heinze and baunetz newsletter modules for architects and planners...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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Get up close with the doyens of specific markets and experience absolutely top level expert dialogues. MADEby-Summits comprise intensive workshops over several days attended by leading architects and interior designers as well as trend-setting and visionary industrial partners LUXURY LIVING: For example with Sabine Keggenhoff, Titus Bernhardt, Alexander Brenner, Ulle Tillmans.RETAIL: For example with Blocher und Blocher, Cronauer and Romani, Schwitzke und Partner, ECE, Landau-KindelbacherHEALTH & CARE: For example with SanderHofrichter, Wörner &Partner, Nickl & Partner, BE-Dietmar Eberle Architekten, Herzog+KasselOFFICE: For example with RKW, HPP, GMP, Hans Hollein und Partner, Querkraft Archtekten, BWM-Architekten, Kleihues und Partner, BE- Dietmar Eberle Architekten, Eike Becker Architekten, Gewers und Podewils,HOTEL: For example with JOI-Design Corinna Kretschmar/Peter Jöhnk,Bert Haller Architekten, Klein Associates, Reuter Schoger, KLM Sebastian Leder, Steven Williams.

Top level expert dialogue – with the doyens of their fields

MADEby-SummitExclusive dialogue marketing

Important note: all names referred to here are intended only as examples of the reputations and competence of likely personalities, and should not be construed as implying actual participation of the persons named. Participants are determined in a selection process incorporating wish lists, an application procedure and the involvement of industrial partners.

„An ideal networking platform with a relaxed atmosphere! Nice people, with honest product statements!Brilliant impressions about the country and the people!“

Quote Kay Berges, Gira

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�� Work through and discuss the key trends of the coming years.

�� Work together to specify requirements of architects and interior designers in terms of products, materials, technical competences and services; the discussions enable you to draw your own valuable conclusions as they relate to own brands and product strategies.

�� Establish close contacts with architects and create a robust network of relationships from which you can benefit for many years to come.

�� Discuss you imminent innovations before market launch with key decision makers and use this exclusive dialogue opportunity to gain crucial knowledge with respect to your communications strategy.

Exclusive dialogue marketing

The fascination of materials. Architects looking for perfect application examples. Knowledge transferArchitects and industry

You will be brought together for a four to five day period in an exclusive, remote and architecturally enriching location with top movers and shakers from the domains of architecture and/or interior design. In a “country school recreation camp” atmosphere various challenges will be mastered and moments experienced which will remain with you for a lifetime. Around three quarters of the journey consists of activities in the workshops, the remainder is devoted to equally important social inter-action. The overall setting and the small group of fellow travellers, maximum 20 persons, allow very intensive and personal exchange and interchange.









„I hope we have many more of these very interesting and successful workshops!“

Zitat Thomas Kreibeck, Artemide

„The summit was fantastic, I enjoyed it very much, interesting talks with interesting people, congratulations! Also very well organised“

Quote Jörg Heinemann, Keller AG

„I thought the event was very interesting and we took a lot away with us.” ...“

Quote Miriam Borrelli, Graniti Fiandre

MADE by | 03

An intensive workshop over several days creates trust and practical solutions.

�� Recruit 10-12 participants from the architecture/interior design domains. Distinguished, renowned planners/firms with outstanding competence in the respective summit topics.

�� Comprehensive organisation and processing including all services (flights, transfers, lodging, catering, tours, support programme, presentation technologies). Not included are private expenses of participants extra to the support programme as well as surcharges for name changes after issue of flight tickets.

�� Summit documentation: A pocket book will be prepared for each participant (approx. 50 pages) containing schedule, participant biographies and event details.

�� Recruit 4-6 participants from the industrial sector. The price includes travel of one (1) delegate per industrial partner. A second participant may attend at a charge of approx. € 3000.00.

Our services – Summit

Far-flung locations are a prerequisite for a successful workshop. Networking in progress.

„The mixture of exotic ambience, intensive exchange of ideas and the actual presentations of participating partners was the ideal mix as far as I am concerned.“

Quote Dipl.-Des Daniela Sachs RollmannArchitect AKS, interior designer AKS BDIAChairman BDIAState association Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland

„Get away from everyday stresses, time for some intensive work on the subject, exchanging ideas with pleasant colleagues and interesting partners from industry; the concept of the summit is simply genius.“

Quote Ernst Ulrich Tillmanns4a Architekten GmbH

„The workshop in Havana was for me an extremely inspiring and atmospherically close experience. The magical location played a major part in making the refreshing encounters and excellent talks with the businessmen and colleagues something unforgettable.“

Quote Henning EhrhardtBottega + Ehrhardt Architekten GmbH

Your Networking Company

Information mediaMarket researchDirect marketingCustomized solutions

As a manufacturer of building products, fixtures or equipment products Heinze lets you benefit from some unique construction industry network.For more than 50 years, we develop comprehensive marketing strategies for our clients and assist them in achieving their marketing goals – with a variety of media, individually and holistically.Your sales representative Christian Stallknecht | +49 (5141) 50-140 |

Moderniesers and Clients DistributorsArchitects and Planners

MADE by | 04

In addition to the very personal experiences, knowledge and contacts you will have, gain and make by participating in a MADEby-Summit, the subject matter itself is ideal for PR work with the transfer of competences, sympathy factors and wide-ranging appeal:

BEFORE: each summit event is preceded by intensive advertising. Industrial partners at the summit also have the opportunity of presenting themselves to a broad audience as the competent specialists in the respective segment. Partners take part in the selection of architects and/or interior designers and can present the project itself as an incentive.

DURING: a camera man accompanies the summit throughout, providing video documentation. Everyday a 2-3 minute summary of the day’s results is compiled as a clip and broadcast through the most frequently used architecture platform,, as well as on, and Heinze and BauNetz newsletter modules for architects and planners then disseminate the message to around 80,000 professionals.

Our services – Communications






Under certain circumstances MADEby advertising customers may be granted a 30 per cent discount on summit costs.

MADEby-Summit „HOTEL“Date: 28. November - 1. December 2014, Location: HavanaPublication: MADEby 1/2015 on sale date: February 2015

MADEby-Summit „RETAIL/GASTRO“ Date: 12. - 15. March 2015, Location: Cape Town Publication: MADEby 2/2015 on sale date: May 2015

MADEby-Summit „OFFICE“ Date: 25. -29. June 2015, Location: RomaniaPublication: MADEby 3/2015 on sale date: August 2015

MADEby-Summit „LUXURY LIVING“Date: 17. - 20. September 2015, Location: TurkeyPublication: MADEby 4/2015 on sale date: November 2015

Dates and topics (provisional planning, subject to revision)

Havana, Kuba



NACH: The summits form the core of the next issue of MADEby. The results are showcased in the journal as an editorial special on 10 – 15 pages in an attention-grabbing format. In addition there is a comprehensive online presen-tation of the full picture gallery, with in-depth information, link lists and more via the MADEby-Designlines Channel. Heinze and BauNetz newsletter modules for architects and planners then disseminate this message to some 80,000 professio-nals.

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