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Managerial EmployeesAssociation PresidentStephen M. Ferrerannounced the creation offour additional legal serv-ices benefits for MEAmembers only. “The lawoffices of Stuart Salleswill now provide ourmembers with importantjob related legal services.This expansion of benefits

will provide members with legal representation in four areas:n Attendance with any MEA member at any interview with any

inspector general of any department of the City of New York.nAssistance and representation of any MEA member who is being

disciplined by any agency of the City of New York.n Attendance with any MEA member who is being interviewed

for any potential discipline with the Department of Investigationof the City of New York.

n When referred by the MEA Executive Director, any legal issue that affects an MEA member’s job.”

In order to access these services, members must contact the MEAoffice at (212) 964-0035.

President Ferrer said, “This is an important step forward in provid-ing legal representation for MEA members in matters before Cityagencies. For the first time, MEA members will have trained, expe-rienced legal counsel available to them for these critical issues.”

“Managers are entitled to the best representation possible whenconfronted with these adversarial proceedings,” said Stuart Salles.“My office has years of experience assisting and defending Cityworkers in these venues. I’m very optimistic that we will be ableto serve MEA members well in their times of job related legal dif-ficulties.”

The MEA Executive Board decided to retain the Law Offices ofStuart Salles as the MEA Legal Counsel following the resignationof Robert N. Felix as the MEA counsel. Mr. Salles’ firm has beenproviding these expanded services for job related matters for MEAmembers effective January 1, 2007.

President Ferrer and the Organization Committee previouslyannounced an expansion of the free non-work related legal consul-tations for MEA members, their spouses and domestic partners canreceive from the Law Offices of Stuart Salles. The services includea free consultation benefit to any MEA member seeking informationregarding the filing of a disability retirement and social security dis-ability proceeding. This benefit includes a full and complete med-ical and legal evaluation of any member’s proposed filing withoutcost or obligation.

After reviewing the material, the office will render a candid opin-ion concerning the strength of the proposed case. Following thisconsultation, the member will be free to proceed on their own, seekthe law offices’ counsel, or seek the counsel of another attorney.

MEA members, their spouses and domestic partners continueto enjoy non-job related legal advice without charge. This uniqueprogram, initiated in 2004 with the law offices of Stuart Salles, pro-vides active and retired members with legal consultations, at no costto them, in a variety of critical areas—estate planning, health careproxies and wills, powers of attorney, landlord-tenant disputes andreal estate transactions, adoption, child custody disputes and otherfamily court matters, separation and divorce, name changes, immi-gration services, personal injury claims and criminal matters.

All that is required to obtain these non-job related legal servicesis to call the Law Offices of Mr. Salles at (212) 267-9090, identifyyourself as an MEA member and state the area you’re interested indiscussing. Upon arrival at the law firm, located at 225 Broadway,Suite 1900, you must present your MEA identification card. At theend of the legal consultation if the matter discussed cannot beresolved without further legal assistance, the member can thenchoose to obtain legal counsel elsewhere or the member and thelegal counsel can agree to continue at a special reduced rate n

The NewYork City

Mana erApril 2007 Volume X1l1 No. 1

Stuart Salles, MEA’s Legal Counsel,brought good tidings of expanded legalbenefits to the 2006 Holiday Party.

Four New Job Related Legal Services Benefits Are Created Exclusively For MEA Members


In 2005, the MEA provided a test prep course for members thatwere eligible to take the Promotional Administrative Staff Analystexam. As a result, over 90% of those attending our sessions suc-cessfully passed the exam.

And now, the MEA has been informed that our member man-agers and other eligible managers in city service are eagerly await-ing to take the upcoming Administrative Manager’s exam in June2007. The MEA understands how important it is to be well pre-pared for such a challenging career move, and we are now in thepreparation stages of recognizing the areas of assistance the man-ager’s may need. So, the MEA plans to provide test prep coursefor the Promotional Administrative Manager exam.So far we have planned:


TUESDAY • MAY 29, 2007 • 6 PM33 Beaver Street • Conference Room 1733

(Department of Homeless Services)

MEA Preparing Admin ManagerTest Prep Course for June Exam

Continued on page 4

2 April 2007 • The New York City Manager


A major goal of my presidency con-tinues to be ensuring that all man-agers receive an across the board

general wage increase every year. Our advocacy with theBloomberg administration has made this happen.

However, MEA also firmly believes in the concept of meritincentives. Indeed, pay for performance is the foundation forany sound salary administration program. MEA contendsthat there has never been a permanent, comprehensiveplan of merit increases for managers proposed by the City.The Giuliani administration used the term “merit” not as away of rewarding managers, but as a way of lowering ordenying raises to managers who performed satisfactorily.MEA recommends a true pay for performance system inwhich incentive payments, that are not part of the basesalary, would be awarded annually for recognizing achieve-ments against objectives and responsibilities as stated in anagreed upon performance evaluation document. This incen-tive program would be available for all levels of managerialservice—not only senior management levels.

Historically, merit increases for managers are not fundedas separate budget items. Instead, agencies fund the pro

gram through unspent dollars. This has harmed someagency’s operations because spending was curtailed torelease sufficient funds to finance the merit increases. It hasalso caused inconsistencies since some agencies have pro-vided merit increases while others have not.

Therefore, MEA recommends the implementation of aonce-a-year predictable pay for performance program that isconsistent with the city’s overall managerial compensationstrategy and plan. We further recommend that the programbe fully funded centrally with dedicated funds. The develop-ment of such a program with predictable and consistentfunding will help the city to reward, retain and motivate effec-tive managers.

Finally, and most importantly, MEA firmly believes thatany Pay for Performance Option is not a salary plan andcannot replace the establishment of a salary plan for careermanagers. Remuneration under this performance evaluationprogram would be in addition to increases under a salary plan.

We will schedule a meeting this spring with the City Officeof Labor Relations to discuss this and other issues of impor-tance to the MEA membership. We will keep you postedregarding any developments. Contact our hotline and/orwebsite. I am looking forward to seeing you at our generalmembership meeting on May 29 at 33 Beaver Street,Conference Room 1733, 6 pm.

In UnityStephen M. Ferrer

Deferred Compensation PlanChanges in Federal law now allow man-

agerial and confidential employees who aresevering from City service to defer theireligible annual leave, sick leave and comptime balances into their Deferred Compensa-tion Plan accounts rather than receivingthese funds as cash. Employees can chooseto defer their Managerial Lump Sum pay-ments and alleviate the large tax burdenthat would otherwise come with theaccrued leave payment.

This year, the annual maximum contri-bution into the 457 or the 401(k) is $15,500or $20,500, if age 50 or older. For employ-ees with both the 457 and the 401(k) (eitherpre-tax or Roth) accounts, the annual maxi-mum contribution is $31,000, or $41,000 ifage 50 or older. There is no additional feefor participating in both plans.

For assistance with enrolling in the 457or 401(k), or changing your deferral percent-ages, please contact the Deferred Compensa-tion Plan at (212) 306-7760 or go online

The New York City Employee IRAAll New York City employees and

retirees (except OTB and CulturalInstitutions and Librariesemployees/retirees) are eligible to open anaccount and consolidate all of their retire-

ment assets with the New York CityEmployee IRA. This option offers tax flex-ibility, “stretch” IRA estate planning andthe low cost of the Deferred CompensationPlan’s investments and portfolios. To findout more, call (212) 306-7760 or (888)IRA NYCE (if outside NYC) or go onlineat

Vision Care ProgramEffective January 1, 2007, the Vision

Care Program network of participatingproviders is expanding to include DavisVision’s nationwide provider network.Management Benefit Fund (MBF) membersacross the country can now utilize DavisVision’s network of providers in order toreceive in-network benefits.

To locate an in-network provider, con-tact Davis Vision at (800) 999-5431 or and enter yourSocial Security Number and the first fiveletters of your last name. You can alsoaccess the Davis Vision web site throughthe MBF web site at n

Office of Labor Relations representativesSamirra Rothschild and Monte Newtonaddress Management Benefits Fund issues at the Fall General Membership Meeting.

Management Benefits Fund Updates

The New York City Manager • April 2007 3

Lorene Gilmore was named MEAManager of the Year for 2006 by theMEA organization committee. She willbe presented the fourth Raymond E.Diana Memorial Award for New YorkCity manager of the year at the May 29general membership meeting.

Ms. Gilmore was appointed theAssociate Commissioner for AdultOperations in the Department ofProbation in January 2006. She joinedthe department in 1985 as a ProbationOfficer. She was promoted toSupervising Probation Officer, BranchChief, and Assistant Commissioner ofAdult Operations prior to her mostrecent assignment.

Deputy Commissioner of AdultOperations Iris M. Hill, who nominatedMs. Gilmore, said, “When she was pro-moted to the position of AssociateCommissioner, the staff in QueensCounty honored her with a plaque forher service. We have worked togetherfor many years, and as her directsupervisor, it is an honor to work with her.

Ms. Gilmore has always been inter-ested in the development, implementa-tion and evaluation of innovative pro-gram services for both adult and juve-nile populations. She also helped toestablish an alternative to incarcerationprogram for adults, and supervised aDay Treatment Center that servicedprobationers in violation of their condi-tions of probation and provided themopportunities for positive change. Shehas worked collaboratively with numer-ous criminal justice agencies and com-munity-based organizations.”

In addition to being a member of theManagerial Employees Association,Ms. Gilmore is active in the AmericanProbation and Parole Association andthe Baldwin Educational Associationand serves as the Treasurer of theSecond Baptist Church ScholarshipCommittee.

“Lorene Gilmore exemplifies all thefine qualities we value,” said MEAPresident Stephen M. Ferrer. “Sheworked her way up in the Probation

Department by passing civil serviceexams and performing her duties pro-fessionally. She is a leader in heragency and her community. Her staff,colleagues and supervisors all recog-nize her excellence, work ethic andcaring.” n

THE MEA NEEDS YOU !The MEA is recruiting members

to serve on our committees. We are as strong as our members

are active, so please email us at

if you are interested in any of the following committees:




Burton Blaustein Wins Lifetime Achievement AwardThe Managerial Employees Association named Burton

Blaustein of the Human Resources Administration as the win-ner of the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Mr.Blaustein is currently the HRA Deputy Commissioner for theOffice of Constituent and Community Affairs.

“The Managerial Employees Association has hundreds ofdedicated members who work for many years to improve ourCity,” said MEA President Stephen M. Ferrer. “But there aresome whose lifetime efforts require special recognition. BurtBlaustein is truly deserving of our Lifetime AchievementAward.”

“Burt Blaustein has been serving New York’s neediest forover 45 years as a Human Resources Administration employ-ee. For the past 30 years, he has been a manager withincreasing responsibilities,” said Organization Committee chair-man Joel Fishelson. “Our committee applauds Mr. Ferrer’sdecision to honor Burt, a long time MEA member and activist,with this award for all he has done to treat the City’s socialservices clients with dignity.”

Mr. Blaustein began his career with the Department ofSocial Services as a Social Investigator at the Harlem WelfareCenter. He worked his way up the civil service ladder by pass-ing the required promotional exams. In 1977, Mr. Blausteinwas appointed an Income Maintenance Center Director, hisfirst managerial position. Since then, he has served in manycapacities, including the Deputy Director of the Food StampProgram, Director of Income Support Operations and now

Deputy Commissioner.His staff said, “Mr. Blaustein is eminently qualified for this

award based on his longstanding career with the Agency. Inparticular Mr. Blaustein deals with the most difficult cases thatcome to the Agency’s attention. His resourcefulness and vastknowledge of procedures have resulted in countless familiesand individuals being provided with needed housing, emer-gency services and related special cash grants.”

“I had the pleasure of working with Burt for many years atHRA,” said President Ferrer. “He’s always quick with a quip andgenuinely interested in his co-workers’ well-being. His career

Burt Blaustein, MEA President’s Lifetime Achievement Award winner.

Lorene Gilmore Named MEA 2006 Manager of the Year

4 April 2007 • The New York City Manager

MEA Executive Vice President James C.Durrah (DOH) reported at the January 16,2007 Executive Board meeting that six MEAChapters elected their officers in worksitemeetings during 2006. “The meetings werewell attended,” said Durrah. “The membersare well-informed, articulate and vocal intheir concerns about job related issues, ben-efits, salaries and the future of the MEA.”

The election results were as follows:t Administration for Children’s Services –Harry G. Sigmone III, Chapter Director andWillie Maye, Jr., Assistant Directort Department of Environmental Protection– Frederic Sachs, Chapter Director andCarol L. Brooks, Assistant Directort Department of Health & Mental Hygiene– Linda H. Vassall, Chapter Director andAllen C. Harris, Assistant Directort Department of Homeless Services –Ronald Wilkerson, Chapter Director andThomas J. Mullins, Assistant Directort Municipal Chapter – Edward M. Yood,Chapter Director and Tina M. Ramsey,Assistant Director

t Retirees Chapter – Stuart D. Eber,Chapter Director, Georgia A. Williams(Past President), Assistant Director andWilliam H. Dworkin (Past President),Secretary

Executive Vice President Durrah report-ed that there are three chapters withoutdirectors –Department of Design andConstruction, Department of Transportationand the Office of the Comptroller. “We willschedule onsite meetings for these agenciesduring the spring of 2007,” said Durrah. “Wewill also hold onsite meeting for the otherchapters this spring, including Education,HHC, HPD, NYCHA and Parks.” n

Published by the New York CityManagerial Employees Association

50 Broad Street, Suite 1101New York, NY 10004

Stuart Eber...EditorMarie Delus...Assistant Editor

Barbara Roche...Assistant Editorh

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MEA Executive Board Telephone Directory

Chapter Directors

PresidentStephen Ferrer (212) 964-0035

Administration for Children’s Services Harry Sigmone III (212) 341-3994

Department of Design and Construction Vacant (212) 964-0035

Department of EducationVacant (212) 964-0035

Department of Environmental ProtectionFrederic Sachs (718) 595-5003

Department of Health & Mental HygieneLinda Vassall (212) 788-4943

Department of Homeless ServicesRonald Wilkerson (212) 361-0701

Department of Parks and RecreationArthur Pirozzi, Jr. (212) 410-8965

Department of Transportation Vacant (212) 964-0035

Health and Hospitals Corporation Alphonso Brown (718) 334-6405

Housing Authority Lal Motwani (212) 306-6082

Housing Preservation and Development John Andrezzi (212) 863-5038

Human Resources AdministrationLois Wright (212) 331-4651

Municipal Edward Yood (917) 353-2091

Retirees Stuart Eber (212) 964-0035

MEA Executive Vice President James C. Durrah, ACS Chapter Director Harry G. Sigmone III,MEA President Stephen M. Ferrer and ACS Assistant Director Willie Maye, Jr. at the Agency forChildren’s Services chapter elections.

NYC MEA EXECUTIVE OFFICERSStephen M. Ferrer.……………...PresidentJames C. Durrah Executive Vice PresidentWarren Lewis…….……………..Treasurer

MEA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSandra Taylor Griffin, Ph.D.

MEA Works WithAmerican Red Cross To Train Volunteers

If you are interested in a preparedness program opportunity with the AmericanRed Cross or would like more informationabout free disaster response training, contact Adam Runkle at: 212-875-2479or

Test Prep Course Continued from page 1

• Three test prep sessions at 3 hours eachon June 5, 6, and 14, 2007.• To identify managers with specific areasof expertise who will be our traininginstructors.• To ascertain the eligibility of managersqualified to take the promotional exam.• To await the March 2007 “Notice ofExam” to assist us in establishing ourtraining curriculum.• To compile information and materialsfor training sessions.• To meet with DCAS and other city agen-cies pertaining to the exam.

Any MEA members interested in taking thetest prep course should call Sadie Culler at212-964-0035 at MEA headquarters formore information.

Have A New Phone Number?Moved? Let Us Know

Maintaining accurate MEA recordsdepends on you. The MEA does notreceive updates from your agenciesregarding changes of address or phonenumbers. We request your cooperationto maintain accurate membershiprecords. Please send any changes ofaddress or phone numbers, both yourwork and home information, to the MEAoffice at or call(212) 964-0035.

Chapters Elect Officers In Worksite Meetings

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