macquarie towns garden news · pi rixui god of the peach blossom ouyang xiu god of the peony...

Post on 08-Sep-2018






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A Visit to Leura Gardens Festival by Judy Rosier Friday 6th Oct What a fabulous day - had the joy of visiting 5 of the listed gardens. The first one we went to “Glenhaven” was not listed, it was on a suburban block and truly was simply magic. We walked in under an arch of Wisteria and were delighted by banks of glorious azaleas – camellias – masses of varied maples – tulips and the most beautiful Rhododendrons...deep pinks, whites, reds wall to wall colourful beauty...fed the soul. This garden was the highlight for me !!!!!we lunched in the garden at the Waldorf among the Oak trees, English Birch, Silver Birch, carpets of Bluebells Rhododendrons etc etc serenaded by a 4 piece jazz band and soloist.....As I said .... a truly fabulous day.....looking forward to next year ...

Meeting 2nd November Club Flower Show

Categories: Best Single Species, Best Flower Arrangement,

Best Pot Plant There will be a trivia Quiz while the judging is taking place.

Christmas Luncheon 11.30 a m for 12.00 Noon Thursday 7th December 2017.

The Bistro, Windsor R S L. 36 Argyle Street, Windsor.

2 course lunch: Main: Chef’s Roast of the Day with roast potatoes, vegetables, home-made gravy and a

bread roll Dessert: Traditional Christmas Pudding. Price: $20.00 per person. Bookings with payment to John Jones by Sunday 4th December 2017.

Macquarie Towns Garden News Newsletter of Macquarie Towns Garden Club Inc.

Vol.15 No. 7 November 2017

Garden Visit For those members visiting Barbara Levy’s Garden on 31st October remember the correct address is 627 Halcrows Road, Cattai.

Macquarie Towns Garden News November 2017 Page 2

Leura Gardens cont.

Plant and Vegetation Deities by Louise Johnson My research into plant/vegetation deities from around the world, has revealed the importance of their influence on ancient, and in some cases not so ancient, people, who believed that worship and supplication to the right god(s) would produce favourable outcomes for their horticultural activities. In this instalment, I have listed twelve flower deities of China.

Chinese Flower Deities Qu Yuan God of the Orchid

Lin Bu God of the Plum Blossom

Pi Rixui God of the Peach Blossom

Ouyang Xiu God of the Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)

Su Dongpo God of the Peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall)

Jiang Yan God of the Pomegranate

Zhou Dunyi God of the Lotus

Yan Wanli God of the Crepe Myrtle Flower

Hong Shi God of the Osmanthus

Fan Chen, God of the Hibiscus

Tao Qian God of the Chrysanthemum

Gao Sisun God of the Paperwhite

Macquarie Towns Garden News November 2017 Page 3

What lovely gardens have you seen lately?

Taken any pictures on your phone?

Why not share them with us?

Up the Garden Path ….by Jill Storie

Recently, we were in Toowoomba on a driving holiday, which timed nicely with the town’s annual Carnival of Flowers, held in Queens Park in mid-September. My favourites were the swathes of snapdragons, and an interesting striped garden of kale. Here are a few photos:

In late September we travelled to Exeter to a friend’s birthday party to find that their 14-year-old garden was bursting with spring colour! We loved the crab apple and cherry blossom and can only imagine the garden wearing its autumn colours.

Macquarie Towns Garden News November 2017 Page 4

Minutes of Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 5th October, 2017 At “Tebbutt Room”, Deerubbin Centre, George St. Windsor

Present: Ann Chilman, John Jones, Jill Storrie, Susan Fennelly, Sue Robertson & Judy Rosier Absent: Pat Berry, Louise Johnson Commenced: 1.00 pm Discussion on ideas for next year’s meetings

February: Di Edwards has confirmed representative from Secret Garden March: Fothergill’s Mirva Crinnion– Jill to confirm April: Library Open Day

o Invitation to Alexander Greentree to attend - Jill to follow up o See notes on more ideas for Open Day on P.2 [Bottom of this page]

Other potential speakers

Camellia Grove Judy Rosier to follow up A Bunnings garden representative Sue Robertson to follow up A florist to talk about flower arrangements Susan Fennelly to follow up Flower Show November Need to book Brian again Ann proposed a September meeting at the home of Elizabeth Teo, who enters the Council Garden

Competition each year Ann to follow up Discussion on other guest speakers

o Arthritis Association (idea from Di Edwards and Malcolm Tidman) to talk about caring for our backs – Sue to follow up

o Vision Australia (idea from Ann) o Solicitor – but this is well covered by Peppercorn o Dog Squad (idea from Sue)

We need to finalise calendar for May, June, July, September (August is AGM), October. Invoices for Fix It Phil and McGraths Hill Florist The meeting discussed the above ads which are in our monthly newsletter. Susan commented that she has not been able to locate past invoices in a search through our records. It was suggested that a charge be allocated, and the advertisers be offered the opportunity to take part once more. Visit to Barbara Levy’s Garden on Tuesday 31st October at Correction - Barbara’s address is 627 Halcrows Road. Everyone is asked to bring a plate. Flower Show for next month’s meeting Brian Dunstan has again agreed to be the judge. Flower Show – continued Susan will prepare certificates for:

Best Single Species Best Flower Arrangement Best Pot Plant

It was decided to repeat last year’s enjoyable Trivia Quiz, to be conducted while judging is being carried out (Jill to locate Quiz). Ann will purchase Toblerone for Quiz prize. Library / Garden Club Open Day in April 2018 The meeting discussed ideas for next year. These included:

Everyone to start planting attractive rooted plants No mystery plants – labels essential (plastic knifes, or paddle pop sticks from Bunnings) Only display quality potted plants – don’t use untidy or sickly plants

Macquarie Towns Garden News November 2017 Page 5

[While not part of this meeting, the following are some extra notes from ideas which came from an informal meeting during secretary handover-just to tag for organizing next year)

Need someone on the ground floor to guide people in where to go when delivering plants Need a table on ground floor as a muster spot Need trolleys to get stock to the Tebbutt Room Need plenty of tables in the room Flyers at Catholic School and Windsor Public Barricade to stop public accessing while members are setting up? Calendar of year’s events to be included in booklet that is prepared for the Open Day to further publicise the

Club] Treasurer’s Report John has updated our current membership list and identified some outstanding membership fees. John and Ann will informally prompt those who may have forgotten. The Newsletter The meeting once again thanked John for his efforts with the new-format newsletter, which now includes the Committee Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report. John thanked Sue Robertson for her article and photos in October’s newsletter and encouraged everyone to have a try, even if only a short paragraph, so that it will be a newsletter for all members.

General Meeting – attendance - 21 Barbara Levy shared the story of her introduction and journey with irises, accompanied by some beautiful photos. Members were invited to Barbara’s home for a garden visit on Tuesday 31st October. After Barbara’s talk, those who had brought plants along were able to swap and take home new ones.

Financial Statement for October 2017 Balance as at 1st October 2017 4777.38 Income Trading Table 25.05 GCA Calendars 20.00 Memberships 10.00 Afternoon Tea 23.00 78.05 4855.43 Expenditure l Fair Trading NSW 45.00 Peppercorn Services (Bus Hire) 340.00 HDAA (Show Donation) 60.00 445.00 Balance as at 31st October 2017 4410.08



Small jobs a speciality PO Box 3095 Grose Vale 2753

Macquarie Towns Garden News November 2017 Page 6

Garden Club Meeting Calendar 2018 Some speakers, subjects and venues may be changed

December 7 Christmas Luncheon February 1 Speaker from the Secret Garden March 1 Mirva Crinion from Mr Fothergills TBC April 5 Library Garden Event We meet at 2.00 p m in the John Tebbutt Room, Deerubbin Centre, 300 George Street Windsor unless otherwise stated.

Over the Back Fence by John Jones Looking South from the back of our house there is currently a brilliant display of Silky Oaks and Jacarandas not so much over the fence as over the river. Whilst getting some photos of these I noticed some flowers on our Red Waratah or Mariana Camelia a variety reported to be extinct in a gardening journal a year or so ago. Ours has a pretty hard life but is surviving.

Our Gardens Magazine The quarterly publication of the Garden Clubs of Australia, Edited by Judy Horton, contains many informative and interesting articles about gardens, plants, diseases, flowers etc. Annual subscription through our club is $15.00. Orders for 2018 should be placed with John Jones by 7th December 2017

Office Bearers & Committee Members 2017-18 President Ann Chilman 4577 3623 Vice President Judy Rosier 9643 5116 saltscene Secretary Jill Storrie 4575 3858 Treasurer John Jones 4579 6061 Members Pat Berry 4573 1532 Susan Fennelly 4575 4095 Louise Johnson 4588 5717 Sue Robertson 9679 1161 Afternoon Tea Convenor: Malcolm Tidman

McGrath’s Hill Florist Specialising in Weddings, Roses always available,

Arrangements, Gift baskets, Helium Balloons, Bouquets Open 364½ Days a Year

8 am to 7 pm Mon - Sat 9 am - 5 pm Sun & Public Hols All major credit cards accepted over the phone

Local Deliveries (7 Days) Worldwide Deliveries (Interflora) Paul & Elizabeth Fraser

Peppertree Centre 3A/211 Windsor Road, McGraths Hill 2756 Phone (02) 4577 5863 Fax (02) 4587 8663

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