march 2016 in progress 2016 in final2.pdf · of their discussions on this issue. aufruf for...

Post on 05-Aug-2020






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Rabbinic Reflections

Mark Mallach

Senior Rabbi

Cecelia Beyer

Associate Rabbi

Richard Nadel

Cantor Emeritus

Susan Blanco


Tracey Shenker

Executive Director

Julie Bernstein

Early Childhood Director

Beth Sandweiss

JFS Social Worker

Dana Langerman


Ro Dobkin

Administrative Assistant

Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael 60 Temple Drive

Springfield, NJ 07081

Phone 973-376-0539 Fax 973-376-5478


Monday-Friday 7:00 am* Saturday 9:30 am Sunday 9:00 am *Legal Holidays 9:00 am Sunday-Thursday 7:45 pm Saturday 10 minutes past candle-lighting Friday 6:30 pm or 8:00 pm

TEMPLE BETH AHM YISRAEL MINYANIM Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael needs you to help assure our commitment to provide a

Daily Minyan, every day, twice each day, 365 days a year.

Our minyan policy is that TBAY members are asked to

attend daily minyan, morning and evening, on the date

of their birthday each month, meaning you would be at

minyan 12 days/year. Having a minyan allows mem-

bers the opportunity to say kaddish for their loved ones.

There is no dress code for minyan—come as you are,


Aufruf Part II In my last bulletin message I wrote about the custom of an AufRuf: calling a wedding cou-ple to the Torah for a special blessing on a Shabbat close to their wedding date. I raised the issue of how we as Conservative con-gregation deal with the issue of interfaith couples and calling them to the Torah for an AufRuf. We are not alone in this struggle. I have been in contact with my colleague Rabbi Gil Steinlauf of Congregation Addas Israel, Washington DC, a leading congrega-tion in our movement. Below are the results of their discussions on this issue.

Aufruf for Interfaith Couples: Rabbi Steinlauf brought this issue to the Religious Practices Committee (RPC) on January 16, 2016 to address what he believes is an im-portant need in our community.

Halakha An aufruf is minhag—a custom, not a halahkic ritual. Rabbi Steinlauf ruled that both the keruv aliyah and an aufruf for inter-faith partners are consistent with halakha and the standards set by the Rabbinical As-sembly. The RPC reflected on whether or not an aufruf for interfaith partners is consistent with the values of our congregation.

Context The committee studied the origins and historical context of the aufruf, the spe-cific customs associated with an aufruf and in particular, how we might celebrate an aufruf for interfaith couples at Adas Israel. We also learned about other conservative congrega-tions who offer an aufruf to interfaith part-ners.

Rabbi Steinlauf articulated the specific ele-ments of an aufruf for interfaith couples: • The congregation will provide the oppor-

tunity to interfaith couples who wish to have an aufruf;

• Consistent with tradition, the Jewish part-ner will read the Torah blessings;

• The Rabbi will offer the couple an appro-priate misheberach

Committee Discussion The committee had an opportunity to discuss in great detail the values lifted up by offering an interfaith au-fruf: most importantly, welcoming the couple to our community and celebrating our diver-sity@ The goal is to engage people so that they may find their place within our commu-nity. The committee supported this over-whelmingly. Committee members voiced numerous con-cerns, including whether or not allowing an interfaith aufruf would communicate the wrong message to our congregation: “that Adas Israel supports interfaith marriage.” This was a very important part of the commit-tee’s discussion, and some concern about this remains. The committee did not see this as an either/or situation—Adas Israel can be proud of its diversity and openness, continu-ing to provide congregants with the tools to become more involved and explore with their own Judaism. Rabbi Steinlauf expressed that he would continue to help interfaith partners find meaningful paths to Jewish observance and spirituality, and a connection to the Adas Israel community. The Committee sees this as an opportunity to help strengthen the couples’ ties to Juda-ism and to Adas Israel, rather than pushing them away. The committee approved the following mo-tion: The RPC supports the idea of having an Aufruf for interfaith couples with the charac-teristics as proposed by Rabbi Steinlauf. This motion was approved by the Addas Is-rael Board of Directors.

Rabbi Mark Mallach

Esther Avnet Joseph Babrowsky Samuel Bauman* Meyer Biddelman* Abraham Cohen* Harold Dennis* Alvin Eglow Arthur Falkin* Richard Falkin William Feldman* Marilyn Garlen David Glass Jack Goldberg* Jack Goldman Sheldon Goldner Samuel Goldstein* David Harris* Reuben Hochberg* Lawrence Horwitz Milton Kappstatter* Mary Koltenuk* Pam Kornspan Harold Kugel*

Dorothea Kushner Bernard Lyons* Steven Mauer Rosalie Millman* Ira Perlman Paul Peyser Simon Rosenbach Jerome Rosenberg Mark Ross Howard Schapiro* Robert Schultz Richard Schuricht* Barry Segal Robert Shapiro Martin Shindler* Robert Steinhart* Phillip Wasserman* Samuel Weinstein* Milton Wildman* Stanley Wolfowitz Scott Zinberg Michael Zuckerman

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OFFICERS 2015—2016

President Susan Blanco


Exec. Vice President Lesley Brooks


Vice President Brian Margulies


Vice President Nate Rajs


Vice President Mark Ross


Vice President Lois Kaish


Vice President Debbie Rogut-Chait


Financial Secretary Keith Biebelberg


Treasurer Andy Schuyler


Recording Secretary Ilene Shewitz


Corresponding Sec’y Andrea Wohl


TRUSTEES 2015—2016 Aaron Adler 973-912-9925 David Biebelberg 973-564-9120 Douglas Chester 908-688-5388 Barbara Eglow 908-687-0106 Howard Gerber 973-379-4524 Matthew Glass 973-258-9001 Eugene Gorrin 908-686-7686 Seymour Greer** 973-376-3797 Sharon Kornspan 973-921-0070 Helen Jenys*** 973-467-9739 Sheri Levitan 973-218-6298 Linda Lieb** 973-376-7632 Elliot Merkin*** 973-467-8453 Fay Miller*** 908-967-6161 April Modlinger*** 973-218-9174 Debra Neher 973-258-1404 Faith Racusin 973-258-2254 Janice Reznick 908-654-3117 Tracy Smith 908-219-4792 Steve Taub 908-354-1936 Paul Teller 908-233-0092 Glenn Wohl 973-467-8642

**Honorary Board Member




T e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e lT e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e l 9 7 39 7 3 -- 3 7 63 7 6 -- 0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g

From Our President As I write this I am reflecting on a recent Shabbat weekend at TBAY that was par-ticularly inspiring. The weekend started with a Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat Alive service lead by our 5th grade Religious School class. These kids were great! Not only did they lead the prayers as a group, they also took turns as soloists and duets. With two years to go, I am looking forward to seeing what these kids will do when they lead us during their b’nai mitzvah. And speaking of b’nai mitzvah, during the same weekend we had our first b’nai mitz-vah reunion. I am proud to say that all our 8th graders returned to the bima on Febru-ary 5 to lead the service. Each student had a role in the service including the d’var To-rah. It was so wonderful to see these kids and their families back in the sanctuary for this very special Shabbat. During the same Shabbat morning, Rabbi Beyer lead our first “Unorthodox” Shabbat program. The program featured a struc-tured discussion on the portion of the week. We worked in pairs and talked about a number of topics from that week’s read-ing, both among ourselves and as a group. I am sure that everyone came away learn-ing something, including the kids. Weekends like these inspire me and remind me why I do what I do. Yes, I am referring to my role in synagogue leader-

ship, but more importantly, why I am part of a synagogue community. I contribute both time and financial resources so that I can have a spiritual home to enjoy now and also to help ensure that it will be here for generations that come after me. Seeing our kids on the bima and involved that first weekend in February reminded of how im-portant it is for us all to make sure that a community like TBAY is here for their Jew-ish future. We have two important ongoing fundrais-ers to help make sure that we are here for future generations. First is the L’Dor VaDor campaign to pay off our mortgage loan so that those who come after us will not be burdened with our debt. Our other effort to secure our future is our Legacy Campaign. The beauty of the Legacy Campaign is that we ask for no money now, only that you name Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael as a beneficiary in your estate planning. In re-turn we will recognize you today by mak-ing you a member of our Legacy Society. If you haven’t already done so, please con-sider being part of these campaigns so that we can be here for the following gen-erations. Details are available on our web-site, in the lobby and through the office.

Sue Blanco

Annual Purim CarnivalAnnual Purim CarnivalAnnual Purim CarnivalAnnual Purim Carnival

Sunday, March 20 11:30 am — 1:00 pm GAMES!! FOOD!! PRIZES!!

Save money by pre-ordering. Last day to pre-order is Tuesday, March 15. You can pick up your pre-sale package at the Purim Carnival. $10 = Lunch + 15 tickets $20 = Lunch + 40 tickets

Lunch Choice: Chicken Fingers or Hot Dog

Includes Bag of Chips and choice of Soda or Water

Food will be available for purchase at the Carnival. Tickets will be 50¢ each.

Any questions, contact TBAY office: or 973-376-0539, ext. 11

Send check payable to Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael to the

Temple Office or Religious School Office.

It’s Happening at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael








Coffee &

Clergy at

Barnes &







Midrash &


Torah on













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From Our Associate Rabbi

Purim 5776 ~ March 23 – 24, 2016 Join us as we celebrate the Festival of Purim

Purim Carnival: Sunday, March 20, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Erev Purim: Wednesday, March 23 - 6:30, 8:00 pm:

Family Megillah Reading. This is not a complete reading of the Megillah. Fun entertainment led by our Religious School students.

COME IN COSTUME ONE & ALL! Purim: Thursday, March 24, 7:00 – 8:00 am: FULL Megillah reading in the Chapel

We are seeking participants for the multi-lingual reading and schpiel

There’s a “meme” on the internet – a photo with words that is easily shared on social media – with a thoughtful insight to the effect of “A person who is happy even when they’re going through something isn’t faking it – they’re choosing to see the good.” (Forgive my rusty paraphrase). There’s also, “Sometimes the happiest people are the ones going through the most.” As this Bulletin goes to press, I will have just this past week marked my father’s first yarzheit. Until this past month, I’ve been in mourning. The eleven month journey has come to an end, and now I ob-serve the anniversary of his death for the first time. For almost a whole year, I’ve been in mourning. I haven’t talked much about it; as a rabbi and pas-toral care giver, I’m used to being in the “other role,” in which I do the comforting of other people. I’m not used to being the one who needs the comforting, and I don’t know how to be on the receiving end. While it’s been hard to share the grief and loss I’ve felt over these months, it’s still been there. And like whoever was inspired to write the inspira-tional quote I saw in a meme, despite the pain and emotions of the past year, I’ve had moments of joy. For the most part, life has gone on, and there has been much to celebrate. The smiling, hugging, and musical expressions of joy haven’t been fake at all; they have been evidence of my choosing to see – and sometimes create – joy in the world, despite, and even sometimes because of, the pain. But there has also been that pain and loss. The loss of my father. The loss of my childhood. When my mom died, I lost a best friend. Now I've lost my parents. The old house is gone (torn down and rebuilt), all of their stuff is gone, most of my childhood furniture and belongings are gone. All that is left fits into a small storage unit on Mountain Avenue that I have yet to have the courage to sift through. My relationship with my dad was compli-cated, but so is life. Grief is complicated. Living is complicated. Life is messy and confusing and beau-tiful all at the same time.

This year has been one of loss and momentous life changes for me - and not just the loss of my dad. But is has also been one of great joys: Rabbi Mal-lach's return and continuing strengthening health. The addition of Sandy, the most amazing dog on the planet, to our lives. A renewal contract with the congregation I call family. Shepping nachas for every bar and bat mitzvah student who celebrates his or her milestone. A few minor personal wins in the Irish dance world. So life goes on. As I mark this year, I mark the loss and the first yarzheit of my father - my first year of having more in common with Little Orphan Annie than red hair, spunk, and a sandy colored dog. But like my favorite Broadway icon, I continue to focus on what I have rather than what I have not, and despite those moments of days that are "gray and lonely," I will keep up my chin and sing about all of the beautiful things too.

Rabbi Cecelia Beyer















NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of officers and trustees:

Officers 2016 - 2017 President Sue Blanco Executive Vice President Leslie Brooks 1st Vice President Nate Rajs 2nd Vice President Brian Marguiles 3rd Vice President Lois Kaish 4th Vice President Glenn Wohl 5th Vice President Debbie Chait Treasurer Andy Schuyler Financial Secretary Keith Biebelberg Recording Secretary Ilene Shewitz Corresponding Secretary Andrea Wohl

2016-2019 Trustees

Sarah Lieberman Arielle Miller Tracy Smith Steve Taub

We extend our appreciation to the members of the Nominating Committee for their hard work and dedication. They are Aaron Adler, David Biebelberg, Doug Chester, Barbara Eglow, Matt Glass, Howard Gerber, Debbie Neher, Janice Reznick, Paul Teller and special liaison, Brian Marguiles.

Pam Kornspan, Chair


A New App

We have an ongoing need to increase attendance at our daily minyanim so there is a minyan for those who need to recite mourner’s kaddish. It is a mitzvah and a responsibility that we share to support one another. Lately we have fallen short in fulfilling this responsibility. Rabbi Eli Garfinkel of Somerset, NJ, has developed an app called Quorum+ (version 1.92) to help congregations sustain their daily minyanim. The procedure is very simple. We have already registered on Quorum+ as a temple and we have our minyan leaders signed up as administrators. The administra-tor will use the app to send a “push” notice to those who have signed up letting them know how many are currently in atten-dance at the minyan. When one receives the notice, for ex-ample, it might read “9,” then the recipient can respond: “I’m on my way.” Once the tenth person arrives, the administrator sends out an update that reads “10,” so all those on the distri-

bution list know we have achieved the quorum for the min-yan. Please go to the app store and find Quorum+ (version 1.92). Once it is installed, sign into our minyan under the name TBAY07081 and create your personal password. That’s it, and, of course, please respond when able to help make sure that no one who needs to say the mourner’s kaddish is de-nied the opportunity. Daily Minyanim schedule: Sunday: 8:55 am & 7:45 pm, Mon-day – Thursday: 7:00 am & 7:45 pm (legal holidays are at 9:00 am and Rosh Hodesh and intermediate festival days are at 6:45 pm), Friday morning: 7:00 am. After most of the weekday morning minyanim we offer fresh coffee and bagels. Plus, remember our long-standing offer to any teenager of a ride to school. (Perhaps the parent needs to get to work, but can drop their teenager off for the minyan. We will get them to school.)


Page 4

BULLETIN NEWS At the end of last year, the Presi-dent appointed a committee to evaluate the Temple Bulletin and its value to the congregation. As a first step, the Bulletin commit-tee sent out a survey. Based on

the results, it has been decided to change the monthly bulletin concept. Beginning with our new fiscal year on July 1, 2016, a bul-letin-like document will be published 4 times a year: High Holy Days, Hanukkah, Passover, end of fiscal year. Infor-mation now in the monthly Bulletin that congregants con-sidered important will be on the Temple website and in the weekly email newsletter. To accommodate those-members who do not have access to email or the web-site, we will mail a short monthly newsletter that includes most of what is posted online. This new format also af-fords added opportunities to advertisers, as they will be included in all the places mentioned above. This will be a work in progress and as we proceed, we will modify and refine as seems reasonable. We welcome suggestions and comments from the congregation.

Lois Kaish, Bulletin Editor

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Did you know that Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Rory McIlroy, Jordan Spieth and many more professional

golfers are coming to Springfield?

The Annual PGA Championship Major Tournament is at Baltusrol Country Club

from July 25 to July 31, 2016. They will all be there and YOU can be too!

If you’re interested in these tickets, please contact Glenn Wohl at 908-247-6374 or

*Depending on pricing in second-tier markets,

these prices could increase closer to the actual championship. Note: We will not physically possess tickets until sometime after May, so your purchase will entitle you to tickets, which will be fulfilled

once we take possession of them.

Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael has 15 sets of tickets for the entire tournament

which our congregants can purchase.

Create a Jewish Legacy: Reflect, Commit & Be Recognized

As an estate planning attorney, I help my clients face their inevi-table demises. A frank conver-sation about death makes most

of them uncomfortable. However, the discussion is essen-tial and shouldn’t be avoided. Consider the way estate planning was done centuries ago, when people readily anticipated their deaths and legacies. In ancient Rome, wills were called “vessels of truth” and provided a final accounting of the testator’s likes and dis-likes. Also, in medieval Europe, the Church guided wills and affirmations of religious beliefs, and contemplations of death were prevalent in estate planning documents. When new clients are nervous about beginning the estate planning process, I relate a concept from Jewish tradition: Once people have signed their estate planning documents or purchased cemetery plots, it’s an omen they’re going to live for a long time. People live longer after finalizing their estate planning documents because during the process, they’ll undoubtedly contemplate their lives and legacies and end up improving themselves as human beings. In my practice, I try to focus not only on minimizing taxes, but also encouraging my clients to be reflective about their deaths and legacies. Even if we are not billionaires like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and other notable figures who pledged to give away their entire wealth to charities at death, each of us has the ability to leave a dollar amount or percentage of our estates, life insurance policies or retire-ment assets to charity and be recognized for doing so. By making a legacy gift to TBAY of at least is $1,000 you’ll become a member of our Legacy Society, which includes:

• Certificate of Legacy Society Membership

• Legacy Society member listing in publications and on our website

• Recognition as a Legacy Society member at the presi-dent’s annual dinner

• Invitation to our annual Legacy Society brunch

• Complimentary permanent paver reflecting your Legacy Society membership installed in the walkway leading to the Temple entrance.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our Legacy Society, but are unsure how to make a legacy gift, please contact me.

Gene Gorrin, Legacy Committee Chair 908-686-7686 or

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Purchase by 4/30/2016: Monday $36 Tuesday $54

Wednesday $54 Thursday $118 Friday $136

Saturday $154 Sunday $154

Weekly Set $500

Purchase after 4/30/2016*: Monday $54 Tuesday $72

Wednesday $72 Thursday $154 Friday $218

Saturday $236 Sunday $236

Weekly Set $720

Page 6

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Coffee & Clergy CornerCoffee & Clergy CornerCoffee & Clergy CornerCoffee & Clergy Corner with

Rabbi Mark Mallach and Pastor David Knecht

of Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Join us for informal discussions

on different topics each month

Barnes and Noble, Rt. 22,Springfield

Thursday evenings, from 8-9 pm

March 10, May 5, June 9

A Jewish Spiritual Journey:

KabbalahKabbalahKabbalahKabbalah Putting the Kabbalah in Kabbalat Putting the Kabbalah in Kabbalat Putting the Kabbalah in Kabbalat Putting the Kabbalah in Kabbalat

Shabbat: The Hidden Mystical Shabbat: The Hidden Mystical Shabbat: The Hidden Mystical Shabbat: The Hidden Mystical

Message of the Friday Night ServiceMessage of the Friday Night ServiceMessage of the Friday Night ServiceMessage of the Friday Night Service

Wednesday, April 6 at 7 pmWednesday, April 6 at 7 pmWednesday, April 6 at 7 pmWednesday, April 6 at 7 pm The structure and the words of the Friday night kabbalat shabbat service are rife with hidden mystical signifi-cance. Why these Psalms? Why the particular biblical references in Lecha Dodi? Why do we consider Shabbat a bride and queen? All these questions and more will be answered and the hidden secrets of the ancient kabbal-ists revealed!


Second NightSecond NightSecond NightSecond Night Passover SederPassover SederPassover SederPassover Seder Saturday, April 23 Saturday, April 23 Saturday, April 23 Saturday, April 23

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Open to the Entire Community!Open to the Entire Community!Open to the Entire Community!Open to the Entire Community! LIMITED TIME ONLY OFFER

Thanks to the continued Thanks to the continued Thanks to the continued Thanks to the continued generosity of Women’s Leaguegenerosity of Women’s Leaguegenerosity of Women’s Leaguegenerosity of Women’s League:

The first 100 Temple Members and their guests who RSVP before April 1:before April 1:before April 1:before April 1:

Adults (13 & older) $25, Children $13, Under 3 - Free Members’ Guests $37 (Adults) & $18 (Children)

After April 1After April 1After April 1After April 1 $42 for all Adult Members and their Guests

$21 for all Children

Non-Members (Anytime): $48 per Adult and $25 per Child

RESERVED SEATING RSVP by April 1 for reserved seating for your family. After April 1 we cannot guarantee a reserved seat.

All RSVPs must be received by Friday, April 8. or 973-376-0539, ext. 11

to RSVP or with any questions.


To assure that you are not in legal possession of any hametz (leavened) product during the festival of Passover, please return the form below to Rabbi Mallach no later than Friday, April 22, 10:00 am. Please note that since this is a legal contract authorizing Rabbi Mallach to serve as your agent to conduct the sale of your hametz, it must be accompanied by a check in an appropriate amount made out to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. Please allow one hour after the con-clusion of the Passover festival for sufficient time for Rabbi Mallach to conclude the re-purchase transaction, at which time you may legally re-possess your hametz. If you desire to perform a ceremony of ritual kinyan (acquisition) in person, Rabbi Mallach will be available after morning minyanim (or by appointment at other times) to conclude an agreement of agency appointment.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I authorize Rabbi Mark Mallach to serve as my agent in regard to sale of any or all hametz that may be my possession, home or office, during the Passover Festival. I understand and agree that any such hametz must be placed in a secured storage area. Date ________________________________ Name _____________________________ Address _____________________________ Signature __________________________

TBAY Social Worker Program Ten years ago we were one of 6 congregations invited to participate in discussions for a new pilot program to be funded by the NJ HealthCare Foundation in partnership with JFS (Jewish Family Service) of the MetroWest Fed-eration: adding a social worker to our professional staff to help serve the needs of the congregation. Our social worker, Beth Sandweiss, has decided to pursue other professional interests and will not be continuing with us. We are grateful for all that she has done, and wish her much success. We have made the decision not to seek a replacement for Beth, nor continue in the social worker program. We will remain in contact with JFS and have their assurance of the following: • Programs/Groups offered by JFS are available to us on a contract/per diem basis

• Crisis intervention help from JFS is available to us • Individual Temple clients that Beth has worked with will have the choice to acquire services directly from JFS as per their guidelines

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

Shalom v`L`hitarot to Beth Sandweiss Friday, March 25 at 8 pm

During our Kabbalat Shabbat services on March 25 we

honor Beth Sandweiss’s seven years as our Temple So-

cial Worker and wish her well on her journey as she pur-

sues other professional interests.

One of Beth’s interests is in the realm of Jewish Chanting.

Beth is both a trained chanter and a chanter educator of

cantors, rabbis and lay people. In coordination with Rabbi

Beyer, Beth will offer a selection of Jewish chants to both

highlight and teach this ancient technique during our ser-


Please join us for this wonderful celebration of Erev Shab-

bat and for the Oneg Shabbat that follows, which will be

co-sponsored by the Temple in honor of Beth and by

Marjorie and David Netkin in honor of their son Brett being

called to the Torah the next morning as a Bar Mitzvah.

Rabbi Mark Mallach

TBAY NEEDS YOUR HELP on the HIGH HOLY DAY ALIYOT COMMITTEE We are looking for 5 hardworking people to replace the present Aliyot Committee for the High Holy Days. The responsibilities of the Aliyot Commit-tee are to: • Assign the Aliyot for the High Holy

Days • Distribute the assignments • Work in the sanctuary during the holidays to locate and position congre-

gants to be called up to the Bimah. We have been doing this work for over 35 years and are just plain tired, worn out, and getting old! We MUST BE REPLACED. The current committee will work closely with the new committee this year to assure you know how to operate. Please contact Barry Segal at 862-520-4213 or Todah Rabah! Barry Segal, Joel Millman, Marilyn Garlen, Marty Lieb, Mel Schanerman

High Holiday Aliyot Committee

Page 7


We wish to express our

sincere appreciation and

extend a hearty “Thank You”

to all who participated in the

2015-2016 Silent Appeal.

Your donations are

so important to our Temple.

Barry Segal & Larry Horwitz


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As we gear up for our wonderful Pu-rim Celebration this month, the chil-dren will learn the story of how Mor-dechai and Queen Esther helped save the Jewish people from the hands of the wicked Haman. Don’t

be surprised to find children marching down the halls with handmade groggers while singing Purim songs. Children will learn about the mitzvah of giving gifts of food and cre-ating mishloach manot for friends and family. They are learning that each basket must include two types of food and will stuff them with fruits, candies, chocolate, cookies, juice and more. Of course, the highlight of Purim at the ECP is our fabulous Purim Parade which is on Thursday, March 24. The children have the opportunity to use their imaginations and celebrate their personalities as they get ready to dress up in costume. This month we also celebrate Read Across America, which started as a celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. At the ECP we will celebrate many authors as March’s theme is “Reading is Fun.” The children will hear stories from Caldecott and Newberry winners along with chil-dren’s classics from Eric Carle, Jan Brett, Maurice Sen-dak and others. Registration is still open for children ages 12 months through Pre-K. If you’d like more information, please give me a call. Arriving in the summer of 2016 – our new infant class! We will accept infants from 3 months to 12 months from 7am to 6pm in our new program. Call for rates and information.

Julie Bernstein, Director

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Youth Activities

What fabulous times our Kadima-niks have had! Many of us attended the regional “Saturday Night Live” program in Edison at the end of January,

where we enjoyed DJ “Ross the Magic Man” and many fun games with middle-schoolers from all over the area! Then we had an incredible chapter event – the Kadima Messy Games 2016. After a pizza lunch, we played many silly and messy games, including balloon shaving, toilet paper mummies, silly relay races and more, ending with a round of balloon volleyball and create-your-own-sundae-bar masterpieces. We look forward to attending the 8th grade Shabbaton, the Purim carnival and our chapter scavenger hunt in March! Know any Jewish teens in fifth to eighth grade? Tell them about Kadima! For more info, contact Rabbi Cece or Les-lie Glass.

T e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e lT e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e l 9 7 39 7 3 -- 3 7 63 7 6 -- 0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g

Torah on Tap with Rabbi Mallach

7:45 pm ~ Thursday, March 17

Join Rabbi Mallach for Torah study

in a relaxed and casual atmosphere

B ’ N A I M I T Z V A H S P O T L I G H T

Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael is proud to announce these B’nai Mitzvah

All are welcome to attend services and share these s’machot!

Charlie Margulies, Charlie Margulies, Charlie Margulies, Charlie Margulies, son of Ellyn and Brian Margulies, son of Ellyn and Brian Margulies, son of Ellyn and Brian Margulies, son of Ellyn and Brian Margulies,

Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 9:30 amSaturday, March 5, 2016 at 9:30 amSaturday, March 5, 2016 at 9:30 amSaturday, March 5, 2016 at 9:30 am

Sarah Zarember, Sarah Zarember, Sarah Zarember, Sarah Zarember, daughter of Debra and Michael Zarember, daughter of Debra and Michael Zarember, daughter of Debra and Michael Zarember, daughter of Debra and Michael Zarember, Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:30 amSaturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:30 amSaturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:30 amSaturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:30 am

Brett Netkin, Brett Netkin, Brett Netkin, Brett Netkin, son of Marjorie and David Netkin, son of Marjorie and David Netkin, son of Marjorie and David Netkin, son of Marjorie and David Netkin,

Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 9: 30 amSaturday, March 26, 2016 at 9: 30 amSaturday, March 26, 2016 at 9: 30 amSaturday, March 26, 2016 at 9: 30 am

Early Childhood Program

Join us at our 1st TBAY Religious School Art Auction Sunday, April 17 - 11:00 am—1:00 pm!

The artwork of our religious school students will be on display and available for purchase!

Nosh on some cheese and crackers, sip a little sparkling grape juice, and listen to music

as you peruse the artwork and search for the items you want to add to your home collection.

You do not want to miss this exciting event!

T e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e lT e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e l 9 7 39 7 3 -- 3 7 63 7 6 -- 0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g

I write this latest newsletter contribution on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Adar Alef (it’s a Jewish leap year with an additional month, Adar Bet, as well as a secular leap year with that fun extra day).

We have a timely Hebrew song: misheh’nichnas Adar mar-bim be’simcah—those who welcome Adar increase in hap-piness! On this note, we’ve certainly had some excitement over the past few weeks. There was a great turnout for a hilarious evening led by representatives from USY, of games such as Family Feud, a wacky architectural compe-tition involving angel hair pasta and a marshmallow, and a guess-your-friend’s-sundae-preference special (read: messy) dessert activity. We look forward to celebrating Purim to-gether in the not-too-distant future of Adar Bet, as well as kicking off a new semester of learning electives even sooner. Recently, we celebrated Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year or Birthday of the Trees, with a special seder at-tended by both Tichon students and adults interested in tasting strange new fruits, like the furry rambutan and striped pepino melon, and exploring our connections to

Jewish environmentalist values, trees, our senses, and the Land of Israel. In our current electives, we have continued to study Jewish texts and issues such as anti-Semitism’s impact on Europe’s artistic community, especially its cutting edge (and largely Jewish) film industry. Speaking of film, Tichon attendees just finished viewing the unique docu-mentary Re-emerging: The Jews of Nigeria, which allowed us to explore a diversity of Jewish identities and histories, ideas of race and ethnicity, and a multitude of Jewish prac-tices. Soon we will also examine the current events in Is-rael pertaining to African refugees and asylum seekers, Nashot Ha’Kotel—Women of the Wall—and their ongoing fight for freedom of religious expression at the Western wall, and other issues of pluralism, xenophobia, and patriarchy. We look forward to continued conversations that delve deeply into our Jewish souls, enrich our understanding of Jewish communities world-wide, wrestle with our connec-tions to and simultaneous support and healthy critique of Israel, and keep Tichon students on their Tuesday toes! Chodesh tov—may we all have a good month,

Elisheva Gould, Co-Facilitator

Teen Institute

Religious School

What a month! On Superbowl Sunday, our sixth grade stu-dents participated in the Fed-eration of Jewish Men’s Clubs “World Wide Wrap” program, learning about tefillin, building

model tefillin sets, and writing “wRap” songs about the mitzvah. In addition to continuing to learn Hebrew, to ex-plore the Bible, Israel, and Jewish history, and to connect with God and each other through prayer, this month we are getting ready for Purim! Because it’s a leap year on the Jewish calendar, we celebrate the happy month of Adar not once, but twice! And how we have filled it!

In February Kitah Hey celebrated their Shabbat Alive ser-vice, and in March, Kitah Bet and Kitah Gimmel will cele-brate theirs, at which Kitah Gimmel students will receive their very own siddurim in a special ceremony. Our third graders have been working very hard on this very special presentation – they can’t wait to share it with you! This month we also have our Kitah Hey and Kitah Vav Havdalah services, where our students will use Havdalah candles they made themselves, and our Kitah Vav students have begun their B’nai Mitzvah family seminars. So much hap-pening down in our school wing – stop by and see the magic!

Rabbi Cecelia Beyer

Page 9

The College Connection Committee sends fun holiday-related small gifts and cards to our college students throughout the year. Our mailings keep our children con-nected to our Jewish community and rich traditions. So far this year students have enjoyed receiving Rosh Hasha-nah cards, Hanukkah window decorations and Dunkin’

Donuts gift cards. Our next mailings will be for Purim and Passover.

Please remember to sign up your student to receive our mailings for 2016. Thank you for your support!

Debbie Neher and Amy Roth Committee Co-chairs

College Connection

Caring CommitteeCaring CommitteeCaring CommitteeCaring Committee

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Page 10

Thank you notes are published in the Temple Bulletin when

accompanied by a donation of $18 or more and

received by the tenth of the preceding month.

Thank You NotesThank You NotesThank You NotesThank You Notes

My family and I thank you for your very kind and thoughtful expressions of sympathy on the loss of my brother, Ira Weiss.

Gerry Weiss


The Temple family extends hearty congratulations to these

families on their recent life cycle events and other special



Many of us—probably almost all of us—feel some degree of discomfort at the prospect of meeting with someone who is ill or in distress. And yet, in our lifetimes, it is necessary at some time to visit a friend or family member who is

not well. Can we take the scaring out of caring? Perhaps we can learn something from one of our young synagogue members. She went with her mom, who is on the Caring Committee, to visit a shul member who is at an assisted living facility. This is what the mom wrote me about the visit: [Mrs. F and my daughter] both had a wonderful time! Mrs. F shared stories about her children and great grandchil-dren, she also talked about her daughters’ Bat Mitzvahs, since @ [my daughter] will be embarking on the Bat Mitz-vah journey this year. @ [They] also talked about their Hanukkahs, which had just

passed a few weeks earlier@. What can we learn from this wise young lady? Sometimes it is just about being who we are. Now, certainly this was a wonderful visit, and oftentimes the person we visit may not be chatty and may not even acknowledge our presence! Nevertheless, our presence may still bring comfort. Here is a prayer to say when you visit someone who is not well. I found this prayer on the website of the Jewish Board.

Effective Words by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, 18th Cen-tury Jewish Mystic

April Modlinger, Chair 973-715-3457,

God of wisdom, Teach me the right words. Teach me the very words That will touch the hearts And souls of others. When a friend needs My understanding ear,

Teach me the words to say That will strengthen, That will encourage, That will express Only my love And concern

"That's what woods are for – for those moments in the

woods." - Steven Sondheim, Into the Woods

Save the Date — May 20-22, 2016

C o n g r e g a t i o n a l R e t r e a t a t C a m p Z e k e

on Hickory Lake, Lakewood, PA

TBAY is going to the woods! Exciting details to come!

Donna and Jeffrey Dash on the Bar Mitzvah Donna and Jeffrey Dash on the Bar Mitzvah Donna and Jeffrey Dash on the Bar Mitzvah Donna and Jeffrey Dash on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jeremyof their son Jeremyof their son Jeremyof their son Jeremy

Evelyn and Stephen Max on the engagement Evelyn and Stephen Max on the engagement Evelyn and Stephen Max on the engagement Evelyn and Stephen Max on the engagement of their daughter Rachel to Randy Lewisof their daughter Rachel to Randy Lewisof their daughter Rachel to Randy Lewisof their daughter Rachel to Randy Lewis

Amy Lebovitz on the engagement Amy Lebovitz on the engagement Amy Lebovitz on the engagement Amy Lebovitz on the engagement of her son Michael toof her son Michael toof her son Michael toof her son Michael to Jackie SimonsJackie SimonsJackie SimonsJackie Simons

Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski on the Bat Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski on the Bat Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski on the Bat Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter SofiaMitzvah of their daughter SofiaMitzvah of their daughter SofiaMitzvah of their daughter Sofia

Ethan Spencer Poltrock,

son of Michelle and Daniel Poltrock,

and grandson of Patrice and Harold Poltrock

Ian Cory Wenocur,

son of Brooke Lichtenstein and Sam Wenocur

We sent a Jewish

Welcome to the World package to:

In Memoriam

We record with sorrow the recent

passing of our congregant


We extend our deepest sympathy to her family and pray they will find comfort in the days to come.

Congregational NursesCongregational NursesCongregational NursesCongregational Nurses ARE YOU SOMETIMES OVERWHELMED?

All of us are overwhelmed occa-sionally. Sometimes we figure out how to handle it, sometimes we don’t do as well. One thing we can do is share.

Number one: SHARE. Share by communicating. Tell a trusted person how you are really feeling. Number 2: Spread the sharing a little wider. Contact a professional from your synagogue. There you can get personal support, spiritual assistance and practical HELP. Rabbis, cantors, nurses and social workers are there for you. Help is pro bono, confidential and personal. One of this author’s favorite columnists is Wendy Harpham, MD. Dr. Harpham says that after her cancer diagnosis she hung a cartoon in her kitchen. The cartoon: Ziggy standing on top of the Earth smiling at bright yellow lettering in the sky that said, “Keep hoping, keep wishing.” “Hoping and wishing are different. Hoping is the feeling associated with the belief that the possible outcome we desire can happen. I hope I never have cancer again. In

contrast, wishing is the feeling associated with the notion of getting something that is only remotely possible. I wish I had never had cancer. Wishes are emotional candy; they make us feel good for the moment.” * Ziggy is exceptionally wise. Wishing can give us a short respite. Wishing sometimes helps us find hope. Useful wishing is for us to choose the best option that can then nourish hope for the best outcome. Twist this around a little. Apply wishing and hoping to team-work and positive action. Examples are elaborate fund rais-ing activities and planning for joyous occasions, such as a bar/bat mitzvah or wedding. Wishing and hoping can be helped by SHARING, simplifying, prioritizing, establishing a realistic calendar and focusing on time and energy man-agement.

Jaclyn Herzlinger, RN & Andrea Cook, RN

CALL US IF WE CAN HELP YOU 973 376 0539 X 27

*Oncology Times 12/25/15, page 34.

Page 11

I n Memo r i am We express sympathy to those

who have sustained a loss in their family

Glenn Wohl who lost his beloved Glenn Wohl who lost his beloved Glenn Wohl who lost his beloved Glenn Wohl who lost his beloved mother Lenore Wohlmother Lenore Wohlmother Lenore Wohlmother Lenore Wohl

May the spirit of love, which is everlasting, bring solace to the sorrowing hearts of our congregants

and their families. Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet ~ Praised be the true Judge

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Jewish Seniors of Springfield presents



Topic: CHINA Long Ago the Most Powerful – and Tomorrow?

Thursdays — April 28 & May 5 10:30 am

at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael

Tickets are $18 per person for the series No single tickets will be sold

Mail check payable to Jewish Seniors of Springfield

and send to Bobbie Brown 50 Christy Lane, Springfield, NJ 07081



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Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these DonationsTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these DonationsTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these DonationsTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these Donations

Thank you for your

minimum donation of $10

ADULT EDUCATION FUND In Memory of Lenore Wohl by Racusin Family Roslyn Feuer Howard Sklower by Ruth and Jay Sklower Ethel Feuerstein by Roslyn Feuer Emil Gelb by Julie and Larry Gelb CARING COMMITTEE FUND In Appreciation Harriet Singer In Memory of Lenore Wohl by Bethe and Rod Gusman Ira Weiss by April and Robert Modlinger Ruth Kierman by April and Robert Modlinger Edwin Cohen by Arlette Cohen Joseph Romano by Arlette Cohen Betty Winer, Max Winer and Emanuel Fenchtwang by Orna and Larry Greenberg Selma Peyser by Diane and Paul Peyser David Weinstein by Alice Weinstein Ethel Wyden by Lynn Wyden Rosalie Caro by Julia Gelb Leo Redlick by April and Robert Modlinger COLLEGE CONNECTION In Memory of Daniel Roth by Amy and Doug Roth Murray Dorfman by Norton Scherzer CONGREGATIONAL NURSE PROGRAM In Memory of Ivan Wyden by Lynn Wyden Hannah Friedman by Alice Weinstein EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND In Memory of Eric Gelb by Julie and Larry Gelb

Peter Kay by Bernice and Mel Katzman EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND In Memory of Pauline Barmen by Barnett Barmen FALKIN SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FUND In Memory of Harold Frishman by Ruth and Jay Sklower Ira Weiss by Monday and Thursday Minyanaires Miriam Gershwin HAZAK In Memory of Ira Weiss by Lois and Stan Kaish Sidney Stiller by Edith Stiller Albert Goldsmith by Mona Schurich HOLOCAUST EDUCATION ENDOWMENT In Memory of Herman Schvarcz by Helen Jenys and Peter Schvarcz Betty Winer, Max Winer and Emanuel Fenchtwang by Orna and Larry Greenberg Martin Hirsh by Margie and David Netkin Rose Schwartz by Arthur Metz Theodore Metz by Arthur Metz Jean Notis by Phyllis and Steven Taub Irene Spielholz by Kathi Spielholz MUSIC FUND In Memory of Bea Frishman by Ruth and Jay Sklower PRAYER BOOK DEDICATIONS In Memory of Ira Weiss by Rosalie Perlmutter George Green by David Green Susan C. Malvin by Philip J. Malviin RABBI MALLACH’S FUND In Appreciation Katherine and Hy Kleinman Irma Zeller Alex Hersh

Susan and Daniel Preston Alysia and David Biebelberg In Honor of Her birthday by Rosalyn Bernstein Charnes Sofia’s Bat Mitzvah by Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski Gerry Weiss’ Milestone Birthday by Joan and Gerald Gelber In Memory of Eli Allinson and Sidney Allinson by Myrna and Jules Wasserman Molly Goldberg by Sandra and Joseph Simons Anna Podelsky by Rosalyn Bernstein Charnes Tillie Wasserman by Myrna and Jules Wasserman Jack Diamond by Arlene and Al Tolchinsky Bertha Lefkowitz by Martha Lefkowitz Frances Edelson by Gloria Fox Anna Ranzenhofer by Gloria Fox Harry Harris by Adrienne Harris Beatrice Steinman by Paula and Howard Gerber Mollie Tucker by Shirley Ring Jack Podelsky by Rosalyn Bernstein Charnes Nicolas Simon by Lila Greenberg Joseph Kelman by Sally Kaufman Hyman Avnet by Esther Avnet Florence Bender by Betty Schimmel Pauline Cooper by Helen Cooper Jack Cooper by Helen Cooper Clara Lipschutz by David Lipschutz Sam Davis by Arlene and Al Tolchinsky Fannie Haber by Abe Haber Sarah Allinson by Myrna and Jules Wasserman Allan Feuer by Roslyn Feuer Dorothy Keyman by Shirley Ring Herman Safion by Roberta and Jack Matalon Dora Zeller by Irma Zeller Melvin Klinghoffer by Lori and Steven Klinghoffer Vivian Willner by Gloria Fox Ben Margolis by Lillian Margolis

(Continued on page 13)

Abraham Landsman by Amy Lebovitz Robert Moss by Marlene Moss Arnost Jenys by Helen Jenys and Peter Schvarcz Belle Resnick and Jean Berkowitz by Ruth and Howard Berkowitz RABBI BEYER’S FUND In Honor Sofia’s Bat Mitzvah by Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In Memory of Florence Katzman by Bernice and Mel Katzman ROSALIE MILLMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of Ira Weiss by Monday and Thursday Minyanaires Miriam Gershwin Bella Pomp by Bobbe and Philip Pomp Jeanette Nifoussi by Anita, Alex, Matt, Jeffrey Neubauer Samuel Pomp by Bobbe and Philip Pomp Rose Wohlfeiler by Sue Greenberg TEMPLE DONATIONS In Honor of Sophia and Julia Herbst’s B’not Mitvah by Mireille and Isaac Modiano In Memory of Ida Feldman by Idee Alatzas Bertha Bendit by Rose Allen Harry Babrowsky by Geri and Joseph Babrowsky Edwin Cohen by Rosy Benno Sarah Beim by David Beim Joseph Beim by David Beim Louis Chaiet by Ruth Chaiet Louis Schwartzbach by Ruth Chaiet Kate Marech by Resa Drasin Judith Schwartzstein by Cecile Fern and Family Morris Schwartzstein by Cecile Fern and Family Edward Kerstein by Karen and Gary Kerstein

Ira Weiss by Claire Fridkis Aaron Davis by Laura and David Goldberger Ruth Gorrin by Eugene Gorrin Bessie Goldberg by Eugene Gorrin Isidore Gutman by Debra and Jared Gutman Meyer Raboy by Claire Fridkis Florence Skolnik by Beulah Garber Frank Skolnik by Beulah Garber Rose Feldman by Hermine Hanner and Paul Dannenberg Rose Koselman by Sara Irwin Irving Ramo by Sara Irwin Rose Kelner by Renee Kelner Selma Kerstein by Karen and Gary Kerstein Julian Kleinwaks by Larry Kleinwaks Nathan Kurtz by Elaine and Julius Kurtz Eileen Lepinsky by Jeffrey Lepinsky Ruth Levinson by Arthur Levinson Anton Kopf by Bella Lipton Seymour Kopf by Bella Lipton Martin Lipton by Bella Lipton Rose Lazarus by Philip Malvin Seymour Manders by Eleanor Manders Hyman Avnet by Cookie Pashaian Isaac Rajs by Lea and Efraim Rajs Eliezer German by Lea and Efraim Rajs Sol Rems by Dolores Rems Minnie Sherman by Eileen and Richard Sherman Selma Goldschmidt by Mona Schuricht Abraham Resnick by Geoffrey Snyder Dorothy Stein by Harry Stein

Norman Starr by Linda and Phil Schmidt William Stalford by Frankie Zurav Ida Zurav by Frankie Zurav Lenore Wohl by Fern and Jerry Steinberg Tempkin Family Lois and Stan Kaish Nathan Snyder by Geoffrey Snyder Jack Trager by Miriam Trager Blanche Feinman by Miriam Trager Sidney Weinfeldt by Phyllis and Edward Weinfeldt Rose Woodstein by Phyllis and Edward Weinfeldt Mary Wolf by Helene Wolf-Dragone Fay and Morris Zapolitz by Marilyn and George Zapolitz Harvey Manders by Eleanor Manders Burt Wohl by Andrea and Glenn Wohl Frederick Carchman by Miriam Carchman Bennie Feldman by Max Feldman Stella Feldman by Max Feldman Victor Feldman by Max Feldman Esther Stein by Sally and Michael Zuckerman Dora Klap by Phyllis Rubin YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of Esther Prokocimer by Priscilla and Adolph Prokocimer Beatrice Dorfman by Norton Scherzer Ira Weiss by Gayle and Simon Rosenbach Sam Davis by Gayle and Simon Rosenbach

(Continued from page 12)

Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these DonationsTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these DonationsTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these DonationsTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these Donations

Page 13

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Looking to

Immerse, Interact or Imbibe?

Join Rabbi Cece for

Miriam, Midrash, and Mojitos A Modern Women’s Torah Study

Wednesday, March 16 at 7:45 pm

(No need to RSVP)

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Co-Presidents’ Message

I recently came back from Florida where I

visited my cousin. She knew no one

when she moved to Florida and was de-

pressed in the beginning. She was in-

vited to join a women’s group and be-

came very active in it. She was telling me

that through this group she was and is able to fulfill her

need for friendships, activities, intellectual stimulation and

tikun olam. Aha! She was describing our Women’s League

and it reminded me of how proud I am that we provide

these types of opportunities to the women in our commu-


Our wonderful members have been busy again during the

last two months. Our thanks to Jane Lakritz, Debbie Rogut-

Chait and Lynn Haliczer for arranging and running our

January Family Fun Fest, and Anne Moiseev for leading

our book discussion on The Hilltop. Julie Scherzer and

Beth Hersh have been busy building up our membership.

We co-sponsored the brunch and Jewish Gangster’s pres-

entation with the Men’s Club. Our thanks to all who helped

make it happen, in particular Barbara Eglow and Ilene

Shewitz who lent us a helping hand. Special thanks to our

Executive Director, Tracey Shenker, without whom none of

our programs would work.

We are happy to report that we have awarded our first

scholarship for the year. The recipient will be using the

funds towards a program in Israel. We have revamped and

finalized the requirements and application for the High

School Senior scholarship. The criteria for award is now

based on community service rather than scholastic merit.

Applications can be requested from the chair of the Schol-

arship Committee, Debbie Rogut-Chait.

Please join us for upcoming events:

Sunday, March 13 – Brunch and Hamantaschen Baking

Friday, April 8 – Women’s League Shabbat

Helen Jenys and April Modlinger













973-376-0539, EXTENSION 11

Women’s League Invites the entire TBAY family to a

S h a b b a t D i n n e r S h a b b a t D i n n e r S h a b b a t D i n n e r S h a b b a t D i n n e r

Celebrating SpringCelebrating SpringCelebrating SpringCelebrating Spring Friday, April 8 at 6:30 pm

Adults $18 Children (3-13) $10 RSVP by Thursday, March 31

Send your check payable to TBAY Women’s League,

along with the names of those attending to

TBAY Women’s League, 60 Temple Drive, Springfield 07081,

Att’n: WL Spring Dinner 4/8. Contact Jane Lakritz with any questions:

973-376-8834 or

Women’s League Shabbat Services

at 8 pm following dinner

We need participants to lead the congregation in the service. Both Hebrew and English prayers are available, as well as singing and reading parts. Please contact Barbara Eglow to sign up: or 908-687-0106.

Please call any of these people to send Tribute Cards or Tapestry Cards. Lori Citrin 973-912-8022 Lynda Goldman 908-378-5168 April Modlinger 973-218-9174 Marlene Moss 973-379-1788 Buy Tribute Cards to mail yourself. Ten cost $20. Contact Lori Citrin at or 973-912-8022.

gtÑxáàÜç VtÜwágtÑxáàÜç VtÜwágtÑxáàÜç VtÜwágtÑxáàÜç VtÜwá

Golden Sy Greer, Happy Birthday Myrna and Jules Wasserman

Memorial Gloria Starr, Husband Norman Myrna and Jules Wasserman Babe and Sy Greer Rosalie Perlmutter Gerry Weiss, Brother Ira Bobbi and Jack Matalon Karen and Abba Cargan Barbara and Al Eglow Marilyn Weiss, Husband Ira Karen and Abba Cargan Bernice Davis, Husband Sam Aimee and Ira Perlman Mona Schuricht Barbara and Al Eglow Ruth Austen

gÜ|uâàxágÜ|uâàxágÜ|uâàxágÜ|uâàxá Golden Robyn and Joe Bier, Birth of Grandson Linda and Marty Lieb and Family Marilyn and Dan Garlen, Birth of Granddaughter Linda and Marty Lieb and Family

Marlene and Bob Freeman Helen Jenys and Peter Schvarcz April and Bob Modlinger Ricky Zeller, Speedy Recovery Helen Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peterson, Jacob's Engagement Marlene and Bob Freeman Mr. and Mrs. David Dranikoff, Birth of Granddaughter Marlene and Bob Freeman Linda Zahn, Speedy Recovery and Healthy New Year Marlene and Bob Freeman Mitchell Camp, Speedy Recovery Marlene and Bob Freeman Fern and Jerry Steinberg, Marriage of Grandson Ari Marlene and Bob Freeman Dana and Paul Richter, Bar Mitzvah of Son Ryan Sally Kaufman Marty Lustberg, Speedy Recovery Marlene and Bob Freeman Roz and Glenn Goldberg, Bat Mitzvah of Daughter Lauren Marlene and Bob Freeman Noreen and Frank Goodman, Birth of Grandson Daniel Thomas Jill Aroeste

Memorial Susan and Gary Friedman, Mother Pearl Rich Linda and Marty Lieb and Family Debra Neher, Father Norman Starr Lori and Rich Citron Ilene and Peter Shewitz Helen Jenys and Peter Schvarcz Paula Rozan, Brother Allan Markowitz Linda and Marty Lieb and Family

Gloria Starr, Husband Norman Linda and Marty Lieb and Family Rose and Sam Goldman Rhoda and Jay Horn Marlene and Bob Freeman Marilyn Weiss, Husband Ira Linda and Marty Lieb and Family Ilene and Peter Shewitz Beth Hersh Gerry Weiss, Brother Ira Linda and Marty Lieb and Family Ilene and Peter Shewitz Beth Hersh Arlette Cohen Marlene and Bob Freeman April and Bob Modlinger Cheryl Buckman, Mother Sydell Kraft Sally Kaufman Bernice Davis, Husband Sam Ilene and Peter Shewitz Rose and Sam Goldman Esther Avnet Cookie Pashian Sally and Michael Zuckerman Jill Aroeste Glenn Wohl, Mother Lenore Wohl Linda and Marty Lieb and Family Ilene and Peter Shewitz Bornstein Family, Robert Bornstein Rose and Sam Goldman Esther Leher, Husband Gilbert Esther Avnet Cookie Pashian Kim Davis, Mother Sally Kaufman

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Women’s League Judaica ShopWomen’s League Judaica ShopWomen’s League Judaica ShopWomen’s League Judaica Shop

Spring is Coming and so is Passover!

Is it time to freshen your Passover Seder Table? We have lovely plates, matzoh covers and more! Our Judaica Shop has many gift items for other occasions too!

Purchases from our Judaica Shop earn Donor Credit! (Except sale items and mezuzah scrolls) Call Caren at 973-467-9058 SUPPORT WOMEN ’S LEAGUE AND TEMPLE BETH AHM YISRAEL


We will be open in the Lobby during the Annual Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 20!

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SUNDAY MARCH 13, 2016 at 9:30 am Guest pastry chef, Dubra Shenker, will instruct

us in baking hamantaschen.

We will all make delectable pastries

for the holiday

Brunch will be Served No charge for Womens League members*, but please

RSVP by March 4 to April Modlinger, 973-218-9174 or

*Not a member yet? Send check for

$40 payable to Women’s League

TBAY to Beth Hersh,

26 Mohawk Drive, Springfield 07081

3/6 Sunday 5pm—FJMC Evening with the NJ Devils Please mark your calendar—this is great for the whole family

3/18 Friday—Men’s Club Shabbat Support Men’s Club and TBAY’s Friday night Shabbat services with the annual Men’s Club Shabbat

3/27 Sunday—NCAA Tournament Day at TBAY and Brackets Challenge Update Last year we had Wings and Beers. We are looking for suggestions for this year’s menu.

4/16—Saturday Night Men’s Club Couples Road Rally Stay tuned for more info.

Don't forget our annual Passover wine sale, Holocaust Essay Contest, Yellow Candle Program, Men's Club Shabbat Service, Spring 50/50 raffle and much more still

in the works.

We are looking for volunteers to work on these programs. Contact David Glass at to volunteer. Men’s Club Dues—2015-2016 As you can see from the items above, we are very busy setting up a schedule of many events for this coming year. We need your support now. Without your annual dues of $30 we could not spon-sor or pay for many of the above programs. Please send your check payable to TBAY Men’s Club this month.

Marvin Bram, David Glass, Ken Melman


Watch your email for more info and LIKE us on our Facebook page—“TBAY Men’s Club”

Men’s Club


A Docent Led Tour of the Exhibition Sponsored by Women’s League

Sunday, April 10, 2016, 10:30-12:00 noon Whippany JCC

Our docent led tour of this exhibition is open to all synagogue members. There is no charge for the program. If you need transportation, contact April Modlinger at 973-715-3457 or

Adar IAdar IAdar IAdar I————Adar II 5776Adar II 5776Adar II 5776Adar II 5776 MMMMARCHARCHARCHARCH 2016 2016 2016 2016

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Saturday morning Kiddush

Karen Winkowski and Karen Winkowski and Karen Winkowski and Karen Winkowski and

Ted Sieminski,Ted Sieminski,Ted Sieminski,Ted Sieminski,

in honor of in honor of in honor of in honor of

Sofia’s Bat MitzvahSofia’s Bat MitzvahSofia’s Bat MitzvahSofia’s Bat Mitzvah

Donna & Jeffrey Dash,Donna & Jeffrey Dash,Donna & Jeffrey Dash,Donna & Jeffrey Dash, in honor of Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvahin honor of Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvahin honor of Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvahin honor of Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvah

Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski,Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski,Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski,Karen Winkowski and Ted Sieminski, in honor of Sofia’s Bat Mitzvahin honor of Sofia’s Bat Mitzvahin honor of Sofia’s Bat Mitzvahin honor of Sofia’s Bat Mitzvah

Thank you to those who sponsored a Friday evening Oneg Shabbat

Oneg Shabbat Sponsors

2 Wednesday Temple Board Meeting 7:45 pm 3 Thursday Hazak Meeting 1:00 pm 5 Friday Candle Lighting 5:35 pm Shabbat Alive! service followed by Culinary Institute Dinner 6:30 pm 6 Saturday Shaharit Service 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah of Charlie Margulies Babysitting & Blessings 10:30 am Youth Service 10:30 am Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdallah 4:25 pm 8 Tuesday Men’s Club Meeting 7:00 pm 10 Thursday Coffee & Clergy at Barnes & Noble, Springfield 8:00 pm 11 Friday Candle Lighting 5:42 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm 12 Saturday Shaharit Service 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Zarember Babysitting & Blessings 10:30 am Youth Service 10:30 am Mini-Minyan 10:30 am Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdallah 4:32 pm 13 Sunday Women’s League Brunch and Hamantaschen Baking 9:30 am 15 Tuesday Religious Affairs Meeting 7:45 pm 16 Wednesday Miriam, Midrash & Mojitos 7:45 pm 17 Thursday Ahava Painting & Wine 7:30 pm Torah on Tap 7:45 pm

18 Friday Candle Lighting 6:50 pm Men’s Club Shabbat Shabbat Service 8:00 pm 19 Saturday Shaharit Service 9:30 am Babysitting & Blessings 10:30 am Youth Service 10:30 am Mini-Minyan 10:30 am Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdallah 5:40 pm 20 Sunday Purim Carnival 11:30 am Education Board meeting 7:45 pm 23 Wednesday EREV PURIM Family Megillah Reading 6:30 pm 24 Thursday PURIM Megillah Reading 7:00 am 25 Friday Candle Lighting 6:57 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm 26 Saturday Shaharit Service 9:30 am Bar Mitzvah of Brett Netkin Babysitting & Blessings 10:30 am Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdallah 5:47 pm 27 Sunday NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Men’s Club NCAA Tournament 2:00 pm 29 Tuesday NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NO TEEN INSTITUTE 30 Wednesday Executive Committee Meeting 7:45 pm

Pardes Beth Ahm Yisrael ~ The Grove of Beth Ahm Yisrael A Cemetery on the Grounds of the

Menorah Section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery in Clifton, New Jersey

Other Cemetery Pricing* Beth Israel $ 3,500 King Solomon $ 2,300

Mt. Lebanon $ 3,500 B’nai Abraham $1,800 – $ 2,300

* For comparison, prices as of April 2015

Only those of the Jewish faith as defined by the Conservative movement may be buried in this cemetery. Final determination for eligibility is under the direction of

Rabbi Mark Mallach at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael.

For more information or to obtain an application contact Tracey Shenker at or or 973-376-0539, ext. 13.

Member Prices

1 Plot $ 1,800 2 Plots $ 1,600 each 3 to 5 Plots $ 1,500 each 6 or More $ 1,350 each

Non-Member Prices

1 Plot $ 2,150 2 Plots $ 1,900 each 3 to 5 Plots $ 1,800 each 6 or More $ 1,600 each

T e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e lT e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e l 9 7 39 7 3 -- 3 7 63 7 6 -- 0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g

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T e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e lT e m p l e B e t h A h m Y i s r a e l 9 7 39 7 3 -- 3 7 63 7 6 -- 0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g0 5 3 9 t b a y n j . o r g

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Bulletin Deadline: 10th

of each month Submit articles by email to

Rose Widom-Goldman Women’s League Editor

Lois Kaish Editor

Dana Langerman Layout and Production

Ro Dobkin Proofreader

Page 19

Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael

60 Temple Drive

Springfield, NJ 07081


FAX 973-258-0334

Michael Weinrauch, MD

Julia Ansari, MD David Bartov, MD Barry Cohen, MD John Farry, MD Robert Fishberg, MD Steven Furer, MD Sidney Glasofer, MD

Michael Lux, MD Robert Mich, MD David Powell, MD Sanjiv Prasad, MD

Roberto Roberti, MD Steven Sheris, MD Vance Weber, MD

211 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey 973-467-0005


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