make your own christmas decorations!

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Save money, and make your own!



2. Decorations Statistics Americans usually spend around $6 Billion on Christmas decorations Holiday decorations sales may climb to 8.1% The average person spends at LEAST $47 on decorations, and an additional $18 on holiday flowers and plants. 3. Paper snowflakes Painted jars/cartons Paint glass bowls- fill with fun stuff! Ornaments Snowman hot chocolate gifts! 4. Paper Snowflakes* First, begin with a square-shaped piece of white paper. Fold paper in half to make a triangle. Fold into another triangle: Fold the original triangle in half so the pointy corners meet. Fold your triangle into thirds Fold and make adjustments so it looks like the Picture shown - Cut across the bottom of the triangle so its straight Cut curvy lines and triangles out of the big triangle Get creative with your shapes and lines! Unfold when youre done & TADAAA! 5. You can use any kind of jars or cartons for this. Wash out a sauce jar after pasta, or a milk carton after its empty..(you get it) The only other thing you need is paint! Get creative, you can make a snowman, a reindeer, Santa, or just the memorable colors of Christmas! 6. Painted Jars/Cartons 7. Glass Bowls At a craft store like Michaels or A.C. Moore, they sell different sized glass bowls. (Maybe used as vases?) Paint those festive!- then you can fill them with candy, potpourri, or anything youd like! 8. ORNAMENTS! You can buy clear or white ornaments at many stores! They are usually very cheap, the clear ones at Michaels Craft Store are 99 cents a piece! Paint them Christmas-y and hang them on your tree! You also can add glitter, or anything youd like. 9. Hot Chocolate Snowman gifts! Three jars or containers (going to be stacked) Fill the bottom one with candy-canes or mints, the middle one with hot chocolate mix, and the top one with marshmallows! Add a hat and a face to the top one, and some buttons to the others! 10. Tadaaaa! 11. Happy Holidays and Happy crafting! 12. Works Cited

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