“loving god -- loving people” return service - fumc · prayer shawl ministry by kathy braga...

Post on 18-May-2018






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WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30 am—Sunday School* 9:30am—Coffee time 10:00 am—Worship** 2:00 pm — Zomi Christian Fellowship *Nursery available

www.fumc-mtown.org fumc@fumc-mtown.org

Please send articles for the July newsletter to Jo Ruff at fumc@fumc-mtown.org by June 22.

First United Methodist Church 202 West Main Street Marshalltown, IA 50158-5893

Phone (641) 752-3668

Return Service Requested

FUMC Staff Senior Pastor: Jeff Kodis x1002 Ministry Assistant: Craig Luttrell x 1003 Organist/Bell Director: Jan Randall Worship Arts Director: Jenn Pedersen x 1016 Education Director: Jenn Pedersen x 1010 Administrative Assistant: Jo Ruff x1000 Business Manager: Kay Couts x 1007 Custodians: Steve Cherveny x1001 Becky Goodell

Church Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - Noon

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Closed on Monday

Summer Break? Pastor Jeff Kodis We are wrapping up another year of school and getting ready for another Summer Break. Every summer my wife and I try to help the kids set some goals for what they want to do during the break. Some of it is fun stuff, like camps and time with friends. Some of it is more educational, like goals for reading in order to keep up with what they just learned. Since the summer months often slide by so fast that we look back and wonder where the time went, we want to be a little more intentional about making sure we all get the most out of this time. Having some goals writ-ten down will allow us to invest our time and energy in a more focused way. I wonder if the same thing would be helpful in our faith journey this Summer, as well. Summer is often a time when church participation is at a low. Sometimes that is because people travel over the weekends, or other activities crowd in, or simply because we don’t make it a priority. When our weekly programs come to an end, it might be easy to check out for the Summer and plan on coming back in the Fall. But will this new routine for Summer make it easier or more difficult to con- - nect with God by the time Fall rolls around?

What would you do differently this Summer if you made a goal of growing closer to God? Maybe you would see your vacation travels as an opportunity for your family to experience some thing new in worship. Check out church listings where you are traveling and decide as a family where you will wor- - ship while you are away from home. What a won- derful way to show how important worshipping God is to your family and the world around us! Or perhaps this is a good time to try a new prayer or devotional routine, - taking ad- vantage of time outside to praise and seek our Creator. And don’t forget about Vacation Bible School as an oppor- tunity for your children or grand- children to grow in their faith!

There are many ways to keep growing in our relationship with God this Summer and my prayer is that we will continue to grow together also!


a monthly newsle t ter f rom

“Loving God -- Loving People”


During the month of May in Sunday School the children learned about the connec-tion between honesty and God’s character. The May series, entitled “Source Code: Untan-gle the Web” focused on the importance of honesty and the consequences of dishonesty in the lives of several Bible characters and how dishonesty affects our lives. During the month of May in Sunday School the youth studied about trust and courage and talked about Abraham following God’s call. Our final family event combined with youth group was a fun time of getting everyone together. We enjoyed a potluck dinner together, games, and a lesson time on the theme of honesty. There is no children or youth Sunday school over the summer; we will resume the Sunday after Labor Day weekend. Mark your calendars for our VBS this summer - AMPED - LIVING FULLY ALIVE - July 23rd - 26th. VBS will be a 4-day evening event meeting from 6:00-8:15pm. Chil-dren ages 4 years through entering 6th grade, fall 2018 and their families are invited to at-tend. We are encouraging parents to attend with their children. Our theme for VBS is Confidence: Living like you believe what God says is true. Our key verse is: “Being con-fident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Kids and families will be learning together about the importance of trusting God, finding friends who help you trust Jesus, and staying focused on Jesus. We had our first VBS planning meeting on May 15th and will have another meeting on Sun-day, June 3rd at 11:00 am following morning worship in the chapel. Please join us if you are interested in helping - we need you!

UMW by Edie Hodges

The salad luncheon brought in $2, 978 and sweet treats $619 for missions with approx-imately 340 in attendance. Thank you again for the time, food donations, and support given this event.

Boxes of 12 cards for $6.00 each are available in the office for purchase. They are mainly Sympathy, Birthday and Encouragement topics.

Reading reports are due June 3 to Mary L. or turn into the office. June 1 Church Women United will be meeting at United Church of Christ with a forum

Meeting at 9:30 am featuring Seth Engelwood speaking on Pilgrim Heights. June 9-11 – The IA Annual Conference @ HyVee Hall, Des Moines. The UMW Event

during the supper break with a program “Swedish Childcare and Family Policy Study”. $10 cost.

July 15-17 –“Mission U”@ IA Continuing Education Center in Marshalltown. The Theme is “Learning Together for Transformation of the World” and the Spiritual Growth is “Embracing Wholeness”. There are two studies to choose from. 1. Social Issues Study: “What About Our Money? A Faith Response” or 2. Geographic Study: “Missionary Conferences of the United Methodist Church”. Cost is $125 and UMW will pay half. Registration is due June 17. If interested contact Bev Sloppy or Edie Hodges.

Work Day at Bidwell Riverside in Des Moines is Tuesday, July 17. If interested in helping volunteer, contact Bev Sloppy or Edie Hodges. We will be leaving the church parking lot at 7:45 am and return approximately 2:00 pm. If you have nice used cloth-ing, bag them and put them in the old east entrance by the kitchen under the coat racks.

Todd Eipperle Grant Fitz

Derek Johnson Garrett Larson

Scott Vial

This Month’s Usher / Greeter Teams


Tuesday Bible Study: We are studying “A Life Beyond Amazing” by David Jeremiah. Classes are held in the Oasis Room at 10am and 5:30 pm. Please contact Reva Roland at rolandrjr2003@yahoo.com or call her at 641-691-1335 with any questions.

FINANCE by Kevin Miller

Deuteronomy 26:9-10 says "He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey; 10 and now I bring the first fruits of the soil that you, Lord, have given me. Place the basket before the Lord your God and bow down before him.” I got this verse from my Sunday School Class and wanted to share it with everyone. God has given us so much and we need to honor him by giving back to the Church. When you are making your donations to the Church think about what God has given you and be generous in giving back to God. I also want to thank you for all you have done for the Church. We are still doing well this year, we have been keeping up with all of our bills including the apportionments. That is great and I hope that all of you can keep this up in the coming months.


Dennis' sons are working on a super secret project for Dennis Bailey's retirement. They are gathering notes of encouragement (handwritten, emailed, or otherwise) that speak to the impact of Dennis' ministry. They are contacting all six churches Rev. Bailey has been appointed to over the years of his ministry. Maybe you have a short story, anecdote, or per-sonal testimony that speaks to Dennis' work as a minister of the faith? These notes, letters, and emails will be collected and put together in a book or keepsake to be presented to Den-nis after the Annual Conference Retirement Ceremony on June 9th. The underlying goal is to give Dennis something to look back on as he reflects on his over forty years in ministry. If handwritten or typed messages, please mail them to 3124 SW 23rd Street, Des Moines IA 50321 If you would like to email it, please send it to joncbailey@gmail.com If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (515) 537-4041.

Leita Barrick Jackie Lura

Steve Thompson Elva Weaver


Starting June 3rd at 8:30 our adult class will continue to meet in the Oasis Room. Program as follows: DAVID: Humble shepherd. Giant-slayer. Gifted Poet. Mighty warrior. Flawed man. Legendary leader. In this 5 part series, Andy Stanley (DVD) explores the life of one of history’s most famous kings. Message Titles: 1) The Reluctant Hero 2) Killer Giants 3) The Abigail Way 4) The Great King 5) When Dreams Can’t Come True

Prayer Shawl Ministry Thursdays at 10:00 am in the

Staff Room. Anyone is welcome to join in.

Monthly Meetings:

Trustees: Tuesday, June 5, at 5:30 pm

SPRC: Thursday, June 7, at 5:30 pm

Finance: Tuesday, June 12, at 5:00 pm

TLC: No meeting

Hand in Hand: Tuesday, June 12, at 5:30 pm

Missions: Tuesday, June 19, at 11:30 am

Endowment: No meeting

Ad Council: Tuesday, August 21 at 5:15 pm

Insurance Requirement Please do not sit in the

front row of the balconies.

Exercise Class 8:15 - 9:00 am

Tuesday & Thursday Fellowship Hall

All you need is an exercise ball & mat.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to:

Don and Judy Westphal in the loss of Judy’s sister, Betty Hannan.

Les Graham and family in the loss of

Donna Graham.

Communion June 3

June 27

June Change for Change

goes to VBS.


Due to landline phones being done away with and more people using cell phones we need to update our members contact information. If you no longer have a landline and are using cell phones as your only form of con-tact, please be sure to let the office know so we can update our records and keep our files current. You can let us know by noting it on your Connec-tion Cards on Sunday, calling the office, or using email. Be sure to note no landline and the cell number(s) to use for contact. Thank you for your help in refreshing our records.

June Supply Closet Collection

Toilet Paper

SPRC by Dick Cope

• It is with great pleasure that we announce Jenn Pedersen has accepted the part time position of Director, Christian Family Ministries effective June 1st. In this newly created role Jenn will oversee essential functions that include:

1. Oversee all ministries that disciple children, youth, and families and ensure that they are con-tributing to our Vision.

2. Evaluate current ministries to ensure they are connected to our Vision and accomplishing their intended purposes.

3. Explore new opportunities for ministry that can expand our effectiveness. 4. Equip parents to understand and embrace their role as the primary spiritual influence for their

children. 5. Ensure that our policies and practices provide a safe environment, and are in line with our cur-

rent Child Protection Policy. This role will be in addition to her current responsibilities as Director, Music Ministries.


We will be returning to a one service format for the summer with worship at 10:00 am beginning June 3rd.. Choir will meet inter-mittently throughout the summer - all are welcome to join at any time, a choir rehearsal schedule is posted on the bulletin board outside the chapel. We will again begin regular, weekly choir rehearsals August 29th. Bell choir will be tak-ing the summer off. I am looking forward to our all-music Sunday on June 10th and I am excited to hear from many of the talented musicians in our congregation. We will have a range of musical styles from gospel to traditional and a variety of instruments and groups sharing. I pray this will be a blessing to our congregation.


Missions has been working to spend our money helping local organizations. We have given $500 to each of the following: JFON, CIRSI wheelchair accessible van, Rev. Rich King family, Larry & Jill Couch ($86 from congregation). We provided desserts for the JFON concert at our church. We hosted Larry & Jill Couch for a program and dessert to hear of their missionary work as they head to Greece. We continue to choose Change for Change recipients and Supply Closet items each month. We are open to suggestions for Change. Thanks to Gina Ruddock and Hand in Hand for taking charge of the soup kitchen in May. We serve each month so if you or your group would like to help, let me know. Also, if you are in-terested in Missions activities in any way, please talk with me. ’m sure there is an opportunity for you. Some ways to serve are delivering food items to the Food Box, taking supplies to the House of Compassion, helping at the soup kitchen or furnishing food or money to buy milk, being part of our committee, or any new ideas you have. Thanks for supporting your Mission committee

HAND IN HAND by Gina Ruddock

It has been a busy month! In addition to our usual ministry to lift up cancer patients and hos-pice families, we spent a couple of evenings at the parsonage on Columbus Dr. cleaning up leaves and working through flower beds. Special thanks to all who could join in, including some of our fellas. We also served a meal at House of Compassion. As always we work hand in hand to serve in ways that share and reflect our faith. If you have an idea and would like to join us, we meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. Please join us!

2018 Committees

Administrative Council

Council Chair Greg DeSaulniers Lay Leader & Annual Conf Shirley Mann (2019)

Recording Secretary Dave Clark Annual Conference Laity Craig Luttrell

Treasurer Karen Berger Missions Barb Matya

Trustees Chair Joe Roenfeldt Education

Staff Parish Chair Dick Cope Worship

Finance Chair Kevin Miller UM Women

Endowment Chair Ed Matya UM Men

Also: Pastor and Staff

Board of Trustees:

2018 2019 2020 Also Represented James York - Finance Rep Troy Duff Ed Graglia Pastor

Ann Berg Tom Ruddock Heidi Drager - Secretary Business Admin

Joe Roenfeldt - Chair Noel Diser Custodian

Rod Roland - Menders Lay Leader

Staff Parish Relations:

2018 2019 2020 Also Represented

Julie Bousum Jim Moore Kendall Meyeraan Pastor

Mary Cowdrey Tim Duden Brent Nuese Lay Leader (Shirley Mann)

Dick Cope - Chair

Finance / Stewardship

2018 2019 2020 Also Represented

Kevin Miller - Chair Meredith Miller Brad Braga Pastor

Jane Markey Echo Nuese Ward Miller Trustee Rep.(Roenfeldt/York)

Reva Roland Ron Ohrt Kay Lents (Fin. Sec.) Treasurer (Karen Berger)

Ad Council Chair(DeSaulniers)

Lay Member to Annual Conf. SPRC Representative Endowment Chair (Matya)


2018 2019 2020 Also Represented

Elizabeth Luttrell Lawrence Mann Ruth Jackson Pastor

Dawn Diser Hannah Hokanson Lay Leader (Shirley Mann)

Endowment Fund:

2018 2019 2020 Also Represented

Brandon Bell Mike Bloom Toby Brimmer Pastor

Duane Meyer George Taylor Diane Rhodes Trustee Representative

Steve Paullus Marki McKibben Treasure (Karen Berger)

Ed Matya - Chair Lay Leader

Weather Cancellations

To find out if church activities are cancelled, check KIX-101 FM KFJB 1230 AM KDAO 99.5 FM / 1190 AM KCCI TV Channel 8 Facebook

Parking Request

On Sundays, if you are able, please park in the lot across the street to the east or on the north side of the building so people who have difficulty walking can park in our lot. Thanks for being considerate of others.


2018 FamILY VBS JULY 23RD—26TH, 6 Pm—8:30 Pm


FREE—Open to students Ages 4 years—6th grade *caregivers & siblings are also invited!

Come learn about living fully alive in Christ!

Registration requested at

https://www.facebook.com/events/2072708639667765/ or via phone at 752-3668.

JULY 23RD—26TH 6 Pm - 8:15 Pm

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