making flow mule

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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Through this example you will be ablo to:1) Make the CXF web service2) Custom Java Class3) Configure the component AnyPointStudio for make a

flow ESB

4) Build and Run Application with AnyPointStudio5) Test Application with POSTMAN

Application City ReportOur application will be able to provide or hide the statistics of people for regions:

1/1 Make the CXF web service: FlowFor the create a CXF web service you can consumer and configure the following component:

The web service will be able to provide the information about the popolution of a specify city. The value of population will show if the parameter «people» http request is Y else it will hide. Example: http://localhost:8081/information?city=NAPOLI&people=Y Naples - popolution: 30.000http://localhost:8081/information?city=NAPOLI&people=YRome - popolution: ******

1/2 Make the CXF web service: Configure HTTP Listen

For the create a CXF web service you can consumer and configure the following component:

1/3 Make the CXF web service: CXF SOAP

For the create a CXF web service you can consumer and configure the following component:

custom class (interface)

1/4 Make the CXF web service: Java

For the create a CXF web service you can consumer and configure the following component:

custom class (business logic)

2/1 Custom Java

You will create the class java for implement business logic the web service

1) Create a new package «bean» into your project 2) Create a new package «service» into your project




2/2 Custom Java: Bean «cityBean»

The bean <<cityBean>> is a simple pojo that will use for set and get information about city and popolation.package bean;public class cityBean {

private String city;private int people;

public cityBean() { = null;this.people = 0;


public String getCity() {return;


public void setCity(String city) { = city;


public int getPeople() {return this.people;


public void setPeople(int people) {this.people = people;



2/3 Custom Java: Interface«informationCityInterface»

The class<<informationCityInterface>> is a class that will use for consumer the component CXFpackage service;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;import javax.jws.WebService;

import bean.cityBean;

@WebServicepublic interface informationCityInterface {

@WebMethodpublic cityBean getCity(String Country, String FlagPeople);


2/4 Custom Java: business logic «informationCity»

The class<<informationCity>> is a class that implement the business logic:package service;import bean.cityBean;

public class informationCity implements informationCityInterface {

public informationCity() {


public cityBean getCity(String Country, String FlagPeople) {

cityBean beancity = new cityBean();int people = 0;String cit = Country;switch (cit) {case "NAPOLI":people = 10000;break;case "ROMA":people = 25000;break;default:people = -1;break;}beancity.setCity(cit);beancity.setPeople(people);return beancity;}


3/1 Make the City Report: FlowThe City Report Flow will use for extract the information about city and number of popolution. If the parameter popolution is Y on HTTP/request then the response will show the value of popolution else won’t show the value.SAMPLEHTTP/Request: localhost:8081/service?city=Rome&popolution=YHTTP/Response: Naples - Number: 30.000HTTP/Request: localhost:8081/service?city=Rome&popolution=NHTTP/Response: Naples – Number: hide

3/2 Make the Flow City Report: Configure HTTP Listen

The HTTP Listener Connector provides the most practical way to listen for HTTP requests. In this case the application listen on host “localhost” and port “8081”

3/3 Make the Flow City Report: Set Variable

Use a variable transformer to set or remove a variable on the message. The scope of this variable is limited to the flow where it is set; when the message leaves the flow, the variable does not carry over to the next flow or application.

3/4 Make the Flow City Report: Transform Message

Transformers convert message payloads to formats expected by their destinations.

In this case convert message payloads to XML (output the web service)

3/5 Make the Flow City Report: Web Service Consumer

Web Service Consumer is a component Mule used to connect a specific service provider

3/6 Make the Flow City Report: XML To Pojo

You can use an XML-to-Pojo transformer to transform XML data to a Java Object

In this case we’re transforming the response of WS (XML) to java Object «cityBean»

3/7 Make the Flow City Report: Choice

The component “Choice” evaluates a message against specified criteria, then sends it to the first message processor that matches those criteria.

We can use the “choice” for set payload against parameters people

3/8 Make the Flow City Report: Set Payload

If the parameter “people” is Y else we configure the set payload like show the following …

… else

3/9 Make the Flow City Report: Logger

Use the Logger to log messages such as error messages, status notifications, or exceptions.

4/1 Build and run Application: run configuration

Create a new run configuration and choiche your project:

4/2 Build and run Application: Run

Click onRun


If status is «Deployed» then you can ready for the test your application!

4/3 Build and run Application: Test Application

For the test you can use «postman». It is an extension of google chrome used for create and send requests HTTP.

Example with parameters city = NAPOLI and people = Y

Example with parameters city = NAPOLI and people = N

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