make the world a better plate: program evaluation for a ... · appendix h: final evaluation tool...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Make the World a Better Plate: Program

Evaluation for a Refugee-led Cooking Class

Supplemental Material

Irean Ali

Matthew Elliott

Kamil Gumienny

Prachi Patel


Professor Katherine Foo

Professor Stephan Sturm


Lotta Häfele


Table of Contents Authorship .................................................................................................................................................... 3

Appendix A: Descriptions of Various Integration Programs ........................................................................ 5

Emma’s Torch ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Sanctuary Kitchen ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Culinary Tales ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Start with A Friend .................................................................................................................................... 6

Refugees Welcome .................................................................................................................................... 6

Appendix B: Interview with NGO’s Script ................................................................................................... 7

Preamble ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Interview with Media Residents ........................................................................................................... 8

Interview with Refugees Welcome ....................................................................................................... 9

Interview with Emma’s Torch ............................................................................................................ 10

Interview with Start with a Friend ...................................................................................................... 12

Appendix C: Staff Interview Script ............................................................................................................ 13

Preamble: ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Questions: ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Interview with Linn ............................................................................................................................. 14

Interview with Philipp ......................................................................................................................... 16

Interview with Hameed ....................................................................................................................... 18

Interview with Katja ........................................................................................................................... 20

Interview with Anonymous ................................................................................................................. 22

Interview with Noor ............................................................................................................................ 24

Interview with Lotti ............................................................................................................................ 26

Interview with Magdalena .................................................................................................................. 28

Interview with Esther .......................................................................................................................... 30

Appendix E: Questionnaire Translation ...................................................................................................... 34

Appendix G: Revised Evaluation Tool ....................................................................................................... 37

Appendix H: Final Evaluation Tool ............................................................................................................ 40

Appendix I: Pamphlet ................................................................................................................................. 42

Appendix J: Sponsor Description ............................................................................................................... 44

References ................................................................................................................................................... 47



Task Primary Author Primary Editor Secondary Editor


Draft 1 Kam Kam Irean

Title Page Matt


Background Section 1 Kam Kam Irean, Matt

Background Section 2 Irean Kam Irean, Matt

Background Section 3 Prachi Kam Matt

Background Section 4 Matt Kam Matt


Objective 1 Matt Kam, Matt Irean

Objective 2 Kam Kam, Matt Irean

Objective 3 Prachi Kam, Matt Irean, Prachi

Objective 4 Irean Kam, Matt Irean

Graphic Matt


Coordinate Interviews

with NGOs


Draft Interview Script Prachi Kam Matt

Interview with NGOs Matt, Kam, Prachi

Interviews with Staff Irean, Matt, Kam,


Draft Survey Prachi, Irean Matt Kam

Collecting Survey Prachi


Data Analysis Prachi

Objective 1 Irean Kam

Objective 2 Kam Kam Irean

Objective 3 Kam Kam Irean

Objective 4 Irean Kam Irean


Conclusion Kam Irean Kam


Website Kam

Excel Matt

Protocol Pamphlet Prachi Kam



Main Editor Kam

Designer Matt

References Irean, Matt, Kam,


Authorship Prachi

Supplemental Material Prachi


Appendix A: Descriptions of Various Integration Programs

Emma’s Torch

Emma’s Torch is an organization founded in 2016 by Kerry Brodie in Carroll Gardens,

Brooklyn, NY to help with the resettlement of refugees. This organization partners with:

International Rescue Committee, Sanctuary for Families, Refugee and Immigrant Fund, Catholic

Charities, Church world Services, and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to fulfill their mission


The structure of this program is set up like an internship. For 3 months, the program

provides workshops for interview preparation, classes to strengthen English speaking skills, and

evaluations to better assess the progress of participants. The participants are also paid during this

program. This source of income allows refugees with a steady stream of money. Although this

organization does not impose a formal program evaluation, they note the attendance of the

participants and follow them till graduation of the culinary program. (Emma’s Torch, 2018).

Sanctuary Kitchen

Sanctuary Kitchen was founded in 2017 in New Haven, Connecticut. The organization is

run by volunteers and a Leadership Team comprised of refugees and Connecticut locals. The

cooks of this program are refugees or immigrants hoping to add more fulfillment to their lives.

After each cooking event, there is time for the cooks to share their resettlement experience,

which helps expose Connecticut natives to global concerns like migration. Much like Emma’s

Torch, joining an event helps to supports a refugee or immigrant with an income.

A problem they have identified is the barriers refugees face when trying to start food

businesses. Some refugees face educational and legal challenges, meaning they might not have

the business background or the legal capabilities to get their restaurants’ up and running. Within

the organization, they partner with City Seed and Collab to create a program called Food

Business Accelerator. This new program, The Food Business Accelerator, helps to make food

entrepreneurship attainable for refugees and other people of color through networking building,

access to resources, and training. (Sanctuary’s Kitchen, 2018)

Culinary Tales

Culinary Tales is a refugee integration program at the University of Sydney in Australia.

There is a high rate of unemployment amongst newly settled refugees. Culinary Tales is aimed at

improving the employability, skills, and integration of these refugees into the Australian

community. They created a cooking class to promote their uniquely diverse culinary experiences

and culture. Culinary Tales provides refugees with work experience by employing them to help

run a cooking class to showcase their cuisines. Food has a tangible role in forging links to

connect a diverse range of cultures. Not only can we share the ways of cooking of refugees, we

can also share their stories with the wider community. Culinary Tales gives the community

members the opportunity to learn authentic recipes from refugee chefs and hear their stories.

They can also get involved in preparing and cooking traditional meals together as a group and

gain insight into the experiences as a refugee and enjoy food together at the end of the class.

(Culinary Tales, 2018)

There are many benefits to this program. It provides refugees with paid work experience.

It is difficult for refugees to find work when they are newly settling, but they need money to


become fully settled, so a program like Culinary Tales will help. It also encourages empathy and

understanding between communities and cultures. In the past there has been a divide between

refugee and the locals. It allows refugees to teach the locals not only about cooking but their own

cultures. The refugees and the locals participating in the classes are not the only ones who

benefit from the program. The homeless people around the university benefit because the excess

food from this class will be donated to them.

Start with A Friend

Start with a Friend, founded in 2014, is a nonprofit organization with a multitude of

locations. The apprentice program has between 6-9 students. This organization has a mission

statement of, “Strangers can become friends too” which can be applied to the topic of

immigration. In Germany, a country who houses more than 970,000 refugees (State, 2019), Start

with a Friend gives people the opportunity to use their personal interests to contribute to society.

There are many ways to volunteer with this organization. Anyone can become a tandem partner,

intercultural mediator, or specialist expert. All three topics range showcase a different skill set,

and commitment to the project is based on what you can provide. Since January 2016, the

association has been funded by the "Menschen strengthen Menschen" program of the Federal

Ministry of Family Affairs (Start with a Friend, 2018).

Refugees Welcome

Refugees Welcome, founded in 2014 by Mareike Geiling and Jonas Kakoschke, focuses

on finding financial solutions for private rooms for refugees. This organization is a digital

platform that brings locals or flat sharers and refugees together. Some refugees face

marginalization and are stripped of their individuality when placed in housing facilities.

Decentralizing these housing facilities would create an environment where refugees would feel

more comfortable. Also, fostering individuality aligns itself with the topic of integration instead

of assimilation. Now, having multiple offices, the organization can extend its reach and aid

refugees in Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich (Refugees Welcome, 2018).


Appendix B: Interview with NGO’s Script

Preamble: We are a team of Worcester Polytechnic Institute students working with Über den

Tellerrand to evaluate their cooking class programs. My name is [insert name] , and I will be

leading this interview. [Insert name] will be taking notes. We appreciate you taking the time to

share your opinions. Your participation in this interview is completely voluntary and you may skip

any questions you wish not to answer. If at any moment you would like to end the interview, please

let us know, and we will conclude the interview. Should we use any information from this

interview in our final report, we will give you an opportunity to review the materials prior to the

publication of the study. Do you prefer to be quoted by name, or to remain anonymous? Would it

be alright if we record the interview today to verify our notes and any quotations we might use?

The interview will take up to 30 minutes. Do you have any questions before we begin?

Anonymous: Yes ____ , No ____

Recorded: Yes ___, No ____

Note: We are not limited to the following questions. During the interview, other questions will

be asked based on the participant’s response. The purpose of the interview is to gain knowledge

on current evaluation practices used by non-profit organizations in Berlin who focus on the

integration of refugees. Additionally, we would like to develop a better understanding of

successful refugee integration.


1) In your own words, what are the main goals of [insert NGO]?

2) We understand that [insert NGO] is [insert a description of their program]. What is the reason for

providing such support?

a) How are programs like [insert NGO] changing the attitudes about refugees?

3) What does successful integration look like?

4) How are you measuring your success in achieving the organization's goals?

a) Do you have surveys or forms of evaluation? If so, could you explain them to us?

b) Would it be possible for you to send us examples of evaluation tools you have used? {not during

or immediately after the interview, but when they can}

c) What challenges have you faced in conducting these evaluations?


Interview with Media Residents

1) In your own words, what are the main goals of Media Residents?

The main goals of Media Residents on the topic of refugees, too many people talk about it,

but the refugees should be talking about their experience, they are new here, Media Residents

is here to provide them the co working space, the equipment and the help so they can share

their experience, through podcast or radio

2) We understand that Media Residents is a social program. What is the reason for providing

such support?

They have an office, coworking space, and in the same building a sound production space.

Media Residents is a full-time job, 19 years old NGO, about rising awareness of racism.

a) How are programs like Media Residents changing the attitudes about refugees?

There is a refugee’s welcome camp, format is bar camp, people come by or pitch idea, they

raise their hands, get a room to work on their project. The programs are changing attitudes,

but there is more to be done, he feels like they are making progress, they are getting pos/neg


They get themselves on the airwaves through social media, word of mouth also networks to

bring people offering help and people seeking help together. There is a friend project, for

locals and newcomers which brings refugees out to help them feel the German society and


3) What does successful integration look like?

Successful integration looks like: People having a good time and getting work done. Having

a good life, whatever that is to you. Also feeling accepted and welcomed.

There are different project people are working on, there is a platform to publish work.

Sometimes they have their own project and Facebook page, or twitter page, if they don’t

have that they can publish it on Media Residents websites.

4) How are you measuring your success in achieving the organization's goals?

a) Do you have surveys or forms of evaluation? If so, could you explain them to us?

Way to measure how they achieve goals: After workshops or specific events they give out

surveys and schedule to conduct data evaluations. They are very close to people working

there, they see their projects.


Interview with Refugees Welcome

1) In your own words, what are the main goals of Refugees Welcome?

Move refugees out of mass camps and move into shared flats with other people they

like/private housing and start a new life. Having friends. This is difficult to accomplish in

Germany with the housing market. The refugees get to choose where they live. The housing

market is racist, sexist, there is a problem with discrimination in private housing. Shared flats

are a big culture in Germany so it’s a friendly environment. Families/single people are able to

rent the rooms out. Focus is on rooms, not on whole apartments. They match people together.

You can sign up on the website as refugee/ or someone with a shared flat.

2) We understand that Refugee Welcomes is a flat sharing program. What is the reason for

providing such support?

a) How are programs like Refugees Welcome changing the attitudes about refugees?

Doing a lot of outreach on social media about how wonderful it works and how amazing it is.

It brings people together. People from different corners of the world live together who may

have had prejudices against each other.

3) What does successful integration look like?

Don’t use the word “integration” because it has a racist connotation/ is biased. It tells them

how they have to be to get accepted. Inclusion. If they come to Germany and they don’t have

to integrate, you see inclusion where you don’t have to integrate. Inclusion is equal

conversation between locals and refugees.

4) How are you measuring your success in achieving the organization's goals?

a) Do you have surveys or forms of evaluation? If so, could you explain them to us?

The more people they bring together, the more successful they are. The numbers of bringing

people together + sustainability. They contact them and ask how it is, if they’re comfortable,

and happy. They check on people and how their life changes. They write reports on it and do

videos. Facebook and Instagram


Interview with Emma’s Torch

1) In your own words, what are the main goals of Emma’s Torch?

Empower refugees through culinary skills. Allows them to pursue their own dreams and

make their own choices

2) We understand that Emma’s Torch is an apprentice program. What is the reason for

providing such support?

Had this idea but I was working in public policy. I would pass by a LGBT homeless shelter

for refugees. Food was powerful way to build bridges. Nothing better than sitting around and

talking about how food empowers us. There are labor gaps in the culinary industry in NY and

the world. This was a powerful way to engage this population. Valuable labor source for

reducing gap in the industry. Provides empowerment. Opportunity for employment and


a) How are programs like Emma’s Torch changing the attitudes about refugees?

Having a restaurant with this mission on the window and service talking to public. Shows the

value of refugees to society. Through delicious food and the ways, they are able to give back

to society. Be a part of NYC, embedded in the culture. They are helping people to branch

outside of their communities. They are more confident in what they do, and people can see

what they are capable of. People can see these migrants cooking, they can see they are people

who want to work and want to contribute to society.

3) What does successful integration look like?

1- Empowerment. Finding successful footing in terms of economics. Support themselves and

their families. Move out of a shelter system. Takes off the pressure from other parts of their


2- Knowing to what it means to blend your culture with the existing culture. Understand your

culture in contract to the culture around you and how they mingle.

3- Becoming a part of a large community. Volunteering/feeling like you’re a part of

something larger than yourself and knowing you have people there for help, more than just

you/your family. Reaching out where there is diversity and not within your own people.

4) How are you measuring your success in achieving the organization's goals?

a) Do you have surveys or forms of evaluation? If so, could you explain them to us?

Multiple evaluations. Entry surveys for the organization to learn about the newcomers. Know

that they are ready for the culinary industry. Get to know if they were working, how much

they made, what is their family situation, how satisfied are they with their situation.

They check up on the people to make sure they’re doing alright. They have certain

benchmarks to make sure they can get jobs.


When they graduate, there is an exit survey to see how they have grown. They see how

happy they are with the program/other parts. They promise to help them find jobs. Once they

do they have monthly check ins. They check how the work is after they find a job. 6 students

start every month. check ins for 2 years, in person every 3 months. What empowerment looks

like to them. Check in w/ case managers as well. It's a work in progress started this year.

b) What challenges have you faced in conducting these evaluations?

Consistency is tough. All of this was done by one person and there are 6 grads a month. 7

core members each responsible for 5 or 6. Spread the responsibilities. Things do fall through

the cracks and staff have to be reminded to check in. When the numbers become too large. 72

people this year. 10/staff. Managing all of them at the same time. How do you do that on top

of the full-time job? Refugees also have things going on in their own lives.

Hard to incentivize students to come back. They got around this by offering to help them find

new jobs if they’re not happy.


Interview with Start with a Friend

1) In your own words, what are the main goals of Start with a Friend?

Main goal is to bring people together people who are new to Germany and people who have

been to Germany. To aid integration. People who are new to Germany do not have networks

or know everyday things. With this program they can have an exchange of information. Like

how to use the subway and how to find a job

2) We understand that Start with a Friend is a buddy program. What is the reason for providing

such support?

A lot of social media work. Have cooperation with different companies and show friendship

is really normal. And to reach out to more people. There is a huge need to integrate people

who just get here.

a) How are programs like Start with a Friend changing the attitudes about refugees?

Big on eye level. Enriching both parties. Aimed at local and refugees.

3) What does successful integration look like?

Best aim of integration is mingling, and everyone takes part in society and bring their own

experiences to society. Come to Germany and live here like normal.

4) How are you measuring your success in achieving the organization's goals?

a) Do you have surveys or forms of evaluation? If so, could you explain them to us?

Impact measuring. Look at the work input output. Output cities how many people are active.

Outcome how do they really exchange experience? Is it easier for them to get a job? Were

they able to get an apartment?

People register from the website and become a part of the database. Then they meet people

and get more information. They use surveys and qualitative. Main tool to understand is

surveys. Surveys are for refugees and friends/locals.

b) What challenges have you faced in conducting these evaluations?

Surveys need to be really focused and not too many open responses. Language is a barrier.

Make simple. Not fully happy, need the capacity to have a help desk and react to answers

like that.


Appendix C: Staff Interview Script

Preamble: We are a team of Worcester Polytechnic Institute students working in collaboration

with Über den Tellerrand to evaluate your cooking and community events program. We

appreciate you taking the time to share your opinions. Your participation in this interview is

completely voluntary and you may end the interview at any time or skip any questions you wish

not to answer. Should we use any information from this interview in our final report, we will

give you an opportunity to review the materials prior to publication. Would you prefer to remain

anonymous? Do we have your permission to record the interview today? We will only use the

recording to verify our notes and any quotations we might use. The interview will take less than

10 minutes. May we proceed?


Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UT?

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?

Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?


Interview with Linn

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Almost 3 years

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

I do the Community building and volunteer management. Organize and make sure volunteers

(Locals and refugees)

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

The ones that are in the office. The only other that lots of people attend is Football team

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

Participation is stable. Same people coming to the events but, they attend different events.

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

I hope the impact on both sides is that they lose fears and stereotypes by meeting face to face.

Refugees have a bigger impact because they get to integrate while the others just get to learn

about a new culture. Locals and refugees come here and find people who they meet with more

ease than outside

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UT?

Create encounter spaces for locals and refugees

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

Cooking classes is to address the topic of integration on a different level. They get to meet the

person and not the refugee they hear about in the news.

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?


Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?


Goals: to be part of an intercultural network

Cooking classes are paid and are a service

Community offer so much more because everyone can come to whatever even they like and take

friendship, support. There are more things to get out of the community events.

Satellites all over Germany: Spain, US and Colombia

At the beginning it was only locals and refugees now it focuses on everyone with a migration

background too. Anyone interested in intercultural exchange

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

Specially for the people who come more often. Why they come more often and what impact do

they have.


Interview with Philipp

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

1 and a half months

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Kitchen on the run project

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

I don’t know

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

I don't know

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

From what I’ve attended so far pretty positive. From observation I can see easygoing and

intercultural friendships.

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UT?

The mission is to help people who are new to this place establish a social network. They can

benefit professionally and socially.

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

I haven’t been to one. We make cooking evenings, you don’t have to pay, everyone is invited.

The goal of kitchen on the run is the main goal as all the organization. Bring people together to

establish a network.

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?

I will like to see the participants to get tools so they could continue and make their own

community events. Kitchen on the run smaller with a bike and make a bigger network and more

people involved, move the events around with the bike. It will be nice to influence or provide


with infrastructure for the participants to continue our objective of helping people network

through events they themselves can organize

Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?


Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

Motivation to attend

Personal outcome

How did you find out?

Is your network growing


Interview with Hameed

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Since July 2017

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

I and a colleague are our satellites network. All voluntary groups that do events outside of Berlin

under UdT

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

I am not the best to answer but the cooking events are the most popular and what we are

associated with. 35 satellites there are physical activities but eating and dining is the soul of the


Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

Participation depends on activity and season. About the 35 satellites, in August and December

things stop. Generally, participation has being increasing but at a slower rate. In 2015 there was

more of a sense of urgency. Most satellites were created 2015-17

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Community events are open activities for everybody, you see a lot of effect. Fundamental part of

social inclusion is to go beyond isolation and UdT give a space to meet new people. It is hard to

evaluate what having a friend means and how that helped you get a job. It is difficult to quantify

how language has improved. For locals they can learn new languages. Difficult to quantify but

there are a lot of regular participants and new people coming

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

UdT essentially looks to go beyond the team dynamic and support people on the integration

process. Give a space for networking. There is not enough space to offer this, but it creates a

sense of normality for people coming.

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?


Cooking classes would have two objectives as a social enterprise, how to be financially

sustainable. How can you earn money to fund other activities? It is also an activity that reaches

out to different group (Companies). Present the organization and the cooks.

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?

The goals are the core of what UdT is the space where people will be meeting. Food and cooking

allow you to share your identity, where you come from, who you are. Helps undermine the

barriers to immigration.

Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

UdT is by now a network that has strengthen and there is an exchange community. We work to

strengthen the network and empower participants. More engaged with the social. Recently

became part of the social gastronomy movement. Engaging with other organizations around the

world since only a month old. Want to become a greater part of the social gastronomy


Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

Curious about the cooking classes what impression they get about the presentation. What they

think, what they have learned, is this a recruitment mechanism for

Want to know if they enjoy the event

How many people got support from a friend?


Interview with Katja

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Volunteering since 2015

Employed since July 2018

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Community manager

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

Depends until now we have a diverse program

Bike tour a lot people come

Central around here

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

People who come since the beginning

Always new people are coming

A lot of people come in winter because of the cooking

Not as many people come in the summer

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Totally positive

Meet new people and how friendship forms

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

To facilitate encounter the meetings of people who would not get the opportunity

And reduce the prejudices

First time people getting to talk to refugee

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

Ideally half- local refugees- have a safe space

Usually the Germans are giving, and the refugees are taking

But the refugees are teaching

They are seeing eye level


Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?


Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Work with other organizations?

In the last few years they have expanded to new city

Strengthen the network

Outreach more strength together

Strengthen the community

Make more connection/ funding which helps them to do more and employ more people

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

What is their personal impact?

What value

If there is a friendship that forms

What is the effect


Interview with Anonymous

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Fall 2016

Worked in Frankfurt

Moved to Berlin February

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Mobile kitchen

In Frankfurt community manager

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

In Frankfurt easier to have a fixed location make people feel more connected.

It is easier if the location is clear

During the summer people like to be outside

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

Frankfurt it always a mix and that is what the aim is. Always having a mix of new people and

people who come time and time again. Friends of friends are coming. Locals are more likely to

be new people

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Positive- people have improved their sensitivity

Language skill for refugees

People feel more comfortable speaking in a group

Locals feel more calm

People becoming more comfortable in a group setting

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

Creating space where people can be themselves and show themselves. Being someone without

the label

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

Her personal goal people become more aware of the different layers of refugees, foreigners

People are making friends


Society has more interchange

Everyone is aware of their privilege

Getting out of victim situation

Have to try being more open minded

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?


Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Work with other organizations

Goals shift all the time, democratic

Grows organically

Strengthen relations between the satellite program

Creating a network, flow of resources

Family atmosphere

Adapt to the changing needs

Integration carrying it further

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

What has touched them?

What makes people come back

What keep them engaged

Why don’t people come back

Why do people volunteer


Interview with Noor

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

2 years

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/Building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Projects- Building Bridges

Every 3 months get 15 people

Mix of people- German, people who have been year for a while, then new

Every week people are getting deeper

Talking about identity


Cooking Face off

Very integration based

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?

At the beginning when

In the project- same 15-20 people come

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

For project a standard amount come

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Bring people together who wouldn’t have been together

Plant a lot of seeds, expose to many people

Starts the process

Not in the shallow sense

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

Connect rough different people through different means. There is different event that could

potentially interest someone

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?


Build those bridges

Forget difference

New commend need social needs

Thriving ground

No forcing people

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?


Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Work with other organizations

Focus on how to make this work, make it natural

Increase satellite

Including more refugees from the other countries

Influence the politics

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

Why the come to UdT?

If they Feel like they get something out of it


Interview with Lotti

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Since 2015

Started by meeting the foreigners at a party (internship for studies)

Second internship -- one year later she wrote her thesis

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Cooking classes; project manager

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically outdoor events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand hub?

She only sees participation at the hub (since this is what she is involved with)

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

Not a lot of people come multiple times; cooking classes cost a lot

Some companies come a few times

Students / groups come

As a whole it is increasing -- especially with companies

Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Impact of cooking classes on refugees = get to know the local and local Germans, they can get

jobs, makes them feel accepted to let them share their culture -- locals get to learn something


Community events = Social integration, meet regularly, build sustainable friendships -- locals get

the chance to volunteer

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

To bring people together, people from different cultures

Create spaces for people to meet, build friendships, get to know each other, build respect

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

Cooking skills

Cultural knowledge from actual Syrians, Afghanistan’s

Getting to know the people who hold the cooking classes, and their personalities


Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?

To have fun, eat good food

Meeting on an eye level

Getting to know different and new people, culture, share interest and ideas

Meet regularly

Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Worldwide networks

More satellites who can run on their own

Meetups in the fall to do workshops

Differ from each other

Social Gastronomy movement

To have a voice in the politics

Next 5 to 10 years -- will UdT still be needed?

And the funding

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

Different age, and where they come from

Know about their intentions to come to UdT

Opinions towards their topics about refugees or if they just came to get to know the food


Interview with Magdalena

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

1 month

Worked in western Germany

She organized the community -- “container”

Had meetups, cooking events, meeting

Group of 10 to 15 people

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

Kitchen on the run

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically physical exercise events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand office?


Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?


Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Special case

Before community events, it was kitchen on the run

Main impact of community events: friendships which started in container, community can grow

as one system of people, they can help each other in situations

Type of events: cooking evenings, Christmas market in bigger city

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

Building a colorful community, society, where labels do not matter

See each other as human beings (male, female, race)

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

Talking between the people

Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?


Change their perspective

See the people behind / beyond the stories, news, cultures

Chance to experience a variety of cultures

Spread information (show videos, tell about culture)

Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Personal goal = have more containers, grow kitchen on the run

Kitchen on the run started in 2015; build a bar in a shipping container, worked with architecture


Went through Italy, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden

Cooking evenings for a few weeks

2017 they went around Germany, and then moved from big cities to smaller cities

New team this year (of four); Bavaria, middle, north around the sea

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?



Interview with Esther

Question 1 (Demographics): How long have you been working with Über den Tellerrand?

Since 2015, started in the summer

Project manager for satellite project

Board of the organization (CEO)

Question 2 (Demographics): Which program do you work with most closely (Job

Buddy/building Bridges/Community Events, …)?

See above

Question 3 (Participation Rate): Do you see more people attend a certain type of event,

specifically outdoor events vs. at the Über den Tellerrand hub?

Not present at most events

Question 4 (Participation Rate): What trends have you seen in participation such as, are the same

people coming, is participation increasing or declining?

Cooking type events work the best, these occur the most

Majority have said the events are growing

Teams are growing and becoming diverse


Question 5 (Benefits/Mission): How have you seen the community events and/or cooking class

programs influenced the locals and refugees? Positive/Negative?

Outside organizations answer an end of the year questionnaire

Less stereotyping

Less fear to interact with other people

More diverse circle of friends

Question 6 (Mission): In your own words, what is the mission of UdT?

Provide a space for people to meet who would usually not be able to

Create new social networks

Reduce prejudice and enhance integration of cultures and refugees into society

Question 7 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the cooking classes?

The participants get a new idea of the home country of the teacher

A real picture of what is going on, get a personal experience and encounter


Better understanding of this person (and relate to people from other countries outside of the


Question 8 (Current Goals): From your perspective, what goals do you have for the participants

of the community events?

Similar to cooking

Meet these people again and again, and create friendship

Create social bonds

Question 9 (Current Goals): We know Uber den Tellerrand has expanded over the years.

Looking toward the future, what are the goals for Uber den Tellerrand in the next 1-3 years?...

Have you seen the goals shift over time?

Work with other organizations?

Hope one day UdT will not be necessary

Working towards a more open society, social cohesion

Create encounters, and go deeper (talk about the issues and problems arise when people of

different cultures interact)

Steady expansion of the organization; happens through the activities; 3 hubs in Berlin

Question 10 (Survey): Is there any information that you would like to know about the

participants of the community events or cooking classes?

What changed -- what is different now that was not like before

Do you really meet people, do you learn anything new?


Appendix D: Interview with Sponsor

Interview with Lotta Häfele 18/03/19

Preamble: We are a team of Worcester Polytechnic Institute students working in collaboration

with Über den Tellerrand to evaluate their cooking program. We appreciate you taking the time

to share your opinions. Your participation in this interview is completely voluntary and you may

end the interview at any time or skip any questions you wish not to answer. Should we use any

information from this interview in our final report, we will give you an opportunity to review the

materials prior to publication. Can we quote you by name, or would you prefer to remain

anonymous? Would it be alright if we record the interview today? We will only use the

recording to verify our notes and any quotations we might use. The interview will take less than

15 minutes. Can we proceed?

1) What is the goal of the cooking class?

She joined UdT Sept 2015 “Flight Experience”

Main goal is to bring people together to get to know each other.

2) What do you want the participant to get out of the class?

Goal to come and get to know the refugees who are presenting their dish

Cooking skills and cultures

3) What was the original reasoning of implementing the survey?

Find out if the participants are happy with what they are learning, if they learned something

new like cooking skill or if they felt good in the room and the atmosphere

If they felt a culture exchange, if they had opinions before and if that changed

4) What happens to the current surveys once they are filled out?

Put them in a box

5) Do you think there is anything missing from the current survey?

Yes, it is not that deep

a) Do you think open ended or close ended questions are better for this type of


A mix of both, some can be yes or no but not all

6) What language should the survey be in? German? English? Arabic?

German and English

7) We know you use paper copies now; would you be open to using different formats such as a

QR code in conjunction to the paper copies?

Yes, open to QR code


8) When do you think is the most effective time to give out the survey? At the end of a class?

The next day?

At the end of the class and immediately here

9) Could the survey be put on social media outlets such as the Facebook page?

That would be fine

10) If we were to email it to participants, how often should we be sending out reminder emails?

Send it out once and one reminder, 3-4 days

We probably don’t have to collect emails

11) How long should the questionnaire take to answer? 1-2 minutes? 3-5 minutes? 5 or more


3-5 range


Appendix E: Questionnaire Translation

Question 1: How would you rate the overall cooking class?

Question 2: Did you receive all important information before the cooking class?

Question 3: How did you like the presentations?

Question 4: You would like to know more about that

Question 5: To what extent have your expectations of an intercultural cooking course been met

Question 6: What did you miss?

Question 7: How did you hear about our cooking courses?

Question 8: How likely is it that you will recommend our cookery courses?

Question 9: What you still want to tell us


Appendix F: Initial Evaluation Tool

Age:_____ Nationality:______

Question 1 (Satisfaction): How would you rate your overall experience?

Very poor 1 2 3 4 5 Very Good

Question 2 (Marketing): How likely are you to recommend this class?

Very Unlikely 1 2 3 4 5 Very Likely

Question 3 (Marketing): How did you hear about Über den Tellerrand?






Question 4 (Demographics): Have you participated in any refugee integration programs?

Über den Tellerrand Community Event


Question 5 (Demographics): Über den Tellerrand has many programs outside of cooking, would

you be interested in attending those?




Question 6 (Goals): How important are the following goals to you on a scale of 1 (Not

Important) to 5 (Very Important). Please circle the answer:

Learning to cook an ethnic meal: 1 2 3 4 5


Interested in multiculturalism: 1 2 3 4 5

Supporting UdT’s cause: 1 2 3 4 5

Helping refugee integration: 1 2 3 4 5

Having a nice night with family/friends: 1 2 3 4 5

Other:__________________ 1 2 3 4 5

Question 7 (Follow up to last question): Did the program meet your expectations?

Very poor 1 2 3 4 5 Very Good

Question 7a (Follow up to last question): If not, what would you change?

Question 8 (Goals): What besides cooking did you learn?

Question 9 (Program Eval): How did you like the presentation?

Very poor 1 2 3 4 5 Very Good

Question 9a (Follow up to last question): If not, what would you change?

Question 10 (Program Eval): One of Uber den Tellerrand’s missions is to promote an open and

tolerant society. How well do you believe this class helps in achieving that mission?

Very poor 1 2 3 4 5 Very Good

Question 11 (Program Eval): How do you this cooking class can counteract prejudices against


Question 12 (Program Eval): What are your suggestions on improving the program, if any?


Appendix G: Revised Evaluation Tool

Age:_____ Nationality:_________

Question 1 (Satisfaction): How would you rate your overall experience?

Question 2 (Marketing): How likely are you to recommend this class?

Question 3 (Marketing): How did you hear about Über den Tellerrand?






Question 4 (Demographics): Have you participated in any refugee integration programs?

Über den Tellerrand Community Event


Question 5 (Demographics): Über den Tellerrand has many programs outside of cooking, would

you be interested in attending those?





Question 6 (Goals): How important are the following goals to you on a scale of 1 (Not

Important) to 5 (Very Important). Please circle the answer:

Learning to cook an ethnic meal: 1 2 3 4 5

Interested in multiculturalism: 1 2 3 4 5

Helping refugee integration: 1 2 3 4 5

Having a nice night with family/friends: 1 2 3 4 5

Question 7 (Follow up to last question): Did the program meet your expectations?

Question 7a (Follow up to last question): If not, what would you change?

Question 8 (Goals): What besides cooking did you learn?

Question 9 (Program Eval): How did you like the presentation?

Question 9a (Follow up to last question): If not, what would you change?

Question 10 (Program Eval): One of Uber den Tellerrand’s missions is to promote an open and

tolerant society. How well do you believe this class helps in achieving that mission?


Question 11 (Program Eval): How do you this cooking class can counteract prejudices against


Question 12 (Program Eval): What are your suggestions on improving the program, if any?


Appendix H: Final Evaluation Tool

Age:_____ Nationality:_________

Question 1 (Satisfaction): How would you rate your overall experience?

Question 2 (Marketing): How did you hear about Über den Tellerrand?






Question 3 (Demographics): Have you participated in any refugee integration programs?

Über den Tellerrand Community Event



Question 4 (Goals): How important are the following goals to you on a scale of 1 (Not

Important) to 5 (Very Important). Please circle the answer:

Learning to cook an ethnic meal: 1 2 3 4 5

Interested in multiculturalism: 1 2 3 4 5

Helping refugee integration: 1 2 3 4 5

Having a nice night with family/friends: 1 2 3 4 5


Question 5 (Program Eval): How did you like the presentation?

Question 6 (Goals): What besides cooking did you learn?

Question 7 (Program Eval): How do you this cooking class can counteract prejudices against


Question 8 (Program Eval): What are your suggestions on improving the program, if any?


Appendix I: Pamphlet



Appendix J: Sponsor Description

Über den Tellerrand is a charitable organization that was founded in 2013 to assist the

integration of refugees into German society. They strive to promote unity, inclusion, and equality

in all aspects of life. The organization assumes that, although people come from different

backgrounds and have diverse talents and experiences, we are all equal and share a common

ground. Über den Tellerrand acts as a resource for those with or without experience in aiding

refugees or immigrants to help refugees strengthen intercultural communities within Germany,

shape and aid in the transition between those involved, and raise awareness for the possibilities

of creating a sound society.

The idea for Über den Tellerrand originated in 2013 during a spate of public protests

refugees at Oranienplatz, a public park in the heart of Berlin. A group of students thought the

refugees were being treated unfairly and wanted to do something to help. The students began

cooking with the refugees at Oranienplatz to make them feel more welcome in the community.

From those cooking sessions, the students developed a cookbook that included 21 recipes as well

as personal stories from the refugees (Berliner Morgenpost, 2014). The book gained a lot of

attention upon its release and was awarded the Funpreneur Prize in December 2013 (Berliner

Morgenpost, 2014). The authors were delighted to realize that many German people supported

their project goals. In the spring of 2014, with help from the Social Impact Lab in Berlin, Über

den Tellerrand devised a program in which the refugees gave cooking lessons to the German

people (Berliner Morgenpost, 2014). The Über den Tellerrand team backed this idea and through

it published another cookbook that included 36 recipes. The refugee cooks behind the recipes

immigrated to Germany from Afghanistan, Syria, Guinea, Niger, Macedonia and Chechnya

(Berliner Morgenpost, 2014). Über den Tellerrand always stressed the importance of preserving

the cultures of the refugees as well as presenting their culture through food. Through food and

cooking, the students wanted the local members of the community to learn about and respect the

diverse, new cultures refugees brought to their host country (Berliner Morgenpost, 2014).

The community cooking event program, which continues to operate to this day, involves

organizing two cooking events every month, each hosted by a refugee. The host cooks a meal

native to his/her country of origin in front of an audience. Über den Tellerrand continues to build

on this program. Firstly, there is a new mobile kitchen being deployed to reach new communities

around Berlin. Secondly, satellite locations for the non-profit continue to be added on top of the

31 already established. Figure 10 maps all satellite locations spread across Europe. Anyone can

apply to start a satellite location right through Über den Tellerrand’s website.


: A map of Über den Tellerrand Satellite locations in Europe. Not shows are location in Ohio, USA and Medellin, Colombia

Building on the success of the group cooking program, Über den Tellerrand’s added other

programs to cater to the different interests within the refugee community. One program

encourages locals to identify and organize events or activities for which they serve as hosts, or

‘Champions.’ The events are listed and updated on Über den Tellerrand’s Facebook page.

Champions have held a variety of events such as beekeeping, choir, soccer, and general self-

growth workshops. Some events, such as soccer, have grown to be as popular as the original

cooking classes and are offered on a regular basis. Über den Tellerrand supports all gatherings

promoting engagement between locals and refugees, whether it be through physical, artistic, or

purely social activities. As with the cooking classes, the organization's policy is to offer

opportunities promoting friendship among individuals and strengthening communities.

Über den Tellerrand offers the Building Bridges and Job Buddy programs to all newcomers to

Germany, not just refugees. Both programs pair a new German immigrant with a mentor. In the

case of Building Bridges, an immigrant is paired with a German national and an established

immigrant as a means of helping him/her integrate into their community. Similarly, Job Buddy

pairs an immigrant with a German national who mentors and advises the immigrant on the job

application process relating to different labor markets

. : A graphic from Über den Tellerrand’s website describing progression through their program


After five years promoting the integration of refugees, Über den Tellerrand, has expanded their

outreach to over 30 different sites in cities throughout Europe. They have satellite locations in

cities such as Hamburg and Frankfurt, as well as cities in Austria, Switzerland, and Netherlands.

The organization is led by a group of managing directors with about 10 part-time staff, and many

volunteers working in the Berlin cooking events site. Über den Tellerrand has connected with,

and helped, thousands of refugees through their cooking classes and community events. In 2017

alone, the Berlin cooking site hosted 48 intercultural cooking classes which attracted more than

950 people from multiple cultures (Tätigkeitsbericht, 2017). Funding for Über den Tellerrand

comes from donations and project funds such as the catering events. Their outreach is

continually growing by implementing programs into new areas around Germany and the world.

The goal of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of Über den Tellerrand’s cooking

program after five years of operations and identify ways they might better serve the community

while fulfilling their mission.



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