manage your risks in the cloud!

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation». The presentation is mainly dedicated to the risks, challenges and opportunities that cloud computing represents for the Swiss Public Administration. In particular, it addresses the technical and organizational risks from a cloud consumer's perspective and shows up some of the latest trends and market developments.


1 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

2 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich


Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

A Swiss Federal Agency in the «Public Cloud» − honestly?

« the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation» Facts and Figures Continuous mitigation of known risks

Conclusion from 3 years of operation in the «Public Cloud»

3 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

4 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich © floofy

Federal Act on Geoinformation (GeoIG)1. July 2008Art. 1 Aim

„This Act has the aim of ensuring that geodata relating to the territory of the Swiss Confederation is made available for general use to the authorities of the Confederation, the cantons and communes, the private sector, the public and to academic and scientific institutions in a sustainable, up-to-date, rapid and easy manner, in the required quality and at a reasonable cost.“

Law & Cloud

Definition of «Cloud Computing»Fraunhofer-Institut, November 2010

„Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned at reasonable cost and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.“

a perfect match (based on our use case)

5 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

• Several Outages on our On-Premises Infrastructure due to lacking Server Capacities and Network Bottlenecks

• Outdated Hardware and OS• High Costs• Unclear Distribution of Competencies• Cumbersome and time-consuming internal processes

6 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

swisstopo’s «Cloud History»

• January 2008Inquiry for the operation of the mapping application «Switzerland Mobility»

• April 2008Go-live of «Switzerland Mobility» in the Amazon Public Cloud

• July 2008Federal Act on Geoinformation(GeoIG) becomes law

• February 2009Start migration of significant parts of the FSDI into the Amazon Public Cloud

• August 2010Go-live of « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»

• January 2011Finalisation migration of the FSDI in the Amazon Public Cloud

• September 2011Go-live of mobile version of «»

• 2012Continuous mitigation of known risks

7 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

« the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation» in figures

8 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

« the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»

9 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

RISK 1: «» without Map Tiles

10 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

Measure 1: MULTI CLOUD SETUP for our 109 Map Tiles

11 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

RISK 2: «» unavailable

12 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

Measure 2: Multi Datacenter Setup + WAF (implementation ongoing)

13 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

RISK 3: Dynamic Cloud Costs

14 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

Advice:Establish a Real-time Cloud expense monitoring with «Billing Alerts» from day one of your Cloud projects!

But be aware that:• Cloudability is running on top of AWS• It’s still beta

Measure 3: Real-time Cloud expense monitoring

15 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

Conclusion from 3 years of operation in the «Public Cloud»

• Risk of «Data Loss» and «Unavailabilty» is mitigated more affordably in a Cloud than On Premises (at least in our specific use case)

• Thanks to the «Cloud», our customers benefit of a performant, flexible and affordable data infrastructure

16 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

17 Hanspeter Christswisstopo

Cloud Computing in the Swiss Public Administration using the example « the geoportal of the Swiss Confederation»GARP / ACCA joint meeting, November 20, 2012, Ernst & Young Zurich

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