malfunctions of communication

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Malfunctions of communication

Introduction : We have seen that the symbols we use in our efforts with

imperfections and at best only loosely fit the reality to which they refer. As if this

sources of miscommunication were not enough. We shall see that additional

malfunctions exist in our communication effort


We have noted five malfunctions of communications. So we should summaries some

suggestions to overcome miscommunication in business organization or effective

communication in a proper way. So that here is one basic bit of advice stands out “keep

in touch with reality”

If we try to communicate better .We must become better acquainted with the real world

and cheek our communications against it. Where our communication and the real world

are not in harmony then we have miscommunication.

We have seen that the symbols we use in our efforts to communicate are plagued with

imperfections and at best only loosely fit the reality to which they refer. As if these

sources of miscommunication were not enough, we shall now see that additional

malfunctions exist in our communication effort.

These malfunctions may be described as patterns of miscommunication that are common

in human communication effort .Others involve the logical thought patterns that are part

of our cultural heritage – specifically, of the system of thinking handed down to us from

past generations.

These malfunctions may be described as patterns of miscommunication that are

common in human communication efforts. Some of these patterns are products of

language and result from the language imperfections. Other involves the logical

thought patterns that are parts of our cultural heritage.

Malfunctions of communication are described below:

1. Two value thinking

2. Fact inference confusion

3. Two blocked mind

4. The static view

5. Failure to discriminate

1)Two value thinking: Two valued thinking exists when we consider only

two possibilities in a situation.

The True Dichotomy

Some situations may properly be “either/ or’s”

(“You will pass this course or fail”)

Many business examples illustrate two-valued logic(buy or not buy; invest or not


1. Two value thinking exist when we consider only two possibilities in situations.

Characteristic of two-valued thinking

(a) The true dichotomy: - Some situations may be correctly described in two-valued

terms. For example- “in a lifetime we either will marry not marry. We either will

be parent or will be a parent”. Two-valued thinking is quite appropriate in this

instance. It fits the realities involved.

Two-way situations are quite common in business. In fact , many business

reports concern two way decisions. Because in an effective business

organization the decisions are taken systematically.

Example: - In a life time you either will marry or will not marry. You either will

be a partner or will not be a partner. You either will pass this course or you will

fail this course.

Business example: Many business example illustrate two-valued logic

Buy or not buy. Invest or not invest. To hire or not hire. To fire or not


(b)Multi valued situations :- Not all the situations involve only two values,

however. In fact, most involve many values, for most concern an infinite number

of gradations between extremes.For example, it is illogical to classify all people

as either fat or skinny. True, some are fat and some are skinny, but most are in

between. Also, not all fat people are equally fat. If we stand in a queue from the

skinny to fat people, the people who is standing in the middle of The queue is the

infinite gradation or average size of people who are many in number

(c) For example : It is logically classifying all people as either fat or skinny. Some

are fat and some are skinny. But most are in between not all fat people are equally

fat and not all skinny people are equally skinny.

It is the same with many other situations. Not all people are either short or tall. The

weather is not always either hot or cold. One does not run only a fast or slow.

Children are not either good or bad. Students are not intelligent or stupid.

(d) The danger involved : The danger is making two valued statement. That is

they do not always fit reality. Thus they can lead to miscommunication. Thus not

to say, however, that they should be forever eliminated from our vocabularies.

Two valued statement often are appropriate devices in communication.

(e) Value of specific reference : The only possible solution to the problem of

two-valued thinking is a two step one. First, we must continually be aware of this

communication difficulty. We must keep our eyes on the reality with which we

are concerned.

Second we must try as hard as we can to be specific in our choice of symbols. As the

first step involves an awareness of what we have been discussing.

Applications in business communication: The dangers of two-valued

thinking are especially vivid in certain business communication situations. In

writing reports. For example, frequently the assigned goal is to arrive at a yes or

no decision. As we have noted, true in business , compromise decisions or other

alternatives often are possible.

We can find either/or thinking in oral situations as well. For instance, a job

interview might be viewed as and either/or situation. Either the persons

interviewed will be hired or they will not. But variations between extremes often

are possible. An interviewer could postpone a decision to permit investigating

references, interviewing other applicants, collecting more information, or

scheduling further interview

2) Fact-inference confusion : Communication about our experiences is true

communication it fits reality. But factual communication is not always

possible. After we must infer communicate about the unknown. Confusing

inferences with fact creates miscommunication.

Characteristics of fact-inferences confusion

(a) Need for inferences: Inference is necessary for communication. We must

evaluate interept, and predict. There are inferences, inferences involves risks. To

live we must calculate risk and make inferences.

(b) Effect on communication: As necessary as they are to our living,

inferences are a source of human miscommunication. The trouble is not that we

make inferences; it is that all too frequently we confuse what is fact and what is

inference. More specifically, we tend to make inferences from the facts we

perceive, and we tend to treat these inference as if they were facts. Thus, because

we fail to see reality as it is, we fail to communicate accurately.

For example, we may see a man in the street who is unshaved, dirty clothed and

it is the reality. We may think that he is a vagabond or uncivilized but he may be

the most civilized person we ever seen.

So, inference or reality is not same in every matter.

(b) Calculating the probabilities: We must calculating the probabilities of

correctness of our inferences.

With adds of a thousand to one of an inference being incorrect. Think

about the one

Be aware of reality and check inferences against it.

Importance of business communication fact inference confusion has many

consequences for business communication.

3)The block mind: The blocked mind means is closed to reality. It considers only

limited information.

A result of opinion, attitudes and beliefs. We covered one of the causes of this form

of miss communication with respect to opinions, and beliefs. Our tendency to reject

ideas approach our viewpoints is a cause of the block mind.

A result of all ness:- All ness (judging the whole by apart) contributes to the

block mind.

Knowing all about reality is possible. We select parts which to communicate.

Concentrating on one characteristic in the belief that it is the whole produces


Extreme of the block mind:- A miscommunication pattern that affects us all is that

of the blocked mind. As the term implies, a blocked mind is one that is closed to reality. It

works on-limited information and ignores or rejects additional information. Thus,

because it uses only a part of the available information, its communication efforts are

necessarily only only partially correct.The blocked mind is closed to reality. It considers

only limited information.

Know it. All ness result from block minds.

Unblocking the mind:- Unblocking the mind from the effects of our viewpoints and

our tendency to allness is no simple undertaking. Explaining how to do it involves the

most general of instructions. Nevertheless, it can be done, at least to some extent; and if

we are to improve our communication, we must try.

In unblocking our minds of the effects of our opinions, attitudes, and beliefs, we are

striving to do nothing new. Since the beginning of civilization, intelligent human beings

have sought to free their thinking from the grip of their human limitations. They have

sought truth. They have striven for rational approach to their problems. To date, however,

even the best have failed miserably-and there is likely to be no change in the foreseeable


Thinking human beings have tried to be rational for years. Most have not


4) The static viewpoint:- we often view reality as static. Because reality is always

changing. Such a view causes miscommunication.

Characteristics of static viewpoint

(a) The static nature of things:- Communication must reflect changes in

reality. We must have up-to inference of people and places. The reality changes.

But the symbols remain the same.

(b) The contributing factor of language:- Language contributes to static

thinking. Even tense, dates, and time references do not permit language to

account for all change in reality, but the symbols remain the same.

(c) The static viewpoint in business communication: Written and oral

communication in business must reflect time changes. If they do not

miscommunication will occur.

5)Failure to discriminate:- When we see similarities rather then differences in

reality we miscommunication . Language, built on broad categories forces us to view


Characteristics of failure to discriminate

(a) Miscommunication from stereo types forces up to from stereotypes. But stereo

types are not totally true they emphasize one thinks common to a group. We hold

many stereotypes, but all distort reality.

(d) Developing awareness of differences:- One way to solve the failure to

discriminate problem is to be continually aware of differences with in categories.

Another way is to index reference

(d) Discrimination failure and business communication:- We need precision

is selecting words for our letter writing business speaking tasks.

Miscommunication summarized

This review of patterns of miscommunication is by no means exhaustive. At best, we

have pointed out the major communication violations that can be categorized. In terming

these categories.

In summarizing the suggestions given for correcting these miscommunication patterns,

one basic bit of advice stands out: Keep in touch with reality. If we are to communicate

better, we must become better acquainted with the real world and check our

communications against it. When our communication and the real world are not in

harmony, we have miscommunication.

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