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Skills 3




Americano April 2014


Health and sports



And more…

The world offers us a lot of benefits that largely are

derived from the human development. However, every

day many people are dying absurdly, because

Colombian health system is not able to respond

immediately to a medical emergency. So many people

are dying before arriving at the hospital. Even so, did

you know that to save a life can be easier than you

think? You only need to know the basic actions to take

so the victims do not worsen their health or die. Here

you will find some tips that could be very useful when

you are in front of a possible people in risk of death,

while health professionals arrive.

TIP # 1. The First Respondent: This is the first person

who decides to participate in the care of the patient, the

first respondent can or can not be a health care

professional. But why be the first respondent? At any

time you can be witness of accidents or events at home,

at work, at school, and many deaths or accidents could

be avoided if you know the basic actions necessary for

the patients do not worsen their health or die.

Duties of the first respondent: in the first place you

need to have the first contact with the patient, then it is

important to activate the emergency medical service,

meanwhile you need to ask for help, moreover you need

to make the primary patient assessment and likewise

clear airways of the patient In the same way you could

give details to emergency services when they arrive.

Finally, your participation as first respondent will be vital

in the care of the patient.

In children In adults In babies

TIP # 2. Heimlich Maneuver: If is necessary clear the

airways up of a patient, you most apply the following

procedure: to begin, you need to catch the patient

behind and under the arms, tilting forward. Second,

place a closed fist at a distance of 4 fingers above his

navel and finally perform 5 abdominal contractions

centered, inward and upward. Also it is very important

that you do not forget some important restrictions like: It

is not appropriate for obese people, pregnant and

children under one year. Finally after that you have in

mind these specific steps and you apply properly the

maneuver, you can again clear the airways up of a



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Head-chin Insuflation Iperextencion TIP # 3. C.P.R Maneuver: For cardio pulmonary

resuscitation: it is important not to forget that previously,

you need to establish absence of consciousness,

respiration, pulse and if the episode of heart stop is

immediately, thus you can to practice the following

procedure: First you need to open the airways using the

head- chin iperextencion. Furthermore, please check

that there is not foreing body, so you can initiate the

ventilation maneuver (two insuflations and expect),

alternatively if it is necessary initiate cardiac massage.

Do not forget the specifications to practice an adequate

cardiac massage that is possible classify in two groups:

For eight years or more, 2 insufflations every 30 chest

compressions repeating 4 cycles or otherwise under

eight years, two insufflations every 30 chest

compressions repeating 10 cycles. Finally you can

practice an adequate maneuver for cardio pulmonary

resuscitation and also save a life.

Correct hand’s position

Finally, we must recognize that in the same way that

every day we attempt to develop a role in this society in

a professional and aware way, we should similarly give

the importance it deserves to the basic knowledge of

first aids to protect our own lives. On the other hand,

maybe sometime we may be the only hope of life for

someone who wants to continue living, may be even a

friend, perhaps our parents or our own children. In your

hands could be the difference between life and death.

Do not forget… it is true and could happen.

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Land is a covered by a layer called atmosphere that

protect to the sunlight, our planet should be at 20

degrees Celsius, if it reaches 25 degrees the land col

and it would cause the greenhouse effect, if the gases

up is more dangerous to the land.

The Earth is in danger. The global warming is a big

problem currently. Scientists are trying to look for

solutions, but the problem is so bad that is

causing effects on land. The explanation

of global warming is that every year the

temperature of the atmosphere up. The

changes in the weather conditions are

causing environmental disasters.

Global warming affect the aspect of our

life, alter the global temperature, raises

the temperature of the oceans, defrost the

poles, the water level rises in the sea. The planet has

been warming since the last 80 years.

Global warming is causing that summers are

excessively hot worldwide, for example, our country is

living two ecological tragedies. In Casanare is sad how

animals die by excessive heat. Moreover the forest fire

in Choco called “public calamity”.

Help is easy just do it that:

Use less hot water

Change the traditional light bulb with LED bulb

Drying clothes outdoors

Use recycled paper products

Planting trees

Walk or bike instead of driving car

Switch off electrical appliances when not in use


The global warming affect the environment and the

earth, this effects are real. As a matter of fact, we need

to do right now to change the think of people to do

arrange this situation.

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The Satanism is a religion practiced by some people

who do not believe in God. They have a different

behavior than other religions. It was created some years

ago. Who created this, saw that people wanted to

satisfy their mundane pleasure. For instance, LaVey

observed all Saturdays night men seeing women with

lust and then, on Sunday in the morning the same men

went to the church to apologize to God by their carnal

pleasures. However, most of the people have a wrong

idea about Satanists, because they think the Satanists

adore evil but it is not true. It has derived some

branches of the original Satanism, but the main one

makes certain is atheistic and use Satan to free their

supporters for their taboos. Besides, they don’t sacrifice

animals neither humans. On the contrary, they reject

sacrifices. Moreover they are governed

by their bible, which mention their life

style and belief like commandments,

rules and sins. On the other hand the

bible explains their rituals and how do it.

It has derived some branches of

Satanism. These are different in respect

to the main one. One of these branches

is the Set temple; this was created in

1975 by Michael Aquino, who was a

member of Satanism; actually the

Sethians are against Christianity. Other branch is

Traditional/theistic Satanism, they worship to Satan, and

this includes belief in magic through ritual, meditation

and self-growth. Finally there is Atheistic Satanism,

modern or symbolic. This is the practice of religious

belief and costumes; moreover these ones defend

hedonism, materialism and individuality. These are the

most important branches of Satanism. These have a

different perspective of the original Satanism however it

are focused on the same topic.

The Satanists have an interesting life style, because in

the contrast to Christians, they adore themselves and

not a God. They have some rules, commandments and

sins, which are focuses on self-esteem, knowledge,

revenge and respect. These religions have 11

commandments which talk about their behavior. In other

words, these explain respect and behavior that all

people should have, for example: when you go to

another place, be respectful or do not go to that. Also

the rules show the pleasures that they can experience,

specifically mundane pleasures. Meanwhile the sins

illustrate describe things that men shouldn’t do or

shouldn’t think, like a stupidity or perspective absence.

The satanic bible was created in 1969 by Anton LaVey

(Howard Stanton Levey), who created this religion and

church too. This bible has 4 books, but it’s

divided in two parts; the first shows

ideology and reasoning of Satanists and

the second talks about rituals and common

practices. In the beginning is Satan’s Book

“The infernal diatribe”, this tries to convince

people to return of jungle law, where who

wins is stronger but also the compassion is

passed over. Following Lucifer’s book “The

light” treats the beginning of Lucifer, in fact

he was a roman god but after Christianity

arrived, they convert him in a demon. In contrast the

Christian who believe in truths revealed, Satanists

believe that question freedom, because the truth

enslaves to a closed conviction. Next, Belial’s books

“Control of the earth”; the meaning of Belial is “not have

masters” and represents the earth element. This book

discusses the veil which cover magic, thus it’s more

difficult and exclusives for people who know their real

nature. Finally, Leviathan’s book “The roaring sea”,

Leviathan is big dragons of the ocean and in this part of

the book go into detail about magic and energy that

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people needs to realize a ritual, using the suitable words

and will.

In conclusion, this is an interesting topic that shows us a

new and real perspective about Satanism because we

have a wrong idea. For example, the Satanists belief in

magic and rituals but to them, this ceremony is to obtain

power of the earth. But also the Satanists have

interesting rules which are reasonable and are

connected with our daily life.

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Are you sick of visiting the same boring places? The

festivals around the world will make your trip

memorable. Festivals have been part of mankind’s

History. Most of them have religious origins while other

festivals belong to seasonal changes and have different

cultural significance. But in each, one you can find

interesting and funny aspects. Visitors and tourists alike

from different places would join the locals to be part of

them. This is a guide with some of the best and most

interesting festivals around the world.

In particular, festivals originated from the emergence of

communities since they were mostly conducted in honor

of a god or gods. They are regarded as an event,

usually and ordinarily staged by a local community,

which centers on celebrates some unique aspects. In

addition, humans have a relationship with the

celebrations. This is a global truth, and perhaps the best

evidence is all festivals around the world. Have you

thought about an unusual idea? There is the possibility

that somewhere in the world people have found a way

to commemorate it.

For example, between the religious and traditional

celebrations we can find The Day of the Dead, at the

beginning of November, Mexican families throw a feast

and invite the dead over for dinner. Even though his day

is often confused with Halloween due to the proximity in

time, this holiday is not about ghouls and goblins, but

instead, it honors the dead and welcomes their soul’s

home as a blessing. In contrast, in Kuala Lumpur

Malaysa “Thaipusam” is a remembrance of Lord

Murugan, the Hindu god of war. During the

peregrination, Hindu faithfuls carry pots of milk and

huge decorated frames (called kavadi, or burden)

supported by spikes puncturing their chests and back –

atonement for their sins. Participants perform the ritual

only once a year, primarily as a means of demonstrating

their gratitude and commitment to overcoming


On the other hand, if you prefer funny celebrations,

Alburquerque International Balloon Fiesta is an

excellent option. It is about race mammoth balloons

filling the sky. This event is a spectacle of wonder for all

ages. Besides Comic-Con International celebration is a

behemoth convention. It is by four days of fun in which

people can dress up like the comic's industry stars and

play in a fantasy land, all in downtown San Diego. In

this, you find events from autograph signings to film and

screenings to costume competitions.

These are some examples about the amazing festivals

around the world, and one invitation to explore some

aspects about their cultures. Maybe your next trip can

be memorable. So, where do you begin? You can visit

specialized web pages. In these you find some articles,

reviews, videos, photography, etc. But if you do not

want lose the opportunity to live in your own experience,

¡Cheer up! It is the ideal moment for prepare your trip.

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Everyone has had projects, goals and dreams in their

life and they work to achieve them. One of the most

important dreams for people is travelling and knowing

different places. In this article you will find the most

incredible places that you must visit before you die.

Around the world there are a lot of amazing places

where you can discover different landscapes that you

have never imagined and you can feel a wonderful

connection with nature. You do not need a special date

to travel because these magnificent places are located

in different parts of the world and some of them are

available all the year. It is not necessary to be an

extreme sports person, a scout and stuff like that. You

just need to have time, a little money and you can book

the ticket to start to know why these are called the most

incredible places you must know before you die.

First, you must start the adventure in our beautiful

continent “America”. There are surprising places you

would think that

only exist in the

movies. You

should take a

flight to Brazil,

specifically to

“The Chapada

Diamantina National Park”, where you can find “The

Enchanted Well”. It is a delicate ecosystem where at

certain times of the day, from April to September, a

celestial light is filtered between the opening of the cave

and it allows you to appreciate a well with very

transparent water. Moreover, you can see the stones in

the downhole and you will not believe that this cave is

60 meters deep. Likewise, America can offer us not

only water landscapes but also wonderful Earth

sightseeing. That is why you should visit to Arizona.

“Antelope” is a small canyon where the sun’s rays are

filtered and they produce a variety of soft colors and

shadows. Do not forget to bring your camera, if you

take pictures, you will get the most amazing images

worldwide. America is just the first arrival of our

adventure. So, we will continue with another continent.

Furthermore, you should go to Asia. You must take a

boat to the “Maldive Islands” where you will appreciate

a beautiful

Coast in the

morning and a

great show at

night. During

this spectacle,

blue waves are

produced by a microorganism called “Phytoplankton”

that covers all the cost. As a result, being there give

you the feeling of having the sky and the stars at your

feet. Although this phenomenon occurs in other places

of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, it is just here where

the show is unmatched. In addition, you can travel to

China and find similar overwhelming places. In the

“Zhangye Danxia” geological park there are amazing

multicolor mountains that reach around 300 km2 and

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form a fantasy world. The colors are similar to the

rainbow and they have been the result of minerals

deposited here for

24 million years.

Despite these

marvelous Asian

places you should

continue with the

most impressive


Finally, you might finish this adventure in Europe. Visit

“The Tunnel of Love” in Ukraine. An incredible tunnel

of 3 Km. It is the result of the interaction between nature

and manmade. Especially, it has been shaped by the

train passing through the forest. This place is

considered one of the

most important natural

passages of the planet.

Not only many couples

have visited this place,

they swear eternal love but

also it is ideal for single

people, they can have a

reflexion moment and take

the best photos of their

life. In fact, this place is

the materialization of a

fairy tale. Taking into account that the main romantic

place in Europe is the Eiffel tower you cannot miss the

opportunity to go to the Tunnel of Love.

The most incredible places of the world are not known

or commercial ones, and some of them have not been

mentioned in tourist guides. However, they have

impressive natural spectacles that your eyes must see

before you die. Otherwise, remember that visiting the

most amazing places worldwide depends not only on

the place but also on your attitude and the way to enjoy

each experience on your life. Now the question is:

How do you enjoy your life and when are you going

to start this adventure?

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In an event as the World Cup, the host country will

spend a lot of money in the infrastructure to have

spectacular presentation. They estimated to invest

many resources for that, even more than for social

investment. However, Brazil will increase its economy

and it will get many good, because the World Cup

attracts people from different parts around the world and

it helps the tourism. That is, the World cup will help the

economics country with all the benefits that it will win,

giving the country a higher reputation.

Brazil has spent enough money to host countries, for

getting a magnificent show. The country has improved

its roads. As a result, it will have positive benefits,

coming from all the taxes collected, this helps to the

economics country. There are good results; such is

positive legacy for a whole society, improving human

and social infrastructure and the life of Brazilian people.

The positive effects of hosting one of the world´s major

sports events may last forever and multiply. Therefore,

there are sectors benefiting and business services.

However, the major inflow comes from tourism industry.

This is an event that offers an opportunity for growing in

this sector.

As conclusion, Brazil´s World Cup is going to increase

the economic of the country, having a great and global

recognition. The entire finance used to get better the

amenities attracts a lot of tourist, whom also will spend

money, helping different sectors. For that reason, the

entire profits that they will collect during the presentation

will help to increase the economics country.

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Around the world, there are many countries to know

because they have beautiful and indescribable places.

However, many people think that lack of money or lack

opportunities, they can not make their dream trip.

This time I come to tell which are the places in Brazil,

you can not miss visiting, places that You are given the

opportunity to travel with your family, friends or if you

like to travel alone you can enjoy a good trip.

Brazil is one of the largest countries in Latin America

and It has one of the most important economies in the

world. It is located in south America. This year will be

held there the most important event, The fifa world cup


Brazil has a variety of places to visit, It has amazing





people from

around the

world prefer

to go to the

Brazilian beaches and practice surf.

Copacabana beaches are very famous because around

the beach you can find Rio de Janeiro city, Rio is the

most named city of Brazil and the people who visit say

“It is a great city in Latin America” additionally is

considered an expensive city to live.

Also you can find many restaurants nearby to the beach

and enjoy a typical Brazilian dish “Feijoada”. Feijoada is

a popular Brazilian dish, It is prepared with black beans

a variety of pork or beef. They usually add vegetables

like carrots, potatoes, cabbage and plantain. It is smell

is great and the taste is salty but not spicy.

If you would like sculptures, Rio de Janeiro has a Christ

the redeemer statue. Christ the redeemer was

constructed by Paul Landowski between 1922 until

1931. It is located at the peak of the Corcovado

Mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park. It is

considered a symbol of Brazilian christianity.

Additionally it was selected as one of the Seven

Wonders of the World in 2007.

Rio de Janeiro has long been considered the carnival

capital of the world. One of the greatest elements of Rio

carnival is that it provides entertainment for many

people around the

world. Also gives a

chance to learn

about the true

culture of Brazil.

Therefore the

carnival is very

important to the Brazilians. For this reason you should

to visit Rio de Janerio because Brazilias are very

friendly and if you decide to travel to Brazil you will feel

like home.

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The World Cup Brazil 2014 will be the twentieth edition

of the World Cup. This version of the tournament will be

held in Brazil between June 12 and July 13, 2014, the

second time this sporting event takes place in Brazil

after the World Cup 1950. It is notable for the first time

in a World Cup, the parties will use technology that

offers smart ball, to determine doubtful plays, whether or

not the ball crossed the goal line all. In the first phase of

World Cup Brazil 2014. Colombia will play in three

beautiful cities that you should know. These are Belo

Horizonte, Brasilia and Cuiabá. Colombia will play their

matches in Belo Horizonte against Greece on stadium

Mineirão, in Brasilia against Ivory Coast on stadium

National Mane Garrincha and Cuiabá against Japan on

stadium the Arena Pantanal.

Belo Horizonte also Called BH or Beagá, the state

capital of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte has beautiful

places for example: Stadium Mineirão, Marista Hall

currently named Chevrolet Hall and Iglesia de San

Francisco de Asis.

In Stadium Mineirão, Colombia will play their first match

against Greece next June 14.

Iglesia de San Francisco de Asis is a church. It was

made by Oscar Niemeyer in 1943.

Marista Hall currently named Chevrolet Hall. It is a

convention center in Belo Horizonte.

Brasilia is the federal capital of Brazil and the seat of

government of the Federal District, located in the central

part of the country. Interesting places are Palácio do

Planalto, Catedral de Brasilia, Palacio de Itamaraty and

Mane Garrincha Stadium.

Palácio do Planalto is the seat of the executive branch

of the Brazilian Federal Government. The building is

located in the Plaza of the Three Powers (Three Powers

Square) in Brasilia. It was designed by Oscar Niemeyer.

Catedral de Brasilia is also Called Catedral

Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida. The

construction of the temple began in 1958 and was

completed twelve years later, in 1970. It was designed

by Oscar Niemeyer.

Itamaraty Palace also known as Palácio dos Arcos. It

was designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer. The Palace

was inaugurated on April 21, 1970.

Mane Garrincha Stadium was renovated from 2010 to

make way for the new National Mane Garrincha

Stadium. In this stadium Colombia will play against Ivory

Coast next June 19.

Cuiabá is the state capital of Mato Grosso. The city is a

rich mixture of European, African and native American

influences and numerous museums reflect this such as

Historical Museum of Mato Grosso, the museum

Rondon and Geodetic da America do Sul center. In

the Arena Pantanal stadium Colombia will play against

Japan next June 24.

Therefore, if you are going to travel to next world cup for

to see games of Colombia, you should visit the places

more important that we have recommended where

Colombia will play. Or simply know a little more about

the cities where Colombia will play their first matches.

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Around the FIFA football world cup, there is a lot of

money. Here, we are going to see how much money a

country needs to make a world cup. Furthermore, this

article describes where this money comes from and in

what it is spent. First of all, you are going to see why the

world cup is important and how it is organized. Also, we

will explain all the costs associated to this event, as well

as the FIFA economics, and what are the most relevant

financing items to make possible the world cup. Finally,

you can find here the profit of the event for the FIFA and

for countries that organize it. As you can see, the money

is a big issue around this sport tournament.

The budget for the Brazil’s World Cup is the biggest until

now. There are some estimates about how much Brazil

has spent. While the official (the government) amount is

in 10.8 billion dollars (25.6 billion Brazilian Reais), some

magazines says that it will surpass 14.5 billion dollars

[1]. This is almost five times what South Africa spent in

2010 (around 3 billion dollars) [2]. However, both have

spent the money in the same issues: building and

upgrading stadiums (30%-40%), improving roads (30%-

40%), ports and entries (20%-25%), and others

(telecommunication networks, security, tourism

infrastructure, etc.). Although it is a lot money, the

Russia’s World Cup will cost 22 billion dollars.

Figure 1. World Cup's budget growing

Figure 2. Main investments for a World Cup

Figure 3. One of the stadiums updated for Brazil 2014

The most of the budget for this event comes out from

public funds. The private enterprise does not appear

investing so much. Therefore, the 98.56% will come

from the government institutions. Such is the case of the

government banks (CEF and BNDES) and the institution

that manage the country´s airports (INFRAERO).

Why to do a World Cup? This is the main question that

a country do before to organize this event. The risk

analysis establishes that the expected profit for a World

Cup is four times the investment. Nevertheless, it is a

long term revenue, and it depends a lot of the event

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success. However, the biggest money winner is the

FIFA. Near 4 billion dollars will go to its coffers as a

profit for all the cycle between the 2010 cup and 2014

[3]. The 65% are revenues from the sale of broadcast

rights and 35% of sponsors (as the ones you see in the

field) and all the merchandising.

Figure 4. Some Broadcast Rights buyers

Figure 5. Some sponsors for Brazil 2014

Although the lead role in a football World Cup is the

sport, the money plays a meaningful paper too. As it is

explained before, it is impossible to organize a World

Cup without a big budget, because there so many work

to do in infrastructure and other items. Besides, the

country expects a high profit in the short and long term.

Therefore, the way the country spends and manage the

budget can be the difference between an average and a

memorable World Cup.







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For Colombian people under 20 years, probably the

next world cup will be the first one that they can see

their national football team playing in the most important

soccer event in the world. But, in the history of

Colombian soccer, there are four additionally

appearances in world cups that younger people could

not know about and it will be great that new generations

know about Colombia’s performance in the last world

cups to get an idea of “what we can hope” from

Colombia in Brazil 2014 based on the team’s history.

Colombia’s first appearance in world cup was in 1962. It

was an awful presentation of the team because they

could get only 1 point in 3 matches and they finished on

last place of the group. That world cup was the first

experience of Colombian people to feel what a World

Cup means. The results were not good for the team,

although it is important to mention that in 1962 World

Cup, Marcos Col, a Colombian player, scored the first

corner goal in World cup’s history. It is an unbeaten

record right now. That world cup was played in Chile

and the trophy in that time was different to the one

today, because it was the Jules Rimet trophy. The

original world cup trophy had to be changed because by

rule. The first team that won 3 world cups had the

opportunity to keep it forever, and the FIFA had to

create a new one.

Then, after 28 years, the Colombia team made its

second appearance in a World Cup. This time it was in

Italy 90. That was the first time (and unique) that the

team advanced to second round after finished in third

place in their group. In that world cup, Colombian

people had the great opportunity to live the most

exciting game of the whole tournament versus

Germany, with an agonic Colombia’s goal in the last

minute to draw the game. Colombia’s team was the only

team to get a draw against Germany. That is, all the

other teams that played with Germany in Italy 90 always

were defeated by the Teutonic team who finished

winner of that world cup.

After Italy 90, the Colombian soccer took great force in

South America and the team could qualify to the next

two world cups. In those times, in the qualifying round,

Colombia defeated Argentina in the “Monumental”

stadium with an epic victory 0-5 over the “Gauchos” in

the most remarkable game in Colombia’s world cup

qualifiers history. However, the Colombia’s participation

in those world cups was a disaster. In each world cup,

the team only won one game (versus Switzerland in 94

and versus Tunisia in 98) and they could not advance to

the next round. Additionally, with USA 94 disaster, a

Colombian player, Andres Escobar, was killed late in

Colombia probably for the own goal that he made in the

second world cup game against USA.

And so, although Colombia team had 16 years without

participation in world cups and after 4 poor appearances

in world’s cup history, I guess that Colombian people

could expect that the team advances to 1/16 round,

because in this time we have an excellent team and a

great coach. The best advice that I can give based on

my experience is that all Colombian people should enjoy

living this world cup, because only 32 teams in the world

have this big chance every four years. Additionally, with

our little history in world cups, everything that Colombia

can get would be a huge victory and all of us should feel

proud if the team advances to the next round. So, are

you ready for soccer?

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“Finally, our team is in the Fifa World Cup. We have

been waiting almost 16 years to enjoy the passion’s

soccer. It is a dream made reality”. Today you can

listen this kind of expressions about the near Fifa World

Cup. A lot of people are waiting to see our Colombian

team play. You can see news, articles and

documentaries about the team’s history and them

participation in Brasil. However, we do not look for the

sporty people than have been making a good job in

different kinds of sports. The Colombian people

celebrate when someone wins a

medal in the Olympic Games but

they do not know a lot about their

trajectory. So, why do the

Colombian people know more of

Football than another sports?

To answer that question, we have

to think about what are we seeing

in sports today?. If we pay

attention around us, we can find a lot of news,

commercials, tv shows, items, etc, showing us about

The football’s Glory. However, that is not just

concerning the Colombian’s football team, and you can

see all this media coverage with others kinds of football

teams (National and International teams Like Barcelona,

Real Madrid, Millonarios, Santafé or Nacional). Besides,

you can listen to your friends and close people saying,

have you seen X football team plays before?, Do not

you like the football?, What is your favorite team?.

Summarizing, the media coverage is the principal

reason doing the people think a lot of time about

football. And that happens because the football is a

private show, therefore all kinds of football teams have

resources thanks to the company’s patronage. So, what

about another sports?, I can not discuss that today we

are recognizing the good job of sports in the last

Olympic Games. But is today that we know about

Caterine Ibargüen in athletics discipline, Oscar

Figueroa and María Isabel Urrutia in weight-lifting

discipline, Mariana Pajón in BMX discipline, and another

that I can not remember. However, why right now we

know a little part about them?. That is because the

sports are sponsored by the government, publics

entities and some private companies. That are supports

don’t spend a lot of money in media coverage, so for

this reason we have knowledge of our Colombian sports

each four years. In addition thanks to the medals won in

the last Olympic Games all the entities that

support another sports giving best

resources like buildings with a good

structure to practice some sports,

professionals in healthy and coaches.

Although sports of conventional sports

have more opportunities than perhaps 30

year ago. However, that is not enough.

Especially if they are compared with the

current Colombian’s team football soccer and his media

coverage. Today we have a lot options to know about

our interests, and the sports are not the exception. We

have the newspapers, the radio, the cable, the internet,

etc. According to our likes we can get knowledge about

everything. So, we can obey or follow the current media

coverage, or change the channel to discover other

forms to see the sports world. The famous phrase

Colombia is not only football is true, but actually it

depends about what we want to see and to know.

Expressentation SKILLS 3 - Page 16

This 2014 will be an unforgettable year for people who

are going to Brazil. They will have the opportunity to

enjoy two of the most amazing things in Brazil, soccer

and paradisiacal landmarks.

Soccer has been an activity which involves all Brazilian

society. Now they are the organizers of this great event.

Many teams wait every four years for the opportunity to

qualify for the world cup. Only the best teams classify

and they are organized in eight groups. Colombian

soccer team classified. For this reason, as Colombians

we really feel proud to participate in this world cup. This

will be held in many of the most beautiful cities in Brazil

with some of their landmarks.

In Brazil you have the opportunity to know Ouro Preto,

Iguazu Falls and Amazon Theater.

Ouro Preto is one of Brazil`s best preserved colonial

towns. Ouro Preto was founded at the end of the 17 th

century. The city contains well preserved Portuguese

colonial architecture. 18th and 19th century. Churches

decorated with gold and the sculpture Works of


make Ouro

Preto one of

the most




in Brazil.


one of the great natural wonders of the world, Iguazu

falls is situated on the border between Brazil and

Argentina. The waterfall system consists of 275 falls

along the Iguazu River. The site consists of the national

park and national reserves in Misiones Province, north-

eastern Argentina. The Iguazú River forms the northern

boundary of both the reserves and park, and also the

southern boundary of Iguaçu National Park World

Heritage site in Brazil.

The Iguazú Falls span the border between Argentina

and Brazil. Some 80 m high and 3 km wide, the falls are

made up of many cascades that generate vast sprays of

water and

produce one of

the most


waterfalls in the



walkways have

been built around the Iguazu Falls to allow visitors to get

close up to this wonder of their natural beauty and

power. Teatro Amazonas or Amazon Theatre is an

opera house located in Manaus, in the heart of the

Amazon Rainforest. It was built during the heyday of

rubber trade using materials from all over the world, with

furniture from Paris, marble from Italy, and steel from

England. On the outside of the building, the dome was

covered with

36,000 decorated

ceramic tiles

painted in the

colors of the

Brazilian national


That is why you

will receive more

for the same; you will enjoy the soccer matches and you

will visit the most important landmarks in Brazil.

Expressentation SKILLS 3 - Page 17

Have you tried, contemplated or heard something about

food in Brazil? Brazil is a country with great natural

resources so that the ingredients used in the Brazil’s

cookery are very varied. It has great zone with coasts

and rivers, because of that, the fish and shellfish are a

important part of this gastronomy. Brazil is one of the

best countries in the world, its beaches, vibrant cities

and lush forests attract many tourists each year. The

native influence, African and Portuguese have done that

the Brazil’s gastronomy are one of the richest and

varied in the world because of the African contribute in

use of the rice, the beans, and other kind of meal.

Nevertheless the European people introduce an

important ingredient that is the potato. The Brazil´s

cookery´s is very regionalist because of each zone has

its own typical dishes and meal. Some products like the

yucca, the corn, the fish, deer’s meat, pig, and till lizard

have been the cookeryare innovador.

Currently, the region MatoGrosso is focused in the

varied of fishes. The people that live there cook it with

wrapped up in banana’s leaf and roast them with salt in

a grill. Also, for them, other plate representative is pork

loin roast with honey or marinade with a little potatoes.

Almost in all coasts in Brazil are focused in the food of

fish species. On the other hand, one of the most

important plates in this

country is the ‘’feijoada’’;

this is a clear example to

explain the mix between

the influence and

characteristics of Africa’s

food (Palm’s oil, or

‘’Cuscus’’) and Europe because in this plate are the

ingredients that gives birth to an avant-garde and

important dish Brazil’s cookery. This dish has black

beans, smoked meat, or salty, It comes toserved with

‘’Harina de mandioca’’ or fried banana.

As we already know, the ‘’Feijoada’’ is actually very

important because is the origin of a plate created with

features of Africa and Europe being an important point

for the Brazil’s gastronomy. But in Brazil, there are

many numbers of plates innovative, as well important

like the ‘’Moqueca’’, this is made from salt, fish, and a

great quantity of

spice. Also the ‘’

Vatapá’’, the people

always cook it with

peanut and ‘’Leche

de coco’’, onion,

tomatoes and other

ingredients. In addition other avant-garde dish is the

‘’Pão de Queijo’’(‘’Pan de queso’’). The ‘’ Pão de

Queijo’’ is a kind of bread that has milk, sunflower’s oil,

Yucca’s starch, cheese, and eggs.

Apart of the dishes and meal in Brazil, as well there is

soft-drink and alcoholic beverage very traditional like the

‘’caipirinha’’ that’s made with ‘’cachaça’’

(‘’Aguardientedestilado de la caña de azucar’’) , lime

juice; frappe with fruits, Brazil’s coffee, and ‘’Guarana’’

(Made with fruits of the Amazonas and frappe’s coco).

We could say that thanks to the natural resources and

the Brazil’s economic, its gastronomy is so excellent

because of there are plates avant-garde, awesome

and very important. Besides, the most important dishes

show the mix that there are between Europe and Africa

transform them in a important avant-garde dishes of the

Brazil’s gastronomy. Nonetheless, Brazil has terrific

soft- drinks and alcoholic beverage that seems to be

rich and extraordinary so that anybody enjoy it. Finally,

Brazil has many dishes in all regions. It shows to be one

of the best countries with the best dishes and meal in

Latin America.

Expressentation SKILLS 3 - Page 18

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