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Management of Critical Control


Prathna Ramchandra

Regional Microbiology SSA


•Management of Critical Control Points - 45 minutes

•Identifying Microbiological Hazards

•Codex Decision Tree -Establishment of critical control points (CCP) for

microbiological risks

1.Basics of Thermal Processing

1.D values

2.Z values

1.Design and control of specific CCP pertaining to Low Moisture Foods

1.Milk pasteurization

2.Nuts and Seeds roasting,

3.Product Bake

Identifying Biological Hazards

• Determine all potential biological,

physical, and chemical

• Raw materials during manufacturing

• Introduced by process

• Sources of information

• Public Reference Databases

• Internal History

• Laboratories/Consultant services

• Check with experts

• Academics/Lectures

• Once the hazards are identified - assessed for severity and probability of occurrence

• May differ between regions

Microbiological Hazards

Two forms of microbes

Vegetative cells


Some microbes are capable of producing a spore form when there is environmental stress (unfavorable conditions for growth)

Spores are very tolerant to adverse conditions

Risk Assess Microbial Hazards:

Understand Consequences

Sporeforming Pathogens (SP)

C. botulinum spores:

- Ubiquitous

- Obligate anaerobe, may or may not produce gas

- Spore germinate and production of very potent neurotoxin

- Lead to foodborne intoxication

- High mortality rate (10%)

- 12-72 hours nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, respiration difficulty

- WHO report between 1993-1998 average about 1250 outbreaks/year

Note: other ingredients source of vegetative pathogens and spores e.g. spices

Sporeforming Pathogens (SP)


Aerobic B. cereus facultative anaerobe

Vomiting (toxin preformed) or diarrhea (cell ingestion and toxin production)

Widely distributed in environment soil, water, vegetation, herbs

Pathogenic: B. cereus; Spoilage: Bacillus subtilis, B. coagulans

Associated with meat/milk products, 106 cells/g to cause illness

Usually does not produce gas except B. macerans and B. polymyxa, but break down carbohydrates to produce acid: flat sour


• Biofilm

• Desiccation

• Survival

• Low Infective dose

• Nature of food – protect the organism


Basics of Thermal processing


• Commercial sterility: the condition achieved by application of heat which renders the food free of microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food under normal conditions of distribution and storage. (FDA)

• Pasteurization

• General Process Term for lower temperature processes (e.g. <110oC)

• Specific meaning for Milk

• PMO Target – 5D reduction of Coxiella burnetti, (Q-fever)

• Heat sterilisation: process to heat foodstuffs at sufficient temperatures for sufficient time lengths so that microbial and enzyme activities are deactivated. (FDA)

D-Value and log units? Is organism specific

and temperature specific

• The D value is a measure of the heat resistance of a microorganism.

• It is the time in minutes at a given temperature required to destroy 1 log cycle (90%) of the target microorganism.

• For example, a D value at 72°C of 1 minute means that for each minute of processing at 72°C the bacteria population of the target microorganism will be reduced by 90%.

D-Value Basics (Vegetative Organisms)

Listeria monocytogenes D60 = 2.85 min Salmonella spp. D60 = 1.73 min Staphylococcus aureus D60 = 5.2 – 7.3 min S. aureus toxin D98.9 = 2h, 14.2 min Clostridium botulinum D121 of ≈ 0.21 min

(in 0.21 minutes [12.6 seconds] at 121oC, the population of C. Botulinum will be reduced by 90% or 1 log NB values different in different matrices – high fat and sugar


Salmonella Senftenberg in raw milk D-value at 67.5°C: 0.046min

Salmonella Senftenberg in chocolate D-value at 70°C: min. 440 min

Z-Value and log units? Organism specific.

The Z value reflects the temperature dependence of the reaction. It is defined as the temperature change required to change the D value by a factor of 10. (important to understand nature of product – heat resistance and location of control points in process)

Critical Control Points

• How we Establish limits?

• Validation studies

• Scientific studies

• Public Health info

• Valid reference

• ‘Examples of CCP, dry food production

• Pasteurizers - spray dryers not kill step

• Nut roasting

• Cocoa nib debacterisation

• Product Baking (low moisture end product – different intermediate risks)

Some examples for dry foods

Managing CCP’s

• Temperature/Time

• Calibration of monitoring devices

• Continuous Recording

• Alarm/Alert Signals for Failures

• Product Divert

• Formulation

• Acidification

• Addition of Antimicrobials


How we Manage CCP’s?

Pasteurization Dry Nut Roasting

Cocoa Nib Debacterisation

Product Baking (sPP)


Time/Temp Time Temperature speed

Time Steam temperature

Above critical Limits

Corrective Action

Divert under processed product

Hold/reject product

Hold/reject product

Verify Divert Temperature Pressure Differential Flow Rates

Alarm/Alert Thermometer/ Pressure Gauge, Calibration

Records!!! Review Records, for Routine verification activities

Product Bake

• Biscuits/Wafers

• Temperature higher than critical limits (in some cases)

• Additional risk from dough – controlled by high temperature/pressure

• Oven Validation


Summary of CCP’s

Types Examples VP SP

Thermal Process Batch/Continuous Cook/Retort/Bake y Y for retort

Pasteurization HTST, batch Milk, Ketchup Y N

UHT Continuous Milk Y Y

Roasting Batch/Continous Nuts Y N

Hold time/temperature

- Gelatin, Caramel, Dairy Slurries

Prevents Growth

Storage (refrigeration)

- Prevents Growth

Thermal Validations

Are the controls sufficient to manage the given hazards ? e.g.

kill step adequately delivered,

correct critical parameters identified and controlled,

correct location of temperature sensors,

tolerance of temperature sensors included in CCP settings,

start up procedure adequate,

adequate corrective actions defined & followed,

incoming material temperature controlled,

separation between raw & processed areas adequate

Key Concerns


• Mondelez Products

• (mainly chocolate/cocoa beverage)

• No kill step

• Focus on design safety in rather than reactive programs

Rely on safe ingredients to ensure safety of finished products

therefore emphasis on controls at supplier level

SSA Region

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