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Post on 29-Jul-2018






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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

Source spreadsheet: • MixMaster IDP (ReI. 1.1).xlt

New spreadsheet: • MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1).xIt

Modifications to create new spreadsheet: • "MixMaster" worksheet

o Cell H2 changed to read "MixMaster IDP 3500". o Cell H2 reformatted for 14 font, wrapped text. o The same reformat was applied to the two formatting templates on the hidden

worksheet "Format Templates". o The analytical threshold was modified: 150 RFU. o Peak Height Ratio ranges 2 through 4 were modified:

• Range 2 RFU:= 1075 PHR := 25% • Range 3 RFU:= 2700 PHR:= 40% • Range 4 RFU:= 5000 PHR:= 50%

The 3500 stochastic range is now 0 -1074 RFU. • "Report" worksheet

o Header modified to "MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1)"

Performance Check: 1-Using Excel version 2000 and identical GMIDA"export files, the Performance Check will compare the results obtained by... ~ -::r/I Irs

• MixMaster IDP (ReI. 1.1).xlt M--t.-1 \\ '\7 • MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1).xlt

The focus of the performance check will be on those results that would be affected by the modifications listed above.

IDP sample data run on a 3500 received from Jeanette Wallin • Mixture: 1 part female to 4 parts male • Female reference: QC018 • Male reference: QCI08 • See pages MMIDP3500/GM-l to MMIDP3500/GM-IO

Electronic Files used for the Performance Check: • MixMaster spreadsheets

MixMasterIDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1 ).xlt MixMaster IDP (ReI. 1.1 ).xlt Mx Assistant (BETA l.4a).xlt

• 3500 export txt files (see pages MMIDP3500-7 and MMIDP3500-9) o Female:Male mixture

IDP MD 0.5ng mix_l_ 4_B02.txt o Female reference

IDP MD 0.5ng mix_QCOI8_B01.txt Note: I changed the file names within the exported text (received from Jeanette Wallin) to be consistent with the protocol's casework naming conventions.

SPM 6/17/2013 '/1··~\~\[(~~L~.S~·::r :,~ \,\1\ P~ge MMID, P3500-1,of 1, 4 ~. ~j)'?";1 : \>J! ·\Ap. "';..' .h. / L\)u\ \ ';, ! . __ . ur \ l \..J, l~l \ J \ \~ IJi/\/ .

'\~L~\" \}.l(j ~0( epic.org EPIC-16-06-15-CalDOJ-FOIA-20160711-Production 005474

MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

Method: 1. Clicking on the "Import it!" button, I imported ...

a. Female:Male mixture IDP MD 0.5ng mix_1_ 4_B02.txt b. Female reference file IDP MD 0.5ng mix_QCOI8_BOl.txt

Note: The software correctly applied the rules to suggest the sample names. 2. Clicked on the "Run it!" button. 3. Upon completion, saved the files:

a. MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) - FIM4+F.xls b. MixMaster IDP (ReI. 1.1) - FIM4+F.xls

4. Using the drop-down menus and the "Report it!" button, I created reports for the combinations Not Reduced and No Assumed. This allowed me to compare all of the allowed genotype pairs.

5. Clicking on the "Print it!" button, I printed the reports (I had set the printer to PDF for this performance check.) Saved the PDFs:

a. MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) - FIM4+F.pdf b. MixMaster IDP (ReI. 1.1) - FIM4+F.pdf

See pages MMIDP3500-11 to MMIDP3500-14

Results: l. Data entry, Mx calculation and range, run times, and report creation were consistent and

functional across the two versions. 2. The correct genotype pairs for the two contributors were included in both sets of results. 3. All genotype pairs interpreted using MixMaster IDP (ReI. 1.1).xlt were also included in

the results of MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1 ).xlt. 4. MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1 ).xlt included additional interpreted genotype pairs. The

causes for the differences were examined using Mx Assistant (BETA 1.4a).xlt and the relevant kit/protocol settings. Mx range = 0 to 0.484 N+4 stutter = 9.2% max

a. D3S1358 1. 15 = 1280; 16 (filtered) = 234; 17 = 3071; 18 = 3055

ii. N-4 Stutter = 14% max 111. Minor: 17,17 Major: 15,18

1. Max N+4 from 17 allele = ~283 RFU. Remaining 2772 RFU of the 18 allele is in the 40% PHR range for 3500 but in the 50% PHR range for 3130.

2. Max 15,18 PHR = ~46.2%; Mx = 0.431. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

IV. Minor: 18,18 Major: 15,17 1. Max N-4 from 18 allele = ~428 RFU. Max N+4 from filtered 16

peak = ~22 RFU. Remaining 2621 RFU of the 17 allele is in the 25% PHR range for 3500 but in the 50% PHR range for 3130.

2. Max 15,17PHR=~48.8%;Mx=0.439. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.


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1. 7.3 (filtered) = 210; 8 = 3824; 9 = 1059; 9.3 = 3329 II. N-4 Stutter = 7% max

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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

iii. Minor: 7.3,9 Major: 8,9.3 1. Max N+4 stutter from 8 allele = ~352 RFU Remaining ~707 RFU

of the 9 allele is in the stochastic range for 3500 but 30% PHR range for 3130.

2. Max 7.3,9 PHR = 29.7%, just below the 3130 threshold. Mx =

0.114. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

IV. Minor: 9,F Major: 8,9.3 1. 9 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range (regardless of stutter

subtraction), but not the 3130 stochastic range. See above. 2. With F = 0 and 9 full height, Mx = 0.129. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

c. D16S539 i. 9 = 426; 10 (filtered) = 385; 11 = 7412

II. N-4 Stutter = 11 % max III. Minor: 9,F Major: 11,11

1. Max N-4 from filtered 10 peak = ~42 RFU. Remaining ~384 RFU of the 9 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range, but not the 3130 stochastic range.

2. With F = 0, Mx = 0.049. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

d. D19S433 I. 13 = 465; 14 (filtered) = 228; 15 = 2460; 14.2 (filtered) = 276;

15.2 = 2710 ii. N-4 Stutter = 16% max

lll. Minor: 13,F Major: 1.5,15.2 1. Max N-4 from the filtered 14 peak = ~36 RFU. Remaining ~429

RFU of the 13 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range, but not the 3130 stochastic range.

2. Mx range = 0.077. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

e. VWA

SPM 6/17/2013


1. 14=2199; 16=587; 17 (filtered) =275; 18=3309; 19 (filtered) = 156 II. N-4 Stutter = 16% max

iii. Minor: 14,16 Major: 18,18 1. 2199 RFU is in the 25% PHR range for 3500 but in the 50% PHR

range for 3130. 2. 14,16 PHR = ~26.7%; Mx = 0.457. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

iv. Minor: 16,19 Major: 14,18 . 1. Max N-4 from the filtered 17 peak = 44 RFU. Remaining 543

RFU of the 16 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range, but in the 30% range of the 3130.

2. 16,19 PHR = ~28.7%; Mx = 0.113. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

v. Minor: 16,F Major: 14,18 1. 16 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range, but in the 30% range of

the 3130.

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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

2. With the 16 allele = 543 and F = 0, Mx = 0.090 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

f. TPOX 1. 8 = 5088; 9 = 867

11. N-4 Stutter = 8% max 111. Minor: 8,8 Major: 8,9

1. Dividing the 8 allele evenly, the 8 allele for the Major donor is 2544, in the 25% PHR range for 3500 but in the 50% PHR range for 3130.

2. 8,9 PHR =~34.1 %, and Mx = ~0.427, both within 3500 range. 3. Max N-4 from the 9 allele = ~69 RFU. Once the contribution of

the stutter subtracted 8 allele is adjusted to an 8,9 PHR = 50%, the minor donor Mx is 0.558 (>max).

4. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130. iv. Minor: 9,F Major: 8,8

1. 9 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range, but in the 40% range of the 3130. Max N+4 from the 8 allele = 468 RFU. Remaining 399 RFU of the 9 allele is still in the 30% range of the 3130.

2. With 9 allele = 399 and F = 0, Mx = 0.073. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

g. D18S51 1. 14=817; 17 (filtered) = 388; 18=4228

ii. N-4 Stutter = 20% max 111. Minor: 14,F Major: 18,18

1. 14 allele is in the 3500 stochastic range, but in the 40% range of the 3130.

2. With F = 0, Mx = 0.162. 3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

IV. Minor: 17,18 Major: 14,18 1. With the 18 allele split to, for example, 1541 for the Minor and

2687 for the Major, both contributors meet or exceed the 25% PHR threshold for 3500.

2. 17,18 PHR=25.2%; 14,18 PHR= 30.4%; Mx= 0.355 3. No split allows both contributors to satisfy 3130 PHR thresholds. 4. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

v. Minor: 18,18 Major: 14,18 1. With the 18 allele split evenly in two, Major 18 allele = 2114,

within the 25% PHR range for 3500 but in the 50% PHR range for 3130.

2. The 14,18 PHR = 38.6%; Mx = 0.419. 3. Assigning 1634 RFU of the 18 allele to the Major gives a 50%

PHR, but Mx = 0.514 (>max.) 4. Type correctly included.for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

h. FGA

SPM 6/17/2013 __ -::::::::i:3)'), t ----rp .•

1. 21 (filtered) = 665; 22 = 4301; 23 = 513 11. N-4 Stutter = 16% max

Ill. Minor: 22,22 Major: 22,23

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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check


1. With the 22 allele split to 2249 for the Minor and 2052 for the Major, the Major meets the 25% PHR threshold for 3500. Mx = 0.467.

2. Even with subtraction ofN-4 stutter from the 23 allele and N+4 stutter from the filtered 21 peak, the split on the remaining 4158 RFU of 22 can't approach the 3130 50% PHR level without exceeding the Mx.

3. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130. IV. Minor: 22,23 Major: 21,22

1. With the 22 allele split to 1900 for the Minor and 2401 for the Major, both contributors exceed the 25% PHR threshold for 3500.

2. 22,23 PHR = 27.0%; 21,22 PHR = 27.7%; Mx = 0.440. 3. Even with subtraction of ~82 RFU ofN-4 stutter from the 23 allele

and ~61 RFU ofN+4 stutter from the filtered 21 peak, the split on the remaining 4158 of22 allele can't approach the 313050% PHR level for both contributors simultaneously.

4. Type correctly included for 3500 and excluded for 3130.

The two versions of MixMaster gave concordant results except for differences that were expected given the threshold changes. MixMaster IDP 3500 (ReI. 1.1 ).xlt behaved as expected and is acceptable for casework.

SPM 6/17/2013 ~1

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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check


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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

lOP MO O.5ng mix_F1M4_B02.txt oye/sample Peak sample File Name Marker Allele 5ize Height oata Point

"B,l" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,2" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,3" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,4" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,5" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,6" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,7" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,8" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,9" B02_mi~F1M4_02.hid "B,lO" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,ll" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,12" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,13" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,14" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,15" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,16" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,17" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "B,18" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,l" B02_mi~F1M4_02.hid "G,2" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,3" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,4" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,5" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,6" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,7" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,8" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,9" B02~ix_F1M4_02.hid "G,10" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,ll" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,12" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,13" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,14" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,15" B02_mi~F1M4_02.hid "G,16" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,17" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,18" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,19" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,20" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,21" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "G,22" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,l" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,2" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,3" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,4" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,5" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,6" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "y,7" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,8" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,9" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,10" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,11" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,12" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,13" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,14" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "Y,15" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "R,l" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "R,2" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "R,3" B02_mi~F1M4_02.hid "R,4" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid "R,5" B02_mi~F1M4_02.hid "R,6" B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid

SPM 6/17/2013 ~.f.1 &,;;.-==F ./

0851179 11 0851179 12

0851179 14 021511 29 021511 30 021511 31. 2

021511 33.2 075820 8 075820 10 075820 11 075820 12

C5FlPO 11 C5F1po 12 C5F1po 13 0351358 15

0351358 17 0351358 18

TH01 8 TH01 9 TH01 9.3 0135317 8 0135317 9

0135317 12

0135317 14 0165539 9

0165539 11

0251338 18 0251338 20 0251338 22 0251338 23 0195433 13

0195433 15 0195433 15.2 vWA 14 vWA 16

vWA 18

TPOX 8 TPOX 9 018551 14

018551 18 AMEL X AMEL Y 055818 10 055818 11 055818 13

Page 1

129.68 191 3884 133.76 3116 3928 137.86 507 3972 142.07 192 4017 146.2 2908 4061 202.46 361 4644 206.53 635 4685 212.5 1920 4745 216.6 198 4786 220.61 2211 4826 261. 99 1995 5231 270.01 1667 5308 273.99 522 5346 278.09 273 5385 319.12 175 5769 323.14 2900 5806 327.17 2004 5843 331.1 361 5879 122.39 1280 3805 126.72 234 3852 130.79 3071 3896 134.79 3055 3939 175.28 210 4366 176.73 3824 4381 180.71 1059 4422 183.82 3329 4454 214.9 874 4769 219.0 856 4810 227.06 177 4890 231.1 2719 4930 235.06 233 4969 239.03 2854 5008 267.2 426 5281 271.17 385 5319 275.15 7412 5357 313.38 162 5716 317.27 2837 5752 325.31 824 5826 333.29 2194 5899 337.24 380 5935 116.25 465 3738 120.37 228 3783 122.48 276 3806 124.51 2460 3828 126.54 2710 3850 164.13 2199 4250 172.1 587 4333 176.15 275 4375 180.22 3309 4417 184.01 156 4456 228.57 5088 4905 232.62 867 4945 289.18 817 5490 301. 33 388 5604 305.41 4228 5642 104.61 2466 3610 110.6 1982 3676 145.07 694 4049 149.12 4353 4092 157.17 390 4177 175.19 564 4365

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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

"R,7" "R,S" "R,9"

IDP MD 0.5ng mix-F1M4_B02.txt B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid 228.57 665 B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid FGA 22 232.73 4301 B02_mix_F1M4_02.hid FGA 23 236.79 513

/ ,{i, f(

page 2

4905 4946 4986

SPM 6/17/2013 Page MMIOP3500-8 of 14 ~/Y1 epic.org EPIC-16-06-15-CalDOJ-FOIA-20160711-Production 005481

MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check

lOP MO 0.5ng mix_F-QC018_B01.txt oye/sample Peak sample File Name Marker Allele Size Height oata point

"B,l" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 133.71 204 3931 "B,2" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 08S1179 12 137.87 3047 3976 "B,3" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 142.05 230 4021 "B,4" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 08s1179 14 146.14 4070 4065 "B,5" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 198.41 205 4613 "B,6" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 021511 29 202.51 2970 4655 "B,7" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 021s11 30 206.52 3549 4696 "B,8" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 075820 11 274.04 2430 5367 "B,9" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 075820 12 278.07 3058 5406 "B,10" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid c5FlpO 11 323.21 2380 5836 "B,11" B01-Ref_F-Qc018_02.hid 327.16 206 5873 "B,12" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid cSFlpo 13 331. 22 3091 5911 "G,l" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 118.24 571 3762 "G,2" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0351358 15 122.34 7856 3807 "G,3" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 176.77 289 4389 "G,4" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid TH01 9 180.8 8690 4431 "G,5" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0135317 8 214.99 5649 4782 "G,6" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0135317 9 219.04 5454 4823 "G,7" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 016s539 9 267.35 4561 5302 "G,8" B01-Ref_F-Qc018_02.hid 271. 26 244 5340 "G,9" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0165539 11 275.28 4647 5379 "G,10" B01-Ref_F-Qc018_02.hid 321. 29 274 5818 "G,11" B01-Ref_F-Qc018_02.hid 0251338 20 325.34 3575 5856 "G,12" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 333.37 311 5931 "G,13" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0251338 23 337.34 3868 5968 "Y,l" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 112.16 229 3695 "y,2" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0195433 13 116.24 3579 3740 "Y,3" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 122.43 449 3808 "Y,4" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 0195433 15.2 126.54 2842 3853 "Y,5" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid vWA 16 172 .18 2576 4341 "Y,6" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 176.19 291 4383 "y,7" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid vWA 18 180.22 3663 4425 "Y,8" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 228.69 195 4920 "Y,9" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid TPOX 9 232.58 7899 4959 "Y,10" B01-Ref_F-Qc018_02.hid 285.01 372 5473 "Y,11" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 018551 14 289.17 6218 5513 "R,l" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid AMEL X 104.6 6192 3611 "R,2" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 05s818 10 145.12 3113 4054 "R,3" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 153.16 206 4140 "R,4" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 055818 13 157.2 2933 4183 "R,5" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 224.5 191 4878 "R,6" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid FGA 21 228.59 2655 4919 "R,7" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 232.68 452 4960 "R,8" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid FGA 23 236.69 3551 5000 "R,9" B01-Ref_F-QC018_02.hid 289.38 179 5515

page 1

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MixMaster lOP 3500 (ReI. 1.1) Performance Check


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Mix Master IDP 3500 (Rei, 1.1) 2~Person Deconvolution

Case # MM !013500 Performance Check Item # j--===:..:.cF";1C;-MC.4====--i f-_-".,;S:"PM::':"",-_-II Analyst

L-_...c5:::;12:.'::.:/2::0::.:'3=--_-'_ Date

Average Upper End Lower End

Interpretation Tl1resholds

MixMastet Cycles ~

Anatytlcnl {RFUj ~

Stocha$tic Range RFlJ Range 2 RFU !bnge3

RFU Range 4 L-=~_,-__ -'-----"=--, Assumed Donor Item # r'----:-F"'.O;::C"0"1-;;8--;------, Assumed Donor Is ... 1 ' MlrllOR '-I


r"l!el!?1~ AII~le2~

08S1179 ShJtt~1 1, ·10,

RFU '191' jJ"j.!\1-:-·"···


Allele 1 "~~~1r-:­RFU , '. -3116


Allele1~ Alle!e2~


075820 Allele1~ Allele2~

07S820 ~;tutier '\

CSF1PO 03S1358 Alleln1~ AI[el~1~ AII(>lc2~ Allo1C2~

RFU IN~"; ,



Allele 1 --1'5"'--RFU 1280

Stu!t:;-r2 16 RFU~


Allele 2 ---'-7--RFU 3071

$,vtter 3 RFU

INA ~3

RFU Allele 3 --1-8-

RFU 3055 Stu1br 4



Allele 4 RFU


RFU Anif3C:

RFU Locus Mx' Locus MX-O.19426565, Locus Mx \, p~t7837,11 '

N-4Stut, "1%' '1 N-4Stut'.-.;.:12% N-4Stut"'· 10% lDCus Mx·.0.1,72832S4:

160" ','. N"4S1ut' ';9.2% N+4Stut 9.2% N-+-4Stu1, .9.2%. N+4 Stut,' 9.2%'

N-4stut N.f4 Stuf

14% 9.2%

Interpreted Genotypes (No Filter for Assumed Donor: Results are GenotYpe Pairs) 0851179 D21511 075820 CSf1PO 03$1358


10,12 11,12



1i,14 11,14 11,14

12,13 11.14 12,14 V 11,14 12,F 11.14

Page 1 of 3

Minor Major

29,30 V 31.2.332

Minor Major

11,12 V· 8,10 Minor Major 10.13 11.12 11,13 \'11,12 12.13 11,12

13.13 13,F

11,12 11,12

Genotype calls assume biallelic donors with no null alleles.

~!~1(); V ~;j10~ 15,17 17,18 15,18 17,18 17,17 16,18

15,18 15,17

MixMaster lOP 3500 (Rei. 1.1) 2-Person Deconvolution

Case # f-.::M.:::M:.:I:::D/::3:::50::0..:,P;:.rt:.;:o;:;rm.:::a::;n:::C'::;C:::h::e:::lC~:......j Itom # L-___ -'--'F...c1"M"'4 ____ --'

f-_-::::i-s",PMc:-,,'-~-11 Analyst '-__ 5:::;12:.1::.:/2::0::.:13=--_-'. Date

Average Upper End Low~r End


Interpretation Thresholds

MiKMaster CYcie-s ~ LoW High

Stochastic ROI1£1<" ' , 1074 RFU Range 2 1075 2699 RFlJ RClngl'> 3 2700 4999 An711yticn! (RFU) ~

r-______ ~~~------~RFURang04L-~5~0~OO=--------~--~~~ Assumed Donor Item # L' ===-_F_.O __ C_O __ 1_8_===--, Assumed Donor Is ... 1 MINOR I

TH01 0135317 0165539 02S1338 019S433 Allele1i91 Alft'lelJ8j AII~101i91 AIIQ!P.1~ Altel("1/131

AHf.!lezL-Lj AII"ie 2L-Lj AHele2~ AH('oIC2~ Allcl«2~

SluHr;r 1


, THOi

fI~/\ 1 --7 :S"'~'"

RFU -.-:~322.._._ Allele 1 8

RFU 3824

RFU li,J/,,~

RFU Allele 2 '--9---

RFU 1059

RFU H"jl~ :~

RFU ABele 3 ~9.3--

RFU 3329



ABele 4


RFU Artif;;J~1





Allele 1 8

RFU 874 Rtlltter 2

RFU i!'lA.2


Allele 2 9 RFU 856

'.Hllller·~ 11

RFU ._.EL ... l/'lr-, :i RFU

Allele:3 -12-'" RFU 2719

,'=:t!Jtt,'f ': 13

RFU ._~2~3_"


Allele 4 14 RFU 2854






RFU Allele 1 --9'--

RFU 426 $Uut>r:" 10

RFU 385 If.../!l2

RFU ABele 2 "---'1--

RFU 1412



Allele 3 RFU

RFU iI{l\,.l


Allele 4 RFU



RFU Locus Mx 0.12895762 Locus F,h: 0.23688895 Locus Mx

N-A Stut 7% H4 Stut 11% N-4 Stut 11%

r~"'4 Stut: . .9.2% N+4 Slut 9.2% N ... 4 Slut 9.2%;·

D2S1338 -3!'ltt(" 1 -1;

RFIJ ~ ~~ • __

RFU Allele 1 -~'-18 .~-,

RFU 2837 51.'.I!!(" ,?


RFU Allele 2 --2-0-

RFU 824

RFU I~J"'. j


Allele 3 22 RFU 2194




Allele 4 23 RFU 380




lHf\ 1



Allele 1 --13 -" RFU 465

RFU lto.JA2


14 228

Allele 2 ~-1s--'-'

RFU 2460 Bt,nt~r ;; 14.2

RFU Allele 3 '~-15.2-'

RFU 2710 ~tvL!~' 4

RFU lH,f~ ~1


Allele 4 RFU



RFU Locus Mx 0,19310345 locus Mx

N..4 Stu! 14% N·4 Slut 16% N~.4 Stut 9.2% N.4 Slut '9.2%

Interpreted Genotypes (No Filter for Assumed Donor: Results are Genotype Pairs) THO, D13S31i 0165539 029133B 0195433

Minor Major 7.3,9 B,9.3 8,9 B.9.3 9,9 V 8.9.3

9,9.3 8,9.3 9,F 8,9.3

Page 2 of 3

Minor Major

B.9 v" 12.14

Minor Major

9,10 11,11 9,11 <tv' 11.11 9,9 11,11

__ 9,F 11,11

Minor MnJor

20.23 V" 18.22

Genotype calls assume biallelic donors with no null alleles.

MinN Major

13.13 15.152 13,14 15.152

13,14,2 15,152

13,15 15:152 13,15,2 ,"'15,15.2

f-- 13,F 15,15.2

o lJ (.oJ

01 o o


2--.. 3 Q) :J C1 CD

o :::r­CD C1 A

epic.org EPIC-16-06-15-CalDOJ-FOIA-20160711-Production 005484

~ (j) '"'0 :5: (})

---->. -..j

---'i.- N -'" 0

->. 0.)


'--~ "



'"'0 ru lO (\)

:5: :5: o '"'0 0.) (J1 o o

I ->.

N o -+-.

-" .j:l.

MixMaster lOP 3500 (Rei, 1,1) 2-Person Deconvolution

Case # MM I013500.PerformanoeCheck 1-_-:-:;8:"PM:::""'''':'_-i! Analyst L-_...:5::::12::':.:12:::0'.:.:3~_.J, Date Item # F1M4

Interpretation Thresholds Mx

Av(:ragc MixM<lst~r Cycles ~ Stoch3Shc Range Upper End RFU H.:moe2 , lowi';r End AnZllyticnl (RFUj ~ RFU R.::mge 3

RFU Rnnge 4

Assumed Donor Item # I F,QC018' , Assumed Donor Is ... I·,·JI1INOR " VWA TPOX 018851 055818 FGA

AllelelCD Allcle1LD AUC'C1C8 Allcle1[3J Allelel~ Allelo 2 18 AHc:ie 2 9 Allele 2 14 . Allele 2 '«1;~' Allele 2 .~~~~ '23J;~:·:·

Mixture VWA TPOX 018551 05S618

61Ut{f~1 "j Slutter 1 StJtler t RFU RFU RFU

jj-.j/\1 INA 1 INA. 1 RfU RFU RFU

Allele! 1 14 Allele 1 8 AHele1 --,-,-RFU 2199 RFU S088 RFU 811

6!uU';1 ::: :ifIJttl;( 2: St"U::; :::: 17 RFU RFU RFU __ 38_8_

li-l.6.:':: I~JA;' It-JA2 RFU RFU RFU

AHol\:! 2 ---'6-- A!lefe2 --'9-~- A!fQI~2 ,. RFU 587 RFU 867 RFU 4228

Stutll~r 3 17 "St~lttef ~ Stutter 3 RFU --~. RFU RFU

Jl~.';' 3 Ii"J.c, 3 IN ... .." 3 RFU RFU RFU

Allele 3 18 Allele:! AUele3 RFU 3309 RFU RFU

GtuUer4 ~!Uito:{ .:t -Stutte.r4 RFU RFU RFU


Allele 4 Allele 4. Allele 4 RFU RFU RFU

'::'t..ltkr 19 ;:'Jtlfa(.t tlll;f",ct

RFU _..1~_. RFU RFU ,';Jlrfa,.t Ar'ifa.:;' Anifr,Cl

RFU RFU RFU Locus Mx Locus Mx: Locus tilx

N-4 Stut 16% N~~ StUl 8% N-4Stut 20% ~:11~': :~ '16°.(,::: N .. 4 Stut 9,2~ N+4 Stut 9.?%, N1"4 Stut. 9'4~ rJ"·4 Slut .. 9.'?"" .... : N·t4 Stut. .. 9.ZO..(o.

InterQreted Genot~lf:!es {No Filter for Assumed Donor: Results are GenotYee Pairs) VWA TPOX 018S51 05S818 FGA

Minor Major Minor Major Mmor Major Minor Major fl1inor Major 14,16 14,18 ..... 8,B 8.9 14.14 V 16,18 10,13 ·V11.11 21.23 V 22,22 14,16 16.18 8,9 8.8 14,17 16,18 1--22,22 22,23 16,16 14,18 9,9 V 8.8 14,18 18,18 22.23 22,22 16,17 1-1.18 ....... 9,F 8.8 .fiiS14.F 18,18 -22,23 21,22 16,18 V 14.18 _17,18 14,18 23,23 22,22 16,19 14,18 1-18,18 14,18 23,F 22,22 l6,F 14,18

Page 3 of 3 Genotype calls assume biallelic donors with no null afleles

o '"'0 0.) (J1

o o

epic.org EPIC-16-06-15-CalDOJ-FOIA-20160711-Production 005485

Average Upp~r End

lower End

MixMaster lOP (Rei. 1.1) 2MPerson Deconvolution

Interpretation Thresholds

f..-_~,::S;.,P:::M--,-_---"I Analyst ,-_-=.512:.:2:.:12:.:0.:.:13,-_...J. Date

MixMast-er Cycles ~ Stocl1astlc Range . RFU R::mgc 2

RFU Rtmge 3 40%

RFU Range 4 50%

Assumed Donor Item # I F-OC018 Assumed Donor Is .•• 1 MINOR .1 D8S1179

Al1eJe1~ A)le(e2~

0851179 Stutt~r 1 <>, 10.

RFU _~ 1~~t, . !NA 1 " '.


Locus M)C

N-4$tut •.• 11.%' N~.4 Stut r' .9.2%.

021S11 A(le(a1~ Allela2~


07S820 AJle!e1~ Al1CI02~

Mixture 07$820

Locus Mx .• 'O.19426565. locus Mx~ 0,'1783711 r-.l·4 Stut: ' '1'2% ";;; N-4 Stut~. '> .10%,<

N""4Stut 9.2% N+4 Stut: "":9:2°k ~

CSF1PQ D3S1358 A(l('le1~ Alleleif15l

Al!ele2~ Allelo2~

Stutt~r 1

RFU It-l.A,1



Allele 1 --1-5--RFU 1280

Stuller 2 16

RFU~ INp·.2

RFU Allele 2 --1-7-

RFU 3071 Stulter3


Allele 3 --1-8 -.-

RFU 3055 Stuil<!r~1



RFU ATtifar..1

RFU ,:'r:ifact


Locus Mx~,o.11?e.32~+i N4stut 14% N+4 Stut!.. 9.2%

Interpreted Genotypes (No Filter for Assumed Donor: Results are Genotype Pairs) 0881179 021S11 075820 CSF1PO 03S1358

Minor Major

10,12 11,14 11,12 11,14 12,12 11.14 12.13 11.14 12,14 V 11,14

12,F 11,14

Page 1 of 3

MinOT Major

29.30 V Minor Major 11,12 \/ 8,10

Minor Mo:!jor

10,13 11.12 11,13 ~ ...... 11.12 12,13 11,12 13,13 11.12 13,F 11,12

Genotype calls assume biallelic donors with no null alleles.

Minor Major 15,15 \/17,18 15.17 17,18 15.18 17,18

MixMaster lOP (Rei. 1.1) 2-Person Deconvolution

~--~----------~ Ca sa # I-'-..:.M"M::.I:::D;.:i3.:.50",9..:.P,;e",rto",rrn".a::.n"ce:..C::.h;.:e.:.ck'-l Item # L ___ --C.F~1c::M:::4 ____ ....I

1-_---;;"'s"'P;;:M:::;-_......,1 Al1alyst ,-__ 5.;:;12:.:21:.;2:.:0.:.:13,-_...J. Date

Interpretation Thresholds


Upper End lower End

Mil(Master Cycles ~

Analyticnl (RFU) ~

Stoch~stic Range

RFtJ r~ilnge 2

RFU Rangn 3

r-______ ~77~------~RFURangn4L-~~--------~~~--' Assumed Donor Item # I . F·QC018 Assumed Donor Is •.• 1 MINOR 1




TH01 Sturt","r1

RFU II--IA1-7:r-

RFU 210 Allele-1 ---8---

RFU 3824


AIl::~ --'-.--RFU 1059

RFU !f.JA3

RFU A!lel~ 3 ---9-.3-·

RFU 3329

Stutter 4

RFU !r.,fA.-:.


AHele 4



RFU 1~J1if:;!Qt


0135317 .l\rh:~lc 1!9I


RFU 1I'J;l.1




RFU 874 B!!J!ter2


Allele 2 --.--RFU 856

Stutter";! 11

RFU_~ !1'Jl'~ 3 RFU

Allele 3 12 RFU 2.719

Slu<t,~r <4 13



A!le!e4 14 RFU 2854


RFU Artifact





Stutle,1 RFU




ABele 1 ---9--

RFU 426

SttJlier~ 10

RFU~L_ If.J/12 RFU

Allele 2 --1-1 --RFU 7412

Stult~~r 3 RFU




Stutler 4 RFU


RFU Anele4

RFU Artifsct

RFU Mila:::!

RFU Locus Mxf,O,14895762:. Locus Mx 9.23688895~ Locus Mx ~;"/'"

N-4Stut 7% N·45tut 11% N-45tut 11%

r'll+4 Stutt 9.2%,: t, N"'"4Stut, 9,2% N .... 4S1.ut·, 'S,.20k.

0251338 0195433

Allele 1r--zo-l Allele- 11131 Al1e1Q2~ Alln!C!2~

02$1338 S!utt('! 1 17

RFU 162 )'J/]..j

RFU Alle-!el 18

RFU 2837 ~lu:tc' :2


Alh~I€ 2 '-20-~-

RFU 824 SJutter'1


AjI€'!e3-~ RfU 2.194


RFU AIle-Ie 4 --2-3-'

·RFU 380 Artifact





Allele 1 13 RFU 465

Stut:..,,:., 14

Rru . ?2_8_ .. IHI.:. 2

RFU Allele 2 - --'1'5' --

RFU 2460 St~ltt,'r 3 14.2

RFU ___ ~7~ ~._ INA 3


RFU 2710

RFU IH.t:...'I


ABele 4

RFU r.rtihct


RFU Locus Mx' Q..19310345' Locus Mx

N-4 Stut 14% N-4 Slut 16%

N+4 stut 9;2% N+4 Stut 9;2%

Interpreted Genotypes (No Filter for Assumed Donor: Results are Genotype Pairs)


8,£1 9,9


TH01 013S317 016S539 D251338 [}19S433


/8.9.3 I- 8.9.3



8.9 Minor Major 9,10 11,11

9,11 V""" 11,11

9,9 11,11

Minor Major

20,23 \/18.22 Minor Major

13.1315,152 13,14 15,152

13,142 15.15.2

13,15 15,152

13.15.2 \-""""15,152

Page 2 of 3 Genotype calls assume biallelic donors with no null alleles,

o ""0 w CJ1 o o

""0 CD

6-..... 3 tl) :::l (") CD

o :r CD (")


epic.org EPIC-16-06-15-CalDOJ-FOIA-20160711-Production 005486


MixMasterIDP(Rel.1.1) 2-Person Deconvolution

Case '# MM 1013500 Performance Check f-_-:::::;S;"PM:;:'-:-::-_-ll Analyst ,-_-,S:::12=212=0.:.:'3~_..J. Date Item # "'M.'

Interpretation Thresholds

A .. cragc rMxMasier Cycles ~ Stochastic Rang~ Upper End RFU Range 2 L"wer End Analytical (RFUj c:§.D RFU Range:3

RFU Range 4

Assumed Donor Item # I F-QC018 Assumed Donor Is ... 1 'MINOR ·1 VWA TPOX D18S51 05S818 FGA

A'IC'U1CD Allele1c=J Allele1~ Alle1C1~ Auele1~ ABel\:! 2 18 AU",le 2 9 Allelo 2 14 Allele 2 -: ~;'13't" Allele 2 ?'<:23 ' "

Mixture VWA TPOX D18S51 D5S818

SlL1[[~, 1 i[,,[t\:.( 1 5buer 1 RFU RFU RFU

U,;A 1 j,,;. I !NA 1

RFu RFU RFU Allele 1 -'14---

Alh:!Je 1 8 Allele 1 14 RFU 2199 RFU 5088 RFU 817

SII,..I{(I;12 'jl"tt!::!:: Stu(!er2 17 RFU RFU RFU ~

:1-1,4. ~ ,tJ;'.2 INA~

RFU RFU RFU Allele 2 _o--1ft-··

Allele 2 '--9--

Allele 2 --'-8-

Reu 587 RFU a67 RFU 4228 S[WI[(~1 J 17 :;1'JUc..r ~ 5tuth!r :3

RFU -.-EL RFU RFU lHA3 IrJ,\2 !i'JA3

RFu RFU RFU Allele 3

·--1-a-·· Allela.;J Allele 3

RFU 3309 RFU RFU 6tullt:r 4 S\ .• t~,:,r 4 Stutter 4


ABel\:!4 AII~le 4 Allele 4 RFU RFU RFU

.:rIJtt .. t 19 "'it,\,;...1 Artrt"'ct RFU -"!§.-,., RFU RFU

Awla·;] A;'·[ch.' ,An:tact RFU RFU RFU

Locus 1.1:< Locus Mx Locus tAx N-4 Stu! 16% j-J·4 Stu! 8% (l.J-4 Stut 20% N·4 Stuti 7, 16% Nt.; Stut 9.2% i\it4Stut 9.2% Nut-Stut ... .9 •• % r-h4Stut N+4 Stut .. 9.20~ ,

Interpreted Genotvpes (No Filter for Assumed Donor: Results are Genotype Pairs) V"'NA TPOX 018S51 05$818 FGA

Minot Major MUlOt M"jor I>lInm Major ~1lnor Major Minor 0 3JOr 14.16 14,18 8.9 d.8 14.14 V 18,1a 10,13 V" 11,11 21.23 22,~2 16,16 14.18 9.9 V 8.6 14,17 1818 22,23 22,22 16,17 14,18 14,18 16,18 23.23 22,22 16,18 V 14.18 23,F 22,22

Page 3 of 3 Genotype calls assume biallellc donors with no null alleles

o -0 w 01 o o

epic.org EPIC-16-06-15-CalDOJ-FOIA-20160711-Production 005487

top related