m m goestdoregon m e f f l u •wllliira -0(11. huiicrofi...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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MISSNGIDAIAM Sena tor La Follette Bolts Party; Favors Democratic Nominee

a____________ "^New P o lit ic a l O rgan ­

iza tio n M a y Be F o rm e d

i: . sn u N W ’ifcu).’ in; (Ui*)—nom;' inunl IfKiiro'or iiintiy famoUH rriiii-

. Jlial |rinl».'riixnjiieo .Dfirrow.' 72- • ycp.r-olil UofchM.lawyor.'.hpiicnrcil ' tnilay hoforc'tlio stiito 'Huiiromol

«-oiirl In n plbn for Uio Ufc or '. 17-Vcnr-ol(l Flhyor. '■' , Dnrrow .w oa^tlm lallc ,ovor li

~^hnT cw “:ro“ m o-nV i«H cir ........... , ,■ llaiiiH, )7. llouVfurd, (lin'i'coiivlclcd

yoiilli, (roiu llin c lc f l r l r 't■ 'ij,, •' j lor'nl. nrstiiitbnlH'nftor w hicli I

PiipMl from llio 'Wlniie- —Haso;-coimly-Circiilt. cou rt, noclt-

fflril:’Wliri)0 ;tnkcn .»n(lor ndvlop*■ Jiienl.. A'ilo'(ii»lnii mny Ijo rottinipd pUortly IjoforertlK^ciirlstmnn liuH-

n ponnllcKHymii

ciiit Jii7co'AKhiir l-'iHlii..- ,By

liiK.AVtlllniii S.'SBylcK, (!<,. Ktreoll . G rantl • ;cnr ninloriimn, lit A UoUiiji. II wm '

tcriiicil n .ijrulal klllliiK- )>y, tiniUtloil. ' • • ’ ______

;f(iro llic alhlB Itonhl (it imr(lo|i»uii«l| Wuyil. Tivlu KiilM, « us , . I - o c . j iiiiiBicr of Hif»liito

' Lewiston

lodge. IliilODCiiilcui Oi'iiur KoUoivH. Ill uonsloii liure.

Ucciulon .wan nmilo to liold 19j;! mcolInK lit Iiol«o. T lif m<

lirisrihoro^'-iVItl'tlojo TliiirKiliuj-. [ifflciirK I

“iHUcrhftnln.JQiUH.lo-dlc.,,, .................iDaTrow. jilaniitil'to hIUIxo.. ..

• liour of ursiiirioat.' ulrcKBliiR tlmtl• llio--. lowcr.- court- erred- tlirJvo b e - '-■cauBO.Uni uHBj a c

\ ; “Tli0. 'i*B0.6r ;«ic. to )v n u iA rilHo

.................. ............Q T1lo:.li«rJ,Vrb..’'Mobro:;.>!ojcow.;:,|JjlU|iHv-.IJolBP','Briiua ’ roi>vc(iOiili

m m

The lullur of VJiiitlo u( Smllli, -- - .........(.'iirllHlo ll1gl;liiK susKculliiR 0<u njtypUU^fumllylwoiiU^^^^

. ■•ImB.Itlllca^lKibaiml'boforQ' -OioMiHr ...SvlUr^a-Rro^ii innli.’,;,TWB. I ttih.lc,. jB '-WMnK." ’’'. ' - . V’ . " t f 'l l ’n.oll rU h t.b ciiiift Hpeelnl

.. :lnwa'.nnil.coiiKlrUu'L (iiBtltutloiis J i ' uomiccllon.'«'llli’',ctjHalii • Jiivcnlli ' crlmc8,llion:tliorocaliblilil l)o con.


Scared Boy S av e d By Quick D r iv e r

^ • iullTAUOli/TapuuWl):.- LaV i vUiitCH.s bOTfili, \iibir''l)(''iMrH; Edllli ,)inl<!it',-'l’id/:!i'.nurfOiirvuKi:u'ii<J

ilaiililO;Out *I,lfli3{ Wi'rpuci'oti-;'.• •.-..TIiu ilrlTcc.of tlio.'lriiuk •.iHriiui., r.-;luii3';tlio |mrr9V;iill, to, JlVOtil lllt-l

•ling ilio ciil-.-nml jlnillinr .'vlUi-‘ ..... ci1td;:iip-;0«o tnicU '

.... •''o:car--l)otwouii, p-;j'bur, ‘

• ■ „'.'litVcfr cMiuqil riii'ii)? y".- ij'SlTiiuI- ^fei:cd.nn;atinc^r(it‘.frtefil“ ........


'rDprcxcniaUvc;bn'' liuinc' lioiiril.

.. - ..U o iia lm ll bD;-'Of .ciiur«,..............Sam jjlvo It.every yosHlblo corialilera- oiilu-:- tloii.imd-.very.llkL'ly'.will .bo inoru

Biildcd/byU.tliati by anyI o ilie r liuiirvc,"

\viij'3i;t;iN(7ravr\'ri-.‘ ii'ii'r'-nov. orn'ur- Kii.nlilinM), Jlwim-ell 1..- cl;ii', oliiirKcd' lih' Iti'imnllti'iii. 'iji- .

>viili-iryim; insilii ------------------------- ------It'r"Yi>u bavi- litnii l:)lcl <li«t liilli!;s[

•amf.'vvlll :

iiiniiiilxtliTJill t-ViliTal oil Ciiincr. iiril.tlcehiiliii: Him Aiiipr- liuliiKiry "kIvch liiillcit- Ueliii: lliu flrKl liiisli hi-

............iS«• -'ri\o-^lirf!iil(Juiii. .'wiiIiu'vtivcr. .(lull, It .0)0 lirovuiiii-nt Ih iii .n i

TlioiiiiMiiii.A fter tier liiinlMiid'a er HUN wiin tjroilh'lii tij I lenllunliiii lii utton to i iBliicor’<i dlHui»pi.'iiraiii;< liifuriiinlluii olitaiiicd f

ililborltlcH parilally. .........(o lltiU Tliumusiili'H boil}',

I .JiiforiiK , Schied^le« Session

lield Into 'till! autoiiiobllo Oi:iobur iu. tiuit vluliii-

l!.u livi!» ot C. K. Uncock. DO. S iu iu Nurmul cullvgc i)re»>

lik'iit, 'aiKl .MIhh Ucun K Murlln. fiU, HoImi'. Uoniocnitle candliluld lor niiitc tuiiKTlnluiidunt ut publle lit* i'lriii:tloii. County AUorney r<iiuio MuDooBul TuBHdiiy ni)nountoil.lio,..„v« "oiilil iio i Inventleolo llio cuac fi(r-|fite

1 suvcrnqr, inakcti).lt><

inniicnl liaxlH t KluMllzvl-lintaiicu illll)|i|j- miir

J’OCATBIiL.O.. (UI’)—Tlio Iillilio: Akj-IciUI.ii'coI, .l*roItitll»'e nii«(ii'f4-|

«4M - nKo'.::.WBB, ilcr«atod, fo r.;rc i' ■' ' 'aofiilii illdfi’/.' jyV.WnitciilsKolilWij'

/^VYi'U bavi- litnii 1;

. Till,: iinalllou’ of the • Iteviioiaa boWwi'io.lf l'm»‘6ltcl.'il (o o) funilly 'm tlio aSiili ut :.rie* Iielr «<}<;.oyclt «ai.Mri I.U

Urge Dopbaitors lo Oomc in.ati • , K V Ojico iinil Acccpt - I............... SlUL

- ..... llatiU' f t’ TruKL’ ,coiniiiuiy.' (or.Uny-VMprenHcd WbIi .^prnUncatluii' fpr'llio-TWlHitiau-.ivlileli.lH- tieliiK 'tindQ'iliy •dppoHHiiM.;

,L wtiB -revwiludJKIDIIC IHIO yfioicrou,.. u wiu.

r * n r n *»>' i''- N. Ucynoias.- lUnlar

EHSED,“is S - ,» i• c<I.brimiiic..ii6t^ woH It ndm

• -• ■ I Uiul tlior« was n' tliouBtil enter......D<( by.t)ip„fanilly.*U<a Kmllli killed hliiiKuU. ' lliil' llio' loiter mliulltcd ■•ilio.bvlilbiico fallK-to iiror cluKlvely.lUiil.BiiiitU^.vvM 1

kflur u'uKUrliiK'jllKKlJiK. (liiil Hlionld .Hfo tit to (Iron Iho c

,,;.(Coniluui;j:on;mcF ' .

i f i l l E S W f f l f i-■•oiitl

.......... ^iltTs-iljp -wuik'cfTcoi'x[tlorl.--

.•'\Vc';»viiiil lo.Hrn'e .itiut ov.cry.de ,li(wllor;wIioNo-a£coiint;i» •lliu' liaiik wcocilB-'.>::i)0:'lirlni{..iill;_ovJiloii<:i.'B

lnt,.lili»‘(!{nit)HIt lo tiio^comniJKco ol

v b iilii ,,to;A(Co&(i''’i'uncral'''of ■" ■'■.Huiilnf-Pirlfibr; KllW'a

UtYSVJfjtiB/-.lcillio.V(Ul’) '^ ;V yoiitliMirciiBffllloloila)-.

ilkLUlY «iul

^D ivSn in United StatesaTo7^oUmB-!«liMo>i-ttv-bllljpnrdol.

WSlkiSamV. w»lv;wliotrt.'-li.............•;,yJii,:Menliibla:>V£nV»!l» ;o

M E f f l U

o I iS o ° i '? > T t 'K SDO.OOO^,Sought-'by':HcLatim■•iitiiHi .Siaiw.” . . . . . . - Of Jainos A. AII511; Ki|. '

:TaklMK-,iii.: Ilir;|.!ira.,.^^ ' . . - . . l e d by Tritck..-,

j Bi;iitHjl\;p^ . of-, all ORrfeultiiralj lor(;nnl7.:illoii!i. Ill tlio Mate, will! liDlil ItH .r iH t keiieral iiicmbetaliip:

iccUnj; Oct. 2 7 'u t I'ocatello. . t J . ' b . M«)-. . ilocklaml. Iian. Im il

jiroBldcnt of^lliOMi • ’ '

1 flriii;. ctwrnclorlatli: of IlmlliiK'lum.woni-

(O'iimlileilm will lirliu iik bai'kuri iliu uiiwanl Hall. Is .......

iipalKnliii?: «lilc!i. di-LM llttlu]II III tlilK thiio]

GOESTDOREGON"c‘. j Pnmily— A rr a n g e s fo r-O rcm a .•Wllliira -0(11. H uiicrofi.-llrst-ui.c-, - ......-w --------- o - - ------------- --

_ ' jtrealdciil; - fltid - Juiitjs Joliiison, lion', d f D r . 'W . D . '\^ ri(ih t 1'rcnforr,- accoiid vlai.|irciildeiit. . 1 T •

• ‘ - A t P o rtlund . '

.,^.n i» ....Moint i ' ^ ....I* '(ilmilarid »iu'otliPtt.] .- /:t>UUA'riJI--1.0i- (Ul’l — Tlio Snfe-ll/nisi-voH i.iild,lliHiKK:mlKlil ol"'> aV;iv' S tb ri 's . uiiil, NuriiinlIiiivir'liecn JoUnK0ii,_ I» ,-d ilv « r-0fMliu-lriicl T , n ? ' : - J . T t K wJiIcIi im.Hcu Hiiid klllcdJaiiiM A liHum-lovllie Kwlnriil llPk-rm pVK- Alien. J r . ; .![, .worn Jnliif iletciidiiiili tciii-.niiil IlL’i'oii'ilrMiilon ;]'> -:.„,iay. In ; » M.’.y.wn- ilamutie «idr ■................ ...... ........... . 'i',1 ;nird ;.liy ;:tlii! .ybulli‘» |.nrcnli

r’Z l ...... . ' ''■ ■ ■ - ' • ' . l l lL c u u tU .T u•l^UaTAf^Tl:XT^:(l|'rSl’Kl:t•ll.-^v?^b drlvini; ,ln ,-------- - —wiliJl'5I/LN(i. 'V.' Va.,:,(lll’)^— iiobHkoiiI ■ hiiinnoc wlicii .bfs .truck

,,U(.vcr»6r-Ilod«cvcll,'8 .;;»iJ<lroHH ■ nt jiju . AUea iioj^.\VliucllnH.'We«t • .............tOlliiWH ■ ... . . . , tlicr fliiirKod, tlifl .

V’ «rurk;:iiacl.^fKu|ty .braked andin.ltioylwing Mi<t!-juocr(iit;.«|i|iliraiii!i. •. .

'■JolimVntv-w'ali.'licliiH liolil ......... .■ (l/JyInK.JcliiiriiuH,- More serious

.‘s;of,iio ,ordliiary :CTiai|i'dRii . . . iVe'nic*iiot<faced':inorcly-B-Hir’ rli.oliTOrw,a-,clmiiKo'of.;ii(tililiilh<ri

Umi. , \V6';ti[ ....................-■liulco Ijl'liveL............... .............. .■<ir ctononitii'ordcV.oinr Ihdlvlduiil

ilh<ra- euiinii-' inuy-Jii) lilaecd o&ilint Tiatlon lvillnV--in.r In,iivi.iii,.i , ,

rl'sjuyiiTCTIiPniufTmPcr’jr ■ 11 tihon - lb vtcBt:; ilie'.-Btrenktli'ot '.Hie I

■ ■ ■ ■‘■’■•-liidldnlbV;r-v'' .S!c<V,l9«»reilio

— ---------- e.,.Tat>.-a.-^poor

L^i>i}«d;3iiHT6iYolw^^M CA U trt'-jW d

' ■>ore,tlih(f'(lS,^iSllMSKiSiigSltfc Si|i!5g5SSSS^71l¥6a;ioiis;6u9aslt!l().kMii'MbBt;i , ('iio;eBllcdiWlUiciilAbQ\vkvUi.riVi_ .felcX:6t;bimlt ;anJ'Bel3Wie>;un{: y.riiocoMBrlly.:ow6i'kcd-l;.ni|f.-Whil-- tf

^;CTrrleJ' IHa*i|gStluitv.lt^-'iafvi^ ."J

.................. __________;now«yfl|ir(f,... _i;wLltlivl«' «opub1lci»Hj;a9d'.«up|wrti' a t Tlll.1,9, j i ‘

:..........- .MkcVr.cv'aii-.*:>lixVliit6m-

F ig h t Loom s Over■ P a i i r B p r n F d t n f p " f Ur.W. j)eku >\Vib1U,• x - a u i . c e r n c . s t ^ c e J , 'r ic iartn ion t or aitrlctil-

. . r . V (uro niout Inspector., wlio'wiuj: In*SACnAMKNTO.' Cul. (UI'J*-Anr

. .llcm iif to. cIlUin'a'tiorlIbn of llio ''l ''-« i-lil« c a r lofl Ibc-lifsli- CHtuto-of-I'nul- Bern, iuollon-;plc. *ny -HouHiwcst '.of. ...iMurlaUBb;• .i:±ccnU ye^iuA i.lu .lf-of— Uio ;ra"bhiff In r; n 1 clcUdiUlcbUpuli;

•..................................................«’a» tukoii lo IlllHK .WcdtiBjday -af.tornooji l)y 1I16' 'W lilio-iuorliiiry,

ThlH woH lhm w ied lodpy by Al- iarU-Slioot»,---BBi(lBlanl .-UuUcd

'.uii, „i,i ii ; ;anigggay.iI lot.-. ,ro r llnlBo Tiluadiiy,

V tiouii.wlUi-frlend.t.— 'nioy-irl...,.__ _‘ Alin - W rls lil a t ’.- nolaouaud-. ctJB-

tlmm llio .-lrl|) to Porlliiutl.-. .They■ - ......... ............ clfc-ir.of:Ui6 liiiiclitno

tjilnor brulsqii.

IilB oVrii' llte.-;w-ngjBcrn'ii legal w]

B lacic fbp t Ihd^ . and Kiiffcrvil <

V -A w Sii; 'Moiil.-.(b'l')i^Volo'fo-'r fro.i,:,Osden;.,Utali, liiiffbIo>l*olnlcU-Tcpco .and Jtcdl- • . '

ConBroi»i”firVic”fan°"ru V LateVriVacatlC^^

- ilc-lh«-#lxthtBBnl*| voMiir>v;orMli«i^<lMtii!'dr’;Ku6CD« VH-Oobsf;-ratfibufa-(06(KlKlliL--nndi lnb6fv.le»Ue/,-kt2iLior(vil:off''meW:

fssr""" .....

...........Jm j i .o n ’ilho-J cieoiloh'^baUita;,o re ^i>BlyK.p^n


talKB. . . . . . .........................He. wuroci!..- borcvcr,;... lliBt>.K>

ilooaovok-:W clccl«J,- ljo.;«ouW,foel, -

llotto> - youtifw r • .broibcr^

jojin Oliuppl^i *‘o(i,iior.un- liro';IlopublIcati .‘.;i>uiiiliiallbii','V ir UnHoil.-SttkibJi. .• Hcnator'-.-, ov,ftr,v

'nbolI«r. ; IT^krosBlvo;■•'.Uop.uWIcnu, Scnatar JoniiLJL’IJlnJno.U' ''

C a p o h g * s H e ^ i r i g i 'U n d e rg o e s : Delay.

A'iliAUT.V, rGBV'lUP)WittM»'rlDBVC'' .a : ’AlpUbu»o .Cai»iio’»>application;;;'.; 'for'a '.w rlt’o t . liabCBa; corpus scok^,"i; lu5 an ultlipttto' wductlon:trDm,;lili| lliyear ndntenco.-oa’^conTlctlon Eot.-;:'V. Income 'U s ;ovulba..%vun^ pbsttMHea- .-UI today. iihtll*lho';jTeok:,«r.;N6MmborV.^^^^^^



,rc t% cdl:,U .;:^M blactpn .^^

.a i . lM A .0 0 M l S T n

•l^PageiTwon ^A SO -J5V E N IN G -T IM B a.O TJM iE A LL 9. IDAHO. ■ W - e i l n e B j n v O c t o b e f 1 9 , i a s z : U

1Big Ten Teams Will Tanglejn Important Games This Week End!

: .: Wtien OhoQolate Became a Champ B R U S H I N G I) )p O J f S P O R T S



■ ' ClMS ■ • ■ . Kimberly a t WcncK‘1!

" aOOOlllK ' Ul ' SIlUAllODC i (taWoyul-Jeroinc ••'-.'.I'Cliw-i U .

' . 'Albion ni Sclcii Wuttleh n t JlMolinu

v: JIt. Homfi’a t Olcnns Kcprj’ “ Holllslcr. at lUnseti

;.-,:-.-^:Pttirfluld «it nichrtoM .

v\;': HUSfi.V.' >KAiW PIvAK''''; “Scrnrur-lniportiint-'l , '

;tosta 'tiTO, Mlifiliiletl for moml)prB >f..U ie. Idalid .'lU^ Ten,';nnii'. o ilier

'c n O ;-y .ft^ 'j.Ott'8btt\;|» >ncarlti^ il'ii -taottcal' portoiViiifii/FrWhy: •win' noo

..................... .wllb TJa'.OllacMuot

___ ..■ln‘Palla;w lth,nu •urday'fl ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . .W ^Iaca^Vv«hll^‘;‘wii)l‘.iKo; !noIa6 Braves.',';ThO“'Wliacaw-'biivo-lj6on


' year. Saiso-biLs licbn rlUlne rouKli

I.itiil no revtT^pK. TIio Kliiiborly . mix xliniili] |K '" 'drill ko- i‘ Ink to Hvc wlilk iik'iK)- <>r;i flrcw«irk» nr« jirprnlncil nlipii Oul;

loy i!iiKn«i-ii .Ir;o:iio."

’ • - Amorlcan/ nillfl <iuiEtlbE .v : uo ''.K ini;'!f«uiiort'w uh a


mHowever,.iPllor t 'e ii^ bavo^ Hlio^nploiity,oC •tlRht'-nna .ll w iir I jo ' a■ cropp /’ liUQcU or Wllilcnta, who, tnlce.tlie field'€A(tihtd)'. afternoon. - A isorluui FaUs :>rilt llkoly nool ■ bncl

:;litui:dMpIay«l'Plcutr.-’()( poiicli til ls " Roaiioti .QSiI'-A-llI iHt bard to stop; ■, • piackfool.’- wlilch; ' hdRv nlrendy

lo s t one-BlffTch''coolc»t‘to ’Durle}’ iiiiltftiprobably,i)(i;on' U io 'sbott

W fetlinqDf Viiifcd.i‘rrt«

• 'A t, NKW yOllK—Eli "filmnBlor'’ L ctrlf .'L bs AnKCl'CH, thron- Itolahil -ra»^lmie1efr-0!ilftlioniik-«nrt-raUUxu cil-.tlllo: : Wong IloiiK CliPiing, C hiun.’. tb rdr.M ortiir SCUnir, Jtiic* sla ; a im .. SicloiV Xeivnrk.- . threw

•Jack iJtacArtliur, i-. Irclandi; .Jock •Shorrj'. lOnbo,'. threw.UliriMliIdle: kajif; Worlrln : ' '•.! „SAN Pim 'C ISCO ■- Mualoiilii

Tiirkisih'.Krupplvr. won twi ttHt tofltiroo fMtir-froW lou'Parcll-

S e t O pening and ' C losing D a^s o f

- T he Big Leagues!

CHICAGO. {I/P) - T h e major, JcaRUo'JiasobtiU pcubui'i vlll opoh' A |ir ll J2 next j'car'unJ <na OctO'

>ovoftlc<r today. ■ Thu^ llio mah’-, iin tos have decided lo exiond tlioi !>cn»oii a full-wcek'ovcr Iniil ycar'sj clotilni; date. , I

^ ^ ^ p A j i t l q u e - D i e p l a y - ; -

.. rlKlil. T ilt riKlil II m id ilccp lo.liU l«fl.,No.j

J^eai EatiiteTrantfen

k-orlhy, wcnlo'r. IToloii OWelll: Ciir- 'ilK toloii. junior. W lirCm 8br:-Jn-' --------------------- ,

nfior rccclvihsjlord OJora,. senior. Edwin \\' 5=«Vor

Crock Kchodl lioiiio. 'rtio/iiieetlng wQj. woll nttendcd.- Mrs'. .Cnrrie CrockeU profilded'.ovur.n. eliortbus- iiiesV ’ini‘oil>is;."Jl‘.\v-n»'. Oceldcd flint Mm nioiKhorx' - n u ls l . tl ie

elRlll'ti KrildCH.Xcplil LnrHcii IcO tlio »tiidy .. .

c1ioc.s1uk;iih lils-niiliJcct lhQ prcsl-! doiil'R .inosnnuo' and Uiu d|[(erciit| wrillnt-ti in tliii' ^T:ir Irkiid of tliO'

: ‘lyr:‘jWf-«EVr, -xfiu t'Kfiotl SjiccIul • 'iV Isl, rMniiVliiii-'iCimiai'.iMnl-. 'ciil . l.iiiseJ;t •'llolrt .rpcl'VfocV^iiic'. cn.lliir ;

-FMfestone-Servic€:^t,G(^eSj-Inc.,tA D E I^A B T M E N T STO liC F O J l, y 6 | r ’ AVTOM Q b "*

i h e r c o n ^ e ^ l i o n caiiiplained ihat h e h a d “ never yet b e e n com fortab le in church"; a n d w h ile a rockins c h a i r m ig h t'se em to offer undue te m p ta tio n lo the m a n w ho h a s a tendency to lo slee]j during the se rm o n ,'O ie idea nevortheless looks Tflthe^; attractive.

W h o h a s - n o t suffered the e x tro m e i? /d l^ ih y s ie a l .d isd o m fo rt in the old-faslui)hed ])e \v s 'K Wlift- hasn’t lo n g e d f o r a Chan'ceto t>c at ease during? a sermoli?, W o n ’t a m inLster wliose flock is th o ro u g h ly comfort-

^ B|io couta SCI a t U liaiidlljr. Slio- l«« liltl# dtpcndi on It." Hia.erca

T h e t r a g ic deathi ofi two o f Id a h o ’s 'e d u c a to re Sat- u r d a y n e a r Pocafello'came ns a b lo w to thousands of p e rso n s i n a ll walks, fo r tile reason th a t bo th the ac- e id e ritiy ie tim s:d u rin g ith e ir careers, in th is s ta te had, c p m e iin ciosoi'contact with so m an y y o u n g ])enple in* ” i>'

-•oufi-eaucationfiliinstitutiofls:. J _ !I n b o th 'in s ta n c e s their places \v ill be difficult to r

fill.,* P re s id e n t C. E. Bocock of-tha^ A lb io n s ta te nor-| m a lsc h o o l_ w a s a fixture, a t th a t in s ti tu tio n an d had p r a c t ic a l ly '^ v e h His life"to:it. -T h e s ta te board of

— "M iss^R etta-M artin , \vho'^va9■the ■Demt>eratic'nomi- • n e e for- s t a t e . superintendent of i)iib lic instiaiction

w a s c r ^ i t e d ‘w ith having a ll 'th e -q u a lif ic a tio n s , ami- m o re , foi'* 'the high position she so u g h t, and ' which

CMAPTRIl .XXV-I bending-fo^

1 cai;crlr. a s 'D o aa enmo » t.r.-utlilcRi liDit Ijcalilo hla clialr

^% n.O B LO waril eaRcrly

iBn wlio brniiRlit lo «onl aaya tlier cipcci a flnlili (Iclil I

ths branch'of ilio niind-aiTor |

m pnllcil hiB hnnU rent: InRlx, I'Tlipy'll capture lilniV’

Aipcr rhtwpil rlclously on C|iar,_ llo hfpnj.nnwffc

.. . . indlly. ,... wliftt alio w o u ld '..

wltli It If llall liroko ont of Mio ceii occllne limber and tried to croti tho nicailDtf bul.nlio lolcndcJ to bi Tcadr. b'cTcrnl ri;io allots ra u E out (rnm bclsir as cxcltcd inen caught RllmpscB of nlmt llir>- tholielit Ilio bandii,.

Dona lellloi] lo w nlt. Suil-Idcnly a blnck Iiorxo liDrnt from t!i« |llmbor;u«tU1oiv tier, lin r ld o r w « bcudhiK tovr oror tlio snddio a tid llic

vrai lahinc tlio.r<tiiEli Rrounil Kriiccfut lop<r. Dnnn rcnclinl nDi] Jtrkvil U lt rlflo IooBO. TIic; wag loo far nwQy.to lio liltUcd 0 vBi TClthln cnsy rlHo rnseo.

iddtnl)- alicromtmbcrcd tlio roan'a

licsl of tlio t>1ac1c Btocio (lio . hod s irco .lilm. " I hopo thor.Lfctinil lilm.lu.V.lio Rrltlod.. . -----...........m Kolos 10 rido up n lllllo woy

........................... .. ......... _ _ « e If I can loam nnytlilnR- 8 h e - r n i g h t ^ h a v e - 3 0 - e m i n e n t i y - f i l l e d - h a d - s h & b e en - th n i4 !^ °^ ‘ - „ ,“ ° '‘°- l ’'J‘:‘'

c h o i c e o f I d a h o v o te r s n e x t m o n t h . ; ••He enreful. D. Tlicro I* dnnsor- - - ..................................... • • •• : wlthmon ubIor lilsli'powcrcd rillcs.”

her brine

hnrisii and dropprd lo one Iioco.Tlio (root iicad of Iinr rlllo stead­

ied nnd-8li»-pr»B«Hl-ni.> (rlHgor.-Slift waB not iiiimlalii for a sccond of Iho Idnillly nf ilin ni.in PBcnplns from (he dr<-liiiK H a lindFlipped ifirnncl

. dtpcaili on It." lIla.eycB trcro Imrd and b« iraa n o t smtllns,

■•you'ro wanlfdfor WIllnK." Boiiti hnd not fiiliy TecoTorcd .from bor firBtaboek.'.- V ,• "JuBt wbldi klltlDC do yoii 'rojer (of i'm waoltd for aovcral." HIb tono woa mocilrt. "JIovo totrard iny boraol" b» ordered aliarply.

Doaa wont, nitli lil»-rlflo ot bor back. Slis katw ba was al« alralKbt« aed lUat tio bad ootti> InE 'to 'nlo by iparlDC Iior sbouIU sbuBhoiit or Iry lo run.

Under corer Slaa faeeU lio r srlm- ly. "Tbo bouBdt are bo cIoso tUat I'll hHYC'(o.lal[tyou'iTitli.ino. Vou hM© dlacoTcrta my accr'ot trail.” Wttb llltle eflctt tbc Bwunc her up

bim wlilic alio «i "JlrylDR lo keep lliul prnnilso t;ot.

lb Inlo llili Jam,'' lie niiiipped."1 didn't i-xpoct you tn 'g lv o '

olllils," Dona continued tier nltui-k. 'IlDTa l oCforcd tiny eicimca?"'Nor explatiQllonil"'Wliy malic Mplanailulm »vUeii

thpy will be icnncd oicuses?" fy;iii Ball cot lip, 'Time for .is lo ni<-vc

m s m m


mill A' Dona tlio-eyo delliinlly. V' stride bo wna n( li' ca'liBlit lirr up nnil t liefora b |i anddlc. 1; 8lruRF>lo nplnRt lil» li Bbe rrtuied In bclp lilii n o leaped up boblnil In

In - th is c r itica l period in.the h is to ry of every insti-| Alnl," „ = |4 H t i& i^ = w ^ « t- h e t^ t= ^ tH n = 4 h tf = ^ o ld = = Q f= ( H U iw it if U ir o f- [ - - , ,B w ^ 'e H i< ^ y ! ^ ° .t j^

p o litic s, o r w hatnot, Idaho can i ll-a ffo rd t o lose ’siicli'l "“'i* I'TiinKed his ebaii h ea d ers o f thought, w/ro.se in f/tjences w e re so bene-;.f ic ia L to s o u n d citizenship.

A t ' the fu n e ra ls of these two e d u c a to r s Wedne.s-j d a y ; th e re will be many more so rro w ei’s present in B p ir itith a n th ere will be in.pei-son, re g a rd le ss of the n u m b e r.o £ visible mourners, for bo t h P res id en t -Bo-

.c o u n tless firie'nds, assoeiates and s tu d e n ts .T h e se d e a d will be sorely m isse d in Idaho and

th e ir , p la c e s w ill be difficult to fill.

Rckcd y

iilTlieblnd her, ])q loised oatdo liar . rldo aa a utelrii blndrnnco. r —;DonIl-pb^ank•ffcln-h^s^eolrar^hs^ tint Iia Iield bcr closo and th o Ijlick

rtro beaded tbroiiKb ihe tim ber a t Rpced eIiowIuk die traa r.-imillar

TTTnniiclip 'in liprii rraiii rryliiK. Sho

irrimt kiss on nn ii

blralKlHi-iii'il, I'lK-ii 1

llwlfet Iny Mllir'Tlic

houM «:i|<Ii b ■ CllllIbardl

Tlicy I'ravcleil for pcrhniiK- i bour. Tbeo tlio blark iliii'l:<'il i.

niid b'uslic!!. Uonn Kwk unii' nf i trail enrclully. TIicy'Bw eiiii-in

r cleft of rofk li.irt-ly ui. -foi— tho—hnr’f—tii— pn

tlirouEfi. Tbo clelt njii'iirii » n trds farlbcr on lulo a ilii.v iiiraili irmed by eroKlnn niul »linl <:

!l licr ect down licild<

leaped to Ilie Rronnil."Welcomo It) your iim

anld ^llb ninrk cerctium (To l)« C'uniliiN

The History of Twin Falls | N ation a l W hirligig

^rrM U ST-U N CLESA M -STA -N D -A X O 'N E ,i W ith in a month, .the United S ta te s a n d the mem­

b e rs o f th e Leagiie of Nations m ust c o n fe r ab o u t the ~'*’^ T l ^ s 7in ',tlie rfar'e trstr“ T h e 'ty tto n T e p o r to n -Ja i)a n e se • ■ a g g re ss io n in M anchuria presents a n issue tlia t must

b e s e t t l e d on ce and for all; t. I r i a d v a n c e of th e conference i t m ig h t b e a good:

; i th in g fo r A m erican citizens to g e t .a , fe w fa c ts . defi-| M n i te ly in m in d . / :

\ . -T hree intei-national treaties cover th e M anchurian - • ■ s i t u a t i o n . . , •••• ^

■; .(Jihe n ine-pow er trea ty 'guaran tees th e in te g rity of . CHiharvTT-he-Kellogg-pact-i)Iedge&-5ignato iy-nations^

. ' n o tf to . re s o r t to w qr as. an in s tru m e n t o f national '• ; p o licy . T h e covehent of the league b in d s its mem-

- b e i^ to go t o the a id of any member w h ich ,iS a victim \:l o f ia g g re ss io n . • ; . ‘ ^ ,' . \ 0 ^ th ese ' treaties, the first two b in d th e U nited

S ta te s ; A ll three bind the leading n a tio n s -o f Europe.N o w " it is~ hnum r kiii)ffk>a ;e~i ln t i ilii only gaw a

“ p 'ow ier'W hich~lia^feteadftistlyand-effectiyely:oj)posed • J a p a n 's am bitious: iiioves in M anchuria is th e United

■, S ta te s . ^ E n g la n d .;and France, th e m ost im nortan t m em b e re o f th e league, have -soiic th ro u g li the nio- .t ib n s b f m ak in g a.'protest but th a t i s all. • ' Further­m o re , i t is commonly reported t h a t E n g lan d ’and •F ran c e p la n to le t Uncle Sam c o n tin u e a s the one se r io u s obstacle^.to Japanese ag g i'e ^ 'itr^

By George Clark

: : ' ; i ' , R e m 6 n t b G 'rlng - 'a I lv > f4 h D s< M ~ a c t6 r-y m 4 ^ m ig h t^ le t^ o a iv .m e m o iy 'g o back to 1914. , - : . ..........

' -Ih -th a t^ar- iG en n a n y -in v ad ed -B c lg iu m rrV io Ia tin !^an ^ in tem atio n aU trea ty .-r rE h g la r id -sp ran g - to -an iis at :~TOrtffeT:rEnglish\lindJ^en(ih-lead'el^ iNvefiThorrified-af ^-the-.notion~thQt-a-:treaty^could-be " a - sc ra p - o j- i ja p c i^ : ™ 3 I t ? ^ v a i r " t h e y - i h s i s t c d r : t l i c - s o l c m i i t d u t y ^ ^

% a t i O t tS ^ t r ^ e f e f i ( l '% u c lF T i u -e a tv t o - t h e l i m i t r = i r : . : ; S u t i t a p n e a i s t h a t t h c r e 'a s : a ^ d i f f c r o ^•■V • - a ; ' t r ^ y guaran tee ing , Belpum’S' i n t e g r i t ^ a n d ; one

CTarante.eingsG hiha's-^prelsei^•^t--' naV e:lost . th e l r noble regat'd'f a t r e a t y ’s-'sacredness i~ :;r f^ J£ ir a iat^exaU cd lta lk of.^9J'l w a sa iid i^ e rtlk ^ ■ v - ; - A v b r c |^ E n r f a n d ^ ^ a m I ^ ^ H m e e w ^ ^^Sfetes^.o ii-the^issu .e.of-m aking .thc-L ytton-repnrteffefc.

;tive,‘).vK;tKey-.dpn,’.t^l!veli;_UneIe_S A W lth a v ep ro g f^e d :ah o th er:r io tc h .;l-’

f , - ^ T 'h e " R c p u b l i c a n s 'd e l i g h t i n 'c l a 5 s i n - g '6 o v G T n o r R o o - ;!r:^3e y e l t ? a 8 - a - ^ ‘‘g e h t lQ i im i i - - ^ f f lm e r - ! ~ th a t i s _ o n e . .w h o

a o “e s ■ ^ h b t- I ^ ^ ■ b^^ i s t h e ' r c '. j | ; ^ q u i« td : b f ; I ^ e i h ^ ^ a ^ ‘‘g ^ h t l e n m r i 'f a n w o o d s;- ::h O T e ^ iT 5 e e n 'fu ir :o f t h e r a ‘t h e , l a s t 'f e w y e a r s .

_____[ 4 ^ y i ^ r e 6 i d e n t ^ p o b v c i r ; ^ ) r 6 r i b u n c ( 5 8 - e c 6 h o r h i 9 ^ c o r r i c i l y , l^ 5 .1 ^ th ^ i i i i? lD n g i r : J ’e i! ; .^ ;s a y s ;iC h r is tfe p l ie r ;.M

i’t i f e l e c U o r i •liangsVupbn-.proniihciation, -..nia

. . . ’Illi Ilov.-'Orou’ ■ Or.iilujod . nrflcia(lii(r.V, The ' l.rido-;' h a s Krijwii io:womanliood In'thlH ' tie liiliy . KriidnHtliiK. from ibo'nup- v o r t lilKli,'>icbni.l'|ii.ibo l!i29'ulnas;:: l ii tn r sbo -wpnt til flcl.oaroho yonrIII' Jlin. r.«wl«loii . •o llo|"gc K)l. •.'.;

.ThK brliln w.ia.'/imvn'pil In’a:da'rk''-. Iiluc iravplluj; Hiilt. Tbe iiiarrlafro •-

wllnosBwl .by;:M ^.-,nd; Mrs.

lTl.;AKn1ln. Wn^b;vwi^o e••.-• hf .Stnto-H.AltnrHft-'SwoiiVoV Krc o .ir lK-.ciKaKe.i, |n farming../;

S K X l)-K.\Ttl t «H-Ty)VHHOiyr^|

:.(liornuRiiir conibciiliii an ■cf--l,lr>7irn.?Fm k;0fort-4o-fiud-Kroui»lH7<or.-rriniloftl-H-3l)(irt-Unrtn!rimt1~Cllffofa.TiravsInillclinent.- Tbo cbnrRos'uiied nre'-'incjnbi'r;: h f 'I id ‘ bcdiard^'Viiiinv’’" *

iilsiitnBaokua=Ui^:ii>-Bw>-^»B»T=>W»Br-iTa8 Wim-acYcr.iimrl«^'-'--M ijLUlI_wiisisiiillj-.idf_nDtbliij5_u^«CU^

,iny you.cannot.-Jairii maii7nr'lUnt,Tliovactiial cliarKcs iire .baRpd ona.tccluilcallty.wbliih uiHgo nrvrlRi-liialrotrctiw.out-qDniiiacfiiulto-lc^ la t . {(..it.liiidJiubn. Kaiirlloiicd.':tiy

ilrotlierlioods- will tension o t. tlic

..bail.'reiiHPBled"llio clly:li[ill. .Tho 'iiicoHoRy'-wnB?- I

by'TICACIIKJl'.TUll.VSv;' ■ ■ OUI-KAN-Si jr.- WrciillnK .-v.........- w crp .. nofc.-. In

Hjr.NtlIU>fai:Mo.V.C . „ ..

l a i i l i i S i

W e U n c s d a y . ' O c t o I j t i y 1 9 . 1 9 3 2 r O A H O E V E N I N G T I M E S . T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

WANT ADSP a g e H v g i . .

W A SH TUBBS B y C ra n e '

I 'o n SAU'^-No\f Eleclrlo Siiittor Sow ing M.iclil?i;- Wg-00- Cfill 4STW.

■ ■ a p a r t m e h i s f o r e e h t

' T im E B ' noOM furtilslicd- mod-, 'r rn npt. Now Jow rdlca. BunsSloW, Alita,.2nil Avo. E. ~ •

; HOUSES FOR, RENT■ W U HENT— Fltc-room modern. '.'lioiiKA Anil garage..Call 20!>. W. 0.• Sm ltli.

li;ive licoii lii'iifir, ito K.'l Ijoltcr wllli a clmnxi; of n<1-liiiliiliiKiriitlon '

Ctiiinis t'rclK, ' |

t(!lil~tuVvor tf Ina not litcn-farl

. . . tmiciil Irt lliu Wllflon'l ndiiiliilHtnitlon o f ' wli-jt . ' tliQ KcdcrnI Ucacrro Hysk-m. Iluil Ihcro' (jeon- 110, Tcaorril

. r o t t .lUiNT—Four room furnlHli- • lioiiKO. Modern cxcciil lioal,

KiirHKo; 351 5lU Avo Nn.

I • r.TTTB'.fi'Pnqj^ nntl

tim t• -K O n. P0Bl»lbrC(l Guorn-toy. Lilli. 2 .inllM Nil. \\’c«t end

im ilil. .!. l>. DcunrdiB. It. H. 3, ’ ■

' F O R 'S A L E . OR TRADE • .

- .WEI - TRA D E.-buj o r jo l l n ll l i■ ;|tlm la ~ot uaoJ furiillHW.'~B^vc3!,f,,(.^Hiiro wus mit duo 1

’ • R O Q i a S i F D E ' I f f i i i ' r '


.j>lUl....foi--lt-w.i»-.liiriuK-llu>-|K>rliid- oC <}ic'Doinncl-ntli:. sdnilnlnlritloii l lm t. tlicro .wan cslablMicd I

,W n r Flnnnco coriiornllDii,, anil ifl-^MHoiitlnllyaiiu principles or I W iir. .Flniinco. .cornowtlni.; whi liuvo bcoit rccalnljiiHliisI' ii( .tl new, I'criojl ,ot criBlfl.'! . ■

Classified Directoryp R e ' s ^ n s J b l e ~ B u 8 i n o 8 8 ' , : - F i m 8 J H v jO f f i c e s d f .^ T V v in r .F a n s ^ A I p h a b e t i c a H y i r A iT a n g e d '-

f ^ Q m c i r ” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-i ■ b /

l<V lb lb

£0 .SI d'<l 23

4 ib 27

iU iil . i d

i4 - 3S ■ 67-

ssr — S9_ $§$! 4 u - — — —42 4*1;


f t ai>V 4i»- •iO


n — _ 1bii


• IM lii'lil lit ?S.r.U liuU , hcUor but I (iiily few lomI»' solil .iirniinil $7.D0j i.iihcr iciniiiK cliiftscH Hlott-. mcaily.

ruder'c<)WH K cttlnw '’bc»L oclfaii: h :« t cowx.M-onk nt $^.'3 upward;

I Ijirncilcal lop w cislily hhihukoI'hI'* I iJl.15: most vcnlom ?-l.r>0.1o tS.SU:

.... ncli'cts *6: Hloekorn mid fceil- m .nua ln <Uill .(iiul wciik lo lowor. most nntlvcs jicHlnK n t 73.B0 In JI.Tj; w csicrna f I tb ?5.50.

c,\,sir f.-UAi.v CHICAGO. Oct. JIt .(Ul*) — Cu«li

Riiiiii cloiio: ‘Wheat: Xo. 2 linrd l!i: Xo, -

ycllnW Imril ’I!); S n . 2 mixed

. . 'A . E e a l ^ L i f e U u d e r w o r l d S r a m i ; ;

....................^WOr;^SALTV;^WJNPSinBUJ.«^ i^T~aoijfrrBlawrAut(>r,tojr>«i(I::cur- :.5Vv>':iaIn> repair, - oQUvn#'; and i c a n v a s '" ‘rvEopaUlng.- '.iTliomets-.-.Top i


. A U TO D O O R :(

- U i U n a a - g A L E j A P T Q - D O P B ^ C f i A S g . '^i.awindVBhloldB v&.-..\Vlado»- Olass. ,:.ii:iNoi:«J)arRo;-Ior.;SolUnc.«Moou1!A vir»t-Palilt-AVFtlrnlturo-;Stqrft-V::

^ . ' ; D : ^ T i S T S i i r

‘r.'il DR';: / w T ' D7 -nByNOLDS/.-HO

- -SbH O O L SV A N p'^O bL L E O ES


L ' W T n r J . f i : . . D R I l . I i E D ^ j ; A N Y - i ______>-Koleif.—Dempsl'rriiumps.—M ;^ lf ;i-Bo^h; Tw in r^}l«,-iaal)6,'PbbnDj o 2 3 8 r t 3 < . v ; . : - ; : - : v - : - / - - • • . . . . . . .

;\V B D D IN Qi.AN.VOUNdEMEiiTa •.4; [Ji:ond.';:caUIos:,.cftiiIa:j!ii5ratctlL'.«c. ', •prln ttd .-.M iuy corrcct elylta tp. |£.':',cliooso.-.tron..:.ClilL-atl;UiBr* ' '|-;;.xilas^lmo«^orrico.-266'.Slaln.Ave.'4i-:

w B ^ i i m t n i b v Y o t m V B H O E s ’. ^


T O R 8 o . o , t m .;-T rack8e«jrrLote.irAcro«gB,TuWi

-A lio ld -n p -iu '

an truck loitd etiuleo Msilit Dutch*! cr»; biUk llRlit drlvclijH M.SO donn;j '(.•altfc:.»L‘colpl« Ct)0., Slou-p rot-'

1'fnl lola rotnm on - niid medium•6tCRrB-J3-to-?'l.— - r - ----------- ‘T'

i: dlocclpls JDOG, Four ’

liil'pcr cfiiil o u t JM O: wUb .frclBlit

• SA.\. v il .V x b T s t^ i.lVK-STUUKi SOUTH r BA'S'. l1L\NClBC6.: 0ci.

.(USDA)—UOBM 285, nil •.•'XoiillnhJIy aloudy; gdod J60 iiminU- Cjillft)ralii, ati.l .-Iibho


vlly «?l Corn: No.':: nilxc<I :!5-25li

ln'TClIO\l'-2!7W --5l77.—--------' ,Of.<s:-Np. U w lilto 1C.


yirSSfteldi) SliGop:' U c c ^ i lu ’ 8uy, .hicliiillng! ricii ■h?l.loverH.---<)wiil • l»-r. clioico' jIatiiliH’ 75 l>ouna» .aownv<iiioi(iblo

il tmlii...fo.Oi) -wltli .foiir;-i)or iVaiiHnk.-A'.four;-.Vdcckfi-;6Sr«3

•yoni Anltfi

I’OliTI/.VMr CASH WJIKAT --i> o im -.\N D ,-oc i.;io '-( iu> )—niB..... . '• / .lin rd . w liito , B7c:

_____________ rr:JS‘. iipr.rpnt.-'irm;Oork Imrd wlnier i l p e r . cent PJc; Butt-wlilio'')ScrTvcKlom-wlillo--17cr ■lii'Cra wlnlorM7>,5s:'n6rUforh «|irluB 47p: Avcstonj rort 'ICc.

, Vlsli fiico'-iipi>trciun In ; order lo icnich WrH'ot rood- floritine- 'vltli lliffcprront. . : • , • ;

. d e s f l o s t m a s t e r :

iiiornl Sloiors ................-'Uooilyciir Tiro ....................Iiilerniilloiinl' ]{urv(i»tur . Inlcrnnilonul Tcloplioiio ..

.Jotin Wmnvlllo ...................rKfliiticcoir CopperIioow’ii inc............................ .MonlRomcry .W ard .;___Nallonal Dniry-Producl-s....Vow, Yorl; Central ......... !....i'nc*card Molor« ............. .rnrambunl I’ubllx ......... .J.'C.-Peinicj- Co. ...............I'lire Oilllnillo Corp....... ....... ............Utulio.'Kcllh. Orpboiini .....Hoynolds Tobncco B .......S(ifc.wny, Slorea .

.SImnions, Co. . ;™ ......Socony Vaeuuro •__1Soulliern Pacific ............... _.L.'2Klunditril Ilrniidii .... :. lHlanUard Oil of CalH.'Slhndard Oil of Now Jd raoy3

.Toxas^&irp;;_ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ _ _TmnH.- America-'..^....-.......

....... ,1’scllic ____Unitoit'AlreraJt— - .............................

' u i i i r c d ' t o r i * . . . . ; . . . . . . _ . r . “ . ~ : n : r “ a » itr. s . a i c p | . ; c o r a i n < m 3 9 W i Western Union .....................

X. V. C P im , J6XCILIXGK Amorican'Bupcr Pow or C%jCities Scrvltc,.colnluori £loctrIc.llcnd-&..ShaTO rgra-c tDiorTco________

Corpomlo.'Tni«t.:aiiarc8'.il)ld ,«.7B -AA r-.zj;z.::;-ri-LM iiTS ''AAC„ -------I1.7G ,; 0J1.8O.

und .Rbroiid today.but--prlcc8:'lioldi

I ,. l V o s T d \ " 6 c V . / i 5 : : ‘^

„ CBc: XorHi U akola B ed lU vor Chios OSc; South D ntcotav B a r lx - Obion, 60 lo.85c:’ IdahD.ffVuisoW JI.05:to $l.IO.-‘ ; . • "

■ ' [ i V K M ' k i r S T t E E p ! ^ • ' ; V ; d b n v b r ; Col.,.Oct.. 13, (UP) —

UlicoliiiB- J7,00#r r ta r k C t4 «tcsuly:.’,>. /a t iBinbn tM B .r t : : .fo c d b « .; .K - ', JUB; owe».|14W 0.;:

Local Maf f S a - f f i ' i f ' i s ; ;Brtn^K,71qN':u(I:'reC^Bi

'roiir.':,'(ioiilira.r M N o r th ^ t iS S s iW i* ' ■

S i x - i ' I D A H O E V E N m G t i m e s ; T W I N F A X iL S .~ T T ^A T rn ;

vIiH©r.est' Grouips Offer V , o f Talent

S iilu n li iy arii-ni>ipiii5 vi’ill iml !><•■ T u lls"!u S ll SuUu«f C.ill-1 ‘UvsiTVUS

p ro b le m , ‘•.WIint nIuiII u-.' iln o n Sii ] iiii 'rcK t ^cou]')!! 'In'hii; ni'Kiinixi’d i‘>' oT Uiu L'oiiiiiiiiiiii.v t'liii iii'i-ilifi (iffiT rtl. .'Oliissrs ill ilfiimii.® .

u ! ! : ' P r n n o f l f l R — : : -If o u iiil - |i0 |m liiiily \\I 'ii 'Is i’u(;is(('riiii; I'l

liKlivi.tniil u 'i ll iitcH-l cavil Siitiii'i i io r in -n it. jli(! Iii-.'li 1:110 u \ b d ( l'..r 1,M iu ly , mill M'itI nyv'iiilili' iiilit liiti-r ill till' lift HI] liDitr'N K yiiii'ii''

d iinc ii) |{ tfi-uii|t ' u ’l^luck ('Ill’ll Sill l1l-Vl‘ll>]»l

PUrUiERFIRI:11 Mni'ilwillcU.luirt.i lioUl lliojju? »l’o‘’<)no JurE o^uiJ OLio-auiitll :

- ifiiiu i!rDdi.ci!f,-liiiicl)oon ou tl'« tuuiiv A liimc Lowl of QBtora X o n i t - ; & v o m l« t» .a i ijii .liii-:Pt,Uio o 111.,,,,. ■ lore.,.';-;

llriiwn will Uuvc cliuiKo of the ,v„s-.,iio ,Hvon)lon of llio . nflcr-. •

............................................... - , Mr-. II. W, JoluiKoii. Mrs. K K.: •(• <iC ili« liruKniiii iiikI'iIIkciiks iwiiHiii lUKl Mr. and Mm, 'i'.

.„ ••I'lillttol [annuo of Hiu I)»y. ’I •j-„r„„r wvru Uimicr Ki'uHlK Of Mr' ' Mf ,\lrH. I{. I.. n.|iMl;.U>- « llli Hi" liow'**. n„il .Mm. C, Ci.IIciih of MUr-

Ir . .1. I) WliclHii. Whli 0(||I1|I lIll>^•^,|,l.^tl^)n mill lliu iloiiro.HMlon, Mr«. („„^|, (■'riau}.................... I hllKlilly ......... r-iillrcr'ituili AO;ii.m Kjniliii '»ii lli« l’n>H •H'>..'iirH ilui Ki'piililli-iin iiliilloriii i,iiiuii •|U(>iiuii. Mr». .lack Cliil- ;

-s rannlii iinil ......................... .... iJuviiil a I'lilim M1h»"nrnfiKTWiv mirroi-. Tli« iillcr- kh,.,, Crii»cn a rtollii I'm'!, i ic c o w ‘

/‘iil.i.'i-i «a-> "I'aViy I'lui- i,„i,U'(l iH ilir iiliiiii) l» 'M r». TuaKiii!., n

lliCHI!AIl ni<-miicri>

ItcWirvo cUiliii, MIflH llarrloi lon<lcr; J. 0 . y.

• S tudy .'oti'llio'.clniiim .... ...........,;<lcr;(lio-illrer(lnn of ;Mrs.*lIiiwarcl •, no n w fck . Cannan;;. M lioH.fhninv-

lciJsh ''o f: ilr.iirullc' koiIiicIIum lia« 'l)cuO ''cvI0enccd',iii n' iiiiiabop nr

-.ptaj'.i uu!l'iia^cR))l'H.nlu! Iin dIrod'

,JlAIAp>VK’EX I'AUTV ,’Prtm roua ItubcKali UkIk<- raicr-

tiilncd n f a UnlfflWii'cn i«rly 'I'no.s-

; vrIalQ . l a , llio'lHcnMlin. nurti itorvcd : MIsh', MBDoimldV ccmiiilltcc. .:'rii» ,lia ll w»K.ol»lnr.uHy dwowte.l

ror. llio occnHluii wltli llallowuVii

'. . . i T o v e iy H flH ^ c.D rcsB ' ' '. ^'/rATTnii.N .iiiM<-

( J im i 'i ' cox i-.V T iiA JK s o > s K u K ir s i(i:.u)i>(j

Tccliiiii'iri roailliif:. 'tlili,Nl.'.ri loa.lhiK. »IHi |,v H .il.ln ii. TIK ....aM ..ii.liiMllii« nH-r«vn„pr-,ri7,un.ur.<iir^^c'li K.n If ........... . ol ,...|ui<ilm; ' fir ........

I lie I'ri-sliyli'rliin.

eciiton'il iia iliir i-aliJw l. Viiiiirv I llnvf IJci-a II»' icUnK."i,(,,i;,,,-

-Seven Sfeps-aRG - aJl-0 y^nilvti es-

.r-cupip^, ^-allUK bliuiiIOur'ciiiioIcta In ruKliin .foihlon, u'.'brKc imcki'i. liainly nK.

accoratlvu, anil Huallojicil', ; Huninln;;ii'acconk'il ,1iy. oMiirai'lliiKi ' liliiiliiiR;.' 'U'n' piiiurt. iiUavo till.

•ruailnn liour. ....popular (IrnwliiK r»om Kitmc, ".Mar. • " wa« i.layc.1, Ml»» (Itiia'Ii.a

t lilkit wan plaiiani liir

i :m j >h 'i -a i m :h iiv .>ui,i,s f o t . t . u u ; ni;,u> c n t i , i tt ;s i;i{v t;.s rtiM K



( AI.KVDAl!AM> I.(»lii; nVK.V'i'S

The Slliiain.cU rlii 'i'liiirHiliiy vv’llli Mi>.


<>r .Mr. iiiiil Mrn. K PllllH.pnllpp

Wiiiir, T ...HCora Ilf MlUa;

u f:ai;»tii; ^M.\ZIJI/n)X. iSjicciitli •- Tho

CIrl Uu.Hcrvcs i i r r cuiiiUiullair llin . . A u r,.iu ''n cn ry iipli.Wr-lui"’’' ' '’'''*- ii'cail.iTHlili. .Irlvr .Ml«»

1.rc«l<lciil. J f Jlllls oiillcue. K niui)

. T.. P a ltc rn HISS may lio oriluV. . ’. }y 'ln qjzca'iC .to. 20. itna .K t

iSIzo lG r(HEuirv» :i,yardii:iO

o f tier InfOMiial Saailny ’inmalai;.*",

.■i'jC.lTo.^^otla-imUer4i-of-llii»Hrt<Mk.. v;^*coU.11 H ccn;corns.,(i5c).lii coins,

iKliunpa (cDiDB;iirof;rrc([|, I’lcimu:........ try .plulnly'your imaio, uO-

ii}-;o.-nnnit)or' sad ulau o(A i'; \w rlU j;.vory .plulnly' your

. ;'<lrosa;"bt}-Jc.-nnniDor' *• ;mcJl .ii^tturr^W JcreOi

•y cuiaj»l«tu?cojlc«lon,-ct.tub,{Bmgtc8t7-ino»t-TifacHciil7TimtrB^<^

M5.-ant-t6-xiia><o 'ityiMi'-vconiuli-'-Hiiil M a riam ' WorUn- >’alh-nad • WlBlUrl

^ ^ .'V ;P iittf ln r ‘C<i<alO5.-Iliir3ri«l!0it-In-- r ~ —«)ii«lft-<»coutlful lAodoIi for Juniors

klddloB. as .w elt. as.lliu-(Jcst ■.•oI';Ui(>.;ne«- .ieanon'H' aftoriioon,

^ ;.-'c%«v«]}Inff:.-i<porlHL'and -houso’frocks, ■i'j.'''JlpgqrIo'f.BOiJ.--paJama»»' liiqulslto

^^-J,ftfl««0'-.«rt»«.-iOn<nIos:-anilvWHcra M ’p/y, ofecth«Jri'.^ttnuily.;ivo'.vc6ntn.i'. .'- ■

;!H<T.‘Ajddreaa .all.; orders '<.(o,:Rircnlrie ^ qTIm es/-,«at lern;; 0(jl»4rlai#nt;=.T»Jn,

D r. Ualnliimll friendly houIi ' racn liy .iiiiil i

"I” ! ; . : ! ' n a v i i i sIdeals, and rnrrl(:Ni.„>'‘ym _'U llV , Ni.Oi, iVl'j - llcary. . . rarrlCNi

o n ly iliQ lradiliuiw of llio! fomidurH o f 41iu miIK’ki-. liiil liaiii) | J,;'’"" 6 r ilie tyiicK of waclnl In k 'r c a iir .iL 'P ' .to lj« round- III aiicli KiikHiU cnl-l*'‘“‘ 1iiK< s tor wDiiiciraH t/idy M'lrgurcl ciilll’Ko III Oifiird iiiid Clrt'ia, i>)l>

a t CumlirldKL" aaln:rnllj.+ .+ •

. Iho lioiuo or .Mri*. C. W.,Cflfaur. J*o|dur iivoiini', Tuvnday nftunnxai f u r 'i l i c iiiiniijil I<aiao iiroilni-tH UinrliPon. Mrs. It; W. UloiiRlmk. Tw in KiillH. niid ..Mm. l'fi,.ncln.l’url. Iutui;.i:iii-Ht Ilf liar iildicr,'Mrs. A. I t . Kcolt. • llaiiwn, anil i f elaliiiUMiiourn iui’>ui«i. liiit'iiln.woru-Kcutcd- nt-.oau-larso- iiiii}-«n«' Hiiiall liilito furi laai:liM)n;-Atilniim- flow'erx foriuinl ilie' dccurnlluim. T liu iiflcrnooii'K hiiIiJi'ci was “Du- moHtlo Sl:lol^cc*.' ■ll c>cnH‘d.lly Mm. Arvli Colnur. lldiiHcn.

i ) £ \ .n .u tK sc iiiin i.K . i ' i i o « i t .u i r o i ’ic

.Mfiabcra of ClmiHcr AI. I’, .0. «lN(vrliou(l.' invt at tliu- lioiae ot

piJJa!L_,Ulto_i:3yIur_.Tuti,day-:wttL| n lu c ni lii-r luinic .la ilic .nvvd niinr(jnciiln.."Kolk ScIiooIk lii. Ili

b y M rs..Ji;

■ T T o l H e m M p : ’s '


kccidiin IdoiiH .ivni l«i fitiidly ro- uulvud *iiitd iialillHlnll In IIiIm

. uoliiiiin. -— AddrctM-Idalio-HvehlnK-’riliU'xr

Huaicniiik.->i’ Hxcliaimi,'.'

t: oilloiiH.,'*J lud- iiopcrfl.

: .Ki'ccn; popcM.. N ctiim BiiKur.

lali1uai>ooria • ficli -uf 'Coifandur icc'd.'c t'lory ocuil, iiiublard -3—

I lal.loHpmiii olovi'K.-;

CIOHull n'ndllcl.ataiid.urcr

-filrlil.-. Ill'o io rn ln ii drain aiurndil .cubljuKv.. cliu|)|>cd (Inc. IJiili:all. In <iboilt'4 quuriK of vlilCBar‘Ior-'30 niluutes.^v Uu^uot^iMVc^vliiUBnrW

TimiioH-fii Jjafe.'^Add^wlll'i.niluT, |Ju«icdlcr.-iti-tn tlio.tuamlii.uinl.cjili-iil>osii nil.^lurn. Cook all i(i,i{i:ihor[„.............

nrv tciidvr.. Svnl Iiot.|.ovor-ullK

r ’ 'S n W ng ’tr ip I r o n th e cream c an o n th e f a r m to th e bu tte r , on th e co n su m er 's .tab le ;A lw a y s it’s seven s te p s . O ften U 's m o re t h a n

h th o u s a n d tnilcs. Seldom con lo n e d is ta n c e s b e . n y o id c d b e tw e e n the producer and th o conD um er.

mum be lied u|iumil llib bullcr is soId.and c ' . made.' , ' . ' ''•2 .M i«inblr and Grodln« —,Th|j

SwiU <£ Company pInrilB. , - .• 3. ManuJaeluM—rTtiejc huisrTHi complclc .Miiilaiion,

.■ >HII mmmn tnachingrtf nniL-cmr.rHt '

about 100

IDCIhOtlB. - .•,-4.Troi o a ^ A hundred miles o

-finivheJ product ridca. the lalie K Ireight mui« be paid by Swift.

,S. ItslilgeraUov — Perishable. loodi , dressed poullry and eggs, muii

. ■ d tr retricenilion. —

s,- like buuer nhd ’-

>a e( Bilk — Swill S Company does not know-

7.S»Uin(» — SwiU&Coniui UiiMMStuUMlline^bod

M ost o f th e Sw ift p roduce p la n ts h a n d le p o iil - . - . •V -ond-eB B S -na-^w eilns-.bu ttcH nb-W ith-pbultry^ll^

- s e v c i i s t e p s m u s t be ta k e n 100. O nly s ix n re n e e d e d r ,. " W ith cBBs; th e 'h e ifs do a irtK rrn tihu focT un^

& C o n ^ d n y ’.nntibn a r m a r k e t 'w a s — ......'in trd tf by.-tliCRing Up deman'd w fiereycr I t x ‘

- T - ^ lh e - U n i tc d -S tn lc s r b y n d v c r l is in K r b r a n d ir t j f - h tg h - q u a l i iy , S w if t-a M eals , Sw ift’s P re m iu m Milic F e d '

.C h jck e n ;-G o ld c n -W c 8 t-F o w )p S w ift!s f-B ro o k ficId :B u ttc t^ .-E g ca r^ G h ec sirn tid -n ian y pther'-p to 'dG cV s. '

. . ! ■' ■'Tp opern ic 'anational.iT iarkct m e an s m tic h ii io re ■ ..' ’t h an.nuj<^-b>p/lniMmlay.~n'nil s r lling.tpm nrrf^ w .: Tt-■

^ tr..£ jV i^ iT fw rfo rp ia n cc of in tn g a te s c r v jc c im r n i i jn o s t^ I I Z' - c cQ nom lca l W a v ..S w lf t& C ^ ^ 'v .in .th i i . 'n a s t.v i» h c ;: .

h a s c u t e v e r y expense over.w liich t t : h a d c o n tro l . •- I t s se rv icc -charR es a fe I^\wand p ro fi ts a r c sm a ll— . V.

- o v c r f jp e r io d o fy ca rs 'th b y httvenverajjecl le ss l im n •:. h a l f g c e n t a pound of a tl products so ld . T ■

r~.‘ r — .- Puiyvora or/im /b o < /« r

f la l i^ e i ii fi>rTi“y '• A iiljuStiioit- :i--i:Sw iit!s:PrisjTtlumiQuaiityiBrb6kfield B u tte S i g g a ! f e ^ ! j ^ , i S ® S v E g g i U ^ W m m .M if c te d v ^ h ic k c n i l j i i j c U jG p W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ladcUililLi

I l iu i i l - a w ...............................-IiumtiUlii.’ftivc.' Slip.carvod ft ■ W e s t ^ j ^ w i . j ^ c p a r e ^

• O n . s a l e b y io c a i deaJ^^^ • ’ ” ' '

' I 'n y o u — t h o p c i u i i l o o f t h e T w i n F a l l s t r a c t — s h o u l d g o

|— _ t h c 'c r o d T t - f o i * T w i n n f n g - o i j r f i g ‘h t ' “ f o r - ~ 6 r ? r ^ g a s a l i n c —p r i c e s 7 ^ |

Y o u r s p l e n d i d h e l p ‘h a s m a d e i t ' p o s s i b l e .

AND TODAY W$ LJEARNt h a t t h e l o w e r e d ) ) i - ic e i n t h e r e t a i l ' , p r i c e o f g a s o l i n e w h i c h

w a s a n n o u n c e d h e r e l a s t S a t u r d a y b y t h e b i g o i l c o r p o r a ^ '

t i u n s , w a a e J T b c t i v o Q N L Y ' I N ~ I D A H O , . , - ,



W e c a n n o t h e l p b u t w o n d e r i l ’ t h e b i g o i l c o r p o r a t i o n s ;

- ) i a v o n l t - a o n i c J ; o _ t h e L . r e a l i z a t i o n t h a t t h e p e o p l e o f I d a h o .

w i l l n o t s t a n d f o r . o i i t - 6 f - r e a s o n g a s p n c e s . ■ / v ' ;




:and .lw e 'n : g o * r i^ t , on 8elImg_you;; f ir s t7 = ^ t a f t i n & ^ r : ^ t a l ' x l e a i r g ^

Lind Automobile Co.-■-DiMributore--ifor-A:-;0.;-'Sjpairic--.-piu5S',f/fvpiS^

^£'parhbn;.Bomoi«j^,;:lioycjoy; ~ «•corbors “ ■ , " ~ . .......

P A R T S v P ^ G N E .a a - - . ■ ■ > > V .'^ O P P IO E liu

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