lucio caporizzi regione umbria umbria is a small region situated in the centre of italy population:...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Umbria is a small region situated in the centre of Italy

Population: 834,000 inhabitants

Surface: 8.456

Two Provinces: Perugia - Terni

92 Common



Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Why Umbria’s RUICS?

To create a system of indicators designed to measure the competitive benchmarking of the Umbria Region

To create and develop an analytical tool for evaluation of the dynamicity and competitiveness of the Region’s

economy, in keeping with the Lisbon policy

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

The creation of this instrument is based on those models elaborated by diverse international research centres using specific indicators (benchmarks) designed to measure such phenomena. The most well-known of these are:

•The European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) elaborated by the EU Commission;

•The Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) elaborated by the WEF (World Economic Forum) of Geneva, organiser of the annual Davos Forum;

•The “World Competitiveness Yearbook” elaborated by the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne.

The creation of RUICS

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

What’s Umbria’s RUICS

It’s a broader, more original evaluative tool that, based on the EIS methodology and “philosophy”, proves capable of describing and measuring not only Umbria’s innovative potential, but also its competitive capacity

It’s a “pilot” scheme designed to provide a useful instrument for the evaluation and analysis of vitally important questions pertaining to development in Umbria

It’s an usefull instrument to compare Umbria’s performanceses with other Regions, UE and to analyze their evolution in the future.

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

The utility of RUICS

In order to analize strenghts and weaknesses under several points of view to build and manage best innovation and competitiveness regional programmes

In order to analize a region benchmark compared with other territories, following its evolution year by year

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Synthetic index Index Areas

N. Key Indicators


Human resources 5

Creation of knowledge 6

Transmission and application of knowledge 2

Financial, product and market-structure innovation 6

RUMESOpenness to the outside world 5

Economic growth 6

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Areas Indicators employed for Umbria’s RUIS ……..

Human resources

EIS 1.1 Percentage of the population between 20 and 29 years of age who are graduates in scientific-technical subjects

EIS 1.2 Percentage of the population between 25 and 64 years of age with higher education

EIS 1.3 Percentage of the population between 25 and 64 years of age involved in continuing education

EIS 1.4 Percentage of employees working in high-tech or medium-tech manufacturing

EIS 1.5 Percentage of employees working in high-tech service industries

Creation of


EIS 2.1 Public expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP

EIS 2.2 Private expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP

EIS 2.3.1 Number of patents in the high-tech sector submitted to the EPO (*) per million inhabitants

EIS 2.3.2 Number pf patents in the high-tech sector submitted to the USPTO (**) per million inhabitants

EIS 2.4.1 Number of patents submitted to the EPO (*) per million inhabitants

EIS 2.4.2 Number of patents granted by the USPTO (**) per million inhabitants

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Areas ………Indicators employed for Umbria’s RUIS

Trasmission and

application of


EIS 3.1 Percentage of innovative manufacturing SMEs

EIS 3.2 Percentage of SMEs that innovate in a cooperative way (unavailable)

EIS 3.3 Total expenditure on innovation in the manufacturing sector as a percentage of total turnover

EIS 3.4 Percentage of SMEs adopting non-technological changes (unavailable)

Financial, product and

market-structural innovation

EIS 4.1 Percentage of venture-capital investment in high-tech

UMBRIA 4.2 Net rate of foundation of new companies

EIS 4.3.1 Share of sales resulting from the introduction of products that are new to the market (new products for both company and market as a percentage of turnover in the manufacturing and service industry sectors) (unavailable)

EIS 4.3.2 Share of sales resulting from the introduction of products that are new to the company but not to the market within the manufacturing sector

EIS 4.4 Degree of use of, and access to, Internet (compound indicator)

EIS 4.5 ICT expenditure as a percentage of GDP

UMBRIA 4.6 Companies active within the IT sector as a percentage of all companies

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Areas Indicators employed for Umbria’s RUMES

Openness to the

outside world

UMBRIA 5.1 Exports as a percentage of GDP

UMBRIA 5.2 Percentage of high-tech exports against total exports

UMBRIA 5.3 Rate of coverage of high-tech product sales

UMBRIA 5.4 Percentage of technology balance of payments receipts against GDP

UMBRIA 5.5 Net direct regional investment abroad as a percentage of GDP

Economic growth

UMBRIA 6.1 Index of economic infrastructural provision

UMBRIA 6.2 Average annual rate of growth of GDP

UMBRIA 6.3 Average annual growth rate of investment

UMBRIA 6.4 Capital accumulation rate

UMBRIA 6.5 Labour productivity

UMBRIA 6.6 Average annual rate of growth of the service sector

Lucio Caporizzi Regione Umbria

Umbria ranks 12th in the Italian regional table. This position reflects:

• A considerable capacity to educate and train workers capable of developing and applying innovation, compared with the national average

• Substantial public expenditure on R&D• A high percentage of innovative small/medium-sized manufacturing

companies• The lack of any particular propensity towards financial, product and

market innovation• A rather mediocre rate of economic growth• Low private spending on R&D and a low level of R&D productivity (as

indicated by the low number of patents granted)• Low spending on innovation in the manufacturing sector• Limited openness towards the outside world, with the exception of

the rate of coverage of sales of high-tech goods

Umbria’s RUICS results

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