main idea main idea: at the end of world war ii, tensions between the soviet union and the united...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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  • Main Idea Main Idea: At the end of World War II, tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States deepened, leading to an era known as the Cold War. What do you think the Cold War was?
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  • Allies during the war, but not truly friends Soviets wanted British and Americans to open a second European front earlier in the war. U.S. atomic bomb plans worried Soviet Union. Philosophical Differences Philosophical differences between the Soviet Union and the United States reached back to the 1920s. Soviet Union: communism, totalitarian dictatorship United States: free-enterprise capitalism, republic World War II Conflicts The Soviet Union refused to let Eastern Europe hold elections as promised at Yalta. The United States resisted Soviet expansion. Postwar Conflicts
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  • Stalin wanted to retain political and economic control over Eastern Europe. The Soviets managed to install Communist governments throughout Eastern Europe. Stalin outlawed political parties or newspapers that opposed the Communists. The Soviets jailed or killed some political opponents. The Soviets rigged elections to ensure the success of Communists. Yugoslavia was the one Eastern European nation that was not under the direct control of Stalin and the Soviet Union. Josip Broz Tito, a Communist, refused to take orders from the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union relocated Germans living in Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe.
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  • In February 1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met at Yalta to plan the postwar world. Although the conference seemed to go well, several agreements reached at Yalta later played a role in causing the Cold War.
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  • The three leaders made the following agreements: Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to recognize the Polish government set up by the Soviets. Stalin agreed that the government would include members of the prewar Polish government and that free elections would be held as soon as possible.
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  • They also agreed to issue the Declaration of Liberated Europe. They decided to divide Germany into four zones, each of which would be controlled by either Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, or France.
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  • Why do you think the French were Only given a small parcel of Germany?
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  • Tensions began to rise between the United States and the Soviet Union for several reasons: Stalin demanded that Germany pay war reparations and was not content with the ideas Roosevelt had to offer. The Soviets pressured the king of Romania into appointing a Communist government.
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  • The Soviets refused to allow more than three non-Communist Poles to serve in the 18-member Polish government. There was no indication that they intended to hold free elections in Poland. The increasing hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States led to an era of confrontation and competition known as the Cold War. It lasted from about 1946 to 1990.
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  • The Soviet Union and the United States had different goals: The Soviets were concerned about security. They wanted to keep Germany weak and make sure that the countries between Germany and the Soviet Union were under Soviet control. The Soviets also were concerned about encouraging communism in other nations; they were suspicious of capitalist nations.
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  • The United States was focused on economic problems: Many American officials believed that the Depression had caused World War II. By 1945, Roosevelt and his advisers were convinced that economic growth, democracy, and free enterprise were the key to peace.
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  • Western Views of the Iron Curtain Soviet Views of the Iron Curtain Winston Churchill attacked the Soviet Union for creating an Iron Curtain. The term reflected Churchills belief that communism had created a sharp division in Europe. Harry S Truman urged his secretary of state to get tough with the Soviets. Stalin believed that the Iron Curtain was necessary to protect the Soviet Union from western attacks. Stalin used Churchills words to help persuade his people that the United States and Great Britain were their enemies. He also used this as an excuse to rebuild the military.
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  • ConferencesOutcomes Yalta Conference (Roosevelt)Polands government recognized, free elections for Poland, Declaration of Liberated Europe, Germany divided, German reparations set. Potsdam Conference (Truman)German-Polish border established, German reparations to the Soviets reconstructed.
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  • Main Idea: Main Idea: Although President Truman took a firm stand against Soviet aggression, Europe remained divided after the war.
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  • Eleven days after confronting the Soviets about Poland, FDR died and Harry S. Truman became president. Truman did not want to appease Stalin as Britain had appeased Hitler. He told Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov that Stalin must hold free elections, as he had promised at Yalta. This meeting marked an important shift in Soviet- American relations.
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  • In July 1945 Truman finally met Stalin at Potsdam. Truman was convinced that the rest of Europe could only recover if Germanys economy was allowed to revive. Meanwhile, Stalin wanted more reparations from Germany.
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  • Stalin did not like Trumans proposals for reparations. However, American and British troops controlled Germanys industrial heartland, and there was no way for the Soviets to get any reparations except by cooperating. The Soviets refused to make any stronger commitments to uphold the Declaration of Liberated Europe.
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  • The Communist countries of Eastern Europe Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakiacame to be called satellite nations. With the Iron Curtain separating the Communist nations of Eastern Europe from the West, the Cold War era was about to begin.
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  • Main Idea: Main Idea: The Truman Doctrine offered aid to any nation resisting communism; the Marshall Plan aided European countries in rebuilding.
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  • Increasingly exasperated by the Soviets refusal to cooperate, officials at the State Department asked the American Embassy in Moscow to explain Soviet behavior. Diplomat George Kennan responded with what became known as the Long Telegram. Kennan proposed a long term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendenciesthe basic policy followed by the United States throughout the Cold War.
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  • After World War II, instead of withdrawing as promised, the Soviet troops remained in northern Iran. Stalin then began demanding access to Irans oil supplies; he also helped local Communists establish a separate government in northern Iran. The secretary of state sent Stalin a strong message demanding that they withdraw from northern Iran. Coupled with the threat of the USS Missouri sailing into the eastern Mediterranean, Stalin withdrew.
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  • In August 1946 Stalin demanded joint control of the Dardanelles with Turkey. After Britain informed the United States that they could no longer afford to help Greece, Truman gave a speech to Congress outlining a policy that became known as the Truman Doctrine.
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  • In June 1947 Secretary of State George Marshall proposed the European Recovery Program, or Marshall Plan, which would give European nations American aid to rebuild their economies. In response to the Soviet attempt to undermine Germanys economy, the United States, Great Britain, and France announced that they would merge their zones in Germany.
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  • Truman ordered the air force to fly supplies into Berlin insteadknown as the Berlin airlift. By April 1949, an agreement had been reached to create the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)a mutual defense alliance. For the first time in its history, the United States had committed itself to maintaining peace in Europe.
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  • Main Idea: Main Idea: Attempts to keep South Korea free from communism led the United States to military intervention.
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  • After World War II, Communist forces led by Mao Zedong and the Nationalist government led by Chiang Kai-shek started fighting again. The United States sent the Nationalist government $2 billion in aid beginning in the mid-1940s, but they squandered the money through poor military planning and corruption. The victorious Communists established the Peoples Republic of China in October 1949.
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  • In September 1949 the Soviet Union announced that it had successfully tested the first atomic weapon. Then, in the early 1950s, the Peoples Republic of China and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship and alliance
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  • At the end of World War II, General Douglas MacArthur had taken charge of occupied Japan. Once the United States lost China as its chief ally in Asia, it adopted policies to encourage the rapid recovery of Japans industrial economy.
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  • At the end of World War II, American and Soviet forces entered Korea to disarm the Japanese troops stationed there. The Allies divided Korea at the 38th parallel of latitude. Soviets controlled the north, while American troops controlled the south.
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  • On June 25, 1950, North Korean troops invaded the south, rapidly driving back the poorly equipped South Korean forces. With the pledge of UN troops, Truman ordered General MacArthur to send American troops from Japan to Korea. He pushed the North Koreans north to the border with China.
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  • China then drove the UN forces back across the 38th parallel and MacArthur demanded approval to expand the war against China. Truman declined, but MacArthur persisted, even criticizing the president. Truman fired MacArthur for insubordination in April 1951.
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  • Trumans concernthat an all-out war in Korea might lead to nuclear warwas the main reason why he favored limited war. In November 1951 peace negotiations began, but an armistice would not be signed until July 1953.
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  • The Korean War marked an important turning point in the Cold War: the United States embarked on a major military buildup after the war began. The Korean War also helped expand the Cold War to Asia.
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  • In 1954 the United States signed defense agreements with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Australia, forming the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).
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  • Big Idea: Big Idea: Science and Technology Nuclear technology enabled Eisenhower to change U.S. military policy, while new missile technology marked the beginning of the space age. Main Idea: Main Idea: Eisenhower fought the Cold War by increasing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and using the threat of nuclear war to end conflicts in Korea, Taiwan, and the Suez.
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  • General Dwight D. Eisenhower won the presidential election in 1952 against the Democrat, Adlai Stevenson. Eisenhower was convinced that the key to a victory in the Cold War was a strong economy.
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  • He used a policy called massive retaliation to prevent more wars from happening. Eisenhowers willingness to threaten nuclear war to maintain peace worried some people. Critics called this brinkmanship and argued that it was too dangerous.
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  • Eisenhower threatened Korea with a nuclear war, and in July 1953 negotiators signed an armistice. The battle line, very near the 38th parallel, became the border between North Korea and South Korea. American troops are still based in Korea, helping to defend South Koreas border.
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  • Eisenhower once again threatened nuclear attack when China tried to seize two small islands, as well as Taiwan, from the Nationalists. China backed down soon afterward.
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  • Because Egypt bought weapons from Communist Czechoslovakia, Secretary of State Dulles withdrew aid from Egypt that would help finance the construction of a dam on the Nile River. Egyptian troops seized the Suez Canal from the Anglo-French company that had controlled it. In October 1956 British and French troops invaded Egypt.
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  • The Soviet Union threatened rocket attacks on Britain and France and offered to send troops to help Egypt. Under strong pressure from the United States, the British and French called off their invasion. Soon afterward, the Arab nations began accepting Soviet aid, a diplomatic victory for the Soviets.
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  • Main Idea: Main Idea: Eisenhower directed the Central Intelligence Agency to use covert operations to limit the spread of communism and Soviet influence.
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  • To prevent uprisings in other countries, Eisenhower decided to use covert operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Many of the CIAs operations took place in developing nations. Many of these nations blamed European imperialism and American capitalism for their problems.
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  • One way to stop developing nations from moving into the Communist camp was to provide them with financial aid. Two examples of covert operations that achieved U.S. objectives took place in Iran and Guatemala.
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  • Covert operations did not always work, however. By 1965, Nikita Khrushchev had emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union. The CIA broadcast to Eastern Khrushchev's secret speech discrediting Stalins policies. Many Eastern Europeans were frustrated with Communist rule, and in June 1956 riots erupted. Khrushchev was not prepared for an end to communism; the rebellion in Budapest was crushed.
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  • President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt emerged from the Suez crises as a hero to the Arab people. By 1957, he had begun working with Jordan and Syria to spread pan-Arabism. Eisenhower asked Congress to authorize the use of military force whenever the president thought it necessary to assist Middle East nations resisting Communist aggressionalso known as the Eisenhower Doctrine. In 1958 left-wing rebels, believed to be backed by Nasser and the Soviet Union, seized power in Iraq. The United States protected Beirut and British forces helped Jordan.
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  • After the Hungarian uprising, Khrushchev reasserted Soviet power and the superiority of communism. In 1957, after the launch of Sputnik, Khrushchev boasted that capitalism would be buried. At Eisenhowers invitation, Khrushchev visited the United States in late 1959; they agreed to hold a summit in 1960.
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  • Shortly before the summit was to begin, the Soviet Union shot down an American U-2 spy plane. Khrushchev broke up the summit after Eisenhower refused to apologize. As Eisenhower left office, he warned Americans to be on guard against the influence of the military-industrial complex in a democracy.
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  • Long Range Causes: Both the United States and the Soviet Union believe their economic and political systems are superior. Defeat of Germany creates a power vacuum in Europe and leaves U.S. and Soviet forces occupying parts of Europe. The U.S. wants to rebuild Europes economy and support democratic governments to ensure peace and security. The USSR wants Germany weak and believes nations on its border should have Communist governments to ensure they remain friendly.
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  • Immediate Causes: At Yalta, Soviets promise to allow free elections in Eastern Europe but instead gradually impose Communist regimes. At Potsdam, Soviets want German reparations, but the U.S. supports rebuilding Germanys economy. Soviet troops help Communists in northern Iran, but U.S. pressure forces a withdrawal. George Kennan sends the Long Telegram to U.S. officials, explaining that the Soviets need to be contained. Soviets send aid to Communist rebels in Greece and demand Turkey share control of the Dardanelles with the USSR; Truman issues the Truman Doctrine and sends aid to Greece and Turkey.
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  • Effects in Europe: U.S. launches the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe. Germany is divided into two separate nations. The USSR blockades Berlin; U.S. organizes the Berlin Airlift. The U.S. creates NATO; the USSR creates the Warsaw Pact.
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  • Global Effects: When China falls to communism, the U.S. responds by helping Japan build up its economy and military. When Communist North Korea invades South Korea, the U.S. organizes an international force to stop the invasion.
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  • Effects on the United States: Soviet spies are arrested. A new Red Scare leads to laws restricting the Communist Party in the U.S. and to investigations by the House Un-American Activities Committee and Senator Joseph McCarthy. Americans practice civil defense; some build bomb shelters. President Eisenhower orders the development of new rockets, bombers, and submarines that can carry nuclear weapons. Eisenhower uses the CIA to covertly contain communism.
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