managing expert systems: from inception through updating...

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byRob R. WEITZ*

Arnoud DE MEYER**

N° 88 / 50

* Rob R. WEITZ, Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences andInformation Systems, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France

** Arnoud DE MEYER, Associate Professor of Technology Management,

INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France

Director of Publication :

Charles WYPLOSZ, Associate Deanfor Research and Development

Printed at INSEAD,Fontainebleau, France

Managing Expert Systems:

From Inception Through Updating

Rob R. Weitz

Arnoud De Meyer

INSEADDepartment of Technology Management

Fontainebleau, France

October 1987

Note: This is a draft document. It is not to he quoted without the express

consent of the authors.


The idea for this paper was sparked by a project we are working on withDigital Equipment Corporation, Europe. The project entails theimplementation of an expert system for computer board diagnosis acrossmultiple sites.

The current version of this paper does not yet include along with theframework presented, a particular example, or "instantiation" of thatframework. The final version is upcoming and will include examples drawnfrom the DEC case study.

Rob Weitz

Arnoud De Meyer


This paper addresses the problem of managing the development andimplementation of a large expert system in an organization. A traditionalsystems analysis and design methodology is used as a framework to highlightsimilarities and differences in managing large scale traditional computerbased projects and large expert systems. As a non-technical, prescriptiveguide, this article focusses on defining at each stage in the project, thetasks to be accomplished, resources required, impact on the organization,likely benefits and potential problems.


Research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) signals greatpromise for the next generation of hardware and software. At the presenttime, expert systems are arguably the most commercially successful productof Artificial Intelligence research; they have crossed the threshold of thelaboratory and are beginning to make their presence felt in real worldapplications. To date however, the management of their introduction intothe workplace and their impact once there remain largely unexplored. Thispaper presents a prescriptive guide for managing large scale expert systemsfrom inception through implementation and maintenance. It is motivated byexperience with the development of a large expert system by an internationalcompany, the growing literature of cases describing expert systems inpractice, and the belief that management and organizational considerations(as opposed to technical wizardry) must remain paramount for the success ofsuch systems to be achieved. The thrust of this paper is to focus awarenesson 1) the processes and resources required for an expert system project, 2)the costs and benefits of such an undertaking, and 3) organizational andtask changes likely to result from the introduction of the system. Thispaper is not a technical guide for building expert systems; technicalconcerns are expressed here only insofar as they are inextricably linked tothe management of such systems.

Expert Systems and Information Systems

A great deal of experience has been gathered regarding the design,implementation and maintenance of "traditional" computer based systems, fromboth technical and management viewpoints. The pitfalls, players andpositive practices have been identified in a large body of existingresearch, and are well described in the information systems literature. Themanagement of expert systems does not lie completely independent from thisprevious computer based project management experience. Indeed, keynote

speakers at recent, major AI conferences have repeatedly emphasized that

expert systems will become invisible - that is, they will be part and parcelof traditional systems. This paper builds on the existing groundwork by

taking as a framework a traditional systems analysis and design (SA&D)methodology and adapting it for application to expert systems.

Expert Systems

Expert systems (ES's) are computer programs for solving difficult,"fuzzy" problems in domains where human expertise is normally associatedwith a great deal of training and experience. Application areas to dateinclude such areas as medical diagnosis, chemical analysis and computersystem configuration. Expert systems are typically characterized by:

performance levels at, or exceeding, those of experts in the problemdomain,

the utilization of large amounts of domain specific knowledge,

the ability to use incomplete or uncertain information,

the capacity to explain their behavior (a kind of self-knowledge),

symbol manipulation, that is "reasoning" about objects, as opposed tonumerical manipulation (which typifies traditional computer programs).

Expert systems are built in an iterative, incremental fashion via repeatedinterviews between one or more domain experts and a "knowledge engineer".Briefly, the task of the knowledge engineer is to elicit the expertknowledge, map the knowledge into a suitable structure and actually code theknowledge using appropriate software and hardware. The process tends to betedious and time consuming and has in fact been referred to as the"knowledge engineering bottleneck". A good overview of experts systems ingeneral, and of the building process is provided by Hayes-Roth et al.(1983).

For ES's the importance of early development of working prototypes isstressed. The prototype is incrementally improved and its capabilitiesexpanded by repeated trials with the domain expert and actual use in a testenvironment. In fact, several versions of the prototype are typicallysuccessively developed, until a sufficiently evolved version is realized forpossible release.

Building and implementing an expert system is both time consuming andresource intensive. While improved software environments have helped speeddevelopment, and recent experience has suggested some guidelines for easingthe overall process somewhat, existing verifiable applications of expertsystems suggests that, for large systems, the time required to go from

prototype to implementation is typically on the order of person-years, with

costs measured in at least the tens of thousands of dollars. For a case in

point, see Linden (1982). Clearly, larger systems (as measured by amount of

knowledge captured by the system and by number of users of the system)

require more effort than smaller systems. In any case, it seems that thevalue of automated expertise supports the magnitude of these efforts.

A Traditional Systems Analysis and Design Framework

Creating a large computer based system for more than personal use is acomplex task requiring technical skills, creativity and good management ofresources. A guide for this process has been established through experienceand while details vary from source to source, the overall thrust is fairlystandardized in the information systems literature. One such systemsanalysis and design framework is provided in Figure 1, and is due to Lucas(1982). As described previously, this paper adapts the traditional systemsanalysis and design procedures for use with expert systems.

Figure 1

A Traditional Systems Analysis and Design Framework

(from Lucas, 1982)


Feasibility Study

Systems Analysis








The bulk of the rest of this paper traces this outline as it applies toexpert systems; fundamental variations of the traditional systems analysisand design process are noted, and described or referenced.


Inception refers to the realization that a computer based system can beused to facilitate some procedure. The procedure may be one alreadyexisting in the organization, or one that is being proposed. At this stagethe envisioned system is naturally somewhat murky in its details, though theoverall goals - to improve some process, reduce costs, ease a productionbottleneck, for example, are more clear. Several variations of possiblesystems are likely entertained at this point. The question proposed hereis, why should the envisioned system (or one of the envisioned systems) bean expert system?

It should be kept in mind that expert systems are not cheaper or easierto build than conventional systems; it is more realistic to assume thecontrary. Therefore, there should be strong, positive reasons forproposing an expert system solution. Simply stated, an expert systemshould be proposed if there is a good correspondence with the task underconsideration and the characteristics of expert systems. Criteria for taskswell suited for expert systems have been enumerated elsewhere (see Bobrow etal., 1986 for example). These criteria are briefly summarized below.

Expert systems are used to replace or assist experts. (A roughdefinition of an expert is someone who can solve difficult problems morequickly and with less effort than a non-expert. Typically, expertise isacquired through lengthy training and experience and is limited for anindividual to a particular field of knowledge.) Insofar as technicalcriteria are concerned, for applying an expert system to a problem, the taskshould clearly

Entail reasoning about symbols, that is, "things". Mathematicalcalculations, no matter how complex, may be handled with traditionalprograms.

Involve a well circumscribed, limited field of knowledge. Expertsystems are not general problem solvers.

Be difficult, but not too difficult. As a general guideline the taskshould take a human expert somewhere between minutes and hours.

Given the above necessary conditions, an expert system is more strongly

recommended for tasks that

Have semi-structured solution processes. Expert systems were created

in an attempt to model problems that do not have algorithmic or "step-

by-step" solutions. (Traditional, decision tree programs were suitable

for these type of problems.) Expert s y stems arc well suited for tasks

where a body of loosely structured knowledge exists; this technologywas designed for capturing the heuristics or "rules of thumb" for

arriving at good solutions.

Require explanation to the user of the system's reasoning in solvingthe problem.

Involve reasoning with uncertain or incomplete information.

The following sampling of appropriate tasks for expert systems should helpclarify these criteria: medical diagnosis, mechanical/electronictroubleshooting, credit rating, insurance adjusting, portfolio management,equipment design.

The above criteria are purely technical requirements, and define the minimumconsiderations for further pursuing the process of thinking about applyingexpert system technology. Related to the above technical concerns are moreorganizational requirements for an expert system to be envisioned as asolution. These include that

Human experts exist and are willing and able to participate in theproject.

Human expertise is scarce and/or expensive.

Management is likely to commit the required resources to the project.(This implies that the task is viewed as an important one.)

At the inception stage, some indication that these non-technical concernsare satisfied must be sensed, or at least their negation must not beevident. It should be clear at the conclusion of the feasibility studywhether or not these requirements are indeed satisfied. The next sectiondiscusses the feasibility analysis and will elaborate on theseconsiderations and others.


This stage does not exist in traditional SA&D; its primary purpose isto demonstrate technical feasibility of the project. Prototype in thissense means a scaled down (in scope, power or both) version of the fullyenvisioned system. This formal prototype stage is suggested because 1) itmay be hard to know what is feasible when it comes to automating expertisewithout attempting a working, trial version, 2) given the newness of thetechnology (and the hype that surrounds it) a prototype can help setrealistic expectations, 3) a demonstration can serve to garner and solidifyenthusiasm for the project and 4) a phased approach involves less risk.Finally, due to the incremental nature of building expert systems and thesoftware development tools created to support this development, prototypesmay be built rather quickly.

The prototype stage begins with a formal proposal to proceed with the

development of a demonstration prototype. The proposal for the prototype isa brief report which includes the areas described in the previous

"Inception" section, plus an outline of how the envisioned system will work,

what it will do, and the costs and benefits expected. The resources andtime frame required should be broadly sketched for the entire project, andfirmly specified for the demonstation prototype phase. Criteria for judgingthe success of the prototype should also be detailed. (The prototype shouldbe evaluated with the goal of demonstrating technical feasibility in mind,high level proficiency in the task domain not being intended.) Thisproposal is a rough-cut version of the feasibility study described in thenext section. The purpose of the proposal is to garner enough interest andcommitment to proceed with the prototype; the decision to proceed with thefull blown project will be taken when the prototype is ready fordemonstration. At that time the full feasibility study should be prepared.

As discussed previously, all expert systems are built throughincremental improvements of working, sub-expert versions of the system.Each of these working versions may be termed "prototype". The prototypeproposal specifies a fixed date at which the system, such as it is, will beaccessible for demonstration purposes. This time period is on the order ofweeks or months, and depends on the resources and time constraints relatingto the project.

Feasibility Study

As the prototype is realized, the full nature and scope of theenvisioned system become more clear. The decision to proceed with thefull project will depend on the performance of the demonstration prototypeand the results of a formal feasibility analysis. This analysis iscomprised of a comparative evaluation of all conceivable alternativesystems. (At minimum a single new system is proposed and evaluated withrespect to the existing procedures.) The ultimate purpose of thefeasibility study is to select the best of all possible alternatives, butthis part of the analysis serves many other purposes. Among these, it helpssolidify ideas, provides a common source of reference, and serves as a focusfor gaining commitment from users and management.

The contents of a standard study report are outlined below. Followingeach directive is a description of how that directive applies to an expertsystem feasibility study. The report should:

Describe the current system including a rationale for changing it.

As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"Shortcomings in the current system and improvements provided by

the suggested system should be clearly specified. Expert systemproposals based on rationales of selecting a "high tech, state-of-

the-art solution" should be rejected.

Explain why the particular solution is proposed, as opposed to someother alternative; already existing, similar systems both inside and

outside the organization should be referenced if possible.

Why is an expert system appropriate? The previous sectiondescribes problems and environments which suggest an expert systemsolution.

Lay out the goals, scope and objectives of the envisioned system.

It is important to set realistic expectations for the proposedsystem. Terms such as "artificial intelligence" and "expertsystems" tend to spur the imagination. Bear in mind that thistechnology typically cannot do what a human expert cannot do andthat, in any case, the breadth of knowledge encompassed by thesystem will be limited. Specify the bounds of the proposedsystem; i.e., what are not the goals, objectives and expectedcapabilities of the system.

Describe in a detailed way what the proposed system will do. Includein this description exactly how the system will work, who will use it,how the task itself and related tasks will change.

The following questions should be addressed. Will "experts"themselves be using the system (i.e., doctors using a medicaldiagnosis system) or will "technicians" use the system? Whatskills will be required of the users? Will the users be newemployees or current workers already doing the task under thepresent system? If current workers, how will their input intosystem design, and their goodwill in general be solicited? Willthe system "de-skill" their task, and if so how do they feel aboutit? How will job responsibilities and lines of communicationchange? The overall technical specifications should be outlined;i.e., how the system will interface with existing informationsystems, data needs, input/output mechanisms, performancerequirements, etc.

Detail the resources required, when they will be required and from whomthey will be required.

For the proposed project, allocations should be included forknowledge engineers, domain experts, programmers, hardware,software, training, and travel expenses. Note that theparticipation of domain experts is crucial, while their time istypically at a premium. (Hence the value of automating theirexpertise.) Provisions for re-specifying their job description toinclude work on the new system should be detailed. Commonly,programmers are required to write user and system to systeminterfaces. A fuller description of all the players required forsuch a project and how they diffet from those involved in

developing a traditional system is given at the end of this

section. As with traditional systems, the choice of hardware andsoftware is one of making trade-offs. Indeed, much of the

criteria (price, speed, compatibility, reputation of supplier, for

example) are the same. Hardware selections fall into threecategories: microcomputers, mini's/mainframes, and workstations.Special purpose expert system development software (typicallycalled "shells" or "environments") exist for each category ofhardware and ease the programming task considerably. It istypically the knowledge engineer's responsibility to chooseappropriate hardware and software for the project. (For moredetails on hardware and software selection see Harmon and King,1985, and Gilmore and Howard, 1986. For more on the specifics ofthe knowledge engineering process see Hayes-Roth et al., 1983.)

Provide a cost-benefit analysis. This analysis should include bothtangibles and intangibles; typically some estimates are required, butthe process should be supported with a sensitivity analysis.

Benefits commonly ascribed to expert systems include: preservationand dissemination of scarce expertise, relieving experts oftedious tasks and thereby allowing them to concentrate on moredifficult/more interesting problems, speedier solutions and moreconsistent problem solving. Important costs include: personnel(i.e., knowledge engineer and expert), software and hardware(perhaps specifically for expert system development and use), andthose expenses associated with training, maintenance and updating.

Define, as best as possible, evaluation criteria and agree on a how thesuccess of the system will be measured. The evaluation criteria shouldbe utilized during the periodic reviews.

Expert systems will typically be evaluated on a host of criteria.These include the quality of the solution, the speed of solution,the manner in which the solution is reached (transparency),breadth of knowledge, explanation and help facilities, usersatisfaction, and the ease with which the system can betransported, modified and updated. The relative importance placedupon each of these criteria is determined by the project's goalsand objectives. The criteria should be established by theultimate users of the system and the managers of the function inquestion, in conjunction with the developers of the system.

Specify a timetable for the project, including periodic reviews andexpected status of the system at each review.

As mentioned above, expert systems are developed incrementally.The first review should occur when a "somewhat competent"

prototype system has been developed and some results have beenobtained regarding its peiformance. (This review should take

place roughly six months from the start of the development work.)

Feedback from this review should direct further technical work onthe system, while any bureaucratic difficulties which have

surfaced should be aired and attended to. Attendees at the

meeting should include those involved with development,representatives of the ultimate users of the system, and thoseresponsible for the direction of the project. At minimum, onemore review will be required (on the order of 6 months after thefirst meeting) to decide to either release, delay or kill theproject.

Assign ownership of the system over the course of it's lifetime.

In many applications, updating of the knowledge encompassed by thesystem is a large, ongoing job due to the nature of the task inquestion. Consider, for example, a diagnosis expert system forsome large piece of machinery. Frequent updates will be requiredif new models of the machine are produced, parts (or part numbers)change, and new faults (and procedures for finding them) appear asthe machine ages. Responsibility after release of the system mayor may not rest with the developers, but in any case thisresponsibility and the mechanisms for undertaking the maintenancetask should be made explicit.

Many of these points will be elaborated upon in the subsequent sections.

Some comments about the players involved in expert systems developmentand how they compare with those for traditional systems are in order. Intraditional systems, three major players are identified: users, theinformation systems (IS) department, and management. Much has been writtenof the responsibilities of each of these agents over the course of the lifeof the information system project (see Lucas, 1982 for example). Brieflystated, ideally the user participates in the design process and may in factoriginate the project idea. The user is best equiped to understand theworkings of the present system and therefore to provide input for systemspecifications, and good test examples. Clearly user satisfaction with thesystem is an important criterion for success. The IS department reviews thefeasibility study, designs the system, specifies system alternatives and thetrade-offs they imply (languages, "off-the-shelf" or special purposeprogrammes, use of service bureaus, batch versus time sharing mode,hardware, etc.), handles the required programming, documentation, training,conversion and maintenance. Management responsibilities are overallapproval and direction of the project, and providing commitment in terms ofresources and recognition.

Expert systems projects include additional players. First, the domainexpert is not necessarily a typical user of the system. If the domain'expert is in fact just an "average user", this user's involvement in thedevelopment of the system will, in any case, be much more intimate that oftypical user involvement in traditional systems. Second, the position of

knowledge engineer requires skills that are not necessaril y found in ISdepartments. This role may he filled by grooming in-house personnel, or

through external services. These services may be obtained via independent

consultants, expert system software companies or expert system hardwarecompanies.

In traditional system development, the IS department has theresponsibility for choosing outside vendors and services. The situation isanalagous here, with many of the trade-offs (such as reputation of thecompany, cost, type of service provided) being similar. However, the ISdepartment must be knowledgeable about ES technology, and the market inorder to evalulate these trade-offs. Further, the IS department will haveto work with the external organization to promote a smooth interface betweenexisting systems and procedures and the new system.

If an outside organization is contracted for developing the system,arrangements for transfering ownership to the IS department (and what thatownership entails) should be specified.

Analysis, Design, Specifications, and Programming

In developing traditional information systems, each of the steps ofanalysis, design/specification and programming is separate and distinct; onedoes not proceed to a subsequent step until finished with the previous one.In the analysis phase, the current system is studied; transactions, datavolumes, decisions made, etc., are detailed. Design/specification of thenew system involves enumerating hardware and software, input and outputfiles, media, procedures for use, security and error control. Writing andtesting the program follows the design phase.

For expert systems, some analysis, design and detailing ofspecifications is required for the prototype proposal, and a large part ofthese tasks plus some programming is completed as part of the prototypesystem and feasibility report. These processes however are far lessdifferentiated in expert system development than for traditional systems.In fact, these processes more closely resembles a paradigm for decisionsupport system development. (See Sprague and Carlson, 1982 and Keen andScott Morton, 1978 for example.)

The incremental, iterative procedure for building ES's has already beendescribed. This is a function of the fact that experts simply cannot sitdown and fully and completely specify their own problem solving behavior.Expert systems are constructed as a collaborative and iterative effortbetween one or more knowledge engineers and one or more domain experts. Theknowledge engineer is experienced in eliciting knowledge from an expert,structuring knowledge such that in can be programmed, and then coding theknowledge. Working from the first prototype, the knowledge engineer canimprove, refine and expand the capabilities of the system through furtherinteraction with the expert. This loop: eliciting, structuring and codingknowledge is traversed many times before a suitable for release version isproduced. Here, programming may be considered to be a function of theanalysis, design and specification of the system and visa versa.

At the beginning of the development of the system, infrequent contactsbetween the knowledge engineer and the expert will suffice; as developmentproceeds, more frequent and more lengthy meetings will be required. In anycase, it is crucial that the expert has sufficient time and incentive towork with the knowledge engineer on the system.


The project report which includes the feasibility study should specifya timetable for release of the system, first as a trial or test version, andlater as the "product" version. The test version receives limiteddistribution and is used to fine tune the system for general release. Foreach release, the system should pass the minimum requirements set up inadvance in the project report.

Disagreement and uncertainty concerning the evaluation procedure islikely to exist. Knowledge engineers may be most concerned with technicalcriteria, and users with quality interfaces, while managers worry about howthe system will help solve "business" problems. (Even a purely technicalevaluation based on the quality of solutions provided by the system may bedifficult to conduct. For example, experts themselves may have differingopinions as to what constitutes a "right" answer.) While disagreement mayexist as to how to evaluate the system, the time to resolve such differencesis prior to development. (See Hayes-Roth et al., 1983 for a good discussionof evaluating expert systems.) In any event, expert systems must beevaluated under multiple criteria. Possible evaluation criteria includewhether use of the system:

Results in better solutions.

Results in faster solutions.

Results in more consistent solutions.

Provides greater worker satisfaction.

Is easy to use.

Reduces training time (for the human users).

Reduces dependence on scarce individuals.

Has resulted in greater insight into the problem.

Reduces the number of extremely bad solutions.

These criteria, should be easy to derive from the goals of the system as

stated early in the project. The more difficult part is measuring how thesystem fulfills these criteria. While some data collection procedures may

already exist, (time or quality standards for diagnosis tasks, as anexample), data collection may have to be initiated as part of the project toallow for a "before and after" study. While the level at which the systemsatisfies each criteria may be flexible, other requirement may be both easyto determine and rather fixed, for example:

Time to repair must be reduced by half.

"Grade 1" technicians must be able to do the task (with the aid of thesystem) as opposed to the "grade 5's" who do it now.

Calls to the resident expert for help on difficult problems must beall but eliminated.

The number of people doing the task should be reduced by 10%.

During testing, the system should be pushed to discover its limits, in termsof the range of its knowledge, but also on very traditional dimensions:security, back-up procedures, and error handling, for example.

User and/or management satisfaction with the system can be assessed viaformal questionaires or interviews. Acceptance will be predicated on notjust how well the system does what may be narrowly defined as it's task, butalso on it's ease of use, intuitiveness of the interface, appropriate helpfacilities, speed, and on how well it helps the user in doing the task as(s)he sees it. A more fundamental question regards not the system per se,but rather the individuals for whom the system is designed. Knowledgeworkers, may or may not want a machine looking over their shoulders whilethey do their jobs, particularly if they view the system as skill orprestige reducing. (Doctors are the classic case in point.) Thispossibility should be addressed early in system development, so thatdisaffection due to resentment does not show up among users at theevaluation stage.

As with traditional systems, both tangible and intangible outcomes willlikely need to be measured; release of the system is, of course, contingenton the benefits outweighing the costs.

Training, Conversion/Installation

Training, conversion and installation are similar to that fortraditional systems. Appropriate documentation should be developed by the

knowledge engineer in conjunction with the IS department if necessary.Training procedures are set up in cooperation with the user:-; and managementHopefully, conversion may be phased in, vith the date for onvetsion agreed

upon by all those involved. As with traditional sy s tem s . the question ofcompatibility of hardware and software is important. With e>:pert systems,compatibility may focus on the use of AI languages or specialized

workstations which need to interface with more conventional hardware and

software. Smooth methods of accessing company data, and generallyinterfacing with existing systems is frequently a necessity. These issuesshould have been planned for in the design phase.


Assuming an outside agent has been involved in developing the system,the arrangement should include provisions for ongoing maintenance andof the system, in the traditional sense (i.e., information "hot-line",software revisions, etc.). Maintenance duties which are the responsibilityof the IS department should be clarified.

Particular attention must be paid to the updating function as expertsystems work in knowledge intensive areas, and problem solving knowledge inpractical applications frequently changes. Updating may be required forknowledge proper, for data the system uses, or both. Some assessment of theextent of updating should be made early in the project, based on the natureof the task. For the XCON system, Digital Equipment Corporation's ES forconfiguring their Vax family of computers, some eight individuals areemployed full time on the updating, that is, collecting and encoding task.This huge effort is due to the fact that the system must constantly bemodified to work on new products (McDermott, 1984). An estimate of thefrequency of knowledge updating and the assignment of updatingresponsibilities should be part of the project report.

New knowledge (and alterations to the system independent of theknowledge base) will likely be suggested by users of the system,particularly if they are experts. Some formal mechanism should beestablished to capture these suggestions, and system performance in general.Unfortunately the knowledge encapsulated in expert systems cannot be updatedsimply by adding knowledge. (Automated updating, that is, updatingperformed entirely by users suggesting new knowledge to the system, is animportant area of research in AI. Of course, systems which learn from theirown mistakes, another research area, would solve this problem.) Aside fromhaving to put the new knowledge into a form the system can understand, thenew knowledge must be tested for its affects on the existing knowledge.This is to say that individuals familiar with the details of structure andoperation of the system must be involved in the updating task, in additionto domain experts. If the system was developed by knowledge engineersoutside the organization, updating will have to be performed with theassistance of these knowledge engineers. Alternatively, as part of theproject sufficient expertise must be brought in - house (i.e., to the ISdepartment). Again, depending on the nature of the task, its projectedfuture requirements, and the data involved. updating may hr a considerable



Figure 2 provides an outline of the life cycle of an expert system, asdescribed in the preceeding pages. These phases have been defined, and aprescriptive guide toward managing the resources and responsibilitiesrequired over the course of this life cycle was presented.

The task of managing the development and implementation of a largescale expert system is in many was similat, but in substantive waysdifferent than that for large, traditional computer based systems. Thispaper has served to highlight the similarities, describe the differences andprovide a rationale for the contrasts.


Bobrow, D.G., Mittal, S. and Stefik, M.J., "Expert Systems: Perils andPromise", Communications of the ACM, vol. 29, no. 9, 1986.

Gilmore, J. and Howard, C., "Expert System Tool Evaluation", Proceeding ofthe Second Annual Conference on Expert Systems Tools and Applications,Avignon, France, 1986. (Authors' address: Artificial Intelligence Branch,Georgia Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA)

Harmon, P. and King, D., Expert Systems: Artificial Intelligence inBusiness, John Wiley and Sons, 1985.

Hayes-Roth, F., Waterman, D. and Lenat, D., Building Expert Systems,Addison-Wesley, 1983.

Keen, P. and Scott Morton, M., Decision Suport Systems: An Organizational Perspective, Addision-Wesley, 1978.

Linden, E., "Intellicorp: The Selling of Artificial Intelligence", HighTechnology, March 1985.

Lucas, H., Information Systems Concepts For Management, McGraw-Hill, 1982.

McDermott, J., "R1 Revisited: Four Years in the Trenches", AI Magazine,Fall, 1984.

Sprague, R. and Carlson, E., Building Effective Decision Support Systems,Prentice-Hall, 1982.

Figure 2

Life Cycle of An Expert System

Inception + Prototype Proposal

Approval of Prototype Development

Working Versions (Incremental Improvements)

Demonstration Prototype + Feasibility Report

Approval of Project

Development of System for Test Release

Approval of Test Release System (Evaluation Criteria Passed)

Test System Released

Evaluation of Test System Performance

Improvement of Test System For Final Release

Release/Conversion (perhaps phased in)


86/16 B. ESpen ECKBO and -Les primes des vttEres publiques, la note


d'information et le starch& des transferts deINSEAD WORKING PAPERS SERIES contrale des socilfites".

"The R 6 D/Production interface".

"Subjective estimation in integratingcommunication budget and allocationdecisions: a case study", January 1986.

"Sponsorship and the diffusion oforganizational innovation: a preliminary view".

"Confidence intervals: an empiricalinvestigation for the series in the M-Competition" .

"A note on the reduction of the vorkveek",July 1985.

"The real exchange rate and the fiscalaspects of a natural resource discovery",Revised version: February 1986.

"Judgmental biases in sales forecasting",February 1986.

"Forecasting political risks forinternational operations', Second Draft:March 3, 1986.

"Conceptualizing the strategic process indiversified firms: the role and nature of thecorporate influence process", February 1986.

86/17 David B. JEMISON

86/18 James TEBOULand V. MALLERET

86/19 Rob R. WEITZ

86/20 Albert CORRALGabriel HAVAWINIand Pierre A. MICHEL

86/21 Albert CORHAY,Gabriel A. HAVAVINIand Pierre A. MICHEL

86/22 Albert CORHAY,Gabriel A. HAWAVINIand Pierre A. MICHEL

86/23 Arnoud DE MEYER

86/24 David GAUTSCHIand Vithala R. RAO

86/25 H. Peter CRAYand Ingo WALTER

86/26 Barry EICHENCREENand Charles WYPLOSZ

"Strategic capability transfer in acquisitionintegration", May 1986.

"Towards an operational definition ofservices", 1986.

"Nostradamus: a knovledge-based forecastingadvisor".

"The pricing of equity on the London stockexchange: seasonality and size premium",June 1986.

"Risk-premia seasonality in U.S. and Europeanequity markets", February 1986.

"Seasonality in the risk-return relationshipssome international evidence", July 1986.

"An exploratory study on the integration ofinformation systems in manufacturing",July 1986.

"A methodology for specification andaggregation in product concept testing",July 1986.

"Protection', August 1986.

"The economic consequences of the FrancPoincare", September 1986.




86/02 Philippe A. NAERTMarcel VEVERBERGHand Guido VERSVIJVEL

86/03 Michael BRIMM

86/04 Spyros MAKRIDAKISand Michele HIBON

86/05 Charles A. WYPLOSZ

86/06 Francesco CIAVAllI,Jeff R. SHEEN andCharles A. WYPLOSZ

86/07 Douglas L. MacLACHLANand Spyros MAKRIDAKIS

86/08 Jose de la TORRE andDavid H. NECKAR

86/09 Philippe C. HASPESLACH


86/11 Philippe A. NAERTand Alain BULTEZ

86/12 Roger BETANCOURTand David GAUTSCHI

86/13 S.P. ANDERSONand Damien J. NEVEN

"Analysing the issues concerningtechnological de-maturity".

"From "Lydiametry" to "Pinkhamization":misspecifying advertising dynamics rarelyaffects profitability".

"The economics of retail firms", RevisedApril 1986.

"Spatial competition A la Cournot".

86/27 Karel COOL

"Negative risk-return relationships inand Ingemar DIERICKX business strategy: paradox or truism?",

October 1986.

86/28 Manfred KETS DE

"Interpreting organizational texts.VRIES and Danny MILLER

Manfred KETS DE VRIES "Why follow the leader?".

Manfred KETS DE VRIES "The succession game: the real story.


"Flexibility: the nextOctober 1986.



86/31 competitive battle',

competitive battle",198786/14 Charles WALDMAN

86/15 Mihkel TOMBAK andArnoud DE MEYER

"Flexibility: the nextRevised Version: March"Coaparaison Internationale des merges brutes

du commerce', June 1985.

"Row the managerial attitudes of firms withFRS differ from other manufacturing firms:survey results", June 1986.

86/31 Arnoud DE MEYER,Jinichiro NAKANE,Jeffrey G. MILLERand Kasra FERDOVS

86/32 Karel COOLand Dan SCHENDEL

Performance differences among strategic groupmembers", October 1986.

87/06 Arun K. JAIN, "Customer loyalty as a construct in theChristian PINSON and marketing of banking services", July 1986.Naresh K. MALHOTRA


86/34 Philippe RASPESLAGHand David JEMISON

86/35 Jean DERMINE

86/36 Albert CORM' andGabriel HAWAWINI

86/37 David GAUTSCHI andRoger BETANCOURT

86/38 Gabriel HAWAWINI

86/39 Gabriel HAVAVINIPierre MICHELand Albert CORHAY

86/40 Charles WYPLOSZ

86/41 Kasra FERDOWSand Wickham SKINNER

86/42 Kasra FERDOWSand Per LINDBERG

86/43 Damien NEVEN

86/44 Ingemar DIERICKXCarmen MATUTESand Damien NEVEN


87/01 Manfred KETS DE VRIES

87/02 Claude VIALLET

87/03 David GAUTSCHIand Vithala RAO

87/04 Sumantra GHOSHAL andChristopher BARTLETT

87/05 Arnoud DE MEYERand Kasra FERDOWS

"The role of public policy in insuringfinancial stability: a cross-country,comparative perspective", August 1986, RevisedNovember 1986.

"Acquisitions: myths and reality",July 1986.

"Measuring the market value of a bank, aprimer", November 1986.

"Seasonality in the risk-return relationship:some international evidence", July 1986.

"The evolution of retailing: a suggestedeconomic interpretation".

"Financial innovation and recent developmentsin the French capital markets", Updated:September 1986.

"The pricing of common stocks on the Brusselsstock exchange: a re-examination of theevidence", November 1986.

"Capital flovs liberalization and the EMS, aFrench perspective", December 1986.

"Manufacturing in a new perspective",July 1986.

"FMS as indicator of manufacturing strategy",December 1986.

"On the existence of equilibrium in hotelling'smodel", November 1986.

"Value added tax and competition",December 1986.

"Prisoners of leadership".

"An empirical investigation of internationalasset pricing", November 1986.

"A methodology for specification andaggregation in product concept testing",Revised Version: January 1987.

"Organizing for innovations: case of themultinational corporation", February 1987.

"Managerial focal points in manufacturingstrategy", February 1987.

"Equity pricing and stock market anomalies",February 1987.

"Leaders who can't manage", February 1987.

"Entrepreneurial activities of European MBAs*,March 1987.

"A cultural view of organizational change",March 1987

"Forecasting and loss functions", March 1987.

"The Janus Head: learning from the superiorand subordinate faces of the manager's job",April 1987.

"Multinational corporations as differentiatednetworks", April 1987.

"Product Standards and Competitive Strategy: AnAnalysis of the Principles", May 1987.

*METAFORECASTING: Ways of improvingForecasting. Accuracy and Usefulness",May 1987.

"Takeover attempts: what does the language tellus?, June 1987.

"Managers' cognitive maps for upward anddovnvard relationships", June 1987.

"Patents and the European biotechnology lag: astudy of large European pharmaceutical firms",June 1987.

"Why the EMS? Dynamic games and the equilibriumpolicy regime, May 1987.

"A new approach to statistical forecasting",June 1987.

"Strategy formulation: the impact of nationalculture", Revised: July 1987.

"Conflicting ideologies: structural andmotivational consequences", August 1987.

"The demand for retail products and thehousehold production model: new views oncomplementarity and substitutability".

87/07 Rolf BANZ andGabriel HAWAWINI

87/08 Manfred KETS DE VRIES

87/09 Lister VICKERY,Mark PILKINCTONand Paul READ

87/10 Andre LAURENT

87/11 Robert FILDES andSpyros MAKRIDAKIS

87/12 Fernando BARTOLOMEand Andre LAURENT

87/13 Sumantra GHOSHALand Nitin NOHRIA

87/14 Landis GABEL

87/15 Spyros MAKRIDAKIS

87/16 Susan SCHNEIDERand Roger DUNBAR

87/17 Andre LAURENT andFernando BARTOLOME

87/18 Reinhard ANGELMAR andChristoph LIEBSCHER

87/19 David BEGG andCharles WYPLOSZ

87/20 Spyros MAKRIDAKIS

87/21 Susan SCHNEIDER

87/22 Susan SCHNEIDER


87/24 C.B. DERR and

"The internal and external careers: a 87/41 Cavriel HAVAVINI and "Seasonality, size premium and the relationship


theoretical and cross-cultural perspective", Claude VIALLET between the risk and the return of French

Spring 1987. common stocks", November 1987


"The robustness of NDS configurations in theface of incomplete data", March 1987, Revised:July 1987.

"Demand complementarities, household productionand retail assortments", July 1987.

"Is there a capital shortage in Europe?",August 1987.

"Controlling the interest-rate risk of bonds:an introduction to duration analysis andimmunization strategies", September 1987.

"Interpreting strategic behavior: basicassumptions themes in organizations", September1987

87/42 Damien NEVEN and

Jacques-F. THISSE

87/43 Jean GABSZEVICZ andJacques-F. THISSE

87/44 Jonathan HAMILTON,Jacques-F. THISSEand Anita VESKAMP

87/45 Karel COOL,David JEMISON andIngemar DIERICKX

87/46 Ingemar DIERICKXand Karel COOL

"Combining horizontal and verticaldifferentiation: the principle of max-mindifferentiation", December 1987

"Location", December 1987

"Spatial discrimination: Bertrand vs. Cournotin a model of location choice", December 1987

"Business strategy, market structure and risk-return relationships: a causal interpretation",December 1987.

"Asset stock accumulation and sustainabilityof competitive advantage", December 1987.

87/25 A. K. JAIN,N. K. MALHOTRA andChristian PINSON

87/26 Roger BETANCOURTand David CAUTSCHI

87/27 Michael RURDA

87/28 Gabriel HAVAVINI

87/30 Jonathan HAMILTON

W. Bentley MACLEODand J. F. THISSE

"Spatial competition and the Core", August1987. 1988

87/31 Martine OUINZII andJ. P. THISSE

87/32 Arnoud DE MEYER

87/33 Yves DOZ andAmy SRUEN

87/34 Kasra FERDOVS andArnoud DE MEYER

87/35 P. J. LEDERER andJ. P. THISSE

87/36 Manfred KETS DE VRIES

87/37 Landis GABEL

87/38 Susan SCHNEIDER

87/39 Manfred KETS DE VRIES1987

87/40 Carmen KATUITS andPierre RECIBEAU

"On the optimality of central places",September 1987.

"German, French and British manufacturingstrategies less different than one thinks",September 1987.

"A process framework for analyzing cooperationbetween firms", September 1987.

"European manufacturers: the dangers ofcomplacency. Insights from the 1987 Europeanmanufacturing futures survey, October 1987.

"Competitive location on networks underdiscriminatory pricing", September 1987.

"Prisoners of leadership", Revised versionOctober 1987.

"Privatization: its motives and likelyconsequences", October 1987.

"Strategy formulation: the impact of nationalculture", October 1987.

"The dark side of CEO succession", November

"Product compatibility and the scope of entry",November 1987

88/01 Michael LAWRENCE andSpyros MAKRIDAKIS

88/02 Spyros MAKRIDAKIS

88/03 James TEBOUL

88/04 Susan SCHNEIDER

88/05 Charles WYPLOSZ

88/06 Reinhard ANGELMAR

88/07 Ingemar DIERICKXand Karel COOL

88/08 Reinhard ANGELMAR


88/09 Bernard SINCLAIR-


88/10 Bernard SINCLAIR-


88/11 Bernard SINCLAIR-


"Factors affecting Judgemental forecasts andconfidence intervals", January 1988.

"Predicting recessions and other turning

points", January 1988.

"De-industrialize service for quality", January1988.

"National vs. corporate culture: implicationsfor human resource management", January 1988.

"The swinging dollar: is Europe out of step?",January 1988.

"Les conflits dans les canaux de distribution",January 1988.

"Competitive advantage: a resource basedperspective", January 1988.

"Issues in the study of organizationalcognition", February 1988.

"Price formation and product design through

bidding", February 1988.

"The robustness of some standard auction game

forms", February 1988.

"Vhen stationary strategies are equilibrium

bidding strategy: The single-crossing

88/12 Spyros MAKRIDAKIS

88/13 Manfred KETS DE VRIES

88/14 Alain NOEL

88/15 Anil DEOLALIKAR andLars-Hendrik ROLLER

88/16 Gabriel HAWAWINI

88/17 Michael BURDA

88/18 Michael BURDA


88/20 Jean DERMINE,Damien NEVEN andJ.F. THISSE

88/21 James TEBOUL

88/22 Lars-Hendrik ROLLER

88/23 Sjur Didrik FLAMand Georges ZACCOUR

88/24 B. Espen ECKBO andHervig LANGOHR

88/25 Everette S. GARDNERand Spyros MAKRIDAKIS

88/26 Sjur Didrik PLANand Georges ZACCOUR

88/27 Murugappa KRISHNANLars-Hendrik ROLLER

88/28 Sumantra GHOSHAL andC. A. BARTLETT

"Business firms and managers in the 21stcentury", February 1988

"Alexithymia in organizational life: theorganization man revisited", February 1988.

"The interpretation of strategies: a study ofthe impact of CEOs on the corporation",March 1988.

"The production of and returns from industrialinnovation: an econometric analysis for adeveloping country", December 1987.

"Market efficiency and equity pricing:international evidence and implications forglobal investing", March 1988.

"Monopolistic competition, costs of adjustmentand the behavior of European employment",September 1987.

"Reflections on "Veit Unemployment" inEurope", November 1987, revised February 1988.

"Individual bias in judgements of confidence",March 1988.

"Portfolio selection by mutual funds, anequilibrium model", March 1988.

"De-industrialize service for quality",March 1988 (88/03 Revised).

"Proper Quadratic Functions with an Applicationto AT&T", May 1987 (Revised March 1988).

"Equilibres de Nash-Cournot darts le marchAeuropeen du gaz: un cas 06 les solutions enboucle ouverte et en feedback coincident",Mars 1988

"Information disclosure, means of payment, andtakeover premia. Public and Private tenderoffers in France", July 1985, Sixth revision,April 1988.

"The future of forecasting", April 1988.

"Semi-competitive Cournot equilibrium inmultistage oligopolies", April 1988.

"Entry game with resalable capacity",April 1988.

"The multinational corporation as a network:perspectives from interorganizational theory",May 1988.

88/29 Naresh K. MALBOTRA,Christian PINSON andArun K. JAIN

88/30 Catherine C. ECKELand Theo VERMAELEN

88/31 Sumantra GHOSHAL andChristopher BARTLETT

88/32 Kasra FERDOVS andDavid SACKRIDER

88/33 Mihkel M. TOMBAK

88/34 Mihkel M. TOMBAK

88/35 Mihkel M. TOMBAK

88/36 Vikas TIBREWALA andBruce BUCHANAN

88/37 Murugappa KRISHNANLars-Hendrik ROLLER

88/38 Manfred KETS DE VRIES

88/39 Manfred KETS DE VRIES


88/41 Charles WYPLOS2

88/42 Paul EVANS


88/44 Essam MAHMOUD andSpyros MAKRIDAKIS

88/45 Robert KORAJCZYKand Claude VIALLET

88/46 Yves DOZ andAmy SHUEN

"Consumer cognitive complexity and thedimensionality of multidimensional scalingconfigurations", May 1988.

"The financial fallout from Chernobyl: riskperceptions and regulatory response", May 1988.

"Creation, adoption, and diffusion ofinnovations by subsidiaries of multinationalcorporations", June 1988.

"International manufacturing: positioningplants for success", June 1988.

"The importance of flexibility inmanufacturing", June 1988.

"Flexibility: an important dimension inmanufacturing", June 1988.

"A strategic analysis of investment in flexiblemanufacturing systems", July 1988.

"A Predictive Test of the NBD Model thatControls for Non-stationarity", June 1988.

"Regulating Price-Liability Competition ToImprove Welfare", July 1988.

"The Motivating Role of Envy : A ForgottenFactor in Management. April 88.

"The Leader as Mirror : Clinical Reflections",July 1988.

"Anomalous price behavior around repurchasetender offers", August 1988.

"Assymetry in the EMS: intentional orsystemic?", August 1988.

"Organizational development in thetransnational enterprise", June 1988.

"Group decision support systems implementBayesian rationality", September 1988.

"The state of the art and future directionsin combining forecasts", September 1988.

"An empirical investigation of internationalasset pricing", November 1986, revised August1988.

"From intent to outcome: a process frameworkfor partnerships", August 1988.

80/A7 Alain BULTEZ, "Asymmetric cannibalism betvmen substituteEls GIJSBRECHTS, items listed by retailers", September 1988.Philippe NAERT andPiet VANDEN ABEELE

88/48 Michael BURDA "Reflections on 'Wait unemployment' 01nEurope, II", April 1988 revised September 1988.

88/49 Nathalie DIERKENS "Information asymmetry and equity issues",September 1988.

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