lustrian map campaign

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  • 7/29/2019 lUstrian Map Campaign




    THE NEW WORLDMap-Based Campaign in the Land of LustriaTo accompany theConquest of the NewWorld node campaigndescribed in the bookletenclosed with last monthsissue, Eric Sarlin brings

    you the Invasion of theNew World, an alternative

    campaign system for thissummers Lustriaactivities. This campaignis compatible with the

    map-based campaign rulesfrom Chapter 2 ofTheGenerals Compendium.

    Maximilian von Schdel stepped out of the long boat and listened with

    satisfaction as his boots crunched the gravel of the Lustrian shore. Here at

    last, he thought. Spread out, he shouted. I want skirmishers in the brush

    and at the ready. Scouts, quick patrol of the jungle within 500 yards of the

    lagoon. Move!

    By Sigmar, it was hot, and the journey had been long and hard. But if even a

    fraction of the tales told about the New World were true, he and his men

    would be sailing home within a month, their coffers full of Lustrian gold. But

    first things first, thought von Schdel. There was a beach to be secured, camp to

    be made, patrols to be organizedhe had much to do. Within minutes, hisscouts reported that the immediate area was clear.

    Von Schdel barked, Long boats, return to the ship. Bring food, supplies, and

    canvas for tents. Before von Schdel could complete the order, the man in

    front of him collapsed. What the? Another man dropped, then another. Von

    Schdel spied a small dart protruding from the neck of the last man to fall

    and suddenly understood. He began to yell to his men to take up defensive

    positions, but his orders were lost in the din of the screaming of the patrols.

  • 7/29/2019 lUstrian Map Campaign




    Invasion of the New World is thesecond campaign system presented byWhite Dwarfmagazine for the 2005

    Lustria summer activity. Both theInvasion campaign and the Conquest

    campaign detailed in the bookletincluded with last months issue aremap campaigns, and poster-sized

    maps for both are included with thismagazine. The Conquest version of

    the campaign uses the node campaignrules described in Warhammer

    Realms: Lustria, while the Invasion

    version uses the map-based campaignrules from Chapter 2 ofThe Generals

    Compendium. It is our hope that, withtwo options for participating in this

    summers Lustria activities, playerswill find a campaign style that suitstheir tastes.

    The campaign presented here includes

    a number of hobby projects, scenarios,

    and other gaming ideas that playerscan use for one-off games as well ascampaign games.

    In order to play the Invasioncampaign presented here, players will

    need a copy ofWarhammer Realms:Lustria, The Generals Compendium,

    the Conquest of the New Worldbooklet from WD304, this article, andthe enclosed map. While not strictly

    necessary, players may also find ituseful to have copies of the counters

    included in WD284.

    CAMPAIGN RULESThe Invasion of the New Worldcampaign uses the map-based

    campaign rules from Chapter 2 ofThe

    Generals Compendium. Rules specific

    to this campaign that differ from those

    listed in The Generals Compendium

    are detailed below.

    BANNER SIZEThe standard banner size for the

    Invasion of the New World campaign

    is 1,800 points. This points size makes

    for a challenging campaign, as players

    may only bring Lord-level characters

    and additional Special and Rare

    choices when they can position their

    troops in such a way to take

    advantage ofFortification, support,

    and other bonuses to bring their

    banner size to 2,000 points or more.

    With 1,800 points as the standard size,

    the campaign encourages clever and

    tactical play. Of course, you can set

    the banner size at a different level if

    you wish. We recommend a level

    between 1,500 and 2,500 points. If

    you choose to use banners smaller or

    larger than this size, you will need to

    adjust the numbers of points that

    things likeFortification and supportadd to your banners per the

    guidelines suggested on p. 61 ofThe

    Generals Compendium.

    Warbands Option. Players who arelooking for the challenge of a map-

    based campaign and who are pressed

    for playing time can make the

    campaign much more manageable by

    using very small banners per the

    warbands rules published in WD 296

    & 297. Banners can thus be 500

    points or smaller, and several

    campaign games could be played in a

    single evening or weekend afternoon.If you decide on this option, you will

    need to adjust the numbers of points

    that things likeFortification and

    support add to your banners per the

    guidelines suggested on p. 61 ofThe

    Generals Compendium. For instance,

    supporting banners normally add 200

    points to the fighting banners size.

    Alter the rule so that supporting

    banners add 10%. Thus, if youre

    playing a campaign in which banners

    represent 350-point warbands,

    supporting banners would add 35

    points worth of troops. All otherbonuses and penalties to banner size

    should be adjusted similarly.

    Players may also wish to adjust some

    of the scenario rules so that they are

    appropriate for warband-scale gaming.

    For instance, it is possible to

    encounter a Carnosaur in the Darkest

    Jungle scenario. Such a powerful

    creature could easily destroy most

    warbands and could be replaced by

    something far less powerful, perhaps

    a Saurus Hero or Salamander.

    CAMPAIGN BATTLESPlayers have three options when itcomes to resolving battles in the

    campaign. Before the campaign

    begins, players should discuss these

    options and decide which one to use

    for every battle in the campaign.

    Option 1: Pitched Battles. Per thestandard map-based campaign rules

    described in Chapter 2 ofThe

    Generals Compendium, all battles are

    Pitched Battles. However, the

    following rules from pp. 5-9 of

    Rules for map-based

    campaigns of this type

    appear in Chapter 2 of The

    Generals Compendium,

    available through Direct

    Services at 1-800-394-GAME

    or from the Online Store at

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    Black Powder Weapons,Flyers, TheLay of the Land,Loose Order, and

    Events & Encounters.

    LUSTRIAN MERCENARIESPlayers may include the Lustrian

    Regiments of Renown Tichi Huichis

    Raiders, Pirazzos Lost Legion, and the

    Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast

    in their banners per the rules in the

    Conquest of the New Worldbooklet.

    The For Hire rules for each of these

    regiments apply to this campaign in

    the same way they do for the

    Conquest campaign. (Thus, for

    instance, Zombie Pirates may beincluded as a Special choice in Evil

    and Neutral armies in this campaign.)

    Of course, players may include other

    Dogs of War regiments and Regiments

    of Renown in their banners per the

    normal rules as well.

    SELECTING ANHQ TERRITORYBecause of the long coastline of the

    narrow isthmus on the Invasion map,

    the rules for selecting an HQ mapsection in this campaign are slightly

    different than those listed in The

    Generals Compendium.

    Each player rolls 2D6 (dice off to

    settle ties) to determine the order in

    which HQ map sections will be

    selected (highest picks first).

    Regardless of the number of players

    involved, players must select a map

    section on the coastline of the

    mainland as their HQ. Island,

    riverbank, marsh, road, bridge, and

    special map sections are not

    acceptable as HQ territories. Playersmay not choose an HQ territory

    adjacent to another players HQ

    territory. Lizardmen players have a bit

    more freedom in selecting their HQ

    map section (seeArmy-Specific Rules).

    Place an HQ counter and a

    single banner in each players HQ

    map section. Thereafter, campaign

    play proceeds as normal per the

    rules in Chapter 2 ofThe

    Generals Compendium.

    Warhammer Realms: Lustria applyto all of these games:Black Powder

    Weapons,Flyers, The Lay of the

    Land,Loose Order, andEvents

    & Encounters.

    Option 2: Jungle Scenarios. For

    each campaign battle, players should

    roll a D6, consult the chart on p. 10 of

    Warhammer Realms: Lustria, and play

    the indicated scenario. If all the

    players agree, they could modify the

    chart on p. 10 to include Pitched

    Battles with Lustria rules as described

    in Option 1 above and/or the two

    scenarios from the Conquest of theNew Worldbooklet.

    Option 3: Warbands. If players

    choose the warbands option

    described in theBanner Size section,

    players should use the Little War

    warbands scenario from WD296. If

    all players agree, they may

    incorporate elements of the Ongoing

    Little War scenario from WD298

    and/or any of the following rules

    from Warhammer Realms: Lustria:

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    ARMY-SPECIFICRULESThe following armies use the army-

    specific rules described on pp. 40-41ofThe Generals Compendium forthis campaign: Beasts of Chaos,

    Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarfs, DarkElves, Dwarfs, Empire, High Elves,

    Hordes of Chaos (Daemonic), Hordesof Chaos (Mortal), Orcs & Goblins,Skaven, Tomb Kings, and Wood Elves.

    Note that, in this campaign,

    alternative army lists such as theRed Host of Tehenhauin, the

    Bubonic Court of Nurglitch,Archaons Horde, or the ArtilleryTrain of Nuln are acceptable. These

    alternative armies use the army-specific rules for the parent army

    (e.g., a player with a Slayer Army ofKarak Kadrin would use the army-

    specific rules for Dwarfs).

    DOGS OF WARIgnore the rules listed in

    The Generals

    Compendium for Dogs of

    War armies. Instead, the followingrule applies.

    The mercenaries who travel to Lustriaare a hardy breed whose avarice

    knows no bounds. They have riskeddisease, dismemberment, and death

    for the promise of treasure in theNew World and will defend their gold

    with fury and zeal. As such, thePaymasters keys are even moreprized than usual. The key adds +2

    to combat resolution (instead of thenormal +1). In addition, Dogs of Warunits within 18" of the key (instead of

    the normal 12") may reroll failedBreak Tests.

    LIZARDMENIn addition to the rulethat allows Lizardmen

    banners to cross riverswithout making a Difficult Terrain

    Test, the following rules apply.

    Lizardmen banners may travelbetween islands and between anisland and the mainland without

    making aDifficult Terrain Test.

    Lizardmen are not limited tocoastline territories as their HQ

    map sections and may insteadchoose an HQ in any map sectionexcept island, riverbank, marsh,

    road, bridge, or special mapsections or map sections adjacent

    to another players HQ territory.

    OGRE KINGDOMSNote that the following

    rules apply to OgreBanners in all map-based

    campaigns (e.g., the Border Princesand Valley Grismerie campaigns), not

    just this one.

    Ogres are accustomed to steep andmountainous terrain. Thus, any Ogrebanner may reroll a failed Difficult

    Terrain Testwhen attempting toenter a mountainous map section.

    Also, Ogre societies seldom build

    permanent settlements and mostoften lead a nomadic existence. Assuch, Ogre banners can move their

    HQ. An Ogre banner that begins itsturn in a map section containing the

    Ogres HQ counter may be given aRelocate order. Essentially, theRelocate order is a standard Move

    order, except that the HQ counter

    moves along with the banner. Movingthe HQ in a caravan is a difficultprocess, however. Thus, regardless ofthe type of terrain, a Difficult Terrain

    Test is always required to move theHQ (this test may NOT be rerolled to

    enter mountainous map sections perthe Ogre rule above). Of course, thebanner must complete its move

    successfully for the HQ counter tomove. Note that a successful

    Relocation MAY move the HQcounter into map sections ordinarilynot available as HQ locations:

    riverbanks, marshes, roads, bridges,or special map sections.

    VAMPIRE COUNTSIgnore the rules listed in

    The Generals

    Compendium for VampireCount armies. Instead, the following

    rule applies.

    All Vampire Count armies in thiscampaign are in league with LuthorHarkon. As such, one character

    model in each Vampire Count bannermay take the Ebony Skulls for free

    (though the associated Zombie

    Pirates must be paid for normally).See p. 14 of the Conquest of the NewWorldbooklet for details.


    map sections on the Invasionof the New World map. The following

    rules apply to them.

    Mountains,Riverbanks, Roads,Bridges, Marshes.These map sectionsfunction exactly asdescribed in TheGeneralsCompendium. Note

    that map sections 50, 60, and 97 areMarshes. Note also that map section33 functions as both a special mapsection and a bridge.

    Jungle.Jungle mapsections functionexactly like Forestsas described in TheGeneralsCompendium.

    Plains. There are no plains map sectionson the Invasion of the New World map.

    Islands. Mapsections 38-43represent theSulpheret Islandsand ChotecsCauseway, and afew special rulesapply to these map

    sections. When a banner is given ordersto move across water to an island mapsection or from an island map sectionto the mainland, make aDifficultTerrain Test. If passed, the banner may

    move as normal. If failed, the bannermustHoldthis turn. Thus, a bannerwould have to make aDifficult TerrainTestto move from section 41 to 42 (or

    vice versa), from section 43 to 52 (orvice versa), or from section 38 to 39 (orvice versa). However, a banner wouldNOT have to make aDifficult TerrainTestto move from section 39 to 41 (or

    vice versa).

    Lakes and Open

    Water. There are afew lakes and areas ofopen water on the

    map. These areas areNOT map sectionsunto themselves, andno banner of any

    kind may enter, cross, control, or occupythese areas of the map. Note, howeverthat map sections 67 and 73 areconnected by a thin strip of land betweenthe two central lakes, and banners maymove normally from one to the other(though, of course, aDifficult TerrainTestwill be required for most banners toenter mountainous map section 67).


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    SPECIAL MAP SECTIONSThe following special map sections

    appear on the Invasion of the New

    World map. The descriptions on the

    following pages explain the special

    rules that apply to these map sections,

    the armies that control them, and any

    battles that are fought in them. Note

    that each special map section has an

    associated scenario with its own

    special rules. However, if both

    players agree, they can add any or

    all of the following special rules

    from Warhammer Realms: Lustria to

    battles fought in special map sections:

    Black Powder Weapons,Flyers, The

    Lay of the Land,Loose Order, and

    Events & Encounters.

    Colony of Skeggisdottirs[MAP SECTION 39]

    Years ago, a group of maidens left

    the Norse continent of Skeggi and

    settled upriver on a small island,

    which became known as the Heart

    of Darkness, home of the

    Amazons. The women took to

    worshipping the Lizardmen gods

    and perpetuated the warrior

    culture of their Norse brothers.

    Eventually, a splinter group of

    Amazons left this settlement to

    explore the land of Lustria and

    eventually settled on one of the

    Sulpheret Islands in an area near a

    great volcano.


    Control of the Colony ofSkeggisdottirs. The realm thatcontrols the map section

    containing the Colony of

    Skeggisdottirs may add a single

    unit of Amazons to each of thebanners under its control. TheAmazon unit does not count

    against the points value of the

    banner in question but does

    count as a Rare Dogs of War

    choice. Use the rules for Empire

    Free Companies to represent the

    Amazons. In most campaigns, the

    unit of Amazons should be 20strong and include full command.

    However, in campaigns with very

    large or very small banners or

    with warband-sized banners, this

    rule should be adjusted such that

    the points value of the Amazonunit is about 5% of the base

    banner size for the campaign.

    Battles. Battles fought in a mapsection containing The Colony of

    Skeggisdottirs are not played

    according to the standard scenario

    for this campaign. Play the Trial byFire scenario instead.

    Razed. If the Colony ofSkeggisdottirs isRazed, it will no

    longer count toward the numberof banners that a realm may field.

    When the area isRazed, the

    Amazons will leave for greener (orat least less volcanic) pastures.

    Thus, no banner may take

    advantage of the Amazon allies

    that control of the area

    normally affords. However, thearea is still actively volcanic, and

    the Trial by Fire scenario should

    be played as normal. When the

    map sectionRecovers, the

    Amazons return, and all the

    special rules apply as normal.

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    OVERVIEWThe Amazons of the Colony of Skeggisdottirs eke out a

    precarious existence on the edge of an active volcano. Though

    lava and eruptions sometimes interrupt the lives of theAmazons, they seem to insist on living next to the volcano,

    which, some have speculated, they worship as a god. While

    there is a small area of lush tropical jungle where the Amazons

    make their homes, it is rocky, hilly, and unsuitable for battle.

    Thus, any armed conflicts that occur in the area must take

    place on the dangerous lava fields near the great volcano itself.

    The Amazons respect any warriors who will brave the volcanic

    area and triumph there.

    ARMIESBoth armies are chosen from the Warhammer army lists to a

    size determined by the campaign rules.


    The battlefield is devoid of any terrain save several LavaStreams. An ideal battlefield would have two lava streams that

    run from one long table edge to the opposite edge and at least

    one lava stream that runs from one short table edge to the

    opposite edge, though similar layouts like the one shown to

    the left will make for good games as well.

    DEPLOYMENTBoth players roll a die. The higher-scoring player may choose

    his Deployment Zone and places the first unit therein.

    Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a time within

    12" of a long table edge.

    All war machines in a players army are deployed at the

    same time, though they can be deployed in different parts

    of the battlefield.Champions are deployed with their units. Characters may be

    deployed with a unit if they will begin the battle associated

    with that unit, or on their own as a unit of one.

    Scouts and other units with special deployment rules may NOT

    deploy per those rules. The nature of the volcanic terrain

    makes it impossible to find forward hiding places forScouts,

    and the molten rock beneath the surface crust makes it

    impossible for Dwarf Miners or Tomb Scorpions to burrow

    underground. Other troops with other special deployment

    rules will have similar difficulties in this environment.

    WHO GOES FIRST?If one player is in control of the Colony of Skeggisdottirs, he

    may choose whether to go first or second. Otherwise, bothplayers roll a die; the higher-scoring player may choose

    whether to go first or second.

    LENGTH OF GAMEThe game lasts 6 turns.

    SPECIAL RULESLava Streams,Falling Ash,Noxious Clouds.

    See p. 104 ofThe Generals Compendium.

    Amazons. If one of the participating players controls this

    map section, he may include the unit of Amazons (as

    described in Control of the Colony of Skeggisdottirs above).

    Scenario Trial by Fire

    These Amazons are defending their homes and thus will

    Hate all enemy models.

    However, if neither player controls the map section, the

    Amazons will be content to watch from the sidelines to seeif the Trial by Fire brings to light any worthy allies.

    VICTORY CONDITIONSTo determine the winner of this game, calculate Victory

    Points as normal per the rules on p. 198 of the Warhammer

    rulebook. Models destroyed by volcanic effects yield Victory

    Points just as though theyd been destroyed by the enemy.


    Plenty of great Lustrian content can also be found on the web. Forinstance, if you want details on how to create a star tower like theone pictured above, visit: lus tri a/ terrain/ sta r_tower /default.h tm

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    MAKING A LAVA TABLETo create a table with lava streams, take a piece of 1"thick insulation foam and draw out the layout with apermanent marker. Next, cut out the individualsections, nick up the edges so that they are irregularand slightly beveled, and glue the sections down to apiece of particle board cut to the size of your finished

    table. Paint the raised sections with Chaos Blackfollowed by drybrushes of Codex Grey. Paint thelava with streaks of Blazing Orange, SunburstYellow, and Skull White. Concentrate the darker

    colors toward the edges of the channels. If youlike, you can then cap the ends of the table as

    shown and carefully pour resin into the channels. Usea paint brush to help guide the resin into place.

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    The omnipresent Skaven have arrivedin Lustria in force and have

    Ruined Pyramid of Tehen-Pahuax[MAP SECTION 92]


    Control of the Ruined

    Pyramid. The pyramid itself now

    acts as an entranceway to part of

    the Skaven Under-Empire and

    connects to a long tunnel that

    eventually emerges in a faraway

    marshland (map section 50). Theplayer who controls the Ruined

    Pyramid may issueMove orders

    for banners to move between

    map section 92 and map section

    50 (and vice versa).

    Battles. Battles fought in the

    map section with the Ruined

    Pyramid are not played according

    to the standard scenario for this

    campaign. Play the Corrupted

    Temple scenario instead.

    Razed. If the Ruined Pyramid is

    Razed, it will no longer count

    toward the number of banners

    that a realm may field. In

    addition, the tunnel to map

    section 50 will be collapsed and

    will become functional again only

    when the map section Recovers.

    However, the Skaven actually

    prefer ruin and devastation.

    Thus, the Corrupted Temple

    scenario is still played even when

    the area isRazed.

    conquered some of the cities andtemples of the Lizardmen. Thestructures in this map section wereonce great architectural marvelsdesigned by the Slann. Now, they aredecrepit, crumbling things that theSkaven call home. Still, there arerumors that the Skaven have dug anenormous underground tunnel tofacilitate movement under the

    dangerous jungles. This tunnel couldprove to be tactically advantageous tothe realm that controls it.

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    OVERVIEWIn this scenario, two armies clash on the grounds of aonce-great temple of the Lizardmen, a temple that hasfallen into disrepair in the hands of the Skaven who nowpossess it. It is rumored that the Skaven have dug a hugetunnel to a point far to the north, and thus it is likely thatthe Skaven will defend their corrupted territory vigorously.

    ARMIESBoth armies are chosen from the Warhammer army lists toa size determined by the campaign rules.

    BATTLEFIELDPlace a large Lizardman pyramid in the exact center of theboard. In one of the sides of the pyramid facing a shorttable edge is a large hole clawed by the Skaven. Alsopresent are fourCorrupted Spawning Pools, one in eachquarter of the table. A few small copses of jungle vegetationor other jungle terrain can be scattered about the board ifboth players wish.

    DEPLOYMENTBoth players roll a die. The higher-scoring playermay choose his Deployment Zone and places thefirst unit therein.

    Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a timewithin 12" of a long table edge.

    All war machines in a players army are deployed at thesame time, though they can be deployed in different partsof the battlefield.

    Champions are deployed with their units. Characters maybe deployed with a unit if they will begin the battleassociated with that unit, or on their own as a unit of one.

    Scouts and other units with special deployment rules may

    deploy per those rules but do so at great risk. SeeSkaven

    Pickets below.

    WHO GOES FIRST?Both players roll a die. The higher-scoring player maychoose whether to go first or second.

    LENGTH OF GAMEThe scenario lasts 6 turns.

    SPECIAL RULESSkaven Pickets. Either side may attempt to take advantageof special deployment rules likeScouts,Ambush,It Camefrom Below, and the like. Before Turn 1 begins, roll a D6for each unit or individual model attempting to deploy perthose rules. On a result of 1 or 2, the Skaven infesting thearea have found and killed the unit or model, which willtake no part in the game.

    Temple Clanrats.At the start of each player turn, roll a D6.On a result of 1 or 2, a unit of 20 Skaven Clanrats will exit

    D6 Roll Result

    2-4 Miasmic Airs. The diseased airsurrounding the pool becomes thick andchokes those close to it. Any model within8" of the pool must make two Toughnesstests. If both are failed, the model falls

    victim to theMiasmic Airs and is removedas a casualty. Skaven, Daemon, andUndead models as well as models with theMark of Nurgle are immune to this effect.

    5-8 No Effect

    9-10 Rat Swarms. D3 Rat Swarms emerge fromthe pool and move and behave exactly likeTemple Clanrats, described above.

    11-12 Diseased Tentacles. Pustular tentaclesemerge from the pool and grab 2D6members of the closest non-Skaven unit (ifan individual non-Skaven model is closest,it is grabbed instead). Models so ensnaredmay make a single attack against WS4 and

    T4. If a Wound is inflicted, the tentacleswill release the model. If not, the model isdragged beneath the surface of the pooland never seen again.

    Scenario Corrupted Temple

    VICTORY CONDITIONSTo determine the winner of this game, calculate VictoryPoints per the rules on p. 198 of the Warhammer rulebook.All player-controlled models removed as casualties yield

    Victory Points regardless of what caused their destruction:Temple Clanrats, Corrupted Spawning Pooleffects,Skaven

    Pickets, or the enemy. Similarly, Temple Clanrats and RatSwarms emerging from Corrupted Spawning PoolsyieldVictory Points if destroyed.

    from the hole in the side of the pyramid and move toengage the closest non-Skaven unit. The Clanrats willalways charge if eligible to do so. Temple Clanrats will movein the Compulsory Moves Phase of both sides Movement

    Phases and will always move their maximum distancetoward or charge the closest non-Skaven unit.

    Corrupted Spawning Pools.At the start of each playerturn, roll 2D6 for each Spawning Pool that has non-Skavenmodels within 8" of it, consult the chart below, and applythe effects immediately.

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    In this section of the jungle stands a

    curious totem, apparently some long-forgotten idol to a silverback gorilladeity. The history of the people or

    creatures who erected this idol has

    Silverback Idol[MAP SECTION 79]

    CAMPAIGN RULESControl of the Silverback Idol. Rumors of ancient treasures in this

    area seem to be false, as even the most thorough search of the area

    will reveal not even a single coin. However, the jungle around the

    Silverback Idol is home to thousands of monkeys, chimpanzees, and

    orangutans. While these creatures have a reputation as highly

    intelligent animals among the naturalists who study them and the

    sailors who prize them as pets, the simians of this area are more

    clever than even the smartest of their cousins from other places. If a

    player controls the map section containing the Silverback Idol, each

    of his banners will be accompanied by a monkey guide. Monkey

    guides enable banners to reroll failed Diff icult Terrain Tests. Other

    abilities may already allow some banners to reroll these tests, but

    remember that you may never reroll a reroll.

    Battles. Battles fought in the map section containing the Silverback

    Idol are not played according to the standard campaign scenario.

    Play the Apes of the Idol scenario instead.

    Razed. If the Silverback Idol map section isRazed, it will no longer

    count toward the number of banners that a realm may field. In

    addition, none of the special rules apply, and the map section is

    treated as another jungle section. Play a normal campaign scenario

    instead of the Apes of the Idol scenario. When the map section

    Recovers, the Silverback Idol will be rebuilt or repaired; the monkeys

    will return; and all the special rules apply as normal.

    been lost to time, but it is rumored

    that great treasures, former sacrificesto the silverback god, can be found in

    the area, if one can survive the manydangers of this area of the jungle.

    MAKING A RUINED TEMPLEThe ziggurat-style temple is an easily built

    scenery piece that can serve as a perfectcenterpiece to your Lustrian-

    themed scenery collection.Most modelers use

    insulation foam and foamcore to

    build the temple. They use a standardthickness of foam and stack smaller levelsatop of one another until the desiredheight is achieved. Space prevents us from

    going into detailed step-by-stepinstructions here. However, WD 281 &

    282 include a variety of inspirational materialssure to get you on the right track in creatingyour own temples and spawning pools.

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    OVERVIEWThis area of the Lustrian jungle is rife with simian creatures

    of all types. They seem to be attracted to an ancient idol

    that resembles a silverback gorilla. Though it is rumoredthat many treasures, old sacrifices to the silverback god,

    can be found in the area, few explorers have found

    anything of value here. Nonetheless, the number of

    monkeys and apes in the area is extraordinary, and these

    creatures seem to possess an intelligence that surpasses

    that of even some of the brighter greenskins of the

    Warhammer world.

    ARMIESBoth armies are chosen from the Warhammer army lists to

    a size determined by the campaign rules.

    BATTLEFIELDSet up the battlefield in any mutually agreeable manner,

    though the battlefield should include a lot of jungle treesand terrain. Place the Silverback Idol in the exact center of

    the board, and then roll the scatter die. Move the Idol 3D6"

    in the direction indicated.

    DEPLOYMENTBoth players roll a die. The higher-scoring player may

    choose his Deployment Zone (see map) and places the first

    unit therein.

    Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a time

    within his Deployment Zone.

    All war machines in a players army are deployed at the

    same time, though they can be deployed in different parts

    of the battlefield.

    Champions are deployed with their units. Characters maybe deployed with a unit if they will begin the battle

    associated with that unit, or on their own as a unit of one.

    Scouts and other units with special deployment rules may

    deploy per those rules.

    WHO GOES FIRST?Both players roll a die. The higher-scoring player may

    choose whether to go first or second.

    LENGTH OF GAMEThe game lasts at least 5 turns. At the end of the 5th turn,

    roll a D6. On a 2+, play a 6th turn. On a result of 1, the

    game ends.

    At the end of the 6th turn, roll a D6. On a 4+, play a 7thturn. Otherwise, the game ends.

    At the end of the 7th and subsequent turns, roll a D6. On a

    6+, play another turn. Otherwise, the game ends.

    SPECIAL RULESMonkey Reactions. The intelligent monkeys and apesin the area will likely react to any troops who are

    trespassing in their territory. At times, the simians will act

    to hinder or harm the trespassers. At others, they will act

    to help the soldiers.

    At the start of his turn, each player should roll a D6 for

    each unit or individual model in his force. On a result of 1,the monkeys will react to the unit or model. Roll 2D6 andconsult the Monkey Reaction Table to determine the effects.

    A player who controls the map section containing theSilverback Idol may adjust his rolls on the Monkey ReactionTable up or down by 1 or 2 if he wishes.

    In addition, any unit within 12" of the Silverback Idol will

    inspire a Monkey Reaction on a roll of 1 or 2 (instead ofjust 1) and must subtract 2 from the 2D6 roll on theMonkey Reaction Table, as the monkeys become more

    defensive when a stranger approaches the Idol.

    VICTORY CONDITIONSTo determine the winner of this game, calculate VictoryPoints as normal per the rules on p. 198 of theWarhammer rulebook.

    In addition, each side may add +50 VPs for each ChunkyMonkey, Monkey Pal, Monkey Helper, and Brass Monkey

    associated with its units at the end of the game. The sidewith a unit closest to the Silverback Idol at the end of thegame may also add +200 VPs to its total (fleeing units,monsters, and individual characters dont count).

    Scenario Apes of the Idol

    CONVERTING MONKEYSWe created monkey models outof a plastic cocktail monkey (Right)and an archive Warhammer familiar(Below). If youre crazy enough, liketalented sculptor Ben Bishop, youcould create your own from scratch.

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    2D6 Roll Result

    2-3 Come Back Here, You Little A monkey swoops down from thetrees and snatches a magic item from the unit and/or character. Ifthe unit and/or character has multiple magical items, randomly

    determine which one is stolen. If the unit/character has no magicalitems, the monkey steals a standard instead. If the unit/character hasnone of these things, reroll on this table.

    The monkey flees directly away from the unit 2D6". The unit may tryto catch the fleeing monkey, exactly as if pursuing a fleeing enemyunit. If the unit catches the monkey, the magic item or standard isreturned to its appropriate owner, though, of course, the unit willhave to move out of position to recapture its property. The unit mayroll to restrain pursuit as normal, unless forced to pursue by rule.

    If the monkey escapes, roll a D6. On a result of 1-3, the itemdisappears into the jungle never to be seen again. On a result of 4-6,the monkey delivers the item to the enemy. The opposing playermay give any magic items to a character in the army, who may use itas he sees fit. The opposing player may give any unit standards toany unit in his army. The standards will count as captured standards

    when Victory Points are tallied and may be recaptured as normal.

    4 Apes Attack! Gorillas, orangutans, and other large apes appearfrom the treetops and dense foliage and make a speedy attack onthe unit, which takes D6 S3 hits. If the unit suffers a number ofcasualties equal to 25% or more of its current numbers, it mustmake aPanic test or flee. The monkeys disappear almost as quicklyas they appeared. The unit is not engaged in combat for this turnand thus may move normally (unless fleeing).

    5 Funky Monkey. Though the monkeys in this area are known fortheir almost human-like intelligence, the same cannot be said fortheir personal hygiene. Place a Funky Monkey token next to theunit. Until a new Monkey Reaction is generated for this unit, thesoldiers will suffer from the awful stench and thus a -1 WS penalty.

    6-7 Monkeys FlingEwww! The monkeys take umbrage at thepresence of the intruders and retaliate by flinging filth, rotten food,

    and other disgusting items at the unit. While this attack does noharm to the troops, it is rather distracting. The unit must make aLeadership test at -2 or can do nothing but stand in place for theremainder of the turn. UnitsImmune to Psychology are not affectedby this attack.

    8-9 Chunky Monkey.A group of rotund monkeys offers the unitbananas, mangoes, and other tropical fruits. These nourishing foodsrefresh the unit to a remarkable extent. Place a Chunky Monkeytoken next to the unit. Until a new Monkey Reaction is generatedfor this unit, it remainsImmune to Panic, and Halfling and Ogremodels gain +1 Initiative in addition. This Monkey Reaction has noeffect on Undead or Daemonic models.

    10 Monkey Pal.A happy little monkey befriends the unit. Place aMonkey Pal counter next to the unit. Make no additional MonkeyReaction rolls for this unit for the remainder of the game.

    11 Monkey Helper.A very helpful little monkey runs ahead of the unitand gestures for the unit to follow. The monkey seems to lead theunit exactly where it wants to go along a path that avoids thedensest areas of jungle. The unit may add +1 to its M characteristicuntil a new Monkey Reaction is generated for the unit. Place aMonkey Helper counter next to the unit.

    12 Brass Monkey.A large monkey adorned with brass bracelets andnecklaces perches itself on the shoulder of a member of the unit.Place a Brass Monkey counter next to the unit. The Brass Monkeyacts as both a Monkey Pal and a Monkey Helper for the remainderof the game. In addition, the unit gains three rerolls which can beused to reroll any single die roll that affects the unit.

    MAKING ASILVERBACK TOTEMMaking a suitable SilverbackTotem can be easier than youthink. Use a 40K Krootox bodyand a Chaos Ogre head as astarting point. Remove the

    Krootox rider, glue thecomponents together, and begintexturing the model with greenstuff. When sculpting fur, its bestto work in sections. Start at thebottom of the model and workupward with repetitive, jabbingstrokes. Allow one section to drybefore moving on to the next.Use reference materials whenmodifying the Ogre face to

    resemble that of agorilla, and

    soon youllbe finished!

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    The ancient Slann knew theimportance of the crossroads thatconnected their great northerncauseway to the two major routesleading southwest and southeast into

    Ancient Crossroads[MAP SECTION 68]


    Control of the AncientCrossroads. The map section

    containing the AncientCrossroads bestows no

    particular benefits to the

    controlling realm, other than

    permitting easy access to the

    southern roads and thusfacilitating troop movement.

    Battles. Battles fought inthe map section containingthe Ancient Crossroads are

    not played according to the

    standard scenario for this

    campaign. Play the Guardian

    of the Crossroads

    scenario instead.Razed. If the AncientCrossroads map section isRazed, it will no longer count

    toward the number of banners

    that a realm may field. In

    addition, none of the special

    rules apply, and the map section

    is just another jungle section;

    play a normal campaign

    scenario instead of Guardian of

    the Crossroads. When the map

    section Recovers, the map

    section will count toward the

    number of banners that a realmmay field. However, the

    Guardian will remain

    desecrated. Thus, its powers are

    gone, and a normal campaignscenario should be played

    instead of Guardian of the

    Crossroads. Note that

    Lizardmen banners of any kind

    (e.g., Southlands banners, RedHost of Tehenhauin) man not

    Raze the Ancient Crossroads.

    the lower continent of Lustria. Assuch, they directed their Skink andSaurus minions to construct a giantedifice of stone to act as the guardianof this tactically important territory.

    MAKING THE GUARDIANStart by sketching out your design fromthe side, top, and front. Transfer yoursketch to a piece of balsa foam, and cutit out with your sketches as a guide.Balsa foam has a texture that is easilyshaped and sanded and can be found atmost art supply stores.

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    OVERVIEWFor centuries, the ancient stone Guardian of the Lizardmen

    has stood sentry over the crossroads. Ever watchful overthe lands of the Slann, this statue is rumored to have

    mystical powers capable of decimating entire armies.

    ARMIESBoth armies are chosen from the Warhammer army lists to

    a size determined by the campaign rules.

    BATTLEFIELDThe battlefield can be set up in any mutually agreeable

    manner. Three stretches of road should be placed on theboard. These can be fully modeled roadways or simply

    lengths of the board free of jungle trees and other terrain.In the exact center of the board, place the Guardian statue.

    DEPLOYMENTBoth players roll a die. The higher-scoring playermay choose his Deployment Zone and places the

    first unit therein.

    Taking it in turns, each player deploys one unit at a time

    within 12" of a long table edge.

    All war machines in a players army are deployed at thesame time, though they can be deployed in different parts

    of the battlefield.

    Champions are deployed with their units. Characters may

    be deployed with a unit if they will begin the battleassociated with that unit, or on their own as a unit of one.

    Scouts and other units with special deployment rules maydeploy per those rules.

    WHO GOES FIRST?Both players roll a die. The higher-scoring player may

    choose whether to go first or second.


    The game lasts 6 turns.SPECIAL RULESThe Guardian. In each Magic Phase, before any otherspells are cast, the Guardian statue will cast one spell. Roll

    a D6 and consult the table below to determine which spellis cast. This spell counts as a bound spell with a Power

    Level of 5. Either player may attempt to dispel the spell byusing Power or Dispel Dice or a magic item. The Guardian

    has a 360 arc of fire, even forMagic Missile spells.

    If a Lizardman player is participating in the battle, he may

    roll a D6 in each Magic Phase. On a roll of 4+, he maynominate the target of the Guardians spell.

    Scenario Guardian of the Crossroads

    D6 Roll Result

    1 The Fiery Blast spell (Lore of Fire) is castat the unit closest to the Guardian. If nounits are in range, no spell is cast.

    2 The Transmutation of Lead spell (Loreof Metal) is cast at the unit closest to theGuardian that is engaged in closecombat. If no units are in range or nounits in range are engaged in combat,no spell is cast.

    3 The Forked Lightning spell (Lore ofthe Heavens) is cast on the unit closestto the Guardian.

    4 The Healing Hands spell (Lore ofLight) is cast on a character model whohas suffered Wounds. If more than onecharacter has suffered Wounds, choosethe one who is closest to the Guardian.If no characters have suffered Woundsor no characters are on the table, nospell is cast.

    5 The Master of Stone spell (Lore of Life)is cast on a unit that is within range ofan appropriate terrain feature. If multipleunits are in range of an appropriateterrain feature, randomly decide whichis the target. If no units are within rangeof an appropriate terrain feature, nospell is cast.

    6 The Doom and Darkness spell (Lore ofDeath) is cast on the unit closest to theGuardian. If no units are in range, no

    spell is cast.

    VICTORY CONDITIONSBoth armies must attempt to capture the Guardian by

    having a unit within 6" of the Guardian at games end.

    Fleeing units, monsters, and individual characters cannot

    capture the objective. If both armies have units within 6" of

    the Guardian at games end, count up the Unit Strength of

    each sides units that are within 6" of the objective. The

    side with the higher total wins. The game is a tie if this

    total is equal.

    Note that capturing the objective will be difficult, as the

    Guardian will tend to cast spells at those units closest to it.

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    Control of Bridge

    on the Serpents Tongue.

    The map section containing

    the Bridge bestows no particular

    benefits to the controlling realm,

    other than permitting easy

    access to the road running

    northsouth and thus facilitating

    troop movement.

    Battles. Before fighting the main

    battle for control of the map

    section containing the Bridge on

    the Serpents Tongue, players

    should play the skirmish scenario

    entitled To Cross the Serpents

    Tongue. The outcome of the

    skirmish battle will influence the

    terms of the main battle, which is

    fought somewhere in the jungle

    proximate to the narrow bridgeand the cliffs over the river, an

    area too steep and precarious for

    large armies to do battle. Thus,

    after the skirmish battle is

    complete, players should fight

    another standard campaign battle.

    Razed. If the Bridge on the

    Serpents Tongue map section is

    Razed, it will no longer count

    toward the number of banners

    that a realm may field. In addition,

    the bridge will be destroyed, and

    banners must make a successful

    Difficult Terrain Testto cross tothe other side of the river as

    described underBridges on p. 38

    ofThe Generals Compendium.

    When the section isRazed, To

    Cross the Serpents Tongue

    should not be played prior to the

    standard campaign scenario.

    When the map sectionRecovers,

    all the special rules and bridge

    rules apply as normal.

    South of the small mountain range

    known as the Grey Guardians, a river

    called the Serpents Tongue winds its

    way through the Lustrian landscape

    into the Jungles of Despair. This river

    interrupts the ancient causeway that

    connects the city of Hexoatl to points

    north and is spanned by a rope bridge

    just large and sturdy enough to

    permit stout-hearted teamsters todrive carts and wagons across it.

    Hurricanes and warfare have

    destroyed this bridge many times over

    the years, but the methodical

    Lizardmen as well as merchants and

    explorers have always rebuilt it to

    facilitate travel and trade throughout

    the area. Control of the bridge is of

    enormous tactical importance to those

    who seek to control territory in this

    region of the New World.

    Bridge on the Serpents Tongue[MAP SECTION 33]

    MAKING AQUATIC CREATURESSmall triangular pieces of plasticard can makeconvincing piranha swarms. Simply cut outthe triangles and set them in a pool of wood

    glue on a 60-mm base. Othercreatures like

    crocodiles can beas easy to createas a trip to thelocal toy store.Simply cut them in

    half, glue themdown, and paint them!

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    In this scenario, the Attackers are attempting to cross the ropebridge that spans the river known as the Serpents Tongue inorder to scout the area beyond, gather tactical information, andsecure the area for a banner that follows. The Defenders are

    trying to defend their lands and prevent the enemy from usingthe valuable bridge.

    MODELS NEEDEDAttackers

    Up to 300 points worth of troops. These troops mayinclude Core models and up to one Hero worth up to 85points with all equipment and options.


    Up to 150 pointsworth of troops. These troops mayinclude Core models and up to one Hero worth up to 65points with all equipment and options.

    No model on either side may take any magic items.

    Any model on either side may be equipped with a grapplinghook for 1 point per model.

    BATTLEFIELDSet up a 4' x 4' board with a river running diagonally fromcorner to corner, two cliff faces, a few rocky spires at least astall as the cliffs in the center of the river, and bridge with threesections spanning the chasm.

    OBJECTIVESThe Attackers must move at least three models across thechasm and off of the table from a board edge in the DefendersDeployment Zone. The Defenders must destroy all theAttacking models before they achieve their goal. Alternatively, ifone side fails a Rout Test, the other side automatically wins.

    DEPLOYMENTThe side that controls the territory acts as the Defender. Ifneither side controls the territory, dice off to determine whowill act as the Attacker and Defender.

    The Defender sets up half of his models on top of the cliff onhis side of the board.

    The Attacker then sets up his entire force either on top ofthe cliff or on the ledges of the cliff face itself on his side ofthe board.

    The Defender then sets up his remaining models either on topof the cliff or on the ledges of the cliff face on his side of theboard. The Defender may also position up to four models onthe bridges, spires, or platforms between the cliffs.

    Once all troops are placed, each player places one base ofAquatic Creatures in the river. Dice off to determine who

    places first.

    WHO GOES FIRST?The Attacker takes the 1st turn.

    SPECIAL RULESSkirmish. This battle is a Skirmish game. All the rules on pp.242-246 of the Warhammer rulebook apply. Pay particularattention to the rules for climbing and falling, all of whichapply to this game. Models equipped with grappling hooksmay reroll their Initiative tests when climbing up or down.Remember that models that are Knocked Down or Stunnedwithin 1" of the edge of a cliff face, bridge, or other sheer dropmust make an Initiative test or fall.

    Bridges.Although the bridges and platforms that span thechasm may look rickety and dangerous, they were designed bythe ingenious Slann and constructed by dedicated Lizardmenworkers. As such, the bridges and platforms cannot be

    destroyed in this scenario. Destroying the sturdy bridgesrequires a banner to make aRaze action per the map-basedcampaign rules.

    Falling into the Water. Falling from the bridges and cliff facesonto the beach or a cliff ledge is almost always lethal. However,a few lucky warriors have been known to survive a fall into theriver. If a model falls into the water, halve the Strength(rounding down) of the hits the model suffers. Note that themaximum Strength of falling hits is 10; thus, at worst, a modelfalling into the river will suffer D3 S5 hits.

    Swimming. Models in the water may swim per the rules on p.139 ofThe Generals Compendium. Models in the water thathave been Knocked Down or Stunned must still make a roll. AStunned or Knocked Down model can only float or tread waterwith a successful test (i.e., the model cannot move until it

    recovers) but may still drown per the normal rules.

    Models with theAquatic special rule may move normally, butcan still drown if Knocked Down or Stunned.

    Aquatic Creatures. The rivers of Lustria are fraught with perils:piranhas, crocodiles, anacondas, and some creatures ofunnatural origin. Two round bases 60 mm in diameterrepresenting dangerousAquatic Creatures are placed in theriver at the beginning of the game as detailed in theDeploymentsection. Each turn, both players roll a D6. Thehigher-scoring player chooses one of the bases ofAquaticCreatures and moves it 2D6" in a direction of his choice. TheAquatic Creatures cannot move out of the river. Any models,friend or foe, touched by the base ofAquatic Creatures take asingle S4 hit. The lower-scoring player then moves the otherbase in the same way. One base ofAquatic Creatureswill

    never attack the other base, andAquatic Creatures cannot bedestroyed or attacked in any manner.

    PART OF A LARGER GAMEThe side that wins this scenario will win temporary control ofthe bridge before the larger battle and thus will be able to movetroops through the area with greater efficiency. The winner ofthis battle may bring 10% more points of troops and maychoose his Deployment Zone in the main battle.

    Skirmish Scenario To Cross the Serpents Tongue

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    MODELING A ROPE BRIDGE TABLEBegin the construction of your rope bridge table bybuilding up cliff sides from layers of stacked insulationfoam and gluing them together with wood glue. Use ahobby knife to shape the cliff face. Make sure it is irregularenough to hide the seams between the stacked pieces. Tryto create a natural appearance with places for models tostand. When youre satisfied with the appearance of yourcliff, whisk away any excess foam, coat the cliff walls with athin layer of wood glue, and sprinkle sand onto the glueto make a textured surface. Create the spires of rock in thecenter of the river in a similar fashion. Use spacklingcompound or tile mastic to coat the foam. When the

    coverage dries, sand it down to make a smooth, erodedsurface. Apply a layer of sand as you did on the cliff faces.For the bridges, take two pieces of twine about 4" longerthan the gap the bridge is going to span and tape them toyour work surface. Cut strips of balsa wood and glue themdown side by side on top of the two pieces of twine. Leavea slight gap between each strip. Affix the bridge to yourcliff faces with glue and pushpins. Make blocks from foamand glue them down where the bridges meet the cliffs.Use metal eyelets for the rope tether points. Make therope bridge sides by tying smaller pieces of twine to thebridge bottom and then tying them to the railing.

    With clearsiliconecaulk, youcan makewhitewatereffects onpoured resin.

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    Though almost every area of

    Lustria is thick with vegetation,

    some areas, like the region known

    as Columbos Forest, are

    particularly dense and full of peril.

    It is a brave man indeed whoenters Columbos Forest, for fewwho do ever return.

    Marco Columbo, who discoveredand named this area of jungle,

    reported sighting Lizardman

    treasures and artifacts through the

    dense brush. However, he and his

    men lost their way before they

    could claim these riches.

    Columbos Forest[MAP SECTION 49]


    Control of Columbos Forest. If a general controls the map sectioncontaining Columbos Forest, he may plunder the cache of Lizardman

    artifacts hidden there and distribute them to his banners. Each banner underthe generals command may include any item from the Lizardman magic item

    list for free. Obviously, items listed asSlann Mage-Priest only orSkink only

    cannot be used by other types of characters.Battles. Battles fought in Columbos Forest are not played accordingto the standard scenario for this campaign. Play the Darkest Jungle

    scenario instead.

    Razed. If Columbos Forest isRazed, it will no longer count toward thenumber of banners that a realm may field. The area is burned to the ground,

    and all the hidden treasures are destroyed. Thus, none of the special rulesapply, and the special scenario should not be played. If the area Recovers, the

    map section will count toward the number of banners that a realm may field,but is nothing more than a simple jungle map section for the remainder ofthe campaign.

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    OVERVIEWThe deepest areas of jungle are rumored to have the greatest

    treasuresand the greatest dangers.

    ARMIESBecause of the density of the jungle terrain in this area ofLustria, full-sized banners are too large and cumbersome tomaneuver and fight effectively in this area. As such, armies

    can be no larger than 1,000 points for this battle. Incampaigns that use larger banners, assume that any forces in

    excess of 1,000 points make camp just outside of ColumbosForest, while a small, 1,000-point detachment is sent into the

    jungle to explore.

    Because of the nature of the Darkest Jungle, no force mayinclude war machines or chariots. Forces may include cavalryand models on bases 40 mm or larger. However, only models

    on infantry bases that can adoptLoose Formationwill be ableto negotiate the jungle terrain effectively.

    BATTLEFIELDThe battlefield is completely covered by jungle vegetation anddivided into small jigsaw puzzle pieces roughly 6-8" in

    diameter. Each section potentially holds hidden dangers ortreasures, and each must be explored to try and find the cache

    of Lizardman relics.

    Unless searching determines otherwise, the entire table is LightJungle (see Warhammer Realms: Lustria, p. 6).

    DEPLOYMENTBoth players roll a die. The higher-scoring player may chooseone long table edge as his Deployment Zone. His opponent

    will deploy on the opposite long edge.No units are deployed before Turn 1. At the start of eachplayers 1st turn, his units will enter from his long edgeexactly as if they were returning after pursuing a fleeing

    enemy off the table.

    WHO GOES FIRST?Both players roll a die. The higher-scoring player may choosewhether to go first or second.

    LENGTH OF GAMEThe scenario lasts until one side has achieved theVictory Condition.

    Scenario Darkest Jungle

    SPECIAL RULESBlack Powder Weapons,Flyers, The Lay of the Land,Loose

    Order. See Warhammer Realms: Lustria, pp. 5-7.

    Jungle Section. Columbos Forest is a dense area of jungle that

    limits line of sight to a few yards. As such, troops will have only

    a vague idea of what kind of terrain theyre advancing into and

    where their enemies are. As such, the following rules apply to

    the jungle sections or puzzle pieces of this battlefield.

    Units may move as far as their Movement rules and the terrain

    allow. However, as a unit moves into a previously unexplored

    jungle section, roll 3D6 and consult the Jungle Section Table to

    determine what, if anything, was discovered. Place a counter,

    scrap of paper, or appropriate terrain piece on the jungle

    section both to indicate that it has been explored and to

    remind you of what was found there. If it has enough

    Movement to do so, a single unit or model can explore

    multiple jungle sections in a single Movement Phase.Note that, if the Artifact Cache is not found by the time all

    jungle sections have been searched, it will always be located in

    the last jungle section searched.

    As these jungle sections are discovered, troops can get a better

    idea of the lay of the land because of a tall vantage point, a

    clearing that affords a better view, or subtle indicators such as

    warning signs, plaques with pictographs, and ancient glyphs.

    The side that discovers these jungle sections may adjust all

    future rolls on the Jungle Section Table by +/ 1. These effects

    are cumulative. Thus, if one side has discovered two Clearings,

    a Termite Mound, and an area of Ruins, it could adjust all

    future rolls by up to +/ 4. These adjustments may be used to

    find the Artifact Cache.

    Cache. Once the Artifact Cache is discovered, stop the current

    turn immediately. The side that discovered the Artifact Cache

    becomes the Defenders. Start a new turn immediately with the

    Attackers going first. The game will last 3 turns after the Artifact

    Cache is discovered.

    VICTORY CONDITIONSBoth armies must attempt to capture the Artifact Cache by

    having a unit within 6" of the Cache at games end. Fleeing

    units, monsters, and individual characters cannot capture the

    objective. If both armies have units within 6" of the Guardian at

    games end, count up the Unit Strength of each sides units that

    are within 6" of the objective. The side with the higher total

    wins. The game is a tie if this total is equal.

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    Last issue, Jason Buyaki described how to make a jungle table appropriate for thisscenario (see WD304, pp. 76-79). Constructing such a table is a major undertakingthat may be too much for many hobbyists schedules and scenery budgets. You

    can still play the Darkest Jungle scenario by replacing the custom-built puzzlepieces of terrain with green felt or construction paper. Set up as many trees as

    possible on your makeshift puzzle pieces, and youre ready to do battle.

    VICTORY INTHE CAMPAIGNCampaign play lasts for 20 turns. At

    the end of 20 turns, count up the

    number of map sections controlled byeach player. Special map sectionscount as five map sections.Razedmapsections dont count, except for

    Skaven players who may countRazedmap sections as normal. The player

    who controls the most map sectionswins. If two players are tied for first,

    they should play a regular campaigngame to break the tie. If more thantwo players are tied for first, set up a

    playoff tournament to determinethe victor.


    3D6 Roll Result

    3 Carnosaur!As the unit enters the jungle section, it must halt immediately and is charged by a Carnosaur.The Carnosaur will continue to engage the unit until: (i) it breaks from combat, in which case it may be

    run down by pursuing troops or will escape into the thicket never to be seen again, or (ii) it inflicts a

    Wound on an enemy model, in which case it will run off into the thicket to enjoy a meal. In either case,

    when the Carnosaur leaves combat, remove the model from the board.

    4 Quicksand.Areas of quicksand threaten any model that moves through this area. Make an Initiative testfor any model that finds itself in this jungle section at point in the Movement Phase. If failed (a roll of 6

    always fails), the model is sucked under and never seen again. The jungle section is otherwise a simple

    area of Light Jungle.

    5 Snakes. Poisonous jungle snakes attack the unit and inflict D6 S4 hits. The snakes remain in play and willattack any unit that moves into or through this jungle section. The snakes cannot be engaged in combat

    or destroyed in any manner. The jungle section is otherwise a simple area of Light Jungle.

    6 Traps*. The unit falls prey to forgotten snares, pits, and other traps left by hunters or Skinks. The unittakes D6 S3 hits in setting off the traps. All the traps go off as the first unit explores this area, and the

    jungle section is a simple area of Light Jungle thereafter.

    7 Warnings*. Some fearsome warning has been left to deter intruders from entering the area: a pile ofskulls, a body impaled on a stake, or some frightening totem. Units entering this jungle section must

    make an immediate Leadership test. If failed, the unit may move no further this turn. The jungle section isotherwise a simple area of Light Jungle.

    8 Clearing*. Remove all vegetation from the area. This jungle section counts as open terrain.

    9-12 Light Jungle. No effect, but remember to mark this jungle section as explored.

    13 Clearing*. Remove all vegetation from the area. This jungle section counts as open terrain.

    14 Undergrowth*. Remove all vegetation taller than a man-sized model from the jungle section. This area isnot Light Jungle and counts as Undergrowth as described in Warhammer Realms: Lustria.

    15 Ruins*. Remove all the vegetation from the jungle section and replace it with a terrain piece representingLizardman ruins. This terrain piece counts as Ruins as described in Warhammer Realms: Lustria.

    16 Termite Mound*. Remove all the vegetation from this jungle section and replace it with a Termite Moundroughly 60 mm in diameter. The jungle section otherwise counts as open ground with a 60-mm area of

    Impassable Terrain.

    17 Dense or Impenetrable Jungle. Roll a D6. On a 1-4, this jungle section is Dense Jungle as described inWarhammer Realms: Lustria. On a 5-6, this jungle section is Impenetrable Jungle as described in

    Warhammer Realms: Lustria. Place a few more stands of vegetation in these jungle section to reflect their

    overgrown status.

    18 Artifact Cache. The object of the search is here; see Cache. The jungle section is otherwise a simple areaof Light Jungle.

    Here are a few examples how to model countersto represent the results from the table above.Snake swarm models make great snake counters,and slices of dried green stuff mixed in withassorted bitz make good treasure counters.

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