march 2012 updates: sisters sharing time together at home, part 1

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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March 2012 Updates:

Sisters Sharing Time Together at Home, Part 1

The girls enjoy afternoon tea after school, either a hearty healthy snack (left) or a nostalgic

taste of Israel in front of the TV (right).

Top: enjoying an English dish for dinner – “toad in a hole” (baked sausages through a potato)

Bottom: afternoon tea went on for so long that it became dinner...

The girls and I watched together on YouTube an Israeli kids cooking program and then the girls made the “sausages in a coat” recipe.

Alma enthusiastically

dripped egg everywhere

Alma’s favourite part was sprinkling

the soft sesame on top

The end result got very high rating

In fact, it went so well the girls asked to make it again!

Their teamwork is improving and Alma drips less egg...

Certainly a family favourite!

The girls have been enjoying their room very much, each in their own way...

The big change at the beginning of the month was a toddler bed for Alma, who has been begging for a

while to move to a “big bed” (she saw it in the garage and kept asking to sleep in it so at last I gave

in. Will take some time till she falls asleep in it).

Alma does stay in the bed most of the night but needs help to fall asleep (usually in someone’s arms

with a lot of rocking and singing).

The girls also have a new wall decoration that glows in the dark (we bought it at the Questacon in

Canberra. It has Hahgoot’s favourite planet, Saturn) and the other walls are starting to fill up with their

artworks, done at home and at the art gallery.

To encourage shared play I bought the girls a new bath toy, that both of them liked.

In our next presentation:More shared play and projects at home!

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