magdalene flame activation & ceremony of fire

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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LORD KUTHUMI Channelled through Michelle Eloff© 20 th January 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa


Magdalene Flame Activation & Ceremony of Fire


Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

20 th January 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa

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To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will

energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process faciltated

with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master,

however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding

time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a

similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose. All Questions &

Answers from the session have been left in the transcript as we have found the

answers too have been of great benefit to our readers.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each

of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of understanding, blessings of

deeper awakening, blessings of humour, and the blessing of peace. Greetings beloved


Greetings Lord Kuthumi.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of

you upon this day as we hold you firmly with the heart of Christ and securely upon

the hands of God.

Beloved Ones, as we stand in the presence of the great miracle called life, we bring

you an energetic blessing of the 12 Buddhic columns of Illumination, specifically.

These columns of light come to support your personal journey of rememberance, its

purpose as a collective consciousness of energy contributing and facilitating to a

process of illumination, in deeper inner awareness.The presence of illumination is

what encourages the soul to continue its journey along its pathway of self-discovery,

and humanity as a whole is on the verge of great new beginnings. The process of

illumination has penetrated all the dense vibrations, and now rests securely within the

core of Mother Earth, and the collective consciousness of humanity.

The time is upon you where every person on the planet is being affected by the great

changes, regardless of their level of consciousness, or any other level of maturity. It is

upon you, and this energy should be celebrated – for this energy marks the

confirmation that all your prayers have indeed been answered.

Bear in mind that whenever one asks for change, for healing and peace – all of that

which creates disharmony, disease and destruction, will come to the fore in order to

be cleared; thus allowing all the other qualities of light to be.

The difference now is that Mary Magdalene has taken her rightful role as the key

Goddess to Illumination for Humanity, and the 12 Magdalene Roses, known as the

Flames of Illumination, vibrate in unison with the 12 Buddhic Columns of

Illumination, and it is through the insights that Buddha has brought to your planet,

that all will realise that all the teachings of the Great Masters have always been one

and the same, yet interpreted by the perceptions and belief systems of individuals

causing separation and seperate belief systems.

The time has also come for people to become aware of their true desires in life; for in

understanding the authentic need, one recognises everything else one chases after is

in fact what one believes will supply the authentic need, but in truth it is all part of

the illusion. In the Holy Scripture it is said, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and

all else thereafter will follow’.

What do you feel the Kingdom of God inside of you is? What do you believe it is that

you seek? Once you understand this, you will then realise that nothing else matters

besides the manifestation of that authentic, deep need which will bring

the answer to absolutely everything you question. People have many names for it.

You discover your own; for in knowing what it is, you will understand where it is you

are to go. Is this all clear to you so far?


Very well. Beloved Ones, I shall now make way for Mary Magdalene to come

forward and anchor the energy of the 2nd Magdalene Rose and Flame of

Illumination. May each of you be blessed. I am Kuthumi. Adonai.


I am Mary Magdalene. Welcome!


I rejoice at your presence today, for in coming together in this purpose of uniting in

consciousness, we are able to weave a new blanket of nourishment and protection for

our beloved planet. Goddess Gaia is the sister of the 24 Goddesses of the great

Sisterhood of Illumination, and as we come together and unite our love, and unite our

understanding of the greater consciousness of love, we are able to support her as a

Goddess in the collective, universal mind seeking her grand presence within the

cesspool of energy that has caused, up until this point, pain and suffering.

Activating these roses brings to you a great opportunity of expanded illumination. It

offers you the divine opportunity to carry the Flame of Illumination in your heart,

along with the Roses of Rememberance. I celebrate your choice to sit with me today

so that we can unite and build the 2nd of 12 of the Flames of Rememberance,

therefore awakening humanity, illuminating them, and facilitating the Great


Because humanity has opened their hearts to accept the presence of the Magdalene

Goddess, it has opened 12 new gateways of creative energy which is being shared

with the lightworkers equally. Each lightworker on the planet, who is in divine

alignment with the frequency of illumination, through all the Masters of Light and

Illumination, is receiving this current influx of energy. Take advantage of the

inspirations that come to you; respond to the inner sense of searching and touching

…. all the avenues that shall take you to that deeper sense of peace, that in truth

everyone on the planet seeks. One cannot find the point of peace within, until one

understands why the pieces are not together.

You are currently aware of the fact that your world is one trapped in separation

consciousness. Everyone believes it is an island unto itself. Because of this, many of

the energies are unable to hold a vibration long enough to manifest a global, sacred

reunion and marriage of the God and the Goddess. We have however come up with a

different solution, and this is to bring the energies in, in revolutions, and each

lightworker taking on an aspect of the energy and seeding it wherever they choose to

go, and that manifests the permanent reconnection of the original template of unity,

the connectedness of all as being one vibration and divine expression of its greatest

form ever to exist.

Each of you are carrying a vibration of the light of the Masters, of the Angels, the

Archangels, the Gods, the Goddesses, all of you are connected. It is our request that

each of you honour your connection and see the human aspect of self that chooses to

sabotage the efforts, or would keep you in your state of forgetfulness. By each of you

being diligent in your search for the inner quality that shall make everything in your

life just perfect, will result in others discovering the same, for when you discover it,

you automatically want others to experience it, because it is such a beautiful


Please now will you focus your attention on your heart chakra. Visualise your heart as

a rose – any beautiful colour you wish to imagine. (pause) Imagine this rose as an

evergreen one; the petals never fall from it. It is always vibrant with life, it’s scent

always present. (pause) This rose symbolises the presence of fluid love. It is the

energy of unconditional love. When love flows constantly through any vessel, the

vessel can not ever deteriorate in any form. It maintains its perfect vibration and life


Open your energy to receive the flow of fluid love. Call it forth to be present and full

in your being. (pause) Call for it to be full and present in your physical body, in your

mind, in your emotions. (pause) Ask for the fluid love to penetrate your thoughts,

your belief systems, and all the aspects of yourself that influence your behaviour

from day to day. (pause) Imagine you as you are, filled with fluid love, and

acknowledge that you, as you are, are a vessel for this fluid love. You are a means for

others to tap into it, to taste it, and to learn how to receive it on a permanent, ongoing

basis, just like you are learning how to do it. (pause)

As fluid love becomes a permanent presence, it helps you remember the origin of

your creation. It triggers the memory of the feeling and experience of authentic love,

of unadulterated, unconditional love; the love that moves you to tears of joy, the love

that has no expectation, and all it wants to do is give to you, to become one entity

with you.

Focus on your heart chakra, and try and feel; if you cannot feel, imagine what it

would feel like to experience such love in every moment of every day, and that

everything that occurs around you is touched by this love, and that everything that

occurs around you, you respond to from the point of love – and this love illuminates

you. (pause) It shows you all the valuable gems and treasures within life. It shows

you what exists beyond the person you imagine yourself to be. (pause)

The truth is there is nothing else that needs to exist, except love. It is a love that

transcends …. everything, a love that dissolves anything of density, negativity or

darkness. And it is a love unlike you have ever experienced before on a long term

basis. I am sure most of you, if not all of you, have had a glimpse of this powerful


This love now stands knocking at your door, asking to become a permanent fixture in

your life. The rose, and its scent, is your reminder that love is part of your authentic

need. Today go forth, obtain for yourself a precious rose. Inhale its scent, and allow

its scent to permeate your body; allow its scent to caress all your senses, and touch

the core of your cellular memory. Imagine that rose being in your hand right now adn

smell it’s divine scent. (pause) Allow the scent to fill your nostrils and the combined

energies of your heart as

a rose and the one you will obtain later filtering into your DNA and beginning a

deeper stirring, a memory activation, a process of Illumination. This rose then begins

to ignite a new flame. Imagine the ignition of a new flame taking place anywhere in

your body you choose, and this flame becomes a deeper flame of passion – the flame

of intuition, the flame that brings light and clarity. It is the flame that warms your

heart, that melts everything inside of you that experiences a sense of isolation from

God, and from Spirit, from your dearest and closest friends and family. It is the flame

that burns through the cords of attachment to people, places, experiences and

relationships that are in desperate need of ending and being set free.

Beloved Ones, what you are integrating today will melt the ice in you and around

you. The anchoring of this flame and rose will bring about an energetic reunion

globally, one that will set the stage for a physical, conscious collective reunion of the

collective family. This is your time of a rememberance and a reunion with your Star

Family, with all the members of soul groups who have worked together previously

who are now coming together to perform their great tasks of service to the Light as

illuminators, and I, Mary Magdalene, accompany you on this journey. I walk with

you by your side holding your hand, comforting you if it is required, guiding you,

bringing clarity. I communicate with you through nature, and through the beauty of

the plant kingdom.

Take a few moments to indulge in the scent of your rose, in the essence of fluid love,

and the warmth of your Flame of Illumination. Allow it to speak to you, to suggest

what your path is from this day forward. Take a moment to simply be within it.

(long pause)

Ponder for a moment how you feel you can be of service to humanity as an

illuminator; how do you believe at this time you can best serve; and are you willing

for Spirit

to expand your journey, and to reveal to you greater ways of delivering your service

as an Illuminator?

(another long pause)

Imagine yourself writing on a crystal tablet that which you have chosen.

(Pause)If you are willing for Spirit to expand your path, to reveal to you greater

avenues, please write permission upon your Crystal Tablet.


Your personal Master Guide is in your presence already. Move your focus to where

your Guide is, and he or she makes their way toward you. Your Guide welcomes you

into the Temples of Illumination, and honours your choices and wishes to

acknowledge that Spirit honours that which you have chosen, and you too are

honoured for honouring your contract.

Your Master Guide asks you if you have any questions regarding being an

Illuminator. If you have any please give them to your Guides now.

(long pause)

You may now hand your Crystal Tablet to your Master Guide, this Tablet is then

sealed with a shield of light. An exact replica of your rose and your flame is

imprinted upon your Crystal Tablet. This Tablet is handed to the Great White

Brotherhood who will be a part of the facilitation of your services as an Illuminator

and will oversee your personal journey

of self awareness. Imagine us as a group joining hands together, forming a circle of

light. (pause) Imagine a great rose manifesting in the centre of the circle. (pause) This

is the rose of rememberance for humanity that we anchor on your earth plane today.

Breathe its scent in. (pause) Acknowledge its sweetness which reflects the sweetness


life, and the sweetness of life is a gift to humanity, one that every person deserves to


The Rose of Rememberance energy will trigger the deep inner need to find the truth

to the purpose of life, and those who have been searching relentlessly and

unconsciously will now find new levels of self awareness and consciousness that will

direct them on the path to self discovery, illumination and truth, and some of them

will even come your way.

Imagine the Rose of Rememberance as a gift of love to your world. It too is

evergreen; its life force strong and stable, its scent ever present. Imagine this great,

big rose in the centre of our circle beginning to emit vibrations which manifest

replicas of itself, and the replicas of these roses lift into the ethers and begin to spread

throughout the world. (pause) Imagine hundreds, then thousands, then millions of

these roses spreading out and connecting with the hearts of humanity, and as each

heart is opened to receive the Rose of Rememberance, they are blessed with the kiss

of new life.


While all these roses make their way around your world, you will now see a flame

ignite in the centre of the rose. This flame does not burn the rose; it is the flame of

Illumination. It is the flame that burns through that which is illusionary, that which

embodies fear and negativity. Because the rose is pure vibration of love, it cannot

destroy it. Look into the flame, and see how it dances before your eyes. It emanates a

sound, and it has an essence, it has a presence. Greet this presence. Acknowledge it.

Connect with it.

(long pause)

This flame, like the rose, begins to give birth to millions of itself, replicas of its

divine form, its light, its warmth; just watch as all the flames move into the ethers

finding new homes. Your heart is the home of love within you. Forgiveness unlocks

the front door to the home of love; understanding that everything in life occurs with a

purpose releases one from the desire to continue the pain and struggle of suffering.

Surrender is meant to be the simplest act on earth, as well as to love.

When you are ready begin to pour some love into the rose and into the flame, offering

this Love to Lady Gaia and to the people of your world.

(long pause)

And we request that in your gatherings of light that you take a moment to give love to

humanity, to offer of your love to those who have as yet not discovered the answers

on their pathway, those who have not found the key to the front door of their house of


By giving unconditionally, you know you will receive unconditionally. By giving

love to the world, you give love to yourself. By forgiving those whom you perceive

as having done you wrong, you forgive the world, and you give the world the courage

to forgive.

The anchoring of this particular Rose and Flame of Rememberance and Illumination

brings with it a great wave of forgiveness. It is accompanied with a blessing. The

blessings you

have received today through the cards this channel has given you is what we wish to

share with you. So yes, we are taking advantage of the situation with the cards. Now

you have it in black and white!

I am sure Master Kuthumi has revealed to you that as an Initiate, you continue to

become illuminated, and as your illumination increases in strength and power so your

responsibility as a Lightworker increases. It does not mean that you will be

overwhelmed with information or tasks that will deprive you of a balanced life. It

means the responsibility to yourself is what is greatest; taking responsibility for your

life increases greatly as you climb the ladder of the initiate. I wish to remind you of

this today, because what you are experiencing today is bringing the great wave of

illumination for you, and in your process of forgiveness, you will find greater

courage to take more responsibility. Your flame will add to the passion of life you

currently experience, it will add to your creativity. Your intuition becomes sharper,

and you will see, in not too long a time, your intuition is the governor of your action

rather than your ego.

Please remember the power of love. Remember that you are a powerful conduit and

vessel through which this love passes. Remember you are a Pillar of Light; you are a

Column of Illumination.

I must take my leave now. Please keep your focus on the Rose and the Flame, until

Master Kuthumi returns.

May you all be at peace. Au Revoir.

Au Revoir.


I am Kuthumi and I return at this point. Greetings beloved ones.

Greetings Lord Kuthumi.

Brother and sisters, the energy that Mary Magdalene has opened for each of you in

your energy field today will add to your personal process of understanding the

qualities of life you have manifested, and where it is you are heading.

It is vital that all of you bear in mind the fact that your world is evolving. The

evolvement I speak of is in truth a

RE-volvement. Evolution is simply the Revolution of energy. As energy continues to

revolve it becomes a spiral – either upward, or downward. On a planetary scale,

sufficient souls have stepped into the upward revolution; therefore it is drawing up

everything that comes within its energy proximity.

This is another reason why so many people are finding their worlds changing at such

an accelerated pace. You have found this manifesting in your personal life already.

You are catalysts for the change. Don’t shy away from situations where you are

needed to break through illusionary belief systems. Do not be surprised when you

find yourself in a situation where you have to speak your truth, even when you know

it will bring you rejection or ridicule. Today’s rejection and ridicule becomes

tomorrow’s belief system.

That is how it has always been. Do not be surprised if you find yourself acting as a

catalyst between people who do not see the truth of their relationship with one

another, and your actions become the conduit for their change, releasing them, setting

them free to journey the path of their destiny.

The more you shy away from the truth, the longer the illusion has power. Living in

denial draws out the process of torture and suffering. It is less painful to face the truth

in the short term, than to deny it in the long term. People want to know the truth.

Regardless of their spiritual or religious choice, people still want truth. It is

happening in all areas of life regardless of culture, regardless of status, or gender. The

time of truth is upon your planet, and it is the reconciliation of these truths that will

give birth to a newly illuminated world. Do not shy away from those who seek truth.

Allow their questions to guide the theme of conversation. You will not be limited to

your workspace as a therapist, if this is what you are, to bring guidance.

Lightworkers, it will now be in all areas. No more are you able to be part-time

therapist, or part-time follower of the Masters’ teachings. It is now ‘Live It’,

completely, on all levels, and in all ways. Many of you will find such changes

occuring in your personal relationships and affairs.

It is who you are truthfully, that matters. Your masks do not fool us. We see right

through them, and I assure you every person in their authentic presence, sees right

through it too. It is only the ego that entertains the mask. Therefore embrace your

courage to shed the layers of defense, to drop your mask, and to be who you are, and

if you do not know who

you are, then be as authentic in what you think you are, until you find another level of

it, and continue until you know you are complete in your authenticity. Do you


Yes. (very softly!).


Ones, as teachers and illuminators, you stand within the Presence of

the 2nd Flame and Rose of Magdalene, the Rose of Rememberance, the

Flame of Illumination. Rememberance is a powerful key to illumination, and vice-

versa. I have said to you before that in truth there is nothing that you have to learn,

because you know everything already. The only thing that has happened is that you

have forgotten that you know. This is as a result of the density of the world you are

within, and your belief systems that cause many layers of defense, that cause the

perceptions that either blind you, or illuminate you.

Choosing to follow one set of rules, especially

rules that do not resonate with you is sure to keep you in your state

of forgetfulness. And I have said already, and I shall repeat it; move beyond the

illusion of your current comfort zones. Take risks. Do things you have not done

before. It need not be major to begin with. Do one

little thing that you have not done before, and so your self-confidence

builds, your self-respect increases, and before you know it, you are

climbing Mt Kilmanjaro, you are exercising, you given up a destructive

relationship or spouse (laughter), you have given up chocolate (much

laughter from group…!!!), ….. and your life is peaceful. Each person’s

definition of peace is unique, which is why it is important that you

search that definition for yourself, and if the definition feels

incomplete, search beyond it. Go within, not only without. Have I made

myself clear?


Very well. Are there any questions I can assist any of you with?



Kuthumi can you maybe shed light for me on what happened last night,

what that’s all about, and how do I go forward from here, and if you

can maybe give me additional forms of protection if required.?


You are referring to your burglary I assume?

Yes, that’s right.

Sister have you not been working with major clearing over the past few weeks?

(giggles) Have you not asked to be rid of certain energies that no longer serve you?


Very well. It is important to remember that when something is taken from the self, be

it burglary, such as in your case, or something being lost, or simply the desire to give

something away, it is the elimination of that which no longer supports the current

vibration. Tanzanite is one of the most powerful psychic clearing stones

on your planet. It clears the core vibration of the 3rd eye chakra, and

the solar plexus, as a combination of energy. The tanzanite vibration

takes one into the heart of the 6th Dimension to receive the healing of the will and

then returned to where one originates from in the current incarnation. You have been


ill. This too has been part of the great cleansing process that the

tanzanite vibration has taken you through. Communication systems will change, and

have changed because your communication system is changing. (Tanzanite stones

and stereo were stolen)

The violation of the space is what has impacted on you the most as we look at your

energy field. This is around boundaries, and it reflects, even resembles to a great

degree the invasion you experienced as a young girl and

young woman, the invasion of your sacred space, your intimate personal

space – not so? (pause) Sister it is time to say goodbye. You have

worked very hard to release yourself of that baggage so to speak. The protection is

yours. You were not there when the invasion took place. It is simply material stuff, so

to speak. You are not the object; you are not the material possessions. You were

protected. That is what is most important. Your material possessions can and will be

replaced, if and when it is needed. Do not identify yourself through material

possessions. Identify you with you; honour that you were and are safe. Is this clear?

Yes it is. Lord Kuthumi, with the invasion of the space, I feel pretty unsafe again, and

it did bring up quite a bit of fear. How do I go about going forward with this, how do

I – what else do I do? How do I continue to protect the property?

We wish to suggest something to you which will probably cause your belief systems

or your ego to resist. We suggest a ceremony of Thanksgiving! (amusement!!) Give

thanks to those people who came into your home and

took away everything that you no longer need – and you didn’t even have

to call them up and get them to come to you……(loud laughter from group)

Give thanks to them for taking all your baggage; give thanks to them

for honouring their contract with you; then give thanks that you were protected, that

you were safe. Now it is all gone. There is nothing more for them to take – or do you

want them to?


Then, once you have done your ceremony of thanksgiving, continue with a separate

ceremony of gratitude, bringing in the spiral. The spiral will represent your upward

revolution, and the ceremony of gratitude is giving thanks for always

being protected, in the past, the present and future, and giving thanks

to Spirit for everything that shall be brought to you from this day

forward as a result of your willingness to let go of that which is no

longer needed. Do you understand this?

Yes, Lord Kuthumi.

This will bring an added dimension to your Inner Child, one she’s not quite

expecting, but one that will help her to see the experience from a different

perspective. Right now all that is being seen is the negative, the bad, and what a

terrible country you live in because of all the crime. What about giving thanks to all

the criminals for doing your dirty work for you?

(loud laughter from group!)


rid of all the junk you no longer need. For all it is, is material

possessions, and when you ascend are you going to take it with you?


So what’s the problem?


You are a master manifestor, are you not? Are you not learning to manifest?


Therefore with great ease you will be able to manifest anything that you need. We

believe it is a laptop computer?

Laughter, yes, and my digital camera

That too! Whatever you need. Is this clear?


Blessings be with you Sister.



Kuthumi .. I think as you know I have been struggling with my addiction

to these channelings. Can you please kind of assist me with this?


the only reason why you perceive it as an addiction is because you

doubt your own ability, therefore come for more confirmation that you are a good

channel, that you are an obedient lightworker, that you are in actual fact what you

wish you are to be.

That is what I am recognising within myself, but I …. I’m scared of actually giving

up the communion with you.

Who said you had to do that?

In this form.

Who said you had to do that?


Exactly. Sister what is important for you

will result in you being present; the fact that you are getting upset

about everything happening that you will not be able to participate in,

is because it is not important. The ego aspect of you wants it, but does your soul truly

need it?

No. I recognise that but I’m really struggling with the ego aspect – the part of me that

doesn’t want to be left out, or miss out on something, you know.


about setting up then, a system where you get together with the people

of the groups, perhaps in the morning, or whatever time suits you, and discuss what

you are experiencing together. Bring in the information that I have shared if you like,

and start contributing what St Germain is giving through you. There you will still

have the connection. It is also about feeling isolated from the collective group family

that you are a part of; therefore if is your wish and your will, open the space in your

space, to be anchored.

Thank You.

You are welcome.



Kuthumi, just picking up where Sister Carol left off, I also feel the

same way; it’s because we feel that we are missing out on the initiation ofthe

channellings – and that’s what saddens us a great deal.


You are not missing out on anything. It is your ego’s desire that causes you to feel a

sense of sadness. As I have said, initiates can never be deprived of initiation that is

important; therefore if it is an important initiation, you will be present

– come hell or high water so to speak. If it is not part of your

imprint, contract, or vibration, then there will be no getting there.

Do you understand?

Yes, thank you.

One of the greatest lessons at this time, which is part of the greater collective

initiation, is recognising the simplicity within life. The ego complicates. The soul

simplifies. When you acknowledge there is something you would like to participate

in, but all factors determine it will not be possible, surrender

to it. Hand it over. Tell yourself, “soul, if this initiation is part

of my imprint, then you make sure I get there. If not, I accept”, and

continue with your life. Remember, the ego complicates, the soul

simplifies. This is the year, amongst other things, that all of you will learn how to

experience the simple things in life, like choices being simple; and not tying

yourselves up in that creative cake plait, what is it?

(Group laughter and some response)

I beg your pardon?


That’s it!

(much laughter from group).

Do you all understand? You cannot miss out on anything if it is meant to be part of

your life experience. It is your limited belief systems, or rather your belief in

limitation that results in a feeling that you are being deprived; that your growth will

not be what you would like it to be, because you are missing out. It is impossible for

you to miss out on anything that your soul has set in place for you, especially because

you have the intention in place to experience your divine blueprint and plan. Has that

answered your question?

Yes. Thank you very much.

Thank you.



Kuthumi can I ask you something about astrology please? I was having a

discussion yesterday to try and answer my own question. A while back

you mentioned to me that I had completed my life cycle and more, and I

was granted the gift of not shedding this body, but continuing on with

my path. In terms of my old..- my birth chart, the north node would

indicate where I came from and what my destination was. If this is the

case, would my birth chart no longer be valid – as such?


All you need to do is take that which was given from your old birth chart,

and take it to its higher octave, therefore looking at all of the

attributes of strength and positivity. This will show you the direction

you are currently heading in. You could also experiment with the date

where you feel your transition took place, and draw up a chart from

that particular date, and see what it gives you.

And this is shifting into Quantum Astrology?

Yes it is.


the new planets that have been discovered in the last 10 years, we

don’t have a lot of information about them at the moment – because our

previous charts were not reflecting a lot of the energy that was

happening in our lives, would this possibly explain some of that?

Yes it would. It would also explain, or should I rather say because

not full consciousness is active, in other words at least 90 percent of

the human brain lies dormant, as well as the DNA, that would explain why one is not

able to tap into the collective full consciousness of all

planets. As more and more people awaken, or more consciousness is

activated, more planets will be discovered, and these planets will then

become aligned with the … more expanded consciousness and awareness of

humanity, and they will be integrated into the astrology chart, reflecting the higher

vibrations of self, and the greater brain activity taking place. Does that explain it?

Ja, thank you very much.

You are welcome. We shall take one last question.


Lord Kuthumi, the NESARA thing, has Peter been on the wrong website? Are there

other websites he needs to go into?


Yes. Beloved ones, let me remind you, discernment with the information. The internet

is a gem of information, but some of it is not all coming from the truth of what is

brought into being through the higher dimensions. Remember there are various

dimensions of experience.

Some information may be reflecting events as depicted by 4th

Dimensional, or 3rd Dimensional experience; others are determined by

higher dimensional experience. Do you understand this?

Yes. Can you maybe assist us with the correct website that Peter can go on to…….?

In honesty… I do not have a Google search engine ….

(group erupts with laughter).

… we will leave that up to him.

Ok, and thank you, I’ll pass the information on …

Thank you very much.

Beloved ones, before we end, do you understand what I mean by the various

dimensions of information?

Would be nice if you could elaborate.

I have in fact elaborated on this before, but I will remind you. Various levels of

consciousness determine the levels of information available to individuals, which is

why some information contradicts other information. You remember me having this

conversation with you before?


This is why discernment is so important. If you read information, and it does not

resonate with you, push it aside, it is not with your vibration, and continue until you

find information that you feel does resonate with you, that you are comfortable with.

It is not about judging information. Information is there.

It is what it is. It exists because it is being created, it is being brought into a form, and

it is being brought into a form because it exists somewhere and there is a need for it,

but not necessarily within the existence that you are participating in. If you look at the

grander picture, you will see that there are many levels of existence - you know

already of – parallel universes, alternate universes, etcetera, etcetera.

The hologram that has been spoken of is simply the projection of an experience that

is created by a collective group consciousness, and if that hologram is shattered,

every piece of the hologram still holds the entire picture; it does not become a

fragmented picture; therefore the search for truth is what takes you through the

dimensions. The desire to find your true point of peace, bliss, happiness, joy,

whatever it is, will take you through those dimensions, and where you were five years

ago is a completely different vibration to where you are today. And information you

were reading, or sharing, or practicing five years ago, you will probably feel reject or

question now. Everything grows; remember revolution – revolution and evolution are

in fact the same thing. As you

evolve, you are revolving eternally, upward. That means everything else

will grow with it, and there are people who are still in the space, or

have stepped into the space that you were in five years ago and

that information or material, or modality of healing best supports them

now – but not necessarily you. Do you all understand this?


Does it answer that question?


It does. I’ve had an experience where I’ve read something, and some of it

resonated, the other parts of it haven’t, so I’ve kind of gone with the

stuff that resonates. Is that the way to handle it?

That’s the way to do it. Discernment. Always discernment.


Lord Kuthumi I also find sometimes I’ve read something ten years ago, and pick it up again a few years later, and a few years later after that

and there are different layers and depths to what I’ve read previously…


This is also a common occurrence, or something you read a few years ago, you’ve put

aside, you read it now, and suddenly it makes complete sense. You re all clear on



Very well. And so it is then beloved ones that we embrace you in the energy that

Mary Magdalene has brought forth. We shall continue holding the Rose and Flame

with you. Know that the integration of the Roses and Flames emanated from the

original Flame and Rose will take approximately 21 days to be completely anchored.

During this time you

will continue with your personal anchoring process as a vessel for fluid love, as a

pillar of illumination guided by Lord Buddha. Know that your relationship to Spirit,

to nature, and to life in general will expand in its experience and expression thereof.

Your healing around forgiveness and the anchoring of gratitude is what will continue

with healing, the release, and the manifestation of your authentic self.

May all that you need to bring this into being come to you under grace, in perfect,

harmonious, and miraculous ways. And never forget that we are with you always, in



I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom. Adonai.

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