making (heritage) policy relevant for ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged groups (judy ling...

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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In the UK, Black Environment Network (BEN) is seen as the key representative of the interests of ethnic minorities in the context of the built and natural heritage. We sit on key governmental and voluntary sector policy committees. The presentation will share this experience and highlight significant contributions that make an essential difference in policy and strategies for ethnic inclusion. BEN, as an organisation, is focused on ethnic minorities. But, ethnic minorities is one of many socially disadvantaged groups, and many key issues and solutions are generic. We therefore often speak out on behalf of the interest of all socially disadvantaged groups in our work. In order to strengthen the effect of policy development, BEN also produces discussion papers to fuel debate, publishes guidance and good practice examples, and provides a consultancy and advice service to support organisations working for change.


Making Heritage Policy relevant for Ethnic Minorities and other Disadvantaged Groups

Presentation forHeritage Care through Active Citizenship. Mechelen. Belgium 24.3.09

Judy Ling Wong CBE. HonFCIWEM. FRSA. HonPhDDirector UK. Black Environment Network

Mission Statement

Black Environment Network works with heritage and environmental organisations to establish

multicultural participation We use the word ‘black’ symbolically recognising that the black communities are the most visible of all ethnic groups

We work with black, white and other ethnic minorities

Why is sharing heritage with ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups important?

Involving everyone increases active citizenship for the care and protection of heritage

Most organisations aspire to express their ethical commitment to equality and diversity by taking action to open up their organisations to everyone

It makes good business sense

The presence of ethnic minorities within European nations is a feature of the 21st Century

The world is increasingly globalised

Promoting intercultural understanding within nations in a broad sense can make a significant contribution to living and working together harmoniously

How do we make relevant policies and action plans?

An understanding of the process of engaging with different socio-cultural groups

An understanding of the context of the representation of multicultural heritage

An assessment of the knowledge and skills of board members, management, staff and volunteers

An understanding of the socio-cultural potential of a wider interpretation of heritage assets and activities

“Who we are and what we can achieve

depends on how we see ourselves against the enormous pressure of

how others see us. “

Judy Ling Wong CBE

Holistic Multicultural Representation and Citizenship Involvement

in the 21st Century

All national cultures are unique combinations of different national multicultural elements.

Thinking about multiculturalism in a broad sense means including the distinct cultures of different ways of life, e.g

miners, and social classes within society

How shared multicultural histories are presented by cultural institutions

powerfully shapes national identity and influences the life opportunities and actions of


Opportunities for cultural institutions, NGOs and individuals to make our shared multicultural history visible and accessible are all around us.

It is our privilege to pass our judgement on history and move positively into the future by re-positioning intercultural relationships within our nations.

make the contribution of craftsmen, the working class and servant classes visible in historic houses

increase contact by facilitating, and if necessary, funding, disadvantaged social groups to visit heritage collections and sites

reflect the influence of different cultures in heritage interpretation

work in partnership with community based groups to formulate socially and culturally relevant activities

create new heritage sites and festivals

Increasing contact with heritage collections and sitesFun day at Culzean Castle. Scotland

Revealing the Influence of Different Cultures Storytelling and Jewellery Making at the Royal Museum. Edinburgh

New heritage sitesCreating a new community forest to mark the 300th

anniversary of the birth of Khalsa - the Sikh scriptures

A model equality and diversity policy

We aim to:

Break down barriers that prevent engagement by sections of society, whether physical, sensory, intellectual, cultural, social or economic, especially for under-represented, excluded or disadvantaged groups, e.g. ethnic minorities, those living in poverty.

Work with other organisations to develop standards

Implement monitoring and evaluation

Promote access for everyone by working to ensure that our properties, services and workplaces are open to all sections of society

Promote inclusion and equality of opportunity in the workplace and across all our activities

Provide opportunities for individuals and community groups from diverse backgrounds to engage and participate in what we do

Engage in activities that support and promote the diversity of local communities and reflect our shared multicultural heritage

Some key elements of an internal Action Plan

Identify inspiring examples of good practice to enthuse action

Put high level leadership into place

Work in partnership with others

Provide training, advice and development support

Network with other organisations developing similar actions and celebrate success

Stimulating participation

Reach out and offer fun activities, e.g. run a photo competition of a historic garden

Identify sites that have a social or cultural link to the target social group

Fundraise together with a community group for transport and activity costs

Use the arts, e.g. combine a visit with drawing using an ethnic minority artist to lead

Research multicultural elements and involve groups using oral history

Develop resources in collaboration with community groups

“Working with disadvantaged social groups is not about doing a favour

for small groups of vulnerable people.

It is about working towards the vision of an inclusive society of which we can all be proud. “

Judy Ling Wong CBE

Resources and

Ethnic Environmental Participation. Volume 2. Key articles and papers. Judy Ling Wong

Ethnic Community Environmental Participation The Cultural and Social Values of Plants and Landscapes

Ethnic Environmental Participation. Volume 3. Key articles and papers. Judy Ling Wong

Multi-cultural Interpretation and Access to Heritage Visualising Heritage Participation by Ethnic Groups Taking action within the Historic Environment Sector to link people and place Opening Doors: Learning in the historic environment. Attingham Trust report -

Section E4 Hidden Stories Embracing Diversity Programme

For information about

Consultancy and training

All BEN publications and resources are downloadable free

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