

what they fear and Twitter

where they want to go. Snapchat

Audience of 1

1. It’s not about you(it’s never been!)

2. Get their attention(fear, wants, pain)

3. Hack their decision

4. Don’t bullshit them

Building Social Campaigns


Thank You

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