march blossoming seeds 2016

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8/19/2019 March Blossoming Seeds 2016 1/10

What’s going on?!  

Blossoming SEEDs of Phoenix

MARCH 2016 

Stay Connected! 

Executive Directors Comments

March 2016

Everyone is starting to get Spring Fever here in Phoenix, and it isno exception here at SEEDs as well. We have plenty of springevents coming up these next couple of months like: taking ourmobile boutique to the plaza at Tempe Diablo Stadium SaturdayMarch 12th for the Angels vs. Giants spring training game. Thiswill be our first time using our boutique so we are excited to get it

out in the community. Speaking of baseball, this is also our firsttime that SEEDs will be pulling a double hitter, as we will be at twoevents on the same day! Saturday March 12th, we will be sellingproducts at the Master Gardeners Garden Tour: "Real Gardensfor Real People". You can find details to both of these events onour Facebook site. If these aren't opportunities to come and visitus, we will also be selling our products Saturday March 19th, at

the Autism Expo held at the Ability360 Center.

This issue is a great one, chalked full of very interesting articles. Itwas a pleasure to proof it and see all the information come to life,after watching and hearing everyone talk about them while theywere doing their research. These articles add so much to whatgoes on here at SEEDs, and Carly, our newsletter instructor hasworked hard to put together a tremendously structured class in theprocess. It is a big deal to our participants to have theopportunity to write them, and we hope you enjoy them as much as

we do.

On a final note, so you can get past this and start reading the funstuff, don't forget to mark your calendars for Saturday May 7th

for our Annual Art Jam Open House. We can't thank you enough for your support.

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Unusual Place of the Month: the Fremont Troll

Roaming in the Fremont neighborhood of

Seattle, Washington, by the Puget Sound inlet onthe Pacific near Canada, is a great and terriblecreature of legend. Terrorizing the good peopleunder the George Washington Memorial Bridge,the monster grabs cars and devours the driversand other pedestrians by swallowing them wholeby the handful in...No, I am not talking aboutBigfoot! That big ape is famous enough already.

This monstrosity is the one and only FremontTroll. 

OK, Now that I got your attention, I can start thisarticle properly. Also known as the “Troll Underthe Bridge,” this mixed media statue, made ofsteel rebar, wire and concrete, lurched his wayunder the bridge and into the hearts of locals andvisitors, on Halloween of 1990. TheScandinavian behemoth interactive with visitorsand has often been decorated with chalkdrawings and even a Santa hat during theholidays. You may also climb up and down theTroll and punch him in his good eye made from ahubcap. In his mighty left hand is a realVolkswagen Beetle covered in cement. The volkswas at one point also a time capsule for someElvis merchandise as well but the collection wasremoved due to vandals. 

The statues history started with a contestsponsored by the Fremont Arts Council in 1990to rehabilitate the area under the bridge, which

was turning into an unofficial garbage dump andspot for drug dealing. Inspired by that famousfairy-tale “The Three Billy Goats Gruff ” and builtby for different, talented artists together, this biglug ended up crawling under to scare away thedrug dealers from Seattle’s most colorfulneighborhood. (In fact, Fremont could be labeledas an Unusual Place in its own right, but I wouldhave too much to write about however, so look itup on your own). Luckily all goats have nothingto fear from him as he is already stone.

The Troll continues to be an icon of Fremont. Heappeared in the movie, “10 Things I Hate AboutYou,” a smaller version of him on wheels road inthe 2007Red BullSoapboxRace inSeattleandevery

October31 thepeople ofFremontcelebratethe Troll’sbirthdaywith aspecial“Trollaween” celebration. He has appeared innumerous merchandise including t-shirts,postcards and even his own chia pet! He can befound under his bridge for visitors at all hoursbetween North 34th and North 36th at Aurora

 Ave. North, renamed in 2005 to Troll Ave. North.He also has a Facebook account but he doesn'tseem to do any Internet trolling. I wonder wherehe keeps his giant laptop 

Pictures from . 

By Jeff

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In this article I’m going to talk about my

adventures at an amusement park next to the Metrocenter

Mall, Castles n’ Coasters. At Castles n’ Coasters, you can

find all these wonderful attractions inside the most beloved

theme park of Arizona. The reason why I’m writing this

article is because it is a place to go and have fun together. 

Castles n’ Coasters first opened in the year 1976,

which was formerly called “Golf n’ Stuff ” until 1992. It

started to add rides and changed to “Castles n’ Coasters.”

Some features at the park are a Miniature Golf Course,

Classic old school arcade gaming, two roller coasters and

more rides. The general opening hours the park has is from

10am-10 pm. For a more detailed description, visit the

website. The Castles n’ Coasters amusement park is

located on 9445 North Metro Parkway East in Phoenix,


The roller coasters are Patriot and Desert Storm

and the drop zone towers are Skydiver and Free Fall. At the

entrance, they have the Bumper Boats, Sky Wire, On the

Ropes, and the Lil’ Indy go-karts. The other rides Castles

n’ Coasters have included are the Carousel, the Sea

Dragon, Magic Carpet, Splashdown, and the Bumper Cars

known as Ram Rods. The kiddie rides that the park has are

Flying Bugs, Spinning Tops, and the Dixie Jr. Wheel. The

latest addition to Castles n’ Coasters is located inside the

arcade building, it is the one and only dark ride in Arizona,

I first went to the Castles n’ Coasters amusement park when I was a child in the 1990s. There was some

nostalgic stuff that used to be featured in the park while I

grew up with that. I love Castles n’ Coasters because it has

great action- packed fun that you can fill your day up with. 

Castles n’ Coasters is also affordable. This month

they have a Valentine’s Day special where you get

unlimited rides, miniature golf, pizza, and two small drinks

at $39.99.

When we go to Castles n’ Coasters together, we

can ask our parents’ permission and for them to join the

fun with us and have a great day at the theme park. It has

 been great sharing with you about Castles n’ Coasters

theme park. 

By Camille

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Hello there readers. I have chosen a change of course. I havedecided to shift from talking about events in the night sky of Earth

to telling you more about deep space. I will be talking about blackholes and other cosmic events and news. 

Also this issue marks the 1 year anniversary of start of this Cosmicnews and information! 

-The 9th

 planet -

A few days ago my mom told me the Scientists have found a 9th  planet, well, 10th if you still count Pluto. 

It is about 20 times the mass of Earth and 4 times the diameter ofEarth, It's about the size of Neptune if not a bit bigger. 

It will take the new planet about 10,000 –  20,000 years to orbit oncearound the sun. 

- Black holes-

These to me are fun to talk about, but they are extremely terrifyingas well. Black holes are formed after a Star like our sun dies. Itexplodes in an event called a supernova. The core collapses underintense gravity and after it explodes it leaves behind a monster blackhole in its place. Our sun will not go supernova because it ’s toosmall. It will become a red giant. Black holes are monsters and eat planets, suns, and other star systems. Anything that passes into thehorizon of a black hole is doomed. Not even light can escape. 

-The planets aligned.- 

This year started off with a show. Mercury, Venus, the moon, Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus were all visible to the nakedeye which lasted until February 15th. 

Celestial Information Issue #12 by your Space Man Justin

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How to Actively Listen

The subject I want to talk about is how to actively listen to someone. When you’re engaged with

someone, you have to give your full attention to them and ignore anything else that is a distraction.It’s important to actively listen to someone to show your respect to that person. I want to give you 4steps to help you be an active listener. 

There are four steps to actively listen to someone: 

The first step in actively listening is to prepare yourself mentally. That means all current thoughtsmust be gone in order to be ready for the information that you’re about to take in. 

The second step is to pay attention. Don’t allow any distractions to get in the way of you and the person talking. Active listening requires your full attention. Here at SEEDs we are learning aboutactively listening to someone when they’re talking. We learn that you have to ask questions to clarify

any information you don’t understand. Also use small nods and positive gestures like, “I got you” or“I see”, that can boost the speaker ’s confidence that you are paying attention. Don’t fidget or fiddlearound because it can distract the speaker, shows you’re not listening and not respecting that person.

Step three is to allow that person to speak without interruption until they’re finished. Activelylistening is critical to people who are in a conversation together. You give and take information thatneeds to be said and also what is important to either you or that person. 

The last step is to give that person feedback and allow time to pass while you think about what you’regoing to say to them. It’s necessary give feedback to the other person if they either say your name ornod for your input.

Actively listening is a key part in having a conversation with someone. It shows you want to listen tothat person even when there are other people talking outside of your conversation. I hope you havelearned a lesson on how to actively listen to someone.

By Megan

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Page 6

My Job at Fry’s 

I have been going to SEEDs for about

6 years now, but I have also beenworking at Fry's for almost 7 years now.I want to tell you all how being atSEEDs has affected my job at Fry's. My

 position at Fry's is a courtesy clerk. My job consists of me bagging people's

groceries, pushing in carts, puttingitems away, and helping people putgroceries in their car. The followingskills at SEEDs have helped me at work


SEEDs has taught me a lot of skills that have helped me in the workplace. I will tell yousome of the skills that have helped me. One skill that I have learned here at SEEDs is tostay calm in stressful situations. Another skill is to have a good attitude at work. I have alsolearned to be more assertive. The skills that I have learned at SEEDs have made me a much

 better employee than I used to be.

For those reading this article and that want a job, here is some advice that might help you:The first is be on time to work. Managers do not like it when you are late on a consistent

 basis. The second is to pay attention and do what the managers tell you to do and do it well.Another important skill is to have a goodattitude when coming into work. If youhave a bad attitude, it can affect not onlyyour work, but everyone else at work.

If you take my advice and apply these

skills I have talked about in theworkplace, you can be very successful atwork. I know these skills have helped me

 be a better employee and I hope they canhelp you too! 

By Nate

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Our Volunteer Lenny

The people who work here at SEEDS are veryskilled at what they do. Much of what we do here is handson, meaning we use our hands a lot for classes onweaving, jewelry, woodworking, metalworking, ceramics,sewing, and computer skills. There are many volunteerswho come to SEEDS to work hard to teach us these skillsand give back to the community. SEEDS For Autism is anonprofit group that relies on the public for financial supportand in return, we sell products to them to earn the money.

One of our volunteers here is Lenny. Lenny met Mary Annlong before she started SEEDS, when she worked for BillCalloway as a blacksmith. Lenny joined SEEDS four yearsago. He works as a blacksmith here at SEEDS. He workswith students who are eager to learn blacksmithing. Heenjoys working as a blacksmith outside of SEEDs as well.He works with a forge using steel which at 1600 degrees

turns yellow, then hehammers it intoshapes on an anvil.He then turns the shaped metal into fireplace screens and

tools, hand railings, decorative pieces, and door grills. 

In the SEEDs metal department, we mainly make things for thegarden such as small and large garden stakes, tools, soilprobes, hanging decorations, etc. We also make cheesecutters in the metal department! We recently held a sale inwhich we sold our products, offered food, and helddemonstrations. We will be having another sale coming May7th! 

Our volunteers help us at our shows as well as day to dayactivities and teaching classes. The volunteers who come tohelp out at SEEDS do so on their own because they want tohelp out their community. Supporting SEEDS For Autism iseasy and fun to do. I recommend you call first so that you cancome to the SEEDS building and talk to Mary Ann aboutworking at SEEDS and get a grand tour of the building.

By Sydney

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Page 8

We Love our Supporters!

Each month, we like to give special thanks to our

contributors to SEEDs For Autism helping make


become reality:

Bonnie Stout for Ruth

Amazon Smiles

Randy & Mary Ann LaRocheTerri Beardsley

Carlton & Jeanne Woodruff

Steve & Ann LaRocheMarcia L. Nation

In Memory of

Ruth Helene Centos

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8/19/2019 March Blossoming Seeds 2016 10/10

March 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

Social Day

4 5

6 7 8

Corp tour

9 10 11 12 9am-4pm

Master Gardeners

Garden Tour -


1pm SEEDs

Mobile Boutique at

Angels Spring

Training Game


Daylight Savings

14 15 16 17 18 19

9am-1pm 2016

Autism Expo at

Ability-360 Ctr

20 21 22 23 24 25 26



28 29 30 31

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