making money with apps

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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In deze sessie deel ik mijn ervaringen van de afgelopen jaren over hoe je “rijk” kunt worden door het ontwikkelen van Apps. Dit kunnen Windows Phone en Windows 8 apps zijn maar het gaat ook over Android en iOS. We gaan in op de diverse verdien modellen en de daarbij behorende do’s en don’ts.


Making Money with


Fons Sonnemans


I AM –



My Apps

How to get rich?

Ways to become “Rich”

• Write an app for a client

• Write an app and publish it in a Store

• Write an app and sell it

• Affiliate marketing

Write an app for a client

Price• Time & Material

• Fixed Price

• Price for every download

Find projects on AppGoeroes•

Write an app and publish it in a Store

• Which platform• iOS, Android, Microsoft, ?

• Which device• Phone, Tablet, PC/Laptop, Watch?, Glasses?, Game Console?

• Price• Paid

• Free

Paid Apps

Apple & Google • 30% commission

Microsoft• 30% commission • 20% after you pass $25.000 revenue

Choose Price• From €0.99 to €834,-

Which Store & What Price

Free Apps

• Income• Ads

• Trial (= Paid)

• In-app purchases

90% of all installed apps are free


• iAd (Apple)

• AdMob (Google)

• PubCenter (Microsoft)

• Others: AdFonic, AdDuplex, InMobi, Smaato, etc

• Show ads for your other apps

• Rotate ad providers using Ad Rotator

• Use in-app purcharse to remove ads, • Price?

Free app - ad supported


<UI:AdControl ErrorOccurred="ad160_ErrorOccurred"UseStaticAnchor="True"Height="600"Width="160"ApplicationId="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"AdUnitId="xxxxxxx" />


Free with Trial (= Paid)

•70x more downloads

•10% conversion rate

•7x higher sales!

•Explain the trial in the store description

In-app purchases

• IAP enables you to sell digital goods in your apps

and games

%Of top grossing iOS apps use in-

app purchase -- Business Insider

$ In-App revenue in 2011,

expected >$ in 2016

- eMarketer

93 1B


In-app purchasesIAP enables you to sell digital goods in your apps

and games

What can you sell?

• Game items (swords, levels, characters)

• Functionality (more features, new graphics, maps, levels)

• Accelerated gameplay (unlock items, powerups)

• eBooks and eMagazines

• Digital images, music and videos

• Virtual Currency that can be shared across all your apps (gold, tokens, gems)

• Postcards from photos taken on the phone

• A DVD of a video captured and edited on the phone

• Digital services (backup data to cloud, rent-a-map)

In-app purchases


Affiliate marketing

• Krijg een commissie over de opbrengst die een andere partij verdient via je app (1% - 8%)

• Zanox/M4N: Zalando, KPN, Centraal Beheer

• Partnerprogramma: Boeken, DVDs, etc.

How to write a successful app?

• The best apps only do one thing, but they do it very, very well.

• It’s important that the app is original, improves on another app,

solves a problem or entertains.

• If the app is good, everything that follows will be easier.

Create A Great Product

How to write a successful app?

• Incorporate some viral mechanism into the core

functionality of the app, so each user that enjoys the

app can potentially attract a network of new users. It

means the app is better or more engaging when

users invite friends to use it.

Built In-Virality

How to write a successful app?

•We live in a visual society. With the app store

competition growing daily, having good code and

a great feature set isn’t enough. How your app

looks matters


How to write a successful app?

• Innovate

•Analytics and Event Tracking• Flurry, Application Insights, Google Analytics, ?

•Update Regularly

•Localize the app



Application Insights

How to write a successful app?

• App Store • Title




• Text

• Pictures (Logo & Screenshots)

• Keywords

• Category




Search: Title + Keywords

Search: Title + Keywords

Category – Game vs Education

How to write a successful app?

• Get More Ratings

• Social Integration (Candy Crush Saga)

• Spread the word• Website, Facebook fan page, Twitter Channel, YouTube movies

• Analyze Statistics

• Get your app reviewed by journalists•





Get More Ratings

Analyze StatisticsDistimo Analytics

Recap & Questions

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prijzen*. Prijswinnaars worden bekend gemaakt via Twitter

(#TechDaysNL). Gebruik hiervoor de code op uw badge.

Let us know how you feel about this session! Give your

feedback via and possibly win one of

the 20 prizes*. Winners will be announced via Twitter

(#TechDaysNL). Use your personal code on your badge.

* Over de uitslag kan niet worden gecorrespondeerd, prijzen zijn voorbeelden – All results are final, prices are


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13:15 Optimizing Windows Store apps for varying form factors, resolutions and viewstates Tom Verhoeff

14:50 Talking to hardware with Windows Phone Rob Miles

14:50 Crossplatform development using Mapping data and features Joost van Schaik

16:20 Building Windows Store and Windows Phone XAML apps Harikrishna Ajithkumar Menon

16:20 Lap Around Windows Phone 8.1 voor de enterprise developer Matthijs Hoekstra

16:20 Making money with Apps Fons Sonnemans

16:20 Van één app honderd apps maken? Tom Droste

16:20 Lap around Windows Phone 8.1: Introduction to the new developer platform Andy Wigley

17:45 App Analytics voor Windows Phone en Windows Store Mark Monster

17:45 Je hebt een app. Nu alleen nog verkopen! Dennis Vroegop

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09:15 Diagnosing performance issues in Xaml based Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps with Visual

Studio 2013

Harikrishna Ajithkumar Menon

09:15 Designing XAML Apps using blend for Visual Studio 2013 Fons Sonnemans

09:15 Building Windows Store apps for Windows Phone 8.1 Andy Wigley

09:15 Jouw apps op alle schermen en resoluties Martin Tirion

09:15 Combineer Windows, Windows Phone en SharePoint apps voor succesvolle enterprise oplossingen Dave Smits

10:50 Hergebruik van JavaScriptkennis bij het bouwen van Windows Store apps Timmy Kokke

10:50 Making the most from Windows Phone App Studio Tom Verhoeff

13:15 Creating games for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 with monogame Rob Miles

13:15 A Lap Around the PRISM Framework for Windows 8 Store Apps Mike Taulty

14:50 Bouwen en distribueren van je Enterprise apps voor Windows Phone 8.1 Matthijs Hoekstra

14:50 Zoeken in Windows en in jouw app Martin Tirion

14:50 Succesvol Enterprise apps aanbieden via de Windows en Office Store Dave Smits

16:20 Networking, Mobile Services and Authentication on Windows Phone 8.1 Andy Wigley

16:20 TypeScript en Windows Store apps Timmy Kokke

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