manifestation of olqs alongwith str & weakness of io techniq

Post on 26-Dec-2014






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1. All over the world the interview has been an integral part of any selection process. 80% of all selections the world over for all kinds of jobs are done by the interview. In our selection system too the interview is an integral part of the selection process. The interview involves one-to-one interaction between the candidate and a senior armed forces officer. The interaction is conducted in a formal setting yet essentially in an informal manner to assess various personality traits of an individual. The philosophy of the interview being that the best indication of what an individual will do in the future stems from what he has done in the past. The more recent the behaviour the more likelihood of it being repeated.

2. Foundation of an interview. An interview as job is to understand a candidate as to how he has become what he is today and evaluate his strong and weak points. The concept of evaluation is based on the premise that the personality of an individual is developed under the influence of one’s heredity, environment, his education, training and day to day situations encountered. In this technique instead of putting the candidate on a spot, the IO develops such a harmonious relationship so much confidence that he begins to talk spontaneously and open about his past without screening his replies.

3. Functions of the Interview. The functions of the interview at the SSB are: -

(a) To determine the relevance of the candidate training and experience in terms of job requirements of a defence officer in war and peace.

(b) To evaluate the intellectual functioning which is of particular importance for suitability of a candidate to perform critical functions expected from a service officer.

(c) Appraise personality, motivation and character especially social adjustment and effectiveness.

(d) Assess dynamism and ability to take risks.

4. Technique of Seeking Information in Interview

Candidate put at ease and skillfully encouraged to talk

Good Rapport

Spontaneous Flow of Information

Descriptive and Evaluative Information emerges

Candidate highlights his assets

Spontaneous flow also brings out shortcomings and weaknesses of personality

Interpretation and assessment


5. The aim of the presentation is to discuss manifestations of OLQs and to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the IO technique.

6. The presentation is divided into three parts as under: -

(a) Manifestation of OLQs.

(b) Strengths of the technique.

(c) Weaknesses.

7. We must carefully read the PIQ in order to assimilate the information available in it. While assessing a PIQ it would be worth remembering that although most people are truthful in filling their PIQ some may be tempted to omit negative facts or to exaggerate their achievements. The CIQs may accordingly have to be suitably modified to elicit more information on a particular area.

8. While assessing various OLQs by the technique of interviewing one must weigh the achievements against the opportunities, which have come the candidate’s way. The responses to CIQs would give direct or indirect clues to all the fifteen OLQs.

Part I – Manifestations of OLQs

9. Effective Intelligence. Effective Intelligence has been defined as the capacity of coping with practical problems of varying complexity. In general, all achievements of a person are largely due to his effective intelligence and it is displayed in almost every activity that one undertakes. Manifestation may be restricted due to changing environment, especially in urban areas, where the life has become comparatively simpler. Summation of manifestations in qualities like RA, OA and SOD does reflect on EI. Probing into the following area would generally indicate a person’s effective intelligence.

(a) Coverage of the CIQ-both sequentially and covering all aspects of the CIQ.

(b) Preparation and performance in terms of success/failure in various competitive examinations


(c) Academic performance – drop/gain in percentage of marks, performance in various sports activities, gaps, if any, in his academic career.

(d) Time-management to balance studies with various other activities including sports.

(e) Management of constraints, especially financial, by resorting to giving tuitions and increasing efforts to augment income, etc.

(f) Utilization of spare time for fruitful activities. The activities in themselves will give an indication of his level.

(g) Depth of self-assessment and plans to overcome weak areas.

(h) Handling of synthetic situations would also be indicative of his effective intelligence.

(j) Efforts put in to prepare for the SSB.

(k) Reasons for joining defence and if not selected in defence, alternate plans, which should be logical and workable.

10. Reasoning Ability. The ability to grasp the essentials well and to arrive at conclusions by rational thinking. Reasoning ability includes: -

(a) Receptivity. The ability to understand and absorb new impressions. It involves :-

(a) Interest.

(ii) Attention.

(iii) Grasping Power.

(b) Inquiring Attitude. Healthy curiosity resulting in an urge to increase one’s general knowledge and experience in life.

(c) Logical Reasoning. The ability to arrive at conclusion or judgement based strictly on a process of rational thinking and excluding emotional factors.

(d) Seeing Essentials of a Problem. The ability by which the individual is clear of the situation at hand and is able to analyze various factors, sift them in order of importance and make the best use of them towards achieving a solution.

11. Manifestations of RA.

(a) Understanding of CIQ and accuracy of answers as also the time taken.

(b) Depth of general awareness/general knowledge; whether his knowledge is peripheral or in-depth would indicate the level of his inquiring attitude.


(c) Degree of receptivity is indicated from the way the candidate understands the question, the answer he gives as well as the time taken by him to understand the question.

(d) Speed of questioning could be accelerated to see how quickly the candidate grasps them and provides appropriate answers.

(e) Choice of subjects – whether he was logical or took the subjects because parents wanted him to pursue a particular career.

(f) Awareness of surroundings, town, state, country, world.

(g) Depth of knowledge of hobbies.

(h) Interest in new ideas and efforts to learn new things.

(i) Tackling most difficult subjects/exams.

(j) Balance between studies, games and other activities.

(k) If unsuccessful, how to reorganize after identifying problems.

(l) Keenness to attend lectures, visit exhibitions, monuments, factories, power stations etc.

(m) Taste in reading books, what kind of books he reads, whether social, scientific or literary.

(n) Knowledge of the profession that he wishes to pursue.

12. Organizing Ability. The ability to arrange the resources in a systematic way so as to produce effective results. It can also be defined as the ability to put to best use the available means for the attainment of a desired objective.

13. Manifestations.

(a) Daily routine indicates this quality.

(b) Way one organizes his activities like studies, homework and hobbies and games.

(c) Most difficult subjects/exams how tackled.

(d) Balance between studies and other activities.

(e) If unsuccessful in any activity, how does he reorganize.

(f) Does he help organizing his household activities?

(g) Plans to spend spare time/holidays.

(h) Plans regarding his future, his goals, how he plans to achieve them.

(j) As leader of his group how he organizes work of the group.


(k) Handling of situations as given below will reveal organizing ability: -

(j) Organizing matches.

(ii) Farewell parties.

(iii) Trekking trips.

(iv) Picnic.

(v) Plantation of trees.

(vi) Quiz/debate competitions.

(vii) Cultural evening etc.

14. Power of Expression. The ability to put across one’s ideas with ease and clarity. To be seen with more emphasis on the adequacy or clarity on conveying ideas rather than on mere flow of speech or richness in language.

15. Manifestations.

(a) Substance while speaking.

(b) The impact made on listeners. Don’t forget the IO is also a listener!

(c) Verbosity is not desirable.

(d) Fluency with logic and expression.

16. Social Adaptability. The ability of an individual to adapt himself to the social environment and adjust well with persons and social groups with special reference to superiors, equal and subordinates. It includes :-

(a) Social Intelligence. It is the ability to understand people.

(b) Attitude towards others. The ability to put one self into the other man’s (shoes position so as to appreciate justifiable difficulties to enable rendering help in a proper way. It comprising of emotional empathy.

(c) Tact. Skillful management of feelings of the person dealt with.

(d) Adaptability. The ability to adjust to the social environment with special reference to social situations. It includes secularism, religions tolerance and lack of regionalism and communalism. When considering service aspects, it involves not only a resilient nature shown by an accommodative tendency but also keenness and interest in service life.


17. Manifestations.

(a) No. of friends and what are they doing.

(b) Change in school/college and residence, how did he adjust.

(c) If boarder, how has he adjusted, does he feel homesick. Preference of room mates.

(d) Happiness, enjoyment at school/college.

(e) Impression towards changes in social or educational system.

(f) New friends or only old friends.

(g) Choice of friends (boys/girls) does it include friends of different habits/taste/caste, religion.

(h) Participation in social activities.

(j) If member of a team, his relations with others.

(k) Strong likes and dislikes reveal this quality negatively.

(l) Adjustment with family members/neighbours.

18. Cooperation. The attitude of an individual to participate willingly in harmony with others in a group in achieving the group goal. Cooperation includes element of joint effort and team spirit :-

(a) Joint Effort . Implies belief in collective efforts being more productive than the individual effort.

(b) Team Spirit. Loyalty to the aims and objectives of the group to the extent of subordinating individual aim to the group aim.

19. Manifestation.

(a) Cooperation in group activities of class/home.

(b) Helping his friends, classmates in their jobs.

(c) Helping sister/brother during exams, or otherwise.

(d) Helping less privileged people of society.

(e) Sharing important books/papers.

(f) Interest in team games vs. individual games

(g) Does he like sharing things?

(h) Does he give an argument for the sake of cooperation.

(j) Does he care for others feelings and opinions while planning group activities?


(k) Does he glorify himself or takes pride in achievements of the team?

(l) Is he generous in praise of friends?

(m) Does he take pride in his school / college?

(n) Attitude towards colleagues in school/college/neighbourhood.

20. Sense of Responsibility. It enables a person to be dependable and to willingly discharge his obligations. It includes sense of duty but is much more comprehensive in meaning and scope. It implies :-

(a) Sense of Duty. Faithfully and firmly doing what one is ordered to do.

(b) Discipline. A trained sense of acting strictly in accordance with rules, regulations and conventions. This factor promotes development of self control and keeps one within bounds of social and moral standards. It includes :-

(i) Self Discipline

(ii) Adherence to Social and Moral Values. It includes regard for values like honesty, loyalty, patriotism and integrity.

(iii) Moral Courage. Moral courage is the willingness to bear the consequences of one’s actions.

21. Manifestations.

(a) Daily routine – look for purposeful work and no time wasted.

(b) If there are financial constraints, does he take measures not to waste money ?

(c) Attitude/responsibility towards parents, sisters, brothers, teachers and elders.

(d) Domestic help to parents despite involvement with studies.

(e) Does he require frequent monitoring or feels responsible himself?

(f) Frequent punishments indicate lack of this quality.

(g) Observe his performance while holding a position of responsibility.

(h) Does he have sense of right/wrong or works only due to fear of punishment ?

(j) Do his personal comforts/pleasures overshadow his sense of responsibility?

(k) Attitude towards monitor in class, captain of his team, leader of his group.


(l) Excuses for own failures/drop in performance.

(m) Own interests vs. sense of duty.

22 Initiative. The ability to originate an action. It involves :-

(a) Ability to take the first step.

(b) In an unfamiliar situation.

(c) In the right direction.

(d) Sustain it till the goal is achieved.

23. Manifestations.

(a) Level of originality, while impressing his views.

(b) Generally good planners have good initiative.

(c) Does he wait for instructions or originates action on his own.

(d) Willingness to act in the absence of orders.

(e) Steps taken to improve grades/performance in exam.

(f) Actions taken to improve employability.

(g) Has he shown improvement in his proficiency in games/sports?

(h) If not selected for defence – has he made alternate plans.

(j) Efforts to update GK/GA.

(k) Planning and risk attitude.

(l) Originality in answers during interview.

(m) Plans to achieve ambitions.

(n) Keenness to know about defence life, etc.

(o) Reaction to difficulties in the past.

24. Self Confidence. It is the faith in one’s ability to counter a situation that is particularly unfamiliar, complex or stress inducing. It involves :-

(a) Correct appreciation or evaluation of one’s capabilities.

(b) Self assurance and self reliance.


This may not manifest independently, but would get reflected along with qualities of RA+OA. Body language and mannerisms of the person would be an indicator of self-confidence that he possesses.

25. Manifestations.

(a) Appropriate appreciation of one’s ability.

(b) Independence of ideas, thoughts and actions.

(c) Confident person will work on alternatives and find a solution.

(d) Will generally remain calm under stress.

(e) Will show less irritation.

(f) As stress increases in interview situation, see his reactions.

(g) Over confidence is more dangerous than under confidence.

(h) Does he handle day to day problems confidently or looks for help?

26. Speed of Decision. The ability to arrive at a workable decision expeditiously.

27. Manifestations.

(a) Generally a clear-cut decisions will be a quick decisions.

(b) Competence to discern essentials of a problem.

(c) Ability to correctly evaluate available alternatives.

(d) Capability to take decisions under stress and pressure of work.

(e) Ability to decide about career/future plans.

(f) Can he makeup his mind quickly or keeps brooding.

(g) Pose broad based general problems like capital punishment, family planning, corruption etc.

(h) Decision about life partner – parent’s choice/own choice.

(j) If appointed principal/head-boy of his school, what important decisions will he take?

28. Ability to Influence the Group. The ability, which enables an individual to bring about willing effort from the group for achieving the objective, desired by him :-

(a) It involves eliciting willing cooperation from others in a group by inspiring, convincing or persuading; and acceptance of his leadership by the group.


(b) Different aspects includes judicious self assertion, ability to inspire others and communication skill.

29. Manifestations.

(a) Under confident, over anxious people will have poor influence on others.

(b) Can he hold his views on controversial issues or surrenders easily.

(c) Mild, submissive character, inability to give firm views will reveal poor leadership quality.

(d) High Factor II and confidence will help to achieve this quality.

(e) Can he persuade others by logic and personal influence.

(f) Observe his performance while holding a position of responsibility.

(g) Role in company of friends/in his group or team.

(h) A Yes man attitude, apologetic smiles, sheepish manner, glorifying himself for small achievements indicate poor leadership quality.

30. Liveliness. The capacity of an individual to keep himself buoyant when meeting problems and bring about a cheerful atmosphere. Different aspects include :-

(a) Buoyancy.

(b) Positive outlook.

(c) Ability to bring about a cheerful atmosphere.

(d) Sense of humour.

31. Manifestations.

(a) Does he take failures in stride or takes them too seriously.

(b) During the interview does he maintain a cheerful disposition under stressful situations.

(c) General bearing, holding his head high, smile and keen desire to join the Army indicate this quality in a positive light.

(d) Reactions during failures in real life situations to be watched.

(e) Pessimism leads to poor liveliness.

(f) Type of books he likes to read indicate this quality (movies he likes to see), type of entertainment he likes to join.


(g) Bright person would seek lively company, gloomy would prefer solitude.

32. Determination. Sustained efforts to achieve objectives inspite of obstacles or setbacks. It implies fixedness of purpose, application and strength of will. It includes physical and mental determination.

(a) Application to Work. Capacity of physical application to work.

(b) Drive/Inner Motive Power

(i) Mental determination.

(ii) Self Motivation.

(iii) Fixedness of purpose.

33. Manifestations.

(a) Misplaced stubbornness is obstinacy, not determination.

(b) It involves mental concentration and strength of will power.

(c) Hardworking person will be generally more determined.

(d) What are his career options – higher aims implies more determination.

(e) Determined person will not get easily bogged down.

(f) If there are financial constraints efforts to overcome the problem – tuitions, borrow books from library / friends, etc.

(g) Does he generally finish assigned tasks or leave them halfway?

(h) Optimism reflects good determination.

(j) High aims and hard work will reveal good determination.

(k) Hobbies and interest – level of knowledge.

(l) Problems faced and means used to overcome them.

34. Courage. The ability to appreciate and take purposive risk willingly. It includes :-

(a) Physical Courage .

(i) Ability to meet appreciated danger.

(ii) Spirit of adventure – an enterprising spirit and a willingness or desire to dare a risk or hazard.


(b) Mental Courage. Capacity to keep oneself composed in situations involving risk and enabling one to be steady in facing and handling such situations.

35. Manifestations.

(a) Capacity to remain calm and composed in adversity.

(b) Reckless or being foolhardy is not courage.

(c) Vigorous preparation will reduce fear.

(d) Does he voice his ideas on controversial issues.

(e) Can he take up an unpopular cause/expect criticism.

(f) Type of games – boxing, swimming, trekking, riding, etc also reveal this quality.

(h) Does he resist corruption and has respect for social values.

(j) Courageous will generally like outdoor life/adventure/active life.

(k) Reaction to darkness, thunderstorm, flood, water, fire.

(l) Fight with others and reactions.

(m) Negative approach may help to find this quality – is he timid/scared etc.

(n) Does he react to wrong things or not ?

36. Stamina. The capacity to withstand protracted physical and mental stress and strain over a long period of time. It emphasizes endurance.

(a) Physical Stamina. Relates to physical endurance, toughness.

(b) Mental Stamina

(i) Mental Endurance. Ability to remain calm and balanced under stressful situations.

(ii) Composure. Ability to remain calm and balanced under stressful situations.

(iii) Coping Skill. Reaction towards stress or stress management.

37. Manifestations.

(a) Size does not reveal endurance.


(b) Some are unable to study longer as they get tired.

(c) Mental strain could be visible during interview as well.

(d) Financial crisis – does he opt to put extra efforts ?

(e) Interest and achievements in hiking/mountaineering/cycling etc reveal acceptable stamina.

(f) Has he ever under taken physical endurance exercises, eg NCC camps etc.

(g) Interest in outdoor games and some achievements in them indicate acceptable stamina.

(h) Efforts in to achieve one’s abilities.

(j) Behaviour when posed with tough synthetic situation.

(k) Reaction to failure – did he try again? Why not?

38. The manifestations of the OLQs from the CIQs is summarized as under :-











Part II – Strengths of IO Technique

39. The IO technique being interactive has its own strengths. This is due to the physical presence of the candidate where his expression, body language and responses are live therefore allowing his personality to be evaluated. The technique has flexibility to probe as required to elicit the necessary information. Some of the strengths of this technique are enumerated below :-


(a) This technique enables vast potential for the IO to interact with the candidate, thereby helping in effective evaluation of the candidate’s personality.

(b) A face-to-face interview is the most favoured and effective technique for selection of candidates, as it enables a clear assessment of the sum of the personality of the candidate based on the experience and expertise of the IO.

(c) Option of clarifying the facts revealed by the candidate.

(d) Enables free flow of information from the candidate.

(e) Flexibility to probe with follow-up questions to confirm manifestations.

(f) Allows spontaneity in the responses thus enabling unguarded responses allowing for true manifestations to emerge.

(g) Candidate is given adequate time to express himself thus evaluative information emerges.

(h) Candidate’s free response offers unique insights into his personality.

(j) The IO can subtly shift to unfamiliar ground, and then evaluate the candidate’s guarded responses, especially for repeaters and coached candidates.

Part III – Weaknesses of IO Technique

40. All systems, however robust have certain weaknesses. Our selection techniques also have certain weaknesses as they involve the study of human personality. The human mind is too complex to be probed to its depths to extract the exact manifestations of all the aspects of an individual’s personality. A great amount of subjectivity affects the IO’s assessment capabilities. Beyond a level, complacency, over confidence, mindset, and tendency to make snap judgments sets in. However some of the other weaknesses are as follows :-

(a) IO cannot assess adequately all OLQs.

(b) The IO is vulnerable to first impression both from the PIQ and from the bearing of the candidate when he first walks in.

(c) A well-coached and prepared candidate may be able to mask his actual qualities. Similarly, a guarded candidate may not show his actual potential and will be difficult to carry out deep probe.

(d) The OIR as at present has lost its relevance and importance as it has been observed that repeaters can improve it. It is comparatively easy to score better OIR through coaching, therefore, there is a need to have a re-look at the concept of OIR in the case of repeaters.


(e) The IO technique suffers from grave subjectivity and needs to be re-oriented to adapt to the changing environment.

(f) The language of the CIQs is outdated and needs to be changed with the existing language in vogue.

(g) Loyalty, integrity, dependability and moral courage being very important qualities are included in SOR, not easily manifested and therefore are difficult to evaluate. (h) The IO technique is prone to effects of common errors and biases.

(j) OLQs like courage and stamina, both mental as well as physical are comparatively difficult to assess.

(k) The technique is time intensive and requires a high level of concentration on part of the IO.

(r) There is a possibility that a smart and well coached candidate may eventually take control over the flow of events during the interview, thus preventing the IO to extract his weaknesses.

(s) Data collected difficult to an analyze, quantify and aggregate. No method to confirm/check back.

(t) If EI, RA and POE are high, the individual may speak from conscious mind and prevent manifestation of his negative aspects.

(u) Domestic, financial, children problems of IO may affect the concentration as a result of which loose ends of candidate’s personality may be left vague.


41. The aim of our selection system is to select candidates who are physically, mentally and temperamentally cut out for career in the armed forces. During the past three decades or so our country has under gone major cultural, economic and technological changes which on turn have greatly affected the ethos, values, life style and attitude of the youth of the country and the same is reflected in the outlook of the new generation of officers. The tests administered in our selection system need to keep pace with these changes and we need to plan and think a decade preferably two decades into the future. In view of the above, there is a need to study the impact of various changes on existing OLQs being assessed at SSB and update the selection system accordingly. Today, we have 17 types of entries and the job requirement of all entries need to identify new OLQs or new sub qualities under the existing OLQs so as to cater to the changing job requirement/environment. To achieve this, we need amend/update techniques of assessment wherever required. This will help in selecting suitable candidate for each entry and will possible improve the selection rate too. The selection system followed currently has been in vogue since 1950 and stood the test of time, undoubtedly, it is the best selection system and above all it caters to the requirement of the Indian Army. Not withstanding the above, in order for the selection system to remain effective, it needs continuous evaluation and up dating so as to keep with changing environment.


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