magdalena's festival (by lizbeth)

Post on 12-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Demonstrations and feeling. Because, as stated in the proclamation, "go to Magdalena is not just to party, it's a must that proclaims, the genealogy pride.

These party originating from the 15th century, became popular from 1945. The main events of the same is the picturesque procession of the Pregó, announcing the festivities; the procession of the Canyes to the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena; the night procession of the Retorno, with the image of the Crucification of the Pure Blood , and the procession of the 'gaiatas', that are 'tejos' and crooks with polychromatic illumination.

As with any party, appear most basic samples of popular sentiments rooted for centuries and centuries of tradition: dances, food, parades, games ... and naturally, rockets.

precisely this sense of historical depth makes any festive muestar the capital accompanied by some element that relates to the fundamental fact that trigger.

And this is the airport transfer in the city of Castellón from the Magdalena Mountain to the coastal plain, the plain, "the flat." And here we see the force of events: King James I the Conqueror decides to continue its expansion policy, giving permission to the citizens of this village located atop a hill to come down to cultivate the lands that have ahead.

This fact, so important in the life of the city, is now celebrated in Lent. And that, it may seem unusual, mark the way of being of Castellón.Although we are a society that lives mainly modenarna tertiary sector, and not the field as podrí think.

The gaiata, become one of the symbols representing the tradition, because it says that on the day that people decided to go down to the plain Castellon, was a day of rain or bad weather, which by the way were asked by night and, to not miss, hikers decided to put a lantern on the end of a rod that will light the way

Gaiatas, geographically distributed throughout the city to a number of 19, are grouped around a neighborhood. And all his people. They have been and continue sienso one of the key column systems of social integration, which has allowed the party to incorporate a lot of outsiders.

The highlight of the life of the bagpipe is when, at night, with the arrival of people from the chapel of the Magdalene, commission parades through the streets of the city.

Behind each gaiata marches the band playing the popular official song Rotllo i Canya almost nonstop.

As we have said, the party smokeless rocket meals and not party. The party Castellón, Valencian as in general, living on the street.

There, then, loud and spontaneous manifestations of the thousands and thousands of children making a rocket explode here, a rocket there. In each square, these days made by people and cars away retrieves the fun and festive way. If it will be a mascletá noon, at night the many fireworks.And it goes without saying that, in the morning, too, the despertá rockets and touches of flute and tamborill be announced each day that the party continues.

No party without binge. This has been and will be so in the future. The day of the pilgrimage to the Magdalene is essential to eat a tortilla broad beans, of freshly picked, because it's your time. But after so everyday meals are on every street and made by them or they gaiates colles.You do not exist, for its occasions, a special meal as not resulting induscutible paella. Each brings and make or estimate at your convenience and do not miss the drink!

Departure from the Plaza Mayor, arrival and lunch at Sant Roc de Canet always going through the traditional paths that cross the paths of the garden, to the hill where the remains of the village with its white chapel.After lunch, return.

People carry a cane with green ribbon, and a scarf around his neck are the attributes that identify people with the community, also involved civil and religious authorities, but nothing more than a confirmation of the importance of people expressing belonging to a place.See the old walls, ring the bell of the chapel, meet the little rituals destinies are merely assertions castellonerismo

.The trip to the Magdalena is a good occasion to manifest it.

The part of the story refers to the facts of importance for the city and tested by historians, of the Town Charter founding of the city.

The cry has three parts: the mythology, history and popular. In the first are those characters that the popular imagination, set in hand book of an enlightened land, is known by all the people of Castellón. Josep Pascual i gave birth to gigante Tirado Tombatossals, el poderoso tunvanúvols, Garxolí del Senillar,la princesa o el rei barbut... all archetypal figures and easy to recognize.

The festival week begins siquiente year the same night in which, with the cry of "Magdalena Vitol" the Queen is terminating.

What you see these days is the summary of a whole year. Worries and sorrows, disappointments and moments of brilliance. Colles, commissions, boards and families are beginning to think about what they will do. And it will get better.

The holiday week can be divided into three basic parts. On the one hand we have the first weekend with Pregó, Magdalena going to the parade and bagpipes. During the rest of the days in which most people take vacation or Castellón, at least half a day off, the festivities are concentrated in the afternoon: the views and acts of Collas and commissions explode with music , varied meals and entertainment

The third part is the second weekend. This focus again some acts. And the most important is the parade ellso and the final fireworks (with thousands of people running from the fire and smoke) that runs through the main streets of the city sight to see and still not well known except by the natives. Castle Fire "Magdalena Vitol" concludes the week


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