los chamigos y las chamigas

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July 2010 Newsletter of the Coalitionof Hispanic Artists



1 Letter from the President

1 Round Table News

3 Featured Member: Magdalena Negron Matias

4 Ybor City Saturday Market – Policy

5 Contest, Calendar of Events & More

Letter from the PresidentDear Members & Friends: Welcome to another issue of “Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas.” CHA exhibitions activities are approaching and will be in full swing. We are excited to see the productof your hard work and inspiration. Invitations continue to come are way. We received a new invitation from The Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in Melbourne, Florida! Looks like CHA is in the map. However, not all invitations seek to feature CHA artists exclusively. Even though public calls to artists are online, you can decide to participate in any of the callCHA members need to be ready to meet the challenges. you ready? Please participate in any of them, but please reserve artwork for our CHA co-sponsored art shows! The MOSI exhibit is confirmed for October. The theme is�DWELLSCAPE�/�PAISAJES ARQUITECTONICOS.� The final Call to Artists will be sent sometime this month. For information and application forms, visit our website. (continued on page 2)

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 1

JULY 2010

Featured Member: Magdalena Negron Matias

Letter from the President

Welcome to another issue of “Los CHAmigos y Las activities are approaching

ited to see the products

received a new The Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in

like CHA is in the map. However, not all invitations seek to feature CHA artists

public calls to artists are posted the calls or not.

eet the challenges. Are participate in any of them, but please

sponsored art shows!

. The theme is

The final Call to Artists For information and

(continued on page 2)

Round Table News

The Board of Directors presiding over the Round Table on June 8, 2010 On June 8th CHA held its first Round These were the concerns and suggestions expressed by members. As a growing and learning organization, we appreciate all comments. Not all comments can be implemented immediately or in the near future or at all. But the comments do tell us that we are headed in the right direction.

Round Table News

The Board of Directors presiding over the Round Table on June 8, 2010

CHA held its first Round Table. ese were the concerns and suggestions expressed

. As a growing and learning organization, we appreciate all comments. Not all comments can be implemented immediately or in

. But the comments do tell we are headed in the right direction.

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 2

The Board of Directors requests that members join one of the CHA committees. In this manner, you will learn more about CHA and help CHA grow. If you are interested, please contact the Chair of the Membership Committee, Luz Pennington at (813) 374-5535 or e-mail at luzajordan@ hotmail.com. As a corporation, cha is undergoing change. CHA is reorganizing, looking at how the Board is organized, identifying the types of standing committees it seeks to form and implement, and streamlining the flow of information. As you know, non-profit organizations are often run by volunteers who share a vision and mission for its members-- art lovers and Hispanic artists alike. Dear Member, if any of you do not have an e-mail account or a computer, please let us know. Please register at your public library to take advantage of free computer training so that you can get an e-mail account and surf the internet. Don’t miss out on the wave of information that is available to you Wide Web—the internet is where the information is. Enjoy it while it is still mostly free. Through this newsletter, we will keep you posted; but realize this: more information is on the web. As always, thank you for your support! Currently, the Board of Directors is reviewing new bylaws to adopt in the near future. If you know of someone who would be interested in CHA, please ask them to join. Be the face of CHA whenever you can. If you are not a member, consider joining us and become a member of the team.

Damaris President

Round Table News (continued) The following members who left written comments were Luis Fernando Rodriguez, Gloria Rodriguez, Daniel Mantilla, Miguel Reyes, Ligia Bello, Isidoro Tejeda, Carlos Leal, and Gerardo Aristud. Thank you for your comments.

In this issue, we will address the comment about the Ybor City Saturday Market. The request was for more information. On page 4, you will find as much information as you will need to participate. There are rules to follow in order to participate—CHA has some, and the Ybor City Saturday Market (YCSM) Committee has some that can break or make our presence there. Although this was a comment made by a member, it was obvious to some that the information was already provided on the web site. However, it will become a topic in every issue of “Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas” as long as we have a presence there. One last word on the topic: It is underutilized. We need more artists to make out there. There needs to be an exchange of other artists. The same artists do not represent CHA. It may be possible that CHA will have to come up with another arrangement—acting as a consignment center. This will have to be discussed by the Board to see if the resources are there. If you are interested in showing your art at Centennial Park, let us know what arrangements would be better for you. Contact Agustin Negron at (813) 298-9958 (cellular). Another comment dealt with the newsletter. Instead of printing newsletter in color, we should consider printing it in black and white. This is a very good idea, and we have adopted this comment due to its cost-saving measure. We will, however, consider printing the last issue of the fiscal year in full color, provided there are funds. Of course, those issues posted on the web site can afford to be in color. However, if you choose to print it, you can print it in color or in black and white.

Another was to make the newsletter every two months and charge the members for the cost of stamps. The Board of Directors is committed by the to produce a newsletter every month. One of the main reasons for issuing the newsletter monthly is so that the membership is informed on what the Board of Director is working on. Often times, the work of the Board is invisible to the membership. The newsletter permits transparency. Other comments under consideration—subsequent issues—are as follows:

Monthly meetings with all membersworkshops, networking, and show-and tell. There are too many e-mail messages, causing confusion on an event. E-mails should be properly labeled with the “Subject” (e.g., Call to Artists: PHCC; Call to Artists: MOSI) Better information on the “exhibition calendar Raise funds through the promotion of creativity in the area by organizing contest for smaking of reproductions or originals signed donated by the artists, collecting classes and workshops for non-members. Contact athletes or sport teams. Inevents such as auctions, exhibitionswill give us more publicity. Raise funds through the printing and selling shirts. Collect funds from the Government through grants. More active participation by the members

On the last item, we couldn’t agree more…. We have a lot of shows coming up. (Continued on page 7….)

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 3

Another was to make the newsletter every two months and charge the members for the cost of

The Board of Directors is committed by the Bylaws to produce a newsletter every month. One of the main reasons for issuing the newsletter monthly is so that the membership is informed on what the Board of Director is working on. Often times, the work of the Board is invisible to the membership.


Monthly meetings with all members for and tell.

mail messages, causing

mails should be properly labeled with the “Subject” (e.g., Call to Artists: PHCC; Call to

exhibition calendar.”

funds through the promotion of creativity in the area by organizing contest for students, making of reproductions or originals signed donated by the artists, collecting classes and

. Invite them to events such as auctions, exhibitions, etc. That

funds through the printing and selling of t-

Collect funds from the Government through

More active participation by the members.

On the last item, we couldn’t agree more…. We

Featured MemberMagdalena Negrón Matias

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, has been painting and drawing sincegirl. “From childhood, I always drew everything saw around me. I always found it fascinating to attempt to capture in pencil or a brush what was before me.” When she was in high schoolMagdalena participated in an art contestscholarship to study in an academy of art. studied art under the recognized artist from Spain, Jose Azaustre Muro. Magdalena obtained a Bachelor Degree, with a major in art and a minor in education. She taught art at a private Catholic school for 16 years. While living in Puerto Rico, she exhibited her art. “I like to paint landscapes, particularly the landscapes that reflect water. reflections in water fascinates me,” she said. Coming from an island, water was one of her main interests. In 1987, Magdalena moved to Tampa, Florida. For a couple of years she wasdid in Puerto Rico. She dedicated a family and found she did not have time for herself. Now that her children have families of their own, she finds time to paint.

Featured Member Magdalena Negrón Matias

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Magdalena Matias been painting and drawing since she was a little

always drew everything a always found it fascinating to

to capture in pencil or a brush what was

in high school and taking art classes, participated in an art contest, winning a

academy of art. She recognized artist from Spain,

living in Puerto Rico, she exhibited her art.

e to paint landscapes, particularly the landscapes that reflect water. To capture the

lections in water fascinates me,” she said. Coming from an island, water was one of her main

Magdalena moved to Tampa, Florida.

was not painting as she dedicated herself to raising

a family and found she did not have time for herself. Now that her children have families of their

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 4

“As I sit down to paint, I play soft music which relaxes my soul and spirit. I transport myself away from all the negativity in the world as I concentrate on my artwork.” Into realism, Magdalena said, “I also like to paint still life—wine bottles, glasses, fruit and vegetables. I have tried abstract art, but I find it difficult to distort what my eyes see as God’s creation. “I have matured in my art, and I prefer to paint in oil because I can mix colors with more consistency.”

She became a member of the Coalition of Hispanic Artist in 2008; and since then, she hasd participated in the following exhibitions:

2008-Tampa Realistic Artist Gallery 2009-Florida Aquarium 2009-Towers at West Shore 2009-Sarasota Latin Chamber of Commerce 2009- MOSI 2009-Kottler Art Gallery 2010 - Florida Aquarium 2010 – Towers at West Shore

Currently, Magdalena is an officer of the Board of Directors, serving as Secretary.

Ybor City Saturday Market

How to Participate in the Ybor City Saturday Market To participate at the Ybor City Saturday Market, there are certain rules that must be followed:

1. Set up must be timely as dictated by the rules of the Committee of the Ybor City Saturday Market. No one can set up after the designated times. Vendor installation is to be no later than 8:00 a.m. Participants at vendor installation is to be no later than 9:00 a.m. Anything after 9:00 a.m. will not be accepted.

2. All artwork must be the works of members of CHA. In other words, a member cannot sell

artwork that is not made by him or her or any resale merchandise. According to the YCSM committee, only had-crafted creations by artists are to be exhibited.

3. According to Hillsborough County ordinance governing public places, no religious or political art can be displayed.

4. The tent needs to be attended all the times. CHA is not responsible for the merchandise left unattended.

Please do not put the principal organizer in a position of having to ask you to leave.

There are no exceptions to the above rules.

Interested members are asked to commit and secure a space on a given Saturday two weeks in advance. CHA provides the following for the main tent: two table, tablecloths, two chairs, and two racks. We recommend that the tent be limited to no more than two artists at a time.

On special events, CHA will arrange to rent other tents as needed. To learn about days of special events, visit the Ybor City web site, http://www.ybormarket.com.

The fee to participate is as follows:

$10 for access to have the tent

$20 for the entire tent

The fee is non-refundable.

See the application form on page 7 below.

Notify the contact person(s) by e-mail and mail the payment to— CHA YCSM, c/o The Negrons, 10619 Fairfield Village, Tampa, FL 33624-5080

Contact information:

Agustin Negron, red51nv@ yahoo.com 813.298.9958 Magdalena Matias, Magdalena.matias@ yahoo.com, 813.300.1635 Rules of the YCSM Committee: Set up is at 7:30 to 8:15 a.m. (If this is not followed, CHA could forfeit its space.)

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 5

Breakdown cannot be before the closing of the Saturday Market. Location: Centennial Park (corner of 8th Avenue and 19th Street, Tampa, Florida)

Calendar of Events Stay posted. There are a lot of events coming down the pike. Go to http://art-cha.com to download the application forms and the indemnity agreement(s). Call to Artists Application deadline date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Pasco-Hernando Community College Exhibition: Blue Wednesday, September 28 – Monday, November 8, 2010 Reception: Thursday, September 30, 2010 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. Contest: Give Our Newsletter a New Name Submit Name(s) on or before September 6. 2010 to cha.hispana@ yahoo.com. Submit as many names as you want Winning name and artist will be announced on September 30, 2010, at the PHCC reception of “Blue” NOTE: Applications and Indemnity Agreements If the required indemnity agreement does not accompany the application, the art will NOT be exhibited. The only time there is an exception to this rule is if there is still time to make an application whole before the art is delivered for hanging or display. Please do not put CHA in the position of rejecting the artwork. There will be NO exceptions. If you need an indemnity form, you are to call Magdalena Negron Matias for a copy in advance of the deadline date of the application.


Consider promoting your business or activities here. The advertising rates per month are as follows: Standard business card $20.00

¼ page $35.00

½ page $50.00

Full page $95.00

Please contact the Advertising Editor for additional information and arrangements.

Brining Family & Friends Together

3002 Price Ave Tampa FL 33611

813-831-3730 Toll Free: 877 -FLA-2981

Email: habitat1@gmail.com Editorial Staff Editor-in-Chief Damaris Soto-Frassica Managing & Page Editor Armida Nagy Stickney Editor / Translator Lydisabel Ruiz

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 6

Advertising Editor Luz Pennington Photographer Diana Posada CHA is looking for columnists, a news assistant, photographers, editorial assistants. Feel free to contact us at cha.hispana@ yahoo.com and make reference to this announcement. To contribute articles for consideration, please e-mail them to cha.hispana@ yahoo.com

MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the Coalition of Hispanic Artists (CHA) is to serve Hispanic artists of the greater Tampa Bay area and of the State of Florida by providing a voice for their artistry in various mediums and cultural genres, showcasing their works, providing grounds for interaction between artists and art viewers through education, group and solo exhibitions, and invitations. In so doing, it seeks to inspire creativity, celebrate diversity, and empower the artists of Hispanic cultural heritage to realize their potential by making a positive impact within their homes, their community, and the world at large. By promoting the arts, CHA supports artists of various cultures and across various artistic disciplines, such as performing arts, visual and fine arts, crafts, media and digital arts, literary arts, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary arts, and creative design.

MOTTO Celebrating the Diversity of Hispanic Artistry and Providing Access to All

VISION STATEMENT� OUR EXPERIENCE We contribute and give back unconditionally to the community of artists and art lovers fully aware that, when our gifts of talents are partnered together, our purpose is enriched and our mission happens.


Mail two weeks in advance of event – The Negrons, 10619 Fairfield Lane, Fairfield Village, Tampa, FL 33624 Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.____________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________ Type of Product(s) Art/Craft ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday (1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice _______________/_______________ /_______________ Payment: $_______________ Check No._______________ or Cash $_____________

$10.00 (for shared tent); $20 (full tent)

Call in advance— Agustin Negron (8130 298-9958 Magdalena Matias (813) 300-1635 Manuel Portales (813) 770-0057

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 7

Round Table News (continued)

Action taken at this moment and ongoing--

• Saturday Market information and application • Identification cards for CHA members at Saturday Market • Exhibit information

• E- mails communications • Calendar of events • Newsletter • Communications with members

Future actions under consideration--

• Fundraising events • Art contest for students • Reproductions of original art work signed by artists • Classes and workshops for members • Monthly meetings with all members • Call to members to donate art work to be auctioned or raffled • Raising funds through the printing and selling of t-shirts • Contact athletes or sport teams and invite them to events such as auctions, exhibitions etc. That will give us

more publicity.

Los CHAmigos y Las CHAmigas 8

The Coalition of Hispanic Artists, Inc. Post Office Box 15234 Tampa, FL 33684-2324 A non-profit organization ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED

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