male and male and female covers

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Men on CoversMen only covers are the most common. The colours used are often blue, dark and washed out ones and are serious in tone. The poses are often serious, classic, imposing and iconic, such as that of James Bond. The props are often guns: phallic symbols that represent power, danger, aggression and a strong sense of control. The clothes they are wearing and smart and conservative yet serious and expensive. Composition is mainly mid shot and focuses on expression. Facial expressions are serious, hold direct eye contact and present confident body language.The representation of masculinity is successful, powerful and dominant and it highlights a possession of material wealth. All male figures appear in control of their emotions as well as confident and strong, mentally.

Men & Women on CoversThe colours are lighter - the women wear reds whilst men wear more neutral colours. The composition of the picture features the man leading the party and posing as a central figure. The women are often being shielded, protected or led. The females are conventional for women, wearing dresses and light colours. Men’s expressions are serious whilst the women’s are distressed.

Representation of genders:

- Men are strong, women need protecting- Men are leaders, women follow.

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