making the right assessment - targetjobs breakfast news - sept 14

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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The Happenstance

Thursday 18 September 2014

Making the right assessment

Director, GTI Media

Simon Rogers

Breakfast News in 2014

•27 February Being strategic•7 May Swimming the channels

•25 June Who do you think you are talking to?

Today – Making the right assesment• 27 November Onboarding and retention

AgendaWelcome – Simon Rogers 

The economic forecast

Declan Curry, Broadcaster, Business & Economics Journalist

Select for success

Dame Tessa Jowell DBE MP

Doing what we’ve always done?

Stephen Isherwood, CEO, AGR

 The perfect match

Jodie Grove, Account Director, work


We want to hear from you via twitter

• 500+ multi-disciplinary students• Extensive marketing campaign by

Enactus UK• Interactive mixed table discussions• Employability / How to get Hired content• ‘Careers fair style’ networking• New larger venue @ Wembley• February 23 2015

• Visits consistently up 75% YOY• 120,000 current students will register to

TARGETjobs by the EOY• 70% final years, 65% penultimate and 50% first

years from the top 30 universities

• Dedicated campaigns for Oxbridge and STEM students

• Social media audience to reach 100,000 by early October, 62% increase YOY


















TARGETjobs visits actual and forecast

14/15 Actual14/15 Actual/Forecast

• The UK’s first quarterly graduate confidence index, based on poll of 3,000 students

• Measures students’ confidence in gaining graduate employment after graduation

• Results by gender, degree, year of study, location, ethnicity and university

• Updated at Breakfast News to show trends and inform the market

The UK’s least confident student is:

• Female• In their final year• State educated• Lives in London• Doing a social science degree


The economy – key figures & trends

Dame Tessa Jowell DBE MP 

Select for success

Stephen Isherwood, CEO, AGR 

Doing what we’ve always done?

Selection tools

Assessment centres

In-house first interviews

Telephone screening

Psycometric testing

Personality testing


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Minimum academic criteria 2014

Minimum 2.1

Minimum UCAS tariff

Specific degree

Relevant work expereince

Minimum 2.2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Monitoring socio-economic background: 2013-2014

Don't know

Yes, we are monitoring it for the first time this year

Yes, we are monitoring it this year and have done so in the past

We don't currently monitor this but we plan to in the next recruitment season

We don't currently monitor this and have no plans to in the next recruitment season






Why do we do what we’ve always done?


Minimum 2.1

Minimum UCAS tariff

Specific degree

Relevant work expereince

Minimum 2.2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

2006 2014

Selection tools

Assessment centres

In-house first interviews

Telephone screening

Psycometric testing

Personality testing


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

2006 2014

Terman’s termites

“There is nothing as important about a person

as his IQ”

• 20% A group: lawyers, physicians, academics

• 60% B group: doing ok, the middle managers

• 20% C group: postmen, book-keepers, unemployed

“GPAs are worthless as a criteria for hiring, and

test scores are worthless — no correlation at all”


Laszlo Bock, Senior Vice President of People Operations, Google

“No-one, not rock-stars, software

billionaires, and not even geniuses ever

makes it alone”Malcolm Gladwell


Jodie Grove, Account Director, Work 

The perfect match

An Introduction…

• My thoughts based on experience • I’m not an Occupational Psychologist• There is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution• I’m looking to inspire thinking

Do you understand what you are trying to measure?

“It contained 12,445 words”

The ‘typical’ process

• Written competency-based questions (CBQs)

• Psychometric testing (verbal and numerical)

• Competency based telephone interview

• Assessment Centre

Only ask a question if you’re going to do something useful with the answer!

What are you trying to measure?

• Experience?

• Communication?

• Ability to think when under pressure?

We live in a completely connected society. Graduates can and will cheat the system.

How much is your assessment process worth?

Entrepreneurial spirit; that something extra…

What in your process delivers on these?

Very few people are born geniuses – most of us have to work hard and learn from the right people; people who inspire us. As we grow in experience, we grow in confidence.

Have we become completely unreasonable about what a 21/22 year old could have achieved?

Recruit for attitude, train for skills

Why do so few of us do it?

Motivation is divided into four categories: the drive to…

• Acquire

• Bond

• Learn

• Defend

The authors described these drives as “distinct and ubiquitous” and said that all individuals actively attempt to fulfil them.

They believe in essence that these four categories drive how we behave at work.

It’s different for everyone

What you see as a strength, others may see as a weakness.

It’s the same for businesses.

How do you feel about the following statements?

“She was ruthless when making that decision”

“He is very opinionated”

Knowing this can give you a powerful tool for recruitment and engagement.

“Now slip me snug about your ears, I’ve never yet been wrong,

I’ll have a look inside your mind,And tell where you belong!”

Courage Ambition Intelligence Hard Work

Daring Cunning Creativity Loyalty

Nerve Resourcefulness Wit Tolerance

Chivalry Wisdom Fair Play

Does that mean that the Sorting Hat is matching each pupil’s character strengths with the values of the house?

The philosopher Schopenhauer differentiated between the worlds of appearance and will.

“We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves

in order to be like other people”

The difference between appearance and will

• Sense of pride• Sense of belonging• All pulling together towards one

shared goal• Loyalty

But what does this actually mean for graduate recruitment?

When personal drivers are met within an organisation whose values, culture or mission resonates, you could really spark something inside. Couple that with strong leadership to teach young talent the technical skills of how to do a job and you could have a recipe for something amazing.

Proud workforce who truly identify with the business and its goals

Driven workforce working hard

Loyal workforce reducing attrition for the people you want to keep

Empowered workforce confident in making decisions – authentic decision making

Other potential positives

Positive impact on social mobility

Talk to people in a way which you know will resonate; inspire and motivate them from attraction, through the process and into employment.

What are the consequences of ignoring strengths and values?

Let us know what you think

jodie.grove@workgroupuk.com020 7492

Parental influence on children’s academic and employment choices

Exploring how universities, careers services and employers need to respond effectively to the increasing importance of parents as influencers.

Thursday 4 December, 2014 London

trendence School Leaver Barometer Survey launch

Over a four month period ending in April 2014, 7,000 students, from years 10 -13 and a range of different schools, were surveyed to find out: • What young people plan to do after school/college and how they make important decisions•What they think about the provision of careers guidance, information and employer contact•How aware they are of the choices available to them•Where they go for information and advice•How they are developing key skills for employment•..and which employers and universities are most attractive to them

Launch details coming soon

Thursday 27 November

Next event

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