makers, iot, third industrial revolution and (im)precision agriculture

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Makers, IoT, Third Industrial Revolution and (im)Precision Agriculture

Davide Gomba @vongomben

lavoro ad officine Arduino,

Diffusion of Innovation| Rogers, 1962

Traditional Retail

Traditional Manufacturing

New Conversations| In-browser CAD Tool

New Designers

Remixed Things



Rifkin describes how the five pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution will create thousands of businesses and millions of jobs, and usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, from hierarchical to lateral power, that will impact the way we conduct business, govern society, educate our children, and engage in civic life.

Full Printed on Vimeo

Makers Manifesto



Local Motors Vs General Motors

The Bloom of Open Furnitures


Prototyping Networks | 400+ Fablabs in Europe (2016)

Neil Gershenfeld and the Fablabssource:

Distributed Tools, Distributed Knoledge

History of 3D printing 1984 2014
Compare Data: RepRap explosion and first time print

Patents DO expire

Angelo Raffaele Meo

A twenty five years term of patent is nowadays dated.

At the beginning of the 19th century, such long terms allowed producers to pay back the investment. Today, they hamper innovation. Twenty years in the 19th century correspond to 6 months of today

Arduino Prototype, Late 2004

Genuino Uno, Late 2015

The Upcoming War on General Purpose Computing

Source: Arduino Blog

Arduino as a learning toolLearning Game Programming with Esplora, Arduino Blog

sign language glove (

New IoT Tools | The Farting Office Chair

Open-Sourcing Science | PHDuino / Ph Probe

New Tools | OS DIY Generic Lab Equipment

The Democracy of Data #IoT Crowd-Sourced Data Witnesses Fukushima Disaster

Wearing Computational Objects Camoflash Anti-paparazzi fashion accessory

The Power of Tinkering

New Tools | Open Source Industrial

New Communities

New Generation of Farmers

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution

New Tools | Open Source

New Tools | Open Source Ecology

Users Rights?

Users Rights?

New Tools

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution

RuralHack Kit

New Tools

Conversational Uis meets RuralHackers

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution

New Signals

The New Low-Power Signal War

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution

Online and Makerspace based learning
@udacity @codeacademy @Khanacademy

Online and Makerspace based learning

Wau HollandChaos Computer Club Germany


Tim HunkinThe Inner Lives Of Machines UK

Neil Gerchenfeld and the Fablab // how to make almost everything

Neil Gershenfeld and the Fablabssource:

Barcelona Fablabs Today and within few years

lavoro ad officine Arduino,

MEG, open source greenhouse

TooWheels, open source wheelshair

Rethink Tools | Digifacturing Conversations with

Chaise Lounge

Pietro Leoni

Open Source Lasercutted Chair

which are the iot applications?in which field?

IoT applications

what is actually part of the iot?this infographic highlight several application that can benefit of the introduction the ioTThe practice can infact go from environmental monitoring to process optimization, tracking of shipment and measuring of energy consumption.

History of computing

this image presents a brief summary of the computing waves from the 60s to nowit is clear how a shift happened in the distribution of computer power.

in the 60s the main paradigm was of mainframe computing (1 machine with many terminals attached to it)

slowly, thanks to the introduction of the transistor the process of miniaturization lead to the production of personal computer.standalone machine that were able to stay on a desk

the introduction of the internet in the 90s expanded the potentiality of the single machines, allowing for communication between devices and later people with the birth of sn

the year 2000s saw the introduction of mobile computing the iphone in 2006 marked a huge step in the history of computing. the computer doesnt have to stay on a table, it can stay in your pocket, at the same time many devices in the house start becoming connected xbox ipad phones,

the last two years saw instead a lot of development in other devices able to connect to each other and to the internet, this is the case f smart matches, google glasses, bands, digital scales, .this phenomenon takes the name of IoT


dal 1960 e lintroduzione dei primi mainframe ci siamo mossi nella direzione di portare il computer sempre pi verso il suo utentepassando dai mainfram (molte persone accedono alla stessa macchina tramite un mainframe)negli anni 80 stato introdotto il personal com

the future of the IoT

cisco estimates that ...

Where is my connected fridge?

Dov' il mio frigo Connesso?

probabilmente sono gi passati una ventina di anni da quando abbiamo iniziato a sentire annunci di frigoriferi in grado di capire che tipi di prodotti avevano al loro interno, in grado di suggerirci liste della spesa o magari proporci delle diete personalizzate.

Ogni anno al Ces ogni marca di elettrodomestici presenta un modello diverso, con schermi, connessioni a internet, e magari anche a twitter. Fatto sta che nessuno di noi ancora possiede un frigo di questo tipo.

Questo non vuol dire che gli oggetti connessi non stiano entrando nelle nostre vite.

Why is my fridge connected?

And, BTW, who's talking to?

Perch il mio frigo Connesso?

E sopratutto, a chi sta parlando?

69% of Consumers Will Own an In-Home IoT Device by 2019

Acquity Group

The connected home

from a research of Aquity group on Us citizens 69 percent . will in 2019

The Do-It-Yourself Smart Home Market in the US Will Reach $7.8 Billion By 2019 NextMarket Insights

The connected home DIY market

a research demonstrate than in 2019 the DIY smart home market will grow from 1.3 billion to 7.8 billion in 2019apple and google want to jump on this proposing an infrastructure and a service to integrate different services together.

this growing number of people that buy and install things for themselves in their houses, is being fueled already by a even more diy market of tools to propose

-open standards,gi

Big players

big players are trying to address this problem proposing standards to integrate their products with different devices, and creating a uniform environment to enable a seamless uniform interaction between the different object.

L'Internet di una cosa alla volta...

one app doesnt fit allthis results in usability problems

moreover the most of the benefit reachable through the iot will happen when devices will be able to freely communicate and exchange information between themselfin this way for example the fridge will be able to tell the washing machine when is the best moment to start the was, and maybe sync with the smart electric grid to get a slot

Messaging is the new Platform

(11 Reasons) Why Bots will be are the new Apps

1. Bots are a lot easier to install than mobile apps 2. Bots are easily distributed. 3. Quality mobile apps are expensive to build, maintain and deploy 4. There is a very long-tail of use-cases that dont justify a mobile app 5. Messaging apps are ubiquitous and dominate consumers mobile engagement 6. Consumers are experiencing mobile app fatigue 7. Bot interactions are intrinsically bi-directional 8. Moving complexity to the cloud reduces a users cognitive load.9 Bots are extremely portable 10. Bot software development cycles are extremely fast, even on-demand 11. Humans are innately hardwired for language and conversation

Atrificial Intelligence for the masses

Power to the People

The connected home DIY tools

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution

New Conversations | Casa

New Tools

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution

New Communities

second topicopen hardwaremakers revolution


Davide Gomba @vongomben

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