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Ministry of Education and ScienceRepublic of Latvia







Atbrīvošanas aleja 76Rezekne, LV 4600Phone: 64625167

In charge of documents preparation for accreditation: Study program director Pēteris GRABUSTS

The Master study program accepted for accreditation by:Dean of RHEI Faculty of Engineering: Mg.chem. Ērika TEIRUMNIEKA


Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijaR ē z e k n e s A u g s t s k o l a

Reģ. Nr. LV 90000011588Atbrīvošanas alejā 90, Rēzekne, LV-4600

Tālrunis 4623709; Fakss 4625901, e-pasts:,


____________________ Nr. ____________

Ministry of Education and ScienceRepublic of Latvia

Study programs Accreditation Commission

APPLICATIONPlease accept for consideration accreditation materials of professional higher education Master study program „Computer systems”.

Title of the program: 2nd level professional higher education Master study program „Computer systems”

Program code: 46481

Duration of the program implementation and amount of credits: 60 credit points

3 semesters (full time studies)4 semesters (part time correspondence


Place, way and form of the program implementation: Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Faculty of EngineeringFull time studies and part time correspondence courses

Requirements for admission: professional Bachelor degree or 2nd level professional education in computer sciences or information technology obtained by graduation of study program with duration at least 4 years.

Degree to obtain: professional Master in computer sciences

Person in chargeof accreditation issues: Pēteris Grabusts,,

program director, lecturer of the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, e-mail,


phone 64625167 RHEI rector prof. Dr.oec. L.Svarinskis


1. Objective, tasks and expected results of the study program................................... 3

2. Organization of the study program............................................................................. 42.1. Correspondence of the syllabus with RHEI tasks and

objectives................ 42.2. Mechanism of internal control of the program

……….................................. 53. Structure of the study

program…................................................................................ 63.1. Division of the program and value of

credits................................................. 63.2. Loads of the program parts, their division

………………............................ 83.3. Syllabus

……....................................................................................................... 9

4. Evaluation system…...................................................................................................... 12

5. Implementation of the program in practice................................................................ 13

6. Prospective evaluation of the program ….................................................................. 146.1. Correspondence of the program with standards of profession

and standards of professional higher education.................................................... 15

6.2. Employer’s survey about employment of graduates for next six year…... 18

7. Students …....................................................................................................................... 197.1. Number of students in the

program................................................................ 197.2. Number of students matriculated in the first

year........................................ 197.3. Number of

graduates......................................................................................... 19


7.4. Survey of students and its analysis.................................................................. 19

7.5. Survey of graduates and its analysis…............................................................ 20

7.6. Students’ participation in the development of the study program............. 20

8. Academic personnel involved in the implementation of the study program....... 218.1. The number and qualifications of academic

personnel................................ 228.2. Correspondence of academic personnel qualifications to the

implementation of objective and tasks of the study program..................... 23

8.3. Academic personnel selection, renewal and development policy for next 6 years………………………………………………………..…………………. 25

9. Sources of funding and provision with infrastructure............................................ 26


External relations............................................................................................................ 3110.1.

Relations with employers…….......................................................................... 31


Relations with comparable study programs in Latvia and abroad…......... 32


Acknowledgement about possibility to continue studies in case the study program is ceased ……….............................................................................................. 34


The study program development plan…................................................................... 34

Appendices1. CV’s of academic personnel2. Abstract of courses3. Sample of the study program graduation diploma and its annex4. Description of study courses5. List of academic personnel involved in the implementation of the

study program6. Other documents required for accreditation7. List of academic personnel scientific publications8. Academic personnel participation in conferences9. The study program comparison with similar accredited study


programs in Latvian higher education establishments 10. Comparison with state approved same level program in other EU

countries11. Cooperation agreement between the Rezekne Higher Education

Institution and the Riga Technical University (copy)12. License of professional higher education Master study program

“Computer systems”13. Constitution decree about confirmation of accreditation materials


1. Objective, tasks and expected results of the study programThe professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems”

was licensed 22.06.2006. for three years (for copy of the license see Appendix 12). Its practical implementation has been started on September 1, 2006. The first graduation is planned in January 2008.

Professional Master studies provide advanced professional knowledge, develop creativity in using professional comprehensive skills which are based on the latest achievements in science.

The objective on the study program is to provide deep knowledge in computer science, economy and management which is relevant to professional Master qualification and to enable a graduate to work as system analyst in programming organizations or individually – to determine requirements for information system and to take part in its design, to manage information system development projects, to research and develop new technologies in the area of information systems, to work as a teacher in a school or a lecturer in higher education establishments as well as to continue studies as doctoral students.

The particular objective of the study program is to increase number of professionals with Master degree in Latgale and Latvia.

The study program is based on accredited second level professional higher education study program “Engineer-Programmer” which is implemented in Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI).

The tasks of the study program are:1) To provide study courses adequate to Master’s level in theory and practice;2) To develop skills in research, creativity, design, and management within

framework of relevant courses;3) To provide professional education which corresponds to 5th level of

qualification defined by professional standards for system analysts;4) To ensure opportunity to acquire and to master professional skills in

practice organized by the study program.Expected results: specialists in computer science with professional Master’s

degree which has been obtained by successfully accomplishing the study program in compliance with regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers and RHEI (see Appendix 6).

The content of the study program, its organization and implementation, provision of academic personnel and infrastructure allows achieving the objective of the program, to accomplish the tasks and to reach the expected results.


2. Organization of the study programRHEI study programs are developed in accordance with RHEI Senate approved

regulation “Academic and Professional Study Programs in RHEI”. The organization and the management of programs are done by program director whose work is regulated by “Regulation about study program director in RHEI” (see Appendix 6).

2.1. Correspondence of the syllabus with RHEI tasks and objectives.

The professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems” is set up according to RHEI development strategy for 2003. – 2010. (approved in June 2, 2003 by RHEI Constitution) which projected to establish professional Master study program in computer sciences. The establishment of the program fully complies with RHEI mission stated in strategy - to develop culture, science, education and business environment in Latgale region and thus in the whole Latvia. Also communiqué of European ministers responsible for higher education, which was signed 2005 in Bergen, states that higher education has to be made equally accessible to all – “… there is need for appropriate conditions for students so that they can complete their studies without obstacles related to their social and economic background”.

The study program also serves the purpose of RHEI development – to provide students with broad academic and professional education in order to make them competitive in job market in Latvia and European Union and enable them to continue studies in educational establishments in Latvia and abroad. Master degree, gained after completion of the program, will allow starting doctoral studies. The implementation of the study program embodies the basic principle of RHEI development: the principle of succession - providing successive levels of education - , and lifelong learning – by giving opportunity to society members to continue studies throughout their lifetimes.

Following another RHEI basic principle – the principle of accessibility that determines equal opportunities to study regardless of place of residence, the syllabus is aimed to provide opportunities for education for students, who are employed, by providing lectures on Saturdays and Sundays. In this way employed students will not have to miss their work which is in the interest of both – students and employers.The syllabus is approved by Board of the Engineering Faculty. Program director gives a report about the implementation of the study program in annual self-evaluation statement of the study program. This statement is written according to the self-evaluation criteria, discussed in meetings in Department of Computer Sciences and


Mathematics of Faculty of Engineering, reviewed in Teaching Board and approved by Senate. The annual self-evaluation statement of the study programs are made public in RHEI homepage ( – Studijas/Studiju programmas/ Pašnovērtējuma ziņojumi).

Considering all of the above it can be concluded that the syllabus of the Master study program nominated for accreditation complies with RHEI objective and tasks (see point 3.3. of self-evaluation statement).

2.2. Mechanism of internal control of the program

The mechanism of the internal control for professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems” is based on the system of quality evaluation and control for studies in RHEI (approved by RHEI Senate with Act No. 9 on 28.02.2005.) The RHEI study quality control system names seven aspects as a major:

1. Compliance of study process with RHEI development strategy (development policy).

2. Quality of academic personnel.3. Quality of study program.4. Quality of cooperation with applicants and graduates.5. Quality of study process.6. Quality of infrastructure.7. Quality of funding and economic activities.

For internal quality control of the study program “Computer systems” the most important are quality of the study program and quality of study process.

RHEI as the most important indicators for assessing quality of the study program recognize:

Explicitness of the objectives and tasks of study program, its attainability and compliance with RHEI development strategy (see points 1. and 2. of self-evaluation statement);

Compliance of study content with educational and professional standards of Latvia, other regulations and flexibility of study program development (see point 6. of self-evaluation statement);

Consideration of democratic principles in managing the study program and in relationships between academic personnel and students (see point 7.6. of self-evaluation statement);

Meeting the requirements in methodological (including programs for study courses and calendar plans), informational and material and technical supplies (see point 9. of self-evaluation statement);


Annual self–evaluation statements of the study programs, considerations of the strengths and weaknesses of the program, discussing opportunities and plans for development and improvement of the program (see point 11. of self–evaluation statement);

Study programs director’s contribution to the management of the program (see point 11. of self–evaluation statement).Assessing quality of the study process main indicators taken into consideration

are: Innovative methods in study process, clarity of expected results, problem

solving, use of computers, multimedia and internet (see points 5. and 9. of self–evaluation statement);

Consultations for students, improvement in motivation to study (see point 5. of self-evaluation statement);

Objectivity in evaluation of students knowledge and skills as well as use of those results in further improvement of the study process (see point 4. of self-evaluation statement);

Students involvement in scientific research (current importance of themes and correspondence with content of the study program), students participation in scientific competitions (awards, rewards, special scholarships) (see point 5. of self-evaluation statement);

International cooperation, student exchange, opportunities for field practices in Latvia and abroad (see points 3.,5. and 10.2. of self-evaluation statement);

Amount of studies, organization of self – dependent work – planning, load, types of tests etc.; consulting opportunities, accessibility of information, content of study course, placement structure for the courses and their succession, flexibility and novelty (see point 3. of self-evaluation statement).

How students feel about RHEI (see point 7.4. of self-evaluation statement).

3. Structure of the study program

3.1. Division of the program and value of credits

According to RHEI regulations “About academic and professional studies and study programs” this study program consists of:

1) courses which provide knowledge of the latest developments in the theory and practice in field of study – 18 credits;

2) courses in research, creativity, designing and management – 8 credits;3) courses in pedagogy and psychology – 4 credits;


4) restricted electives– 4 credits;5) practices outside RHEI – 6 credits;6) State exam and Master Thesis – 20 credits.Programs of the courses are provided in Appendix 2. The content and

load for full time and part time science are the same. For part time science number of contact hours is ¼ of those of full time. List of courses of the study program are shown in Table 1.

Table 1Courses of the study program

Course Credits Abbreviation

Courses which provide knowledge of the latest developments in the theory and practice in field of study (18

credits)Requirements Engineering 2 PI1Software Engineering 4 PI2Object-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment


Business Systems Analysis 2 BSAOperations Management 2 OVData Protection 2 DAInformation Technology Standards 2 ITS

Courses in research, creativity and design (8 credits)Project Management 2 PVObject-Oriented Systems Modelling 2 SOMResearch Methodology in Engineering 2 IPMDecision-Making and Risk Evaluation 2 LRA

Courses in pedagogy and psychology (4 creditsInnovations in Higher Education Pedagogy


Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2 POP

Restricted electives (4 credits)Selection I (Management)

Strategic Management in Business 2 USVInnovation Management 2 IV

Selection II (IT and telecommunications)Intelligent networks and computer telephony


Advanced telecommunication technologies


Practice (6 credits)State examination (20 credits)


State Exam 2 VEMaster Thesis 18 MD

Total: 60

3.2. Loads of the program parts, their divisionMaste r s t udy p rogram ”Computer Sys tems”Courses which provide knowledge of the latest developments in the theory and

practice in field of studyCredit

sForm of


Requirements Engineering 2 ESoftware Engineering 4 EObject-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment

4 E

Business Systems Analysis 2 TOperations Management 2 TData Protection 2 EInformation Technology Standards 2 E

Total 18

Courses in research, creativity and design Credits

Form of Examination

Project Management 2 TObject-Oriented Systems Modelling 2 EResearch Methodology in Engineering 2 TDecision-Making and Risk Evaluation 2 DT

Total 8

Courses in pedagogy and psychology Credits

Form of Examination

Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy 2 TIndustrial and Organizational Psychology 2 T

Total 4

Restricted electives Credits

Form of Examination

Selection I (Management)Strategic Management in Business 2 EInnovation Management 2 E

Selection II (IT and telecommunications)Intelligent Networks and Computer Telephony

2 E

Advanced Telecommunication Technologies 2 ETotal 4

Practice and state examination Credi Form of


ts ExaminationPractice 6 DTState exam 2 SEMaster Thesis 18 MT

Total 263.3. Syllabus

F u l l - t i m e s t u d y p l a n1.semester

No CourseCre


HoursContact hours(lect.


Form of Examinatio


1. Requirements Engineering

2 80 32=16+16 E Lecturer Mg. Ē.Tipāns

2. Object-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment

4 160 64=32+32 E Assistant professor Dr. P.Grabusts

3 Business Systems Analysis

2 80 32=16+16 T Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

4. Operations Management

2 80 32=16+16 T Guest professor Dr.hab. Ģ.Vulfs

5. Information Technology Standards

2 80 32=16+16 E Assistant professor Dr. P.DaugulisAssistant professor I. Meirāns

6. Research Methodology in Engineering

2 80 32=16+16 T Professor Dr.hab. G.Noviks

7. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

2 80 32=16+16 T Lecturer Mg. Ē.Kalvāns

Restricted electives 4 creditsSelection I (Management)

1. Strategic Management in Business

2 80 32=16+16 E Professor Dr. I.Silineviča

2. Innovation Management

2 80 32=16+16 E Assistant professor Dr. S.Boļšakovs

Selection II (IT and telecommunications)1. Intelligent Networks

and Computer Telephony

2 80 32=16+16 E Guest professor Dr.hab. M.Šneps-Šnepe

2. Advanced Telecommunication Technologies

2 80 32=16+16 E Guest professor Dr.hab. M.Šneps-Šnepe

Total 20 8002.semester

No CourseCre


HoursContact hours(lect.


Form of Examinatio



1. Software Engineering 4 160 64=32+32 E Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

2. Data Protection 2 80 32=16+16 E Assistant professor Dr. P.Grabusts

3. Project Management 2 80 32=16+16 T Guest professor Dr.hab. Ģ.Vulfs

4. Object-Oriented Systems Modelling

2 80 32=16+16 E Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

5. Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy

2 80 32=16+16 T Professor Dr. P.Vucenlazdāns

6. Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation

2 80 32=16+16 DT Professor Dr. O.Užga -Rebrovs

7. Practice 6 240 0 DT Program directors Dr. P.Grabusts

Total 20 8003.semester

No CourseCre


HoursContact hours(lect.


Form of Examinatio


1. State Exam 2 80 0 SE Responsible executive – program director Dr. P.Grabusts

2. Master Thesis 18 720 0 MT Responsible executive – program director Dr. P.Grabusts

Total 20 800

P a r t - t i m e s t u d y p l a n


No Course Cre-dits


Contact hours(lect.


Form of Examinati


1. Requirements Engineering

2 80 8=4+4 E Lecturer Mg. Ē.Tipāns

2. Object-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment

4 160 16=8+8 E Assistant professor Dr. P.Grabusts

3. Operations management

2 80 8=4+4 T Guest professor Dr.hab. Ģ.Vulfs

4. Business Systems Analysis

2 80 32=16+16 T Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

Restricted electives 4 creditsSelection I (Management)


1. Strategic Management in Business

2 80 32=16+16 E Professor Dr. I.Silineviča

2. Innovation Management

2 80 32=16+16 E Assistant professor Dr. S.Boļšakovs

Selection II (IT and telecommunications)1. Intelligent Networks

and Computer Telephony

2 80 32=16+16 E Guest professor Dr.hab. M.Šneps-Šnepe

2. Advanced Telecommunication Technologies

2 80 32=16+16 E Guest professor Dr.hab. M.Šneps-Šnepe

Total 20 800


No Course Cre-dits


Contact hours(lect.


Form of Examinati


1. Software Engineering 4 160 16=8+8 E Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

2. Object-Oriented Systems Modelling

2 80 8=4+4 E Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

3. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

2 80 32=16+16 T Lecturer Mg. Ē.Kalvāns

4. Information Technology Standards

2 80 32=16+16 E Assistant professor Dr. P.DaugulisAssistant professor I. Meirāns

5. Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy

2 80 8=4+4 T Professor Dr. P.Vucenlazdāns

Total 12 4803.semester

No Course Cre-dits


Contac thours(lect.


Form of Examinati


1. Data protection 2 80 8=4+4 E Assistant professor Dr. P.Grabusts

2. Project management 2 80 8=4+4 T Guest professor Dr.hab. Ģ.Vulfs

3. Research Methodology in Engineering

2 80 8=4+4 T Professor Dr.hab. G.Noviks

4. Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation

2 80 8=4+4 DT Professor Dr. O.Užga -Rebrovs

5. Practice 6 160 0 DT Responsible executive – program director Dr. P.Grabusts

6. State Exam 2 80 0 SE Responsible executive – program director


Dr. P.GrabustsTotal 16 640


No CourseCre


HoursContact hours(lect.


Form of Examinati


1. Master Thesis 18 720 0 MT Responsible executive – program director Dr. P.Grabusts

Total 18 720

In the 3rd semester along with special subjects six week long practice is planned. The aim of the practice is to strengthen and to improve students’ knowledge and professional skills in the profession of a system analyst and/or give opportunity to plan and to do scientific research in their field. Methodological guidelines for professional practices are available in The Department of Computer sciences and Mathematics.

Studies in the Master study program are completed with State Examination which consists of State Exam and a development and presentation of the Master Thesis. This Thesis has to comply with methodological guidelines for Master’s Thesis development. Master’s Thesis is independent, experimental research in a live issue and shows MA student’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Author of master Thesis independently capsules and analyses theoretical statements, practical problems in the issue, finalizes and substantiates his opinion, creatively analyses and suggests possible problem solutions in the area of research.

Professional Master’s degree is granted by Professional Master State Examination commission and its decision is approved by the Faculty of Engineering Council. A sample of diploma about obtaining Master’s degree as well as sample of it appendix is attached in Appendix 3.

4. Evaluation SystemBasic principles of knowledge evaluation in the study program are:

Principle of summarizing positive achievements; Principle of evaluation obligation; Principle of openness and clarity of evaluation criteria; Principle of diversity of evaluation forms; Principle of accessibility of evaluation.


Volume of knowledge necessary for completing each course is determined by the course program which is approved by The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics. The course programs contains general requirements for receiving credits as well as sources necessary to meet those requirements (scientific literature, websites on the internet etc.). The course programs are available at The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics and are attached in Appendix 2.

Knowledge evaluation criteria, evaluation forms and processes are set by lecturer and incorporated in syllabus (according to the study program approved by RHEI Senate). Achievements are assessed according to qualitative (verbal) system – with tests, and quantitative (points) system – with exams and differential tests as well as state examinations.

Assessment of students’ knowledge could be separated into two stages: formative (educative) and summative (resumptive). Formative assessment provides lecturer and student with feedback necessary for further organising of study process. This type of assessment gives information to participants of the study process without changing student’s status. It motivates student to perfect knowledge and allows lecturer to judge efficiency of chosen teaching methods.

Summative assessment confirms achievement of set requirements – criteria, and shows level of course completion in general. This assessment (test, differential test, exam) acknowledges that the study purpose has been accomplished. By using different forms of summative assessment, lecturer checks how student has acquired content of certain subject, theme or whole study course.

Professional higher education master diploma is awarded to students who: Successfully completed all tests and examinations in theoretical and practical

courses; During studies have proved their professional skills and abilities in practice and

received positive assessment about it; Have successfully taken State Exam and presented Master Thesis.

5. Program implementation in practice

The study program is realized in full time and part time studies. Each student who registers for studies receives a syllabus for a year and short programs of study courses.

The implementation of the study program is based on traditional study forms: lectures, practical duties, students’ independent work and its control. Study methods are aimed at developing critical and independent way of thinking improving


communication skills and ability to work in a team, with stress turned upon mastering methods of scientific cognition. Theoretical and practical knowledge is given in different forms:

Theoretical knowledge is provided by1) Lectures;2) Practical duties;3) Independent work with technical and scientific literature in libraries and on the

internet. Practical skills are gained in1) Hands-on lessons in computer classes;2) Independent work with software;3) Professional practice (6 weeks) when theoretical knowledge acquired in RHEI is

used to complete specific tasks, to improve skills in profession and research by trainee taking part as system analyst in project development analysis of a project.To secure practices RHEI concludes cooperation agreements with IT firms or

companies who work in a field of computer systems or software development, implementation and hosting; state and municipal institutions, who host or use different information systems in their work. The agreements are available in The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics.

Theme for Master’s Thesis can be chosen by students themselves. The MA evaluation commission will include highly qualified specialists from leading IT companies as well as Latvia’s other tertiary education establishments.

RHEI heads of scientific programs and departments organize, control and encourage MA students’ participation in a scientific research, scientific conferences and to publish their research papers. Lecturers consult MA students and motivate them to take part in implementation of the study program. Results of MA students’ researches will reflect into their Master’s Thesis and students will be offered to present them in scientific conferences.

Research activities of academic personnel are described in the self-evaluation report point 8.2. “Relevance of academic personnel qualifications to the achieving objectives and tasks of the structural unit”. Scientific research is essential part of RHEI activities and whole academic personnel of the study program is involved in it. The results of scientific work are published annually in RHEI issue of publications. Other scientific works (brochures, monographs), collected conference reports are reviewed and recommended for publishing by RHEI Scientific Board. All published scientific works and collections of conference reports are accessible to students.


6. Prospective evaluation of the programThe main EU document for higher education is Bologna declaration “The

European Higher Education Area” which has been signed on 19.06.1999 by European ministers for higher education. The main goal of Bologna declaration is to promote united, harmonized system of tertiary education in Europe to advance competitiveness of Europe as united region in global world.

Main strategic goals of higher education are: To increase quality and competitiveness of higher education; To improve efficiency of use of materials, finances and human resources; To encourage development of regional higher education establishments.The academic personnel of The Department of Computer Sciences and

Mathematics are involved and contribute to ESF PIAA project “Support to the competence building of academic personnel in the developing of programs in computer sciences” (treaty No. 2006/0079/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/, which is established to build up competence of academic personnel in the modern world of education in computer sciences standards.

6.1. Correspondence of the program with standards of profession and standards of professional higher


Correspondence to standard of professionThe study program is designed according the requirements for 5th qualification

level for profession “System analyst” (available in The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics or see ).

All standard knowledge and comprehensive skills groups for profession “System analyst”

and the study program courses which provide their acquirement follows.

Responsibilities and assignments The study program coursesAnalysis of current business systems Business Systems Analysis

Strategic Management in BusinessOperations ManagementInnovation ManagementAdvanced telecommunication technologiesIntelligent networks and computer telephony

Development of requirements specification for systems

Requirements EngineeringBusiness Systems AnalysisSoftware EngineeringObject-Oriented Systems ModellingDecision-Making and Risk Evaluation

Participation in system development Requirements Engineering15

Software EngineeringObject-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development EnvironmentObject-Oriented Systems ModellingProject ManagementDecision-Making and Risk Evaluation

Job organization Project ManagementCreating of documentation Requirements Engineering

Project ManagementTo interview customers and users Industrial and Organizational

PsychologyKnowledge and skills development All courses

Skills The study program coursesTo use IT standards Previous education

Information Technology StandardsTo use IT terminology in English and in Latvian

Previous education and practice

To use operational systems Previous education and practiceTo use text and graphics editors and other application software for office

Previous education and practice

To work with technical documentation, standards

Previous education and practiceInformation Technology Standards

To create and to use charts and diagrams Previous educationRequirements EngineeringSoftware EngineeringBusiness Systems AnalysisObject-Oriented Systems ModellingProject Management

To use methodology of system analysis Business Systems AnalysisTo choose methodology of system analysis Business Systems AnalysisTo use support tools of system analysis Business Systems AnalysisTo use methods of resource estimation Business Systems Analysis

Operations ManagementProject Management

To prepare technical description Requirements EngineeringTo use text and graphics editors, presentation programs and spreadsheets

Previous education and practice

Ability to communicate Previous education and practiceIndustrial and Organizational Psychology

Ability to work in team Previous education and practiceIndustrial and Organizational Psychology

Ability to work independently Previous education and practiceTo plan job scheduling and set priorities Previous education and practice

Project ManagementTo use instruments for information searching and sorting

Previous education and practice

To prepare presentation materials and to hold presentation

Previous education and practice

To convince others and to substantiate own opinion

Previous education and practiceInnovations in Higher Education PedagogyIndustrial and Organizational Psychology

To process applied documents Previous education and practice16

To use interview methodology to interview clients and users

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

To observe principles of professional ethics Previous education and practiceIndustrial and Organizational Psychology

To follow requirements of work hygiene and safety

Previous education and practice

To communicate in English Previous education and practice

Knowledge The study program coursesEnglish Previous education and practiceMathematics Previous education and practiceFundamentals of business and economics Previous education

Strategic Management in BusinessInnovation Management

Technological fundamentals of economical process

Strategic Management in Business

Communications and professional ethics Previous education and practiceIndustrial and Organizational Psychology

Fundamentals of IS economy Business Systems AnalysisOperations ManagementStrategic Management in Business

Software project management Software EngineeringProject Management

Technical writing Previous education and practiceMethodology of interview Industrial and Organizational

PsychologyRequirements engineering Requirements Engineering

Software EngineeringObject-Oriented analysis and projecting Previous education and practice

Software EngineeringObject-Oriented Systems ModellingObject-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment

Systems architecture and projecting Software EngineeringRequirements Engineering

Software engineering Previous education and practiceSoftware EngineeringRequirements Engineering

Users interface Previous education and practiceSoftware Engineering

Information protection and safety Previous education and practiceData Protection

Fundamentals of programming Previous education and practiceData structure and algorithm Previous education and practiceE-business Strategic Management in BusinessFundamental rights and standards in IT industry

Previous education and practiceInformation Technology Standards

Employment rights, Wok protection and work safety

Previous education and practice

Volume of knowledge and comprehensive skills acquired in this study program complies with knowledge and skills required by professional standard.


Correspondence to 2nd level higher professional education standardThe program requires 60 credits which comply with requirements for

professional Master study program. The compulsory parts of the program content and their grouping meet the requirements for professional Master study program (see Part 3)

The compulsory parts of the program content for 2nd level professional higher education

Master programProgram “Computer systems”

Courses which provide knowledge of the latest developments in the theory and practice in field of study with value of credits at least 7

1) Requirements Engineering (2 credits)2) Software Engineering (4 credits) 3) Object-Oriented Programming and

Integrated Development Environment (4 credits)

4) Business Systems Analysis (2 credits) 5) Operations Management (2 credits)6) Data Protection (2 credits)7) Information Technology Standards (2

credits)Total – 18 credits

Courses in research, creativity and design with value of credits at least 5

1) Project Management (2 credits)2) Object-Oriented Systems Modelling (2

credits)3) Research Methodology in Engineering (2

credits)4) Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation (2

credits)Total – 8 credits

Courses in pedagogy and psychology with value of credits at least 2

1) Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy (2 credits)

2) Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2 credits)

Total – 4 credits

Restricted electives with value of 4 credits

Selection I (Management) – 2 credits1) Strategic Management in Business (2

credits)2) Innovation Management (2 credits)Selection II (IT and telecommunications) – 2 credits)1) Advanced telecommunication technologies

(2 credits)2) Intelligent networks and computer

telephony (2 credits)Total – 4 credits

Practice with value of credits at least 6

Practice (6 credits)

State examination with presentation of Master Thesis or diploma paper (diploma project) as the part of it with

1) State exam ( 2 credits)2) Master Thesis (18 credits)Total – 20 credits


value of credits at least 20The choice of the courses and their planning is determined by 5th qualification

level professional standard “System analyst”. More than 50% of volume of the courses will be achieved practically – with practical duties (no less than 1/3 from volume of contact hours in the study field), the practice (6 credits) and Master Thesis (20 credits).

It lets to conclude that the study program complies with regulation No. 481 about state standard for 2nd level higher professional education for Master program of The Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia.

6.2. Employers’ survey about employment of graduates for next six years

Currently practically all MA students are employed. Because there are no big IT companies or companies whose main work area is computer systems or development of other software products in Latgale region, part of the students work in areas related to IT.

Survey of existing and potential employers of MA students about vacancies for graduates of professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems” in next six years shows, that such specialists will be highly competitive in a job market. Employers support all current MA students in their studies and do not plan to make redundant any of them considering sustained growth rate of economy. Even if any company has to reduce their staff, system analyst with professional Master degree will definitely be able to fin job with another employer.

At the same time the opinion was voiced that it is difficult to plan a growth outlook in employment of computer specialist for 6 years which can be regarded as long time. However, the planned economical growth in Latvia will imply increasing requirements for employees therefore there is no reason to foresee employment problems between graduates of the study program.

7.Students7.1. Number of students in the program

The study program nominated for accreditation on 01.06.2007. has 21 full time student. They all are financed by State budget. Two students have stopped their education.


7.2. Number of students matriculated in the first yearThe implementation of the study program nominated for accreditation has

been started in September 2006. 23 applicants were matriculated in the first year.

7.3. Number of graduatesThere has not been graduation in the study program. It is planned that the first

students will be receiving their degrees in 2008.

7.4. Survey of students and its analysisIn the beginning of the first year of the study program MA students were

surveyed about their places of residence and a year of finishing previous education. The main determinant for almost all students was geographical location of RHEI:

16 students live in Rezekne 4 students come from Rezekne region One student comes from Ludza, one from Daugavpils and one from Madona

Only one student was not RHEI graduate. The division of students by year of finishing previous education is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Division of students by year of finishing previous education

14 students were surveyed at the end of the first year in the study program. Assessing possible necessity of knowledge acquired during the first year of

studies in their future work 36 % of respondents evaluated it as “sometimes useful”, but 64% - as “necessary”. Generally the knowledge provided by study courses was assessed as needful in students’ future profession.

Evaluating provision with computers (quantity and quality) 44% of students think that it is very good, but 56% of students said that it is good. Information about study process and plan is “good” for 36% and satisfactory for 64% of respondents. In










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


regards to work conditions in auditoriums (capacity, light, heating, furniture, technical equipment) majority – 76% of respondents – rate it as “good”.

Also majority of surveyed students – 78% - are fully satisfied with the study program and 22% of the students are partially satisfied with it. Respondents recommend to increase collection of scientific literature and to improve interchange in information area.

Significant number of students (71%) in future sees themselves working in the field of computer technologies.

To improve the quality of studies current funds of scientific literature are continuously renewed with the latest publications in the area of computer technologies.

7.5. Survey of graduates and its analysisThe first graduates will complete the study program in 2008.

7.6. Students participation in the development of the study program

RHEI regulations provide for students participation in collegiate authorities. According to the point 2.2. of regulation for students of RHEI Senate decision No. 5 at 21.03.2005. RHEI students have rights:

To vote and to be elected in students’ self-governing bodies, to collaborate with RHEI self-governing institutions at all levels.

To found societies, interest groups, clubs after informing RHEI administration about them.

To do scientific research and express themselves creatively in arts.Representatives of students’ self-governing bodies have rights to work in RHEI

authorities. They have rights to veto decisions of Senate, The Board of the Faculty and Constituent Assembly which affect their interests.

Students’ self-governance bodies of each faculty and whole RHEI work actively because students take part in events hold by faculties, organize those and contribute in looking for solutions of different problems concerning students.

RHEI students’ self-governance regulation approved by RHEI Senate in meeting on 14.12.1998., states, that the main task of students’ self-government is to represent RHEI students and to maintain their interest in activities in Latvia and abroad.


RHEI Credit Grants commission is institution founded by RHEI Senate decision No. 4 on 27.10.2003. It is the body which is entitled to consider applications and make decisions about granting study loans (funded by State or credit institutions). Point No. 3 of the regulation No 220 of The Cabinet of Ministers about procedure of granting, repayment and extinguishing of study credits funded by credit institutions states, that persons who can apply for study credit are citizens of the Republic of Latvia, persons with passports of non-citizens of the Republic of Latvia as well as citizens of other EU countries with permission of permanent or temporary residency who successfully study accredited programs. This is the reason why students of the study program nominated for accreditation are not eligible for study loans.

All students rights mentioned above ensure their activity in all matters of study process, its organization, and activities outside studies.

It is the faculty tradition to organize Engineering Days in April. The happening includes student scientific conference, sports event, and the Information Day. The Information Day is intended to introduce the faculty, terms of enrolment, curriculum, and the organization of studies, student off-studies life, and employment opportunities after graduation. Student self-government actively participates in the organization of these events.

Three students’ representatives are engaged in the Board of the Faculty of Engineering and another two representatives are involved in commissions for self-evaluations of the study programs, which produce annual reports. Thereby students can influence the development of the study program. MA students of the study program traditionally are involved in all established activities aimed at perfecting the study process.

8. Academic personnel involved in the implementation of the study program

Academic personnel are the most essential element in a work with students and it is crucial that are experts in subjects they teach. Lecturers of this MA study program have necessary knowledge and skills to pass their expertise to students in different contexts and to gain information about their work in feedback. All academic personnel have opportunities to broaden and deepen their competences in teaching.

8.1. The number and qualifications of academic personnel


The study program is mostly implemented by The Department of Computer Sciences and mathematics of The Faculty of Engineering. The Department is obliged to realize professional Master program in computer sciences in compliance with The Higher Education Establishments Law, RHEI Constitution and RHEI Senate rulings.

Quantitative description of Academic personnel involved in implementation of the program is shown in Table 2.

Table 2Academic personnel involved in implementation of the study program



Doctoral degree

Master degree

Without degree Total












d ac




t ac













d ac




t ac




4 1 4 1 5

Associate professors

1 1 1

Assistant professors

4 - 1 - 5 - 5

Lecturers - - 2 - 2 - 2Total: 8 2 2 1 13

List of academic personnel involved in implementation of the study program by names, staffs’ qualification and assignments are shown in Table 2.

Table 2Academic personnel involved in implementation of the program

No Surname, NameScientific degree or studies

Academic positionElected RHEI/guest lecturer

1. BOĻŠAKOVS Sergejs

Dr.oec. assistant professor Elected RHEI

2. DAUGULIS Pēteris Dr.phil. (Ph.D) assistant professor Elected RHEI3. GRABUSTS Pēteris assistant professor Elected RHEI4. KALVĀNS Ēriks Mg.paed.,

doctoral student

lecturer Elected RHEI

5. MEIRĀNS Ivars assistant professor Elected RHEI6. NOVIKS Gotfrīds Dr.habil.geol. professor Elected RHEI7. SILINEVIČA Irēna professor Elected RHEI8. ŠNEPS-ŠNEPE associate Guest professor


Manfrēds professor9. TEILĀNS Artis assistant professor Elected RHEI10. TIPĀNS Ēriks,

doctoral student

lecturer Elected RHEI

11. UŽGA-REBROVS Oļegs professor Elected RHEI


Dr.paed. professor Elected RHEI

13. VULFS Ģirts professor Guest professor

11 of 13 (85%) academics involved in implementation of the program are elected in RHEI. Total proportion of doctors/Masters involved is 10/2.

Academic personnel of 13 take part in implementation of courses required by standards of field and profession. 8 of them (62%) have been elected in RHEI and have PhD in the field of their competence. CV’s of academic personnel are attached in Appendix 1.

8.2. Correspondence of academic personnel qualifications to the implementation of objective and tasks of the study program

Quality of education provided is guaranteed by study the program which has been approved by the Board of the Faculty of Engineering and implementation is responsibility of the program director. Qualified academic personnel, mostly from the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, ensure realization of both full-time and part-time study program. Study courses are provided by academic personnel of 10 with doctoral degree (professors, assistant professors). Remaining courses are taught by academic personnel with Master degree who are currently studying for PhD or who have expensive work experience.

List of academic personnel with position, education, scientific degree, place of election or temporary employment as well as courses taught are provided in Appendix 5. Staffs’ biographies in scientific research are attached in Appendix 1.

RHEI structural units involved in the implementation of the study program are:1. The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of the Faculty of

Engineering, tasks – to provide theoretical and special courses in the study field, to provide practical lessons.

2. The Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Engineering, tasks –to provide courses in research.

3. The Department of Finances and Accounting of the Faculty of Economy, tasks - to provide courses in economy.


4. The Department of Business economy of the Faculty of Economy, tasks –to provide courses in economy.

5. The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty of Pedagogy, tasks –to provide courses in pedagogy and psychology.Courses which provide knowledge of the latest developments in the theory and

practice in field of study are taught by academic personnel whose scientific specialization is related to different IT areas – professor Ģ. Vulfs specializes in operation research and project management; assistant professor A. Teilāns conducts courses in software engineering and system modeling, in addition to that he has great experience in development of different projects with software company “Dati Exigen Group” ; assistant professor P. Grabusts is engaged in research of data analysys systems; assistant professor Dr.phil. P. Daugulis and assistant professor I.Meirans, who has extensive practical experience with RHEI and “Data Exigen Group”, do analysis of IT standards; lector Ē Tipāns špecializes in software engineering and realizes projects in “Data Exigen Group”.

Academic personnel involved in providing courses in research, creativity, designing and management is: professor Dr.habil.geol. G. Noviks, who is involved in engineering research, professor I. Silineviča specializes in field of business management; professor O. Užga-Rebrovs is engaged in research in Risk Evaluation and information evaluation in uncertain conditions; assistant professor Dr.oec. S. Boļšakovs research innovations and their management.

Courses in pedagogy and psychology are conducted by professor Dr.paed. P. Vucenlazdāns, who specializes in higher education pedagogy problems; lecturer Mg.paed. Ē. Kalvāns majors in industrial and organizational psychology.

Currently cooperation regarding including in the study program a special course in technologies of modern telecommunications “IT and telecommunications” is started with associate professor M.Šneps-Šneppe of Ventspils University College.

To further improve quality of studies it is planned to involved guest lecturers from abroad as the Faculty of Engineering has close cooperation with foreign universities and academic personnel from there are involved in the implementation of the professional bachelor study program “Programming Engineer”. Students are also given opportunity to develop their Master Theses in higher education establishments and universities abroad (cooperation agreements are available at the office of External Relations coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering).


It is to be concluded that academic personnel involved in the implementation of the study program are highly qualified and competent in order to provide students with necessary theoretical knowledge, comprehensive skills in research and competences.

8.3. Academic personnel selection, renewal and development policy for next 6 years

According to Regulations of RA assistant professor P. Grabusts has been approved by the RA Senate as the director of the study program. Performance of the program is analysed annually, arrangements are made to provide the program with academic personnel.

Academic positions in RHEI are elected according to procedure set by law in Latvia and corresponding RHEI regulation which determines relevance of staff qualification to criteria of position. The main criteria are education and qualification, academic and scientific degree, seniority, improvement of qualification, results of scientific research and methodical elaborations. These criteria are ruling in policy of selection and development of academic personnel.

The policy of training, development and renewing of academic personnel is realized to promote further improvement and it includes: discussions and consultations not only in meetings organized by department, but also in everyday life; doing doctoral studies (E. Tipāns, Ē. Kalvāns); participating in courses in professional proficiency (in 2006 P. Grabusts, A. Teilāns, I. Meirāns did the course “Software engineering course for improvement academic personnel competencies according to internationally certified programs” organized by “Baltijas Datoru akadēmija” and certified by “Microsoft”), activities to motivate academic personnel to participate in scientific researches, seminars, conferences and courses. It is planned to involve in the study program “Computer systems” lecturer of the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics A. Zorins who has completed theoretical part of doctoral studies in Riga Technical University.

RHEI supports involvement in scientific research. Academic personnel can enter their researches in RHEI scientific grant tenders which are announced at the beginning of each academic year. Projects can be written by RHEI staff or by students. Every year conferences in faculties are held and every second year international scientific conference is organized. Also academic personnel take part in conferences organized by other higher educational establishments in Latvia and abroad. RHEI has own publishing house which secures opportunity to print methodical elaborations, text books and handouts.


As a vital fact in implementation of the study program it has to be mention that majority of academic personnel are practitioners and 2 current doctoral students plan to complete their PhD which will number of doctors in the program. The Faculty also supports staff’s work in universities abroad and participation in international projects.

9. Sources of funding and provision with infrastructureStudy fundingCosts of the study program are calculated in accordance with the Regulations

No.42 “The order in which the state covers tuition fee for students studying in higher education institutions” by the Cabinet of Ministers, Republic of Latvia in February 9, 1999.

Expenses of full time and part time higher professional education Master study program “Computer systems” for one student in 2007/2008 academic year were:

1) Salaries for academic and other staff;2) Employer’s social insurance allocations;3) Travel allowances;4) Costs of utilities (phone, post, technical support, repairs);5) Costs of materials, energy resources, water and furniture;6) Purchases of books and magazines;7) Social provisions (sport, amateur performances, dormitory);8) Acquisition and update of hardware and software9) Investments in RHEI scientific development.

Total: full time studies – Ls 800 per person, part time studies – Ls 710 per person.Sources of the program funding are:

• budget funds,• fees paid by pay students (800 Ls/ a study year),• fees paid by part-time students (710 Ls/ a study year)

Stipends are provided to all students who receive budgetary funds in correspondence with RA Regulations on stipends (the Cabinet of Ministers, reg. No 740, 01.09.2004.). Student self-government review students’ applications for receiving allowances and submit those to the stipend committee.

The students of the Faculty of Engineering are eligible to receive study credit and student credit in accordance with the Regulation No.219 of May 29, 2001 of the Cabinet of Ministers on the order how study credit and student credit is awarded, reimbursed and cancelled from the means of the credit institution with the state guarantee. RA Crediting committee makes decision about awarding the credit in


accordance with requests and after evaluation of students’ performance and social conditions. Students of the professional Master study program “Computer systems” will be eligible for receiving credits only after the program will be accredited.

RHEI Library FundsRA Library is located in two buildings – Atbrīvošanas aleja 90 and Atbrīvošanas

aleja 115. There are three reading rooms in the library and the foreign literature department.

Majority of available publications (books, periodic and serial editions) are printed but there is increasing number of electronic documents. On a regular basis the library purchases study, scientific and specialized literature published in Latvia and within its financial limits - editions issued abroad. Information about new acquisition is updated monthly on RHEI homepage on the internet or on stands in the Library.

The library has access to the electronic catalogue on the internet created by the integrated information system “Alise” (IIS “Alise”). It provides search for publications using different parameters and library processes – acquisition, readers’ service, records and references. Information about articles which are published in magazines and newspapers since 2002 and are available in the RHEI library can be found in analytical database IIS “Alise”. There are traditional card catalogues and filing cabinets in the Library. In 01.09.2006 the library will start to provide electronic service.

Library also offers internet access to co-catalogue of 8 state level libraries (LNB, LUB, LLU FB, RTU ZB, LPA FB, PTB, MZB, v/a LMB). A user can order a publication of interest from other libraries through interlibrary loan system.

In the reading room readers can access computerized Latvian legislation system NAIS, as well as internationally recognized full text database EBSCO; database RUBICON - the largest online encyclopaedic and reference resource in Russian (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, manuals etc.), full text databases for STM journals “SpringerLink”, Latvian encyclopaedic reference, translation and terminology service Letonika, full text newspapers database LURSOFT and different databases on trial in different times. It is planned to make foreign databases available from any computer of RHEI. In reading rooms students also can access discs with their tutors’ teaching aids. Annually the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics allocate funds for renewing and increasing library funds. To further increase accessibility to study materials there are copiers and computers in the library. Lists


and the quantities of newly received books are published on a regular basis in the informative bulletin RA Ziņnesis and RHEI homepage.

Provision of the computer systems Master study program with study literature (as of 08/05/2007) is shown in Table 4.

Table 4Provision of the study program with study literature

Code Area Number of titles

Number of copies

004 Computer Science and Information Technology

369 900

658 Management (includes Strategic Business Management, Innovations Management, Project Management, Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation)

698 2533

159.9 Psychology 741 1765378 Higher Education 155 774

Data Protection 10 35In addition to that in 2006/2007 RHEI library has subscribed following IT

periodical editions:1) “Digital Times”, 2) “E-pasaule”, 3) “Pele”, 4) “Kompjuter press” (in russian), 5) “Haker” (in russian), 6) “Latvijas fizikas un tehnisko zinātņu žurnāls”.

Resources of Information Technology Centre (ITC)Theoretical and practical classes in the study field are held in 2007 newly

opened premises of ITC on Atbrīvošanas aleja 115. It has 3 computer rooms with approximately 60 computer workstations and auditorium for lectures. All computers are connected to the internet with connection speed 10Mbit/sec (ISP Latnet). Wireless internet is also available.The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics has all necessary hardware and software to provide to furnish the study courses, practical works and development of master Thesis. ITC software and hardware resources are shown in Table 5.

Table 5ITC hardware and software


Type of unit Quantity

Computer Pentium (I, II, III) 34Computer Celeron 19Computer PIV 31Digital interactive board set 1Laptop 6Multimedia projector 4Projector 1Printer 8Scanner 2Copying machine 2

SoftwareNo. Title Quantity1. Win 98 OLP A Eng. 102. Office Pro 97 Loc OL 503. NT Server 4.0 5 Clnt 14. MS Visual Studio 6.0 15. Win2000 CVPUP AE 126. Win2000 CVPUP AE 307. CorelDraw 9.0 AE 18. BC++ 6.0 Enterpr. Edu 19. BC++ 6.0 Prof. Edu 1010. Vfoxpro 7.0 OLP NLA 1011. Vfoxpro 7.0 Intl Disk Kit 112. Corel Draw 11 Academic 1113. Corel Draw 11 Licensing 114. Tildes Birojs 2002 CD Acad 115. Visio Std 2002 OLP NL AE 716. Visio Std 2002 Disk Kit MVL 117. Windows XP Pro OEM 1018. Office XP lic. AE 1019. Winlat Plus lic. 1020. AutoCAD 2005 EDU 10pak. 121. Tildes Birojs 2005 lic. 122. Matlab licenses 2523. Maple10 licenses 20

In 2006 RHEI Faculty of Engineering joined program MSDN® Academic Alliance which offers comprehensive basis of economical resources for use of the latest modern technologies to academic laboratories, academic personnel and students.


With yearly subscription fee the Faculty of Engineering gains access to full set of Microsoft development tools, servers and platforms as well receives monthly updates. Special licences allow to subscribers for scientific purposes to install software in all computers in laboratory.

Students, who have applied for study courses in the Faculty, can download software or borrow it for installing into their computer for the purpose of studies or development of personal projects.

The exclusive web page offers the latest resources to academic personnel:

Program registration and news; Projects, study materials, academic articles and official documents; Exclusive offers only to subscribers; Newsgroups/interest groups for academics.

MSDN Academic Alliance subscriber’s software, resources and support package includes”

MSDN library: documents, articles in speciality, code samples;- library of technical support “Knowledge Base”;- all Microsoft operation systems, SDK and DDK

professional technical support- 4 versions of setup and installation;- Newsgroups/interest groups on technical support on MSDN Online

Beta versions, new editions and updates- Microsoft Visual Studio® Professional; - Microsoft Visio® Professional; - Microsoft Windows CE izstrādes tools; - Software and updates supply on a regular basis;

• Following platforms for testing servers: - Microsoft® Windows®; - Server SQL ServerTM; - Exchange Server; - Commerce Server; - BizTalkTM Server; - Host Integration Server; - Application Center; - Systems Management Server 2.0; - ISA Server; - Mobile Information Server;


- SharePointTM Portal Server; - Microsoft Project.

Full list of software:

Rest of infrastructureRHEI Sports hall (Atbrīvošanas aleja 176) gives students opportunity to

exercise, it has gym, sauna. Aerobic classes are held in sports hall on Atbrīvošanas aleja 115. MA students can use dormitory. RHEI has 2 coffee shops.

The funding and the infrastructure are sufficient for successful implementation of the study program although it has to be said that there are many opportunities for further development of material and technical bases.

10. External relations

10.1. Relations with employers

Establishing of the study program and the beginning of its implementation was organized in cooperation with employers. As a result it is developed according their requirements and recommendation. During of the implementation of the study program cooperation continuous and employers’ point of view is highly valued. Analysis of current employment of students of this program shows, that their employers are IT companies, state and municipal structures and educational establishments.

The cooperation with employers is carried out in following forms: RHEI Advisers Council, professional practises, participation in projects and researches.

RHEI Advisers Council is established in cooperation with Latgale regional municipalities and acts in areas of strategy development, study programs improvement, utilization of scientific potential etc. Its work is regulated by RA Senate ruling No. 12 on 28/03/2006 about RHEI Advisors Council. Members of Advisor Council meet annually. There are representatives from 8 local authorities of Latgale regions and cities. Support from local authorities is acquired in necessary situations.

Cooperation with employers results in practice placements relevant to students’ Master Thesis (if possible). Mainly they are located in Latgale region. RHEI has agreements about practice placements with well known companies as „DATI Exigen Group”, „Microsoft Latvia”, „D8 Datu risinājumi”, „Check-IT”, „Rebir”, Rezekne city council and other state and municipal institutions (agreements are available in the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics).

Cooperation with employers is purposeful and with mutual interest, it is essential part of further improvement of the content of the study program and its


implementation. Every year RHEI holds Information day where students, employers and academic personnel take part.

Current and potential employers of students of Master study program “Computer systems” are surveyed about program objectives, aspects of implementation and content. Majority of them point out that in order to improve quality of work in their companies, there is need for employees with MA degree in computer sciences. All employers say that objectives and tasks as well as opportunity to obtain MA degree outside Riga – in Latgale region – are in interest of their organizations; it improves quality and productivity of work and strengthens competitiveness of Latgale region.

Employers of MA students also welcome opportunity to obtain MA degree in computer sciences in RHEI because students will not have to miss work to travel far for their study assignments. Majority of employers approvingly value academic personnel and their professional qualifications. It was also said that this opportunity sustains and promotes a growth and collaboration between working computer specialists in the region.

In regards to content of the study program it was assessed as optimal.Employers also praise the fact that opportunity to do Master studies is offered

by regional higher education establishment. It increases number of potential students, especially between already working computer specialists, in terms of distance (from work and place of residency) and study fees. Employers thing that implementation of such study program will create healthy competition between higher educational establishments.

10.2. Relations with comparable study programs in Latvia and abroad

Every year RHEI organizes international conferences and scientific seminars, as well as its academic personnel on a regular basis attend different conferences and seminars of scientific research.

I, II, III, IV and V International academic and practical conferences “Environment. Technology. Resources” were organized in 1997, 1999, 200, 2003 and 2005. Scientists from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Byelorussia, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Italy, Germany and Finland have taken part in the conferences. The reports of conferences are published in special issues. Conference has section “Information Technologies” which is organized and has constant participation of academic personnel of the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics. The VI conference “Environment. Technology. Resources” is planned for 2007.


RHEI collaborates with different Latvian higher educational establishments which implement similar study program. As the study program “Computer systems” except RHEI is implemented only in Riga Technical University (RTU), its experience was acquired in development stage of this study program.

Valuable recommendations during development of this study program were given by director of Institute of Information Technology of RTU Computer Science and Information Technology faculty. Assistant professor P. Grabusts has taken part in evaluations of RTU Bachelor Theses, but in 2006 – he was a member of RTU study program “Computer systems” Master Thesis presentation commission.

Collaboration wit RTU also has resulted in agreement between RHEI and RTU about opportunities to continue education in case of the study program is ceased.

Establishing cooperation with Ventspils University College is in process now. The possibility to add to the study program elective courses about modern telecommunications technologies is discussed with Venstpils University College associate professor M. Šneps-Šneppe.

In future it is planned to set up collaboration with foreign higher educational establishments. Academic personnel of the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics as a part of participation in program ES SOCRATES – ERASMUS has given lectures in universities abroad. P. Daugulis has had training in Israel. In 2008 P. Grabusts will be guest lecturer in Chalmers University in Sweden. Teaching staff from other RHEI structural units who provide this study program also perform efficient scientific and research activities, which reflects in their CVs.

RHEI professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems” has been compared to RTU professional Master study program “Computer systems” and Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) Master study program “Information technologies” (study direction – “System analysis”). Comparison is given in Appendix 9.

It was concluded that content and structure of all compared study programs complies with the Cabinet of Ministers’ regulation about 2nd level professional higher education state standard and profession standard. There are practice (RTU - 6 credits, LUA – 4 credits) and state examination, including Master Thesis (20 credits) in each program.

The biggest differences are in the total volume of the program which is set by duration of studies and change from 60 credits (1.5 years) in RHEI, 62 credits (1.5 years) in RTU and 80 credits (2 years) in LUA. Number of credits in compulsory subjects also depends on total volume (LUA – 34 credits, RHEI - 30 credits, RTU – 18


credits) as well as specialization and elective courses (LUA – 26 credits, RTU – 24 credits, RHEI – 10 credits).

The study program nominated for accreditation also was compared to Master study programs in information systems (system analysis) in two foreign universities – Sheffield University (Great Britain) and Dublin University College (Ireland) (see Appendix 10).

Overall content, volume and electives of RHEI study program is in keeping with typical study program in computer systems of EU universities. Each higher education establishment has differences in their specializations.

11. Acknowledgement about possibility to continue studies in case the study program is ceased

According to agreement between RHEI and RTU, in case of ceasing the higher professional education Master study program “Computer systems” in RHEI, students will be offered to continue education in Master study program implemented in Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology. Agreement is attached in Appendix 11.

12. The study program development planFor further development of the study program a plan is being elaborated. It will

include main work directions in order to keep the program offered competitive and sought-after in a job market. Important tendencies in the development of the study program would be linked with such elements as necessity to improve provision of implementation of the program, material and technical basis and update the program according to the job market requirements and general trends in society development.

Tendencies of the development are set by analysis performed. Positive and negative aspects in the implementation of the study program are shown in Table 6.

Table 6Description of the study program implementation

Positive aspects Negative aspectso The program fills a certain

niche in areas of professional orientation and further education.

o The content of the program complies with state standards for professional higher education and professions.

o The program has state funding for sufficient number of students.

o The study process and

o For different reasons students use international exchange opportunities insufficiently.

o Students have very intense study process on weekends.

o Students who live outside Rezekne need extra finances and time to get to the study location.

o The study program does not provide sufficient educational opportunities in English for


practice are brought closer.o The program is taught by

qualified academic personnel and working IT specialists.

o Majority of MA students work in areas related to IT.

o The study program is implemented in beneficial location, close to students’ place of residents.

o Majority of students live in Latgale region.

o Opportunity to continue doctoral studies.

foreign students.o Involvement in state level

grants is insufficient.o Number of academic

personnel publications in specialties need to be increased

Possibilities Threado To promote training of

academic personnel providing unity of theory and practice, more effective utilization of foreign experience in study process.

o To rationalize libraries and reading rooms working hours on weekends.

o To prepare new teaching aids, including computerized ones.

o To intensify involvement of academic personnel and guest lecturers in international scientific cooperation.

o To encourage academic personnel to do doctoral studies.

o Job vacancies for graduates in region and RHEI.

o To develop elective courses.

o Increased competition especially from private higher educational establishments together with decrease in number of potential students due to demographic reasons.

o Disparity between growth in society welfare and inflation in state economy.

o Centralization in higher education.

o Pay system in higher education do not substantiate development of academic and scientific potential in regional higher education establishments.

In coming years the study program has to complete following tasks: To analyse future trends and to develop narrow sub-programs according to

economic demand, economic development and business conditions; To perfect methods of research and Master Thesis development, putting stress

on students’ independent scientific work and its application in practice; To develop study programs for part time distance learners; To increase number of practice placements; To find opportunities for MA students to have practice and develop Master

Thesis in higher education establishments abroad;


To involve MA students in development and implementation of scientific projects.



Appendix 1

Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth January 28, 19754

Place of birth Rezekne, Latvia

Education 2005 – completed doctoral studies in the University of Latvia, the Faculty of Economy and Management, sub-sector Finances and Credits2002 – completed Master studies, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution, the Faculty of Economy academic Master study program “Management Science”1999 – graduated the Rezekne Higher Education Institution, speciality - “Finances and Accounting Management” qualification - Economist and Bachelor in Economy1995 – graduated from Rezekne evening school1992 – graduated from Raiskuma (Cēsu region) primary school

Academic titles and scientific degrees

2005 - PhD in Economy (Dr.oec.), specialization – finances and credits2002 – Master of Social Sciences in Management Science 1999 – Bachelor in Economy

Occupation Since 01.02.2006. – assistant professor, the Department of Finance Management, the Faculty of Economy, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution Since 02.02.2004. – specialist accountant, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 01.09.2003.-31.01.2006. – lecturer in the Department of Finance Management, the Faculty of Economy, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution 2002.-2004. – executive secretary, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution Credits Grant commission2001.-2002. - accountant, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution 2000.-2001. - methodologist, the Faculty of Economy, Rezekne Higher Education Institution 1999. – student’s practice in State Income Service, Rezekne branch

Scientific research field Innovative financing of business in Latvia, problems and solutions. Aspects of Innovations management

Scientific publications Published 17 scientific works (see Appendix 7)

Publications in media 1. Inovatīvi projekti Rēzeknē – visa reģiona attīstībai. Komersanta Vēstnesis. 2006. No .48, page 11 - 13

2. Inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības finansēšanas avoti. Komersanta Vēstnesis. 2006. No. 29, page 12 - 13

3. Inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstība Latvijā Lidsabonas stratēģijas mērķu kontekstā. Latvija Eiropas Savienībā. Eiropas Savienības informācijas aģentūra. 2006. No. 2, page 11 - 12

4. Inovatīvā uzņēmējdarbība – ekonomikas ilgtspējīgas attīstības pamats. Komersanta Vēstnesis. 2006. No. 14, page 14 - 15

5. Sarežģītais ideju komercializācijas ceļš. Komersanta 5

Vēstnesis. 2006. No. 8, page 14 - 156. Ekonomiskās izaugsmes virzītājspēks. Komersanta

Vēstnesis. 2006. No. 6, page 12 - 137. Inovatīvā uzņēmējdarbība – cik novērtēta un izprasta

Latvijā. Komersanta Vēstnesis. 2006. No. 5, page 12 – 13

Participation in conferences

Since 2003 participated in 10 conferences (see Appendix 8)

Participation in projects

2007 – ESF project “Finance and accounting specialisation students’ professional practices in companies and institutions” (Contract No. 2007/0049/VPD1/ ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ – participation in the ministry of Education funded project “Research in long term and current assets proportions in small and medium trade enterprises”2001 – 2002 – participation in EU program "Economic and Technological Intelligence Acknowledgement of Receipt" project “Creation of support network for innovative business development in field of electronics and Information Technologies”

Additional qualification 2007 – RHEI seminar “Competence: term, types and relations to studies”2000 – studies in Jonkoping University International Business School (Sweden) as a part of Socrates Erasmus program

Pedagogic and instructional materials

Text book “Inovatīvā uzņēmējdarbība un tās finansēšanas aspekti”, RHEI Publishing house, Rezekne, 2005

Teaching, methodological and pedagogic activities

2007 – developed 2nd level professional higher education Bachelor study program “Engineer in Mechatronics” study course “Innovations Management”2005 – developed professional Master study programs “Finance management” and “Computer Sciences” and academic Master study program “Management Science” study course “Innovations management” program, lecture publications, exercise books and handouts for the Department of Finance management, the Faculty of Economy, RHEISince 2003 – evaluated diploma papers, master theses, study papers end practice reports the Faculty of Economy, RHEI

Honorary titles and awards

2006 – the minister of health G. Berzins acknowledgement on Doctor’s Thesis, received during scientific conference “Innovations for Latvian future medicine”2006 – GEBERT RÜF STIFTUNG (Switzeland) Swiss Baltic Net prize for Doctor’s Thesis2005 – acknowledgement in Doctors Theses competition “Werner Von Siemens Izcilības balva 2005”1998, 1999 – grants of Rezekne City Council1998 winner of the Latvian Education fund program “For Education, Science and Culture” and V. Kristopans family fund students’ work competitionsRHEI acknowledgements


Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth April 20, 19677

Place of birth Karsava, Latvia

Education 1998 – Doctor degree in Mathematics, the University of Georgia (USA) 1992 – qualification – physicist, the Leningrad State University

Academic titles and scientific degrees

2001 – elected as assistant professor in Mathematics, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI)1998 - Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Mathematics

Occupation Since 2006 – leading researcher, RHEI Sustainable Development Research InstituteSince 1999 – assistant professor in Mathematics, RHEISince 2005 – assistant professor in Mathematics, the Daugavpils University (DU)2002 – 2005 acting head of the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics2001 – 2002 – researcher in EU financed research project in Institute of Medical Biomathematic, Israel1999 – 2000 – assistant professor in mathematics, the Riga Technical University1993 – 1998 – doctoral student and lecturer – assistant, the University of Georgia, (USA)

Scientific publications Articles in scientific publications – 7Theses for conferences – 3Scientific officially registered reports on individual and commissioned researches – 2

Scientific research direction

1. Theory of modular representations, idempotent modules structure and their application in modules classification.2. Mathematical and computer modelling of cancer by using equations of mathematical physics.3. Current research themes – theory of modular representations, narrowing modules to subalgebras, action of algebra automorphisms on its modules

Other scientific activities

Participation in scientific conferences – more than 10Member of organisational committee of international scientific conference “Environment. Technology. Resources.” (2001, 2003)Postdoctoral researcher, EU financed project “Using mathematical modelling and computer simulations to improve cancer therapy”, HPRN-CT-2000-00105, Institute of Medical Biomathematic, Israel 1993 – 1998 – Member of American Mathematical SocietySince 2004 – Member of Latvian Mathematical Society

Pedagogic and instructional publications

Text books – 2.Lectures publications for students – 7 subjectsDeveloped higher professional education Bachelor study program “Engineer-programmer”, 2003Subjects developed and taught: “Mathematical analysis,


Differential Equations and Analytical Geometry”, “Calculus” (2 study programs), “Discrete mathematics” (3 study programs), “Algebra”, “Algorithm Theory”, “Numerical Methods”, “Computer Networks”Developed course of distance learning “Organisational Maturity Model”Developed academic personnel qualification training course “Contemporary Standards in Computer Science Education”

Training of academic staff and professionals

Number of graduates in the study program “Engineer-programmer” – 3

Other activities of study process

2003 - DU courses to further improve of pedagogical qualification of academic personnel

Main publications 1. Daugulis, P. Stable endomorphism of idempotent E-modules, PhD thesis, University of Georgia, USA, 1998.

2. Daugulis P., Diskrētā matemātika, RHEI, 2001.3. Agur, Z., Arakelyan, L., Daugulis, P., Ginosar, Y. Hopf

point analysis for angiogenesis models, Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, Volume 4, Nr 1, February 2004.

4. Daugulis, P. Action of algebra automorphisms on its modules and families of indecomposable modules, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No.6, 2004.

5. Daugulis, P. Vēža audzēja svārstību analīze angioģenēzes modeļos, IV Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences “Vide.Tehnoloģija.Resursi” materiāli. RHEI Publishing house, 2003.

6. Daugulis, P. Action of algebra automorphisms on its modules and families of indecomposable modules, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No.6, 2004.

7. Daugulis, P. A graph model in representation theory and module classification problems, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No.7, 2006.

Languages Latvian, English, Russian

Additional information Experience in organising international conferences, experience in EU project application preparation Applied and implemented RHEI and ESF co-financed projects2006/0019/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/, Development and approbation of methodical materials for course of distance learning “Organisational Maturity Model”2006/0079/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/,Improvement of academic personnel competences in developing study program in computer sciences2006/0256/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ of mathematical studies methodical and technical provisions for needs of engineering studies in RHEIParticipation in many projects co-financed between ESF and Latvian higher education establishments


Curriculum Vitae


Born 1958 in Rezekne, Latvia

Education 2006 – completed doctoral studies in information technology management, the Riga technical University


Information Technology Institute1978 - 1983 - Applied Mathematic speciality in Latvian State University

Academic titles and scientific degrees

Since 2006 -

Occupation Since 2001 – assistant professor, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution (RHEI)Since 2006 – RHEI Master study program “Computer Systems” directorSince 1996, lecturer in the RHEI Department of Computer Science1996 – 2005 - head of Computer hall, lecturer in the Engineering Faculty, Rezekne Higher Education Institution1994 - 1996 - specialist in Banka Baltija Rezekne branch; 1993 - 1994 - specialist in the Immigration Department, Rezekne branch;1989-1992 - computer specialist in the Latvian Agriculture Ministry1983-1989 - specialist in Statistical Department Rezekne branch.

Publications Articles in scientific publications – 7, publications in conference materials – 12, conference theses - 3

Direction of scientific research

Artificial Neural Nets, Clustering Methods, Data Mining Technologies, Fuzzy Logic

Other scientific activities

2002 – LZP grantParticipation on scientific conferences in Poland, Czech Republic

Pedagogical work, academic courses

Courses developed for RHEI: Object-Oriented programming and integrated development environment, Data protection, Data bank, Computers architecture, Cryptography, Microprocessors, Computer accountingPedagogical experience in higher education establishment – 10 yearsAverage annual load – 800 hours

Training of academic personnel and professionalsOther activities of study process

Supervised more than 40 Bachelor theses, diploma projects, study papers of software engineer program studentsSupervised students’ preparation for students’ scientific conferences of RHEI Faculty of Engineering


Daugavpils University professional development program “Innovations in system of higher education”2001 - ERASMUS – training in Wilhelmshaven (Germany)1999 - TEMPUS – “Logistic management”; training in Gent

Social activities Member of Scientific Council of Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Honorary titles and awards Main publications

1. Bankrotu datu analīzes metožu iespēju izpēte. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference – Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas – RHEI Publishing house, Mrch 24, 2006, pages 55 – 63

2. Application of fuzzy rule base design method. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University: Computer Science. Techonologies of computer control, RTU, Riga, Issue 5, Volume 24. P. 125-131, 2005.

3. Analysing Bankruptcy Data with Neural Networks. 10th International Conference on Soft Computing- Mendel2004, Brno, Czech Republic, June 16 -18 , pages 111-117, 2004.

4. Using Association Rules to Extract Regularities from Data. 6th International Baltic Conference on Data Bases and Information Systems- DBIS'2004, Riga, June 6 -9, pages 117-126,2004.

5. A study of clustering algorithm application in RBF neural networks. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University: Computer Science. Information Technology and Management Science, RTU, Riga, Issue 5, Volume 5. P. 50-57, 2001.

6. RBF neironu tīklu pielietošanas perspektīvas. Ziņojuma tēzes 2. pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongresam. August 14, 15, 2001.

7. Using a Thermal Equilibrium method in the Neural Networks. International Conference on Parallel Computing & Electrical Engineering-PARELEC’98. Bialystok, Poland, September 2-5, 1998.

Language skills Latvian, Russian, English


Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth November 7, 1971

 Place of birth Rezekne, Latvia

Education 2005 – Social Sciences master in Psychology, the Daugavpils University2002 – course in further training of sports specialists – coaches and sports teachers, Latvian Academy of Sport Education2002 – athletic gymnastic course in Russia State Institution of Physical Culture (Velikijeluki branch)2001 – Master degree in Pedagogy, the Rezekne Higher Educational Institution 1999 – economist qualification in accounting, the University of Latvia1999 – certificate of Latvian Teachers Education Support Center about participation in Latvian – Danish project about implementation of basic career education pedagogy program in Latvia higher education establishments1998 – qualification of office clerk, learning centre “Personāls”1997 – Bachelor degree in School Psychology, qualifications of school psychologist and health teacher, the Rezekne HigherEducational Institution (RHEI)Additional computer courses (Word, Excel, Power Point)

 Academic titles and scientific degrees

Mag. paed., Mag. psych.

Occupation 2002 – 2006 – lecturer, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Faculty of Pedagogy, the Rezekne Higher Educational Institution (general, development, communication and psychology of personality courses; manager of RHEI gym)2002 – psychologist – consultant, Rezekne Secondary school2001 - psychologist – consultant, sole proprietorship company “Ailin”2001 – lecturer, RPIVA Rezekne branch (psychology of development, history of psychology)1994 – 1995 – reporter, newspaper “Latgales sports”

 Scientific publications Theses for conferences – 5.13

 Scientific research field

Opportunities to optimise students’ social alertness in a study process

Other scientific activities

Scientific monograph “RHEI students social alertness in situation of self-presentation” is in preparation

Teaching, methodological and pedagogical activities

Subjects developed and taught: General Psychology”, “Psychology of Development”, “Communication Psychology”, “History of Psychology”; “Psychology of Personality”.Pedagogical experience in higher education establishments – 5 yearsAverage annual load - 700 hours

Training of academic staff and professionals

8 Bachelors in Pedagogy

Main publications 1. “Skolu audzēkņu socializācijas problēmas”; published in International scientific conference “Baltijas reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas savienību” materials (March 2 -3 , 2000, Rezekne).

2. “Augstu rezultātu sportā sasniegšana un personības attīstība 11-15 gadu vecumā ”; published in Master students scientific conference “Pedagoģijas teorijas un mācīšanās process” materials (December 2, 2000, Rezekne).

3. “Studentu stresu ietekmējošie faktori docētāja-studenta mijiedarbības procesā, gatavojoties zināšanu pārbaudei”; published in International scientific conference “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgspējīgā attīstībā” materials (February 28 – March 2, 2002, Rezekne).

4. “Studentu psiholoģiskā gatavība pārbaudes darbiem”; in International scientific conference “Personība. Laiks. Komunikācija.” materials (February 27 – 28, 2003, Rezekne)

Languages Latvian, Russian, English, German

Additional information Drivers licence


Curriculum Vitae


Date and place of birth June 10, 1951, Malta, Rezekne regionEducation 1977 – the Riga Politechnical Institute, Faculty of Computing,

speciality – Computing EquipmentAcademic titles and scientific degrees

Since 2000 – assistant professor in profesional study programs, the Department of Computer Sciences and mathematics, the faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Occupation Since 2005 – deputy head of the Department of Computer Sciences and mathematics, the Faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution, assistant professor2001 – 2005 - assistant professor, the Department of Computer Sciences and mathematics, the Faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution2000 – 2001 - deputy head of the Department of Computer Sciences and mathematics, the Faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution, assistant professorSince 1998 – head of Great Britain and Scandinavia group, Software department, IT company “Dati”1998 – 2000 - deputy head of the Department of Computer Sciences and mathematics, the Faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution, lecturer1996 – 1998 – lecturer, the Department of Engineering Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution1996 – 1997 programmer (part time), Latvijas Zemes banka, Rezekne branch1993 – 1996 – lecturer, Computer Hall manager, the Rezekne Higher Education Institution1980 – 1994 – lecturer, Computer Hall manager, the Riga Politechnixcal Institute Rezekne branch1977 – 1980 – electronic engineer, Rezekne Regional Computing Centre

Scientific research field

Methodology of teaching computers to user – beginners Training of specialists in computer sciences in Latvia:

problems and outlook Development of electronic documents circulation systems Efficiency of handouts use in study process Incorporation of contemporary software technologies in

study courses for engineers – programmersOther scientific activities

Head of scientific research group “Information Technology practical applications”

Head of scientific research group “Research in methodological issues of teaching courses in Mathematics and Computer Sciences”

Conducting of students’ preparation for students’ scientific conferences

Pedagogic and Text book “Skaitliskās metodes. Metodiskie norādījumi un 15

instructional publications

uzdevumi praktisko darbu izpildei” (2003) Text book “Elektroniskā tabula Excel-97. Darbs

INTERNETā.” (2000) Text book “Ieskats datorpasaulē. Ievads operētājsistēmā

Windows-98. Teksta redaktors Word-97. Programma Windows Explorer” (2000)

Publication of lectures: “Ieskats datorpasaulē. Ievads operētājsistēmā Windows-95. Teksta redaktors Word-6. Programma Windows Explorer” (1997).

Publication of lectures: “Elektroniskā tabula Excel-7” (1997)

Teaching, methodological and pedagogical activities

Developed study programs “Bachelor in Computer Sciences” and “Engineer-programmer”Courses developed and taught: “Computers”, “Programming Languages”, “Numerical Methods”, “Computers in Processing Results of Scientific Research”, “Algorithms and data Structures”, “Fundamentals of Electronics”, “Software Engineering”, “Requirements Engineering”Pedagogical experience in higher education establishments – more than 27 years

Training of academic staff and professionals

Supervised 5 Bachelors in Computer Sciences and more than 35 engineers-programmers

Other activities in study process

Participation in projects: 2006 – project “Improvement of Latgale region

teachers competences for implementation of new basic education standard in general school”

2006 – project “Improvement of Latgale Trade school teachers competences and technological practice”

2006 – ESF project “Improvement of competences of software engineering lecturers according to international certification programs”

2006 – ESF project “Modernisation of Mathematics studies methodological and technical provision for needs of Engineering Sciences in RHEI”

2006 – ESF project “Establishment of support centres for lifelong learning and information technology studies in libraries”

2003 - Economic and Social Cohesion Measures in Latgale Region.

2000 - SOCRATES project ERASMUS program (lecturers exchange)

1996 - 1999 - TEMPUS projectPublic activities Member of LITTA Main publications Meirāns I., Teilāns A., Musatovs J. Mūsdienu

programmēšanas tehnoloģiju piesaiste IT studiju programmu kursiem// Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas” issue of publications. RHEI Publishing house, Rezekne, 2006

Musatovs J., Meirāns I. E-lietvedības un e-pārvaldes ieviešanas jautājumi un problēmas// Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas” issue of publications. RHEI


Publishing house, Rezekne, 2006Languages Latvian, Russian, German, English

Curriculum Vitae


Gotfrīds NOVIKS

Date and place of birth: 15 September 1935, Ludza, LatviaEducation: 1959 – graduated from Leningrad Institute of Mining.

Specialty “Mining Engineer”Academic titles and scientific degrees:

Since 1998 – professor in Environmental SciencesSince 1995 – Dr.habil in GeologySince 1973 – professor in Rocks physicsSince 1965 – docentSince 1970 – doctor of technical sciencesSince 1965 - candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor

Occupation: Since 1994 – vice–rector of study process, head of the Department of Natural Sciences, professor. Rezekne Higher Education Institution1987 – 1994 – head of the Department of Chemistry, Moscow University of Mining1976 – 1987 – professor. The Department of Rocks Physics, Moscow University of Mining.1973 – 1976– professor, Polytechnic Institute of Kabul (Afghanistan). Department of Geophysics 1971 – 1973 - deputy professor. The Department of Rocks Physics, Moscow University of Mining1965 – 1971 – assistant professor. The Department of Rocks Physics, Moscow University of Mining 1963 – 1965 - assistant, senior lecturer. The Department of Rocks Physics Moscow University of Mining1959 – 1961 – Broceni Cement and Slate plant. Master, engineer – geologist

Publications Monographs – 6Articles in scientific journals – 156Authorship certificates – 25National standards – 12Conference theses – 62Scientific reports about scientifically practical commissions - 45

Scientific research direction

Physical and Physical - Chemical characteristics of rocks, their complex research and prognosis, influence of internal and external factorsImpact of electromagnetic and thermal fields on mineral substances for a purpose of their complex processingComplex processing of minerals, their physical and chemical processesIssues of environment protection, rational use of resources, eco-technologies.

Other scientific activities

Since 1996 - Water Environment Federation, Ecology and Ecological Education Commitees. MemberSince 1995 - Member of New York Academy of Sciences Since 1997 – UNESCO, Center of International Education of Engineers. Member.Since 1996 - Water Environment Federation, Ecology and


Ecological Education Commitees. MemberSince 1995 - Member of New York Academy of Sciences Since 1997 – UNESCO, Center of International Education of Engineers. Member.1997 – Conference of International Engineering Education Center at UNESCO. Chairman of the 1st section. Melbourne, Canada.1998 – Member of organizational; committee of the 1st international conference “Environment Conservation and Recultivation”. Zielona Gura, Poland1997 – 2002 – chair of sub-program “Optimization of social and economical development in Latgale region” of Latvian Scientific Board Participation in international conferences (in last 8 years) – Riga, Helsinki, Kaunas, Birstonas, Turku, Belovezha etc.Organization of scientific conferences “Environment. Resources. Technology”. 1997, 1999, 2001 in Rezekne. Chairman of the organizational committee1965 – 1992 - 12 scientific conferences “Physical and chemical processes and rocks physics. Member of organizational committee, head of sectionHead of scientific laboratory in rocks physics and chemistry (1969 – 1994)Since 2001 – International Academy of Cryogenesis. Corresponding member.Since 1997 – head of scientific laboratory of applied ecology and resources

Pedagogic and instructional publications

Text books – 18Laboratory practical guides, exercise books – 6Methodic literature and practical laboratory exercises – 12

Teaching, methodological and pedagogic activities

Study programs: “Mining Engineer – Physicist”, “Physical and Technical Processes in Mining”, “Environmental Engineer – Ecotechnologist”, “Bachelor in Environmental Sciences”, professional Bachelor program “Environmental Engineer”Academic courses: “Rocks’ Physics”, “Physical and Technical Processes of Mining”, “Complex and Rational Use of Minerals”, “Engineering Geology”, “Soil Mechanics and Fundamentals”, “General Ecology”, “Environmental Protection”, “Geo – Physical Methods in Exploration of Mineral Deposits”, “Natural Resources”, “Eco-Technology”, “Renewal of degraded territories” etc.

Training of academic staff and professionals

Supervised 2 doctors in technical sciences, 30 candidates of sciences, currently 2 doctoral students. 4 Masters, 12 Bachelors, more 120 engineers are trained

Other educational activities

Lectures to master students of the University of Latvia, member of Master Exam commission of the University of LatviaLectures in former USSR universities, Germany, Hungary, BulgaryQualification training in educational and scientific institutions in Moscow. Lately training in computers, documentation,


project preparation, the University of Baltic States etc. Public activities Latvian Association of Professors of Higher Education

Establishments. Member of board

Main publications 1. В.В. Ржевский, Г.Я. Новик. Основы физики горных пород. Издания 1965, 1967, 1972, 1976, 1984 г.г. – М.: Недра, стр. 320-400 (5 pārstrādātie un pilnveidotie izdevumi). Tulkota angļu, vjetnamiešu, ķīniešu, gruzīnu valodās.

2. Г.Я. Новик, М.Г. Зильбершмидт. Управление физическими свойствами горных пород. - М.: Недра,1994, стр. 224.

3. Г.Я. Новик, С.В. Ржевская. Физико-техническое обеспечение горного производства. – М.: Наука, 1995, стр.256.

4. Справочник (кадастр) физических свойств горных пород. – М.: Недра, 1975.

5. G.Noviks. Ekotehnoloģijas pamati. – Rēzekne, Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2002, 243 lpp.

Language skills Latvian, Russian, English

Additional information Driving license, practical experience in organizing and leading expeditions


Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth April 25, 1943Place of birth Kraslava region, Latvia

Education 1977 - 1980 – research student, the Riga Polytechnic Institute1965 – physics and mathematics teacher, Daugavpils Pedagogical University, Department of Mathematics and Physics

Academic titles and scientific degrees:

2002 - Professor in Economics, sub branch – regional economics. 1999 – Associated professor in Economics1990 – Doctor of Engineering Sciences1981 – Candidate of technical sciences

Occupation Since 2002 – Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Rezeknes Augstskola1999 - 2002 – Associated professor of the Faculty of Economics, Rezeknes Augstskola1993 – 2004 – Rector of Rezeknes Augstskola1993 – 1999 – Assistant professor of the Faculty of Economics, Rezeknes Augstskola1996 – 1998 - Mayor of Rezekne City Council1965-1992 - Riga Technical University, Rezekne Branch, lecturer, since 1983 – assistant professor

Scientific publications Articles in scientific editions – more than 30Certificates of authorship – 12

Research field Till 1992 – Speed stabilization of low capacity asynchrony engines’Since 1992 – Possibilities of tourism development in LatgaleSince 1995 – Special economic zones (Management of project “Rezekne Special Economic Zone” – project implemented)

Other research activities

EUROCHRIE, OECD, CEEMAN (participation in conferences, congresses and seminars) since 1996Member of the council of science of RA since 1994Participation in international scientific conferences1996 – 1999 – TEMPUS project 15-S-JEP-11064-96 “Industrial Logistics Management”. Institutional coordinator of Rezeknes Augstskola 1997 – 2002 - Program “Optimization Social and economic development of Latgale”. Funded by the Council of Science of the Republic of Latvia. Head of sub-program, executor.2000 – 2003 – Participation in EU 5th framework project REGELINLAT “Establishing of support network for promotion of innovative SMEs development of Electronic and IT branches in the regions of Latvia” 2000 – International scientific conference “Integration


problems of Baltic region countries on their way to the EU”. Chairman of organizational committee2002 – International scientific conference “Traditional and innovative in sustainable development of society”. Chairman of organizational committee2002 – International conference “Entrepreneurship and its legal environment: processes, tendencies and results”. Business college “Turiba”, Riga. Member of organizational committee.2003 – International scientific conference “Sustainable tourism development: tendencies, experience, opportunities”. SIA “Turiba”, Riga. Reviewer of the collection of the articles. Member of editorial committee.1999 - International scientific conference “Problems of economic integration of CEE countries into EU”. Member of editorial committee.

Pedagogic and instructional publications

More than 10:4 text books6 teaching aidsScientifically popular – 20

Teaching, methodological and pedagogical activities

Lecturing abroad: 2000 – “Possibilities of tourism development in Latvia”,

Wilhelmshaven Fachochschule, Germany. 2001 – “Tourism policy and its development possibilities in

Latvia”, Laurea Polytechnic, Finland 1965-1991 – courses “General Electronics”, “Theoretical

Electro-techniques” Since 1993 - courses “Electro Technique”, “Tourism

analysis”, “Tourism Industry”, “Regional Economics”, “Strategic Management”

Since 1993 – Member of the study council of RATraining of academic personnel and professionals

Bachelors – 12Professional qualification specialists – 41Masters – 16Doctoral candidates – 1

Other activities of study process

1996 – 1999 – Management of TEMPUS project “Industrial logistics management”Development of curriculum:- 1997 - “Tourism and hotel management”, professional

study program- 1999 - “Industrial logistics management”, bachelor study

program- 2002 - Tourism entrepreneurship”, professional study

programPublic activities 1996 – 1998 – Mayor of Rezekne City Council

Since 1995 – participation in the Board of the UBC (Union of Baltic Cities)Since 1997 – Member of the board of the “Rezekne Special; Economic Zone”

Honorary degrees and 2003 – Credential of the Higher Education Council of Latvia22

awards 1998 – Credential of the Ministry of Education and Scinece of Latvia.1998 – “Award of the Three Stars”. National award.

Main publications 1. Tourism Analysis. Rezeknes Augstskola, Rezekne 19992. Case studies in Industrial Logistics Management. (Co-

author). – Aachen: Shaker, 19993. Cases in Industrial Logistics Management (Co-author). –

Riga:RTU, 1999 – 191 p.4. Basics of Tourism Entrepreneurship (Introduction in

Tourism Business). (Co-Author and scientific editor). – Rezekne: RA, 2001

Additional qualification Feb 2002 – “Critical thinking development”. Training seminar (32 hours)2002 – “EU structural funds and their accessibility in Latvia”. Seminar. Riga.Nov 2001 – Study tour to Northern Italy (University of Bologna, Ferrara University, Profingest Higher Education Institution, regional development agencies) within REGELINLAT project. Themes: establishment of spin-off companies, cooperation development, attraction of investments to higher education institutions.Mar 2001 – “Office documents’ management”. Training seminar (32 hours)Nov 1999 – “Human Resources Management”. Internship in Curriculum Resource Center at the Central European University. Budapest, HungaryMar 1999 – Study tour to the Karlsruhe University, GermanyMar 1999 – Study tour to Belgium and France, practical seminar “Problems and planning of regional development”. Funded by EU, organized by Latgale regional development agency. July 1998 – Study tour to Ghent University, BelgiumApril 1997 – “Free Zones in United Arab Emirates”. Field research. Study tour“The Baltic Trade Fair and Conference”. Four (4) reports of Rezekne Special Economic Zone development. Toronto, Canada.Nov 1996 – Study tour to Ireland. Study of free economic zones development. 1995 – Professional experience exchange program in the USA “Administration of Higher Education”EUROCHRIE seminars and conferences on teaching tourism and hotel management in higher education institutionsCRE/ IMHE seminars on higher education in Baltic countries and Europe1989 – Moscow School of Business1980 – 1981 – Leningrad’s Institute of Polytechnics. Internship program1968 – Moscow Institute of Energetic. Faculty of the Qualification improvement

Language skills: Latvian - native, English - fluently, Russian - fluently, German - good


Curriculum Vitae

Manfreds Leontijs ŠNEPS-ŠNEPE

Year of birth 1935

Education 1954-1959 – the University of Latvia, qualification - mathematician (diploma No. 938987)

Academic titles and scientific degrees

1992 - PhD in Engineering, the Riga Technical University (diploma No. 000072)

Occupation Since 2006 – chairman of board, „AbavaNet” Ltd. (Ventspils)Since 2005 – associated profesor, Ventspils University CollegeSince 2003 – chairman of board, „CKB AbavaNet” Ltd. (Russia, Moscow)1992-1995 – profesor, the Riga Technical University 1988-1992 – profesor, the University of Latvia

Scientific publications In the last years about 20 particles about telecommunications are published

Main publications Лекции по сетям связи нового поколения NGN. М.: МАКС Пресс, 2005.

45 лет в науке: телефония, медицина, история. М.: МАКС Пресс, 2005.

Aрхитектура OSA/PARLAY и сети нового поколения NGN (соавторы Д.Е.Намиот и др.). М.: МАКС Пресс, 2004.

Интернет-телефония: протокол SIP и его применения. М.: МАКС Пресс, 2002.

Интеллектуальные сети и компьютерная телефония (соавторы С.В. Крестьянинов и Е.И. Полканов). М.: Радио и связь, 2001.

Languages Latvian, Russian, English, German


Curriculum Vitae


Date if birth December 3, 1964

Place of birth Riga, Latvia

Education 1999 – Doctor’s degree in Engineering Sciences obtained in Riga Technical University(Thesis – „Methodology of Imitation and Modelling of Large Scale Business Systems”)1996 – Master degree in Computer Science obtained in the University of Latvia1990 – graduated from the Riga Technical University, the Faculty of Automation and Computing; qualification - engineer

Additional training 2002 – Microsoft authorized technical education centre ”BTA”, .NET Technologies.1998 – Microsoft authorized technical education centre ”Soft-tronic Riga”, 973 Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Series - Design and Implementation

Academic titles and scientific degrees

Doctor in Engineering Sciences (

Occupation Since 2002 - assistant professor, the Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Higher Education InstitutionSince 1999 assistant professor, the Department of Imitation and Modelling, the Riga Technical UniversitySince 1992 – project manager, “Dati” Riga Information Technologies Institute1990 – 1993 – research student, engineer, the Riga Technical University

Scientific publications Apine B., Kleins A., Krasts O., Sukovskis U., Teilans A., Zviedre V. Modelling methodology and tool for business systems: Registrator.// Abstracts of the international conference: Simulation, Gaming, Training and Business Process Reengineering in Operations, 1996, Riga, Latvia p. 44-45.

Osis J, Merkuryev Y., Ginters E., Teilans A. Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation Using “LATISS”.// Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the ASU. 1996, Clermont-Ferrand, France. P.137-143.

Sukovskis U., Krasts O., Kleins A., Zviedre V., Teilans A. Simulation Approach and Modeling Tool for Large Scale Systems: REGISTRATOR Simulators International XIII.// Proceedings of the 1996


Simulation Multiconference. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 8-11, 1996. P.134-135.

Merkuryev Y., Teilans A. Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Large Scale Systems./ Proceedings of the 8th IFAC International Symposium on “Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications – LSS’98”, July 15-17, 1998, Patras, Greece. P. 822-827.

Osis J., Sukovskis U., Teilans A. Business Process Modelling and Simulation Based on Topological Approach./ Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation Symposium on “Simulation in Industry”, October 19-23, 1997, Passau, Germany.P. 496-500.

Scientific research field

Latest publications address issues of modelling and simulation for large scale systems.

Teaching, methodological and pedagogic activities

Duration of teaching work – six years. Courses prepared: “Object-Oriented Modelling of Systems”, Software Engineering”, “UML Modelling Language”

Training of academic staff and professionals

Supervised 6 Master Theses and 10 diploma projects

Other activities in study process

Participation in State Exam and Master Thesis presentation commissions in the Riga Technical University and the Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Main publications 1) Merkuryev Y., Teilans A. Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Large Scale Systems./ Proceedings of the 8th IFAC International Symposium on “Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications – LSS’98”, July 15-17, 1998, Patras, Greece. P. 822-827.

2) Osis J., Sukovskis U., Teilans A. Business Process Modelling and Simulation Based on Topological Approach./ Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation Symposium on “Simulation in Industry”, October 19-23, 1997, Passau, Germany.P. 496-500.

Languages Latvian, Russian, English

Additional information

Work with software systems and technologies:Tandem/Guardian, COBOL, NonStopSQL; MS Visual Basic, MS Visual C++, MS Access, MS SQL Server, .Net, C#, COM+, Oracle, ASP, Java++, Borland C++, C++/Views, Btrieve.


Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth August 28, 1975

Place of birth Rezekne, Latvia

Education Since 2000 – doctoral studies in the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, the Riga Technical University1997 - graduation from the Faculty of Engineering, the Rezekne Higher Educational Institution, qualification – engineer in applied programming

Academic titles and scientific degrees

2000. graduation from the Faculty of Automation and Computing, Riga Technical University with Engineer Sciences Master degree in Information Technology1997 – Bachelor degree in applied programming

Occupation Since 1997 – assistant professor, the Department of Computer Sciences, The Rezekne Higher Education EstablishmentSince 2001 – “Dati” senior analyst – programmer1996 – 1997 “REBIR” 2nd category programmer1994 – 1996 – informatics teacher, Rezekne Secondary School No.1

Scientific Research Research and development of inductive algorithms for development of classification rule, computer sciences, information technology, intelligent computer technology, artificial intelligence

Other scientific activities

Participation with papers in scientific conferencesStudents’ preparation to annual students’ scientific conference of the Faculty of Engineering

Teaching, methodological and pedagogical activities

Preparation of study courses: “Algorithms and Data Structures”, “Objec-Oriented Programming”

Training of academic staff and professionals

Training of more than 15 engineers - programmers

Other activities of study process

Director of professional higher education study program “Engineer – programmer”

Main publications “Neironu tīkla un lēmumu koka efektivitātes salīdzinājums klasifikācijas uzdevumā. Novadam un Latvijai.” Rēzeknes Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai


veltītās zinātniski praktiskās konferences referāts. 1998. Gada 9. – 10. oktobris, Rezekne, page 102 - 107.

Neironu tīkla un lēmumu koka salīdzinājums izplūdušas informācijas apstrādē. RA 2.starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi”. 1999.gada 25. – 27. jūnijs, Rezekne, page 206 -212.

Klasifikācijas algoritma “Kora” pētīšana. Baltijas Reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību. RA 3.starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi”. 2000. gada 2. – 3. marts, Rezekne, page 203 – 207.

Overcoming of “combinatorial explosion” in classification algorithm “Cora”. 52nd Meeting of the European Working Group “Multicriteria aids for decisions”. Vilnius, Lithuania, October 5-6, 2000.,9.lpp.

Implementation of sequential covering in the concept generalization algorithm “Cora”. Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series - Computer Science. Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation. - 42nd thematic issue. Riga,2000.

Jēdzienu vispārināšanas algoritma CORA modificēšana darbam ar nepārtrauktām atribūtu vērtībām. II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress. 2001. g, 14. – 15. augusts, Riga.

Some possibilities of improving the CORA classification algorithm. International conference, 7th fuzzy days Dortmund, Germany, October 2001. Springer Verlag.

Jēdzienu vispārināšanas pēc pazīmēm algoritma uzlabošana. Tradicionālais un Novatoriskais Sabiedrības Ilgtspējīgā Attīstībā. Informācijas Tehnoloģijas. 4. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. 2002. gada 28. februāris - 2. marts. Rezekne, page 244 - 254.

Improving the Generalization by Features Algorithm. Sixteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research - 2002. Vienna, April 2 - 5, 2002.

Languages Latvian, Russian, English, German

Additional information

Experience exchange:Wilhelmshaven (Germany), April 2000Carlsruhe (Germany) August 1998, august 1999Gent (Belgium) August 19981996 – 1997 - “Soros Foundation Latvia” project “Technical provision for Language Correction”



Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth: 28 October 1946, Rezekne, LatviaEducation: 1970 – graduated Electrical Faculty of Leningrad Railway

Engineering Institute. Specialty – Railway Automatics, Telemechanics and Signal Service

Academic titles and scientific degrees:

1994 - Doctoral degree in Engineering Sciences Since 2006 – professor, Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Occupation: 2001 – 2006 - associated professor, Rezekne Higher Education Institution1995 – 2001 – assistant professor, Rezekne Higher Education Institution 1993 – 1995 – Lecturer, Rezekne Higher Education Institution1990 - 1993 – Rezekne Signalling and Signal Service Division of the Baltic Railway1982 - 1990 - Rezekne Railway Track Division of the Baltic Railway 1980 – 1982 – Rezekne Factory of Floor Transport Electrical Equipment 1979 – 1980 - Rezekne Mobile Mechanized Column No.22. Senior Engineer1972 to 1979 - Rezekne Signalling and Signal Service Division of the Baltic Railway1970 - 1972 - Design Institute “Railway Design” of the Baltic Railway

Additional training 1997 – internship in Karlsruhe University (Germany) within TEMPUS project “Industrial and Logistics Management”1994 - training courses in Denmark within EU-PHARE Public Administration Reform Program

Scientific publications Published 34 papers, including: monograph – 2; in journals – 1; in scientific editions – 20; in scientific report – 1; deposited – 2 reports; conference theses – 8

Scientific/ research direction

1) Processing of uncertain information, including probabilistic inference and rough set theory2) Decision making theory, including belief networks and influence diagrams3) Contribute share to the TEMPUS-project “Industrial and Logistics Management”

Other scientific 2000 – Assertion the qualification as an international


activities level expert in scientific branch “Information Technologies” at the Riga Technical University

Pedagogic and instructional publications

2001 – Teaching aid “Commercial decision analysis. Part I. Part II.”1997 – Conspectus of Lectures “Decision analysis”1990 – Conspectus of Lectures “Foundation of management theory”

Pedagogical work, academic courses:

Courses: Management theory, Decision analysis, Optimization theory, Risk theory, Risks analysis and management, Commercial operations assessment and commercial decision making

Training of academic personnel and professionals

Supervised 11 Master’s degree theses, 11 Bachelor’s theses and 10 professional diploma papers

Public activities Member of the Constitution of Rezekne Higher Education InstitutionMember of the Council of the Faculty of Economics, Rezekne Higher Education Institution

Main publications Decision analysis – Conspectus of lectures Komercial decision analysis – teaching aids Probabilistic inference in intelligent systems –

methodical aid (co-authors A.Borisov, K Savchenko) Features correlation strength in a Bayesian

classifier// Proceedings of the ICAF-2000 Conference Rough sets and decision analysis”//Proceeding of

RA-2002 Conference Multicriteria Interval Decision Analysis.

Proceedings of Seventeenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research”. – Vienna, Austria, 13 – 15 April 2004, pp. 73 – 78.

Language skills: Latvian, Russian, German, English


Curriculum Vitae


Date if birth June 30, 1951

Place of birth Livani, Preilu region

Education 1969 – graduated Livani Secondary school No.11969 – 1973 graduated the Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, qualification – physics and mathematics teacher1992 – Master degree in Pedagogy (M.paed.) from the University of Latvia1994 – Doctor degree in Pedagogy Science from the Daugavpils Pegagogy University

Academic titles and scientific degrees

Professor in School Pedagogy Associated professor in School PedagogyDoctor in Pedagogy Science

Occupation Since 2001 – Associated professor, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Rezekne Higher Education Institution. Masters’ program director1999 – 2001 - Associated professor, head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Rezekne Higher Education Institution. Masters’ program directorSince 1997 – guest assistant professor, the Department of Pedagogy, Rezekne Higher Education InstitutionSince 1994 – LPA Study department, head of Science department; assistant professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy, the University of Latvia1990 – 1993 – assistant head of division of Sciences and Special Subjects, Ministry of Education; lecturer the Faculty of Pedagogy, the University of Latvia1986 – 1990 – junior research associate, the Ministry of Education, lecturer the Faculty of Pedagogy, the University of Latvia1982 – 1986 – inspector of Education Department, Stuckas regiona1976 – 1982 – deputy director and director in Valles Secondary School1973- 1976 – physics teacher, Vircavas Secondary School

Scientific publication 65 scientific and methodological publications

Scientific research field Manual education in general schools, pupils’ knowledge diagnostic in manual trainingParticipation in the ministry of Education researches “Structure of topical tests and development of content for manual training in primary school”; “Implementation of professional education programs in state language in groups with Russian as language of instruction,


research and analysis of situation”

Training of scholars 1 completed and 2 currently in supervisionOther scientific activities

Member of commission for preparation of President of Ministers ruling “About commissions for evaluations of civil servant candidates”Member of LUA commission for assessing Master’s in PedagogyChairman of State Exam commission, LUA the Faculty of Techniques, Home Economics and Pedagogy study program.Chairman of Bachelor in Home economics and Pedagogy evaluation commission, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, the University of LatviaMember of editorial board for issues in pedagogy of “RA Raksti”Member of board of UNESCO in Co-operation with the Balyic – Nordic ,,A School for All’’ project

Pedagogic and instructional publications

P.Vucenlazdāns. Metodiskie ieteikumi maģistra darbu izstrādei pedagoģijā.- Rezekne, 2003.,34 pages

P.Vucenlazdāns. Jaunlatviešu kustības ievērojamāko pārstāvju devums darbmācības un darbaudzināšanas jautājumu risinājumā (19.gs50.-70.g.). Teaching aid.- Rezekne, 2001., 22 pages

G.Strods, P.Vucenlazdāns. Metodiskie norādījumi kursadarba izstrādāšanai pedagoģijā un psiholoģijā 2.kursa studentiem.- Rezekne, 2001., 24 pages

V.Ļubkina, P.Vucenlazdāns. Metodiskie ieteikumi maģistra darbu izstrādei pedagoģijā.- Rēzekne.- 1998., 26 pages

Methodological and pedagogical activities

Prepared study programs: academic Master study program “Pedagogy” (program director)2nd level professional higher education study program “Teacher – speech therapist” (program director)Courses: “Methods of Pedagogical Research”, “Manual Education Methods”, Scholastic and Academic Theories”, “Didactic Theories”, “Evaluation and Diagnostic Pupils’ Learning Achievements”, “Tests, Their Development”Average load in pedagogical work – 1,5Experience in pedagogy – 30 years, 18 of them in higher education establishments

Training of academic staff and professionals

Master Thesis – 31, Bachelor Thesis - 41

Other activities in study process

International courses ,,Innovations in didactics in higher education establishments’’, the University of Latvia 1995. Sweden ,,Psychology of Leadership in Police’’ 1995.g.International Police executive Symposium “Challenges of Policing Democracies” May 17 –20, 1995 International Institute of the Sociology of Law ONATI, SPAIN;Scotland ,,Policemen Training Methodology’’- 1996.Full program of DELATE II project “Implementation of Basic Education of Vocational Pedagogy in Latvian Higher Education Establishments”.


Soros foundation – Latvia projects “Reading and Writing for Development of Critical Thinking” and “Open School”Participation in international conference “Social Pedagogy and Psychological Adaptation of Personality in Transitional Social Environment”Participation in international conference “Psychological Aspects of Personality”Confirmation of Participation, Reshaping the Structure and Focus of Teacher/Trainer Training in Latvia and Lithuania in-service training Programme of The Finnish Component of the donor cooperation Project between European Training Foundation, Ministry of Education of Finland and Ministry of Education of Denmark “Organizational Development in Vet Schools” International camp for higher education establishments’ lecturers “Developing Teachers Pedagogical Competence Through School – University Partnership”Special Olympics Europe/ Eurasia Certificate of Participation in the Special Olympics adapted physical education seminar, October 4-7, 2001.Participation in project “Teacher Training in Latvia 2000 – 2002: Latvia, Island, Norway.Coordinator in project “Providing to Children with Special Needs in Rezekne and region

Public activities Member of association of Latvian Educational Scientists

Main publications Arodvidusskolas audzēkņu paškontroles veidošanās aspekti // ATEE Spring University Towards Quality in Education: comparative studies- Riga- 2002, page 271-285.

Darbmācības un darbaudzināšanas pedagoģiskie aspekti Kārļa Cīruļa darbos.// LPA starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences ,,Pedagoģiskās inovācijas skolotāju izglītībā’’ rakstu krājums ,,Pedagoģija: teorija un prakse’’.- Liepaja, 2001, page 198 -208.

Bilingvālā skolotāja profesionālā kompetence // Bilingvālā izglītība: sadarbības pieredze.- SFL programmas ,,Pārmaiņas izglītībā’’ projekta ,,Atvērtā skola’’ 2001, page 4-11 (co-author)

Studentu un docētāju mijiedarbības modeļi studiju procesā // Sadarbība un kompetence izglītībā. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, Jelgava, 2000, page 124-126 (co-author).

Problems arising of evolution of Home Economics students progress// Kurybiškumo ugdymas mokant darbu ir buities kultūros bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje.- Šauli, 2000.

Languages Latvian, Russian, English


Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth August 10, 1943

Place of birth Riga, Latvia

Education 1966 – qualification of electrical engineer, the Faculty of Automation and Telemechanics, the Riga Polytechnic Institute

Academic titles and scientific degrees

1990 – Doctor’s degree in Engineering (, the Riga Technical University, professor1972 – candidate of Technical Sciences, the Riga Polytechnic Institute, Technical Cybernetics

Occupation Since 1996 – assistant professor, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, the Riga Technical UniversitySince 1995 – professor, head of the Department of Information Technology ManagementSince 1991 – director of Information Technology Institute1991 – 1995 – professor, head of the Department of Computer Technology1976 – 1991 – dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Technology1972 – 1991 – assistant professor, the Department of Automated Management Systems1969 – 1972 – research student, the Riga Polytechnic Institute1966 – 1969 – junior research associate, Laboratory of Technical Diagnostic 1961 - 1962 – radio regulator, Riga Popova Radio plant

Scientific research 1) International Education project Nr. S-JEP_ 11064-96 of European Community program “Tempus” coordinator, cooperation with Gent University (Belgium) and Carlsruhe University (Germany) 2) Scientific commissions management: - Development of software to process information and to

publish in the internet for state and municipal institutions;

- Associative models and algorithms of information processing for tasks of modelling, identification and management;

- MOCURIS - Socrates/Erasmus CDA Project “Modern Curriculum Development in Computer Science” 2001.

Other scientific activities

Participation in international scientific conferences: Chandra, C., Grabis, J., Vulfs, G. (2002), Knowledge

based lot-sizing, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, November 23-26, San Diego, CA, USA, p. 1555-1560.

Grabis, J., Vulfs, G. (2000), Simulation of Forecasts of


Nonlinear Time Series, Proceedings Second CONSA Special Workshop on Simulation Applications in the Baltic Area, Research Report Series, 4, October 10-11, 1999, Sweden, 99-108

Grabis, J., Vulfs, G. (2003), Simulation and knowledge based scheduling of manufacturing operations, The 7th International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, September 18-20, Riga, Latvia.

Matvejevs An., Vulfs G. Mathematical interpretation of associative modelling problems. The International Workshop “Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics” Riga Technical University. Riga, Latvia September 18-20, 2003 . p.214-218.

Вульф Г.Н., Матвеев Ан.А. Математическая интерпретация задач ассоциативного моделирования. - X Всероссийская школа –коллоквиум по стохастическим методам. Сочи. 1-7 октября 2003 г., c. 494-495.

Вульф Г.Н., Матвеев Ан.А., Павленко О.И.. Динамическая модель анализа деятельности пенсионных фондов Латвии.- XI Всероссийская школа –коллоквиум по стохастическим методам. Сочи. 26 сентября - 3 октября 2004 г., c. 533.

Teaching methodological and pedagogical activities

Courses prepared: “Operations Management”, “Project Management”, “Introduction in Operations Research”, “Restructure and Changes Management”, “Actions Systems and Strategies”.

Training of academic staff and professionals

Conducting of Engineer papers, Master and Doctor Theses

Other activities of study process

Study program development and management:- Study program “Computer Sciences and Information

Technology of Profile Computer Management”;- Academic study program “Information Technology”;- Professional study program “Information Technology”; - PhD in Engineering study program “Information


Main publications 1) G.Vulf, L.Rastrigin. Associative Control Using Precedents. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (ACCS), N5, 1995, pp.19-27.

2) G.Vulf, L.Rastrigin. Goals Identification in Control Dynamic Systems (associative approach). Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (ACCS), Nl, 1997.

3) G.Vulf, L.Rastrigin. Associative Simulation. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (ACCS), N3,1997.

4) G.Vulf, L.Rastrigin. Associative solution under condition of object prorertv evolution. Automatic control and computer sciences (AC&CS), Nr. 5, 1997.

5) G.Vulf, L.Rastrigin. Investigation of Associative Control with the Precedents. Problems of Control and Information, Kiev, Nr 4, 1997.


Languages Latvian, English, German, Russian


Appendix 2

Ab s t rac t s o f Cou r sesAb s t rac t s o f Cou r ses

Courses designed to provide the latest developments in theory and practice of the industryRequirements Engineering Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give deep knowledge of software requirements, including types of models, requirements determination, specification and documentation, requirements validation and monitoring.Lecture themes: process and basics of requirements engineering: functional and non-functional requirements, user and system requirements; requirements determination: requirements sources and determination techniques; requirements analysis: identification of conflicts and definition of boundaries, systems and software requirements aligning; requirements specification and documentation, requirements validation; requirements management, modelling types: information modelling, activity (behavioural) modelling, structured modelling, domain and functional modelling.

Software Engineering Value of credits: 4 creditsObjective of the course: to provide overview about software engineering, its components and working methods. Lecture themes: cover software engineering terminology and main concepts, fundamentals of modelling and design, UML, basics of requirements and software architecture, basic principles and methods of software development (coding), software quality assurance, particularity of software project management.

Business Systems AnalysisValue of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to learn systems analysis process and to master methodology, methods and tools of system analysis and design.Lecture themes: Main issues of the course are a role of information systems in organizations, identification of deficiencies in information processing in organizations, the beginning of system development and requirements elicitation, formalization, emphasizing modelling of processes, evaluation of alternative system developments and basic principles of information systems design.

Operations ManagementValue of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give understanding of processes which occur in business environment: in manufacturing, in service industry – decisions made by manager and basis of information on which the decisions are made.


Lecture themes: formulation of operations management task, main concepts, terminology; flow of work, processes and strategies; processes selection, vertical integration, technology management; capacity of a company, its planning and placing; learning curves, workforce planning, resources management; supply chain management, forecasting, ERP systems; all issues are analysed from their application in information technology business point of view.

Object-Oriented Environment and Integrated Development EnvironmentValue of credits: 4 creditsObjective of the course: to familiarize students with .NET technologies, their structure and the latest development trends; to deepen knowledge in object-oriented programming, based on .NET technologies, developing different types of applications; to give knowledge and to train practical skills of work in integrated development environment (IDE) Microsoft Visual Studio.Lecture themes: programming technologies, .NET structure and development trends, integrated development environment (IDE) Microsoft Visual Studio .NET; .NET Framework; main aspects of programming language C#; development of different types of additions, library ADO.NET; technology Active Server Page ASP.NET; web services.

Data ProtectionValue of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give knowledge of information systems data protection, its theoretical and practical aspects; to promote acquiring of skills in data protection and information systems safety.Lecture themes: problems of information systems safety; data protection in information processing, methodical and mathematical bases of data protection, international IT standards requirements for information systems safety; tools for data protection providing; cryptography and encrypting: basic concepts, cryptosystems safety, symmetrical key cryptosystem, public key cryptosystem, RSA cryptosystem.

Information Technology StandardsValue of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give understanding of modern international standards which regulate software engineering and IT industry. Lecture themes: IT standards and history of their development, IEEE, ISO, CMU SEI, RITI standards, their function and history of development; standards which regulate software engineering project main life cycle phases - requirements engineering, design, coding and quality ensuring standards.

Courses in research, creativity and design

Project ManagementValue of credits: 2 credits


Objective of the course: to give deep knowledge of software project management.Lecture themes: basic knowledge in general project management: basic concepts, problems, a role and functions of project manager, project organization and planning; requirements management, concept of software process; realization of software process, project personnel and organization, project control; software configuration management.

Object-Oriented System ModellingValue of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to acquire methodology of object-oriented modelling and its application in systems modelling and software development; to comprehend concepts of object-oriented approach, to learn to create models of application diagrams by using UML diagrams for analysis and design; to study Rational tools and their use in different stages of systems modelling; to acquire iterative use case-driven, architecture-centric development process for activity analysis and project development.Lecture themes: creation of UML Use case diagrams, development of class diagrams, development of sequence diagrams, development of state transition diagrams, development of collaboration and component diagrams, analysis and presentation of model developed by student.

Research Methodology in Engineering

Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give students basic knowledge for practical use in doing scientific research and processing research results.Lecture themes: the concept of scientific research methodology, theory, hypothesis building, proving and substantiating. Students learn methods of research organizing, principles of experimenting, modelling and similarity theory fundamentals, methods of mathematical processing of experimental data, methods to determine consistent patterns.

Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation

Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give students knowledge about risk as an integral part of human behaviour, concept of risk, its calculations, modelling and adapting to certain conditions during IT project development.Lecture themes: definition and classification of decision-making tasks, decision-making tasks in conditions of certainty, modelling of decision-making situation using decision tree, decision makers’ attitude toward risk modelling, decision criteria in risk conditions, making of optimal decisions in decision trees.

Courses in pedagogy and psychology40

Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy

Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to learn basics of contemporary didactics, to build skills necessary for efficient organization of learning process. Lecture themes: didactics – sub-sector of pedagogy, didactics in pedagogical culture, historic development of learning theory; didactics and learning in 20th century – learning theories; European didactics; Anglo-American learning theory; materialistic didactics; pedagogical paradigms.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Value of credits: 2 credits

Objective of the course: to acquire knowledge of structure and basic principles of operation of organization; to build up students’ skills in optimizing functioning of organization in professional work; to familiarize students with basic principles of organization management, role of manager in successful functioning of organization, issues of recruiting and diagnostic of personnel as well as sustaining personnel’s working capacity.

Lecture themes: basic principles of organization management, role of manager in successful functioning of organization, issues of recruiting and diagnostic of personnel, conflict typology in organizations and conflict solutions in organizations as well as methods of sustaining personnel’s working capacity.

Elective courses

Strategic Management in Business Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to teach students to analyse business strategy, to give knowledge of strategy elaboration, organizational structure of business, establishing of control systems and management of business strategy in general.Lecture themes: courses review entity, vision, objectives and mission of strategic business management, analysis of external and internal environment, processes of creating competitive advantages. Also attention is paid to strategies on business, corporate and functional levels, organizational structure of a company and formation of the control systems.


Innovations Management

Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: to give students knowledge of meaning of innovative business, its content and role in sustainable development of state economy, emphasizing information technologies and engineering sciences as priority in state innovation policy. Lecture themes: meaning of innovation, the beginning of innovation theory and its development, description of its components; role of innovative business in sustainable development of state economy; development trends of information technology and engineering sciences as state priorities in innovation area in Latvia, importance of EU programs and funds in promoting innovative business in Latvia.

Intelligent networks and computer telephony

Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: Course examines examples of intelligent networks, basic concept of intelligent networks, INAP protocol. Intelligent and mobile networks, protocols MAP and CAP are compared. Students learn about intelligent networks call model and IN service programming, computer telephony interfaces and study protocol CSTA in details.Lecture themes: Basic scheme of intelligent networks. “800” service. Virtual corporate network. Pre-paid call. Classical IN scheme. Specifics of IN CS1 service. IN CS1 functions. IN physical architecture. INAP protocol architecture. Macro operator OPERATION. Comparison of intelligent and mobile networks. MAP and CAP protocols. Basic IN CS1 call model. IN transformation into IN CS1 call model. INAP operations. Service subprogram SIB. SIB basic process BCP. SIB CHARGE example. Intelligent network implementation example. CSTA protocol. CSTA service example. Basic CT server scheme. Dialogic CT Connect server.

Advanced telecommunication technologies

Value of credits: 2 creditsObjective of the course: Course teaches telephone signaling systems and channel commutation evolution, basics of packet switching, mobile networks evolution and teletraffic theory methods used in calculations of telecommunication network capacity.Lecture themes: IKM fundamentals. Basics and types of telephone signaling. Connection route information. Receiver’s signaling. Signalling between ATC. R2 signal coding. Structure of switch exchange. ISDN principles. ISDN BRI and PRI. Digital switching systems. Overview of additional services. Conference connection algorithm. SS7 scheme. Intelligent networks. CSTA protocol. Parley basic concepts. JAVA programming with Parley platform. VoIP gateway. VoIP coding principles. VoIP coding algorithm. SIP fundamentals. SIGTRAN. Skype programming. GSM scheme. GPSR system. 3GPP architecture. IMS scheme and role of HSS. Fundamentals of teletraffic theory.


Sample of the study program graduation diploma and its annex


Appendix 3

Rezekne Higher Education Institution Faculty of Engineering

professional higher education Master study program „Computer systems”

State Examination Commission


Decision No._________

XXXXX XXXXXXXX Identity No. xxxxxx-xxxxx



Rector L.Svarinskis

Chairman of State Examination Commission X.Xxxxxxxx

Rezekne Day/Month/Year Registration No.xxxx

professional Master degree in computer sciences


Rēzeknes Augstskola

Atbrīvošanas aleja 90, Rēzekne, LV-4600, tālr.: 46 3709_____________________________________________________________________

THE SUPPLEMENT OF DIPLOMASerial number of diploma _____________

The Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and the United Nations Education, science and culture organization (UNESCO/CEPES). This supplement is prepared to give objective information about and to ensure the academic and professional recognition of qualification proving documents (for example, diplomas, certificates). The diploma supplement comprises information about the nature, level, context, content and status of the completed studies of the person mentioned in the diploma. It should be free form any value judgments or equivalence statements of the qualification or any suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should be given.

1. INFORMATION ON THE HOLDER OF THE QUALIFICATION:1.1. Given name(s): 1.3. Date of birth (day/month/year):1.2. Family name(s): 1.4. Student identification number:

Personal code:2. INFORMATION ON THE QUALIFICATION:2.1. Name of the qualification: Professional Master degree in Computer Sciences2.2. The main field(s) of study for acquiring the qualification: System analysis theory and practice, research work, design work and management sciences.2.3. Name and status of awarding institution: Rezekne Higher Education Institution, state-accredited (June 11, 1999), state-founded (July 1, 1993) non-university Higher Educational Institution 2.4. Name and status of institution administering studies: same as in point Language(s) of instruction and examination: Latvian

3. INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL OF THE QUALIFICATION 3.1. Level of qualification: second (graduate) professional degree


3.2. Official length of programme dates of the beginning and the ending: 1.5 years of full-time/ part-time studies; 60 Latvian credit points; 90 ECTS credits; from xx.xx.200x. to xx.xx.200x.3.3. Access requirements: Professional Bachelor degree in sub-sectors of computer sciences or information technology, or professional education obtained by completing higher professional education study program with duration at least four years in sub-sectors of computer sciences or information technology and matriculation by examination results.

4. INFORMATION ON THE CONTENTS AND RESULTS GAINED:4.1. Mode of study: Full-time/ Part-time studies 4.2. Programme requirements:

Main requirements are: To acquire compulsory courses which provide knowledge in the latest developments in theory

and practice of the field, courses in research, creativity and management as well as pedagogy and psychology.

To complete Master practice related to information system analysis, design and support. To develop and present Master Thesis, to pass State Master exam.

4.3. Programme details (courses, credits) and the individual grades/marks obtained: 4.4. Grading scheme and grade distribution guidance: 10 – with distinction; 9 – excellent; 8 – very good; 7 – good; 6 – almost good; 5 – satisfactory; 4 – almost satisfactory ; 3 - 1 – unsatisfactory4.5. Overall classification of the qualification: none

5. INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION:5.1. Opportunities for further studies: access to doctoral studies5.2. Professional status: Not to be given

6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:6.1. Additional information: Professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems” is given full accreditation from ….. to……for duration of 6 years. 6.2. Further information sources: Rēzeknes Augstskola, Atbrīvošanas alejā 90, Rēzekne, Latvia, LV-4600; phone: (371) 46 23709; fax: (371) 46 25901; e-mail:; Akadēmiskās informācijas centrs (Latvijas ENIC/NARIC): Vaļņu ielā 2, Rīga, Latvia, LV1050; phone: (371)7225155; fax: (371) 7221006; e-mail: ieva@aic.lv7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT:7.1. Date: 7.2. Signature: ___________ Leonārs Svarinskis7.3. Capacity: Rector of Rezekne Higher Education Institution 7.4. Official stamp or seal:




Appendix 4

Description of study courses

No. Course Credits ECTS

Number of hours

ReaderContact hours Independent workLectures Practical

duties1. Advanced

telecommunication technologies

2 3.5 16 16 48 Guest Professor Dr.hab. M.Šneps-Šnepe

2. Business Systems Analysis

2 3.5 16 16 48 Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

3. Data Protection 2 3.5 16 16 48 Assistant professor Dr. P.Grabusts

4. Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation

2 3.5 16 16 48 Professor Dr. O.Užga -Rebrovs

5. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

2 3.5 16 16 48 Lecturer Mg. Ē.Kalvāns

6. Information Technology Standards

2 3.5 16 16 48 Assistant professor Dr. P.DaugulisAssistant professor I. Meirāns

7. Innovation Management

2 3.5 16 16 48 Assistant professor Dr. S.Boļšakovs

8. Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy

2 3.5 16 16 48 Professor Dr. P.Vucenlazdāns

9. Intelligent networks and computer telephony

2 3.5 16 16 48 Guest Professor Dr.hab. M.Šneps-Šnepe

10. Object-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment

4 6 32 32 96 Assistant professor Dr. P.Grabusts

11. Object-Oriented Systems Modelling

2 3.5 16 16 48 Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

12. Operations Management

2 3.5 16 16 48 Guest Professor Dr.hab. Ģ.Vulfs


13. Project Management 2 3.5 16 16 48 Guest Professor Dr.hab. Ģ.Vulfs

14. Requirements Engineering

2 3.5 16 16 48 Lecturer Mg. Ē.Tipāns

15. Research Methodology in Engineering

2 3.5 16 16 48 Professor Dr.hab. G.Noviks

16. Software Engineering

4 6 32 32 96 Assistant professor Dr. A.Teilāns

17. Strategic Management in Business

2 3.5 16 16 48 Professor Dr. I.Silineviča

List of academic personnel involved in the implementation

of the study program


Appendix 5

List of academic staff involved in the implementation of the study program

No Name Scientific degree Position Study course Place of

election1. BOĻŠAKOVS

SergejsDr.oec. assistant

professorInnovation Management Rezekne

Higher Education Institution

2. DAUGULIS Pēteris

Dr.phil. assistant professor

Information Technology Standards

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

3. GRABUSTS Pēteris assistant professor

Program director.Object-Oriented Programming and Integrated Development Environment. Data Protection

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

4. KALVĀNS Ēriks

Mg.paed., Mg.psych

lecturer Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

5. MEIRĀNS Ivars

- assistant professor

Information Technology Standards

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

6. NOVIKS Gotfrīds


professor Research Methodology in Engineering

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

7. SILINEVIČA Irēna professor Strategic Management in Business

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

8. ŠNEPS-ŠNEPE Manfrēds


Advanced Telecommunication Technologies Intelligent Networks and Computer Telephony

Ventspils University College

9. TEILĀNS assistant Software Engineering, Rezekne


Artis professor Object-Oriented Systems Modelling Business Systems Analysis

Higher Education Institution

10. TIPĀNS Ēriks lecturer Requirements Engineering

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

11. UŽGA-REBROVS Oļegs professor Decision-Making and Risk Evaluation

Rezekne Higher Education Institution


Dr.paed. professor Innovations in Higher Education Pedagogy

Rezekne Higher Education Institution

13. VULFS Ģirts

professor Project Management, Operations Management

Riga Technical University



Appendix 6


No. Document Location

1. RHEI development strategy 2003.-2010.

The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of The Faculty of Engineering

2. RHEI Regulation about academic and professional studies and study programs

RHEI intranet

3. RHEI Regulation about study program director

RHEI intranet

4. RHEI Study quality assessment and control system

RHEI intranet

5. Regulation about exams and tests for accomplished courses

RHEI intranet

6. Regulation about state and graduation examinations

RHEI intranet

7. Regulation about RHEI students

RHEI intranet

8. Regulation about RHEI students’ self-governance

RHEI intranet

9. Regulation about RHEI Credit Grants commission

RHEI intranet

10. RHEI Regulation about scientific activities

RHEI intranet

11. RHEI Regulations about annual tenders for scientific projects

RHEI intranet

12. RHEI Regulation about practices

RHEI intranet

13. RHEI Council statute RA intranet

14. Methodical guidelines for professional practice

The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of The Faculty of Engineering

15. Methodical guidelines for developing Master Thesis


16. Agreements about practice placements for RHEI students

The Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of The Faculty of Engineering


Appendix 7


Sergejs BOĻŠAKOVS1. Fiskālās iniciatīvas inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanai Latvijā un Eiropas

Savienības vecajās dalībvalstīs// LU Raksti: Ekonomikas un vadības zinātne. – Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2006., 696. sējums, 60.-72. lpp.

2. Inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības finansēšanas problēmas Latvijā Lisabonas stratēģijas izaicinājumu kontekstā// Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences "Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas" materiāli. – Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2006., 27.-36.lpp.

3. Inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības finansēšanas iespējas Latvijā// Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas vēstis, A daļa, 2005, vol.59, Nr.4, 25-37.lpp.

4. Opportunities for Development of Innovative Business in Latgale Region: Financial Aspects // Research For Rural Development 2005. International Scientific Conference Proceedings. – Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2005, 149-155 p.

5. Valsts tiešā finansiālā atbalsta mehānismi inovācijām Latvijā un ES vecajās dalībvalstīs// Zināšanu sabiedrība un Lisabonas stratēģijas īstenošana Eiropā un Latvijā. Ziņojumu krājums. – Rīga: Banku Augstskola, 2005., 12.-19.lpp.

6. Innovation as the Engine of Knowledge-Based Economy Development (līdzautore doktorante Rasa Dauguliene no Kauņas Tehniskās Universitātes, Lietuva) // Knowledge Society and Implementation of The Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia. Proceedings. – Riga: Banking Higher Education Institution, 2005, 36-42 p.

7. The Role of Innovative Spin-Offs in Innovative Business // Organisation des connaissances dans les systemes d'informations orientes utilisation: Contexte de veille et d'intelligence economique. Actes du colloque international de ISKO-France des 28-29 avril 2005 recueillis et publies par Amos David. Sous la direction de Amos David. – Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2005, 313-329 p.

8. Inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības finansēšanas problēmas Latvijā // LU Raksti: Ekonomikas un vadības zinātne. – Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2004., 677. sējums, 85.-96. lpp.

9. Nacionālās inovāciju sistēmas loma inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstībā// Ilgtspējīgas attīstības priekšnosacījumi: jauni izaicinājumi un perspektīvas. Ziņojumu krājums. – Rīga: Banku Augstskola, 2004., 38.-46.lpp.

10. Role of European Regional Development Fund in Development of Innovative Business in Latvia (līdzautore asoc. prof. Rita Liepiņa) // Juxtapostion of European Union Enlargement and Lisbon Processes. Proceedings. – Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, EU Jean Monnet Project European Integration Studies in Universities, 2004, 87-97 p.

11. Latvijas ražošanas uzņēmumu SVID analīze inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības kontekstā// Latvijas Universitātes Ekonomikas un vadības fakultātes starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanās Baltijas jūras reģionā: sociālekonomiskie izaicinājumi un iespējas”. Referāti. - Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2004., 82.-89.lpp.

12. Forms of Financing of Innovative Business // International Conference "Economics and Management-2004" in Kaunas University of Technology. Proceedings. – Kaunas, 2004, 8-11 p.


13.Inovatīvo uzņēmējdarbību reglamentējošās likumdošanas izveides nepieciešamība Latvijā// Biznesa augstskolas "Turība" 5.starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences "Uzņēmējdarbības iespējas, problēmas un to risinājumi globalizācijas apstākļos" rakstu krājums. – Rīga, 2004., 76.-85.lpp.

14. Results of Latvia's Participation in The EU 5th Framework Programme and New Challenges in The EU 6th Framework Programme // Proceedings of The International Conference "Scientific Achievements For Wellbeing and Development of Society" at Rezekne Higher Education Institution. – Rezekne, 2004, 30-38 p.

15. Innovative Business As a Basis For Sustainable Economic Development in Latvia// Ventspils University College, Ventspils City Council, Latvian Council of Science, Latvian Academy of Sciences. Selected Proceedings of International Conference "Information Society and Modern Business". – Rīga: "Jumava", 2003, 61-69 p.

16. The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Innovative Business // The 8th International Conference "Baltic Dynamics'03". Conference Materials. – Vilnius, 2003, 226-240 p.

17. Ārvalstu tiešo investīciju nozīme Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstībā (līdzautore Liepiņa)// Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences "Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā ekonomikas attīstībā" materiāli. – Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2002., 187.-192.lpp.

Pēteris DAUGULIS1. Daugulis, P. Stable endomorphism of idempotent E-modules, PhD thesis,

University of Georgia, USA, 1998.2. Daugulis, P. Diskrētā matemātika. Rēzekne: RA, 2001.3. Agur, Z., Arakelyan, L., Daugulis, P., Ginosar, Y. Hopf point analysis for

angiogenesis models, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, Volume 4, Nr 1, February 2004.

4. Daugulis, P. Action of algebra automorphisms on its modules and families of indecomposable modules, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No.6, 2004.

5. Daugulis, P. Vēža audzēja svārstību analīze angioģenēzes modeļos. IV Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences “Vide.Tehnoloģija.Resursi” materiāli, RA izdevniecība, 2003.

6. Daugulis, P. Action of algebra automorphisms on its modules and families of indecomposable modules, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No.6, 2004.

7. Daugulis, P. A graph model in representation theory and module classification problems, Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis, No.7, 2006.

Pēteris GRABUSTS1. Grabusts P. Application of fuzzy rule base design method. Scientific Proceedings of

Riga Technical University: Computer Science. Technologies of computer control, RTU, 2005, Riga, Issue 5, Volume 24. P. 125-131.

2. Grabusts P. Asociāciju likumu analīzes izmantošana likumsakarību meklēšanā// RTU Zinātniskie Raksti: Datorzinātne. Datorvadības Tehnoloģijas. -Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2003. - 15.sējums. - 110.-118. lpp.

3. Grabusts P. Likumsakarību meklēšanas datos metožu analīze. Rēzeknes Augstskolas desmitgadei veltīts zinātnisko rakstu krājums,2003, Rēzekne, Lpp. 33.-38.

4. Grabusts P. A study of clustering algorithm application in RBF neural networks// Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University: Computer Science. Information Technology and Management Science. - Riga: RTU, 2001. - vol. 5. - p. 50-57.

5. Grabusts P. RBF neironu tīkla apmācības algoritms. Rēzeknes Augstskolas rakstu krājums, 3 . sējums, Rēzekne, 2001, P. 64-71.  


Ēriks KALVĀNS1. “Skolu audzēkņu socializācijas problēmas”; publicēta Starptautiskās zinātniskās

konferences “Baltijas reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību” materiālos (2000. gada 2.-3. marts, Rēzeknē).

2. “Augstu rezultātu sportā sasniegšana un personības attīstība 11-15 gadu vecumā ”; publicēta otrās ikgadējās maģistrantu zinātniski-praktiskās konferences “Pedagoģijas teorijas un mācīšanās process” materiālos (2000. gada 2. decembris, Rēzeknē).

3. “Studentu stresu ietekmējošie faktori docētāja-studenta mijiedarbības procesā, gatavojoties zināšanu pārbaudei”; publicēta Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā” materiālos (2002. gada 28.februāris-2. marts, Rēzeknē).

4. “Studentu psiholoģiskā gatavība pārbaudes darbiem”; publicēta Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Personība. Laiks. Komunikācija.” materiālos (2003. gada 27.-28. februāris, Rēzeknē).

5. „ Jauniešu sociālā trauksme pašprezentācijas situācijā” publicēta Starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē “Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība”, kura notika Rēzeknes Augstskolā 2005. gada 25.-26. februāris, Rēzeknē)

6. “Sociālās trauksmes traktējums personības teorijās”; publicēta Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība” materiālos (2007. gada 23. – 24. februāris, Rēzeknē).

Ivars MEIRĀNS1. Meirāns I., Teilāns A., Musatovs J. Mūsdienu programmēšanas tehnoloģiju piesaiste

IT studiju programmu kursiem// Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas” rakstu krājums. Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2006.

2. Musatovs J., Meirāns I. E-lietvedības un e-pārvaldes ieviešanas jautājumi un problēmas// Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas” rakstu krājums. Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2006.

Gotfrīds NOVIKS1. G.Novik. Ecotechnology and pollution prevention of environment. Krājumā Zeszyty

naukowe 131, Uniwersytet zielonogorski. Protection and recultivation of Odra- Basein, Sustainable natural resources managment. 267.-276.lpp., Zielona Gora, 2004.

2. G.Noviks. Ekotehnoloģija – pirolīzes procesa parametru pamatojums. Krājumā „Vide.Tehnoloģija.Resursi” IV Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 191.-200. lpp., Rēzekne, 2003.

3. G.Noviks. Ekotehnoloģijas parametru kompleksās analīzes sistēmas pilnveidošana. Rēzeknes Augstskolas zinātniskie raksti, 97.-111. lpp., Rēzekne, 2003.

4. G.Noviks. Ekotehnoloģijas pamati. Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2002, 244 lpp.5. G.Noviks. Cieto atkritumu pārstrādes ekotehnoloģija. Krājumā „Tradicionālais un

novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā”. Vide un sabiedrība. Informācijas tehnoloģijas. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli.. 83.-95.lpp., Rēzekne, 2002.

6. G.Noviks. Ekotehnoloģija un vides kvalitātes indikatori. Rēzeknes Augstskolas raksti III sējums, 13.-22.lpp., Rēzekne, 2001.

7. I.Silineviča, G.Noviks. Rēzeknes Augstskolas loma reģiona attīstībā. II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongresa tēžu krājumā, 29.lpp., Rīga, 2001.

8. G.Noviks. Latvijas vides kvalitāte un progress. II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongresa tēžu krājumā, 274.lpp., Rīga, 2001.


9. G.Noviks Environmentally sustainable technologics and environmental quality indicators. Krājumā „Vide.Tehnoloģija.Resursi” III Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 122.-127. lpp., Rēzekne, 2001.

10.G.Noviks. Environmentally sustainable technologics and environmental quality indicators. Krājumā International Conference „City Environment 2000 proceedings”. 8-13 lpp, Kaunas 2000.

11.G.Noviks. Ekotehnoloģijas fizikāli ķīmiskie pamati. Krājumā „Baltijas reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību” 68.-78.lpp., Rēzekne, 2000.

12.G.Noviks. Pilsētas ekoloģiskās problēmas un vides kvalitātes indikatori „Agenda-21” programmas skatījumā. Krājumā „Novadam un Latvijai”. 37.-42.lpp., Rēzekne, 1999.

13.G.Noviks. Ilgtspējīgās attīstības koncepcijas īstenošanas problēmas zemnieku saimniecībā”. Pētniecības programma „Latgales ekonomiskās un sociālās attīstības optimizācija” krājumā „Zemkopības pamati Latgalē”, 248.-266. lpp.

14.G.Noviks. Vides kompleksie kritēriji un indikatori. II Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 125.-133. lpp, Rēzekne, 1999.

15.G.Noviks. Jaunatnes ekoloģiskās izglītošanas problēmas. Krājumā „Vide.Tehnoloģija.Resursi” II Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 123.-125. lpp, Rēzekne, 1999.

16.G.Noviks. Rēzeknes Augstskolas zinātniskais ppotenciāls – problēmas un perspektīvas. Krājumā „Novadam un Latvijai”, 8.-13. lpp., Rēzekne, 1999.

17.G.Noviks. Innovation in Environmental Engineering Education Institution. Krājumā „Environment. Technology. Resources” Proceeding of the 1st International Conference, Vol.1., Rēzekne 1998.

Irēna SILINEVIČAReferāti starptautiskajās zinātniskajās konferencēs1. Silineviča I. u.c. Rēzeknes reģiona tūrisma attīstības zinātniskā

koncepcija.//Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā konference 02-03.03.2000. “Baltijas reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību.- Rēzekne, 354.-359.lpp.

2. Silineviča I., Graudiņa I. ”Ilgtspējīgas attīstības nodrošināšanai nepieciešamais RSEZ sabiedrisko attiecību modelis kā organizācijas vides sakārtošanas un vadīšanas instruments.// Rēzeknes Augstskolas 3.starptautiskā konference “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi”. Rēzekne, 2001. 161.-168.lpp.

3. Silineviča I. Tūrisma ilgtspējīgas attīstības vadības iespējas.// Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā “. Rēzekne, 2002.28.02.-02.03. 343.-350.lpp.

4. Graudiņa I, Silineviča I. Image of Latvia as a motivating factor for potential exchange students.// Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā”. Rēzekne, 2002.28.02.-02.03. 118.-125.lpp.

5. Silineviča I. Augstskolas loma uzņēmējdarbības vides aktivizēšanā reģionā.// Biznesa augstskolas „Turība” starptautiskā zinātniskā konference ”Uzņēmējdarbība un tās tiesiskā vide: procesi, tendences un rezultāti”. Rīga, 2002. 250.-255.lpp.

6. Silineviča I. New requirements and opportunities for higher education in Latvia. The Athens Institute for Education and Research, 4-th International Conference on Education, Greece, Athens, 2002.23-.25.05.

7. Silineviča I. Business knowledge as a key factor in economic development. International Conference “Business studies in European environment”. Vilnius, Lithuania, 16.05.2003.


8. Silineviča I. Role of regional universities in creation of tourism business environment. International conference ”Tourism in the process of the European integration and globalisation”. Bratislava, Slovakia, 20.-22.10.2004. pp.103-106

9. Silineviča I., Zaļūksne I. Ludzas pilsētas kultūras mantojuma saglabāšanas un attīstības stratēģijas izstrāde// Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tautsaimniecības attīstības iepējas un problēmas “. Rēzekne, 24.03.2006. 342.-350.lpp.

10.Silineviča I. Tūrisma reģionu analīze// Biznesa Augstskolas „Turība” 8.starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai”. Rīga, 06. 01.2007.

Citi starptautiskos izdevumos publicētie raksti:1. Irena Silinevicha, Vladimir Visipkov, Yuri Merkuryev. Multiperiod Schedulling of

Timber Production. Cases in Industrial Logistics Management. H. Muller(-Malek), Y.Merkuryev, I.Silinevicha, G.Zülch (Eds.). European Series in Industrial Management. Volume 2, 1999. Shaker Publishers. P. 47-56.

2. Irena Silinevicha. Logistic service around a developing Special Economic Zone in Rezekne. Cases in Industrial Logistics Management. H. Muller(-Malek), Y.Merkuryev, I.Silinevicha, G.Zülch. European Series in Industrial Management. Volume 2, 1999. Shaker Publishers. P. 241-251.

3. I.Silineviča, I.Graudiņa. Latvia’s image as a motivating factor for potential Tourism exchange students// Tourismus Jahrbuch, 2002, Heft 1, FBV Medien-Verlags GmbH, 227.-234.

4. Irēna Silineviča. The effect of an organizations structure on the quality of its management system.// R:Humanities&Social Sciences, 2005. Nr.4., 96.-111.pp.

Publikācijas un referāti akadēmiskajās konferencēs:1. Silineviča I. Rēzeknes Augstskolai- 5 gadi.//Novadam un Latvijai: Rēzeknes

Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai veltītās zinātniski praktiskās konferences referāti (1998.g.9.-10.novembris). Rēzekne, 1999. 5.-8.lpp.

2. Silineviča I. Ekonomikas fakultāte un sabiedrība.// Novadam un Latvijai: Rēzeknes Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai veltītās zinātniski praktiskās konferences referāti (1998.g.9.-10.novembris). Rēzekne, 1999. 34.-36.lpp.

3. Silineviča I., Noviks G. Rēzeknes Augstskolas loma reģiona attīstībā// 2.pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress. Rīga, 2001.g. 14.-15.augusts.

4. Silineviča I., Noviks G. Augstākās izglītības koncepcija Rēzeknes Augstskolā// Rēzeknes Augstskola raksti 1, 1997. 12-19. lpp.

5. Silineviča I. Par Rēzeknes Augstskolas attīstību.// Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas vēstis. A.-1998, 52.sēj., 4/6 (597./599.) nr., 142.-143.lpp.

6. Silineviča I., Kazinika A., Brolišs J. Rēzeknes augstskola - jauna mācību iestāde Latvijā.// Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. Rīga, 1998. N4/6.

7. Silineviča I. Studiju kvalitātes paaugstināšanas iespējas. Reģionālo augstskolu loma mūžizglītības attīstībā// Akadēmiskās konferences tēžu krājums, 2006.gada decembris. Rēzekne, 2006. 40.-41.lpp.

Izdevumi:1. Industriālo loģistikas sistēmu vadīšana: Praktiskās pielietošanas piemēri.

J.Merkurjeva, H.Millera(-Maleka), G.Zulha un I.Silinevičas redakcijā. Rīga: RTU, 1999. 191 lpp.

2. Cases in Industrial Logistics Management. Henri Muller(-Malek), Yuri Merkuryev, Irena Silinevicha, Gert Zülch (Edts.). European Series in Industrial Management. Volume 2, 1999. Shaker Verlag. 284 p.

3. Rēzeknes Augstskola. Ekonomikas fakultāte. Tūrisma un viesnīcu uzņēmējdarbības vadības katedras rakstu krājums I.Silinevičas redakcijā. Rēzekne, 1999. 73 lpp.


4. Rēzeknes Augstskola. Ekonomikas fakultāte. Tūrisma un viesnīcu uzņēmējdarbības vadības katedras rakstu krājums I.Silinevičas redakcijā. Rēzekne, 2000. 95 lpp.

5. Rēzeknes Augstskola. Ekonomikas fakultāte. Tūrisma un viesnīcu uzņēmējdarbības vadības katedras rakstu krājums I.Silinevičas redakcijā. Rēzekne, 2002. 111 lpp.

6. I.Siliņeviča. Tūrisma analīze. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 1999. 97 lpp. 7. Tūrisma uzņēmējdarbības pamati. I.Silinevičas redakcijā. Rēzekne: RA, 2001. 8. Strazdiņa V., Silineviča I. Bakalaura darbu un diplomdarbu izstrādāšanas un

aizstāvēšanas metodiskie norādījumi. Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2005. 36 lpp.9. Strazdiņa V., Silineviča I. Maģistra darbu izstrādāšanas un aizstāvēšanas

metodiskie norādījumi. Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2005. 28 lpp.10.Strazdiņa V., Silineviča I. Studiju darbu izstrādāšanas un aizstāvēšanas metodiskie

norādījumi. Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2007.

Citas publikācijas:1. Silineviča I., Žubule Ē. Par Rēzeknes ekonomisko zonu. //Rēzeknes Augstskola.

Ekonomikas fakultāte. Tūrisma un viesnīcu uzņēmējdarbības vadības katedras rakstu krājums. Rēzekne, 1999. 33.-39.lpp.

2. Silineviča I. Par tūrisma attīstību Latgalē.// Rēzeknes Augstskolas Zinātniski pētnieciskā konference “Tūrisms- Latgalei, Latgale- Tūrismam”. Rēzekne, 1998. 7.-10.lpp.

3. Silineviča I. Par nodarbinātības problēmām Latgalē Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas attīstības sakarā.// Rēzeknes Augstskola. Ekonomikas fakultāte. Tūrisma un viesnīcu uzņēmējdarbības vadības katedras rakstu krājums. Rēzekne, 1999, 5.-6.lpp.

4. Silineviča I. Kā uzsākt uzņēmējdarbību Rēzeknes speciālajā ekonomiskajā zonā?// J.Uzuleņš. Ienesīga tālumnieka saimniecība, 1999. 237.-238.lpp.

5. Silineviča I. Rezekne Special Economics zone.//Rēzeknes augstskolas Pirmā starptautiskā konference “Centrālās un Austrumeiropas valstu ekonomiskās integrācijas problēmas Eiropas Savienībā”. Rēzekne, 1999. 149.-151.lpp.

6. Silineviča I. Tūrisms, vide, apkārtējā sabiedrība.// Rēzeknes Augstskolas 2.starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli. Rēzekne, 1999. 177-179.lpp.

7. Silineviča I., Deksne V. Zemkopība un tūrisms// Zemkopības pamati Latgalē. Rīga, 1999. 244.-248.lpp.

8. Silineviča I. Par dažām projektu vadības problēmām Latvijā.// Rēzeknes Augstskolas raksti, Rēzekne, 2001. 3.sējums. 7.-13.lpp.

Artis TEILĀNS1. Meirāns I., Teilāns A., Musatovs J. Mūsdienu programmēšanas tehnoloģiju piesaiste

IT studiju programmu kursiem.// Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas” materiāli. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, 2006.

2. Apine B., Kleins A., Krasts O., Sukovskis U., Teilans A., Zviedre V. Modelling methodology and tool for business systems: Registrator.// Abstracts of the international conference: Simulation, Gaming, Training and Business Process Reengineering in Operations, 1996, Riga, Latvia p. 44-45.

3. Osis J, Merkuryev Y., Ginters E., Teilans A. Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation Using “LATISS”.// Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the ASU. 1996, Clermont-Ferrand, France. P.137-143.

4. Sukovskis U., Krasts O., Kleins A., Zviedre V., Teilans A. Simulation Approach and Modeling Tool for Large Scale Systems: REGISTRATOR Simulators International XIII.// Proceedings of the 1996 Simulation Multiconference. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 8-11, 1996. P.134-135.


5. Merkuryev Y., Teilans A. Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Large Scale Systems./ Proceedings of the 8th IFAC International Symposium on “Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications – LSS’98”, July 15-17, 1998, Patras, Greece. P. 822-827.

6. Osis J., Sukovskis U., Teilans A. Business Process Modelling and Simulation Based on Topological Approach./ Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation Symposium on “Simulation in Industry”, October 19-23, 1997, Passau, Germany.P. 496-500.

Ēriks TIPĀNS1. Neironu tīkla un lēmumu koka efektivitātes salīdzinājums klasifikācijas uzdevumā.

Novadam un Latvijai. Rēzeknes Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai veltītās zinātniski praktiskās konferences referāti. 1998. gada 9. - 10. oktobris. Rēzekne. 102. - 107. lpp. 1999.

2. Neironu tīkla un lēmumu koka salīdzinājums izplūdušas informācijas apstrādē. Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi. 2. starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli. 1999. gada 25. - 27. jūnijs. Rēzekne. 206. - 212. lpp. 1999.

3. Klasifikācijas algoritma “Kora” pētīšana. Baltijas Reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. 2000. gada 2.-3. marts. Rēzekne. 203. - 207. lpp. 2000.

4. Overcoming of “combinatorial explosion” in classification algorithm “Cora”. 52nd Meeting of the European Working Group “Multicriteria aids for decisions”. Vilnius, Lithuania, October 5 - 6, 2000. 9. lpp. 2000.

5. Implementation of sequential covering in the concept generalization algorithm “Cora”. Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Series - Computer Science. Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation. - 42nd thematic issue. Riga. 2000.

6. Some possibilities of improving the CORA classification algorithm. Seventh Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence. Odense, Denmark, February 19 - 21, 2001.

7. Jēdzienu vispārināšanas algoritma CORA modificēšana darbam ar nepārtrauktām atribūtu vērtībām. II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress. Rīga, 2001. gada 14. – 15. augusts. 2001.

8. Some possibilities of improving the CORA classification algorithm. International Conference on Computational Intelligence: 7th FUZZY DAYS in Dortmund. B. Reusch (Ed.) Fuzzy Days 2001, LNCS 2206, pp. 842-853. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001

9. Jēdzienu vispārināšanas pēc pazīmēm algoritma uzlabošana. Tradicionālais un Novatoriskais Sabiedrības Ilgtspējīgā Attīstībā. Informācijas Tehnoloģijas. 4. starptautiskās zinātniskās konfe-rences materiāli. 2002. gada 28. februāris - 2. marts. Rēzekne. 244. - 254. lpp. 2002.

10.Improving the Generalization by Features Algorithm. Sixteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research - 2002. Vienna, April 2 - 5, 2002.

11.Concepts generalization algorithm FLORA2 in changing environment in robot control task. Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. 2004.

Oļegs UŽGA-REBROVS1. Применение методов исследования операций в управлении

железнодорожным транспортом. Методы и системы принятия решений. Вопросы создания экспертных систем. Сборник научных трудов. Рига, Рижский политехнический институт, 1988, с.84-93.

2. Оптимизация процессов проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации объектов железнодорожного транспорта. Депонирована в ЦНИИТЭИ МПС ( г. Москва ) 22 ноября 1988 года за Nr.4690, 77с.


3. Морфологическое исследование многофункциональных систем. Методы и системы принятия решений. Системы, основанные на знаниях. Сборник научных трудов . Рига, Рижский политехнический институт, 1989, с 124-129.

4. Особенности формирования технического облика многофункциональных технических систем. Депонирована в ЛатНИИНТИ ( г.Рига ) за Nr 176-Ла, 22 с.

5. Оценка качества выполнения технических функций на стадии формирования технического облика системы. Методы и системы принятия решений. Экспертные системы в автоматизированном проектировании. Сборник научных трудов. Рига, Рижский политехнический институт, 1990, с.156-165.

6. Анализ качества выполнения технических функций системы при изменяющихся условиях её функционирования. Технология разработки и САПР программного обеспечения. Рига, Рижский политехнический институт, 1990, с 65-72.

7. Метод сравнительной оценки альтернатив с интервальными верхними границами критериев оценки. Разработка человеко-машинных экспертных систем и систем принятия решений при эскизном проектировании различных объектов. Итоговый отчёт. Рижский технический университет, Научный руководитель НИР Борисов А.Н. Г.р., Рига, 1990, с 38-55.

8. Оценка технических функций системы с учётом неопределённости интервального типа. Тезисы докладов 1Х Симпозиума “Эффективность, качество и надёжность систем “Человек-техника””. Воронеж, 1990,с.64-65.

9. Качество функционирования технической системы и неопределённость исходной информации. Материалы научно-технического семинара “Комплексная автоматизация проектных и конструкторских работ в машиностроении”. Ленинград, 1991, с 29-30.

10.Задачи принятия решений с неопределёнными значениями критериев интервального типа. Материалы 1V Школы-семинара “Статистический и дискретный анализ данных и экспертное оценивание”. Одесса, 1991, с.152-153 (в соавторстве с А.Н.Борисовым )

11.Формирование технического облика системы на основе аппарата динамического программирования. Материалы научно-технического семинара “Гибридные экспертные системы в задачах проектирования сложных технических объектов”. Санкт-Петербург, 1992,с.24-25.

12.Альтернативный метод формирования технического облика системы на основе двумерного динамического программирования. Методы и системы принятия решений. Автоматизация и интеллектуализация процессов проектирования и управления. Рига, Рижский технический университет, 1993, с.162-169.

13.Обработка неопределённой информации интервального типа в поисковом конструировании. Интеллектуальные САПР. Таганрог, 1994, с.89-94 ( в соавторстве с А.Н.Борисовым ).

14.Задача выбора альтернатив при интервальных значениях критериев оценки. АВТ, Рига, 1995, Nr 1, с.3-17 ( в соавторстве с А.Н.Борисовым ).

15.Lēmumu pieņemošas personas psiholoģiskās īpatnības un ietekmju diagrammas. RA raksti, 1.sējums, Rēzekne, 1997. 128.-135. lpp.

16.Анализ алгоритмов решения диаграмм влияний. RA 1.starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, 1997.g. 18.-20.jūnijs, 18.-19.lpp.

17.Strukturization on Expert Evulations of Probabilities on theBasis of Belief Networks. Rēzeknes Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai veltītāszinātniski praktiskās konferences referāti, 1998, 9.-10. oktobris, 120.-123. lpp.

18.Uncertainty in probability assesments. Starptaitiskās konferences “Centrālās un Austrumeiropas valstu ekonomiskās integrācijas problēmas Eiropas Savienībā” tēžu krājums, RA, 1999. 21-.22. maijs, 178.-179. lpp.


19.Сравнительный анализ структур сетей уверенностей. 2.Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi” materiāli, RA, 1999.g. 25.-27. iūnijs, 225.-227. lpp.

20.Iezīmju korelācijas stiprums Baijesa klasifikatorā. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Baltijas reģiona valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību” materiāli, RA, 2000. g. 2.-3. marts, 221.-226. lpp.

21.Features correlation strength in a Bayesian classifier. ICAFS-2000. Fourth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Siegen, Germany, June 27-29 2000., b-Quadrat Verlag, pp. 103 – 110.

22.Анализ основных источников ошибок в экологическом моделировании. III starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences “Vide, tehnoloģija, resursi” materiāli, RA, 2001 g. 19.-21. jūnijs, 210.- 216. lpp.

23.Analysis of the reasoning logic violation in decision making. III starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences “Vide, tehnoloģija, resursi” materiāli, RA, 2001. g. 19.-21. jūnijs, 295.-300. lpp.

24.Rough sets and decision choice. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā” materiāli, RA, 2002 g. 28. februāris - 2. marts, 274.- 280. lpp.

25.Вероятностный вывод в интеллектуальных системах. Рига, РТУ, 2002, 216 с. (līdzautirībā ar A. Borisovu un K. Savčenko).

26.Uncertain Probabilities. IV starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences ”Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi“ materiāli, RA, 2003 g. 26 – 28 jūnijs, 377-384 lpp.

27.A Survey of modern Extensions of Probability Theory. Proceedings of International Conference “Scientific Achievements for Wellbeing and Development of Society”. RA, 2004., March 4-5, pp. 107 – 112.

28.Multicriteria Interval Decision Analysis. Proceedings of Seventeenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, Austria, 13 – 15 April 2004, pp. 73 – 78.

29.Управление неопределённостями. Часть 1. Современные концепции и приложения теории вероятностей. Резекне, RA, 2004, 290 с.

30.Modeling Partial Ignorance in Artificial Intelligence Applications. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference. RA, 2005, June 16 – 18, pp. 70 – 76.

31.Comparative analysis of robust statistical methods (līdzautirībā ar T. Zmanovsku). Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 5. sērija, 23. sējums, Rīga, 2005., pp. 82 – 88.

32.Comparative analysis statistical inference and robust Bayesian inference. (līdzautorībā ar G.Kuļešovu). Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Information Technology and Management Science, Issue 5, Vol. 28, 2006., pp. 80 – 86.

33.Estimation of the forecastings risks (līdzautirībā ar T. Zmanovsku). Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 5. sērija, Vol. 28, Rīga, 2005., pp. 114 - 122.

34.Управление неопределённостями. Часть 2. Современные методы статистического вывода. Резекне, RA, 2007, 387 с.

Pēteris VUCENLAZDĀNS1. Mežāre M., Vucenlazdāns P. Studentu iniciatīvas veicināšana studiju

procesā. Rēzekne: RA, 2006.2. Vindeče A., Vucenlazdāns P. Pedagoģiskā procesa individualizācijas un

diferenciācijas būtības speciālajā pirmskolas izglītības iestādē bērniem ar valodas sistēmas nepietiekamu attīstību. Rēzekne: RA, 2007.

3. Kalvāns Ē., Vucenlazdāns P. Studentu sociālā trauksme pašprezentācijas situācijā. Rēzekne: RA, 2006.


4. Šlendins V., Vucenlazdāns P. The role of teacher in distance education in military pedagogy// Innovations in the higher school pedagogy. Proceedings of the international conference Rezekne, 2004.

5. Šlendins V., Vucenlazdāns P. Zemessardzes speciālistu sagatavošanas pedagoģiskie aspekti// Pedagoģija: teorija un prakse. Rakstu krājums. 3.daļa. Liepāja, 2003.

6. Arodvidusskolas audzēkņu paškontroles veidošanās aspekti// ATEE Spring University Towards Quality in Education: comparative studies. Riga, 2002., 271.-285.lpp.

7. Darbmācības un darbaudzināšanas pedagoģiskie aspekti Kārļa Cīruļa darbos.// LPA starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences ,,Pedagoģiskās inovācijas skolotāju izglītībā’’ rakstu krājums ,,Pedagoģija: teorija un prakse’’. Liepāja, 2001. 198.-208.lpp.

8. Bilingvālā skolotāja profesionālā kompetence// Bilingvālā izglītība: sadarbības pieredze. SFL programmas ,,Pārmaiņas izglītībā’’ projekta ,,Atvērtā skola”, 2001. 4.-11.lpp. (līdzautors)

9. Studentu un docētāju mijiedarbības modeļi studiju procesā // Sadarbība un kompetence izglītībā. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, Jelgava, 2000.- 124.-126.lpp. (līdzautors).

10. Problems arising of evolution of Home Economics students progress// Kurybiškumo ugdymas mokant darbu ir buities kultūros bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje.- Šauli, 2000.

Ģirts VULFS1. Vulfs, G., Chandra, C., Grabis, J. (2002), Knowledge based lot-sizing, Proceedings

of the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, November 23-26, San Diego, CA, USA, p. 1555-1560.

2. Vulfs, G., Grabis, J. (2003), Simulation and knowledge based scheduling of manufacturing operations, The 7th International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, September 18-20, Riga, Latvia

3. Ģ.Vulfs, An.Matvejevs, (2003), Mathematical interpretation of associative modelling problems. The International Workshop “Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics” Riga Technical University. Riga, Latvia September 18-20, pp. 214-218.

4. Г.Н.Вульф, Ан.А.Матвеев. (2003) Математическая интерпретация задач ассоциативного моделирования. - X Всероссийская школа –коллоквиум по стохастическим методам. Сочи. 1-7 октября 2003 г., c. 494-495.

5. Vulfs, Ģ., Minkevičs, V. (2005), Modelling risk management for unified threat management systems, 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation , June 1st - 4th, 2005 Riga, Latvia

6. Vulfs, Ģ. Matvejev, Al., Matvejev, An., (2005), Parametric Adaptations of Associative control, 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, June 1st - 4th, 2005 Riga, Latvia

7. G. Vulfs ,V. Minkevics, J. Slihte and (2006) Modeling Risk management System using Associative approach. The 2nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Santa Creu i de Sant Pau (pieteikts konferencei)

8. Vulfs G. (2001). Associative identification of dynamic systems’ parametrs. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Computer science, Vol.5, 188-193


9. Minkevics V., Slihte J., Vulfs G. (2005). Modelling risk management system using neural networks. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Computer science, Vol.5, 66 – 73

10.Matvejevs Al., Matvejevs An., Vulfs G. (2005) Associative control based on the object parametric identification. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Computer science, Vol.5, 73 – 82

11.Minkevics V., Slihte J., Vulfs G. (2006). Use of real-time risk management in organisation. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Computer science, Vol.5, 23 – 29

12.Matvejevs Al., Matvejevs An., Vulfs G. (2006) Adaptive control of the dynamic systems based on parametric identification. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Computer science, Vol.5, 41 – 50


Appendix 8


Sergejs BOĻŠAKOVS1. Latvijas Bankas organizētā gadskārtējā konference „Latvija ceļā uz labklājību:

izaugsmes potenciāls un vīzijas”, 2006.2. Latvijas Universitātes un Paula Stradiņa klīniskās universitātes slimnīcas

organizētā zinātniskā konference „Inovācijas Latvijas nākotnes medicīnai”, 2006.3. Rēzeknes Augstskolas Ekonomikas fakultātes Studentu un docētāju 8.zinātniski

praktiskā konference, 2006.4. Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Tautsaimniecības

attīstības iespējas un problēmas”, 2006.5. Latvijas Universitātes 63. ikgadējā starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, 2005.6. Biznesa Augstskolas „Turība” 5.starptautiskā zinātniskā konference

„Uzņēmējdarbības iespējas, problēmas un to risinājumi globalizācijas apstākļos”, 2004.

7. Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Zinātnes sasniegumi sabiedrības labklājībai un attīstībai”, 2004.

8. Latvijas Universitātes 62.ikgadējā starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, 2004.9. Latvijas Universitātes Ekonomikas un vadības fakultātes Tautsaimniecības

institūta starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanās Baltijas jūras reģionā: sociālekonomiskie izaicinājumi un iespējas”, 2003.

10.Ventspils Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Informācijas sabiedrība un mūsdienīgs bizness”, 2003.

Pēteris DAUGULIS1. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics”.

Hattingena (Vācija), 2001.gada augusts.


2. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Using Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation to Improve Cancer Therapy”. Propriano (Francija), 2001.gada septembris.

3. Starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi IV”. Rēzekne, 2003.gada jūnijs.

4. 5. Latvijas matemātiķu konference. Daugavpils, 2004.gada aprīlis.5. Starptautiskā konference “Dabaszinātnes un matemātika Daugavpils Universitātē

pagātnē un mūsdienās”, 2006.gada februāris.6. 6. Latvijas matemātiķu konference. Liepāja, 2006.

Pēteris GRABUSTS1. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konference „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un

problēmas”. Rēzekne, 24.03.2006. 2. 5th International Conference, 2005.3. 10th International Conference on Soft Computing. Brno, Czech Republic, 2004. 4. 6th International Baltic Conference on Data Bases and Information Systems. Riga,

2004. 5. The international conference  „Enabling environment for society wellbeing”.

Rezekne, 2004, March 4.-5.6. The International Conference “Traditions and Innovations in Sustainable

development of Society. Information Technologies”. Rēzekne, 2002. 7. The International Conference on Parallel Computing & Electrical Engineering-

PARELEC’ 2002. Warsaw, Poland, 2002. 8. II. Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress. Rīga, 2001. - 570. lpp.9. III Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi”. Rēzeknes

Augstskola, 2001.

Ēriks KALVĀNS1. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Baltijas reģiona valstu integrācijas

problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas savienību”(2000. gada 2.-3. marts, Rēzeknē).2. Ikgadējā maģistrantu zinātniski-praktiskā konference “Pedagoģijas teorijas un

mācīšanās process” (2000. gada 2. decembris, Rēzeknē).3. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības

ilgtspējīgā attīstībā” (2002. gada 28.februāris-2. marts, Rēzeknē).4. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Personība. Laiks. Komunikācija.” (2003. gada

27.-28. februāris, Rēzeknē).5. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība” (2005. gada

25.-26. februāris, Rēzeknē)6. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība” (2007. gada

23. – 24. februāris, Rēzeknē).

Ivars MEIRĀNS1. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konference „Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un

problēmas”. Rēzekne, 24.03.2006. 2. III Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi”. Rēzeknes

Augstskola, 2001.

Irēna SILINEVIČA1. Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā konference “Baltijas reģiona valstu

integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību. Rēzekne, 02.-03.03.2000.2. Rēzeknes Augstskolas 3.starptautiskā konference “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi”,

Rēzekne, 2001.3. Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tradicionālais un

novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā “. Rēzekne, 28.02.-02.03.2002. 67

4. Biznesa augstskolas „Turība” starptautiskā zinātniskā konference ”Uzņēmējdarbība un tās tiesiskā vide: procesi, tendences un rezultāti”. Rīga, 2002.

5. The Athens Institute for Education and Research, 4-th International Conference on Education, Greece, Athens, 23-.25.05.2002.

6. International Conference “Business studies in European environment”. Vilnius, Lithuania, 16.05.2003.

7. International conference ”Tourism in the process of the European integration and globalisation”. Bratislava, Slovakia, 20.-22.10.2004.

8. Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tautsaimniecības attīstības iespējas un problēmas“. Rēzekne, 24.03.2006.

9. Biznesa augstskolas „Turība” 8. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai”. Rīga, 06.01.2007.

10.Rēzeknes Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai veltītā zinātniski praktiskā konference „Novadam un Latvijai”. Rēzekne, 9.-10.11.1998.

11.2.pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress, Rīga, 2001.g.14.-15.augusts.

Artis TEILĀNS1. Rēzeknes Augstskolas starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Tautsaimniecības

attīstības iespējas un problēmas“. Rēzekne, 24.03.2006.

Ēriks TIPĀNS1. Novadam un Latvijai. Rēzeknes Augstskolas 5 gadu jubilejai veltītās zinātniski

praktiskās konference. 1998. gada 9. - 10. oktobris. Rēzekne.2. 2. starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference „Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi.”

Rēzekne, 1999. gada 25. - 27. jūnijs.3. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Baltijas Reģiona valstu integrācijas

problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību”. Rēzekne, 2000. gada 2.-3. marts.4. 52nd Meeting of the European Working Group “Multicriteria aids for decisions”.

Vilnius, Lithuania, October 5 - 6, 2000.5. Seventh Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence. Odense, Denmark,

February 19 - 21, 2001.6. II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress. Rīga, 2001. gada 14.-15. augusts.7. International Conference on Computational Intelligence: 7th FUZZY DAYS in

Dortmund. 2001.8. 4. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības

ilgtspējīgā attīstībā. Informācijas tehnoloģijas. Rēzekne, 2002. gada 28. februāris - 2. marts.

9. Sixteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research - 2002. Vienna, April 2 - 5, 2002.

Oļegs UŽGA-REBROVS1. 12th Mini Euro Conference “Decision support systems. Electronic and mobile

commerce. multicriteria decision aid. Human centered processes. Ethical dilemmas in decision making”. Brussels, 2 – 5 april, 2002, Belgium.

2. 4th international Scientific and Practical Conference “Environment. Technology. Resources”. Rezekne, 26 – 28 June, 2003, Latvia.

3. International Conference “Scientific Achievements for Wellbeing and Development of Society”. Rezekne, 4 – 5 March, 2004, Latvia.

4. 5th international Scientific and Practical Conference “Environment. Technology. Resources”. Rezekne, 16 – 18 June, 2005, Latvia.



1. Valsts Robežsardzes koledžas 2. starptautiski pētnieciskā konference „Baltijas valstu un Polijas Republikas Robežsardzes mācību iestāžu vēstures izpēte un attīstības perspektīvas”. Rēzekne, 2007.g. 24.-25 maijā.

2. RTK 5.starptautiski zinātniski praktiskā konference „Augstākā profesionālā izglītība teorijā un praksē”. Rīga, 2007.g. 24. aprīlī.

3. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Personība. Laiks. Komunikācija.” 2003.g. 27.-28.februāris.

4. Valsts Robežsardzes koledžas 1.starptautiski pētnieciskā konference „Inovācijas robežsargu profesionālajā sagatavošanā”. Rēzekne, 2005.g. 24.februārī.

5. RA akadēmiskā konference „Reģionālo augstskolu loma mūžizglītības attīstībā”. 2006.g. 8.decembris.

6. ATEE 7 Teacher Education Spring University (TESU) European added value in teacher education. Tartu, 6-8 may 2004.

7. Starptautiski zinātniskā konference „Lauku vide. Izglītība. Personība”, 2003.g. 27.-28. marts.

8. Starptautiski zinātniskā konference „Innovations in the Higher School Pedagogy”, 2004.g. 4.-5.marts.

9. 3.starptautiskā konference „Pedagoģija: teorija un prakse”, Liepāja, 2004.g.15.oktobris.

Ģirts VULFS1. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. November 23-26,

2002., San Diego, CA, USA.2. The 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. June 7 -

11, 2004, Riga, Latvia.3. The 7th International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics

Modelling and Simulation, September 18-20, 2003., Riga, Latvia4. The International Workshop “Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics”

Technical University. Riga, Latvia, September 18-20, 2003.5. 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, June 1st - 4th, 2005,

Riga, Latvia6. The 2nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Santa Creu i de Sant Pau,

2006.7. RTU metodiskās konferences, 2005., 2007.


The study program comparison with similar accredited study programs

in Latvian higher education establishments


Appendix 9

The study program comparison with similar accredited study programs in Latvian higher education establishments

RHEI professional higher education Master study program “Computer systems” has been compared to RTU professional Master study program “Computer systems” and Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) Master study program “Information technologies” (study direction – “System analysis”). Comparison of division in credits is shown in following table:

Studies division

Higher Education Establishm


Duration of


Full time/part


Value of credits







rt A







s (p








t C)


State examinati


RTU 1,5 years

62 18 18 - 6 20

LUA 2 years/3 years

80 34 20 6 Practice included in part B



(4 credits)RHEI 1,5

years/2 years

60 30 4 - 6 20

RTU professional Master study program “Computer systems”

Education qualification code: 46481Nominal duration of studies: 1.5 yearsValue of credits: 62 KPPrerequisites: professional Bachelor’s degree in computer systems or academic Bachelor’s degree in computer control and computer science.Degree to obtain: professional Master in computer systems.Qualification: system analyst or programming engineer

A. Compulsory subjects 18 credits 1. Software Planning and Metrology 3 credits 2. Information Systems Methodologies 3 credits3. Operating Systems of Computer Networks 3 credits4. Administration of Large Databases 3 credits5. PROLOG and Logical Programming 3 credits6. Distributed Data Processing in Computer Networks 3 credits

B. Restricted electives 18 credits 1. Professional specialization courses 16 credits 1.1. Methods of Intelligent Systems Design 3 credits1.2. Tools for Computer Systems Design 3 credits1.3. Applied Intelligent Systems 3 credits1.4. Introduction to Computer Aided Solution Processing 3 credits1.5. Applied Computer Graphics 3 credits1.6. HTML Language 3 credits1.7. Project Quality Management 3 credits1.8. Multidatabase Systems 3 credits1.9. Information Protection 3 credits1.10. User Adaptive Interface Software 3 credits


1.11. Visual Programming 3 credits1.12. Advanced Programming Languages (practice) 3 credits1.13. CASE tolls for Database Design 4 credits1.14. Technological tools for Software Development 4 credits1.15. Deductive Databases 2 credits1.16. Technical Cybernetics 2 credits2. Pedagogy, psychology, economics and management courses 2 credits

Practice 6 credits State Examinations 20 credits Total : 62 credits

As can be seen, RTU study program is divided into two parts: compulsory subjects - 18 credits (RHEI - 30 credits) and restricted electives – 18 subjects (RHEI – 4 credits). There are 16 subjects in different areas offered for specialized election. Number of credits given for practice and State examination is the same as RHEI, respectively 6 credits and 20 credits.

Analysis of this program lets to conclude that RTU study program offers wider range in areas for specialization which could be divided in groups: databases, computer networks, information systems, while RHEI study program has more narrow specialization – software engineering as well as project development and management. Few of RTU Master program courses such as Operating Systems of Computer Networks, Visual Programming etc. In RHEI is part of 2nd level higher professional education study program “Engineer-Programmer”.


Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) Master study program “Information technologies” (study direction – “System analysis”)

Education qualification code: 4552600Nominal duration of studies: 2 years (full time)/ 3 years (part time)Value of credits: 80 creditsPrerequisites:

- Bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer sciences, mathematics or physics;

- Higher education obtained until 1995. in engineering, computer sciences, mathematics or physics;

- Higher education with entitlement to do Master studies in engineering or computer science;

Degree to obtain: Master’s degree of engineering in the information technologies.

A. Compulsory subjects 34 credits 1. General courses in speciality 16 credits 1.1. Fundamental Algorithms and Data Structures 4 credits 1.2. System Analysis and Modeling 4 credits1.3. System Design Methods and Tools (UML) 4 credits1.4. Research Methodology 2 credits1.5. Laws and Standards in IT 2 credits2. Special course “System Analysis” 18 credits2.1. User-Centered Design (UCD) and Business Process engineering 4 credits2.2. Design and Programming in ORACLE Environment 4 credits2.3. Software Product Quality Assurance 4 credits2.4. Information Protection and Security Policy 2 credits2.5. E - business Systems Projects 4 credits

B. Restricted electives 20 credits1. Compulsory part 14 credits1.1. Philosophy of Sciences 2 credits


1.2. Foreign Language 2 credits1.3. The Special Subject in Use of Mathematical Methods 6 credits1.4. Research Practice 4 credits2. Electives 6 credits2.1. Information Systems of Precision Agriculture 2 credits2.2. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 2 credits2.3. Geoinformation Systems (GIS) in Agriculture 2 credits2.4. Technical Writing and Professional Communication 2 credits2.5. Communication and Professional Ethics 2 credits2.6. Agricultural Information Systems of the European Union 2 credits2.7. Statistics in Genetics 2 credits2.8. Population Genetics 2 credits2.9. Risk Analysis in Agriculture 2 credits2.10. Neural Networks and Control Systems 2 credits C. Free electives 6 credits Development and presentation of Master Thesis 20 credits Total : 80 credits

Evidently, LUA program is divided into 3 parts: compulsory subjects – 34 credits, restricted electives – 20 credits and free electives – 6 credits. Research practice is not separated, it is included in Restricted electives group. List of free elective subjects offers 9 courses – psychology, rhetoric, management, labour protection etc. Development and presentation of Master Thesis is awarded with the same amount of credits as RHEI and RTU – 20.

Title of LUA program is Information Technologies. It is implemented in 3 areas: Production computer control systems, Information technologies in biological systems and “System analysis”. Program section “System analysis” offers 5 subjects in specialty, 3 of them have close similarities to courses in RHEI Master study program. In regards to compulsory subjects, RHEI offers 4 courses which are similar to LUA Master study courses.


Comparison with state approved same level program in other EU



Appendix 10

Comparison with state approved same level program in other EU countries

The study program was compared with Master programs in information systems (system analysts) in two higher education establishments - The University of Sheffield (Great Britain) and University College Dublin (Ireland). All information for analysis was gained from publicly accessible internet resources. Comparison in quality was done taking into account courses in speciality according to their description.

Abbreviations used in this Appendix mean titles of RHEI study program courses. For full titles see courses description see Table 1.

The University of Sheffield (Great Britain)

Source of information – publicly accessible webpage

The MSc in Information Systems programme requires a total credit value of 180 credits. Duration of studies is 1 - 2 years. The tasks of this program is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge in information systems, to teach them to apply it effectively, to give students opportunity to take their specialization in direction of organization, information or programming.

The program accepts students with wide range of previous education – economists, computer specialists, engineers.

Compulsory courses require total value of 130 credits (according to UK system) and offer following courses (RHEI analogue if applicable added in brackets):

1) Database Design (OOPIIV);2) Information Systems Modelling (SOM);3) Organization, Management and Information Systems (USV, RA);4) Information Systems and the Information Society (BSA);5) Professional Issues (ITS);6) Research Methods and Dissertation Preparation (MD)

Students can choose following restricted electives:


1) Network and Internetwork Architectures;2) Java and UML for Programmers;3) Foundations of Object-Orientated Programming (OOPIIV);4) Information Systems Project Management (PV, RA);5) E-Business and E-Commerce;6) Educational Informatics;7) Information Storage and Retrieval;8) Human Resources (PV);9) Human Computer Interaction and User Interface Design (PI1, PI2);10) Electronic Publishing;11) Software analysis and Design (PI1, PI 2);12) Graphical Interfaces (PI2);13) Network Architectures;14) Java E-Commerce.

Judging by courses mentioned, compulsory part of this program is largely concurrent with RHEI program – it has courses in computer sciences, economy and management.

The bigger stress in the program of the University of Sheffield has been put on information system analysis and practical programming, but RHEI program has more courses in economy included. Admittedly, the University of Sheffield program has big range of elective courses for student to choose for their preferred field of specialization.The University of Sheffield program has selected Java as basic programming language, substantiated it with its wide use in networks.

Overall it can be concluded that programs of RHEI and the University of Sheffield are congenial in terms of knowledge and practical skills given.


University College Dublin (Ireland)University College Dublin (UCD) Michael Smurfit School of Business

offers Master degree (MSc) “Master in Management Science”. Information for comparison with RHEI program was sourced from publicly accessible homepage,155.

Duration of studies in UCD program is 1 year (3 semesters) for full time studies and at least 2 years for part time studies. It accepts students with wide variety of previous education – economists, computer specialists, engineers.

The objective of this program is to provide knowledge in science of current business systems management with information systems application. Tasks of the program are to widen previous education, to gain and broaden knowledge and skills in computer science and IT, to apply this knowledge in business problem-solving, to acquire knowledge about issues of information system theory and practice. It is considered that those tasks ensure graduates’ qualification for management positions where determinant decisions involving information systems have to be made.

Programs graduates work in companies which specialize in IT system development and consultations, system and financial analysis, operations research, logistics management etc.

In full time studies each semester students complete four courses, each of them represents three hours class contact per week. In part time studies class contact hours are halved – students are required to take two subjects each semester, so students can work while study.

The UCD program has two groups of courses – fundamentals of economy and management and subjects in IT and application in business. Towards the end of the program students are given three months to develop their Master Thesis.

The first semester of full time studies offers following courses (RHEI analogue if applicable added in brackets):


1) Quantitative methods (corresponds with parts of calculus and numerical methods which in RHEI are made to be part of the 2nd level study program “Engineer-programmer”);

2) Software and numerical applications (corresponds with RHEI course in numerical methods which is included in the 2nd level study program “Engineer-programmer”);

3) Decision-Making theory and system analysis (BSA, OV, PV, LRA);4) Applied Probability and Statistics (corresponds with RHEI course in

theory of probability which is and statistics is part of the 2nd level study program “Engineer-programmer”. The 2nd semester offers courses in:

1) Networks and Algorithms (PI2, OOP!!V, DA, some of the themes in networks and algorithms theory in RHEI are taught in the 2nd level study program “Engineer-programmer”);

2) Decision-Making Systems (USV, BSA, OP, LRA);3) Simulation, Modelling and Analysis;4) Applied management (OOPIIV).

During the 3rd semester Master Thesis is developed, usually in collaboration with some Irish company.

The main difference between UCD and RHEI programs are that the former directs attention on mathematical, quantitative business system management, but the latter has more subjects orientated on information system design and development. Both programs put stress on business systems analysis, modelling and decision making process.

Overall comparison between UCD and RHEI programs let to conclude that they do not have big differences in subject content while UCD program has more subjects in quantitative analysis and less in software engineering.


Cooperation agreement between the Rezekne Higher Education

Institution and the Riga Technical University (copy)


Appendix 11

License of professional higher education Master study program

“Computer systems”


Appendix 12

Constitution decree about confirmation of accreditation



Appendix 13

top related