manifest destiny -theory that the us should expand across the continent - from east coast to west...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Manifest Destiny

-theory that the US should expand across the continent

- From east coast to west coast; “God’s Will”

Louisiana Purchase - doubled the size of the US

War of 1812 – made US a world power

Lure of the West – created rise of Nationalism in the US; Oregon Trail and Sante Fe Trails in the 1840s

Manifest Destiny

-theory that the US should expand across the continent

Louisiana Purchase

War of 1812

Lure of the West

Manifest Destiny

-theory that the US should expand across the continent

Louisiana Purchase

War of 1812

Lure of the West


-religious group founded by Joseph Smith , 1827

-Smith was killed by a mob denouncing his views – Polygamy (having more than one wife)

-Brigham Young led the group west to Utah, 1847; settled there; majority still Mormon there

-formed a thriving community – Salt Lake City


-immigrants from U.S. move into Mexican Texas

Stephen F. Austin leads the settlers; given land grants from Spanish. Had to follow Mexican law and Catholicism

-Mexico tries to regain control of Texas – Santa Anna is the President of Mexico

-Mexico feared a plot by the U.S. to acquire Texas


-Battle of the Alamo, 1836

Texans defeated (Massacred)

1800 Mexican Troops vs 189 Texans; 600 Mexicans die. All Texans die

-Texans eventually defeat Mexican Army and declare independence

-1836, Lone Star Republic

Sam Houston serves as President of Texas

Western Lands

-Indian conflicts

Indian Removal

Laramie Treaty, 1851 – Indians offer safe travel for settlers on Oregon Trail in exchange for $50K per year

Broken Treaties

Western Lands

-Oregon Territory

Oregon Trail – Disease (Cholera) bad water, starvation

Independence to Portland

Missouri to Portland 2000 miles

Donner Party – trapped on mountain; ate the dead to survive

-“54-40 or Fight” – campaign slogan used by Polk to enforce Manifest Destiny to Oregon

-James K. Polk

-election of 1844

Western Lands

-Oregon Territory

Oregon Trial – Disease (Cholera) bad water, starvation

Independence to Portland

Missouri to Portland 2000 miles

Donner Party – trapped on mountain; ate the dead to survie

-“54-40 or Fight” – campaign slogan used by Polk to enforce Manifest Destiny to Oregon

-James K. Polk

-election of 1844

Mexican War

-Texas finally annexed in 1845

-promise of newly elected Polk

-border dispute arises with Mexico

-Polk sends troops

-war breaks out after border skirmish

General Zachary Taylor – “Old Rough and Ready”

General Winfield Scott – “Old Fuss and Feathers”

Mexican War

-Mexico defeated

-Mexican cessation of lands in the west 1848

California, Nevada, NM, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming

Mexican War

-Mexico defeated

-Mexican cessation of lands in the west 1848

California, Nevada, NM, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming

Spoils of War

-Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – ends the Mexican War

-Mexican cessation

-Gadsden Purchase

- Creates the “Continental United States”

-Zach Taylor elected President

-California Gold Rush

Gold found in 1848 at Sutter’s Mill

1849 Gold Rush

Spoils of War

-Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

-Mexican cessation

-Gadsden Purchase

-Zach Taylor elected President

-California Gold Rush

Gold found in 1848 at Sutter’s Mill

1849 Gold Rush – “Forty-Niners”

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