managing vmware infrastructure using vmware apis · vcp5 sysadmin r&d & cloud . ovh big...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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Managing VMware Infrastructure

using VMware APIs

VMworld Barcelona 2012



24h managing a VMware

Infrastructure Real use cases compiled in a day


Francois Loiseau VCP5


R&D & Cloud

OVH Big VMware infrastructures

High automation level

VMware Users

Linux / Windows / Solaris / …

Web team

Dev team



VMware Administrator Linux / Windows

VMware world

Storage: Storage Team

Network: Network Team

Security: Security Team (Quality)

VMware administrators to serve the company

VMware Infrastructures Self provisionned

Internal cloud

Customer provisonned vSphere As A Service

privateCloud hosting

VMware APIs vSphere

Perl / Java / powerCli

vCloud REST

Several ways to do it

VMware vSphere SDK for Perl Any platform

Download from:

Untar and copy: vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib/lib/VMware/share/VMware

To: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/

Connexion sample #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Data::Dumper; use VMware::VIRuntime; # Auth options Opts::set_option('server', ‘myvCenter'); Opts::set_option('username', ‘myUser'); Opts::set_option('password', ‘myPassw0rd!'); print "Connecting \n"; Util::connect(); print "Connected \n"; # # [ We’ll make actions there ] # Util::disconnect(); print "Disconnected \n";

9’ AM Network team alerts

Sep 20 08:59:44 sw1.corp : 2012 Sep 20 08:59:21 CEST: %FWM-6-MAC_MOVE_NOTIFICATION: Host 0050.5612.1234 in vlan 1111 is flapping between port Po30 and port Po31 Sep 20 08:59:44 sw1.corp : 2012 Sep 20 08:59:21 CEST: %FWM-6-MAC_MOVE_NOTIFICATION: Host 0050.5612.1234 in vlan 1111 is flapping between port Po30 and port Po31 Sep 20 08:59:44 sw1.corp : 2012 Sep 20 08:59:21 CEST: %FWM-6-MAC_MOVE_NOTIFICATION: Host 0050.5612.1234 in vlan 1111 is flapping between port Po31 and port Po30 Sep 20 08:59:44 sw2.corp : 2012 Sep 20 08:59:21 CEST: %FWM-6-MAC_MOVE_NOTIFICATION: Host 0050.5612.1234 in vlan 1111 is flapping between port Po31 and port Po30 Sep 20 08:59:44 sw2.corp : 2012 Sep 20 08:59:21 CEST: %FWM-6-MAC_MOVE_NOTIFICATION: Host 0050.5612.1234 in vlan 1111 is flapping between port Po30 and port Po31 Sep 20 08:59:44 sw1.corp : 2012 Sep 20 08:59:21 CEST: %FWM-6-MAC_MOVE_NOTIFICATION: Host 0050.5612.1234 in vlan 1111 is flapping between port Po31

Quick diagnosis

HA Failure VM powered on 2 hosts

Same mac set on both VMs ? Both VMs ?

Quick diagnosis

Vlan segmentation / CMDB vcenter201

Let us find it quickly my $mac = "00:50:56:12:12:34"; my $DatacenterView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'Datacenter', 'filter' => { 'name' => 'myDatacenter', } ); my $VMViews = Vim::find_entity_views( 'view_type' => 'VirtualMachine', 'begin_entity' => $DatacenterView, ); foreach my $VMView (@$VMViews) { foreach my $Device (@{$VMView->config->hardware->device}) { if(exists $Device->{'macAddress'} and $Device->{'macAddress'} eq $mac) { print $VMView->summary->config->name . “\n”; } } }

Connecting Connected Getting Datacenter view Got Datacenter View Web001 Web123 Disconnected

Let us find it quickly

10’AM Storage maintenance planed

Storage team question : « May I shut this LUN tomorrow ?

I need to rack this SAN somewhere else. »

VM running on this Datastore solved


Iso from this datastore not used anymore?

Quick diagnosis Storage definition / CMDB




Let us find it quickly my $DatacenterView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'Datacenter', 'filter' => { 'name' => 'myDatacenter', } ); my $VMViews = Vim::find_entity_views( 'view_type' => 'VirtualMachine', 'begin_entity' => $DatacenterView , 'properties' => [ 'config.hardware.device', '', ] ); my $datastore = "templates"; foreach my $VMView (@{ $VMViews }) { foreach my $Device (@{$VMView->{'config.hardware.device'}}) { if (ref( $Device ) eq "VirtualCdrom") { if ($Device->deviceInfo->summary =~ /^ISO/ && $Device->deviceInfo->summary =~ $datastore) { print $VMView->{''} . “ is using “ . $Device->deviceInfo->summary . “\n”;

} } } }

Let us find it quickly vCenter134 Connecting Connected Getting Datacenter view Got Datacenter View vpn-upgrade is using ISO [templates] iso/RIPLinux-11.3-non-X.iso share is using ISO [templates] iso/gparted-live-0.7.1-1.iso Oracle-11g-1b is using ISO [templates] iso/oracleLinux32.iso Disconnected

vCenter197 Connecting Connected Getting Datacenter view Got Datacenter View Disconnected

vCenter026 Connecting Connected Getting Datacenter view Got Datacenter View Disconnected



2’ PM

Security team email : « Dear administrators,

We are suspecting unauthorized access

to our infrastructures last 3 months.

Could you please send us

all authentifications / login on VMware

front based on this template:

Date ; User ; IP From.»

Database retention policy

Let us find it quickly

# Getting Event Manager my $EventManager = Vim::get_view('mo_ref' => Vim::get_service_content()->eventManager); my $EventFilterSpecByEntity = EventFilterSpecByEntity->new( 'entity' => Vim::get_service_content()->rootFolder(), 'recursion' => EventFilterSpecRecursionOption->new('all'), ); my $EventFilterSpec = EventFilterSpec->new( 'entity' => $EventFilterSpecByEntity, ); my $EventHistoryCollector = $EventManager->CreateCollectorForEvents('filter' => $EventFilterSpec);

Let us find it quickly

my $biggestEventChainId = 0 ; while(1) { my $EventHistoryCollectorView = Vim::get_view('mo_ref' => $EventHistoryCollector); my @latestPage = @{ $EventHistoryCollectorView->latestPage }; for (my $eventId = scalar @latestPage ; $eventId >= 0 ; $eventId--) { my $createdTime = exists ( $latestPage[$eventId]->{'createdTime'} ) ? getDate($latestPage[$eventId]->createdTime) : "X"; my $username = exists ( $latestPage[$eventId]->{'userName'}) ? $latestPage[$eventId]->userName : "X"; my $fullFormattedMsg = exists ( $latestPage[$eventId]->{'fullFormattedMessage'} ) ? encode('UTF8' ,$latestPage[$eventId]->fullFormattedMessage) : "X"; my $task = exists ( $latestPage[$eventId]->{'info'}->{'task'}->{'value'} ) ? $latestPage[$eventId]->info->task->value : "X"; my $status = exists ( $latestPage[$eventId]->{'info'}->{'state'}->{'val'}) ? $latestPage[$eventId]->info->state->val : "X"; my $eventChainId = exists ( $latestPage[$eventId]->{'chainId'} ) ? $latestPage[$eventId]->chainId : "X"; if ($eventChainId > $biggestEventChainId) { chomp($fullFormattedMsg); print $createdTime . "|" . $fullFormattedMsg . "|" . $task . "|" . $username . "|" . $status . "\n" ; $biggestEventChainId = $eventChainId; } } }

On Syslog

Fri Sep 12 11:22:42 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:22:42 2012|User John logged out|X|John|X Fri Sep 12 11:23:52 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:23:52 2012|User John@ logged in|X|John|X Fri Sep 12 11:23:52 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:23:52 2012|User John logged out|X|John|X Fri Sep 12 11:25:33 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:25:33 2012|User Corp\vscope@ logged in|X|vscope|X Fri Sep 12 11:25:59 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:25:59 2012|User Franck@ logged in|X|Franck|X Fri Sep 12 11:26:02 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:02 2012|User John@ logged in|X|John|X Fri Sep 12 11:26:02 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:02 2012|User John logged out|X|John|X

Let us find it quickly

# Getting Task Manager my $TaskManagerView = Vim::get_view('mo_ref' => Vim::get_service_content()->taskManager); my $TaskFilterSpecByEntity = TaskFilterSpecByEntity->new( 'entity' => Vim::get_service_content()->rootFolder(), 'recursion' => TaskFilterSpecRecursionOption->new('all'), ); my $TaskFilterSpec = TaskFilterSpec->new( 'entity' => $TaskFilterSpecByEntity, ); my $TaskHistoryCollector = $TaskManagerView->CreateCollectorForTasks( 'filter' => $TaskFilterSpec );

Let us find it quickly my $biggestTaskChainId = 0 ; while (1) { my $TaskHistoryCollectorView = Vim::get_view('mo_ref' => $TaskHistoryCollector); my @latestPage = @{ $TaskHistoryCollectorView->latestPage }; for (my $taskId = scalar @latestPage ; $taskId >= 0 ; $taskId--) { my $startTime = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'startTime'} ) ? getDate($latestPage[$taskId]->startTime) : "X"; my $completeTime = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'completeTime'} ) ? getDate($latestPage[$taskId]->completeTime) : "X"; my $entityName = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'entityName'} ) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->entityName : "X"; my $eventChainId = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'eventChainId'} ) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->eventChainId : "X"; my $task = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'task'}->{'value'} ) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->task->value : "X"; my $name = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'name'}) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->name : "X"; my $descriptionId = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'descriptionId'} ) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->descriptionId : "X"; my $username = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'reason'}->{'userName'}) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->reason->userName : "X"; my $status = exists ( $latestPage[$taskId]->{'state'}->{'val'}) ? $latestPage[$taskId]->state->val : "X"; if ($eventChainId > $biggestTaskChainId) { print $startTime . "|" . $completeTime . "|" . $task . "|" . $entityName . "|" . $name . "|" . $descriptionId . "|" . $username . "|" . $status . "\n" ; $biggestTaskChainId = $eventChainId; }

} }

On Syslog

Fri Sep 12 06:51:05 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 06:51:05 2012|Fri Sep 12 06:51:06 2012|task-13515|Centres de données|X|com.vmware.vcIntegrity.CheckNotificationTask|X|success Fri Sep 12 07:01:19 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 07:01:19 2012|Fri Sep 12 07:01:28 2012|task-13516|nas-001223|RefreshDatastoreStorageInfo|Datastore.refreshStorageInfo|Franck|success Fri Sep 12 07:10:55 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 07:10:55 2012|Fri Sep 12 07:10:57 2012|task-13517|nas-000268|RefreshDatastoreStorageInfo|Datastore.refreshStorageInfo|Franck|success Fri Sep 12 11:26:16 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:16 2012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:16 2012|task-13525|Datacenter-RBX|PowerOnMultiVM_Task|Datacenter.powerOnVm|John|success Fri Sep 12 11:26:24 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:24 2012|Task: Reconfigure virtual machine|task-13527|John|queued Fri Sep 12 11:26:24 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:24 2012|X|task-13527|NFS-99|ReconfigVM_Task|VirtualMachine.reconfigure|John|running Fri Sep 12 11:26:39 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:39 2012|X|task-13528|Oracle12-1b|PowerOffVM_Task|VirtualMachine.powerOff|John|running Fri Sep 12 11:26:59 2012|vcenter012|Fri Sep 12 11:26:59 2012|X|task-13529|Oracle12-1b|Destroy_Task|VirtualMachine.destroy|John|running



4’ PM

Web team post-production challenges All VMs with snapshots

Quick diagnosis Storage definitions / CMDB

vCenter definitions vcenter201



My tought Get on all web team Filers vmdk & date

List all VMs

find /directory-* |grep .vmdk|grep 0000 |nawk '{FS="\n" ; print $1}' |xargs -i ls -al {}

Let us find it quickly my $DatacenterView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'Datacenter', 'filter' => { 'name' => 'myDatacenter', } ); my $VMViews = Vim::find_entity_views( 'view_type' => 'VirtualMachine', 'begin_entity' => $DatacenterView , ); my $listVm; my $snapshots; my $ret; foreach my $VMView (@$VMViews) { # Checking if VM got at least 1 snapshot if ($VMView->snapshot) { foreach my $snap (@{$VMView->snapshot->rootSnapshotList}) { $ret = _getAllSnapshots( 'snap' => $snap , 'snapshots' => $snapshots ); $listVm->{$VMView->name} = $ret; } } } print Dumper $listVm;

# Recursive Sub to list all snaps sub _getAllSnapshots { my %params = @_; my $snap = $params{'snap'}; my $snapshots = $params{'snapshots'}; my ($date1,$date2)= split /T/, $snap->createTime; my ($year,$mon,$day) = split /-/, $date1; my ($hrs,$min,$sec ) = split /:/, $date2; my $createdTime = timegm($sec, $min, $hrs, $day, $mon-1, $year-1900); # filling result my $snapHash = { 'name' => $snap->name , 'date' => $createdTime, 'desc' => $snap->description }; push @$snapshots , $snapHash; # and go on if ($snap->childSnapshotList) { foreach my $snapChild (@{$snap->childSnapshotList}) { my $ret = _getAllSnapshots('snap' => $snapChild , 'snapshots' => $snapshots);

} } return $snapshots; }

Let us find it quickly Connecting Connected Getting Datacenter view Got Datacenter View $VAR1 = { ‘Web142' => [ { 'desc' => ‘Before Uprgade', 'date' => 1317970514, 'name' => ‘snap1' }, ], ‘Web212' => [ { 'desc' => ‘Before Uprgade', 'date' => 1317970632, 'name' => ‘snap1' }, ], ‘Web123' => [ { 'desc' => ‘Before Uprgade', 'date' => 1317970312, 'name' => ‘snap1' }, ], }; Disconnected



5’ PM Customer request

« Notify me on what’s going on my infrastructure »


Send email ?

Syslog ?

Let do this

my $msg = ‘User John created on this vCenter. Access has been granted to this Datacenter. We are going to log everything’; my $EventManager = Vim::get_view( 'mo_ref' => Vim::get_service_content()->eventManager ); $EventManager->LogUserEvent( 'entity' => $DatacenterView, 'msg' => $msg );



11’ PM Host Failure

Host pings Failed to ping HARDWARE DRS TRIGGERED Getting Host spare Adding VMKernel Adding Host to inventory Adding networks Adding filers Done

my $host = ""; eval { my $ping = 1; while ($ping) { `/bin/ping -c 1 $host`; if ($? != 0) { $ping = 0; last; } sleep 1; print "Host $host pings\n"; } alarm(0); }; print "Failed to ping\n"; print "Getting Hosts spare \n ";


Howto ?

Adding IP to Host

Howto ?

my $vmkernelIp = ""; my $vmkernelNetmask = ""; my $vlanId = "1234"; my $HostSystemView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'HostSystem' ); my $NetworkSystemView = Vim::get_view( 'mo_ref' => $HostSystemView->configManager->networkSystem ); my $HostPortGroupSpec = HostPortGroupSpec->new( 'name' => "VMKernel", 'vlanId' => $vlanId, 'vswitchName' => "vSwitch0", 'policy' => HostNetworkPolicy->new(), ); $NetworkSystemView->AddPortGroup( 'portgrp' => $HostPortGroupSpec );

Adding IP to Host

Howto ?

my $HostIpConfig = HostIpConfig->new( 'dhcp' => 'false', 'ipAddress' => $vmkernelIp, 'subnetMask' => $vmkernelNetmask ); my $HostVirtualNicSpec = HostVirtualNicSpec->new( 'ip' => $HostIpConfig, ); my $vnic = $NetworkSystemView->AddVirtualNic( 'portgroup' => "VMKernel", 'nic' => $HostVirtualNicSpec ); my $HostVirtualNicManager = Vim::get_view( 'mo_ref' => $HostSystemView->configManager->virtualNicManager ); $HostVirtualNicManager->SelectVnicForNicType( 'nicType' => 'vmotion', 'device' => $vnic );

my $DatacenterView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'Datacenter', 'filter' => { 'name' => "Rbx" } ); my $ClusterView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'ClusterComputeResource', 'begin_entity‘ => $DatacenterView, 'filter' => { 'name' => "Cluster001" } ); $hostConnectSpec = HostConnectSpec->new( 'force' => 1, 'hostName' => $vmkernelIp, 'userName' => $hostUsername, 'password' => $hostPassword, 'sslThumbprint' => $thumbprint, ); $ClusterView->AddHost_Task( 'spec' => $hostConnectSpec, 'asConnected' => 1, 'license' => $licenseKey );

Adding Host

Howto ?

my $HostViews = Vim::find_entity_views( 'view_type' => 'HostSystem', 'begin_entity' => $DatacenterView ); my $DatastoreSystemView = Vim::get_view( 'mo_ref' => $HostView->configManager->datastoreSystem, ); my $HostNasVolumeSpec = HostNasVolumeSpec->new( 'accessMode' => 'readWrite', 'localPath' => nas-000357, 'remoteHost' => '', 'remotePath' => ‘/share/nas-000357', 'type' => 'NFS' ); $DatastoreSystemView->CreateNasDatastore( 'spec' => $HostNasVolumeSpec );

Adding storage

Howto ?

my $HostSystemView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'HostSystem', 'filter' => {'name' => "",}, ); my $HostSystemView = Vim::find_entity_view( 'view_type' => 'HostSystem' ); my $NetworkSystemView = Vim::get_view( 'mo_ref' => $HostSystemView->configManager->networkSystem, ); my $HostPortGroupSpec = HostPortGroupSpec->new( 'name' => "vlanXXX", 'vlanId' => 1234, 'vswitchName' => "vSwitch0", 'policy' => HostNetworkPolicy->new(), ); $NetworkSystemView->AddPortGroup( 'portgrp' => $HostPortGroupSpec );

Adding vlans

Howto ?



2’ AM vCenter crash

Alert received

vCenter logs

Quick diagnosis

Panic: Win32 exception: Access Violation (0xc0000005) Read (0) at address 0000000000000098 Panic: Assert Failed: "openedInfo._activations == 0" @ d:/build/ob/bora-340981/bora/vim/lib/vimutil/view/multiContainerView.cpp:123 Backtrace: backtrace[00] rip 000000018010a8aa Vmacore::System::Stacktrace::CaptureWork backtrace[01] rip 00000001800e8008 Vmacore::System::SystemFactoryImpl::CreateFileWriter backtrace[02] rip 00000001800e84fe Vmacore::System::SystemFactoryImpl::CreateQuickBacktrace backtrace[03] rip 0000000180129ba5 Vmacore::PanicExit backtrace[04] rip 0000000180129cb1 Vmacore::PanicExit backtrace[05] rip 000000018007669e Vmacore::RunTimeFailure backtrace[06] rip 000000013fddd883 (no symbol) backtrace[07] rip 000000013fdcae13 (no symbol) backtrace[08] rip 0000000000eef1e1 Vim::View::ListView::_GetType backtrace[09] rip 0000000000358d9c Vmomi::RuntimeFault::_GetDataType backtrace[10] rip 000000014044cf6f (no symbol) backtrace[11] rip 000000014042a672 (no symbol) backtrace[12] rip 0000000140430a08 (no symbol) backtrace[13] rip 000000018011f68d Vmacore::System::IsEnlisted backtrace[14] rip 0000000180120a6f Vmacore::System::IsEnlisted backtrace[15] rip 0000000180119df5 Vmacore::System::ThisThreadExists backtrace[16] rip 0000000073562fdf endthreadex backtrace[17] rip 0000000073563080 endthreadex backtrace[18] rip 00000000777bf56d BaseThreadInitThunk backtrace[19] rip 00000000779f3281 RtlUserThreadStart [2012-04-13 02:35:32.385 05324 panic 'App' opID=50E97826-00000154] Assert Failed: "openedInfo._activations == 0" @ d:/build/ob/bora-340981/bora/vim/lib/vimutil/view/multiContainerView.cpp:123

More verbose ?

Quick diagnosis

C:\Users\All Users\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\vpxd.cfg <log> <level>trivia</level> </log>

Looks better ... :)

Quick diagnosis

Panic: Win32 exception: Access Violation (0xc0000005) Read (0) at address 0000000000000098 Panic: Assert Failed: "openedInfo._activations == 0" @ d:/build/ob/bora-340981/bora/vim/lib/vimutil/view/multiContainerView.cpp:123 Backtrace: backtrace[00] rip 000000018010a8aa Vmacore::System::Stacktrace::CaptureWork backtrace[01] rip 00000001800e8008 Vmacore::System::SystemFactoryImpl::CreateFileWriter backtrace[02] rip 00000001800e84fe Vmacore::System::SystemFactoryImpl::CreateQuickBacktrace backtrace[03] rip 0000000180129ba5 Vmacore::PanicExit backtrace[04] rip 0000000180129cb1 Vmacore::PanicExit backtrace[05] rip 000000018007669e Vmacore::RunTimeFailure backtrace[06] rip 000000013fddd883 (no symbol) backtrace[07] rip 000000013fdcae13 (no symbol) backtrace[08] rip 0000000000eef1e1 Vim::View::ListView::_GetType backtrace[09] rip 0000000000358d9c Vmomi::RuntimeFault::_GetDataType backtrace[10] rip 000000014044cf6f (no symbol) backtrace[11] rip 000000014042a672 (no symbol) backtrace[12] rip 0000000140430a08 (no symbol) backtrace[13] rip 000000018011f68d Vmacore::System::IsEnlisted backtrace[14] rip 0000000180120a6f Vmacore::System::IsEnlisted backtrace[15] rip 0000000180119df5 Vmacore::System::ThisThreadExists backtrace[16] rip 0000000073562fdf endthreadex backtrace[17] rip 0000000073563080 endthreadex backtrace[18] rip 00000000777bf56d BaseThreadInitThunk backtrace[19] rip 00000000779f3281 RtlUserThreadStart [2012-04-13 02:42:32.385 05324 panic 'App' opID=50E97826-00000154] Assert Failed: "openedInfo._activations == 0" @ d:/build/ob/bora-340981/bora/vim/lib/vimutil/view/multiContainerView.cpp:123

Help ? Google

=> S/R

Solution Quick, easy and efficient

vpxd.exe -b


Quick diagnosis CMDB

Storage definitions

vCenter defintions

Hosts definitions

Let’s do it

Let’s do it I got Redis that is a Folder Working on vmAndTemplates we are on a root context Entity is neither host neither vm neither datastore - _whatToDoWithContextAndPathForThisEntity I have to create a container (Folder) named Redis in vmAndTemplates (root) -> vmAndTemplates –

_whatToDoWithContextAndPathForThisEntity Directly creating Folder in vmAndTemplates Finding view of entity Folder, named Redis beginning from vm done Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping Now, looking at what's inside Folder Redis I got, from this at root, 4 direct entity I have to move a vm named redis100 in Redis (Folder) in path vmAndTemplates/Redis

moving vm into Redis context is Folder Task to move redis100 into Redis (vmAndTemplates/Redis) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping VM moved I have to move a vm named redis101 in Redis (Folder) in path vmAndTemplates/Redis moving vm into Redis context is Folder Task to move redis101 into Redis (vmAndTemplates/Redis) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping VM moved I have to move a vm named redis102 in Redis (Folder) in path vmAndTemplates/Redis

moving vm into Redis context is Folder Task to move redis102 into Redis (vmAndTemplates/Redis) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping VM moved I have to move a vm named redis103 in Redis (Folder) in path vmAndTemplates/Redis

moving vm into Redis context is Folder Task to move redis103 into Redis (vmAndTemplates/Redis) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping VM moved I got SMTP that is a Folder

Finding view of entity ResourcePool, named prod beginning from Web done Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping Now, looking at what's inside ResourcePool prod I got, from this at root, 2 direct entity Entity is neither host neither vm neither datastore - _whatToDoWithContextAndPathForThisEntity I have to create a container (ResourcePool) named Front in prod (ResourcePool) -> hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod - _whatToDoWithContextAndPathForThisEntity

Using Pool prod I have to move a vm named web1057 in Front (ResourcePool) in path hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front I have to move a vm named web1058 in Front (ResourcePool) in path hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front moving vm into Front context is ResourcePool Task to move web1058 into Front (hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping VM moved I have to move a vm named web1055 in Front (ResourcePool) in path hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front moving vm into Front context is ResourcePool Task to move web1055 into Front (hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping VM moved I have to move a vm named web1040 in Front (ResourcePool) in path hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front moving vm into Front context is ResourcePool Task to move web1040 into Front (hostsAndClusters/Cluster001/Web/prod/Front) started Applying alarms No alarms on this entity, skipping

Snapshot vCenter

Takes alarms set up on entities

Takes config of Pools / Clusters / vApps

Inventory hierarchy Folder / Clusters / Pools / vApps

All entities

Snapshot vCenter - alarms: [] config: !!perl/hash:ResourceConfigSpec cpuAllocation: !!perl/hash:ResourceAllocationInfo expandableReservation: 1 limit: -1 reservation: 1125 shares: !!perl/hash:SharesInfo level: !!perl/hash:SharesLevel val: normal shares: 4000 memoryAllocation: !!perl/hash:ResourceAllocationInfo expandableReservation: 1 limit: -1 reservation: 125 shares: !!perl/hash:SharesInfo level: !!perl/hash:SharesLevel val: normal shares: 163840 name: Internal type: ResourcePool childs: - alarms: [] config: vmx: '[nas-000357] web100/web100.vmx' name: web100 type: vm values: [] - alarms: [] config: vmx: '[nas-000357] web101/web101.vmx' name: web101 type: vm values: []

VMware Solution

My own experience

Bring added value

Questions ?

Download this presentation on

top related