loving the questions together

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2016 ✢ 11:00 am Worship


a sermon series based on questions from the congregation

September 11: Why, God, Why?

24T H SU N DAY in OR DI N A RY T I M ESeptember 11, 2016 | 11:00 am Worship

WELCOMEWelcome to all who are worshipping with us. Child care and a worship education program for preschoolers are available in Building D during this service. Consult an usher if you need an assistive hearing device or a large-print bulletin. As we enter a holy space and time this morning, please silence all electronic devices.

The opening voluntary is the call to silent meditation and preparation for worship.

OPENING VOLUNTARY Edward Elgar Nimrod from Enigma Variations, op. 36

*CALL TO WORSHIP One: Come, let us rejoice in the one who leads us beside still waters,All: And gives us refreshment of soul.

One: In the midst of all kinds of evil and suffering, we will not be afraid,

All: For the Great Shepherd of our souls is with us.

One: We are never separated from the love of the Lord,All: Whose goodness and mercy nurture us and lead us home.

One: Come, let us worship the Lord.

*PROCESSIONAL HYMN #455 lasst uns erfreuenAll Creatures of our God and King


PRAYER OF CONFESSIONCreator God, your love is beyond all knowledge and your creation is full of mystery. We confess that we are uncomfortable with mystery and long for easy answers.

moment of silencefor examination of conscience and personal prayers of confession

One: Merciful God,All: Forgive us for our demands for certainty. Give us the grace

to trust you with our questions even while we live as your faithful servants in this world, loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly with you. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

*Those who are able, please stand.

Today kicks off our fall preaching series,

wherein we explore a number of questions collected last spring.

Ranging from "if God is good, why do bad

things happen?" to "who gets saved?"

and "what is justice, and how do we do it?", the topics give us the opportunity

to delve deeper into some of the most

persistent questions of our faith. Come

with us this fall as we Love the Questions




*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Alt.: beecherYou have called us to be faithful in our life and ministry. We respond in grateful worship, joined in one community. When we blur your gracious image, focus us and make us whole. Healed and strengthened as your people, we move on toward your goal.

(tune may be found as hymn #343)

CONCERNS OF THE PEOPLE Please sign and pass the Friendship Register.


FIRST READING Job 2: 11-13 One: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM Psalm 23 Thomas MatthewsThe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

SECOND READING Luke 13:1-5 and John 9:1-4 One: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

LITANY OF PARTING For first- and second-graders as they leave for worship enrichment

Congregation: May God be with you there. Children: May God be with you here.

SERMON Loving the Questions Together: Pam DriesellWhy, God, Why?

Thomas Matthews (1915-1999) was the longtime Organist-Choirmaster and composer-in-residence at Trinity Episcopal Church, Tulsa, OK, and also served churches in New York and Philadelphia. He assisted Norman Coke-Jephcott at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and served on the faculty of Northwestern University. His sacred choral compositions, of which this morning’s anthem is the best known, are sung by choirs nationwide.


*AFFIRMATION OF FAITHOne: If God’s love is powerful beyond measure, why is there so much

suffering in the world?

All: No one can say why. Nevertheless, we boldly affirm that God’s triumph over evil and suffering is certain. In Jesus Christ, God suffers with us, knowing all our sorrows. In raising Jesus from the dead, God gives new hope to the world. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is himself God’s promise that we never suffer alone and that all suffering will come to an end, that death will be no more and that all things will be made new. We believe that in life and in death, we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. Amen.

—adapted from the PCUSA Study Catechism and the PCUSA Brief Statement of Faith


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYEROur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

GIVING OF OFFERINGSOFFERTORY Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Phillip LedgerChrist, whose glory fills the skies; Christ, the true, the only light; sun of righteousness, arise, triumph o’er the shades of night; dayspring from on high, be near; daystar, in my heart appear. Dark and cheerless is the morn unaccompanied by thee; joyless is the day’s return, till thy mercy’s beams I see; till they inward light impart, glad my eyes and warm my heart. Visit then this soul of mine, pierce the gloom of sin and grief; fill me, radiancy divine, scatter all my unbelief; more and more thyself display, shining to the perfect day.

Drawing from Psalms, Job, the Apostle Paul,

and the pastoral letters of First and Second Peter, this statement cuts to the very heart of

the promises God makes to humanity

throughout scripture and most clearly in the life, death and resurrection

of Jesus Christ. Our affirmation

today admits the limitations of our

understanding and inability to make

sense of God's love in the midst of

tragedy; nonetheless, it affirms that our

greatest hopes are not the result of

fruitless wishes, but rest upon a trust in the God who

has already come alongside us and experienced the

very depths of our suffering. In Christ,

God has suffered. In Christ, God continues

to suffer with us. In Christ, God's power

of resurrection transforms suffering

into love, joy, and new life.


*DOXOLOGY #592 old hundredth


*CLOSING HYMN My Life Flows On Robert Lowery(choir: stanza 1; all: stanzas 2-4)


BENEDICTION RESPONSE Peter LutkinThe Lord Bless You

CONCLUDING VOLUNTARY Henri MuletCarillon Sortie

Peter Christian Lutkin (1858–1931) was a church musician, composer, conductor and educator. He served as organist at St. Clement’s and St. James', Chicago, Illinois, in the 1880’s and 1890’s. Around 1895, he founded the School of Music at Northwestern University. He also helped found the American Guild of Organists and the North Shore Festival in Chicago.




New Member Class

If you are interested in learning more about Trinity Church or in becoming a member, you are encouraged to attend one of the New Member classes held throughout the year. Classes are held in the Chapel Parlor from 9:45 to 10:45 am on Sunday. Child care is available. The next class series meets September 18, 25; October 2, 9.

For more information, contact Gay Gunter at 770-432-1090 or gayhgunter@charter.net.

TODAY AT TRINITY Worship Leaders

Preaching Rev. Pam Driesell, senior pastor

Liturgists Rev. Jeremy Jinkins, executive pastor Rev. Dr. Richard Floyd, senior associate pastor for engagement

Josephine Conley, lay reader

MusicThe Chancel Choir of Trinity Church Norman Mackenzie, organist and director of music and fine arts

AcolyteHarry Kahn

Banner BearerElla Anne Williams

FlowersThe flowers in the sanctuary are given by Trinity School to the glory of God, and in appreciation of Trinity Presbyterian Church. This morning's arrangement was created by the Trinity Presbyterian Flower Guild.


Child CareAlthough children are always welcome in the sanctuary, child care is available for children, birth through through pre-K: infants, D 100; one-year-olds, D 102; two-year-olds, D 104; three-year-olds, D 106; pre-K, D 119.

Kinderworship for Kindergarteners11:00 am, D119

Kindergarteners engage in a simple worship-type service where the children “wonder” about Bible sories (i.e., “I wonder how the sheep who was found by the shepherd felt?” “I wonder if you have ever been lost and then found?”), and then respond to the text with activities. Children learn the Lord’s Prayer and the Doxology, foundational parts of our Sunday morning worship service.

Worship Enrichment for 1st and 2nd graders11:20 am, Dobbs Chapel/D116-118

Children attend the start of the 11:00 am congregational worship service and depart mid-way at the Parting Litany, to take on the roles of worship leaders in Dobbs Chapel. Children with their leaders depart with the light of Christ, the Word of God, and the colors of the church season, to complete the order of worship in a child-friendly, educational manner. The children serve as liturgists, prayer leaders, ushers, and musicians. After worship, the children continue with activities focused on worship skills.

NEXT SUNDAYSunday, September 188:45 & 11:00 am WorshipNext Sunday we will resume our regular two- service schedule (8:45 and 11:00 am).

Loving the Questions Together: What is Reconciliation?Luke 15:20-24; II Corinthians 5:17-20Rev. Dr. George Stroup preaching

The sacrament of baptism will be celebrated during 11:00 am worship.



LIFE AT TRINITYFINDING SUPPORTPastoral CareNotify the church of illness, hospitalization, birth, death, or prayer request

Veronica Ridenhour, 404-495-8440vridenhour@trinityatlanta.org

CounselingMary Lisa Henry, Ph.D., LCSW 404-869-3707

Stephen MinistersTrinity’s Stephen Ministry offers confidential, one-to-one Christian care to those who are experiencing difficult life circumstances.

Meredith Daniel, 404-869-0025 msdaniel@bellsouth.net

Marc Krause, 404-713-0629 mtkphoto1@gmail.com

CHURCH SCHOOLAdult Church SchoolA new session of adult church school classes begins next Sunday, September 18, at 9:45 am. For complete course descriptions, visit www.trinityatlanta.org.

BIBLE Mark's Stories and Our StoryRev. Dr. George StroupB104

CHRISTIAN LIVING AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICESA Story of Stories: The Search for One's LifeRev. Jack Graham and Helen GrahamB108



ConnectionsWilliams Hall C




THIS WEEK Sunday, September 11 9:45 am Church School 11:00 am Worship 4:30 pm Fall Kickoff Picnic

Monday, September 12 8:00 am Commitment Campaign Committee

Tuesday, September 13 6:30 am High School Bible Study 8:30 am Yoga 10:00 am Women's Link Circle 3 10:00 am Women's Link Circle 4 10:30 am Women's Link Circle 1 11:00 am Tai Chi 12:30 pm Chapter 3A 5:30 pm Adult Education Committee 7:00 pm Chapter 3C1 7:00 pm Chapter 3C2

Wednesday, September 14 7:00 am Awakening 7:30 am Coordinating Council 10:00 am Senior Adult Planning Committee 10:00 am The Third Act 12:00 pm Covenant Bible Study 12:30 pm Silent Meditation 4:45 pm Kindergarten Recreation 7:00 pm Men in Transition B 7:30 pm Chancel Choir 8:00 pm AA Meeting

Thursday, September 15 4:00 pm CFM Arts and Crafts 4:00 pm CFM Gym Time 4:00 pm Hosanna Bell Choir 4:00 pm Primary Choir 4:45 pm Trinity at the Table 4:45 pm Cherub Choir I 5:00 pm Junior Choir 5:15 pm Cherub Choir II 7:00 pm Nonfiction Book Club

Friday, September 16 7:27 am Men’s Breakfast



CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Meet and Greet New ClergySeptember 15, 29; October 20, 24, 26; November 3, 67:00 pm, Members' homes

September 18; October 23:00 pm, Members' homes

This fall Trinity will host a series of "meet and greets" with our new Executive Pastor, the Rev. Jeremy Jinkins, and our new Senior Associate Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Richard Floyd. These informal gatherings, held in various Trinity members' homes, are designed for you to get to know our new clergy on a more personal level. You are invited to sign up to attend one of these events. Space is limited; registration is first-come, first-served.

Register: www.trinityatlanta.org

Trinity at the TableThursday, September 15 4:45 - 6:30 pm, Williams Hall

Join us for fellowship, fun, and food on Thursday nights with Trinity at the Table. Dinner is served between 4:45 and 6:30, and activities for children are available between 4:45 and 5:45. Everyone is welcome to enjoy freshly prepared, healthy food options in Williams Hall (including a quieter area).

Menu: baked chicken, green beans, rice pilaf, garden salad, mixed seasonal fruit, cookies

Reservations: www.trinityatlanta.org or 404-237-6491

CONGREGATIONAL EVENTAn Evening with Rachel Held EvansFriday, November 47:30 pm, SancaturyTickets are on sale now on our website to see New York Times bestselling author and blogger, Rachel Held Evans. She'll be speaking on Christian Identity at Trinity on Friday, November 4, at 7:30 pm. Tickets: general admission, $20; students, $15.

TRINITY MENMen’s BreakfastFriday, September 167:27 am, Williams Hall

Join the group for this weekly opportunity to enjoy great fellowship, a lively program, and a really good breakfast. The speaker this Friday will be the Rev. Caroline Jinkins. Reservations are not required; $7 per person.

PRIME TIME (SENIOR ADULTS)Historic TourSaturday, November 59:30 am

Prime Time will visit the historic Oakland Cemetery on Saturday, November 5. The cemetery is wheelchair and cane-assisted accessible.

Cost: $6 entrance fee and $5 bus fee. Lunch will be on your own at Six Feet Under. Reservations: dpedrick@trinityatlanta.org or 404-237-6491

SPIRITUAL FORMATIONSpotlight on a Small Group:Men in Transition

Are you into the second half of your career? Children have launched? Relationships have changed? MIT are small groups focused on inviting men to know themselves, each other, and God more deeply during these transitions.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to connect through a small group at Trinity, visit the website or email Jenelle at jholmes@trinityatlanta.org.

Faithful Lawyers

Are you a lawyer in the Trinity community? Join Faithful Lawyers, a group of Trinity lawyers who meet monthly to fellowship and discuss our vocation. Email Susan Foxworth for details, sfoxworth@thplawfirm.com

Nonfiction Book ClubThursday, September 157:00 pm, Chapel Parlor

Bill Hope will lead our discussion of the first half of Chernow’s “Hamilton.” In addition, we’ll finalize the reading list for our 2016-17 reading season. All are welcome, even if they have not read the book.


Covenant Bible Study2nd & 4th Wednesday12:00 - 1:30 pm, B112

The Covenant Bible Class will meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month (except December) beginning September 14. Each week we will discuss selected text from the Gospel of John.

Sept. 14 Introduction and Prologue to John's Gospel

Sept. 28 NicodemusOct. 12 A Samaritan WomanOct. 26 The Bread of LifeNov. 9 The Man Born BlindNov. 23 LazarusDec. 7 The Last SupperDec. 21 Jesus' Death and Resurrection

YOUTHYouth GroupWe hope that your family will join us for the Churchwide Kickoff Picnic tonight from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The youth leaders will be there to see you!

Youth Group starts back next Sunday, September 18. We will have a new schedule this fall, so that our leaders can spend more time with both middle and high school students.

4:00-5:00 pm Middle School Youth Group5:00-6:00 pm Youth Choir/Study Time6:00-6:30 pm Youth Supper (everyone)6:30-7:30 pm High School Youth Group

YOUNG ADULTSFall RetreatOctober 7-9

Our young adult retreat this fall is October 7-9 in the North Georgia Mountains. Join us for a time to relax, connect, and be formed by God. Cost: $40. Interested? Email Jenelle at jholmes@trinityatlanta.org.

Faith and Fellowship 2.0Sunday, September 2512:15 pm

We're gathering once a month after worship this fall for lunch and a conversation about faith. Join us September 25, at the home of Kyle and Hunter Smith. RSVP to Jenelle at jholmes@trinityatlanta.org.

MISSIONMission FairSunday, September 1812:00 pm, Williams Hall

Come to Williams Hall on September 18 to learn more about the many mission projects and agencies supported by Trinity Church. You will see the ways we are making God's love visible in our neighborhood and around the world, and the ways that you can become involved! If you have any questions contact Marcy Clerveaux at mclerveaux@trinityatlanta.org, or you can call 404-495-8428.

Journey Shelter

Join in God’s transformative work through Journey by preparing a meal for 30 men at Journey Night Shelter. All ages are welcome to serve! The following dates are available: Sept. 26, Oct. 24, and Dec. 26.

Contact: Marcy Clerveaux, mclerveaux@trinityatlanta.org

Habitat for Humanity BuildOctober 9 - November 27 Trinity Day: October 22

This fall Trinity is partnering again with Habitat for Humanity to help build a house. You can volunteer any Saturday betweeen October 9 and November 27. Our all-Trinity day is October 22. No experience is required—just enthusiasm.

Register: www.trinityatlanta.org




Class of 2017Sara Allaman Laura Balch Elizabeth BorlandWalt Bryde* David Caldwell Lesley CarrollWalter HallKeeley Harris Mac IrvinElinor JonesMike KermanRuth MarstonGeorge ParsonSusan ReeseNancy Suh Scott ThompsonLee Williams

Class of 2019Melissa AdamsJune BishopBert BroadfootJim BynumWalt GillikinDavid GraceySusan F. HamiltonLacey JordanJackson McCannKaren McRaeElise PiperDoug ReidPaulette SlawsonJohn TirrillVictoria Wolle

Class of 2018Stefanie CurranValerie Egan Cindy Ferguson**Frank FuerstStuart Grubb John Hitchins IIIBlaine Kelley IIIDavid MerrittMelissa Moseley Susannah ParkerCissy SmithForrest SpeedElmer Stancil Jim S. StokesJeffrey Trapnell

*Clerk of Session**Assistant Clerk of Session



Pam Driesell: senior pastor

ext. 421 | pdriesell@trinityatlanta.org

Andrew Esqueda: director of youth and family ministries ext. 446 | aesqueda@trinityatlanta.org

Tom Farmer: pastoral associate for senior adult ministries ext. 438 | tfarmer@trinityatlanta.org

Richard Floyd: senior associate pastor for engagement ext. 436 | rfloyd@trinityatlanta.org

Jenelle Holmes: director of young adult ministries ext. 433 | jholmes@trinityatlanta.org

Jeremy Jinkins: executive pastor

ext. 425 | jjinkins@trinityatlanta.org

Norman Mackenzie: director of music and fine arts

ext. 430 | nmackenzie@trinityatlanta.org

Erin McGee: associate pastor of children and family ministries ext. 448 | emcgee@trinityatlanta.org

Scott Morris: assistant organist, director of primary and junior choirs ext. 434 | smorris@trinityatlanta.org

John Ryan: interim director of adult education and engagement

ext. 456 | jryan@trinityatlanta.org

George Stroup: theologian in residence

ext. 458 | gstroup@trinityatlanta.org


P.C. Enniss: theologian in residence emeritus

Bettye Sue Wright: director of christian education emerita




Rev. Jeremy Jinkins EXECUTIVE PASTOR


SEPTEMBER 15, 29; OCTOBER 20, 24, 26; NOVEMBER 3, 6

7:00 pm, Members’ homes

SEPTEMBER 18, OCTOBER 23:00 pm, Members’ homes

Space is limited; registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Register: www.trinityatlanta.org




4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.by the Welcome Center


For more information, visitwww.trinityatlanta.org

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