love seeking good for others. do teenagers know what real love is?

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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LoveLoveSeeking Good For Others

Do teenagers know what real love Do teenagers know what real love is?is?

Many forms of loveMany forms of love

What are some examples?

Love is…Love is…

The core of the Christian lifestyleEssential choice in a Christians lifeLove is what the Christians life is all aboutLove of God and neighbor are inseperableJohn: God is LovePaul: nothing without love

What is Love?What is Love?

Love means to seek and then foster the good of others in the context of their concrete situations

We affirm valueSeek and foster: activeThe good of others: same as our own goodIn concrete situations: Rosemary and


Why Love?Why Love?

Compelled by our very nature to loveFeel incomplete without loveLove brings life

Types of LoveTypes of Love

Word Meaning How do we recognize it?

It tells us love…

Ego Self Love Must search self, learn of self, uniqueness, talents

You’re special, Image of God, we are own persons, see God in self, Life-long love

• Why is Ego essential to loving others?• How does loving ourselves help to foster our love for others?• Why is it difficult for us to love ourselves sometimes?

Word Meaning How do we recognize it?

It tells us love is…

Amiticia Friendship Takes months, years for best, share secrets, accepts as is, being there, can talk to, doesn’t judge, have fun together

Love chooses, real love takes time, love shares, love trusts, love accepts you, love is dependable, love communicates, love doesn’t judge, love is fun

Word Meaning How do we recognize it?

It tells us love is…

Eros Pure Passion

Very strong devotion to a cause, commitment, spends all time and energy, struggles for the good, continues in spite of obstacles, a new creation

Love is intense, love is true to cause, love involves all parts of you, love never gives up, love focuses on the good, love of new people can be seen in new life

Word Meaning How do we recognize it?

It tells us love…

Delectio LikesRomantic love

Like taste, sound, touch, sight, we are unique, like some not others, free choice, our likes fell good, fun, happy

Love involves our senses, God gave us the life and uniqueness, love involves a choice, love makes us happy, is good, is fun

Word Meaning How do we recognize it? It tells us love…

Caritas Charity Give without knowing, help those in need, gives from our blessing, give not take

Love as no thank you, love sees need, love treats others as we want to be treated, love gives

Word Meaning How do we recognize it?

It tells us love…

Amor Unconditional In God/parents, cares forever, sacrifices, loves before self, can count on, teaches you all, disciplines you, challenges, tells truth, protects, promises things, there in crisis

Love sacrifices, love thinks of others first, love is dependable, love taeches and guides, love says no when needed, love never lies, love never hits or hurts, love I there is good bad…

Word Meaning How do we recognize it?

It tells us love…

Filia Family Siblings, relatives, share genes, heritage, culture, tradition, history, language, religion, you physical appearance, new relatives

Love has a past and future, love has history, love belongs, love even when we don’t choose, love looks like me, love welcomes

Word Meaning How do we recognize it

It tells us love…

Agape To wish well Acquaintances, share another’s joy

Love others even strangers, love can reach out to others

All types of love discussed are aspects of the one reality of love…God

When we love we are truly living in God

Love is a ChallengeLove is a Challenge

Our society has cheapened the word love

Used to manipulate and control

No objectsGreat responsibility with using the word love

To Love or Not to LoveTo Love or Not to Love

Hardest decision is to choose love

We often don’t choose thisSin– turn our back on love

◦Omission– failure to act◦Commission– choose

On the Way: Life Skills of LovingOn the Way: Life Skills of Loving

1. Knowledge of the other person2. Practical Knowledge3. Flexibility4. Conflict Resolution5. Patience6. Honesty7. Trust8. Humility9. Hope10. Courage 11. Forgiveness

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