lotus notes: simplicity

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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Simplicity is a key aspect behind the Apple brand. It is part of what drove Steve Jobs from he very

beginning. To make computers simple enough for the world to use.

Apple did not invent the portable music market. The iPod took the simplicity of the MP3 player to a

new level. This was a key driver of growth for these devices that fundamentally changed the music

world. This was radical design.

Before that Apple had redefined the computer interface with the development of the Graphical User

Interface another important delivery on its commitment -- To make a contribution to the world by

making tools for the mind that advance humankind

A concept that Microsoft adopted with its Windows Operating system, allowing Microsoft to

dominate the software market for many years and help put a personal computer on every office

desk and inside every home.

Later Microsoft acquired Nest, a company that had put itself on the consumer market with its

innovative design and intuitive interface that made home thermostats simple to use.

Google put the power of the Internet in he hands of billions thanks to a simple search interface.

And companies like Amazon are now redefining the way we interact with applications and devices

using intelligent digital assistants.

It’s not just with technology that simplicity has revolutionized the world. The simplicity of the post-it

note has radically changed the way we interact in the workplace and has become a vital tool for

designers around the world designing a new generation of modern devices.

IBM have contributed in the passed with its Selectric Typewriter, which for many years was perhaps

the iPod of the written word.

Application Development is a well developed field, but it is yet to see the full

effect of an Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, or IBM take this important part of

business and elevate it to a new level through simplicity.

Application development has many


CIO End User

Citizen Developer

Domino Admin

Domino Developer

Enterprise DeveloperISV

Business Partner

All are seeking the same thing --

To have their life made easy


Our competitors are not (yet) delivering it

And neither are we!

This is not simplicity…. This is what happens when the focus is on adding new features.


An opportunity awaits somebody who can deliver applications that are SIMPLE for EVERYBODY

Simplicity for an

End User

Means having

Domain Search

“Hey Domino. Open the last purchase order from Acme Corporation”

Simplicity for a

Citizen Developer

often means


“Hey Domino. Create a new travel request application called HQ Travel Requests ”

Simplicity for

Domino Developers

means providing

Omnipresence… your data on your device

Simplicity for

Enterprise Developers

will often mean


“Hey Domino. Show me the REST API for the HQ Travel Requests application ”

Simplicity for a

Development Manager


Code reuse

“Hey Domino. Show me all the applications that use this Script Library”

Simplicity for a

Domino Administrator


Ease of Deployment

“Hey Domino. Upgrade all our Domino servers to Domino 10 tonight”

Simplicity for a



Knowing my TCO and ROI

“Hey Domino. Show me all the new applications we have developed last quarter”

Simplicity for a

Business Partner

comes in the form of


“Hey Domino. Send Acme a quote for Domino with 15,000 users”

Simplicity for an


Means having access to an

Application Store

“Hey Domino. Show me available help desk applications”

Simplicity for those now

Separated from maintenance



“Hey Domino. Reinstate me on Domino 10”

And simplicity for

Investors & Analysts

is seeing a clear, compelling direction for the Domino family

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