make your own system engineering workbench

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Make your own system engineering workbench

Mélanie Bats,

Who am I ?

Complex systems ?

Multi-Activities & Multi-Domains

Mechanics Software

ManagementProcess, Quality...

Managing Complexity

What you want

You explain

They understand

You get

● Master the increasing number of interactions– Share know-how– Enhance Communication

● Between teams● In extended entreprise

– Avoid breaks in the process

● Adopt a « platform » approach– Address different issues– While keeping a common referential

Managing Complexity

A complex system = Wall-E● Independent Robot● Mission : clean the Earth● Must use solar energy● Protect itself when encounter

danger● Communicate with other robots

and humans

You are unique

Your workbench too !

Build a specific workbench

Manage RequirementsDescribe the system :– System : SysML– Software : UML ...

Provide tools for different domains and navigation

Generate documents for Quality assessment

Wall-E workbench


● Integrate RMF (Requirements Modeling Framework)

– based on the OMG ReqIF standard

– ProR editor for requirements engineering

System Definition : Use standards

● Use existing standards available in Eclipse

– SysML :

– UML :

System Definition :Need custom tools

● Eclipse Extension points

● Fork existing tools

● Use DSL to complete standards

– Create new DSL with EMF

– Integrate it to graphical modeler

– Create textual modeler with Xtext

System Definition : your own DSLs

● Use DSL to complete standards

– Create new DSL with EMF

– Integrate it to graphical modeler

– Create textual modeler with Xtext

System Definition : your own DSLs

● Use DSL to complete standards

– Create new DSL with EMF

– Integrate it to graphical modeler

– Create textual modeler with Xtext

System Definition : your own DSLs

Multi-Domain links


Quality, Process





Multi-Domain links : System/Code

Generate code from UML model using Acceleo

Multi-Domain links : System/Performance/Code

New DSL to specify timing constraints on UML model

Multi-Domain links : Safety/System/Requirements

Link the Safety analysis to the System model and to the Requirements

Multi-Domain links : Quality, Process

● Generate documentation with GenDoc2● Keep documentation consistency with Mylyn Intent

Multi-Domain links : Quality, Process

● Generate documentation with GenDoc2● Keep documentation coherency with Mylyn Intent

Open to other tools

● Eclipse based tools : Symtas ...

● Free-software : OpenPSA ...

● Proprietary software : Statemate, Matlab/Simulink ...


Share data ?

● CDO● Git, SVN● EMF Compare...

● Use standards or custom ? ● Profile or DSL ?● How to keep consistency between inter- domain data ?● How to work with a large amount of data ?


● Use standards or custom ? ● Profile or DSL ?● How to keep consistency between inter- domain data ?● How to work with a large amount of data ?


● Use standards or custom ? ● Profile or DSL ?● How to keep consistency between inter- domain data ?● How to work with a large amount of data ?


● Use standards or custom ? ● Profile or DSL ?● How to keep consistency between inter- domain data ?● How to work with a large amount of data ?


● Thanks to the Eclipse constellation !● Missing : integration between tools and process● Future ?

– EPF to describe the process– Tool as Mylyn Context to link tool to process step ?



Questions ?

Pictures (CC by 2.0) :

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