making virtual worlds: games and the human for a digital age (idea 2009 presentation)

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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The rise of virtual worlds (World of Warcraft, Everquest) has prompted new questions about the status of games in a digital age. Thomas Malaby’s research at Linden Lab, makers of Second Life, suggests that game design and game development practice are becoming a key part of how some high tech companies operate. Instead of relying on top-down and procedural decision-making, these organizations contrive complex and game-like systems that promise to generate legitimate decisions from the ground upBut there are ideological commitments behind these efforts, with their roots in post-WWII American ideas about technology, authority, and they include even a rather peculiar notion of what being human is all about. In this transformation of the workplace – and our online experience – the human is imagined as a gamer of a particular kind. Malaby considers what this way of thinking about the human, one that saturates many of the institutions currently architecting digital society, tells us about the changing status of technology, creativity, and authority for a digital age.


Making Virtual Worlds: Games and the Human for a Digital Age

IDEA2009 Toronto

Thomas Malaby University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Virtual Worlds

World of Warcraft

Second Life

Photo by Shane Willis

“I was always struck by the expressive and, not so much societal elements…I didn’t go in feeling like we’re going to make people’s lives better. But I did go into it feeling like none of it was interesting unless there were a lot of people involved.”

- Philip Rosedale, Founder of Linden Lab

Playing and Making the World

(pre-D7UX ;) )

Norbert Wiener & Socio-Technical Systems

Stewart Brand & The Whole Earth Catalog

Ken Kesey & The Merry Pranksters

Games, Mastery, & Complex Systems

Homo Ludens - Man the Player

Homo Fabricans - Man the Maker

Homo Creans - Man the Creator

Homo Creans - Man the Creator _________________

Homo Fabricans - Man the Maker Homo Ludens - Man the Player

Designer/Developer _________________

Player/Users/Content Creators

Constant and his New Babylon --

Thomas Malaby University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Making Virtual Worlds: Linden Lab and Second Life (June 2009, Cornell University Press)

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