make life rewarding brochure

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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Make Life


Discover how thousands o 

 people have taken control o 

their time and money with 

4Lie’s Lie Rewards Plan ™ .

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“I was skeptical at frst but the products sold me. I shared them 

with everyone. The next thing I knew, I was making enough 

money to quit my job and do it ull-time.” 

 —Teresa Tomalska,

International Diamond 

Imagine a More Rewarding Life How would you make your lie more rewarding? Would you get rid o all yourdebt? Would you spend time with the ones you love instead o trading it or a

paycheck? Would you try to help others make their lives more rewarding? Would

 you like to start today? You can with 4Lie’s Lie Rewards Plan™.

 Whether you’re looking or a little extra income or you want to own your own

business and be fnancially independent, our Lie Rewards Plan can help you

achieve your goals.

• Get paid for sharing products you love

• Generate income 24/7 on your group’s activity 

• Build a business you can pass on to your family 

• Enrich the lives of others

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 Why Partner with 4Life®?1. Solid past, present, and uture. Ater more than a decade o success, 4Lie

shows no sign o slowing down. When most companies are downsizing and

laying o, 4Lie is breaking sales records and opening new countries and ofces

all over the world.

2. Beneft rom an experienced executive team.  You’ll have decades o experience on your

side when you join 4Lie. Our leaders know 

the direct selling industry—they’ve put years

into developing products that sell. They’re

committed to your continued success.

3. Unbeatable compensation plan. The Lie

Rewards Plan rewards the beginner, part-timer, and proessional business builder—all


4. Patented and proven products. We’ve secured patents protecting our unique

ormulations and processes, and more patents are on the way. Thanks to years

o research, numerous clinical trials, and the sharpest medical minds, 4Lie

continues to unlock the secrets o a healthy immune system.

“The Lie Rewards Plan  

has it all! No matter 

what your objective,

4Lie’s compensation 

 plan can meet your 


—Kevin and Courtney Moore,International Diamonds 

Build your thriving, global business through the generosity of the Life

Rewards Plan coupled with an army of successful business tools.

• Inexpensive and effective prospecting tools

• Dynamic online business building, tracking, and reporting tools

• Ongoing business training via the 4Life Compass System

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“4Lie is a company that 

 provides opportunities 

to amilies.” † † 

—Edgar Rentería,

San Francisco Giants Shortstop 

Proven Products for Proven SuccessBuild your successul business with successul products that will have your

customers coming back to ask or more. 4Lie Transer Factor® products are

consumable, patented, and scientifcally proven to work. They’re completely 

unique, providing you and your customers with a healthier liestyle through

enhanced immunity.

Transer actors are a class o messenger

molecules that provide valuable immune

inormation to help your immune system

better recognize, respond to, and remember

potential health threats. These memory 

molecules are derived rom colostrum–nature’s

frst supplement–and are the frst nutrient you

receive when you are born. Nature knows best what your body needs and these easy-to-sell products provide an eective level

o health support unlike anything else.

 A recent clinical study showed that 4Lie Transer Factor products boost the

production o the antibody IgA by an average o 73%*†. Another study revealed

a 437% increase in the activity o natural killer cells**†.

*Immunoglobulin A (IgA) test results obtained rom a preliminary, open-label study o 21 reportedly healthy adults. Participants took 4Lie Transer FactorTri-Factor Formula or two weeks, ollowed by 4Lie Transer Factor® RioVida® Tri-Factor® Formula. One hundred percent o participants saw an increase in theproduction rate o salivary secretory IgA by an average o 73% ater taking 4Lie Transer Factor products or our weeks when compared to the one-week baseline.

 A brie drop occurred at the transition between the two products. **Test results obtained rom two independent NK cell studies conducted by Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev,head o Immunology at the Russian Academy o Medical Sciences. The blind studies tested 4Lie Transer Factor E-XF™ (the primary ingredient in Tri-Factor Formula)

and other immune system products. † These studies have been funded in full or in part by 4Life Research USA, LLC. † †This individual has beencompensated for his endorsement by 4Life Research USA, LLC.

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How do you get paid? Retail Profts 

Buy products at wholesale rom 4Lie® and sell them or retail proft rom your

customers. Your customers can buy directly rom 4Lie, so you don’t need to

carry any inventory. 4Lie ships the product or you and pays you the dierence!

Personal Rebate Receive a 25% rebate on

personal volume over your minimum monthly 

required purchase o 100 Lie Points (LP)

generated in a month.

Rapid Rewards Get a 25% commission on the frst order placed

by every new person you personally enroll.

Unlimited Earning Potential*

The more you build, the more you get paid.

Unlike your traditional job, your success is

only limited by your activity.

Generous Compensation  You’ll beneft rom one o the highest paying,

most unique plans in the industry.

 A Global Business Opportunity 

 When you partner with 4Lie you can build a global business that the sun never

sets on with opportunities in over 50 countries. You could be making money 

 while you sleep.

Power Pool 

 You have a simple three step method or success in the Power Pool. Sign up at

least three new people with a 100 LP order in their frst two months. Maintain

a personal 100 LP order

each month. Get paid your

share o 2% o the entire

company’s volume.

*Distributor earnings vary as a result o numerous

actors. Earnings statements made in 4Lie’s printedmaterials are not intended to guarantee a particularoutcome, but rather show what is possible based ona broad range o 4Lie Distributors’ historical data.

“I’ve seen people have a 

whole new lie because 

o the changes 4Lie 

has brought about in 

their fnancial uture.4Lie represents a better 

quality o lie and more 

 reedom—reedom to 

spend more time with 

my amily and travel all 

over the world.” 

 —Bonnie Taylor, Platinum 

International Diamond 

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The 4Lifestyle No matter what your dream—i you just want to supplement your income with

a ew extra dollars or i you want to quit your day job and have the reedom o 

 working or yoursel ull-time—our Lie Rewards Plan™ can help you achieve the

lie o your dreams.

I your dreams include luxury vacations, you’ll

be pleased to know that our Lie Rewards

Plan includes the chance to earn a luxury trip

awarded to committed 4Lie business builders.

 When you attend the Great Escape+, you’ll jet

o to paradise or un in the sun. You’ll also

connect with high-ranking distributor leaders

and receive training directly rom a 4Liecorporate representative. A sweet

reward, indeed.

Get on the ast track to success. Talk to the person who gave you this brochure or

more inormation. Take control o your own lie—and make it more rewarding!

“Today I live in my 

dream home, I drive my 

dream car, and I can go 

on vacation when I want,

without time or money 

 presenting any obstacle.”  

—Dr. Herminio Nevárez,Platinum International Diamond 


Item #80731 v.052010©2010 4Life Research™, USA, LLC.

All rights reserved.

For use in the United States

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