manifesto for dell’s official blog –

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Originally an internal Dell presentation for contributing writers, this manifesto outlines our strategy for our official corporate blog, Direct2Dell, as we enter a new era in our history. For more, see and


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Dell’s Blog Manifesto

A New Era for

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Direct2Dell is the voice of our company and one of the first requirements to publish content on it is that it should make an emotional connection with our readers. If we’re announcing a new product, we should be talking about the people who designed it and how it meets a particular need of the people who will use it – the beauty of hyperlinks is that they allow you to leave the tech specs to Direct2Dell should tell the story our readers cannot get anywhere else. The best stories – in both content and quality – inspire readers to share them. They increase the reputation, trust, fans and influence of their tellers.

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Language As Dell’s voice, Direct2Dell content should use language that is straight-forward and concise. We love what we do and it shows. We’re excited about what our technology can help people accomplish. While we may emphasize the positive, we don’t shy away from the truth. We communicate honestly to earn our readers’ trust.

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Readers’ Point of View Readers of Direct2Dell are interested in learning about the company they are considering purchasing from, currently work with, or working for. [Tell us more about what you want by answering this 10-question survey:]

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Simplicity All content should be easily understandable and relatable, with a human angle. Our audience is broad and varied; and, while no one blog can be all things to all people, our goal is to be open and accessible to as many as possible. Jargon, technical terms and acronyms limit your audience.

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Humility As the voice of the company, we do not have to shy away from talking about the great things that Dell is doing or awards we have received. However, we must be careful that we do not come across as boastful or arrogant. Remember to bring the story back to the people involved or impacted to help avoid an image of bragging. Corporate Communications

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Dell Point of View Don’t be afraid to take a stand. If Dell has a definite position we are taking on a particular topic, don’t be afraid to state it and back it up. Do be prepared to discuss it in comments that our readers may make.

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Bylines Titles do not matter. Our readers don’t care about Dell’s internal organization and hierarchy. They are no more impressed when a vice president writes about a topic, than a when a true subject matter expert who cares deeply about it shares their thoughts. Ghostwriting should be avoided whenever possible. Take pride in putting your name by what you write. Author bios are required.

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Respond Every writer should be prepared to reply to comments from readers. Do not be arrogant or condescending to those who might disagree with you. Be excited that your words moved someone to share their thoughts even if they do not mirror your own. Thank them for it.

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Editorial Filter Not every submission to the editorial calendar will make it on to Direct2Dell. There is no shortage of things happening at Dell that we could talk about, but there must be clear value to our readers to bring them forward. As the voice of the company, we must be demanding of quality from our contributors. Everything will be read prior to publishing and you may be asked to make edits for improvement.

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Visuals Imagery and/or video must accompany every submission. They invite readers’ interest and make our content much more shareable via social media. Photography should be journalistic in style, open, bright, down-to-earth and authentic. Dell’s Brand Resource Center has more guidelines on imagery, video and how to use them to deliver on our brand. And, Dell’s Official Flickr page is a great photo source.

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SEO Search engines want to show their users the best answers. Original, high-quality content is key to search engine optimization. Think about questions readers might be asking when they search for your topic – and then write the answer. Content needs to add original value to a topic, whether through creation of something new, highlighting elements, summarizing, supporting or contradicting the topic. Links to pages on that add value for readers are encouraged.

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Deadlines Every potential topic must be entered into the editorial calendar at least 10 business days prior to the desired publication date. Text must be received five business days prior to allow for editorial review and possible revisions. Urgent issues with shorter turnaround times will arise, but should be the exception.

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Style We will follow the Dell Style Guide for writers, editors and content creators on the matters of such things as capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, numerals and usage. This reference is available online to both Dell employees and agency resources at For anything not covered in this guide, we will refer to The Associated Press Stylebook.

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Story Telling People want to read compelling stories. They like to share these stories with their friends. A personal connection flows from creator to reader and onward. Following these guidelines, Direct2Dell will strive to deliver stories that make those connections, so that Dell becomes a trusted company to deliver end-to-end solutions. For inspiration, check out these tips for factual storytelling

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