managing online guest lecture (stephanie kelly) - 2012

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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Karen Freberg, Ph.D.


Karen Freberg, Ph.D. – University of Louisville ¨  Education:

¤  Ph.D., Communications (University of Tennessee) ¤  MA, Strategic Public Relations (University of

Southern California) ¤  BS, Public Relations (University of Florida)

¨  Interests: ¤  Social media, Crisis Communications, and PR

¨  Social Media: ¤  FB, LinkedIn, Twitter (@kfreberg), and

Pinterest ¨  Blog:

Managing Online Presence & Reputation

Something  to  think  about…  

¨  “It  takes  many  good  deeds  to  build  a  good  reputation,  and  only  one  bad  one  to  lose  it.”          -­‐-­‐  Benjamin  Franklin    

De1inition  of  a  reputation  

 “Reputation  is  a  collective  term  referring  to  all  stakeholders’  views  of  corporation  or  individual,  including  identity  and  image  based  on  experiences  and  expectations.”  

 -­‐Professor  Gary  Davies    Manchester  Business  School  


Online reputation management

¨  People will have a voice – filtered or unfiltered – online and with social media

¨  Social media is the personalized digital version of traditional media – people sharing information, discussing important issues, etc

¨  Communities will engage in conversation online – with you, against you, and even about you

¨  Privacy online is really not there – people will judge you based on the information presented online on Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, or other sites – First impressions key!

"Google is not a search engine. It's a reputation management

system. Online your rep is quantifiable, findable and totally unavoidable."

-- Wired magazine, April 2007

Reputations are….

¨  Evolving ¨  Fragile ¨  Needs to be constantly maintained ¨  Integrated perceptions of our various roles in life ¨  Not only in the local sphere – but are now global ¨  Influenced by word-of-mouth communications – not only what you

say to others, but what your “friends” say and present about you as well.

¨  Are constructed through personal interactions online, ongoing dialogue, and the personalized presentation of information in multiple formats to showcase personality traits

¨  Formed over time ¨  Most valuable possession – part of individual, business, and


Risky Business White Paper (Weber Shandwick PR)

¨  Some realities we all need to be aware for 2011 and beyond: ¤ Reputation threat is high ¤ Reputations online are revealed – but not completely ¤ Naiveté can lead to surprise ¤ Leaks gush dangerously online ¤ Emergence of “reputation assassins”

Why  do  you  need  to  manage  your  presence  /  reputation  online?  

�  More people are going online for news, information about companies and jobs, and networking – and Google never forgets!

�  The internet is an important medium for PR professionals to not only know, but also understand how it works.

�  Employers today search online when they are interviewing job candidates.

�  You need to be aware of what is posted and shared on you online

�  By managing your brand with a personal web site, online portfolio, social media resume, and blog, you will have a little more control over what is posted online.

�  Your reputation is your most priceless possession, once it is lost, it is very hard to get it back!

Online Reputation


Professional Content &



Online Portfolio

Consistent Interactivity

Social Network

Sites (SNS)



What  NOT  to  do  or  say  on  social  media!  

Online  Presence  Continuum  

Too transparent Too closed Balanced Online Presence

Social Networking Professionally:

¨  LinkedIn ¤  Professional social networking site launched in 2003 ¤  Operates world’s largest professional network on the Internet with

more than 90 million members in over 200 countries and territories

¤  As of January 2011, LinkedIn counts executives from all 2010 Fortune 500 companies as members; its hiring solutions were used by 69 of the Fortune 100 companies as of December 31, 2010

¨  How to optimize LinkedIn ¤  Ask for meaningful recommendations ¤  Incorporate value-added applications to LinkedIn profile

(Slideshare, Prezi, WordPress, Twitter) ¤  Create and upload Resume / CV to LinkedIn

Best practices for online reputation management ¨  Conduct environmental scan of professional and

personal reputation online and through social media – track your online presence (web shadow) ¤  Understand your networks and environment, community,

audiences and followers ¤  Me & My Web Shadow – How to Manage your Online

Reputation n

¨  Monitor and listen to online discussion and comments – monitor personal SEO

¨  Be actively present on various social media sites - consistently

¨  Engage in dialogue with online community – showcase personality traits professionally and through consistent interactions

¨  Know when to respond / when not to respond / and when to take action towards online reputation threats

¨  Control the information you can – importance of having online presence

How to manage reputation effectively?

¨  Identify your own SWOT analysis for online reputation

¨  Set up own personal social media policy guidelines in managing own personal online reputation

¨  Opportunity to share your story - connect with others and create content

¨  Understand that whatever you post, share, comment, discuss online – it is public and on record

¨  Think before posting “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”

¨  Having personal web site / blog / social networking site ¤  Social Networking Professional – LinkedIn ¤  Social Bookmarking Site (visuals / electronic portfolio) –

Pinterest ¤  Maintain a consistent presence across social media platforms

(FB, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc)

¨  Take control over your own story and image. Don’t let others control it for you.

¨  Be your own best PR spokesperson

Final  Thoughts  

¨  “Be  more  concerned  with  your  character  than  your  reputation,  because  your  character  is  what  you  really  are,  while  your  reputation  is  merely  what  others  think  you  are.”            -­‐-­‐  John  Wooden  

Additional Resources

¨  Dr. Leslie Gaines-Ross (Weber-Shandwick Chief Reputation Strategist):

¨  Reputation Rx: ¨  Online reputation (Reputation Rx):

¨  Reputation Institute (Corporate):

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