mae 640 lec10

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  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Continuum mechanics MAE 640

    Summer II 2009

    Dr. Konstantinos Sierros

    263 ESB new add

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Principal strains

    The tensors E and e can be expressed in any coordinate system much like any dyadic.

    In a rectangular Cartesian system, we have;

    The components ofE and e transform according to Eq. (2.5.17):

    where i jdenotes the direction cosines between the barred and unbarred coordinatesystems [see Eq. (2.2.49)].

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    The principal invariants of the GreenLagrange strain tensorE are;

    Principal strains


    The eigenvalues of a strain tensor are called theprincipal strains, and the

    corresponding eigenvectors are called theprincipal directions of strain.

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Infinitesimal strain tensor and rotation tensor

    Infinitesimal Strain Tensor

    When all displacements gradients are small (or infinitesimal), that is, | u


  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Infinitesimal strain tensor and rotation tensor

    Expanded form

    The strain components 11, 22, and 33 are the infinitesimal normal strains and 12,

    13, and 23 are the infinitesimal shear strains.The shear strains 12 = 212, 13 = 213, and 23 = 223 are called the engineering

    shear strains.

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Physical Interpretation of Infinitesimal Strain Tensor Components

    Infinitesimal strain tensor and rotation tensor

    To gain insight into the physical meaning of the infinitesimal strain components,

    Dividing by ( dS2 )

    Let dX/dS= N, the unit vector in the direction ofdX. For small deformations, wehave ds + dS= ds + dS 2dS, and therefore we have

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Infinitesimal strain tensor and rotation tensor

    Physical Interpretation of Infinitesimal Strain Tensor Components

    The ratio of change in length per unitoriginal length for

    a line element in the direction of N.

    For example, consider N along theX1-direction

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Infinitesimal strain tensor and rotation tensor

    Physical Interpretation of Infinitesimal Strain Tensor Components

    Then we have from Figure below;

    Thus, the normal strain 11 is the ratio of change in length of a line element that was

    parallel to thex1-axis in the undeformed body to its original length.

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Infinitesimal Rotation Tensor

    Infinitesimal strain tensor and rotation tensor

    infinitesimal rotation tensor

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Rate of Deformation and Vorticity Tensors


    In fluid mechanics, velocity vectorv(x, t) is the variable of interest as opposed to the

    displacement vectoru in solid mechanics.

    We can write the velocity gradient tensorL v as the sum of symmetric and

    antisymmetric (or skew-symmetric) tensors

    rate of deformation tensor vorticity tensor

    orspin tensor

    L v

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Recall that the deformation gradient tensorF transforms a material vectordX at X into

    the corresponding spatial vectordx, and it characterizes all of the deformation, stretch

    as well as rotation, at X.

    Polar decomposition theorem

    Therefore, it forms an essential part of the definition of any strain measure.

    Another role ofF in connection with the strain measures is discussed here with the help

    of the polar decomposition theorem of Cauchy.

    The polar decomposition theorem decomposes the general deformation into pure stretch

    and rotation.

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Polar decomposition theorem

    right Cauchy stretch tensor(stretch is the

    ratio of the finallength to the original length)

    V the symmetric left Cauchy stretch tensor,

    orthogonal rotation tensor,

    describes a pure stretch deformation in which there are three mutually

    perpendicular directions along which the material element dX stretches

    (i.e., elongates or compresses) but does not rotate.

    Also the role ofR in R U dX is to rotate the stretched element.

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Compatibility equations

    The task of computing strains (infinitesimal or finite) from a given displacement field is a

    straightforward exercise.

    However, sometimes we face the problem of finding the displacements from a given

    strain field.

    This is not so straightforward

    because there are six independent partial differential equations (i.e., strain-

    displacement relations) for only three unknown displacements, which would in general

    overdetermine the solution.

    We will have to use some conditions, known as St. Venants compatibility equations,

    that ensure the computation of unique displacement field from a given strain field.

    The conditions are valid for infinitesimal strains. For finite strains, the same steps may

    be followed, but the process is so difficult.

  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


    Compatibility equations

    Strain compatibility

    condition among the

    three strains for a two-dimensional case

    using index


  • 8/14/2019 MAE 640 Lec10


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